Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 14 Feb 1896, p. 1

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: Trunks &Valises ALWAYS ON HAND. | Repairing neatly and promptly , done. : .« , Everything at Moderate Prices. : ; Btouglas' Shoe Store. FONE - =e, oe Best Quality and Latest Style at Boots & Shoes "or THE-- Doaglas' Shoe Store. . ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 1896, NO. 4. s1sse= | New Year's Greeting .The year of 1895 is past and has been a so-called! hard year for. farmer and | wedding on the 16th con.,east of the busigess ae W hat thé| The Brussels Herald has been award- year 31836 will be no one can |ed the contract for the township of ves Woh: = Jie | Grey printing fer 1896. - It. \ hat We sould ie A select party fram Cranbrook spent to Say to you Is t is, that il) Tuesday evening oof last week at the would be a wise act for You 'home of Wm. Brown, 2nd con. of Grey. ts buy Or OUr Cash or pro-! Next spring Eduard Sperain, 12th ae intends raising and improving his duce methods for 1896. 'barn and will put stone Stabling under f ie + - 7 + it, Phis, our new method of | Elias Dicksen and James Davidson, doing busizess, is but four} i2thcon, are away on a holiday visit months old.\ so to say only {with fliends at Stratford aud other bs f . ay Sein m j places in its infamcy. and it has: A number of the farmers round here met with great success. [t} have sold sqrare timber in ash and elm m Ethet. > e are tryi t! Thos. Davidson was sammoned to people who are trying to get! 2 aoe ; > Searboro' last week to attend the fan along without having heavy ial ot his kant Wie Bele teen store accounts. 'We believe | iady was over 2 years of age. We are. tke only people in} A most enjoyable timé was spent on . 2. | Friday eveniig. Jan31, when, per in the COHRTY doiag DUSIBESS | vitation, scine GO genesis assembled at geutieman. 14th chapter of Proverbs. There was a large congregation present, VisiTors.--Miss Frazer of Stratford, has been visiting lier father, here, for the past few weeks --Miss Eliza Gimb- lett, of Mt. Forest, spent fast week with Mrs. Annett, her sister, and her brother John.--Miss Annie Coghlin, of Atwood, was the guest of her annt and grandfather, Miss aud Mr. Campbell, last week.--Hiram Crowell and son, of Harriston, are spending a few days at the former's mother, Mrs. T. Shannon. MARRIED---Miss Martha Engler, daughter of John Engler. 10th con. of Grey. was united in eteraattpTee epee s i to a lumber dealer who is shipping | day forenoon, 6th inst teal olmesvilte ts highly appreciated by i fro eer! The bridesmaid was Miss i (. Engier, and the best man was Carl Engler, sister and brother of the bride young conple left on the noon train at Hentryn, foran exterded wedding trip east. The happy twain carry with them the best wishes of their friends for their future prosperity. the town considerably less than 3890 a year, and was as efficiently run as at any time inits history. Its items of income are the Government grant $514; grant from the county $800: fees from the pupils $529; and the town asses ment of 3850), of which sum only $650 was drawn last year. : Monkton, REVIVAL SERVIcEs----The Specia) Meetings in the Methodist charch con- tinne, and the interest is increasing. On Sanday night the church was pack- in every pew, and a Jarge number of yonng people presented themselves 48 seekers fur the first time The pas- ter, Rev. A McKibbin, discoursed on Sunday nigkton Luke 926. and the service thronghout was felt by all to be deeply impressive. It is evident that the Epworth Leagne and Sunday school have been doing a2 good prepar atory work, the resnits_ so far being chiefly among the young people. - strictly on these principles. tig beautiful remdence of A. McNair It might cause yeu a hittle anconvenience at times, but just Use the Great Re- medy. of seli-denial and you