Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 6 Mar 1896, p. 5

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: Perth County Notes. Ee ' THE bs BEE Died in Logan, on Feb, 25, Maggie J. Ballington Booth's Plans. ' The New York Times Says: Balling- ton Booth on Friday night last. made - ® | the following state ment concerning his - future plans: ~""Mrs. Booth and my- ne self have Pirie eae of tel-- egrams and. letters from onsible ROBT MOORE men and women asking me te" recut : z 9 | the leadership of an important evangel- ical movement. They offer us all the -----DEALER IN---- -~ money necessary for expenses, and scope of organization aud methods of Shelf and Heavy work. We shall not start any Salva- to the work of evangelism. I am not Hard W are, prepared to ae any {des of our plans Pp but they wil currence oem rh expect with the > = : ' sentiments of the citizens of this great Ce 7d EE Paints, Oils, Glass, Table adap abe Aol Stat be thoroughly organi ; will be effective and endur- ied Blood and Pocket Cutlery, ing. 'There will be vo Army officers, no uniforms, but a band of earnest, en- wife of Anthony Hart, aged 25 years and 4 months, Samuel Harron s2ld his farm on the 9th con.. of Mornington, at a good fig- FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1896. ure to Mr, Lintick. = Stratford is seeking C. P. R. connec Orpostrion to the cattle eaieten ae in- firm hivestieged anote cace on creases in the British Parliament. It- is sug- Country to London ahd then to Strat- gested that the Government might, under ford, finding this cheaper way than friendly pressure from Canada, limit the oper- by the G. TR. direct. pe y [ ation of the bill to three years. Why has not the Dominion Parliament brought pressure to One day last week as men were en bearin this matter before? We are satisfied gaged entting timber sn G. K. Math that one vigorous, unanimons kick by this | €son's bush in Grey township, they cut «ougtry would have the desired effect. from a tree seventeen logs, one of which é ee was eighteen feet in length, and the re. maining sixteen were each twelve feet in length. R. S. PELTON, - PUBLISHER. * Tur RBi!! of the Indepenfient Order of Forest- « ers, toauthorize the order to hold property in i 2 r ; * Ontario equal to $500,000 at four per cent., unan- A very amportant ant interesting = imously passed the Private Bills Committee of | event took aasagn I eb. 12 at the la Purif the Ontario Legislature Tuesday morning, This | dence of Robert. \ haley, 8rd line, Blan t shard, the oceasien being the marriage | ensures its passage in the House. S. H. Blake ' : : sie | Saved an operation in the following a thusiastic and faithful workers for ani Dr. Orouhyatcka supported the bill, and G. - eee nt eng es case. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures when Silverware "| Christ. It will cover the entire coun- G.S. Lindsay, basretes: ae pee it. ieee ry : . | all others fail. It makes pure blood. b nis i Time will be necessary to perfect 2-Tonms Gibson, M. P. P. for East Huron, was | USOOrue. : eer etalls.. nti reales taken ill while attending the commit:} A Wellesley correspondent writes:| "A yearagomy ae arent Lamps Cross - Cut eens t-e, and had to be taken to his lodgings. The Ferris farm was suld reeutly to | 800, was taken suddenly 11) with inflam- PS; Ontario for Ontarians ats Jacob Roth, of Zoerra, for the sui of | mation of the bladaer. Ee suffered a great _ Ss A sav . Tire United States Supreme Court, on Wed- | $4,200. Mr. Roth has already taken i deal and was very low forsome time, At aws, Xes, [ We haye just received an attractive nesday, March $, ina decision by Justice Wil- | POSSeSS!0n. We are also informed that | last the doctor said he would not get weld little pamphlet from Hon. John Dryd- liains, overrule' all assignments of error in the pee es a de ee sold ae to} unless an operation was performed. At &c., en, the Ontario Minister of Agricu!