Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 7 Feb 1896, p. 5

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as THE 5 ees BEE R. S- PELTON, PUBLISHER. FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 1896. gh the tme-honored tea, meeting was set aside ad free will thank offering substituted. the financ- ial psp pees are quite satisfetory --total, Miss Bella King was qnietly mar THe United States Senate passed the | ried at her mother's resi sete, Bluevale, bill to restore the coinage of silver dol- | bes Tuesday morning of l2gt week, to George- Macdonald, by RevisA. Y_Harts | lars by a vote of 42 to 25. fess "Sic. and Mrs. Macdonald went to | *,* Owen Sound on their honermoon.. The . THe Mail and Empire says "there bride wore a smart travelling gown of | are Strong reasons for thinking that } brown cloth. Mrs. Macdovald 1s very | sh PERE in Bluevale. Toronto's climate is degenerating." ; * He e A rst meeting of the Morris Council 'held for this year: Wm. Clark | Was re-appointed clerk at a salary of Tne net debt of the Domihion on | 5:35. Richard Johuston and Charles | Jane 30th, last, was $253,000.000." The | McLelland were appointed anditors at | ; interest and sinking fund '$8 each: John Watson was appointed | jassessor at 870: Geo. Hood, Thomas Eda and W. J. Jolinston w ointed to act with the reeve and clerk j } las a board of health, and Dr. McAsh/ | Was appointed medical health officer. + annual , a now amoupt to $12,750,000. **° * Iv is graifving to the publisher to. be | able to state that Tne BEE enters upon | On 'Thursday evening Jan. 22rd, 1896 with the largest circulation since; jinteresting weddirg took place at the it was established--Jan. 17th, 1899. | house of Mr. and Mrs. Johu Gardiner, | tably bad year, too. Bluevale, when their youngest daughter | 7a ae aa aoa 1\ Miss Fannie was married to Frederic' | var | McCracken, of Brussels. The ceremony} F Moss, in the | d of the Hyams murder case, Was performed by Rev. Mr h Bae, ie trial. is. said to have | Presence of about 46 guests. The as come. | btidesmaid was Miss Bell Richardson, | cost the prisoners $109,000, and the city of Teeswater, and the best man. Wm. | of Toronto and county of York $18 J000, McCracken. The bride was ane ent in uf and the twins were declared innocent | 4 Cream serge gown, tastefully trim of the murder of Wilhe Wells. They | maths with nibbou, which became her} are now lieid in $1,500 bail in the | ™ \ charge. of defrauding the insurance | j companies. The body of Willie Welis, Pr LPIT which has remained at the undertaker's | establishment ever since the trial open- i AND ed, together with the skull, was sent to} Oshawa for burial this week. Are the | PEW. flyams Bros. innocent? The judge There have been scan religions, but, only one Christ... | ' | 1 has said so. The public looks grave, aud Shakes. its head. ape ' if a in the hear God made the C sictca home to help tell men what heaven is. Christ neyer sought his own popalar:| ity. Some preachers do. When you bury the hatchet, don' ti leave the handle sticking out, i Tne Mail and Empire's Ottawa cor- espondent has reason to believe, from a recent interview with Premier Bowell, that the Gevernmeat'S Manitoba meas- ure willbe mild "and palatable to the taste of the Manitobans. It will bea! There is such a thing as being right! surtof a cure-all remedy; and if it) in the heart and wrong in the head. doesn't cure, it is safe to predict that f you are a Christian jit is your priv- the remedy will not injure the patient.j ilege to cast all Youreare upon - Christ. | Toowill be very pens to take,--noth-| No greater thing can be dune than to) iug like the original dose prepared / love God and keep bis commandments. ' by the Government. The corréspond-!