Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 14 Feb 1896, p. 8

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NOW---< Tsithe time to do your apering Before the Holidays. Call and"See my smense Stock of New Wall Papers -- 'Remnants at Your 'Own Pri Elegant Gilt Papers at 10c. a Roll. r.A.ttackineg, LISTOWEL, ONT. ~ FARMERS IN SESSION. | better than Larnips to day did not want very fat beef, but rather young, prime cattle, weighing between 1,200 and 1,800 pounds- Our buyers preferred heavier cattle for the English shipping |paid so mt }m them tothe seaboard. They ich per head, 80 that it was Ule for them to ship heavy market, because of the cost of ing say 4 jeed 1s preferable. the pit at as nea winter as possible; rotting like this prevents them néthing else, Nothing for feeding cattle Carrots were good, but harder to raise than turnips, While potatoes were tvo expensive diet for stock, xlthough very guod for both horses and cattle. THOS. DICKSON, OF ELMA, was the next speaker, He gave an in- teresting paper on "Growing roots for Protit," in which he brought to bear his own experience as well as that of others, including the great seedsman, Wa. Rennie, of Scarboro, That por tion or Mr.Dickson's speech estimating the -protits of a certain acreage of tur nips was omitted in his address, but it will appear along with his other re- marks in next week's BEE. "WINTER DAIRYING" was the theme next aud last speaker wt this J. B. Muir, of North Bruce, the tirst things he approved of was bring basis. He didn't approve ofsellin factory butter to local buyers for irue und trade, Sell the article to # rellabie buyer for cash. Next, the farmer should try aud get cows which will give results Corres: ponding to the feed. carefully, In his experience @ large cow 18 hot the must ecouomical. imnals that are the must inchned to fat aie nutapl tu be goud dairy Cows. A cow should be made to coutinue giving inilk w lung season if she 18 to be protit- able. [le ted his cows twice a day obly with best results. meeting, lo 'Supplementary Meetings of the North Pem@h Farmers' Institute. IE storm of Monday night inter fered considerably with the at tendance at both Millbank and Atwood, especially at Milluank on 'Tuesday afternoon, [ith inst., where only seven peaple were in attendance, DD. McCrae, a well-known farmer and stock breeder, of Guelph, was preset, however, and delivered himself ofa two hour address to his unusually small but appreciative audience. We unde#tand the nigtt session was . cancelled. Secretary Turnbull bas written the Model Farm authorities --Jooking toward holding another meeling in Millbank this winter to atone for Tues day's failure, when it is hoped he will -come to some amicable arrangement with-the clerk of the weather as well us securing a satisfactory date. THE MEETING IN ATWOOD, Wednesday afternoon, l2th inst., was much better ettended than the Mill- bank meeting, there being fully one hundred people present tere to listen tu the addresses by D, McGrae, of Guelph; J. B Muir, of North Bruce, and 'Thus. Dickson, of Elma. Jacob Bray was voted to the chair, Cuban and Salzers' North Daxota. The best method of saying cor Was silo. pounds pe water catl the stable convenient, Place the salt where each cow could help bersell. Feed enuugh routs tu keep the bowels vpen, say 40 pounds. milk to hogs rather than to calves, and has fed hogs chop mixed with manugolds and skim milk with goud resulis. Muir was partial to the breed. Each bog should have sume earth every day thrown It. The evening session was tended, especially by the tuwnspeople. rday; aud the best way lo will appear next week. -OUT-- and maintained the very best of order throughout both: the afternoon and veavening sessions, hitherto a seemilg im possibility. Mr. McCrae was the first speaker. "Growing summer feed d illustrated his remarks best to plant corn in hills, by a such as Mr. Bray described. Crae regarded rape as-one of the "best fudders in its season, following after 4 crop-of rye. Kye -pastured-- Off by the 2tth of May migkt be followed by a crop of rape: For a mixed crop he recumtnended sewing, 14¢ bushels of outs to 1¢ bushel of peas and }¢ bushel of goose wheat. This mixture produc- eda good summer fodder. Auother mixture he recommends a trial is pro portioned thus: 1}¢ bushels oats, 1% bushel of peas,and a peck of veilch. As regards feeding steers for beef, he believed many farmers used little dis cretion. He wished to emphasise the fact that it was a mistake to feed meal andéother rich, fat producing fvod to lean cattle, thinking to hurry them into 'me condition for the butcher. The truth has been clearly demonstrated that the system of a lean animal is net in condition to assimilate and make proper use offsuch rich food,and as are sult the kidneys and urine throw it off, working injury to the beast and ne} good. . Lean catue should be fed with course, rough feed uutil the animal gets into guod condition, then gradual- ly improve the quality of the ration, and as it puts on fat increase the rich- pess of the same, It is when