- caso of H, H. Holmes, sentenced to death for | Amist Cerber for the sum of $5,000. this time we read about Hood's Sarsapa- ture;entitled "The Pioneer Farm and murdering Benjamin F, Pietzel, and confirmed the judgment below. The opinion says that | , ! ; Raat, tiantial error has been pointed out, and | partareship and the business will here | to him, whereas before he could eat but | Gordon & Orr, the well known dry | rilla and decided to try it. Before he used M - s the Wabigoon country, Rainy River is appe ain Street, Listowel. | district ad _ The attention of the department hav- | ing recentty-been called to this hither- to unsettled region, Mr. Dryden deter- mined to establish there what he term- eda "Pioneer Farm," to demonstrata in @ practical. manner the country's i agticnitural crpabilities. The experi- | ment so far has been successful, and { he the evidence fully sustained the verdict. The | after be carried on by Mr. Orr, who has | little. - W hen he had taken three bottles peas care in the hands of Governor | been in partnership with Mr. Gordon | Of the medicine he was as well as ever. panorsin the case are int 1c han is of Go re i New J. To N, Peninsula Laks Hastings, of Pennsylvania, who, itis believed, Ontario. MPBO Raniemher will Ex an early day for the execution. Holmes has taiciy been making preparation for the gal- ; lows. and is snid to have sent for a Catholic The other day Veterinary Stee priest, who has since visited him several times. } Herold, assisted by Mr. McX aster, V.| Py |S., of Stratford, performed a very difii- | | oO ni * * Ld z _ é ee Pp ; | Ix the Dominion House ef Commons Tuesday cule Opera upon 7 ae Bee ae , i iv unaae =m r. Steinman, east of 'Tavistock. A | Bieta Sir Charles Tupper, in a lengthy speech, moved | to Mr. ' aS tiie scoond readingof th@Remedial bill. Mr.{4 z. lump of gravel and a tumorous | True Blood Purifier lavurier replied, urging the necessity of an in-| ZTOWth the size of a ose egg, were | Promineutly in the public eye today. Hood's Sarsaparilla this pamphlet giving general informa- - tion regarding the section, which is now open for settlement, is the result. It is illustrated and contains a map of the district. vestigation before granting the prayer of the | taken rob the gga and she is Bows Hood's Pills cure all liver IMs, billous- | For information and free Handioee dict vey ' Lhis information will be very 'oppor- minority, and moved the six months hoist. The | recovering nicely. ery few opera: | S F'UIS ness, headache, ' 250 MUNN & CO., 361 Broapwat, New Yor. une in view of the increasing demand agAtl cand Rinpire commenting upon Sir Chas. | tions of this delicate nature have been | past patent taken ee eee enn Americe. at the present time for cheap land, rece « Tupper's speech, says: "It is of inter | Performed in Canada and the success | -- ; = | 'the pablic by a notice given free or in especially on the part of young men ot harles Tupper's speech, says : ext to note that Sir Charles Tupper expresses is very creditable to Mr. Herold's skil',< the hope that Manitoba mnygyyet take over best In Aubin y. Perth Mutual Insurance PUI PIT " question. The bill provides for conciliation, in | Company, a case tried at the Middlesex j ee that it has a suspensory clause. Mild as it is, | assizes, consent judgment was entered | small capital, the sons of farmers, who desire to secure farms and homes of Scientific auinericnt their own. Such shonid by all. means Zargest ctroalation _etraieg Ko tntatigent investigate the Wabigoon country and a 3 F fom Qi eee ; |} AND man be withou! settl i i t it would be Well if it could be declared that it] for the plaintiff for $1,575, each party | ANI fear: $150 atx monte trees aie E: oe pean unsettied portions of Ontario be stall be inoperative altogether if Manitoba, to pay his own costs. A.M. Aubin, a | : BLISHERS, 361 Lroadway, New York City, ore turning their attention elsewhere. moved by a desire to take away ail causes of | storekeeper at Comber, Essex County, | Pry = = | Ontario still has vast resources at her ) ° aes command,--a heritage intended for het complaint, without interfering with the Public | was the plaintiff. On Sept. 26, last, he} schools, should degermine to act. There seems} had taken out a policy for 32,500 in the | to bea universal agreement that there is a} Perth Mutual, covering certain build | writ, a . rE ; ' own _people,--and presents advantages one clinach is overstocked with sap- R-I-P-A:N-S unsurpassed by any province orby any s! ' tata 2 lings. 