. TOWN TALK. How about your subscription? ~ Tie horseshoer should make his 'pusiness forge ahead by judicious ad yertising. = ore: Gro. M. STEWART, representing Mil- lar & Richard. typ* fonaders, Teronto, was in.town Cuesd ty. Rev. W.H Hanvey. BA, of Clif- ford; been fuvited ta accept the { has Methodist pastorate at Walkerton. WiLL Hanes. cheesemaker, of "Rothsay, was in town DSatanday. went to Brussels on the aight train. Look out fer colds at this season. Keep yourself well and strong by tak ing Heod's Sarsaparilla, the great tonic and blood purifier. Z In Nort PaKora--Alf. Richard. gon, formerly of Uaus place, is enjoying the winter hunting and trapping game along. the Missouri River, North Dakota, and is meeting with more oF less good luck, New Uearse--The Atwood Furniture Co. have purchased a hearse trom .a pany in Seaforth, and ~will henceforth be better prepared than ever to attend to fiwerals on,short uotice, andin 4 most sat isfactory man ner WE leara that Gomet Green hag pur chased Whe residence of RG. Wilson. Mill streat, Brussels, which looks as if Gomér intends to. make Brussels his permanent abode. R G. wilh it all probability erect # handsome = brick residence it the carpet town nex' sum (Northamberland Co ) factory for next season at a good salary. : gonsiderable experieuce at the business and has earned the reputation of mak ing a good ardcle. His Elma friends will be glad to hear of his success dowt east. For the information of opr Broad- view (AS%a) Suuseriber, we can have the Thrice-a-week New York World mailed to him ope year for 75 cents We are surry that we have neo sample copy te mail hi that he might jadsge of the merits of the paper, bul he can be assured thatitis big value for the money. Cuartes Hoep, who left Atwood jas: suinmer for the Northwest, has secured the position of assistant Cee? iL. agent at Broadview, Assa, with the prospect of something better in the near future. 'Sharlie has a level pead gn his shoulders, is a good scholar and penmetn, aud is quite capable of filling a responsible position. Success, THERE are sixty-two editors in pris en in Geromny for daring to venture opinions' different From those that or in the cranium of Emperot William An editor may write a thous and columns that pleases and thes never open their lips to praise, but let one little word slip in which, displeases and they are on his neck in an instant. Tue gross revenue of the Postal De partment of the Dominion was $3 81d, 453.71; the namber of postoffices in Canada, 8,832) number of miles of sostal route, 60.329; number of. letters sent, 107,563,000; yumber of miles of railway ever which mails are carried, 13453: Savings Bank deposits, S7 4it- (28; money orders issued 313,187,321, 6. Mr. anp Mrs. HT. Hoar were called to the bedside of Mrs. [loar's grand rather, Wm. Edwards, of Mitchell, whe en Surday afternoun, 2nd tnst., was stricken down with a paralytic stroke, which hits effected one side and anarm The gentleman is nearly 88 years of age, and was able, up to last week, to assist is his son's office, He is an old and respected -tesident of Mitehell, and his friends bepe that the attack mity nut terminate seriously. De. Bryce. Health Onicer for On- tario, in his anuitat-report to the Pro thas the vVineial Goverment, shows Geaths in Oatario alone from -- the «ffects of fa grippe for the years 18J2 a8 Ub reached the aggregate of 2123 and in addition to this mortality, there | are bevend Goubt thousands who fram the same cause are deft with shattered health aod ruined constitutions, La yrippe is a disease of the nerve centres, with a speciaily marked effect upon theheart. Prorerty Ciance.