Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 3 Nov 1893, p. 8

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PE Te : SRT TS STN LEP TAIT RT ET Gao? hae re ee r ae yee i Sos a pat es ne ve U. Ethel. Ethel cheese factory closed on Wed- nesday of this week. f The trustees have re-engaged the = = : mine ane Ee ECE ITED ¢ ..- Wm. Elliot, who has' spent the past , ' " Or ig t j i ¥ ey. ae * two years in Manitova returned to his home here last week. ' ' F . -- : . C. Rupp left last week to work on|/ os | the M. C.K. at St. 'Thomas. / The regular Quarterly meeting of the . . fethodist church will be held here next N Sabbath morning. Aaron Cober returned from Dakota last Friday night. He looks well and > says the West is all right. Geo. imlay, who has -been Visiting Fare, $10.70. here forthe past few weeks, returned | all on me for tickets, 7 Snap bf home in Michigan this week. The anniversary. service of Court} EthebG,-O.. Fe, No, 261, was held in the Methodist church last Sunday afternoon ~ |T0 OUR SUBSCRIBERS ! Rev. H. A. Newcombe officiating, He "~. preached an excellent sermon from 1st) WAT HIgh T bought at a low rate on : the $, and which I intend to. give my Customers the advantage. - --_--------s r- . Monkton. Mr. Norris, teacher in Carmunnock J '° A HACKING, has been re-engaged at af increase of #| $25 per year. John Roger, P. L.8., Miteheil, passed through the village on Thursday 01 last Suistowel, Ont-| week to take levels fora drain in Grey S1.75_ | aise Laing tscrer of xenorrite Our. 'Tailoring TY { yo cee 'THE BEE | _ And Gent's resign her school. The trustees have ' -----AND-- ' Furnishings j engaged Miss Lawson, of Carmunnock, Ticket Agent, * " desuer Marriage 'Licenses. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ---- t 'Stoves--John Roger. Lotals--M. Wildfang & Co. Farm for sale---Joseph Priest. Selling off at cost--Mrs, Johnson. Boots & Shoes--R. M. Ballantyne, to teach the remainder of vhe year. Frank Irwin, one of our genial and competent blacnsmiths, moved on Sat- urday his family from Waterloo to the house -- occupied by Mr.Portertfield. Mr. Irwin has leased Mr.Kuhry's blaek- ---- smith shop. . Mrs, Wm. Cruse (nee Miss Mina Me- 1 @woirrtr1y Walk. Kenzie), of Detreit;is visiting _her mother, Mrs. Chas. McKenzie. Mrs. Cruse has had a severe.attack of malar- Trowbridge. ia fever, but we are glad to state she is Miss Maggie Code is spending a few}|now improving rapidly. 'days at Brussels. oo. Th® Patrons' concert in Carmunnock Miss Bella Smith, of Brussels, is Vis | Friday evening was a great success. , iting at Thos. Code's. The school house was "packed with an : James McCrea has got his chopping | enthusiastic gathering of Patrons and machine in working order again. their friends. he candidate for the Maud Cosens has goneto Walton to Local Legislature, Mr. Robinson, was end a couple of weeks with her broth- in attendance, also County President }* or ae : Mountain, of Avonbank. (eo. Allen is again visiting our] The anniversary in connection with neighborhood. He has purchased a/|the Methodist church was a success in al 7 + farm near Woodstock. every respect. 'The Rey. Mr. Fisher, of And you can depend on. it. Give Saturday and Sunday presented quite Atwood, gaye fwo eloquent and earnest 'a wintery appearance. The farmers discourses on Sunday, [he chureh was Us a Call. are hustling in the turnips this week. pedi Lc achicte ee belgie ed I 1diti ; aa vening the annual tea we 'rved in ; - t ee ie See a. 5 fering their hall. It is needless to extol this a acc 1 10n, every de } oa Mr. Malco ar TL ; scriber is entitled to 'The ~~ ------------ Montreal Star FROM NOW TO an. 1, 1895 - IN QUALITY & PRIGE, - worth lodge were present About 9.30 Tuesday night the alarm _of tire was given, when it was discover ed that John McLeod's house was all speakers were- Revs. Fisher, of Atwood; Cornish, of Mitchell, and the pastor, Rev, Mr, MeCulloch, Mr.Hord, of Mit- chell, gave an interesting and instruct- Huron County Notes. J. Walsh, of Clinton, is engaged as eng rae : haven & part of the proceedings, as when ladies atin --_ purposes moving into the vie with each other in the culinary art Star Almanac or beautiful te aa the edibles are always par excellence » ' : nag + rhe I, 0. G, T. held a very successful | The intellectual spread was given in the « | Picture. .. "entertainment last Wednesday evening.