have evereome the difficulty. Tkere are a great many good reasons why you have were most pleasantly interspersed with masic At midnight coffe and a tempting lunch appeared tedissappear and jol- lity was renewed with fresh zest. But like all good things this evening had to |. come toan end, and 20 Shortly after o'clock Jehosoplat tound on his moccasins and betobk* himself to his : ° ; Wishing Mr and Mrs. MeNuair many! Rey witn us. We krow it and long years of happiness and prusperily so do all business men, tht |iu their vew home. p hy paying cash we can get} ¢loser margins and large! Fourth, discounts on your purchas- | day. 26th. 5 ce. Then we tilow by setl-| cv anneal Gnome mae ing our goods for cash or! Brussels on July 12th, 1896. produce only we can sel] On; Owing to the onwerkable condition small profits. We don't | the axx ail) have te counten bad debts, | the present. loss of interest, disputed ac- |. Ata meeting of the Brassels Youn g in } Men's Conservative Clut' the other counts, goods going out-and [cvening. i summer. Hrassehk. Division Cowt on Wednes 8th con. bas beet shut down for) week: Mr. F i James Fenton jof the flax, on account of dampness,| farm in Wellesley Ed aaa. Advertise in Tue Ber. : Miss Laura Rothwell is yisiting her uncle at Teviotdale. Two valuable farms are advertised for sale in this week's Bre, A little bird whispers that a wedding is on the tapis on the 6thv con. Thos. Inglis and Charles Vallance are visiting friends in Galt and Vicinity. 2 big ad vantage in dealing imetber in law and elsestere not alone, 'igri, irons geik alp ie aie Robert Hardie is a tims for to build a n ; M Chester Adams and family, of Logan, Phecinet vur genial host of the Eden Spent Sunday with his parents, ou the! Mr. Tindall, 14th:con., is dangerously"! girl. ill, and under the doctor's care. hope to hear of his speedy recovery. moved down to his on Tuesday of last entou will be much missed | iin this vicinity. The infant child of Mr, and Mrs. John Himan. 16th con., was buried last it was decided to reorganize | Saturday in the Elma Centre not charged extra expense | #5 4 Conservative association for that | The parents are sympathised Piet ig : ee ~~ | town: in book-keeping, ete., ete. | We are sorry to hear of the illness of making prepara |,; ew bank barn next ! Eden Grove. We have a new tinshop here, Cattle feed is searce here, but never theless they look well. This winter is a perfect beauty com- pared with jast winter. is fine and the sleighiug elegant. Our village* biacksmith has rented hisshopand moved to Qwen Sound, His successor is doing a rushing busi ness. ; The mill yard is almost fnil of saw ogs, and the station yard full of square {un this cleared country the ; Wonder is where they come from. Kake, daughter of Richard | timber. {Grove hotel, addedto our poy 1a £ Both mother and danghter are Welrell. Pa and ma kindly accept our congratulations, : on Thursday, 6th inst., Donegal. Mrs.J. T. Anderson is away on a two weeks' visit to friends in Galt and vicinity. é Michael Little. who was dangeronsly "raat | ill with inflammation last week, is now y ; Some better. Atwood, Feb. 12, 1896. Montreal excisemen Hicit still im the Trappist Monastery The weather | &t Oka. ae The United Siates $e firmed the nomination Uni, of Michigan, to be Ambassador to Germany, The insurection against Japaness rale in the island of Formusa isspreag ing. to be iit the field. This cathode ray basiness is liable to be carried tuo far. A. ¥ has photographed a porse jn a2 man's pocket, Showing the number of cvins in it. If. President Kruger, Ceeil Rhodes, Barney Barnato, and loregather in Loudon, the most im portant there, L. 5. Landy,. of Lundy's Lane, js deal, at the age of 77 years. a Justice of the Peace and was the jags Survivor of the family of the late Thos. Lundy, Lundy, after whom the famous batt i . aac ae é iy LOry will be