Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 6 Mar 1896, p. 2

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& ene RTE E TTR | parts, respectively, and rub into the ON A BICYCLE TOUR. that, though it would be pee fair to ISSUE NO 11 1896 + a4 | }-hair along the neck and other a add that my general health has been 4 FADH WN) GARDEN. a id lice infest, once or twice | alder' a e ou tea agata than ater be- | NOTE, + whe week. eal Tr : -- s : oe Williams' Pink Pills con o repiying to any of these aa + + - Many geod horses are injured by it | i elemen y Pink Pi to ag a vertisements, please mention this a ep rit tenme: ed men in kicking them in the give nev | paper peeeeeereeeeeeeeseererss PMUS ee uderest. part of the} A Clergyman's Experience With | ue ie and richness to the blood and re- . AGRICULTURE. ieee! Never kick a horse or allow | L Hard Ridi eS ah; pales ei a hoe Age gic sold | Let a man with a 40 acre farm di- | the help to do so. It is a dangerous | ard bAGiD } in xs maida nly ee vide it into four fields--one 'for po practice: never punish @ horse for | ong, g | dozen or hundred) at 50 cents ~ Doe our C i a ae : 7 ; I being frightened, or shying; kindness | See aes elx boxes for $2.50, and may be had | tatocs, one fur wheat, and the other | and caressing will better catm his | | of all oo or directly by mail | two for clover. One of these clover | fears. | ro Dr. Williams' Medicine Com- r '"--- . fields could be ploughed under each Our stud book associations are not | Has Travelled rally 3,000 Miles on His | pany, Brockville, t. You note the différence in "et Titicl kia ientive farm tee oe ugh to guarding 'eee Wheel--He Makes Some Reflections on | - S sents ais atving a Sec eins ve the breeding of unsound and Dlem=| | the Beneftg of the Byorts aud Tells of EXPELLED ens a have aren gooil green mianuring once every 10 ished stallions. e are gla Oo see } = Z | i : very almen evel Ww sears. 'Then, why should he not sell | that some nS he State associations | the Dangers. | every poison and impurity of yo r| , < f : s ith rearly 2,0@0 bushels wotutoes, B00 | are 'pressing the matter of inspection | mes or ee ease) | blood, by Dr. Pierce's Golden Mevtical | the best ot care. Others far yearly 2, bushels of potatoes, ea thelr Legistatures. Much evil (From the Utica, N.Y. Pr Discover 7 Then there's a clear 1 1 | of wheat, and 30 or 40 tons of hay? night be guarded against. Only sec-| The Rev. Wm. P. F. Ferguson, Pres- | skin and a clean system. stter, | Tore Exposec pom through Proughing in the fall is undoubtedly > ondary in importance to the question | byterlan Minister at Whitesboro, | | Salt-rheum, pekemi Erysipelas, Boils, | unhar Fads Weak children season we} of diet is that of grooming. Health | wl tne wei not Carbuncles, Enlarged Giands, Tumors rit 1 eee ld whose picture 'we give below, W end Swellings, and all Blood, Skin, | W2 1ave continuous colds in a 3 svil fine to hold the* very -- wet, should advisable; if should make the moisture, but if leave it rough. In either Case, re- plough us needed in the spring. One of the greatest adver ego is in get- ting in early crops. th this soils keep up a regular ae elective till- we: in fact, such a surface cannot be cultivated too ussiduously Rapid 4 G w comb. 1 petite and good nutrition iollow. Worms in horses should always hav prompt. treatment. For colts, the addt- thon of a Little pulverized Copperas to the regular ration of salt will be suffi- 3 procure pened, and this can only ith the free use the nal feel in good spirits, d by keeping the skin pores | be attained | brush Such attention makes the ani- | and good ap-| oS a | missionary, and | evaporation on such land is death to plant growth; it kills the soll and cient--say two tablespoonsiul to each | kiln dries it, and there follows the pint of salt. Lor older horses give a formation of an impervious surface tabiespooniul of powered gentian | erust which keeps out sunlight and | * nee a day ior three weeks | air i Itis a mistake to standa 'horse con- | When the American farmer has co Stantly upon a sloping stable floor, | muny better crops in that land of One with tender ankles' or feet will | home murkets it is folly for him to | euler etre {Wig Me st ty Ra bas : e compete with the low ¢lass of labor strained stule or hot' 0 jen may be permanently injured. Have | which must raise grain upon the im- mense fields of tussia, India and South America at 50 cents a bushel. It costs 50 cents to raise it. and tan put in our energies in better ways. land and cultivation will give about *() tons of sorghum cane to the Fair here, and the yield is ordinarily about 12 gallons of syrup to the ton. An icre of land will. eos refore, Jats rbout S100 to the acre he seec tinable for tgif and the atta make good fodde jer all kinds = of stock. The dry stalks of the general Aim- ericunm corn'crop can ail be snvexl in the common weoden siio by husking the corn first for other uses, and then eutting and filling the silo, Put Ba or 30 gallons of. winter on cach loud of fodder, and = \ possildie the moist ii stored in the ¢ 'o preven rls spore ra) hy ist ~oll and the seed, must b seyeee é. ti oif the stut bbteF imam "bine uf- ane Mt "oh ceep, ol chase ay \ ide ui al products Uup- ontinent Is and price that exhauste erop, emand nseng, and the fact ; nee ; that this might become a very It is'especially adxy > ite Zones : , euit ivation, profitable one. our cooler shi rded barny ard the past; -he pasture or the s ard used, that the manure destroy ing or the yard the mi nat once to ese field. "hing o! table. it should be be not e@\- elements. From the stall n- tre should gt As ail plants take up their nayri- liquid form it follows th nnures should rive rowth. It cmnmet a ivs in this shap but should orm ns*to be easily soluble nermat conditions -- ol noisture in the soil. Therefore fine yell rotted manures are most effect ve. The farmers of the land wre wisel eoming to the conelusion thint thre west remedy for that malady known 5 depression n rerrieubtiuy is tT , wike the soil deep ind riel with gh cu lure and copious manuring 5 o farm no® more land than can " rmed rell ibove all, to keep wood vttie, eth for dirert ul indirect wofit. irri: eation mit) He erp tavs with Imoest anywhere within our It inerenses productiveness, rope' stirer in " off years," ea eariier growth and frujt- ders plant food in the soilar fertilizers more readily _ and in varied ways may the thine yet needful with manual farming and mevins jng-up-other.--lines._of education, cultivating a s for drit uk ior Knowledge wl Ww io never des ntmd in t ys apted work than to tains all the protein, portions, after hos extractel I properties. straw than with The ceneral purpose pluy. ns been used so extensively in ity street cars, was 50 suddenly de- or it wosed that it is a drag on the market bya we Was never raised with profit, xo that it is upon the whole a good riddance. is perfectly safe to turn ur attention to the breeding of the vetter clugses. The wornout horses which are slaughtered for meat in the States re not sold there bald hs palmed rpon their own kets, but are enred, catined and miata up into saus- age for European markets by foreign | unscrupulous ghouls, an injure our legitimate trade in bes of and other ments. your are seratching hur. cetke: it is not un-j} oe | likely that they are lousy. Examine | T was nervous, tired, irritable and } them carefully, and; if you find lice, | cross. Karl's Clover -- Tea has make an ointment of tar. eul- | made me well and hap and i Mrs. E Ph. Worden. phur we | f the floor level, and cover it with ab- | surbent bedding, to make it clean at 1d j vi HOGS. "Feeding for lean" is) based upon saund economy. It is eens to pro- luce meat which contai a iarge 4 pavportion of iean with the fat than | ty iatten a hog to such condition as to jit it oniy tor the making of lard ; au greater Weight of carcass is c more expense, i ured, and at no n producing an excess Ol A wiixed meul ration, pro- than compose an several kinds of grain properly blend ei, is fur superior to one ol but one or two. Vi trieties, thoush these may have the nut ingredients of the more