Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 25 Aug 1911, p. 3

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a -the richest niekel and copper de- 'this paper.a s2ries of letiers 2a hy Sst 7, | ¥ fee es bs THE [Mr. McEvoy will write for from the west. They will appear from time to time un- de. the above heading, and wiil give a picture of the great Canadian west from the standpoint of a young they Ontario man going out there to make hisway. These Jet- ters should be full of inte. est for every Ontario father. | Heron Bay, Ont., Aug. 9th. My Dear Father,-- Perhaps it would be well to ex- rs plain the shakiness of my hand- writing before going any further in this letter. Although everybody in eur ear is in excellent spirits, we gre al! sober. The iact is, however, that in spite of the little movable which the porter has fitted up for me, the motion of the car occasionally makes my writing ra- ther shaky. They are great little tebles that fit into the side of the ear near the windows and they are pupported at the other end on one leg. They come in useful for all sorts of things. We use them as dining tables, and just now an cold man and his three cons just across the aisle are playing a game of eards on their little table. They are going out to take up some of the irrigated lands of Alberta which are watered by the C .P. R-. irri- gation canal. I get acquainted with them through mother not put- ting a cup in my valise when she packed the grub for me to eat on the trip. I borrowed a cup fr im them andi traded two bananas for a cup of coffee and some dried beef. They are a fine jolly crowd im this car, and there ts al! sorts of fun all the time, especially at h meal times. I am mighty glad already that we decided I should come out weet this summer, even if 1 don't pever realized Dominion hanging house wall, showed that the Prov- ince was some size, but here I have been travelling along for pretty rear twenty-four hours, and we fourteen hours line of country in Ontario. We didn't see much of Muskoka, as we sed through there.at night, but woke at Muskoka station and raised the blind at my window and saw the trunks uf the nearest trees looking ghostly in the electric ights of the station. Behind them was black mystery. Of course, 1} eouldn't see much, but it looked as though the folks that go there for their holidays ought to get @ pretty goud change from the cities. At breakfast time, on the first morning of our trip, we were: in the Sudbury district, and it's some- thing to make us throw out onr chests, and fee] proud to think that posits in the whole world are right here in Ontario. Moose Mountain Range is close here, too--the great- est known iron range in Canada. This ought to be a great manufac- turing district some day. There is not much timber round the line just near Sudbury. The er nine inches through. trees grew about twenty feet high and then they die, and everywhere you can see these young trees cov- ered with dead, shrivetled leaves. Lew bushes give the only touch of green to be secn, and every where there are rocks ef all kinds, sises and shapes. There are rocks that you could play duck on the reek with, and others that are bigger than our barn at home. with all rizes in between. It musi have been a tremendous job putting the railroad through here. It seems f. > A Large _ | us, ee File : 3 } rf Hi 4 aE tf Fy g Fi i you are of water re. There was a birch-bark canoe --the genuine thing--drawn out of the water and lying upside down, close to tepee. You go for miles and miles jn the train with- out seeing anybody. and then you may come on a little clearing with a little bit of a wooden house, un- painted and looking more like a box with windows than a house. But there may be a flag-pole along- side, where the Union Jack is run up en holidays. The children who run out of these cabins and wave at the train, as it goes by, seem qnite glad to see sumeone, even if it's only to shout "howdy,'" as the train rushes by. We passed a grave to-day. where, I suppose, some settler is buried. It was all alone in a small cleared space among the trees and bushes. