Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 7 Feb 1896, p. 8

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NOW-< 2&eksisesissce Liver ills! came up again and was referred to the committee.- 'A petition from theSingle Tax_Asso-| Die bifioemness, nt fete: the time to do -------- a... : . a fhe et met ate ini w tet hie mye or =e CONSIStency thou art a Jewel 2 Filed. aperl ng warotus from the county aoe H oo ret Ss In this age of progress and keen competition there are red to the finance committee. The ds of spurious articles put forward to imi- ™ petition pra: for--increased jurisdic-: easy " 7 2 ----S Rea for uveion ait comet ot il ; Ss tate thj\Genuine. To-day it seems as if some merchants lined to resort to anything to secure the trade Refore the Holidays, te Piers AGr AncctaGen at ee oe ect colina | est ane They say come over ard buy from baeansye Rane ur im: a'report of its work and asked for. 'us! SiS 'ash store and we sell just asc heap 3s eS Byrant Baticrod to he See ee -1C Mchee. But their system is spurious and ittee. ceipts $44.315.14: disbursements $33,. | "A letter was read. having relmees oe eee batance on hand of their 5 2 unfounded, because they don't sell to the werrying of sheep by d and | Accerding to letter from!/ " pepe ' i pane . ts i eee cciers Renedy. Fuled: <n | treacurer there was Gue by municipal. | zoodsPs cheap as we do. You cant buy in any store | _A report from the Good Roads Asso. / ities on the Ist Jan, 1846, on accoant of | but 'OU -- iciation, which met in Guelph in the / county rate $10,453.30, from which is to isecond week of last December, was (be deducted on account of being due to jread and referred to the road and ples earessett tied municipal school ' } for & . T | ridge committee. tes and townline crants the sum of inelettes for Sec. 'The best Envtis vints fe | orm of petition was read praying 31,650. Tbe report expressed congratn: | 4 - "aes for 12ic. | : en Prints for x Or iZ23se vt. . a | nat xe Qntario Elections' Act be so/ lations on the means e ora -- of the " F Pp : ps - jaménded that the province pay the Countys fioancial affairs, and recom > - :Packac Stare . Semnants at Your leost of hiring poll ting: cae The 'mended that the practice of advertis 3 fie Be or fe. ; Par nance of Ofare h for 8¢ = Own Price. | petition was ordered to be signed. 'ing meetings of county council be. dis- POTy fOr oc. : Package of Chocolate for Sc. 'A request for = grant to the hospital | continued in, future. official notice by | 124¢. Gjirting for 10c. 13 Bars of Soap for-25c. te ferred te the finance committee. Clerk to members being considered | Z. . * + = Elegant Gilt Papers at. Mr Hacking reeve of Listowel, joc- | Safficient. 2 35 ting for 12e. . Surprise Soap per bar 5e. Report ado tonade for 19¢. : Best Rice per Ib. 4c. 7 | ularly moved for a grant of $50 to the et at a. eracee # Ro Listowel band. He explained that the | ne and ge Commi ot or . = 10c. a % | Latere organization of hia town Was eeses a=. Dickson, jr, chairman, ae C Coe oot oO Best Tapioca per lb. 52, jasjanuch entitled to a t as the Clared the roads and bridges escent ee @ Iey = j fi "oa at Pre m 1 > traci | Stauttora band gran GS ie in 2 eeeeine en ae The be t Crumb Prints for Try Our Tea at 25c per Ib. = 2 The account of James Mcfadden for Spector Corrie advised the committee | I2c. . i x : as for stationery wasa subject of a/ that two new bridges may be required LISTOWEL, wil i long opinion from Mr. McPherson, the | this year, one.on tne townline of a eezeriats a [eaanty solicitor. He wrote that the ington and Wellesley and another be-; ) < ecision of Justice Ross in the ease of | tween Wallace and. Howies. He in Notkng pleases us better