must have noiselessly opened the or, gently eppposehen the bed, errin and, opened e desk with 'the key placed on the land to settle the affairs of the fam- lly.-Mary, who had no will but that of her husband, consented to remain with her sister. oy Pag seclusion was taken. The erations Robes tok . Sometimes, when to England. It w. rith emo- it Cale ce a ft must neve the works was not Indispensable, Rob-| tion that he se Arete Reoea ines very few ininates lt = hae te on, | St Went.with Ellen and Mary to pray fellows, For rt, they cluded front Shis' rapitity nod' car at their father's grave. The dis- | left their master with regret, and the tai Ore execution that the assassin natter of fact, it did not appear th: ut he had made use of a Nght. Thu he must have been ance was rather long, but the walk ras a splendid one on the lovely win- up his mind to go. He had no fam mily, and he asked leave to finish his days tho Robert, who was glad to keep ae rats ne | i eee oe er pays of ; assassinating opuged, oy 'the doubtlai light he ae the pore fpamaeg Silla re of pln for- Re We the Gaatida Gas rani ant - 8 iis benefac : oon, Which was then in - : , spt as y the hotel | Ey Nae hardly oe so Bele oS Md phase 0 to select from a pane of ys Bad Wente ee Pmt he raaonee Sapecked Bin ae cine. Sees ana Beinn an evs cennee ne ey Pte ha aid a rice sous to open | vigor of nature in this sonthern land, Hobert experienced a curious sensa- home from Marseilles. ! lare sums. In 'his ossession Disne heed s0 different from the epey: skies un- on On seeing him. His appearange ze co , ney must have died without ut- voked certain recollections, and Ellen The conveyance had been ordered the eveping out splendid a hasty | breukiast the two brothers-in-law set | of those the Provencal | | and the gold ta | the Sutlej gust have formed a ae sure rich eBBugh to ga a man who has only his wag "It is impossible, ir," interrupted Robert | knew that the iy a beng contain- eagerly. '" All our wOLkara tering a cry, for one of the maids, who had lain awake for the greater part of the nicht, Aegee that she had heard nothing. The muPOReoUE Weapon had not been found, but to judge from the der which he had been born. taken by" darkness on on these excursions, he left the rond in order to gnin the bastide by cutting across a common covered with clumps and pine-trees, which sare found all along One day, when he had been over- | joy. She receiv ed Diego with the naive delight of a cnild, and Di iego showed himself tender and attentive towards er, He-was radiantt His elegant nutum: as a sum- sha . £ * ss. | i SOs hot ae ed the ingot ad been taken to mnkerh of the wound the assassin aie const of Provence. Night was | dress, his easy manners , and his care- mer's Robert catena | 3 r lave used a knife with a very | ~ cs Ps . astenine | | conrer 2 i ; Marseilles. My inelien only kept by | sharp and narrow' binde Slough, | CoMng on, and Robert was hastening ce a ee ee EH OC little, ubsorbed | } hf 1 dail venses | wl aay se ade. ~0ush, | his steps, when he struck his foot so; Cupants of the bastide, His - face | him enough for our aily ext Who was not at-all fond of the 2 " at | bei: ad i . Wit! / and the men's wages." French, did not cease to insist that | olently against a large stone that | beamed with the satisuaction of a h an . > 28 { ttt aw t man w 2 e } 2 ite occupied 'But even this must have been a! the murderer was & native: and that.| Be. fell On ge ting up, he saw that : ho feels lilmself master of life, = large sum. How much do you think | he must have know ti ' the shock hnd displaced the stone, | and who eees the Mogi be- aay dade Mr. Disney had by him? fectly to have get Aeued the per- and 'he espied an object. which wns} tore him like a subjugated country. nit © approached the house shining in the rays of the setting sun. | Robert sought in vain upon his fe 4 rect when Of the biastide began to ap- ; peur above the top of a clump of pine- can't say exactly; but I am wines thateit could not have begn more than ten or twelve thousand in the mid@e of the meh es and to have disappeared so sudden! e was surprised tliat. "any one Should have dared to suspect his He bent down. and saw that it was OX. Much surprised at this a tin find. he lifted the box, which oppeared at- ures some traces of the emotion w hich he might well have ieit. The past was alrez idy iorgotten. trees which protected it o e rtl ' ' 7 a a re envy, & ypene