hensive ration; and with jon the hogs will be ready in a gauch less time. such a formarket compose i even import- compre- rii- . be unfamillar by sight to many read- A young man, he has still had | extended experience as foreign} teacher, editor, lecturer | and pastor that has given him wide acquaintance in many parts of the country. In an interview said: "In the early summer of '91 I went upon a tour-through a part of On- tario on my wheel. My route was from Utica to Cape Vincent, thence | by steamer to Kingston, and from there along the north shore of the lake to Toronto and around to Nia- gara Falls. I arrived at Cape Vin- cent at 5 o'clock, having ridden | ugainst a strong head wind all day. | "After a delightful sail through the Thousand' Islands, I stepped on shore in that quaint old city of | A shower had fallen and | ers. an a} a few days ago, he, j i | Kingston. Upon « small place where one or nore COWS wre Kept there is some miik to spare and an abundance of retus ver bices und roots, and these can be fot mest profitaldy to small pork- ers. Tet the breecdk be of small size quick. growth = ftne enriy maturity uml resdy to slanghter at five or six months old. In coi clit sewed it dloos net pa ' mttenpt to fatter pigs ont of dades nor in co. pons The gain hogs necke in ter, depen ts mueh upon the Ie- eyee of protection from cold whieh thes reecive. Jt they, must pick their corn © it of the snow, or drink frozen swill, ther wilt make slow game. Ani- | the streets were damp, so that wis mal heat must be maintained in some | dom would have dictated that L leg vay, by fond or shelter. weary as was, should have kept ---- ULTURI | in doors, but so anxious wits o see firsaipes ¢ be grown ulmost ever} | the old city that I spent the whole | where, anit every farm, garden and evening in the streets. village lot should have its vines. Per- 'Five o'clock the next morning fection requires high well irstined, | brought a very unwe 'icome discovery. stron soli, well fed Let thi trel- I was lime both ankles aud knees. lises ran north and sot and be open | The head wind and the damp streets to the sun, Curra i proosebe: had proved an unfortunate combina- | ries enn be grown between the rows tion. I. gave, however, little thought | land is sear ; to it, supposing it would wear off in It may not eg 'genera! ly known that | a few hours, and the first flush of oi the 150 species of cacti native to | sunlight saw me speeding out aa the United States more than twwo- sp! ee road that leads toward Nap- thirds ve edible truits. The culti- | 42 5 ation pects development of these wiil | ™ Night overtook me at a little vil- afford an inviting field for the future | ge near Port Hope, but found me Nentifie horticulturist. still lame. 1 rested the next day, Tf loeated where cheap labor ean be and thd next, but it was too late 5 wbtained, the cherry tr profit- | the | Mischiel -- was done. i rode a He, One erop mar bring from $20 good many miles during the rest oi Young trees do not bear the season, bu never a day und | hunt ther begin early The | seldom a mile without pain. fl must be heavy and ary, for too | The winter ¢i er = I put away hi wet whl. cause unirn itfulness, j my whee 1, saying 5 Rd shall get U-sands-soll-ean-not-supply-a-suifi-} Well, but _to_my disappointment I smount of potash. | grew._svorse. Some days my 5 ttle | most forbade walking and my ankies ~ 1 fry -n " he Pp te | - Pris ---- ae she tres iriag oe | would not permit me to wear shoes. yertaxed se on is | 4b times I suffered severe pain, 50 Sonuir . "4 severe as nake study a practica fait sired she i a impossibility, yet it must be under- shouted un nha ly aaltewel me net an stood that I concealed the condi- net + irt of wisdom, and thin the | tion of affs 1irs as far as possible. wean ¢ . . 'From being local the trouble. be- fruit one-haif; the remaining half will |.,; F = be worth more than the whole with a gan to spread slightly and my hetter chance for .next--rear. | anxiety increased. 