_ Abont the poorest business a Christ- | ent concludes: "The desire of the Gov- | ian can engage in, isborrowing trouble. | ernment trom the beginning has beer A enareh: dees oro make your siuaing | | that Manitoba should act on the mat- any safer? ter, and that desire will, itis confident-| . phedman who loves sin is a sinner, ly expected, be embodied in apy legis- no matter how muel le pays for a pew lation which Parliament may be aské@*#ichurch, taadopt. Besides returning to the' The devil doesn't always have to go Province the contro! of the education | t° the slums to ind @ man willing to the ty. if to 'do his work. i t@ mjneri choase oO exercise me a : Accordi ng to the last census there that power. . th! 8 bill may be expeeted votaré Tl the ussert the principle that the Catholics ; preachers. who wish to administer. their own: The Christian never has to connt his schools must, to enjoy immunity from ©@Sb te find out how much he has to Le Bato ounct are vida thankful for. Public school taxes, bring them up to the Public 'schobl standard." * Whine some men are preaching, the Si oe ene. = devil knows that it will be safe for him An amendment (by the Opposition) de-; to take a nap. claring for a commission in preference Nearly every sinner expects to repent | to a releaving bill will be defeated up-| when he becomes too eld to lon ger €n party division." The Joy a life of sin. fiovernment ought to be careful, be-| What shall it profit a man to be a cause its future practice at Ottawa de- | brother in law to "9 church, if he is a' pends upon the contents of that dose, and how they shall administer it to stranger to Christ their unwilling Greenway patient, who hites like sin to be experimented upon for the good of the Tory P rofession. st & on a Straight Beg many of of us go to church pray- g that we may hear preaching that wil 'il hit somebody else Isn't there a strong touch of hrpoc risy in thanking God for the bread and finding fault with the took * The quly people who lose the battle! "rfights with the devil are those who ) go to war without putting on the whole -atmeor of God. HURON COUNTY NEWS. John H- Gray, or Dungannon, will build a $1,300 house hext summer. R. H. Fortune, veterinary surgeon, lately of Wroxeter, has located in Ay- ton. Grey county. There is talk of E. Livingston mov- ing his factory from Belgrave to Blyth, and ameovement is on foot to grant $1.00 towards this end. ' Another break has been made in the ranks of ii iron's noble band of pion- eers. Hugh Mec Kay, of the 4th con. of Tuckersmith, has passed away. At the East>Huron Farmers' Insti tute, at Brussels, the other day, Thos. Strachan was elected President: Thos. MeMillart. Vice-President. and A. His- lop, Secretary. The Goderich saw mill company Ah iS advertised af dition bought, There are too many people who stop believing the Bible whenever things begin to happen that are not pleasant to the flesh. Too many who conclude that God has forsaken them when the shop shuts down and they are thrown out ofemployment. The thi ing Jor_us odoin-atisuch Cases, is to w ip G God and 'Bitied on trusting in |} NEWS OF THE WEEK. North Grey Conservatives have nom- inated James MeL anghlin, of Owen Sound, for the Commons. Sir Charles, Tupper's majority in Cape Breton was 724. which is four votes below Mr. McKeen's Majority at the last election. The Board of Health has determined ' close aii the Louse wells in the city f Brantford as.a preventative of ty- phoid fever. This will affect 159 house- holders. At Osgoode Hall judge: tt has been given on the appeal hy plaintiff from udgment of Robertson, J. dismi Ssing tee action as against defendant Annie Hacking with costs. The Court of Appeal at Quebec has coufirmed the Superior Court jndg ment in the case of Anger against Pacaud. giving the plaintif $5 99) dam- ages. The Cou rt,of Heview had reduc ed the verdict to 32.5%) The annual meeting of the Cedar Grove cheese factory was held on Jan. Hth, when a number of patrons were present. The amonnt ef 'cheese made at the Cedar Grove cheese factory last and lumber for 3.3.09 to the large amber ai ' now on the Bruce Penins: Geo. Kistner, of Leadbury, has rented ; he farm of Jchn Kners he place contains filty acres. and the rent agreed npon is $135, Mr. Kners eetalging the house and orchard. The tota! con tributions for the past; rear, in connect! io oo w ith the ,Wingham nciuding the S_s $s of the church, on Jan. 2: a eee was a balance on hand of 2233.7 Wm. Alexanker, ofthe 10th con. of Mekhi llop, has purchased 199 acres of land belonging to the Coleman proper- ty. and adjoining hisowa. This farm is all bush lan da, except 4) acres, and a iirst clase so:l The price paid was about $3.00. The Orangemen of RBrnrssels. are counting on having the 12th of July e-lebration there this year, and have been around gathering subscriptions and were well received, and everything | Should now be done to make if a suc- 38, which no doubt Will be done. year are as follows: : Deatial Streicher, Sectetary-tréasurer: Duncan Dewar, salesman. The committee com- jmtises the following patrons: Chris i Streicher, Jokn T. Smith, Tom Dewar. i HOOD'S ; bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and it com- | pletely cured-her. 