the animal is in good condition that the neal will | produce the desired results. In reply | to Wim. Lochhead, as to the effect of such a system of feeding apon dairy cows giving milk, he bad no opinion to offer; he did not know. (Mr. Loch- head did wot explain, but we surmise mind the fact that it ice | among dairymer | i mure or less a ea { ducing the season to increase the flow | of milk. The direct and peculiar in- fluence of the food upon the quality and flow of milk is very marked, and possibly the objectionable fat is absorb- ed in the milk if not otherwise The speaker said that the English buyers | sale! --_--Onr---- Having Sold my Property, I want to Close Out my stock Bargainsin Lad- ies' Wear. Men's: and Boys' Wear. Felts & Rubbers. | Ordered Work still attended to. All accounts must be get- tled up before March Ist, 1896, otherwise they will be placed into other hands for collection. at J, W. Ferguson. ventilated by the; than self-deception, Among | not be found in heaven, ie business down to & CASI) pace his right piace is empty, the right kind of | are on Luis well to feed | fund a man who be: AU | know the way, and he will meet you. He fed a good deal} ha uf cornu, aud recommended .Mamimoth, | feet, ln the} step toward wealth by becoming: con Euch cow shouid give at least 40) tented le was to have the waler 1) 44. devil, but the loafer is: tempted by He feeds skim | enough vo show him Mr.|ehureh, don't call on a long faced man Berkshire | to make it. largely at-| is tou short. A report of the several addresses, €UC.,) p.demption as long as we have wroug asy to Take (CARSON asy to Operate| .: & MCKEE Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small in size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man Consistency thou arta Jewel tate the Genuine. said: « You never know you : s ae have taken a pill till it is all over." 25. C. 1. Hood & Co., | S f h ; bi; Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. of an honest public The only pills to take with Hood's Carsaparilla D They aus! Ours isa ¢ PULPIT their claims are goods as cheap as we do. - AND PEW. but ours. In this age of progress and keen com many kinds of spurious articles put To-day it seems as 1 were inclined to resort to anything to secure the trade etition there are orward to imi- f some merchants say come over and buy from ash store and we sell just as cheap as Carson & McKee. 'But their system is spuri purious and unfounded, because they don't sell You cant buy in any store The cheerful giver is very apt to be a systematic one. 10c. Flanelettes for 8c. 15c¢. for 12%c. 5e for 4c. 6c. Factory for 5c. 124c. Shirting for 10c. 15c. Shirting for 12c. 25e. Cottonade for 19c. . 30c, Cottonade for 25c. fhe. best Crumb Prints for Cc. To lift up the fallen, we must take a stand beside them. There iso more dangerots deception 7 No good can be lost on earth that will When a Christian gets in a wrong 'The shadow of a trouble is. generally blacker than the tronble itself, 'There are pleasures in sin, but they ty pleasures for a season. If you want a man to do something, The best English Prints for C. Package of Starch for 8e. Package of Chocolate for 8c. 13 Bars of Soap for 25c. Surprise Soap per bar 5c. Best Rice per lb. 4c. Best Tapioca per lb. 5c. Try Our T'ea at 25c per Ib. jeves something. In seeking Christ, go as far as you Nothing pleases us better and allow you We have no more right to_ kill our: | 5 stock for Spring . will selves than -we have to live useless lives. 'The man who expects to outrun a lie, d better start with good shoes on hs Terms Cash Lf we are poor, we may take a long The busy man may be tempted 4 Pee a 71. to compare prices and values. than to show you our goods Our be without a doubt the largest, finest and cheapest ever seen in tl.is vicinity. THE COLDEN LION, LISTOWEL. 4 Gozen. The devil could not take Christ high}, anything he wanted. When you want a short prayer in Any prayer is too long that is made in chureh by the man whose yardstick We can never have right views about views ubout sin, No matter what business the Christ- * Don't Trust to Luck _Use THE BEE. _ ae ae SS ian is engaged in, be has no business ip it unless Christ is in it. . If all good people would stop wearing long faces our churches would not con tain s0 Many empty benches. July the 12th in Listowel. The largest meeting in the history 01 the Orange County Lodge of North Werth was held in the Lodge room in Listowel on Tuesday of last week, commencing at 10. v'vlock and re maining in sessivy tilt 5 o'clock in the | afternvon, 'There was a tull representa tion trom all the lodges in the county, 78 delegates in all being present. Retiring County Master, William Welsh, delivered the County Master's address, referring tu the growth of the order in the county and throughout the Dominion. He said that vo less than $,445 had jeined the association during the year in the Dominion, and that 40 vew lodges had been instituted, alsu three--new~ districts; and two county lodges had been furmed,. He referred to the pleasure he had in attending the | snaesthetics administered --for-pain- Supreme Grand Lodge as represent pa th gua auive of the County Lodge, in the city ver pxtraction. Artificial agitate or of Halifax last summer and gave an in- teresting THport of the woik done} fice pver Thompson . 