1 consulted two bs "The oreliard becomes useless not so [physicians and followed their exccl- mine from old age as from neglect. | lent advice, but without result. So es may be healthy 1 productive | the winter passed. One day in March dy efi enihy ane ' ive 1 happened to take in my hand a ut Dicer oF ee et warty 7S it 'che va tee | newspaper in «which a good deal of eon ns ----. "he e ave acinar. i oy 'the " space was taken by an article in rt clder they need hex ag pert relation to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ' - ice "to and on tha. | I did not at that time know what lity > "ais : | they were supposed to cure. I should : have paid no attention tO the article nd do much to | 2 | lard, one, two and four | ti ng se -- ge a - te : mid I not caught the a of CBS: Fee ird for some proaue- | jady whor knew. Reading. I Y ' © ati - po FOr | hes ble hoed crap | found that -she, had _ been greatly . 1 needs clean cultivation. Corn | peneftted by the use of Pink Pills, and answers son some advantage. Pear trees Tt not stand forcing, and sheu ave no! manure, as blight sets in veriran they grow too rapidly i th grape vi 'ines were not pro- perils pruned in the fall, do it now be- fore the buds start. Cut away al superfluous weod. Get the vine down to a shape and size which will cons you handle it, and remember tha by not allowing it to overbear vst will get oe finest product. If newly planted trees do not start 4a it. the preper time, the ap- f is 1luable thus artific- Will start flowing. water into ay from the Look for re- : Keep on water- ing untit.it rains. iv yor ARTE SUBJECT TO CRAME'S You Enqgw how important it is to have i u prampt-remedy on haml. Nervil --nerve ira cure--has a wont de rful | entres in fire OSes the part shade ~~ ng of an nd "Ploasaut to the taste, nd the best remedy In the world for | continually | | pain. j ; knowing her as I did I had no = of the-truth-of-the statement--~tha she had authorize "The first box was not gone before I saw a change, and the third had not been finished before all signs of my rheumatic troubles were gone to ay. "Tf say 'gone to stay,' | there had been every opportunity for a return of the trouble, | have not felt the first twinge of it. wheeled thousands of miles and before with so little discom- have had some of the ni tests of strength and en have come through then | : ache. For example, niternoon | rode seventy preached that night and made, miles of the hardest kind of r fore noon the next day. Another *Century run, las forty jmileS of which were ance in a your of rain thrqugh mud and for though miles, aid = | down You should think I would recom- bs rp | stances Yes, I abould f to be suffering is not the only disease | personally know of a r trou they cure. be cures from o r |} mi ee cured by In building up flesh and strength of pale, puny, scrofulous | ehildren, nothing can equal i a! from | and Scalp Diseases, from a common pie ai or eruption to the worst scro- fula--these are perfectly and per- it. neede d Delicnte discases of either sex, how- ever induced, speedily and radically cured, Address, | fe confidence, World's Dispens ary Medic Association, Buf- flo, N. ¥ HER PHILOSOPHY. | Many wrinkles are the result of i worrying over one's complexuon. and elegant frocks than four mediocre It is better to have two imposing | } ones Ne\ er become worried over ¥< uF oe fairs of the heart so long as, can sleep well. | It is sometimes more dignified to be | angry than te be calm, Caimness my iy be interpreted as lack 4 spirit, and j | } | nan invitation to others to browbent | one. Pills do not eure Constipation. They only aggravate Karl's Clover, Root Tea gives perfect regularity of the bowels. MAKING RAIN IN INDIA. A rainmaker in India has an appar- atus consisting of a rocket, capi able | of rising to the height of a mile, con- | taining a reservoir of ether. In its | descent it opens a parachute, causes it to come down slowly. ether is thrown out in fine spray, aah its absorption of heat is said to lower the temperature about it suf- ficiently to condense the vapor and produce 2. limited shower. UNEXPECTED. The bene he old man tapped the 1d on the hea