Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 14 Feb 1896, p. 2

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THROUGHOUT "HE WOBLD. The Cream of the News of Seven Days ss 'GaNnaDAss London. bachelors' jall wus a suc- | Mr. F. W. Mathewson has been elected President of the Winnipeg Board of Trade. : A e@onvention .of the Liberals South Ontario wi b> hell at Whitby on Feb. 22nd. Mr. Samuel Pew, 88 years of age, of Stamford, died as a result of be- kicked by one of his horses. The old-drill shed at Kingston, the property of Queen's University, col- lapsed from. the weight of snow 0 the roof. At the Winnipeg Board of Trade uet Hon. Mr. Greenway spoke strongly on the freight charged. on Northwest produce. Hon. Wilfrid Laurier has accepted an invitation to be present and ad- dress the St. Jean Baptiste Society of Detroit on June 24th. The annual Chief of Police show that the detec- tive department in 1895 recovered stolen property to the value of $2,- 'Michael Devine, an old-bachelor living at Streetsvaic, committed guicide by jumping into a well. De- ceased been out of his mind jor some time. The Reformers of North Norfolk met in convention at Simcoe and endorsed the position of their representative, Mr. Chariton, M. P., on public ques- se | dmpecria A despatch trom Ottawa 81 it is practically' settle! that oi. AL w Adjutant-Géneral. tol. Otter, of Torunto, is to be made a full colonet. The East. Elgin Liberals held their ting at Ayimer. Mr. A: Darra elected President for Dominion purposes, and Dr. Wilson addressed the meeting: The new hall of the Independent Order of Odfellows at Brantford was dedicated by Grand Master Thomas Woodyatt and other Grand officers with imposing ceremony. The complet: returns of the bye-elec- tion. in .Northumberand, N. B&B. on Thursday. g.ve Me. Robinson, the Con- servative Candidat>, a majority of 449 over Mr. Peter Mitchell. Liberal. +The Court of Appeal at has confirmed the Superior Court judgment in the case of Anger against Pacaud, giving damages. The Court of Review reduced the verdict to $2,000, The Bankers' Section cf the Montreal had Board of Trade is about to issue a eir- | cular to the several Boards of Trade and leading banks of rhe Dominion, With the object of securing, if possi- ble, injormation reguruing the amount of United States silver, as well as of silver certificates, in Canada. Drs. Lucy and Fell held a post- mortem on the body of the late Sarah MeLellan at Hollen, near Drayton, on Monday. Aiter the post-mortem an inquest was heid- before Dr. Forester, coroner. The jury returned a verdict of death from natural causes, it be- ing found that death was due to per- foration of the stomach. A despatch from Niagara Falls, N. ¥.,. says that. the Massey-Harris Company will remove from Toronto to Niagara Fails. This is not cor- rect, but the story has foundation in the fact that the Massey-Harris Com-~ ; branch, from which they can supply the United States markt. On Monday evening, while loading longs in Long's camp for the Howry & Sons' Lumber Company, Osear Win- ters, of Saginaw, Mich, received a compound fracture of the left leg, both bones being broken. The accident happened about thirty miles from Hal- iburton, to which place he was m- veyed during the night, in order that he might take the 6 a.m. train to the Fenelon Falls Hospital Some days ago Charles Simmons, Mr. J. Corbett, hardware po variety and drew out. and' placed bet his lips the tack that held the lid closed. A moment later a customer made jocular remark, at which the clerk medical adviser, and yesterd ous condition. All k unsuc- perform that object in view. the is strong enough to stand i UNITED STATES... At Rdchester Rev. John M. Mtz with patient t. The British steamer Lamington, on miles east of Fire Island, N. ¥ crew were ianded in the breeches Francis Sebiatter, the healer, has of ys that | Quebec | the plaintiff 35,000 | ; a) ay was | trator. efforts | not been heard of for the last two seen by Sypris not underta ross in the It is possible that he has perished in } the snow. : The Missouri Supreme Court has Thomas Pushong white), *ollard and Frank Harris be ha on March $1 ture of Pushong's case once sentenced to the 20 years for the same ined a reversal of and | is that he was | penitentiary for i murder, and obta udgment by the Supreme Court ia new trial. