TGA aay i ar, 35 ; SR ey ROR ETE * PEE + i ' 'Why act ites: ee | ete: Seeeaetrersetl St. Shakes 4 ne igcge ae ott! We. WW Thiotiaaan). of! bent tiny edit y ; -rinairtige Wn ek che LS M: # tert ott tile Thies tution" Henny itr. "it letesdinrnetie' Aion) PReaweletisitees, BB. 0!) capneenn tive othe itise itt! straw | His thant: sppeet etl tye ret flaw cts i) ue fore! Hee Pi eating N Sox mi. > 'the gnest! oft eas" AMlex. Gavan. S¥ke/ ithieetenaye Presents TRialisiis titre ak titi ana thier! pice ott tee TL 1B. Welliviiiss (oteeeuroret)) . : eat! elittae fieitistes theyll at mis yjfwale ont 'Thireetiay oft Testl -- weed. i -- ctinrediiith tlie aitleoe meeapeiioneedl pliioe:. (1) (i weieedl tinal deere Ie standing: omn|| ---------- Ob sotheth Hatt ie precaated! i ROX calendar vareeieitiiand! dhedianuge: was) ieopeete ibys thle Bagel pon RUSE vast etbseavsereed! neal! athe! hese: HUbsHi AD ii Wey BA itt I vestlthniay i t ee eet roe Av ¢ at vee it tiie peal ataial Thy sana unis mugesy, Bvt On (Hrseet tier atari afl wardk dis we iy ttle inlissirinrdess. Hylis, Thetis! Wo Pispbbert antl Wheat! Ey ites i, ee 7 (Cie, "Wareal tig Sudletis, athe. Ke "- Dur. SAU ORIN AY, * fesrussethe (files SYR tistiew ot Geese Hes reesi cesieet | Tih Hanes ott Wii aynyiTbas wee Thiet tindlar Shae Mee 'Maesedasy / d.. A. aching *. tlie fever: Peawrnssssvtis thy TBMTANETL ayrtina ties 'Dies were pinnettttsoet YATE, Ste HS ue TEasutierecn off tlie Supreme: _-- -- = pedid) SA pert Hoey ney! : TL sitet eet Wim AVE vvopteeay' Hal thie: Caen deel aU CBhteetbecs: Maw. HU. : nik} i crivtittettiitie th fly cane tt ee Tess! SNCS see weds anned! TAFT ian teenn tis: Tharksyiining Holiday Ababa t ite Peemet nnaee thie Thien prea secre: clldisert teed 0 Horn Us tiBt Wea * ' tt ul ~ -- Daxcunstns f t { f cietaaeetivandescet! rides VRS fiat Wp besepegs PRee AMUL Geran FP OSLER Wye transite! ieeere aX Carnetisane SN eb ase Milas par tle atl Cade: Baet! THe Chniserucetiness rime atl rhaypetl alderiet ys Will! Derabhed! tes open: Pasi tssoeths [ideecetbeae autad! settee! PR thee ope (Gare Pua Suet Stow ain Tbe Pagheetts will! tive jissateeetl att fietiqdhiss [Diesen litter. oe | Wittatiaan heat fi asta 7 SSINGHTAE ARE, we eNUUd! asda Gay pyri, ais ong pe Ae hee TLecegstietiues: Mk. AD Tondiin aatitegavanisaag tit Hist: HHS an SNe obdnedl orl teed Nha ---- SYLTP TP) was onieeotl gies speaks = x rs esatl ttle caeNeithien "Pata ed! baebbee plies ssUsen Ded! So5) th ' f. ~ ahs, WAAL thy eetonatih: carts Nha, 23h OR}. re a oa , ler Rasietiadt Heaaitis® Bud P thie finest: goods aves: Hroniht te Tistewel ti) tebe soldat Suwcor9|£ A iit Witwer steeds Titers THU i Gaetan Gidea oft die PbbINTUION: PAu eis, by (COURBON OS MEIER. wittiont reserve or delay. A genuiue eetlon th Thaeaes