nee eluted his voyages and his vide. eee ST ORS ena S On - ha cnet did he usually keep his oS eee of whom he was as certain eae ued gi Lasee ee Pa eee iak s Paes hig Sas on a cia il i ep fancied he saw Prt i> a desk, tlte key of which he rcs 4 wt be himself, All the work- f greyish envelone. and a paper, which | large enough to lodge the two couples. fire ie 'excited crowdiat the te a a t me Spades a nen had had to submit to a minute Robert hastened to unfold: Anantet i His uncle und taken charge of the Hoge to srecomnigs val ag Sok vege td oF aie sg age ae examination of their ptsrey da pissed befo his eyes Te recor- | iurnishing of it, and ail Was to be blue shirts of "Dis sney's workmen, toh 38 1 a4 he his bedsid ) One | Persons, and the ways of the French nized Disney 's handwriting. It was |; ready in a iew days' time. Whilst he ulso the glitter of some arms 2 This papel at y P sees gos Eee police exasperated the good sailor. | hig" will. was deacrthinge the splendors of this some surprised at! 4 Sat "th =e oe orl te Bl ml " «ans as indignation knew -no bounds It only contained a few lines. Thos. | new lie, ort Bot a a mourn- this sight divers should | pay a is a rs ages father | poppe (ound that an enquiry had | nigney jelt he whole of his fortune | ful glance with filen, But they had have been at work at this hour Hi Soh tert Sik. Dp - y "Ae : 'od I 'n set on foot with the evident ob- to his daughter Ellen, on condition | no serious obje Dion to his plans. since qu 'stior led fiat ee who said that he | let si it s i sti hea cee yeaegey oh n t his ject. of making certain that the that 'she made his other daughter, | they had determined not to leave eat 5 sede beri he t nenare Lite Gan pete e ae oney to Sarneliies Was | Mary, an allowance equal to the half Mary. Their departure.was iixed for fle whipwed a the horse, and in Jess | disturbed. They ct oe found in dis- x Maninntion ae ha pia eat le of the Income derived from the whole | the day after the next. They wished were at the From here seu order, as if they had been hurriedly read; but they were left in the draw- | ers. The tmaoney alone has disap- and servants cf the inn at Cogolin. | him- | rz } felf that ane thought of imputing the | Robert conld not conceal from of Je property. Thi wi and. perfectly regular, for the English Inw allows parents document bore n reeent date. | | to devote their last day to visiting their father's grave, und Robert set out for the Village with Eilen ang crowd; had been perceived peared, and your estimate was a cor- | Mary. lego, fatigue on W ith the long : 4 , rt crime to se So tect - rit " -- for John foreman, rect one, for, according to a note in imself-and his brother-in much greater freedom in the dis- | voyage which he hac made, re- running to mot theif | ly fe was hard- Robert called your father's handwriting, the desk should have contained eleven roul- | }law had Geeuceed to the magistrate; | | but he learnt at the same time me at all. the witnesses had | posal of their 'fortunes than that of France, The motives whiclr had | 1 muined at home. lx ha ru went ut the sume time to oid adieu to the good . = ngreed in de- | . Sine er Tae me neristrate ¥ . } vut to eaux of gold of one thousand frances | elaring that Diego nnd he had gan | | Prompted ft were clear. Disn y, un- | magistrate, Who ved him most "What's In each. It wus, therefore, to steal to bed ft rn In ht. ; i , rv's wenknoss, had wish- cordially, and told him that the mys- tits diver unig um that the * ; " ins > | 'y wo ven's what las hap pi ned 7 sum that the crime was committed." | a ow, | ft to protect her against Diegos in- | tery of Disney" suk enth had not been Sut the s 'ailor was tov imuc h out of *I cunnot believe it, sir; or, next day at seven o'clock they were still there, From the i fluence. and he had nlvead hic "o-tnne cleared up, and must probably never breath be least, I cannot admit a single one of |Cogolin to the bastide was more under the "care of Ellen, whos: firme } would be. ee eee arrived 1 our men can have allowed himself to ban twenty miles, and common sense | @ ee he k : See co lace cic Tze ita with maniuge be tempted by this gold. Bach oni of | showed the impossibi! ity of going and tt who had hidden this we *9 ek | Pecans nici. ox . out, share In his rofits, mn if anaes | low > Ww > dis there | so é +9 Sad (Pe aga : : will only too «would have exceeded the sum which hows, i on rliole