than to show you our goods fg err vs. county of Oxford would) CS snomitng a efinite re nas ' PERTH cou wIY fi OUNC cI. n the lower courts and that the | Port at June session. he committer and adow you to compare prices and values - Ou : [evanell would have to go to the court. ne p action te (root io stock or Spring .will be without a doubt the largest, CONCLUDED FROM LAST WEER. of appeal if they contested the claim. | -\SS0ciauions ular on Statate labor < e It was mored by Mr. Hammond | Ths part of the account contracted | neg --. a _ finest 'Ad cheapest ever seen in this vicinity. that rene ie! uk tion of the house ; prior to 1892 should not be paid, as the; ec Louse © age committee con of re according to the act making county councils liable for | Sists of fen reeves, with the warden as' Tsrins Cash cimaty yes calicatioe and that the cost / the stationery used in the office of the chairm ing clerk of the county court was not pass-; -4 discussion ensned 2s to the best | of maintenance be assessed accordi to the benefit received by each muni-jed till that year. Mr. McPherson , Course to pursue in regard ta selecting | THE COLDEN LION LISTOWEL. cepality. }quoted two American decisions to 20 architect. ' Mr. Hay thought that these motions | show that lithographed forms and so Mr. Leversage thought it would be a) DELUPEONE 71 were brought in tho soon. forth are included in the 'term "sta. / Seed thing to pick out a competent; Mr. Hammond referred to jealousies » ' tionery." The opinion was referred to ™4n, agree on the percentage and fet: ae existing between urban and rural --_ ie finance committee. a a prepare ihe planus. He did not} t munities, and said Eima would loo = A namber of accounts were also re | f4vor inviting competition by advertis | : ca any reasonable arrangement in a fav: | ferred to that committee. ing for plans and specifications. i U S ] Nn a abie light if the conditions as to m 4 Thecouncii was then about to ad | Mr. Hammond approved of this | tenance were diviied on an equitable | journ tli te-morruw when a councillor Course. basis. He desired. however, that the | pointed out that the house of refuge! The clerk said the Huron House of | 2 basis should be proportionate to the |question was still unsettied. It was; Refuge architects, Fowler & Fowier, of | é in ute use made of the institution by each | moved by Messrs. Jack and Torrance | Toroate, got 2}; per cent : municipality | that the reeves of the municipalities. be) Mr. Dougherty favored a different Mir. Dickson said he thonght the ! a committee to re aor en sites ota gone i Rand would: rats $0 much per : Savoia first thing to consider was whether the i for the building, to i for pians and i. and invite competition. <ounty would obey the mandate by | Specifications, the cost not to exceed Mr. Benneweis explained the course | Have y OU Renewed building at all. }Sl6i) and repert at special meeting PYS rsued in fiuron county. - They ad ' It was moved by Sieeicx: Ryan. and / of council on March 15. Mr. Jack said *¥ertised for plans, gave the successful Doherty that the cost of erection and Uhat he thought eyery municipality competi tor Siu) and the others 3) for Your Bee for mAintenance be borne by the munici- | 2a es be represented en the com- ©2ch. Vv > : + palities, including Stratford, in propor | itt A discussion then arose as to the tion to the assessment of those mani: | Mr Dickson thought the committee total cost of the Haron Hotise of Ke = 2 <ipalidies. should net get to work 'iil the snow | fe, Mr Leversazge and Clerk David-: : ear £ his motion did not include St. Marys. | 825 off the groand. sou maintaining that "it was between | : j OOO and $1700). . Leversage then