3 aid $35 cash and given the | : ; foreign state. Those desirous of secur- hardship to be removed, and certainly if the} ings, and paid $25 ¢ gi | = gsgoon : yenvioce will deal with that hardship, as it can | agent a premium note for $175. Two | ip thatis not used cannot be ing a copy of the pamphlet: should ad- it it will, the Federal jurisdiction which admit- | days later the premises were totally de. | Kept sweet. ; The modern stand- dress & card to the Department of Ag- tedly exists might fairly not be exercised." stroyed by lire, but the company refus-| Good has to die every minute that riculture, Toronto, Slice 1st nnaeliiaaind ed to pay the full amount of the claim, | sin is allowed to live. avd Family Medi- See ih Witverton. holding that their agent was not auth | Never measure a man's religion by CRADLE. orized to issue a policy for more than | the length of his face, Robert Rainey bas purchased the} $1,500 on a second class mercantyle | No Christian can long keep close to cine: Cures the ELLiotr.--At Tralee, on Jan, 31st, the - - i> Peace en ino} Becker property on Main street, Mil-| risk. | God who does all his prayiug on the i wife of Joseph Klliott, of a'son. common every y Wartson.--In Mornington, on the 11th . . ' art Ww , : ills of humanity. anes the wife of Wm. Watson of a BarBeR--In Listowel, on .Feb. 24th, the wife of C.° W. Barber ofa daughter.. ¢ Smitu.--in 'Trowbridge, on .the 24th . ane ws inst,, the wife of Amos Smith of 2 + son: ~ r verton, tor 31,000, C. J. Tracy, a former well known re-} run, "The following were the successful | sident of Stratford, died at his resid-/ 'Phere are too many temperance men bidders for the various milk routes for | ence, 172 Gould street, Brooklyn, N . Y., who stop working at the trade on elec Miiverton cheese factory for mock we + enpealretitagas 2 pti a San- | tion day. / . 1806: avi an, D. Anech J.| Gay . = 248 ads | OE : whee de aS og 9 Lambert, jr.,|ill for several weeks with kidney | Re oe ar to nd a mau John Yost, lienry Hoffman, and Geo.| trouble. He was in his 44th year. Five} nina od pees th Cals world is to McWilliams. One route yet to be let. | years ago on the 17th of this month he | Please G a atl Fe went to New York and has since helda| Make the devil keep away from the itchell position on the staff of the New York | children, and hé will soon have to leave Mitchell. Sun. He was bornin Brantford and} the world. Mitchell ladies have organized a ped-! spent his boyhood days in Downie, As the enn can only be studied when ro club. where he was a pupil of the Hon. Thos. eclipsed,so we see most of God in S. M. Edwards, of Mitchell, shipped arg Ags that Fs sae | Affliction, 5,000 pounds of roll butter on Saturday +t pitt eal vie ee | Life today is far too serious and prac- last to the eastern markets. oe ole young | tical for men to bank on good they or ONE GIVES RELIEF. racy seryed an apprenticeship in the i their fathers di Death has taken away another of the} office of the Herald during the regime} Ww . ' siggy: Semoniieie™ e need to rig ratchets on some of old 'settlers who hes been coming to| of John M. Robb. Sunday Christians to hold th Mitchell for a great number of years.} James Waddel died at the residence | to ie crank dustin ites ences them up Mrs. James Foster died at her daugh~| o¢ his son-in-law, William Amos, St. | ring in ter's in Hibbert on Saturday last, aged Marys, Saturday. Mr. Waddel was | If you find yourself becoming un 8) years. She wus buried on T uesday apparently in the best of health until a| gTateful, look around aud seehow much last in Bethel church cemetery. Not) few.days ago, when he contracted a sey | better off you are than other people. vnly the old peuple are taken away but | ere cold, which developed into pneu-| What a'revival there would be in all the young. Mrs. Anthony Hart, form | monia. ' The deceased was a native of| the churches today, if it were certain erly Eitioes, died on W ednesday - _s | Berwickshire, Scotland, and with his| that Christ would come to-morrow. wa week of consumption. She had only | family came to Canada sixty years ag0}--- One reason why there is so much in- at been married a few months and leaves | ang settled near Cobourg. In 1885 he | difference on the snbject of reliion - ------E'Ore---- large circle of friends to mourn her| came to Perth county, purchasing €| because the church is not looking for th. farm in North Easthope, where he re. the Lord to come. « sided until 1878, when he sold his. farm : 2 o e j}and removed to Blanshard. Since the| In the world's broad field of battle, WW ddin In 1F t ys Should Learn. i death of his wife, Mr. Waddel has been _in the bivouac of life, Ta e V1 a 10niSs, ) a resident of St. Marys. He leaves a} You will find the ( hristian soidier . To ra. family of four sons and two d sughters. | Represented by his wife. Callin