district "there * Lig Tat he had ain eat abe ao } eee ine ew aqui cy S00 ; has disappeared. : . |} the one which had -brought them | ¢ to a ar. only in the worl ae oF ine ee ee "s erie "d Robert. "We found, in truth," continued the buck the next morning. For one of | °® in the healt ine hibenteae be Ri It is said that ex-Empress Eugenie He that magistrate, ""n calculation made by | the traveliers. to be guilty, it would bh And Chie Mint Soe Diao- first fear wis jor "his roe lien. had his lips, und*he Mr. Disney, from whichyit would ap- | pear that his workmen) had an in- | have been necessary for him to have | flown. could have thrown away which he had doubtless | Dp I hs is more godchildren than any other erson in the world; they number, or ather did number, 8,600. Of course, |} only earried 'Ott in order to avert sus- | picion. All these thoughts traversed Robert's Drain like a flash of leht- j ning, but he drove them away at once terest in the salvage: but was this | nob dare. 'to prenounce it; bus his ; fuct known to them ?" 1 Roberts with difficulty fonnd an foubt did not last long. ; : : explanation for those suspicions, but "Our master, our good muster is 'Perfectly, sir. My father always | by dint of reflection he saw that, in lead," replicd Slough, acted thus. Our workmen were all | reality, if the crime bad any 'other "Who? My father?" partners, and the modest independ- | object than that of murder, Diezo "ey " Robert Sprang from the tr: ip und ence which they enjoy proceeds en- | and he were the only persons inter- ceed rushed like a mad min towurds the. tirely from our former undertakings." | ested "in poor Tom's death. Sap house, We went so quickly that poor 'Do you know," continued the | Was it, then, Diego whom he ae- Did John could not keep up with him, and Magistrate, uiter a moment's sil- | eysed 2 : : he did not even think of Diego, who ¢nte,." what papers the desk con- | This thought shocked Robert, for paralyzed, no doubt, by. the shock, ee - wit! 7 Marseil! | although his brother-in-law's conduct had not attem ied to leave ms piace Accounts With he Marseilles | had often ap wared tr rPALEe, z h iv height of their pr The little ce ort-yard in which the bankers, his agreement with the in- | pe pnd Gover aurmiagd, yay his Surned before daybreak <8 the ae | ularity. When the cannon shots baran Louse stood wa. thronged by a crowd SUranee company in London---- } acts or in his words, anything whieh | "Ch edjolned mine? May a el | they were counted by the listening of his father tborers aud peasants There vile QisO a@ Will, Did you justified such a, /terrible suspicion. | , a : | throng, and when, they reached 100 from the neicisorhood, who bared | Be sides, he learned\ from Slough that! . | the Pari-ians knew that the baby was their heads + seeing Robert, and . SIF. my father never | Diego's grief was so™"AcUte that after | ed lid a boy. Of course there was great joy some are now in middle age, but the oe Empress has an exact list of her j arges, and is suid to have set aside poste souvenir or gift in money for : -- . fanz | each cag now living. There may be suspic} ne "t cei the avuianes " curprke that the Empress was: ¢od: Mero. whom I nm necus'ng, lenve | Mother to so many persons. It ; me during that fatal nicht? By | #bout in this way: In re Paris what extracrdl intry power could 'es | Wis aw aiting the rot tring of. < p | Which Was to announce the birth of have committed the most cowardly of | an : : i ' : crimes at the hastide and have = : | | +n are | } : ' i t his 'sure made way fo im to pass. Two po- It." mee .| having been examined he had shut | in denne tes 6 bors at Ur eine? Inter? | 26 the event, and crowds aby ut the ligemen who re guarding the tur- = ho} Deen found: | himself up in his room and hz ne | Soa beeen 3 tS wa: TM 'wo wonhd | Palace found a placard posted at the t staircase ognized him probs- ded existed. 