of Usear Wiide, is dew a - PUBLISHER.| Kuoox chitirch, (ine'ph, has decided on sos gebbag i : : Sorell Rev. Ne:l MePherson, of Pe- trolea, : rae BRE wee | eee mae ~6| ~~ POSTPONED FRIDAY, FEB 14, 1899 SLES as roe canning industry of : ' : lish th the ¢ Per-h County Notes. "shea 1Conumoia exceeds $3,000,000 4 ; 0 Peter Zoeger, general merchant, Bee British troops have won two victories 3 y ton. formerly of Newton, has assigned. fid havecaptured eleven ches Africa Chester Adams. of Logan, has sold sees poner : = his farm to Wm. McKenzie for the ie A i Sgro Sen eae sbi co ; ----_ OF --__ of 31,806. ates : 3 r The directors of Cedar Grove cheese | she: Cxreere of the late George Jat . canvassing for stock to 3 : resi (Sion bn oma . Mr. Chamberlain has invited Presi- build a new cheese factory. noha be ar : Rig rade ay [dent Kruger te visit Eaghud for the Lat o¢ ": Z eiected TT Race chairman: A Desi fmrPase Of discussing "reforms in the! Se Ner Farm Stock i Im leme secretary Sr. Salislitry, Janet eee sip ner | _ Weak, Tired, Nervous a: "Sack the Ripper" ig the subject of a esse Looker, of Logan, delivered at sebtbes : th Oak Ga, Mitchell, three ian | Wenig inivele nan Sb NP agherae ito Women, who seem to be all worn "weighing 760 pounds. 'This "is good! rintned Gioia y out, will fini in purified blood, made Weicht as they were only six aud a : ae Fich and healthy by Hood's Sarsapa- half inonths old, Sane aneceen alles ae te ton rilla, permanent relief and strength. : M Thorndyke, the Strathroy aes Bh ee any accomplish The following is from a well known '~ : vr, tharced with blgamy. al [itn Yoreiat tue Bouudey dispute Toe following A postponed Auction Sale will be: i U 4 ere : , aa tere for Ga Wena Scaea itis Seidiitz powders must not be made| "Ihave suffered for years with temale : l d intention is said to be to obtain a di- | too stroug in Euglaud. A druggist has} Complaints and Kidney troubles and ] e€ on. vorce from his first wife, who hagjilst. been lined for oyer-dosing the} bave had a great deal of medical advice - agreed ty render all the assistance ne | People of Breutford. during that time, but have received ith | cessury to,secure the diveree, Mean-| The Sultan has replied to the Queen's | or no benefit. A friend advised me to ta... while wife No. 2 will go te Toronto to] letter. Ue holds that the Turks are in ood's Sarsaparilla a tg use it live with relatives antil Thorndyke re-| most cases innoceat, and that the Ar : : I ot ] 4. Con Il 2 E] C® turus, when they will be married. Wenians are the agressors, a oariaethie Sn commen anya 5 a 5, : The literary and debating society off The County Council p ssed a by law} From my personal experience I Milyerton has been re organized for the abolishing toll gates in York County} Hood's Sarsapa-illa year 1893 Phe following officers were | and placing the roads in the hauds of | ast ter prh ciected: President. W. M.A ppel; Ales the different municipalities, 8t., president, Miss Keen; treasurer. G. E |® Within the last five years, fourteen 9 Goodhand; seeeetary, Elagh D. Me- 'members of the linte of Commons Hood Ss Sarsaparilla Hngh The committee of management} haye died. Eight of the deceased mem- 4 : incindes Messrs. W. D. Weir and D,} bers were Conservatives and six Liber- ; ics : Smith, Miss Macfarlane, av@l the Ahi als. Is the Only Ei | ident. vice president and secretary. t Richard Rowland, a far ivi wie 4 was decided ta hold meetings every | near Iauover cumiailisd eileen True Blood Purifier Q @ % Ja -----_Q N----___ endl ol evening.commenciug on Feb. hanging. He had fost his Teasoii sentir inthe pabdiicere bok; le oUN. through worry over the Scarcity of Prominentlv in the pub Labbe IES a c Notes feed for his caitle, Hood's Pills ne mua uron County Notes. A despatch from Ottawa says that it 3 85.0 charch ie Gv we vutgr the |i Practically Settled at Gal | -------------- AT 1 PM. SHARP: Ryanrclle Fon coals in Chediton Alymer wil be -- Adjutant General wigan: aricet. 