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Ceci! Rhodes, ex-Premier of Cape Colony, had an interviex with Mr. Chamberlaig in London. ' Gen. Sir Charles Patton-Keyes, G. C. B., is dead. He had been in military service in India for many years. Mr. Chamberlain has invited Pre- sident Kruger to visit England for the purpose of discussing reforms in the, Transvaal. Seidlitz powders must not be made j too strong in Engiand. A druggist has just beea fined for over-dosing the peo- ple of Brentford. Referring to the resolution of loy- ality passed by the Dominion House of Commons, London Daily News calls it a model messace- The London Graphic says if the French mean business in their dispute with Brazil, the American jingoes will have another chance for a war scare. The British trade returns for Jan- uary show an increase of £1,780,000 in imports, and of £2,900,000 in ex- Hi written to the Frankfurter Zeitung is in re- yenting the occupation. of Veneruelan territory t a tax Pied- and the soldiers were ordered to fire upon the mob, which they did, killing five and wounding thirty. ; MANY FIRMS IN TROUBLE. The Pressure of Hard Times Widely _ Felt Just Now. ---- | NUMEROUS FAILURES REPORTED. Toronto report says: Monday was "settling-un" day with the dry goods trade throtghout the country, and in view of the genera! depression and the unusually large number of failures that have been ccecurring was lovked forward to with nota little anxiety both on the part of the banks and the wholesale trade generally. There was a very ia mount of paper coming due, a portion of which Was paper that had been renewed for a month on Jan. 4th. The list of fail- ures recently has been almost unpre- cedentedly great, and the trade was in a state of considerable uncer- rts, as compared with those pro- with ! third-class cruisers do destroyers. There is trouble on the lal Mali Gazette. Mr. Henry J. C. Cust, ccie or, amt Mr. Muller, assistant editor, having declined to resign their posi- tions, Mr. Astor summarily dismissed them, wherenyos the whole editoriat stafi resigned. | Much interest has been aroused in | London military cireles by an edi-} toria! in the St. James Gazette, Min- isterial organ. strongly urging that l assistance be given to Can- ada in the shape of a loan to pericct the defenees of the country. Sir John Tenniel's cartoon in Punch i shows the American eagle perched | like a2 cockatoo on a stick labeled | "onrve doctrine." Mr. Balfour, the | First Lord of the Treasury, is making timorous advances with a piece of} sugar, while Mr. Chamberlain fs | boldly scratching the bird's poll. Since the Lords of the Admiralty gave instructions for the construction of the first-class 'battleship Victori- ous, building at Chatham dockyard, to be accelerated, very considerable | progress with the work has. been | i made, the number of hands employed | i upon the vessel having been greatly | | increased., It is now thought prob- jable the ship will. be ready for her ,steam trials as early as July next, { GENERAL. | Pari of Dahomey isto be colonized | with Atsatians and Lorrainers who | }have served in the French army. | Ue» XUL and the Duc d'Aumale have | | been mud? honerary members of the iSt. Petersvurg Imperial Academy of | | Science. } A despatch from Constantinople | | says the Turkish officinis cantinue to | im > the relief for the Armenians. The officials want all the money en-; trusted to them. | Sixty Anarchists have been arrest ad \in Lisbon in connection With the re- | | cent bomb-throwing. The Govern- | ment has determined upon strong anti- | |} Anarchist measures. | Delagoa__ Bay... belongs to Portugal. /It has been said that Portugal is | bound .by-a- treaty to-give Britain the first chance to buy land there -when- lever any is for sale. The Government of Saxony has pre- | pared a bill changing the election sys- | item, and virtually disfranchising the | ' working classes, the object being to | exclude Socialists from the Diet. | 4 despatch from Constantinople says the Zeitounlis have informed the .con- | isuis-that they are prepared to sur- |render their weapons of war, retain- | jing the hunting