let at the factory on Satur- All these things mean doing lroad, 244 miles sputh of Brasseis, was | Sued to bed with a severe attack~of) la a credit business, especially ain hard times, must take into consideratien and put his profits on heavy enough te cover or he would soon be under water, unless ke had an unlimited capital (which, unforturately we beliers not evéry five out of ifty merchants ~ possess ). We have had a short experi- ence inthe cash~ business and we tell you it isa pleas- ure. Customers, look at the advantages when you pay as you go. - 1st, yeu save 15 to 20 per cent.; 2rd, you are under no compliment, you can buy where yeu like; 3rd, no ac- no. Just use self-denial. You cando it if you try. We would just make a little | suggestion to you. Pay up every business man on Jan.|es amounted te $1923.33, 2nd. If you are t ; the total for' the year being | KR. L. Alexander, Government lmmigra- borrow euough and you are /s257 19. 'ti i independent and start the | For three, years--James Strachan, G. New Year on cash prin- Gres}. for two years-- James Tarnbuil, ciples,-and you won't have!f : to borrow money to pay ac- ¢ounts in 1897. FP. Blair, Thos, Davidson, Alex. Stewart | Carter. There is nothing in the North | If you wouid resist pneumonia, bron : West ordinance to prevent a jady from | Chitis, typhoid fever, and persistent D. ©. Ross, Alex. Strachan,- Walter being admitted to the bar. Jn this re-| coughs and colds. These ilis attack the nnes ; for one yexr---Maleoim Black, | spect we are abead of the country. | weak and run down the system. They | James Speir, Arch. Hisbp, Don.Crerar:| The question of admitting' women to | can tind no foothold where the blood is H . 3. G. Skene: 4 i li , . jand J. W_ Stewart : Misionary associa- adversely to the fairsex. The Herald | with Hooa's Sarsaparilia, the one true H GLEISER tion--Thos. Strachan, Alex. Stewart! congratulates Miss Alexander, and | blood purifs@r. a ] { Brassels), rntili owan. 'Mrs. . Mrs. Tufts, | hopes to congratulate her-still more Hoop's Pi.vs cure liver ills, constipa. « Mrs. Graha - Jd.3e0 Me-| beartiiy when she becomes entitled to; tion, bitionsness, j ice, aick head. i , Milverton. /2 o si wear the gown. -- ¢ a os . fto $23,101 18; ; Yere. evening ot jact week with a large at j tex report of the session short. | fT ™issionary purposes amounted to| Miss Erreila L. Alexander, daughter of ; + | $583 76. : " 5 } 'The Robt. Burts farm, on the gravel | George Hhmiliton. 8th con., who is gon- |, Ph€ milk hauling of the Donegal tac ay 9. . . =f sold recently by A. Cousley, Brussels, | 21PPe. One or two of the children are i ee ing nea ? a) ome pages lto Geo Pollard, of Hibtert township, | likewise laid op. le Pe olptaings coker vi ona j ta - 2 ' ip. | c Om, Neb. are the guests of S. , for the sum of $2.08. Vossession will |. Wm, Long, 8th con, had the mis. land family. Mrs. Grennas isa pat | be given on April ist. | fortune to lose one of his best cows last lor Mrs. Vipond { ; . i : | Mrs Frank Oliver bas purchased the | ¥tek from strangulatien. Geo. Adams; Waiter Johnston has been confined | Rouse and Iet on Qneen street fiem > | also lost one. making the second cow | é Saag iabxick, payin ee eee wei lost by Mr. Adams within three or four he the house with an attack of bron. ;SSion was given as Mr. {labkirk re sadnstins chitis. Reeve Dickson is also under imoved to Teeswater. \.'