1 = ah sf ilitreteabiale : Lieut Colonel Outer, of Toronto, is to HEXE ERT. be made a4 full Colonel : ae "The Mammoth Cave" will be the TI Bri ee ators . title of a lecture to be delivered in the nes coming British naval program | Gs Methodist church, Ethel, on the 19h} WUl cos. £9 500.000, with which will be | pats inst. by Rev. Dr Gifford, ot Wingham | CO"Stracted four battleships, four first. | Hay rewsiayen aeiand Mead ; : ing in| 2#s8 cruisers, four third class crusiers asi ml lady "Mss Berry, x ho | Ane HES NUNS: 1 god sixty torpedo destroyers. Shove oer tiie cscs Clinton fora vear and 4 half, has been Rane f 4000C-H ; Hides per le. offered a position in Hibing Hospital,|, < force of 4.000 Hovas made an at- | 3 cach... > : «ae P Sheepskins, each near Dniuth, as principal nurse, ata tack upon the French svidiers in| Mad Woods feet long salary of $21 4a week aeneeat 'ud were repulsed. 'The Fotat 'reuch follawed their advants ork, The Huron connty House of Refuge | cijed SOW or the Hee age and/ i, has 60 iumates now. 'The first death in i the [ome occurred Wednesday, Jan.) The complete returns of the bye-elec ° 29th = John Sadler, formerly of Wing- on 'a. gira a B., on} a ) +e ae ee * o a CFT é e e lc alan aim, was tl 501. 'hursday, Feb. 4th, give Mr. obinson 4 ' TMN renee paren the Conservative candidate, a majority THE I EOPLE S COLUMN. ) ' We regret to hear of the unexpected of 449 over Peter Mitehell, Liberal. deceuse of Fred Ufartley, son of Rey. A. i : Y. Uartley, of Biuevale. Mr. Hartley The Court of Appeal at Quebec has FARM FOR SALE.. was teaching school near Goderich and | confirmed the Superior Court judgment -- took down with diphtheria from which in the case of Anger against Pacand, OR sale Lot No. 26, An the 12th he died, giving the plaintiff 35.000 damages con,, of the township of Etma. we ' Che court of Review had reduced the 8) acres cleared and in a high a he "iat Sang of titi ee eg verdict to $2.00. ; state of cultivation, 'This is one of.the odist churenh are arTang ng o a cOn- ' . : 7 f s cert toe be given in the pavilion on the} [tts reported that Cecil Khodes has | 0®8t farms in te township. AP Ty -to : s : : \ Wh am : the proprietor, ALEX WILSON, or to With inst. A first-class program is be |Convineed Mr. Chamberlain that he 3 E fi isan te ing prepared with talent from Gorrie, | Was igiforant of the intention of Dr PHOS. FULLA RTON? Lakelet and Brassels. sasieson with regard to the raid of the} | Feb. 10, 1896: Atwood. . . atter on the Transtaal. "Mr. Rhodes! "22> = Inspector Tom. in his report to the) vit) return" Immediately fo © South FARM FOR SALE. Africa, . County Council, states that Geo, Baird, ; ee teacher in No. 1 Stanley, has been "35 The resolution of belligerency of | Ree sale, the north part of Lot 6. * -- arew For list of articles, terms of: sale, etc., see large posters.. 8 ESLSSSSSkKRIS , = a 2 iJ an AUCTIONEER. PROPRIETOR: Snore = a: years contiirumnsly 7 oe al Cuban insurgents of the United States Con. 10, Elma, containing 40 aud is te day ravines remOst | senate has Created a great sensation in acres, more: or less, all cleared, teachers in the Province. Spain. The Madrid Epoea says Presi | Well fenced, aud ina high state of enl The following are the officers of the! dent Cleveland surely eannot forget the tivation. Good buildings and plenty Blyth Fire Ur gade for the ensning traditions of Areriean policy. The of good water on the place. 216 miles year > Chief, Ro Semers: Captain, G. Confederates during the late war were | from Newry PQ. Terms eusy. For White: ist Engineer, J. M. Ross: Ist! vot recognized as belligerents, nor were | faller particulars apply to the proprie Lient. J Phitlips; 2nd Lient, James! the Chilan imsurgents. in their fast) lr. ROBT. HAMILTON, Sims; Sec.-Treas., J. W. Somers. ar. 4 4in* Newry P.O e ® e Seaferth Expositor: During the ane. Not a sonl save the Berlin gaol) ~ -- : - Weddin Invitations tion sale of furniture, at Dr Campbell's | people and his attorney 1s allowed to _ 4 . 