withdrew his me Mr. Doug gheriy suggested that when | S16 i : anne pw Se seas a BREE YOU P Messrs. fay and Jack were unSue- should summon & special meeting. bee can aao eset ine that Sothdiee ' eo cessful in getting through a motion 'to| W- Byan (Mitchell) said there was the coustruction of Wie Uullding, $ El adj ourn. no need of a special mecting. The com the total was nm warel.S S30,000, ae saree we : mee eost of seweraze He thought t he vote on Mr. Ryan's amendment esr ete: 4 1 he ive lg O¢ | Perth Council shoakd ask for plans 3 BUSINESS. DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS. Stood as fellows a % . a building to cost about nine or ten Dougherty. Ryan.| Tre motion was carried with the = a Hay. Costs' Schenck. charizge that the committee was in- a doliars, and invite compels) --____-____ ' Cc MBREYFIELD. rr June. er : | LICENSED AUCTIONEER FUR THE 1d Dickson--12_ Leversage -- brought up the 'The committee then rose and the DENTAL. {County of Perth, Mozkton, Ont. ae gainsi-- Messrs. Schaefer, Renne question of Mr. Macfadden's account os neil ng a 5 = -- | Bates moderate. For a ap weis, Ready. Wil loughbr, Joole Berry, 2nd sagrested that arrangements be by-law No. 348 appointing oficers} J. I. FOSTER. DENTIST. ply 2t this office . Trim, Jack Wo) made by 'which a lump sam be given og ing salames, received its final : Ham cen Monteith, Erb, | each year. ading. ANY AKAESTHETIC KNOWN TO) ee. tty 7 Mr. Benneweis said that Haron After some discussion the by-law was' the profesioa used for the painless a wredement was' declared lost County's experience under that system passed and ordered to be sgued and extraction of teeth. Satisfaction +r": t aled, guaranteed. (fice over Plemizg's -- 7 s motion was carried Sbowed the adyantage of the p reoent A An acconnt from J. E. Handing. QC clothing store. Main etreet, Listowel J.W. Scott, Banker, 235 C2347. TG method, Chancery, lationery, was =) in Char Statik - i ~ The coaaty clerk: on. bebalf..of the; Master in-Chs Listowel. Palmerston and Citford. ene. me = : ind over till the Tene. erasion. Ww. M BRO LD SS DENTIST." } : Ready, Watloughby, Poole. Bérr) carden, thea invited the pi mag eked Tbere being no other business on Ca. . Se *) (VENERAL Basking besems Ticafte Fort, . ACK Se ck ' the council to a supper at the Royal See ee i and sod. payable im at tx af the = - $ - pr <" AIF COUnGi adjourned. : CTR! CITY, et ss ; Hammond, Monicith. er, aay tater tr the eFening aud the couse? ad mare She Count pia. GaAs. ee e OF LOCAL | minien. United Stace and Groat Briain : 7 ou:ned till the next mo m3 | MEETIXG OF REFUGE COMMITTEE for pain tenia : " till the next morning "Tess exeractina: Artificial teeth guar, ""* xg ee rye recived, and Againsi--Messrs. Dougherty, Rran.: The sew-wanden-is a comparatively The House of Refage committee met steed to be of the best material "Oo injerest alowed. Ale Schacter, Falk, lay, Goetz, Schenck. young inan and has not vet fallen into immediately after the adjournment vf loa oy first-class workmanship. Of Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Heppier. Hacking. Leversag ve. Torrance f matriz n re; » the Council It was decided to ask for = rs "PE 'he toils of matrimony. In politics he : i fr fice over Thompson Bros'. store. Main ani Dicks m--12 is a Liberal and in religion a Roman | Plans and specifications from 2 BUI | otrees Lktowsl Will mot ries At-| & laree ampeunt of Privatc Fends to lend om It. was resolved to go inte com mittee Catholic. jaee of architects, the committee to se wood unt farther notice. jeu farm security at Five Per Cent with ofthe whole in the evening at 730 a ee : ct the one that meets sith its ) privilege of repayingannualy. oat ; clock to discuss road comsiructiva. eS a val It was also determined to/ . pr , Sa sine nities. 