Haseangs cazentoypbiotiord! Hae NYAS tiene sisasdlesiieelitas iabasiists "lle be Winding Cp sate, te commence an. Pridiey morn, Noe vsti. ana. J A. HACKING, PE PM berothere [let cearkebiass TRS Syypietwaes reeaiawe ANT ieeeboue pas Uae pelea bel Ue AD CMe OL ee ert re stil i chosediout, ue store WH De Ghaseert * VET fiver tl rvected! wennse trees thee AM) ttle syrdbeeshi ailidiiyy on 'Harsitiig, Now 25h deabranae thie goods aud) mark dawn ant spiithr Merth) peed ieee ated! eS rtneapnay | fie (Gevertiment dkeatded! te close prigas: Ww Vie Whe miler 7 Mins ie He question tue will bee atten akked. We Ties amie | Hesnanesscft rheteert ie: waar ten tee anne GUANA HON PIV I HRSH COU ATI bUR, HOW atiawer it 2 Glu terior partiersiayensabout chosigyr, aiid the lease of Tie eescoraty Srot..) - aM! Cie Utes Baoiie MROr EER: Jia PTR 10 owaiysied tas tke Wii tertittiattio: io few morithe.. We fave de | Wiithvertisn ROTM ote roy Cee ot Cee reneay itiier un Listowel, wie POssiUly Thea our removal, Con Resse Mactnge Uicaness * Bae Statin ccsenedt! Pres creation) ak ieee figanadiibe GHEE ib Bedige pre: "sequent IU neati tie . Ole (ri tleeet is iff thier pees: thas ypbeeedtige: peeved Laas Yak Sypris (Gabe het, SS Hs arn Wa teesthaeetl fi eta er Gaetan redibiid babies ol Grestest, Sale of D» ¥ Goods, &e.,. ever Held im: DW AOMERMSOMANTS. SAL Tain aria Thsiptate righ . NYE L Awad elaedigendnerratbeat \ sHate, ® i 4 1 - H ' Par othevrte Tiak> ppaneeetnetoeed! TRS [Ddvertineets row AMUeat! Wilko). weioe rhingened: Wis : North Perth. Faseeat! A MTA Con. odtege front atl Dheat) fre Syl Miiesiiihih Wanwieky cial was eg one | As Qie stock: ip decided y qaods. all new goods. iowelit! at the elasest prices Heseitis--IR- 1B banal pA AL Glaser. te anterirising: ater) Gabon tae ornate = ae sonbot aa ee eee for Gash. "Mier Piitie: mye WGK. for SAV IDPS URES AMIN AI wiverttys wet Weatbeeay atl aN eet Ree cinmericetianttt Paks: ypareeeletioert! thie tdi Nya DEH Lor Paronlts) key iith Deemed i phan ines, the site prive iene Re: ant ae ean ar Cut HW ksthetliay LPivecsenittos TL. AN. beeing. sartre reoanh Fall! phen Meri pee ante! LpdeeesLdeea th ear eet anaefbeo ra Meet eed! price will erties, Produce: will We: Taher at is a i: vetlnes Ve celli 1 hur Cannel Haig tudiittion: ile Cave & Hak iied! iti diver the dif and! af lee alee oui. ati! sito ule 24) Wilke padi dt-sihe press, : eae ET SOREN hut Ryker: , a2 ey teeth Mes potenti GE flr oat weg) Cheaserdaeeant! srigapengterte and > = - AN SAUNA eMC Tis hatti ye stesso etlinnesy anne! steorenaes even) thier Qh pest: Tae been: elated ere ah bp bedtale , a 1 sty Whikwertian: feerthatl) thea oeervet fle AM that Liebe Geer nerds iy _ con (te honk will be closed! Than 2 IRM Alfier that date enedit ean oanie one Hie pons