'oe a bundle of | fused even to be consoled by his wife. | ho fot 1 ba eit." he will?" | gates with the following announce- bly, for they not stop him. -_ no doubt escaped the | On the thir » - se us rat th es ment: The Emptror has decided that . I assassin's eyes, I have discove ed | third ¢ ay the law had con- This. laat proof seemed. to Rolert a . Robert clenr i the steps in three letter from vo: tl i hich softer | cluded its, task, and Disney's child- | decisive one. and he felt that a | Be Will be godfather and the Empress bounds, threw Nehtly open the door | {¢*%er from your father which refers | ren were allowed to bury their fa- | wi.) ina tule é. "ed from off his | tat she will be godmother to all "i mepr nd fh oan hte og «tO it. Is it not possible that this will | : ty ane. " welght had been removed from off his |) imate Liid i Marcl f the bedrown: and fell on his knees was di sposited th = j ther, In spite of the state of his lehest when he wns able to say to | legitimate ¢ dren. sOrhn On arch on seeipg th: bleeding corpse of isposited with a notary or a health, Ro 3 inert te hes PRL heat | 16th... In accordance with these in- & we I ith, Robert was determined to be himself that his brother-in-law was And, in truth, | Freee thersin-in ateuetions on the quite: darks | births of 8,600 children were register- Robert still hel din his hands the| ed in the ofiice of the Prefect of the terrible Nace one he had pat vet Department of the Seine as godchil- though it of th e use Which he was gi ing | dren of Napoleon and Eugenie, Alter f her husband's dcath the Empress as I know absolutely nothing about | Present = the funeral. following day the nt." xanitad Pahact coon S| |) it was imperative that he should, | - it was ished rhe Robert, rather aaten- | for Die =o in his turn had fallen int | share nent edt a ee ished at the magistrate so dwelling | and Robert } ; on this point. "I never had any con- | 44° oer' was the only one, of ail versation with my father upon -- his | the children that he had loved, to fol- 7 * . ' |} lov& the remains of Thomas Disney to | r Th irs le i ference to. 'the ieee tl het gr: Ave it was a touching cer eS nee ~ge ic om a an tt tee | sumed the obligations of the E mperor . . | : = eC ' ms ii it TC ' ) the money pid into the ' r i Wa ; | toward the children for whom he had nt "I wht of the ut he thongh . | been godfather, The old satior was lying stretched on his bed, und seemed to be asleep. A. gaping wound and gentle expression. Ile must have been taken by 'surprise. Two men clothed in black, the doe- To tell the truth, the one of them had been ible to vive any | the pursuit would take, and must he} We-offer- One Tindred Dollars Re ; F , 'I belteve you, = id tne magis- } Mig tO: Case. W no C used again, and the} tor wand the magistrate of the enn " but the recove ry of this | longer in 'his hands. Ninnerous Wit- | searches--resumontwtth Trech Ardor. HOW'S 'THIS! ton, were writing at a table. They important,_pid--your-+-Desses--had--beenexanilicd, but" not | Was lve certain of the direction which | ; paso rose, in order to endeavor to --re- . AW know more about Mr. tl " Robert, but they could hot pre fairs un you ?" useful information. No one had seen | run the terrible risk--of seeing Dieko | ward for any case of C ta rrh that ent him from throwing himsel? on his "T do he think 50.--_Di¢ evo-hius aj. | OF . heard any thing om--thit'Tital | accused ? Robert resolved to keep | cin Ae Yin ikedt by Ha # 3 Cate ners ther's body, Ways been in the dark as to money | night ot one th the single ex- | silence Cais: J tis effort was his last. The un- matters, ike myself; more than my- | Ception of an oll sh pherd, who was} The gold which the murderer's | EF. J. CHENEY & CO.; Props. T y Youth stagzered and fell sense-| self, perhaps, for lately he hi 1s Ceas- | Hr Lis Yrouts five or six miles | bloody hands aa touched filled him ledo, | oper! na cer ed to take any interes ir he sal- rom the bastide, at a place where | with horror. His first impulse was | 7 a PE EE eee Rea a ) he opened his eyes again he] yage operations.' =, Se ee oe | the path which runs into the high | to throw it far from him on the cém-| ve the unders win aS aa ing in iis own bedroom and Yorn out with fatique and grief | roud to Marseilles pusses between! mon, but he changed his mind, and | } elf saat oF tania red RoR ye : iniien Was on her knees at his side, | after ths long ordeal, he went to join | two steep rocky banks. 