3 fata; a aici . Mr. Monteith asked for infermation i of buikiine to $3.00 and | =a VERSED & RESUIOS. as to the a-tion of the hospital aathor- aa sea snag Pe) penn " epochs : WOMEN aDOUBT Wednesday morning tbe striking jties in the case of a patient taken The clerk of the county wasi ett i if committee broaght in re report. The ther wie was found to be-ineurabic-eq to advertise in the press for i MORPHY & CARTHEW, Sinn pet Stamding committee will be as folk OWS: orinelgibie from any caase. of tand for sale, either 50 or 103 zB re oe PERNYROYAL egaivinea County on 13 --SPEsss A. Lever Dr. Darsmore, who wes present, was im the vicinity of Stratford, Mitchell t ARRISTEES, SOLICITORS, Be correct ivvernichs snd Ge jack Poole. 5 W. Jacks *G. asked to expla: in the muda <i. Listowel and Milvertoa, giving distance missione: i = 3 Wskenarr "Lot Saves we ween = = . i Sehaeler, tHe said the bi wspital onda from Ube nearest place named. Com-ign Joon Gfificas over Carsor & i a the humane system and every patient munications on this sz ubject tobe re-' Fees store A B, . nu Doagueets oni tmam Stsa per oe Messrs, _Leversage. MoB- taken there, except those with~con- ceived by the clerk up to March I_pext. Carthex. bee Se beter Seen Saree Sao, Torras "Pons Har lacking, fection tagious diseases, was taken in and pro be then to Goetz, Schaefer and Berry * | periy -- for until the case was diag- meet again on March 3 at.lv da ma. DARLING & BLEWETT. STAR LIVERY. bridge--Messrs. Dickson, | OS ot ee wr BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NO-) a By on aoe tier wide n ~ = < ghby, Erb. ieppler, = ~ taries, ete. Wallace street, Listowel eee ee ek tae i eboney or Bank of Hamilton and prh- Hammeod. Mr. Davidson also offerrd some re- > ' x = ited > Heppier, Hacking, Leversage, Torrance | stiacted to vote in , Ulyett. Schenck, marks on the impropriciy of allowing : : - scare ie be < 'petated upon at home -_ ms BET : 'Scott = = Sti poe public. " Monteith + comer? 3 atime ttt + , "ae bles Sapontin: Sramlerberger's Hotes, ivan aud of uns» i treatment - blame. Ja ae > : MEDICAL. epiesbecers PAEK & piycaxsos. attached to the institution, whereas if & : : . i ' Provristans. it had-Hed-the patrent from the outset ; ; i Se eet Spearin and Me-i the result might have been different. = me THOS. DOUGLAS, M D. i Sich ie nied trusiess on the The finan ct committec's report, Geo. pga ~~." ich Bm ee ---- aia < : chow! Goand. Leversace, i the ' 3 = & = 0. formeriy of i ry ss -- = " ite sepresentatives from Bianshard _-- of 2 namber of ordiuary ac- 590.600 SOLD ---- to Dr. & Coma Of Ottice in in De, moved thalin the matier of Nichols pay aocunt from _ Bisnshard Cuase i & ten well a epi fascrtbiy Eooes Tuivten's Tse dispat Du. Cuasr's Liver Cure hes @ receirt bock 7 £8.> be acto in mailer of grant to wery bettie which is worth its semi. Visits tewnline bridze or not be pod by the Lsstewel Darn i- Dr Ra ie tal be! $ bia r Ra oo hag -- W tas $53 an r = at t Listowel county all ae council's share wae 2283 am UA mg is oer ta and the mix aaten of ISG an IS@i were accept S143 i ia full « z burrowed into fer the onginal resola-: donery for surrogate court, payment' TRE Kioneys THE KIDNEYS -- tions bearing ou the case. The mem was recommendad, also that alamp 42% C™==3! pores. oe ria ree on the dthe mo sum of $39 a year be paid in the future; attilude in the furmer yearand the mo ysgal grant of $50) to bospitai; refe nina te the Guar . = of 3833- Sto to ee tise. A tewnline grant of 31,900 was pass.' 'Fox 4, the amount to be distributed on the | wi peppery:

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