--Jas, W. Fergu eon bag discesed ef bis residence shue shop to the Rev. A flenderson, . Ag for of ST. Mr Ferguson advertises a geniine clearing out sale,in THe Ber, which every read er should take advantage of. = Mr flenderson bought the property as an investment, and we understand.Mr Ferguson will continne to orcnpy the place as long as he wi -hes. cheap p oper y,as it cost Im in tae ze neighborivud of 33}, we vbylic¥e. Dunite a dail season like the begin=| ning of the new year, when everybody | ig making resolutions to ct down ex- | penses and live cheaper, is the very time the wise merchant does the most advertising. A when the town is full of people with mlenty of money and is auxions to spend it, Sut the shrewd and successini merchant is the one who advertises in offers his goods at 'fry this pln once, aud in the future you may continue it The B-unssils Heriud thns refers to «former ciizen of Atwood: On Thars day evening at St. John's church school room t-o§ place one of those events which is always a pleasure to record. 'The occasion was the presentation of an address accompanied by a handsom- iy noholstered easy chair and seme pbeanital chinaware to Mr. and Mrs James Irwin. who are contemplating jeaving our silage. ~The presentation was made of behalf of the teachers and scholarsiof St. John's Sunday schnol of which the former has for some cime been the superintendent. Phe addcess was read by Wm. James. "Sir Charles Tupper. 3.797;° George H web) Itis a! Anybody cai sell goods | TrarrFic is badly blocked 'tm eon, sequence of Monday night's storm. To insure a good crop of business, plant your spring advertisement now. Mrs. Geo. M. Desus, who has _ been visiting her danghter, Mrs. E. Katlb- ficisch, left for Brantford last week. Tne heavy storm of Monday nightso blocked the road at the morning train Tuesday was unable to get through. 'The ficst train form Kinear dine way passed through at 1.30 p.m. Tue official returns of the bye elec- tion in Cape Breton connty have been issued. The vote as follows :. Murray, 8.017; majority for Sir Charles Tupper, 780. Dry Goops at Cost.--In another column of uns paper will 'e found # creat advertisement, It advertises an entire stock of dry goods at absolutely cost price. This stock embraces some of thy newest goods in the market, just opened out, including one of the nicest line of prints (1896 patterns) you ever set vonr eyes upon, The stock refer to is E. Kalbfleisch's, Atwooa, and. he invites vou to call now, while the as- surtment is large and select. To AND Fron Rome-The members of the Epworth League have made ar rangements with Rev. W. HH. Harvey, B. A, of Clifford, to deliver his lecture, "fo and Fro in the Eternal City," in the Methodist church, Atwood, on Monday evening, 24th Feb... commenc- ing at 730. sharp. The charch will be open from 630 o'clock. so that the friends driving from a distance can get warm and secure seats before the lecture commences. A small admis sion fee of Lde. will be charged, or 25c. aecouple. Mr. Harvey is a native of this community, and we naturally feel rond of his achievements both in the pulpit and upon the platform, and those whochear his lecture will not come away disappointed = Mr. Harvey will also. preach on Sunday, 23 inst., morning and evening, in the Methodist @uirch. Tun New Co. Treascrer.--The vacmney in the list of Perth county ol cits caused by the death of Andrew Monteith, late conuty treasurer, was fi led on Tuesday of last week by the temporary appointment of George Leversage, reeve of Fullarton, to the position. The bonds to be given by the treasurer amourt to 380,000, bat as Mr Leversage's present terin is only for a few months he Its been called on to gve security only to the amount 0} $24,000 'Twenty-one years age when lion. Thos, Ballantyne first ran for the Ontario Legislature, Mr. | Leversage was his opponent and again in 1836 the reeve of Fu larton opposed Mr. Ballan 'yue. On both occasions Mr. Lever sage was defeated. The permanent twenty veats, a "The salary of the treas urer is $80) a-year with incidental fees that make the total remuneration near i Quu : Nrewsparpernpom.