weapons they usually | | carry. i The intention of introducing a navy i bill at the present session of the Ger- | man Reichstag has been abandoned, | j but the idea has not led, and a Dill will be drafted in rewii- |ness for the next session: | A special despateh from Shanghai } says that the Chinese Government | has signed a contract with Colonel | Jeffords, represe: an Anglo | American syndicate, for the construc- | tion of a railroad from Hankow to | Pekin. | The Federal Council of Switzerland | has authorized the President of the | Republic to accept the proposal ten- | dered by the Governments of Great i | | Switzerland shall designate an arbi- A new Russian transport company, under the direction of a Russian ad- miral, will begin trading in the Black forthwith, and will extend its | operations abroad When the. fleet is to.the Russian nayy. An heir has been found for the old miser, Peter, who died in the strect short time ago, and i whose pocket was found a ietter i ere 'have been many firms "pinched," and | that | goods shall be held twice yearly, in- stead of once only, as hitherto. | tuose interested are city people. | capital stock subscrivei was $93,600, 1A | Murdoff & | millinery, | London, have assigned to C. L been relinquish | > of creditors. ta'uty, it being pretty generally ex- pected that several luige crashes would cecur about the 4th. The num- ber of renzwals was very large, al- | though just what preportion to the | total amount of paper due cannot now be estimated, as full returns will not ye received for several days. = it is pointed out by a wholesale mer- l¢hant that it is not in the dry goods alone that the troubies have ,come, | but that the failures have been pretty genera.ly svread over ul lines of basi- ness. Many of the weak firms have now been weeded out, although it is not improbable that in the next ten days a considerable number cf failures will take place. Custom house officials have received instructions irom Ottawa directing in future sales of unclaimed Toronto Land & Loan Com- puny, which has been doing a_ rcal estate business here tor a number of years, has assigned to E.R. C. Clark- son. Mr. Arthur Harvey Was man- ager. Liabiities are 340,000, and The upon Which hau been paid $65,789.585 meé¢ting of the ¢rediters will be called shortly. The Hemming Bros. Company, 76 York street, wholesale dealers in fancy goous have decided to go into yoluntary liquidation. ° The creditors of Messrs. & Co., wholesale manufacturers, Oswald, bout ufternooa in . G. Clarkson. statement presented showed liabilities o1 $28,7QuU. An cffer Of 7Uc. was made. ij The creditors of Mrs. Lizzie Purvis, St. Catharines, are ing this artterf.oon, in the D. Blackley, . Toronto. Allen & Co., dry goods, of Ottawa, have made an offer of 60c. dollar. Liabilities in hood of $25,000. Robertson & Co., retail dry_ goods, Pen ston of the wholesale firm of Caide- sit, Burton & Spence, Toronto. . Alexander Ranney, cigar dealer, Spadina avenue, has assigned to W. A. Campbell. tichards & Nokes, butchers, manville, have assigned. to Horsey. A. MeGewan & Co., general store, Brussels, have offered their cre- ditors 50 cents on the dollar. John Evans, general store, Burford Ww Wiliam Wills & chants, London, are endeavoring to secure a compromise at 60 cents on Bow- - MM. the lar. O'Neil & Co., clothiers, Barrie, have assigned. , W. J. Bartlett, shoes, Brampton, has assigned. Alexander Lawrence, grocer, Matta- wa; Tas assigned to J. M. Deacon L. G. Morgan, shoes, Ottawa, has | assigned to P. Larmouth. | | _meet-/ thority--The argument of the office of | turion seems to run thus. If I, who on the | the neighbor-| say it i j | | | | SUNDAY SCHOOL. 'INTERNATIONAL LESSON--NO. VII. FEB. 16, 1896. The Great Helper--Lake vii : 2-16, . Superintendent--What is the Golden Text? School--They glorified. God, saying. That a great prophet is risen up amongst us.--Luke vii. 16. Supt.--Wuat is the central truth ? School--Where Jesus comes He brings abundant biessing. : Supt.