Cards 'To swim. | They are Andrew and Mrs.A. McTav- | The sea of life is wide and wild and = 9 ;-ish, of Stratford. John, of St. Thomas, | strange: we cannot know what lies be- To carve. : : rang i ' : o Archibald.eof Streator, Ilk, William, | yond the rise of a day's journey, but 7 To be neat and Mrs. William Amos, St. Marys. | we do know that nothing, for us, lies uslness ar & To make a fire. i ---- | behind, except points to steer by. 39 To be punctual. NEWS OF THE WEEK. | Censuring your preacher is hke lock Pe MELeMEEBEL. Bea Fi ceiale SUNG eae en oa To do an errand, : oe jing a wheel of a wagon drawn by a nlp : i The International es at | weak team. If the team is weak, ot | 1 o,cut kindlings. | Montreal, pronroted by . . HH. Stiles, | a shoulder, instead of.a chain, to the iy WoOl th ' CB e ; fo sing if they can. | will probably not be held this year for| wheel. Try a little praise 'on the : To hang up their hats. | want of funds. | preacher. a G To respect their teacher. | , What's that long piece of writing,| Lot's wife was typical of nations, dad Chr t ; To hold their heads erect. papa? Isit poetry?" (Hastily replac | churches, parties, men, that live "be- an 1s 1an © pon their own buttons {ingitin his empty poeketbook)--<Y- | hind," they become monuments of salt me ro ee ; | yes, dear; it is an owed to your mother's on which vio history or prophecy-or : : To wipe their boots on the mat, i miltiner." |even any epitaph remains,--whose de. eavor To read aloud when requested. Mr. Webb, the chief locomotive en- | liquescent ae i in eyery rain : To cultiyate a cheerful temper. | gineer of the Lon and North-West. | cael ey A bt ear ene of _-- . To help their mother and sister. ern railway, pred a ---- Fee | they cumber., OgrTramis.. ' antly to an old woman. | hence electric t oe eareies er : aller than then-' the great cent a speed we can} Many maryel how the worm got into -- | the apple, so fair without, and within selves. { " i To put every garment in its proper! | Frederick Leiffiton's peerage wasthe /t? foul. ih the Ulecoe and thet hn "ace * | Shortest lived in the history of England. | ew around it. The parent cannot be ve Opes * P = * teri He died on the day following that up- | i ful to th ee . that 3 c z To remove their hats on entering a ,on which the patent of nobility was is- lhieht on ae han ofa child's life in bed Peis aan house. ler than them-! sued, and as he left no heir the title | = eh and ou the playground the illhea S % ag goape bogs emailer than then | died with kim. moth of sin is seeking a nest and' bin 3 9 ~ | bardly now rea To be as kind and helpful to their! the order, the specific charge being | bud accounts for the decay in mature and sisters for their best frien | he wanted'to use the order asa med-/|sérved for food, so that on_ which the i fibre of being and imparts its savor to To treat their mother as politely as if j and heir to Abbotsford. will confer a| : If they do anything, to take their daughter of Lochart who married the : : . ar.|, At the next Masonic lodge meeting} for its offspfing. The core of chiidlife . eae _ To keep their finger nails from wear ,in Windsor, Ont.. certain members will | may be destroyed ere the presence of etter ea , ing mourning. barged with betraying secrets of | evil is suspected. The worm in the S ds sisters as to other boys' sisters. that, they made public that Mayor Mas- |life. As the flavor of the diet on which St . ts . | % as j i i is f t 3 To take pride in haying their mother | 2° ¥5 black-balled as it was 'believed | wild fowls feed, may be detected when a emen $9 ds. | ium for political aggrandizement. | Young are uurtured enters into the}l- a To close the door quietly, especially | Queen Victoria, upon coming of age | a when there is a sick person in the|/on April 10 of Walter Maxwell Scott | all after life. house, | great- great-grandson of Sir Walter Scott | ---- 'OgTrams, : | tcy upon him. Yorng- Scott's | 3 as A 2 Sat she were a strange lady who did not! ie y Ss SS SaSaSSSESESSSS==S D d Pp te 3 De ; ; s the danghte é spend her life in their service. isto hes ~ ang! 3 - she tate vh re Subscribe for The Bee O Lers,. Os rs, ; i 4 > PS ' mother tito therr confidence, and, above | daughter.of Sir Walter. Walter Max | : B all, never te lie amas daa Gere Scott is, through the female eed uc 10n eS: S.. haye done.--Somery direct. heir of the great author,

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