--J. T. Lacy died suddenly on Sunday morning, at_the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Fior enve Waters, Guelph. Apoplexy caus ed his death. Mr Lacy was an old iewspaper-man, having been connected with that business for mere than fifty vears. He was born in' Bromsgrove, Eng. in 1826 About twenty five years two he caine te America and settled for atimein Chiearo. Tle then went to foronte, where he entered the employ of Messrs. Hunter and Rose. After re inatining there fora short time he went! to Drayten, and vommenced the publi cation of a weekly paper. On severing his connection with that place some jtime after he went to Palmerston and i started the puolication of the Palmers ten Telegraph, and remained its prop | netor andediter fora period of eighteen years *Ln 1893 he was compelled te retire from active business. In politics Mr. Lacy was a stanuch Conservative, 'and inrehgion a devoted member of | the English Charech,.--The publisher_of lihe Ingersoll San offers "a hberal re ward to any subseriber, not having paid bap in advance, who lays before him a | practicable and honerable scheme for | comlinning the publication of his paper wihout recening- the -- subseription price, onedollaragear, We have not Toren able to" solve "the" problem, but trim the slowness ofsomeof our sub seribers we are inelined to believe they APPRENTICE WANTED.---A smart boy of 14 of 15 years wanted to learn the printing trade. A good chance giv- en to a steady boy. Apply at this office. Last Friday afternoon and evening Rev. 'A. Henderson, M. A., preached preparatory sermous-- in connection with Knox church, Harriston, for Rev. Mr. Cameron. HEAps of departments on the Grand Trunk must do their travelling like ordinary pussengers hereafter, ir. Hays says that the practice involves needless expense, aud he has ordered the special cars inte the shops to be inude over jute passenger coaches. Ir any advertiger in this paper does not do exactly as The advertises please report the fact to Tne Bee, and the advertiser will ex Nothing hurts the reputation of a 'newspaper's adyertising columns more than for people tv use tiem to deceive the public, VOSTAL STATJsTIcs.--From the re port of the Postinaster-General for the year ending June 3uth, 1839, we glean the following returns, giving the gross revenue of all the poustoftices in) Perth county and tlenfryn and Me lesworth in tluron county, together with the salaries paid Lu the pustmasters, which includes fecward al.owances, fuel aud reut: Total Revenue. P.M's salary. Atwood ........3 us U0 3u2 00 Andersou ....... 7a vv 40 UU Avonbank ...... 73 14 3u U0 Avouton......-- 162 1d $6 OU Brunner ........ 52 89 24 vw Bornholm...... 276 2 125 v0 rodhagep ..... 72 74 36 UU BNTNS os oe oe 62 23 $2 UU Britton ........ I3u 4 45 Carlingford ..... 102 00 i 48 w Conroy . 2.52.60 EL 12 Carthage ......- 1U6 06 50 00 Carmunnock .... 82 00 14 UU Cromarty ....... 264 32 96 00 Devon ......-..- 27 23 2 0 Dorking....... z 6Y tH 32 v0 Donegal ........ Its 50 44 0U Dublin .........- Ssu oY 3uz V0 Elmville ........ d7 53 52 UU Fairview........ Bi UU wv uo Freeborn .......- 87 YS 40 Farquhar ...... 64 7d 40 OU Fallarton . 2... 248 7 96 90 llarrington ..... 195 7 96 OU tlenfryn ......-. Zi 7 24 VO ilesson ........ Tu 30 gu UU Kirkton .......- 399 6U 152 vv Euinis¥ oss 1 97 16 00 Listowel ........ 4237 82 14355 Ub) Lukeside ....... 271 97 U0 Mitchell......... 3658 58 1280) OU Metropolitan... 3u OU 16 U0 Motherwell... .. 161 35 68 U0 Mattrer ccc sc sees 49 81 32 Ov Morningdale Mills = 71 00 36 UU Musselburg..... 110°47 34 OU Milverton 2.2... Y24 St 410 Ou Moukton........ 249 17 tp timed) Molesworth... . 243 80 Bt Ou Milibank........ 3a5 78 16u 00 NEWLY: vnsecnseee 243 00 100) 00 Newton ,.....-.: Sih) OU 194 00 Prospect [Hill.... $1 00 24 0) PuNe .. so s00cees 12 26 5u OU tusseldale ...... 116 Ww 44 00 Rodgerviile ..... 35°) 28 UO Reasteck 88°05 35 00 Se, Pws,... ss. 58 50 40 U0 Seience Hill..... 55 00 24 00 st. Marys ....-- 53hs 10 1786 00 Stratford... ..-- 12435 Bt 8166 UU sebringville 5S7 61 250 00 Shorkespeare. .... 622 43 276 00 Silshurg.....-..- Ho 00 20) 00 PTS Sos ce eas 18l 52 54 00 Trowbridge ..... 186 50 75 UO Topping ........ 60 00 20 00 Wartburg. .....- 5 64 18 Winchelsea .. 22. 105 93 24 00 Woodham, ...... 