¢s. Oliver mov | the weather, suffering from a seyere cold. jed into Brussels a short time ago from Many ef his Elma friedds will be! cx rleased to know that the Woctors have i ber farm, 6th cou. Grey. Hardie, who met-with-a-terrible acci- dent last fall by 2 gravel pit caving in upon him, He has so far recovered' Fepriary : Senior Sth class--Nellie} W. H. Pelton, of Wingham, has pur +ehased- the restanmant stock lately the | property of Jas. McAlpine. and is now highest number of marks in their re z z ttenfryn. On Thursday evening of last week a Who will be Valentine ? District Mews. John H. Hodge has leased the 50 sleizhload of Atwoodites drove to the ; =~ ot Mie Winnie G idence of James Hinks, 14th Written for Tar Bre. acre farm of Miss Minnie Campbell for | Tesiden es 8, con... Who will be my Valenti Gre the ensuing year, and spent Poabit ish se + a d of There are plohty of nice cirle, | Miss Hannah Havasu home on a| THA MEETING --The Methodists of pames untih ce nwes or beaten Bey ap dd 2 visit from Detroit. Henfryn purpose holding a tea meet- when they took their departare. weil ee ing towards the end of this month. : Foe ae Who will be tiy Valentine ! | We are pleased to hear that Mrs, Parr Particulars later pleased with the night's recreation. ne aise pam quite too ok ee '. é Re = Pi . A maid ° ie, | Sreatly Improving ti health. Rev. W. J. Waddell, of Ethel. preach- micdcn All toward me are icy cold. Dame Gossip says there is to be alg x very instructive and impressive 5 soaps Se Dut there fs one littie'mald sermon last Sunday evening, from the | The treasnrer's Teport showed that Whose tender years have just reachod words found in the 4th verse of the} the Mitchell High school was costing nine ; And to comfort me, she said, e "Papa, I'm your Valcatins. ---S. RA, Advertise. Only a little ad. Written in catchy style, When trade was very bad. Only a crowded store Asa result the next day. W h reigned before Now business has full Sway ! Only a rapid sale, Yielding a protit large, the merchant's tale Al very trifling charge. NEWS OF THE WEEK. have seized ar: te has con of Edwin P. Ten thousand rebels xre reported ale professor Dr. Jameson part of South Africa will be He was and grandson of Williate ground was named. Ata public meeting held George's Hall, Toronto, Poesday night, resulutions 11; Canadian Historical Exhibition in 1897 Were passed, ineluding one succestine that ber Majesty depute a member 67 the Royal family to attend the exhib... Lion. in Sx, favor of the holding of x The Praetoria Press, the Governmens organ, publishes an article in which 3 denies that the Transvaal desires any _ t : 1 | The following are the names_of_the| EUrupean protectorate fe urges Grea: teen euabled to save the life of Thomas | three puptis i each class securing the | Bctem to guarantee the indenendener ' } hol the couutry, and Suggests that Det - - s, 4 . "+ | spective classes during the---menth~ of } 4804 Bay. a Portuguese possession, ti ji Dossession. The interior--of the istore has teen newly papered. and Mr. } Pelton is adding alarge stock of con- mds . ere fectionery, fruits, oysters, &- We wel | betook themselves to the home of Thos.; Edith MeCourt, Minnie jcome Mrland Mrs Pelton as residents fof Brasseis. According to the report of the Post- that be is now able to sit up in bed. | McFarlane. Junior Sth Last Friday evening a merry sleigh | Buchanan, W. A. Burke, Maggie Me- games, plays. ete. A splendid Junch | Effie Buchanan, Lizzie was served by Mrs. and Miss Dickson | Arthur MeNichol equal. jending June 30, 1895. the gress revenue (¢f Brussels P.O. was $2372.95. 2959 ; money Orders were issived, amounting i the amonyt of money | orders was $6631.27: The revenue Ot the Ethel P.O. was 3545; of the Cran brook, P.O. $390 02: of the Jamestown oO = joyed in social amusements, i : the evening toa cicse by singing "A uid | Scutt, Samuel Barton, Lang Syne." ----___-- Listowel. | - $450. j time was spent.in games, Singing, and |b load of lads and lasses of the 10th cun,| Nichol. Senior 4th class--Nancy Burke, Ine iP class--A, R. | Vaal. - Lord Salisbury's latest Speech is : uniliating admission that the Sultan MeFarlane j iS inaster of the situation. Dickson and spent a pleasant hour in | Junior 4th class--Beatrice MeFarlane, | wornswood and gall yz teed tothe Tran: It must be to. the Britisi: Wilson and | people to remember that the wreteh. Senior 3rd; who now defies them, : al just is after which another hour or sv was en- | Class--Maggie McKenzie. Joseph Burke, | and j master General just issued, for the year 2 bringing | Maud Harton. Junior 3rd class--Emiiy | Brit owed his wer position to them in the first place. ain shed some of her noblest blood Alfred: Hopson. | lo preserve Turkish autonomy, and this jis ber reward! Mrs. Livingstone, the wife of David Military | Livingstone, ites buried at Chaupangu, residence of J. Morri Rifle Association have received word | on the Lo The where a very pleasant | that they have been placed on the list posers close behind the P: 5 icommandmant's house. ; wer Zambesi. @ grave ja ortugnesé and is well Foliowing the instractions of his|the usual hop. Jim displayed his tal- | year, so that in the fall a regular milit- | looked after by the officers and men 0" ie Shortly | ary match will take place on the range from the partnership mill of Messrs. | |. The anniversary services of the Con >| RTegational church will be held on Sup : J i ducted by Rev. A. F. McGregor, hs. but suppose it | the happy company and they remained | of Woodstock, who will also deliv Mr. Ross will con- tinne to rum the mili business as of The--angual meeting of Melville chutch. Brusseis, wis held on Monday night's entertainmenh The Calgary Herald of a recent date! wood of M contained the following ref. homes all feeling well pleased with the i kuown. ra - { showed that there were 219 families in connection with tle congregation, and that the number of twembers at the cluse of the year was 494. for the year for congregational purpos ' in up to about a year ago. the Territories, of a lady entering the study of jaw. Yesterday | as weil as for iusband and relatives in town, Inuch sympathy is teit, Lougheed & Mo. Make Yourself Strong, + Dan j the bar has been raised more than once | kept pure, rich and full of vitality, 'the in England. and has each time decided | appetite good and digestion vigorous, { Messrs. La- | 4Fe the British gunboats stationed 'on thus ; A <I ts were serv y {Of the town, for which substantial cash |Z4mbesi and Shire Trivers but the heac it the fouring | after refreshments we eck, & Spry 1 |Stone, which bears incriptions in Por | tuguese and English, is Slowly but sure lly talling into a state of d la . hie day next, 16th inst, and will beon- | 40 Graphic. According to the ecay--Lo:, official accounts, €: an | the Dominion taxpayers were last yea j address on the Monday eyening follow-!calied npon to pay 3229.963 additiona! : j »|ing. Mr..McGregor is:'Presidentof the | expenditure for revising the votert the party dispersed to their seyeral and i8 widely | lisis upon which the next Dominio:- ( lelection will be fonght. : | position! The lists are now hoary with s. . - \ ;age, thousands of dead men's names rs. Sanderson, wife of \Wm. opon them, while thousands o! wee Ie = / quasitied young Canadians are anable Sh say --_ jtovole. It is an outrage which the pen ents of Listowel | GOverument should be compelled t« - ; Sauderson were epg Lintowel | remedy before the dying parliamen- leaves two young children, for whom | %i¥€s its last kick. The Philadelphia Press publishes au appeal to the American by President Betancourt, of the Provie- ional Government of Caba, au Ing recognition for After rehearsing in detail the history of the United States age free- dom, the appeal continnes.9" ¥ the American people to grant ue through their President and Congrese, those rights of belligerency to whict.. accorfing to the laws of war and o- nations, we are entitled. What an im people, signed cTray- the insurgente. Ve ask Our armies € marched whither they migh: throughout the entire island, and fo. weeks have threatened the stronghold of Spain's power in Cuba," 5

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