|ehureh. Rithard Wilkinson, of Logan, . ' in a bluze and ina few minutes it Avas/ive address on "Chureh Prosperity." teacher for the school at picnnien , P burned to the ground. The Atwood Methodist choir supplied D ( antelon, Londesboro,shipped weer : ' There will be a public song service in the musieal part of the program in a oN oP iid runey. 'a ea q qv » Methodist church next Sunday | Very creditable manner, ."® Riddell was recently marriec BS os caderaiy : in Seaforth to Miss Sarah Wallace, of ese @& = _------. > ------- About thirty members uf the Moles | was appointed to the chair The other|~ evening. A prograin of solos, quar- Londesboro 4V = . - tettes und choruses will be giyen by the choir, An address will be given by Jos. Allanson, of Clinton, sent some Rey. Mr. Amy. Grey. Get ready for the tax coMectors. , ; : cabbages to Goderich the other day Joe. Shaw has gone to Trout Creek | which weighed over 20 Ibs. each. | ~----_--_------. es . err . s * Sena See sie Ga te er her's {4.3088 Briekened, of Clinton, has sold Having leased one of R. M. Ballantyne's New Stores I i . obt. shiets fi ented h ather's| his 50 acre farm on the 2nd cop. 0 "Tl « y a nas A. __ The balance of the hogs from the! farm and is haying a new house erect- renee te Jobn Somrue. of the base will sell AT COST my entire stock of "tma cheese factory were shipped last) ed / line, for the sum of 382,650. This is Tuesday. : , ite Ae There will be changes in theteachers|a cheap farm. Fred Ward, teacher 8. 5. Ne. 8. has | of several schoots in this township at}, There is likelihood of Mr. Blatchford, been engaged to tench, S. 5. No, 7 for) the opening of 1894. , of Clinton, establishing an Organ ry OO S Isai at a salary of S35. | Ventriloquist Pearce has been' enter-| Factory in Elora: Arrangements have 9 "Three things that come not again," | taining audiences in several of the| been made to carry on the business gays an Arab proverb, "are.the spoken school sections in Grey during the past | there. The organ made will be known word, the sped arrow and the neglected | week. at the Blatchford. Millinery ery, opportunity. Municipal matters 'are very quiet so; On Sunday Oct. 22, as Dr. Turnbull i ancy Goods, Itis rumored that one of Oxford's | far and no indications are given of a/and his brother were driving down the estimable daughters and a po ular Set-to for the seats at the Council board | street; in Clinton, a young fellow of .* * member of one of the Embro. choirs | for bext year. : Goderich, named Curran, carelessly OO S oes C te turned his bicycle right into the buggy, 5) °9 » will make her home on the loth con.,| Samuel McGeorge will look after the } ae , east, in the near future. tax collecting in the Nurthern*half of getting throw n off: and breaking his teow thie yaar inates . ' arm. TRADED FARMS.--Wm. Struthers has | Grey this year instead of D. McDonald, a _ ; traded his 5u acke fare on the loth con, Who has done the work for several Last week 8 cars of hay were shipped : = Oe ga == a "for the Lou acre farm of Wm. Morrison, | Years past very successfully. from Brussels for export. 8 cars of vie . ' ree i? ' _-- , oats and peas were also loaded and for- 12th con., east, Mr, -Struthers giving/ G. Perrie left last week for a tout) warded to Eastern points. On Thurs- P] $2,150 difference,each getting "possess | through the Western States takipg in ' - ' ' e Ud day Scott & Jones shipped a double . jon March ist. Mr. Struthers | held a) Chicago on the way. There is a proba- decked naval hogs Pret aie «Roddick a} ° : plowing bee on his new farm on Friday | bility that a match will be arranged for | gar of. shingles, : ' lust, at which 16 acres were turned over.! a heavy weight competition between . e ' Tt . of Belgraye, has beer A Bia SaLe.