Ibiutheatys BE GGT | TLikstivavet phat! Sharundtigy ante! plead] thee Te wee Sn jhe, OUP Ed UM Speciil aviv ements ont entire si aess: le tee be AMON ug) Gone UR Hieeannnitisert gy tS te) WT Bee edie att iinet Wile asiie fii te pres CA fies (MIRTH Ss Las een: atghodt one: adbaidedisiecess. We UGG THB te The titess. Facing oar us tis peep: ' ibhiter. (Combthenrs te emethitions thle HY MwKES pabgpeamedti on TL Ve TR ae get Prowidencee, coupled with our ownditigenceeand the LEeETMIG atone Hevhaaate oT) Hh, Svat Taeee(! te [inne Nyy: aad! oie feayt «ULL TP Of tne ia iy Prien, Le wom wwe oa (HOT Mety ONL sinus itt Wi STITT Asi tte Whitin iy hava ys MM jLasauatavnt sy iil a aiile Says Se eS cpp et steertt SANS Tia, Ae: Tistave lixvett! tha see ruyeayny Chimiaes ite thie yer = . ; . jee pa aed? iti gest (afar faye tite Hat STE mawihienits aye Sera Te sannel of Che Bikiness pent the teyAvaed; © Nvevae cass te COUPEE Oe liquidation, We oan ey @ alli. Vandi att Teter thle cei fiat! anit Tedkbe cseeertied': cleo ares ast ey THe pore you Ge Benet ts OF OU |DOTER, sieved i) aod teed! Tie Thastoawel) testn perrneit aencdiiet ddd) Shecutitint "Mere Hest eT ef the hae MYL aMarstinnye leecaataeres . a ; , a coon G iss jigs ue ; ~~ TE adh, nye agitate thent!) iba: t0abe thiay \Weagtia MAvaseutly HH idecruseleast tay tie Speed Remember diyear tigt redid 2. , . serati ety, CUR! Cleve Gar eer Or Te itis y ay Wwe WER [Dare Ga ee eninge) thy Vinkeee yon fater on That Whit we se ge aor Ethie Syasmodio Silos that seme pytie Bienikelves of preasnre We sith oon y } t tweet ceuae : - ; . cor MEL Las Ob ate eT ie sett, : . . P en) henaes Coser len . Pi eel aS Yer: Ios MVE gtiond, fart ~ 7 Dwi esse eTb Les cseegegpeed TQhee Ly dpeese tat eee beige . sta eee ca AN VOUT Me, Don't for Gh sie COMES [Cds TRShai. Chiat Sei Make. pointed ee SAE BOAT MAGIA SOA 2 (Comm ealy: imethie die ' tke [Losig tts: A cwonplbe ad an eats atte? tania Wirt Weal lis agit {Whee Renee. af vir : Sisphuee ttl VEG ULEAD ct ends aed TRS ae, Were WEB UG att) Sastre (Rr ett SPLOT ES COSA ENS ppostoives: a ie tO hae ppaeseet act eye esha tis AMIS pth thade isthe iy, osttteedi Stites ae Weledeedh: | Leeth. cejette . PROPER Bry FOR. he TU bven as eftagpadastin ase MNES teas ee" Anti vesst beet! Lys Whitsse Pharpundies [Rbergupeetits | ce2d0h) ervey) TEE year tallied]. leh series ay saaguiansel ath i - ; ; hee eC Theat ANU UN ERSTE AMER eater aan cant entioniatia hel tev tidenatis ie pyr SHULMAN aed, We aben offer far sale aifine Thvostorey Rriek Resitienes, aewall as tie com jdvcevtelaee(i yyvetigee thveane NVA \werttiand Hate MAL EPR ated Sy ar tant! suet (eesti lms iasned: ae fan Tdions ait comPortaile Home owned andioce Wyre ae Wom. Or par Aut heatier() debe) centered antes thy 28h bee tN