9 resifenee, last Saturday, a valuable | See or converse with August Kursehin R:-1-P-A-N:S gold watch was stolen, It was left in| Ski. the suspected murderer of "Doe' Calling Cards "3 one of the bed rooms on a dressing | Jeanerette. [is existence is therefore The modern stand- case, and after the crewd had left, no} Of a necessity a Very quietonue [low ' @ aod Panty Maik ~ Business Cards, trace of it could be found. ever, the aceused man is a very quiet vrisoner and gives his -keepersitte: oF cine: Cures the] [| SPOR, S02 ok eo 2s M. Mains has contracts for the-fel- ho trouble, He eats sand sleeps well heft | pworth League lowing work this vear: Bank barn-fer regular and seems to be contented, ills of humanity. John Dear, East Wawanosh: bank wheter this latter is assumed or not a d Christi an istian . darn for Wm, Sanderson 14th con: appears not to mind his terribl ' Riis i & posi bank barn for John Mellrey, Morris: sion . " bank barn for James Nethery, Norris, | and other miner work. Commere'al telegrams from New York, as to the condition of business The Oran remen of North Huron met j thronghont the United States. indicate tn Wingham last week and elected the } no decided changes yet. The suceees following officers :...Jahn--Dane,-G-M 7; of the popnlar loan has not yet had! John Wilford, D. M ; H.Perkins, Chany | time to affect business, but the conse | W.. Fleuty, Ree-See'y; J. Mooney, | quences in greater confidence and nee. | Fin -See"y; W. J. Greer, Treas.;< Benj. | essarily creater activity will probably | Gerry7 D of C.; Bros. Owens and Me j be considerable. There is a pereeptible | Kee. Lectarers. Wingham was decid-| improvement in iron, and copper is! ed as the next place of meeting. | also higher) The woolen m'ils are | keeping: fairly active, though lessened ONE GIVES RELIEF. barn for Geo. Watt, Harlock; bank | fe js as Stoical as an Indian chief, and | Programs. ~ STaTisTics.---The following are a| : iad / ce . ran i Fa ie few of the statisties of the township of] eeciee rd OF ers has! 6, "a% , « 2 - a) Stinley tor 1895. The total assessment | tions for the beter are improved bank | # Envelo es, was $1.660.51), on this there was levied for connty rates 3348761: for town : . : . "3 . ship $2.98909. for general school rate | Staple lines. and an improved demand | os ie 7 : in steel and iron The failures for the | | 2 7 He De a ee om Tats | sevek - puting Pets 8th, in the Cnited| ROBT MOORE, €a Ss $2.818 55; other purposes $121.25. Tot States have been $23, against 281. for! ° P| 4 lamouut levied 310,555 25. Shen cage et Soo. Against 2 ar " aa j the correspondingwweek last year, andj ' relia -- 2 Huron county jail at Goderich is load-!in Canada 53, as compared with 58 a ~----DEALER IN---- e er ea S. elup with no tess than. 18 vagrants,, year ago, , Re committed by the Police Magistrate of | ; . that town, for terms varying from 1° to Ta Shelf and Heavy e e s 3 months. The County Connell has! 4 a Mm Nn S ordered some stone for the jail yard | Scientific Hardware ; ry) aud the lubbers will hate the pleasure | 9 of lugging it from one end of ee ES tae ; yard to the other by way of giving them | Sat eS ip.: ' "y 7. ; exercise, and perhaps making jail lite | Ca bt | Paints, Oils, Glass, Table rograms not so desirable as -it has heen' in the} te : € i | and Pocket Cutlery, 9: enconragement of laziness. We don ti To iar wet |) Jeane. || Siverware, | Dodgers, Posters, toughs, and instead of being pampered | and petted they should be driven out of 5 t e S: ] Bill the county and compelled to work for 2 free Handbook write to | Lamps, ross - Cut A 1 LIC 10n a le oF |clearings. © firmer prices in several} ee f au honest living or else starve, ames eameetoe oi Bh ~ oom for , aaa RCO E Lt Every patent taken outy us is brougkt bef the public by a notice einen free z towne | Sa Axes Milverton. e ° + 3 9 & : Death inst aac pigeon." rae Srientific j MerviCAN | &e om the he . and Mrs. ! . their infant elild, aged 11 months. Tl 6, word, cpenay tiated Pears | 2 ' LGes. ()W T \ a obsequies took place on oul 3 18:30 etx tmomtna Addrent 78 Main Street, st Listowel. |: ' OE. ee. rd ay. 3 Broadway, New YorkCity, a