322 3Y 100 OV Paid for mail transpertarion--D. Gor don, to.and from At\ood station for the year ending Juné~Su, 1895, shu; A. Morrison, Atwood and Mitchell, 3412 30; Wm. Hemphill, Donegal and At wood station, 3135; A. Campbell, C munnock and Monkton, 360; G- hardt, Bornhoim and Brogahagen, $98; M A. Alexander, Britton and railway station, 360; W. Peters, Brunner and railway station, $44 45; G. Lontz, Dork- ing and Newton, $295; W. Spence, Eth el and railway station, 3200; 4. 1 Thomson, Hebfryn and railway station, 310; 8. Lougheed, Listowel and Moles worth, $297.48; J. shank, Listowel aud milway statiou, $210: P. Zoever, New- ton and railway station, $45; W. H. Dorland. Miiverton «n Lrailway station, $199 28: R.J. Porteous, Carlingford and st. Pauls station" 3319; RK. Gardiner, Dublin and Farquhar, $198; M. Wal- itenk we have discovered the secret of ronywing «paper for their benefit at the} expénse of others.""-- We are in recetpt| Lota copy of the first number of the [Wallaceburg News.a 48 column weekty started by our old friend, W. Colwell, Lformeriy editor of the Mitchell Adver- | tser (now de unet), and latterly of the} Pais Review. The News starts out in 4 brand new suit, and the liberal pat- | lronage of the community, We hope} isnch promising hopes will not be suffer- edto 'languish and die for want of! proper sustenance. May your shadow neser grow 'ess, Bro Colwell, nor the | le ozen young Colwells want for porridge | 'and miik.--G. F Robbins, formerly editor of the St. Marys Journal, is ne+- gotiating forthe purchase of the Mit | chell Reeorder. The retiring editor, | ' ace, has not, made public his | culties a few years ago it was bought} lin by a conpmittee of Liberals of the | jtewn and Mr. Race continued to con ' iductit. Lately it was not conducted | 'asa Liberal paper. Our. readers will | | remember that the editor opposed Hon. | Thos. Ballantyne's candidature at. the} 'jast provincial eleetion and was for | isome time in the féld against him as jan independent Liberal. Before the lelection came on, however, Mr. Race i withdrew from thefield and supported, i personally and throngh his paper, the | Patron candidate, John McNeill. Siuce | that time the Recorder has been looked |mpon asa patron organ. The Recorder i has been in existence since igi? when lit was started by Mr. Race. i Tailway station, $340; | ford aud street letter boxes, $441.24; H. lace, Dublin and railway station, $32 wo; 8. Spicer, Exeter and St. Marys,8738 67: W. Bell, Fairview and Stratford, $155; J. Pollen, Farquhar and Lumiry, 363; H Frebern, Fresborn and Peffers eross- ing. 32997; A Schade. Gowanstown and hurtzville, 100.13; TH Mackle, Gowanus town and rathway station and Wallace, $158: 3. W. Dannan, Granton and Met- repolitan and Prospect Hill, $125; J. Kenny, Kennyville and Mitehell road, $54.59; J. Sinclair, Lebanon ard Moore- tield, st00; W. W. Hicks, Mitchell and railway station, S49.76;--W. Taylor, Mitchell and Russeldale, $250; W. Burgman, Musselourg, and Poole, 350;. A. Thorn, St. Paul's station, 36240; J. R. Paton, Sebringville and railway sta- tion, $90; W. T, Cook, Stratford and T. Stoney, Strat Topping and railway station, CRADISE. MANNING.--In Listowel on Feb. 5th, the wife of William Manning of @ daughter. Mortson---At Listowel, on Feb. 2nd, the wife of Rew. J. A. Morison, B. A., of Terontaiat a daughter. ALTAR. Manquis--EnoLer.--At the residence of the bride's parents, on Feb. 6th, by the Rey. WJ. Waddell, John Wesley Marq nis, « of Goderich town ship, te Martha Ciara Engler, of Grey towaship. DRY GOODS AT COST. DRY GOODS AT COST. DRY GOODS AT COST. DRY GOODS AT COST. i, We can Sell you Boots & Shoes DRY GOODS AT COST. Where? KALBELEISCH'S Store! New 1896 Line of Prints, just Opened Out. Have You Seen our Clothing ? Have You Priced our Clothing ? -- See Us. at Bankrupt Stock Prices. ! f S L. Impressive ! It is when a manor woman needs something that an Advertisement of that thing inanewspaper im- presses Him or Her. You Need An' Instrument. See Our Beautifnl Pianos Ghd Organs. se We can Please You, | Without a Doubt. Listowel, Ont.. D. & W. LAMONT, ~ +