caepeaey: 7, coat "athithunenk! au Whaellinofia, wets 3 . aes 4 "thie age 4 SVT are: iat Yh toad! Whos Woversaens auved! ftavatas ant bah stkateererih at) VWasiiunten eine A oie ee pt eres iene: were 4118 ang ¢ Wrasavetiss We aM RL reese AMBERGIHED GE shtasence cCaetl eos rae are Uo puateerd) Seite putes ith asiyye rhbedaetas thes cdyae CD eUEg ta WW jas Hears atte yt ' bis sie \ PlasiVoo hetiiibe is . : iu { S , 4 S$ 8 . PQS sy - OT pe pees ocfbeges 4 5 een \ Cotta 5 i, .. . . att Harel ty eegt pha Thedag tea vant i ave epdae itl 4 | ' : .t Thess Chere edaerds lake pe ay t Th dua heask AR 5 vu . . ; Clyyeneg . rents Wi, i Wi tryhathi ts Vey" SHAAN »y ' r .. peenbcespecnt) gtapbense. aNd! [Ages Hane settee thengegy: Taian J a tetthart: Aut teiviel VESTED REEDE TERS ee ypeUANNeeds Deb GH SPAW AL ; . } Lo < oe raha, ) Dud sevens Mga basree sapere Stet indiaas cinee Whe aaNet THe Me serie tin nbes - 4 _ : - STEUER TOPO TEE peasy perenne UPS th ryaerdie tuaeties at) soetanikeat! thw Atri b 2 Nheoaytrsy! Ther pan Uhhe sdeeappert HPasaenert sat Ke t botnet I. * isha ; " , a jeey ' cll Sieh ff (Nab } ithte ct soil s ' Pine eeathe: fare ker eddie eee TT PS yy steue Lae Heer aiilided ta atuina. RL [Laeetavayel ae: poreelieadd! th yya' SHEMERMY. Wy > gar beeny aeet? fhere there 6D Wet AHN Tyee <sUereNKeDd op ANATA NER The eenenaedes weesed agente }lart js SER teeeN Aber) PERE verse . phoverlageny URacaqedhaesne aay aitlehitis aarti + . me iy " WH 2 a i : a a in phew Searqeetbeepos cepeads clethaephabes puargpaerpad dee Covmapiete: pttangues pa Me PPysusstany "- Cen. isan YE. I i soft Fatsthawesd, waa psi baa .e [Poeesitreapyeepet uate teers yank aint Dlpeese Pebooeret reer: Uap cree ARMM ab Cathet mt ST DAD ST eA SENATE OG " " ee arate wauemeartiver aid! Ree fan sevel ef tbh ae eit! i Suatpewet ei atigend thy Wetshasthecde s 3 . ~ ac NES ct LTS M PRS Lhd TQS eed ry a ne | oe r ' ee a : t seyetaNtes: DEE Nott Puedes ty ' ' , ' ry qas aT seegpanety, j base tiie | + fate p sa Sasa . F }) > haestyan dosesiifiriet {hurt thaaersa tty " ci 1} ? iy ' LOUbey agate i it Co leegtiaeng i: Mi: ERsaedlienate "jete ifutes jk : : thee gtetteee , f WeceHeS UKs Tenet erties' That ntagieeterd! itin Vey 1) as ea Worst! hbyae ney 7 © THE PEOP = OF | AAA ' ' HE ras ' ( "ny Phyans ' ' . Tibee Ute chanrepateaietse [Garbett phe Steqael ve \ 7 1 ' Wy = ' Mi Ueseep abe oeegbepersert cabs lepaser pheerary tp rears +e ; epegar eryrreyariag tt eeraeedggert ~~ > \ [hs y rhars{ despterre STQCaN yaaa ge phage Patt ivaveat ; ' '* , ss . hl Le ; Sd, ' fe Mu tha Copsey Wat WW Poeetabef ce Sagat' tet "wn , , teTrege reeee Ube ceptor ardet Tke saadaertys a ; > Wobdere gat ate paegertadatenaed 0 Whaet' vat men . if . iN ahyerty cep beteecgahert jay iver ee Veiny 1 ' : A . a ' aa P a Than ST SULTON [Ravbheersg i ) el ' ate save ete Were te (Mattos aah tive eretasederntys ckapesp. 