--What is the topic? School--A sufficient Saviour. ession. Lil. A b bestowed. IV. Death overcome. V. God glorified. Time--A. D. 27. Place--Capernaum, Nain ; Persons--Jesus, elders of the Jews. Centurion, and his servant and friends. The widow of Nain and her son. The multitade. Commen Centurion--A Ro- ev.dently on tine had detached him from the pagan- ism of his Roman education. Was dear unto him--This places sume honor upon the centurion, for commonly ser- vants_or slaves were hardly treated as persons, but rather as tools, receiv- Was sick die--Sick of the palsy (Matt. v.il. 6). The disease had almost accomplished its awful work upon the servant, so that he was confined to his bed (Matt. viii. 6) and helpless. 3. The elders of the Jews--These were either magistrates in the place, or the eiders of the synagogue.-- Ciarke. 4. He was worthy--A precious testi- mony, showing in the strongest man- ner his excellent character. Whether the Jews really joined in the expecta- tions of the centurion that Jesus would do such a gracious deed for a Gentile, they could Well say that if any Gentile was worthy, then surely this man Was. They went farther in this sense than did the centurion him- seli (Matthew viii. 8), saying he was worthy. 5. He loveth our nation-- Having found that " salvation was of ead phe He ioved them for it.--J. He hath built us a synagogue--By this he testified hig veneration f{ the srael, his belief of rius (Ezra vi. ), to have an inter- est in the prayers of God's: Israel.-- Com. Com. This centurion was, in all probabiity a proselyte of the gate, like Cornelius (Acts x.) and many others besides.-- ¥ 6 esus went m-- not because the man had built them a synagogue, but becdus he manifested such heroic faith. He would honor. the humble man by vsiting him. The centurion sent proof of his humility and faith. He thus express sense his un- worthiness, and yet his confidence in Christ. He vas careful to show Him due honor. I am not worthy--His clear sense ef the sreatness of Jesus, and his knowledge of his own rela- tion, made him deeply humble, so much so that he asked Jesus not to go out of His usual way to help him. 7. But say in a word--He was. fully convinced of Jesus' greatness and power. 8. I also am a man set under au- cen- re. am a person subject to the control of others, yet have some s0 contr pletely subject to myself. that Ican : one, come and he cometi. to another ge, and he goeth, and to a servant Jo this, and he doeih it: how. much more, then, canst Thou accomplish whatsoever Thou willest, being under no control, and having all things unler Thy control, and having all things under Thy com- mand. 9. Said unte---the_people-that--to- low Him.--Those of tle Jews who were His distiples and others who followed te hear His teachings and see His miratiles. I have not found so great faith, etc.--This Roman, a Gentile, had thown greater faith and confidence in the power and au- thority of Jesus than any of the Jews. had, though they considered themselves superior to the Gentiles. He had honortd Christ by his faith, and Christ hanored him before the | word from Broderick & Son, men's furnishings, St. Thomas, have called a meeting McGowan. &. Co., generai-store- Rk. G. Dun & Co., report the follow- B. Mailloux, Anderdon; P. cigar manufacturer, an . S&S. Campbell, Waubaushene, assigned Clark alkerton, hotel-keeper, to J. Ame NOTES. Exports at New York to-day: Flour 6,037 barrels and 27,142 sacks ; wheat 124,076 bushels. . At Toledo clover seed closed at $4.35 'cash and Feb., and at $4.37 1-2 for Marc. Failures this week have been 404 in the United States, against 354 last year, and 70 in Canada, against 54 last year. ' Bank clearings at Toronto for Jan- $33,095,563, as com- 265,606 in 941 in Jan., 1893 Bank clearings week $9,305,141, $10,620,344 the at Montreal this as compared th ding week of last postmarked Boston. It appears that he abandoned his wife and son fifty years ago when the latter was only a few days old. It has been discover-| ed that the son isa pilot_at Havre, and he inherits the money. year. e estate of Miller & Bourcher, vate bankers, Satton, shows cash assets of $82, and Habilities of Lana Two inspectars have been a t . E. O. Callaghan, general store, Corn- wall, compromised at 80 cents on the dollar. London Standard repo Venezuelan Consul at Stuttgart has Hiugh Miller, hotel, Mitchell, has as- signed to J. W. Cuil. + 11. The next day-- servant was h | dictionary. ng additional failures in Ontario: J.