'I'hi mun placed the box under the stone, which | teve him perfectly ronoradl ie carefully replaced. He thought to|#!! business transactions and i hinseld that -the~murderer, whoever | Chatty pri eh Carry out any oblis . " Lhe was, would return to visit his hid-| 00S made by their firm es & Truax, Wholesale Drugegists, weeping. Robert threw Rpecsnr into | Elen, Whot nu he found at prayer. She | S4id that he had been aroused, as he her arms and pressed her against his | was no longer weeping, and her novx- | 4y asleep on a wooded height, by. a breast, as if he would hha tve protected | jous face bore traees of sound whielh--resenmibléd' tlie rolling of ier against death who had Jjust--en- strars Sie" came to-meet or | Wheels, but Which had appeared to {den treasu re, and that he could be | i ; téred- the-hhouse: ™ hashand and clasped hi rind Bascy | him lighter--"thinner,' es » said. | Watehed, He had kept the will, so} To gee He " fg ipesiiaits ia Mar ' Was the most cruel moment of ing : Upon this he ] had look 'd down on the he had no reason to fear that the | ee) 1 Gata frac heath S fearful day. They, mingled their "I must live, Robert, tive for my} road, and 'rad seen an object. whit h murderer would come to remove and! ily, I's aaede : ne 8 taken inter- and bent together under the] sister; jor Mary has now onty us in | Puzzled him vastly. 1t w: , he said, | destroy it: but he did 'not intend to} 24 We acting <« rectly upon the blood shock of their misfortune, like | the tvorid." A ; i half wheel and haif man, and it trav. make any uce of it, for fear of awak- | a mucous egthat en of ths Py stem. two children wee by a storm. | Her voice was Gaim, but | elled as quickly as a will -o'-the-wisp. | ening the suspicions of the police. He rice, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all This strange. apparition had- so | thought that the best thing to do was | Druggists. Testimonials free. John Slough came and } ort : * = rt ' shone With extraordinary hal E | frei ightened him that We slut lis eyes, | tO Wait, in order to act according se young master poco this) mournlQl | potart read on her face = - embrace. The magistrate wished to/jution which struck him with aston- | Convinced that the devil alone could | ¢ireumstances, and even speak to the son of the victim, and | jgymon I Fae deri travel about the country in the mid- | /7om telling Ellen of the ; Robert followed the old sailor, WhO] poing jy idle of the night on such a machine. | Robert returned to the bastide, en- ee ; deavoring to conceal his d. DESIRE VS. CAPACITY Mr. Cailipers--What kind of a bo: jis Willie Wiggles ? pert irbad Little Clarence--He. {3a Nar, pa: Mr. Catlipers--Yon should not talk so pares one @f your pinymates, Clar was weeping no less bitterly himself. | ¢, think. He soon yielded 'te that | An hour ajterwards the sound had | we * rer . | , } fhe magistrate was waiting for defection which alwa follows great') T-commenced, and the same fantas- j " " - ro I go "* ; x { \ " nurriv , Kobert in the drawing-room. He was éricf. A violent fegg suqceeded this.| tic object had passed. beneath It was thved nom YP a ants ved an excellentesman, Who often came se period of _depressic and, thanks to | DUt in the opposite direction. that Te Bat conclded i eres i ed age » ar - wwe sy ns H > 4 renee ' | ae see them, and whons they all loved} gyts Crisis, he esc{ed the mournful | first time the man--if it was «a man | . ng lant and that he would already much. He clasped Robert's hand af-] ordeq} whieh the her inhabitants |--W2s going towards the sea; the | -- ar eS oO - yee as ain oe |} at the church supper the oth or nis fectionately; but his face expressed] of the bastide hadM@o undergo. second time he was returning from vert "for hie ate "4 p RMet me) re-| When oue of the ladies asked sincere grief, and at the ferime time The law was ts ing its course with Although odd, his evid ace tur Tits onela, the rae sits Aviat | he had eoten ail he wanted to sort of uneasiness which the young | qt) its Ts 1 ncle 1 : i ae he nce. Bs ittle Clarence--Well, he ts, pa. Why. : " + > a's " " a slow andfninute forms. John} had seemed to merit attention, anc v m ' a ehila- | £1 yes,. ma'am," instead «0 man could not at first understanc Slough, who s ed with Etlen the} the shepherd had been examined sev- | hood, cogege of pa pence gs urope saying that he'd had all he could. eet " at . © ni fj e @ % =z . Sir," said he, "I have a_ painful] task of nursin obert, told him the | @rai times, but nothing more detinite | 7 ~ hold. enjoy a fortune made in recent | etunaetied operations. He was going | to reside in Paris, and he duty to perform here. I loved and re- | detuj}s of the spected your, foster-father, and I sym- ime'and the steps | had been extracted from him. As a | Which followéd he enquiry. It was | matter of fact, the man was supposed | "Ms tir Iv had croup and wis anv _ au > et es - ' ; was very pathize