'i Poiedaisee, Cane ake rept yy stowed at _ ' - NVR rhea Sey nateeny sNTeek: [yates Leeroy aoa it, ets at. igdtl. . 4 4 . hers : ' Mi GUeeP ETE beedt, Weegee et abaeeteert. ital + 4 , if . H 41 be QM HE Wott ipo etiy une SATE easaervette ian WN veaedistiwee. thar: rebee rhyanee yuyeera Jhasti Wer Wer less a Insert a ePreu Ar, she Wye the un" ifs 1 >? . + ' . Je' . = , . ootan trast wasiney yess 4 P ; x 1} NODA HE bee t hh ) bapa Pe ' 2/94 :" j Pheeretye Sypeercadhthir seunppee » oyu ta ee oo ha { ' a ee an bay Gee Sree leet imp tbe Tata | wiihie Ii a SI law OPH vite ayy ye st oy flop PAS ie '} pal may Taal . . Vargety Spee chee i ateer blest gat y pts ophatnerdy 5 . . a . '5 . ' ' Wayatelt:. Serta He eee yy Phy ' pF > \osiksoiee set g Netty and ity} tage tier cuts b vent , ae . . - ' k LETT, SWUM UMS SURETY) Wine' Puree ti dea: HERE cai A itus M Ks ae} iesases *, p td nes nrg day wie Haan duane 2 sen a i tye rile: ¥ ny eater anya eC at oe vevbebberetseheb) oQuepse ladgcttar dae WA BE MAE meese ev TT TREE est eyed eet peeps' Meant [Qerrpratibbarcent "omg if Tae i ' faerrsierer wth FL, TRO UE ape) Leta rtangye pe. Ta thee ert eryarticroeet sed Lace peg bccet Qa dea aveleerngras Thier yeessegdt! ata Taeaveg bk ostitl danturap We 1] Be! Tis nee AW Pa pp Wwe ily: wylt yi yee eee ReMEVUMET.. We . -- U ipaed i i; Aahiaos j th dissmetpraest ee Meathaetiage \Whateerttaas: (ove Na sateartit he : eetpenpitaesd. ¢ ne' J . . } | ' . Se eee eee Ree ee rlatener Hat! | Wo-fleet ataitielinte ahaa, ee CUMeTHE "etitingtes: aan ieqiennttod inh ante done welb fer yow. Wei have einen you giands spreecuatic tlabastan ' oT wey TTL ST ur tyhouhe it were] eer ednadaerat: sy laegueasy Thaet Seether States | \ ") . A fp ' ' . : ¢ 4 "4 tery 70 Ue ' - * 1 ae , ti inet : ee | Meh aat Dein At ts , as tual? te akas pWOPaE gts SB et EC tka vill i derpeat. very qabrie ]t i$: saat thared! thee porivle If mete fyven ' rt ayy fl iat rey it ' (i wid PRY Cist vk ye Ve s { ee? mothe a oad ' TST Py sal Vehe Pi aey qar ' Noretodtioa ss eqete™ tee sicas Jaa a » dbase 3 a 7} ' j ; i i> ya er " ue eee' Vie Menace ce eaititbst cam chepagaphieal emrons iy phiene "Syell Prodites and Chetek Retiams: We gine woud: vali s yb Tide a dee daeeies gti ate a Maa paring' Th TN eGygeerpapeey Print aba et VERT PREM AN NSS opt enatae tt} ton ; ee ; ; } ss dndt ¥ na xanntt A Gta Mescaubarge aed OU rns MEA Neth. page uit ia Te cteteet® stele eran cae © wtionnegtlte WT Oy OW I ee STATES IRENE, . a tor Wat tint POPPE TAN TST REO TATTE rgyeans Stpentee ceesesagpeds tbe gpeearedl peermeteerss : ee "ther -Vreathe Sane tab ste pegs em ; | j j ; OSIM VUES TIDE SEAMTROASS COSI tect lgaert i