--Gomer Green's sale Mr. Perrie and Johnston, the Scottish rites ca ioasding tense in Engle- on Monday was attended by hundreds champien, for the championship of the | vood--a suburb of Chicago ---during .of people from far and near, and one, World. Phe match may take place 10" t)¢ World's Fair. Her rates were very of the largest and best sales of the ; Scotland if Johnston wont come to) resonable, she kept a splendid house season was held. everything went| *SMeTea. . _ land it was only natural that she shoul George Crooks has disposed of his| qo a good business. In fact the house reasonably high and the total receipts | 'netted the handsome sum of 31,600. | excellent 150 acre farm, on the 8th con.,| was full nearly the whole season. There was astrike on hand at the MRS. TOELIITSON. Mr. Green advertised the sale well, by) to J. Cunningham, Colborne township, Brussels ffax mill last week. The occas- _-* . " fT ) . » getting 125 halt sheet posters printed , The price received was 37,500, which is < : ? ion of it was a proposed change, from ; ' at THe Bee and inserting list of | considered es Mr. Crooks refused articles in the paper, Ile stuys it paid | 310,000 for thé farm at one time when eawies . ' --s , min aAacttnn| ~wall ; aed aa | el) seutehing by the day to working by him overand over again. to' advertise; wot as well improved as it 1s to day.|+).° hundred pounds, whereby the employees state they couldn't make it in the extensive way hedid. It pays | The purchaser takes possession at once : asfarus getting ploughing &c. done. to advertise. - The Amherstburg Echo contains a three coiunm account of the opening of the new (Methodist church at Harrow, and speaksof it as "one the finest Methodist churches in 'the | Provinee." The echureh is under the | pastorate of Rev. E, Medd, a_brother< of W. H. B. Medd, con, 6, Elma, of He will not. move to the place until spring. A well known resident of the 10th f| con, missed the larger portion of a set of single harness frédm his ble last spring and after diligent' 8#areh and enquiry decided that some body had stolen tt. Imagine the owner's surpise whom the Echo sfys:--"Rev. Emanuel | the other day in tinding a portion of Medd, the energetic pastor, under | whose charge this church. has been! completedswas ordained in 1880, after the remains in the bush at the rear of his farm, It issupposed a cow carried the harness off on her horns and in this attending the Wesleyan Theological | "7 conveyetrit to its resting place. Cellege in Montreal, and taking al--Drep.--Last Saturday, Oct. * 21, wages at the rate offered. The matter was agreeably settled and work resum- ed. On Wednesday evening, Oct. 18th, the residence of. Mr. and-Mrs. Jas. Ireland, of Morr, was the scene of a most pleasinggevent. At 5.30 in the evening one dred and fifty invited guests assembled on the Jawn to wit- ness the nuptials of Miss Mary, eldest daughter of the host and hostess, and Oliver Smith, eldest son of Thos. Smith, of Grey. Cupid's Knot was tied' by Rev. 8. Jones, assisted by Revs.. Miller and Ross. * : ¥ , P We eg -_ < a . special Arts course in MeGiull Univers- | Willfam Martin, second son* of* Peter| A gentleman who lives not far. from \7 : "fl "4 ity. Hé has pursued regular college | McNeil, 14th cou., died at the early age | Walton sold a number of cattle to a M FORR ; Atwood rh ure AOmMs «. work since leaving Montreal, and i#!of 13 years, 5 months and 12 days.| buyer at Seaforth receiving $8150 for e . 9 9° w > now a ton-tesident in Otterbein Un-| The ause of death was Bright's disease | them.. Asit was too late to deposit . R . eae Todo where he attended ex: with whieh he had been troubled for the money in the bank he pntitin the} @® The undersigned has on hand all kinds of -House . aminations last Christmas, and has'some time. The funeral togkeplace on | breast pocket of his coat and went F wns - conch as Bedr Suites. L ves: Mattras- ioc ad te ig werk eens ending a) Monday, the aa being Made at|howe. The garment we beng ep in urpishings, A 14s. Windo "Blind ini. PD Tes a Gon n philosophy. ;Cranbrook. Rev. D. B. McRae con-| his room at home with the s still in /Syorings irror Bhat inds, Curtain. Foles &. His whole aim. is bo be a minister of | conducted the service. Mr. McNeil | the pocket but to the owner's sad. sur- el Springs, ; u nd M 1d; ow Call : d ; t Price : the hoe Say Serpe Sat bs wort. Land family are specially entitled to the prise when be went to. remove the Picture F Lageea an he ou Pee , /Q m oh on, Font ; L889 iss. Belle|sympathy they have owing to the| wealth the following ay it ad . 1 2 re, ric u e , ~ Hiles, and Harrow is his second pas- | fact that this is the third deqth in the| mysterious! disappeared aid hag not before buying vieaeld hot -- o sult t AES ie toral-charge since ordiration.", j home in the past 1@ months, since turned up. erals attended to on short notice, » © .

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