L , WARNING TO THE "15" CLUB. | There was a young man of Mauritius, | Just 18, and 'so superstitious ; In avoiding a ladder, ont stepped on an alder, nd the verdict wa "Most dicious." nj township, 1 Low A deputation fr at Ottawa, asked t relieve them of part of the expenses jineurred by sending the troops there to collect arrears of taxes. FOR SALT: GOSS WEB PERFECT ing press, In good running order ; Ca- pacity 4 'aa § pages, 6 or 7 columne: sheet 24x841-41." For further par- ticulars, address Heraid Printing Co. LEia in nilton,. Ree 7S © That Raise Money Largest ar ate CATALOGUE « "3 Good co sig! Pretty phe ese and ins, aH UESIESS « n Ca SENT TO. WRITE US BUYERS. "FREE 1T WILL PAY The Steele, e, Briggs Seed Co. ae Mention THIS PAPER . Toronto. C FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS POWDER | THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND | LARGEST SALE IN CAN have needed rand onty for! j | Edw. = . Harper, | and Strongest a 1 .. A. 'Burnham "So it's your "twelfth birthday ?" The boy assented, expectantly. 'Well, I hope you will improve as you grow older in virtue, knowledge und bee 6 lad, quite unconsciously, replied | as he had replied to others the same } day "The same to you, sir," he said. If TUE BABY I8 CUTTING TELTH | Be sure and use that old and well- tried remeay, Mrs. Winslow's Sooth jing Syrup for children teething. I soothes the child, softens the gums, aliays alt pain, cures wind colic and is the best. remedy for diarrhoea Taventy-five cents a bottle HE "Mr. Gilles, im very sorry, but I int mk urry tou," rep ied th e maiden, sorrows! iv; "but IN be a sister to > Vou. "No. you won't!' Gil- ley, "ve got more Sist thin ; need. Between them ean't find a necktie when I Ippen 'to want one." PCTNAM'S CORN EXTRACTOR Cores-in-twentr-four tours This' ts the-testimony of tens "of thous | who have used it Tutnpams acts speedily, withont pain, and removes corns in twenty-feur hours. he Government to ; in winter, poor digestion in summer. They are with- out power to resist disease, they have no_ reserve strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod- liver oil, with hypo- phosphites, is cod-liver oil partly digested and adapted to the weaker digestions of | children. Scorr & Bownn, Belleville, Ont. » Eclipse Bicycles STAND THE TEST. soc. and $uee i Nota Frame broken during the entire season of 1805. For catalogue apply to Local Agent or ECLIPSE BICYCLE CO., _HAMILTON, ONT. Assessment System. Mutual Principle. /MUTUAL fF a. RESERVE FUND IFE "Association. under. "resid 1byrs.completed. th yer argest x $69,000,000 83038,660,000 of business In $4,084,075 deat aime paid i 895. 825,000,000 death claims pald since Lus!- ness beran. 1895 shows an increase in gross assets, net surplus, income and Liepprsed ee force. Over 105,800 members intere z =~ W. J,-McMURTRY, Manager for Ontario Frech old -- stores ng. Toronts, C AR. McNIc Manager Be Manitoba British Coe aut Nort fest Territorigs Mc 4 re Block. Winnipeg, Man D. Z. BES eh TL Lee 'for Quebec; Place d' Arm Mon Que. COL. J AMES DOMRILLE, Manager for: Ww Brunswick, St. Weed: stn R RAY. "'lanaxer for Nova Fotia He ilifax, N N, 5. ne ARMM LOR, co. 1 & windmill bus wind po Toronto and Stratford, Ont. sa ie oe ae 1 schools of rate rates. Write to either ponoe for 8 paper. & princ COLLEG E, 'PRES K™ ELLY'S 'BUSINESS Write for errr sg Ont. taught t ay mail A FORTUNE IN A MONTH. Cannot be expected, bnt the biggest money made by agents to-day is made by those who verware, 'Tableware, Tea ae i handiq our Si a i Coffee® Strainers, Stereos: opes and Vie Violin Outfits, Photograph Frames, P esitharets i Table a <, etc. Cash paid for raw furs. E QUEEN SIL VE RW ARE CO., Montreal, Que' $150 For an Old Canadian Stamp. Canadian ir pan used between 1851 and 1 is valuable and worth from 10c to $158 buy any eradtae: on ¢ original covers lso all other kinds of stam: Every | OLD CANADIAN . POSTAGE STAMPS. PARTIES HAVING OLD LETTERS dates 1851 to sro with lopes af the dai tie stamps by applying to Ber fe, Hamilton.

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