Shee terete taeda yatcaie srnarat Vocnvitheap is saaiets ter nee yard) thy judas : Aue) akeeeee oak dette oth ihetfuavaan's ; : 7 'a Seact . ue : "s 1! wets ' VE epe pet neernt. Traeepnaert eee Th gee Pep ervey a bbedaeee eh ead eats bestetticsphe PEt Gay' [kata he bee , . ' : x i. ver , sot apagened: toes rhesrentiburcetyavaned' abe: weoreg Witte lias leer (eGued in criiee ERCAL . Th tedho : eet ' ' ae) ' ® ; LAthe! a aaa af ae " at 'a eee ats nae ONS ER TR PPT ROT Uh oR SENT rsayep inde vMneanedes: ahh Cle peeqpee a -haniaall thet ae preest: Bh ae i HE MVM peace! thee chee ayeeeeeresitayseed: Gtl phe ssague RTT ETT ETT a RTC ET MTCC TT TL baat VRAIS GeRANS AN GAGE ipbabsdbnerd tha) tei tie HCH ute hs far Sage senedateeny Ab ypriet CLeantadovacny: faut DRie Teavensd fLesergesteegaayes, wa Shacbuataed vgs aetadl ities wie: dawert ane coed ay tne dead, ae Ebi! [Poatier BARCA ATS a Ii a] EYE | ray SPN eat branes Met] cep tee I tigeswecks: cea liaa Senatieter' oyetiede any caved [ovat WetGernyie. tlie wWappeceritsis Phreatigs chee 'capetgt thethiea veh bee path ota 1 staat lt rhe ite wan 4 west! TAMes at tlieen rietimus Nheseunvensat TT i an et fT 2 ' ogels " a . * - t 9°} ' oat ' . a 4 t . 4 - ee. ° orbessta GUT et Vira ag re Qe il econ tiie tony at Rveweau ties Mines wet. shustine fall weather makes it necessany. fo Work Gt seek hee [Ep Te tte thats Wad arco ce ceetatitaarine aed adeetion an satin in' Jibeceaaquatbeye Joo Ne thy: | _-- id. ' tag Ib nil Séhaaa W "Y ; ° ' sh ' - SESE Lak tae: sifatat Pa t ti Teh ehede \ > i ytd VPPEELG he peers eee te avy hres Ga bedanebenae cMe vend plete Tyee heceeres Gh rteyyyee Stes, Teas [Poayen oar ft eeNUURANASTMe, Gh Tanne Pepe' to PRS Sea Weavin MOE 8 AG wi SBA. wg byatetet HP A terart shee a Sab Thaker adioqhest) utp ee tier cated jee crete ertipier cine ELatherce cent iaaite fer Sarai) Poa beret, NRE SPLUCVAL haaannis TE} ofeay you Ly autis and SOS POSPe. FEAStEREEN CE. Meat cee i ganas ~ PPA PNRM ee dae Derlceet cntp ye atyyarpeyt fier de foe Mbeitvtitbert at DSR van | ie Ww 4 5 i } Fy 'alt 1 ' . "Lk m a? ' i> eth a 2 " > t breve Bile 4 + F _ pRivtbeeset! [he 'oy OT CR Ct PO [Bia spt oe eerteyh ovuidittate fu Hast asiinart Wee die NOT PAU pase quia oe prlees, as We ead poet ote te ost vetyeert ' Wt ag ' vast! - : . " peoneti 4 | b* ¢htii f Sadevsetibin G8 cabreetycany weed! mst cat dianey a peas Lee te tithe Se dis. _ eet! ver Veiled lhee eet paced sey bd . . _ ms 7 Haat etek Wake NAR Speer Dee fdaspsope . a cane a aa nee a er gain al eS eran 7x . C'S. Vhae" wee teerve epee Vent eagtiaksggts rive Th beerye , X e f Tage peeve _ + POMS ay We gi Serato cata otha Agee. [have went foaal | ~~ ' . : ; ' » O veretectl tpres. ph i U -- " , at? Py > ae R 7 a Y Ea topertbeura «t 3 -- ' Y } eC Ce