deeply with you in your mis-/a gloomy mystary. | to be rather wrong in his head. He } anixous that bis nephew should live in by Shiloh's Cure," writes Mrs. fortune; but I am a magistrate and He had been the first to see his | gave himseli out to be a sorcerer, and | tl same country as hims Diego | Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. um obliged to seek the authors of an mtrocious crime. Forgive me, for disturbing you in your grief in or- der to put some indispensable ques- tions to you. Had Mr. Disney any ar? - - il o st } murdered master. Was always ready to tell shost stor- | eonetded by s: tying that ie was dis- house was asi cep when, at about six | les. His veracity was questioned, and | posed to conform to this desire, and | o'clock in the morning, he had zone | 48 no one came forward to confirm bat he was occupied in preparing | A west end druggfst is bemoaning Every one in the | #0 Call Disney. 'The key was in the | his singular evidence, he was finally }in Paris an establishment in keeping | the loss of a customer. A lady was ' j i | A CARELESS WORD, door as usual. | sent about his business, after having | with the new position of the family.|in the store on Saturday and had a * enemies ?" After having knocked without re-| been severely rated for his absur | He expressed, at the same time, a} pre scription filled. "How much is "None, sir, that I know of. How | ceiving any answer, John Slough had | vision. |-most lively wish never to separate | it?" 'Filty cents.' "Dear me, could he have had any in a country entered, and had started back with On the first conversation which himself from--his--brother-in-law. | forty-five is all I have with me, Can- where he. was a stranger, and where | horror. The old sailor had, however, | Robert had on this subject with Di- Diego's proposal overturned Robert | not you let me have z for that?" - he had done nothing but good ?" retained sufficient presence of mind | ego/ he saw that his brother-in-law and Ellen's dearest projects. They |"p flix, Lconld not," said he of the "I know that Mr. Disney was much | to §pare Ellen and Mary this sicht. | wigh to leave the bastide as soon} had dreamt. of living happily and ls, " but you cate pay tte next time beloved. But amongst all these Eng-| He had first of all called the two | as@possible. For his own part, he was | peaceably in tne cottage at Tit | y 'Oh, but suppose « I lish workmen who came here. with maids, and had sent them to inform | quite of a diiferent way of thinking. stable, where they had loved one an-/ laughingly inquired the you to work at the wreck was there | his 'companions and then to fetch the | A sad charm attached him to this othe To give up this life In order ade. si It v would be a small loss," re- noue w aon you could suspect of hav-| magistrate and the police. He had | house where he had borne such cruel to folthee Diego into the whirl of life nied the druggist, but he "saw from ing a udge against your foster- afterwards had:the courace to tell sufferings. It seemed eae almost |} in a large capital, was for them the | the injured look the customer wore as fath rr the fearful news to his master's | wick abandon tha nook of | hardest of sacrijices. But poor Mary she swent out of the door that he "No, sir," replied Robert, without | dauchters. grotind piers poor old Tom wouid | was accustomed for another to think had made a mistake somewhere, but pee won, "All owr men are old ser- When Robert and Diego arrived the | soon rest all alone, far from all those | and act for her. 'To leave her was to it did not dawn upon him until too ants who Yor many years have} police had already had time to take | whom he had loved. deliver her over entirely to the domi-! jj¢o. shared my father's dangers. He treat- | some Preliminary steps, THOMA Dis- Ellen shared his feelings, and it was | nat -- a her husband. Elen did not eS ed em as his a sagen and it is|mey had been mee during his sleep | agreed at they should remain at | hesita The best cough cure is Shiloh's Cure. Eaphenias or me to believe that'by one blow fro & dugger, which | the bastide until the concinsion of "We Peis mised cur father." she sc, A neglected cough is dangerous. Stop amongst these good fellows there was had reached aie art. The assassin ' the work, whilst Diego awent to Eng- | to her asthe: And the same even-| it at once with Shiloh's Cure. vis hi 63 oe _ " Ke ' Pe ge eet ; bai - eae! 7 4 4 ii