8 there. [Je paid a warm tribute to the] streét, Listowel. Will not visit stand taken by the Hon, N. Clarke} woof until further notice. Wallace, aud he said he thoughtit ; their duty, as brethren, to support him DENTAL. J. J. FOSTER, DENTIST, ANY ANAESTHETIC KNOWN TO the profession used for the painless extraction of teeth. * Satisfaction guaranteed. Office over Fleming's clothing store, Main street, Listowel. W.-M. BRUCE, "L.-D.-S;," DENTIST. GAS, ELECTRICITY, QR LOCAL At AUCTIONE! RS. Cc. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of Perth, Monkton, Ont Rates moderate. For particulars ap- ply at this office. BAW EIN GS. J.W. Scott, Banker, Listowel, Palmersteg and Clifford, -- (GENERAL Banking business. Drafts bought and sold, payable in all parts of the Do- minion, United States and Great Britain. Notes Discounted. Deposits received, and current rate of interest allowed. Also Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A large amount of Private Funds to lend on good farm security Five Per Cent. with privilege of repaying annually. &2-96tf in the position he had taken in regard to.-Manitoba; -he-theught that in the coming election they should support no B is candidate uuless piedged against re- MORPHY & CARTHEW, medial legislation. He referred to the} BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NO- deaths that hud taken place among the| tars Public, Conveyancers, Com- brethren during the last twelve menths, | mistioners, etc., Listowel, Ont. Money mentioning past County Master Me ban. Offices over Carsop & Mc- Kee, and brethren Carson, Coulter, Tay | Kees store. H. B, Morphy, J.. M jor and Mitchell. $24,000 he said bad Carthew. veen paid out in the insurance depart- ment to widows and orphans of breth- ren, and be thought that the benefits of this department should be taken great- er advantage of. The Grand Lodge tunds showed a surplus of over $2,C00 at the last audit. He closed by con gratulating the lodge with having such a large representation present and trusted that their deliberations would result in a great benefit to the Associa- tion. The election of officers for the ensu- ing year resulted us follows: xeo. HI. Dickson, Elma, Master; 5. Carswell Palmerston, D. : 'LT. Cruickshank Wellesley, Chap.; 'T. Later, Listowel, | pa A d Rec, Sec.; R. Stanley, Listowel, Fin. Fes sale itr stead. Mer omnes et see.; 8.5. Rothwell, Elma, Tre#sarer;| an hours, when not necessarily ab- KE. M. Alexander, Listowel, Director) genj. Visits Monkton ery of Ceremonies; Jas. Carson, Millbank, | day 'piternoon ; found at Post Office. A. Strong, Wallace, Robt. Bailey, Lec- | Re@dence at the Atw store, turers; R. G. Roberts, Wallace, and Jas.| where orders left will receive prompt Bailey, assistant Lecturers, aténtion. There was an animated discussion where the vext tle of the Boyne Invitations to LEGAL. DARLING & BLEWETT, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, tarles Sol NO- , etc., Wallace street, Listowel. tors for Bank of Halnilton and zn oa) Sec MEDICAL, THOS. DOUGLAS, M.D. =, oF Te MC, MP formerly of Monkton, suc- Dr. 8. Cowan. Office in Dr. D. A. KIDD, M. D., KIYSICIAN AND SURGEON loucheur. Fellow of Trinity. ° College; Member of the College o B: Aci ca { Physicians and 8 AN uelph, Kincardine and Palmerston. brethren urgeons, Onta had secured a fund by subscription fc gréduate in medicine of Trinity Oni. eo T| vebsity, Toronto. Office in the stand celebrating in Lgstowel, and it was ste A : finally decided and made unanimous to od ges Bick, Ser ather the lodges in Listowel. The) pobse celebration this year takes place on the | sh of July, the 12th falling on @ Sun- y. formerly occupi kshaw, liveryman, h be answered. He will visit Done- from 4 to S p.m. Fridays. =» Banking House. Office over bi 8 Bank. WOMEN" DOUBT. SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct irrrgcularity and + 'Wafersare "Lite Savers" toyoung « aid lees, box. Omen. development, protide patr- ods. Ask for The Detrett rageiste seth them af 81 nee Si hm teguiar weond All STAR LIVERY, meet the elling public. bles opposi Attwood. DARK. & DUNCANSON, Proprietors: 95 tf. ' _ THE PERFECT TEA | THE Finest Tea in THE WORLO FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA C IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. Be raat e py on ofthe Tea is as a sain romefs, and s adver tire ian and Ceylon Teas. For that reason they see that none but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon "That is why 'Monsoon. * the perfect Tea, can be sold at the same price as tea. of % Ib., 1 Th, and , It i in sealed caddies lls tbe and sold fa three favours at 4oc., soc. and Soc. . : grecer. keep it, tell him to write ¥ HAY fie econ ana to EL, East. Toroate. 13 Froat Sty .. . ,

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