Yi duayt UiTevaprercd seve oe = , : ~ ake i ' ae" cheers rPhestet 4 apm neciadl inns eh) atert } ~~ . i -- ; van mre ieg a ilercverneett i rayeey ePegete tees PPieeteerpetocct WY et eehpanatges a? fee ¥ i me Saag TO OC Cd Ge CE St 1 ND agt cure aap ecteeDie, apts tye bE ode ab inet rtabtea: ad) teege pen vied neal 119, il "etunrpende ang butt bg thant or Geet weed bore ie ibrar ctfeneebgecaep needy cree ae TR NL at eret boot" bath! cae tient | v : ihe Bos eM By 4- bee wih ca cupdtaes sev tl times® apbee Whaptele Chat Geren beerd caer fitter Qeecrey, iA . . '| Asi, iit i \ ik Vip is ik ir Maven ureter welled! qaawvertserst Soretieteetiede etl che letesed ia 4 Vet 'OT Le ' NULLA TIE ot "Thee Pipybedrt rae erdbeeni tbe SSrePhaP SET Ure eae et mee AP ten gate i dt taal, s S a r PETURRG attaks ataede cy laa idea one faveyter. ih haese. sist baery fur feyreolilitiae Heal ceria, eet UP wag a TEN fea . * , i Yee te fete gtk : ts " ' TTL en SEE oe ae . . " ; a ae hger Qs Rye had bo 7 4 _-- opypette pevdeeve ee deh cee AN AEDS ipo beweyyey rasdferniieag a phere treragiti iia th) sri beer ir é o stey a. an " : = } rprewethiarse ao Woeatieti + r ' = "ie a . - - UGE SL PRE APRPR EES daa oe heer! yeyataee' Sebi danne {" pr ' nl r T fr } m d tiehas -awiad® ? + -38d4¥ geen gunn road _ tthe sewn ppnaipatipe ~ In: eredy-anade Clotchime we bage jist ned ao very VP OOTERAN EE a eegae oad jee ' Ve - iitabinillele aul (eae A sey Mp Tie optasonde! pm the " . ; ' vt . my" an y ' PANY. [tgaete Pheeecas paseunety keet spanner Sagan reatat beg sine hg > rier slow. ie ae PWS YP OMS ane fied mn , A ve atte Vevey {Rryee cag HT SER UNS emer gpencetitcd. Ghyree' chee NATNNG NG > CSEPALUET ATER TREE NO : 1, [b> ID . ' 43 ' ere i , SE panned oes ese assay Tad a . they Wa vo lehe Hotton, aig thowgd Wie ae ad RST TSERALTALT canes CLL ET) CLIT 11 1 ypitaets Fienat ies ireape tits + tule (hited cae ANG partite VWs alc Sh !' i oh ae aH TAE ix Ririuke YWhtae deceertbae ds wae UT kestgssaeet ciait peas OVAAT praedy cet er ee te thee rissegforr (tees 7 -'a [eat salle +f CYR? 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Uitks vNUEtiE Theme hen Ht Heed! tieefi ret Ugg emtiee. ay - td & 7 . : ' : _ pee © 4 > Sty » NY > APD) ay HOR) Hy alvergiere, Wi Wake an: die WHEE ' ; Co., A MAL {( poe MQ phe Ve. ue SAYS -- taal kee TE au ae } RI - Howde arb ths Wat. Eller auitatts went 43% eB, ---- $ Baromdin,. quoted! 29 ie «for $1 im: ou cinewlan, we now sell by { SCPE sehr a ss il ; . _ ereusiesitt (has Nhe. [Pivtbiaaed! deephaee: hays - Fay roe Hi Foromto., Caniwde.. | eel al pay DD Ih: . f " Sy Grtaa hated ' woted 16 ere TUL it flen x] aivi' waged We aie, jl - i> orm. 6 . ase PRE. Ath 4 aie : ee " wr AY Lad? ¢ By U et | a ; . . ' * . \ ' / . . ; _ P 4 $ . : mh 4 \ ? . BR