'Get Hood's Nolife can be . 'failure when Goal -- to bail in $1,500 and left Toronto Mon- day, going by special train to. Buffalo. Uuited St tates 1235 Women. pesen' as iintendent of the Graud Trank railway tion of Egypt. and that the proposition , White House, and that Great Britai The Only Great and lable cuiinets segpeoe er nerve tonic, vitalizer and Bood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is Sarsaparilla It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story:-- Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar- ations and prescriptions fail. "The face of my little girl from the time she was three months old, broke out and was covered withscabs. We gave hertwe Weare glad to recom- mend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Tuos. M. CARLING, Clinton, Ontario. Be sure tc Hood's_Pills act_harmonionsly itt pete NEWS OF THE WEEK. Tavistock is to have electric light in a few weeks The Winnipeg Exhibition Associa tion are asking the City Council for a loan of $380,000 to erect new buildings. The Hyams brothers were admitted After a struggle with ancient and | modern history, the Washington pat- ent office has granted to a Brooklyn in- ventor letters was i : e were 34 less marriages than during 1893. ee report of the Minister of Militia | "shows that the total expenditnres for! he year were $1,574,013. and 20.877 off. | paid and men performed uveive days' drill. At a convention of the Conservatives of sonth Grey, heid Monday at Durham Dr. David Jamie 'SOD Was unanimously their candidate at the com- | ing Dominion elections, A letter' received .in Boston from Maras, Central Turkey, stated that daring the massacre of November 18, ee that city, from jt to ten thous and Christians were killed. Mr. Mulock's bill providing that members of the Senate and House of Commons shal! not accept rai ilway or steamboat passses, after a short debate last week was thrown ont. James Stephenson, general super Company, has sent in' ra resignation. Mr. Stephenson hast been connected with the Grand Tr for more than forty years. The Ontario fish and game com- mission was in session in @oronte last week, A resolution to abolish the nse OY hounds in the pursuit of deer was, after considerable discussion. defe. ated. some changes relative to duck shoot- ing were made, The London Observer Says it has good authority. for stating that Ger many recently invited Russia and the other powers to co Operate in a plan hostile to England's continued occupa- was declined by Russia. Justin MeC arthy's official ae ation f the leade: ship of the Irish Parlia mentary party is expected this week iil health is the cause. It is believed | thet Thomas Sexton, who represen ts | Nort h Kerry in the House of Commons, | ill snceeed Met 'arthy in the leader- | side. j In an alleged interview published in | a Buffalo paver, Sir Oliver Mowat, re | ferring to the Manitoba school ques- | tion, said that the Dominion Govern- | nent hada. bard read to travel. He/ thonght they would be defeated. and ; that Mr. Laurier would become Pre-! tmier: The Washington correspondent. of the London Tiines reaffirms that the re is a Sincere desire fora friendiy settle- ment of the Venezuelan dispute at the in's acceptance of arbitration, wonld be followed by an explosion of delight in America. A case on the Torunto civil list was that of afiss Marv Ann Brown against fteunben Langstaff, for breach of prom-} ise of marriage. . The plaintiff clz imed | that for 23. 'long years she waited in | vain for Reuben to marry her, but he i was a Jaggard in lave, and finally broke | his promise marrying ,auother, Miss} Brown said 'she 'had | a proposal of | marriage from a Mr. Bead in 1873. and | one from Mr. Gnm w in swore that she and Reuben intimate more or less freahentty ger. ing all these twenty years, beginning | three or four months after re nenee. ment. Justice Robertson dec BO Case, | the plaintiff had no Department For anything and everything you may require in the line of Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, Business Cards, Epworth League and Christian Endeavor Envelopes, Billheads, Letterheads, Statements, Programs, Dodgers, Posters, eA = Prices Low.

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