| many disciples ~ and consecrated. and aining and strengthening s that now to be a R. Truax, | the yery beginning of th life as desirable as beneficial.-- Lang Much people--Some of which doubtiess had heard the Sermon on the Mount, and who should filtiis own precept, "Be ete. 12. Dead man carried out--The Jews always buried their dead with- out the city, except those of the fam- ily of David--only son . - - she a widow--A dee? affliction to be robbed of every earthly, support. Much peo- ty--These added to the enme with Jesus would e very public. 13. pathy and ye merciful," ion Weep npt--There further cause of grief. b he Jews, a m of a person; in a little coffin whi in their arms; one twelve was carried in a coffin on the shoulder; would 'pitur: spoten his mote earthly sup follow 2 c friends to Him--giving further | who seek God's blessing. praise God for all He those around us. PRACTICAL SURVEY. Prayer and faith are most inti- ma mnec ess pra. faith looked for its grant. The need was mt. Faith in the Physician was in exercise. Humility in approach- ing the Healer had been an inspira- tion to faith. The evidence of faith which the Jews mentioned to Jesus, in their tercession for the centurion, were such as buman eyes count worthy. In- deed, they must be seen where & neart is loyal to the true God. Ther esteemed no lore greater for Israel than the eare jor its highest § inter- eets. a proof of the centir- ion's love they cited to a practical demonstration of his love and care for Israel, in the building of a house for divine worship. he judgment of Jesus upon the centurion was fixed upon his | faith. More than by his generosity in build- ing a exnagogue for the Jews, and by his evident love for Isracl. was this centurion prized by Jesus. Though he was uncircumcised and a - Gentile he had the faith, which made tim in enirit a ren! discinie of Jesus. His true faith was followed by-decp hu militv. He counted himself unwor- thy, but Jesus declared that his faith was superior to that of anv Jew. ist t sions. With the funeral procession was % yareof of the "God. special Providence of In that seene it was seen how Tesus comforted the sorrowing. - * spoke wsoluntarily the bereaved? mother. All the mourning friends be- come witnesses of His miracles. The bier beenme the nince of resurrection. A mourning mother was changed into a happv thankfo!l mother. and the rondside became a sanctuary for the glory of God. This was the best fruit of 'ali the miracles which Jesus swvrought--the glory of God. SUSPECTED STEAMER WRECKED. Supposed to be Taking Men and 'Avena tien to Cuba. Vineyard Haven despatch says: Twenty-five men trom the steamer J. W. Hawkins, supposed to have been bound for Cuba, with men and arms for the insurgents, buve been landed here by the schooner State. The Haw- kins was wrecked off Long Island Sunday night. The men were all reticent about the affair, and woul# give very little in- circ t by passing he bound from Norfolk to Boston, w coal, getting 25 of them. It is thought saved. The J. W. °125 tons net. She was built at. Maine, in 1880, and hailed from Onaa- cock, Virginia. The steamer had been engaged in the fishing business, but had been iyiag idie in Baltimore har- for some months. Two weeks Tinsley appeared in Baiti- re the ngiy want- ed to get the vessel away as 500 &5 possible. A great deal of money was owed by the steamer to Baltimore parties. An old account of the crew and other expenses were promptly paid, and an open account of a ship- yard was also settled. Two firms threatened libel suits for money due them, and- their -bilis- were promptiy adjusted. The sellers asked no qués- tions, and the buyers did not yolun- teer any information as to the future This is the vessel see Jesus ful- | at Paim Beach, and convey them to Cuba. Thirteen more men from the steamer Hawkins have been brought in. The Hawkins had' ' cannon and ammunition on THE U. S PRESS. We have here no censors press, hat ubiquitous, omnivorous, salacious, mendacious, venal, 5 dispensa ciints in ali covt | makes and unmakes i photographs the face of societv ant ries befor D.C. . Sarah Burk, relict of the Jate John Simpson, Senator, died at- anvilie, i ~

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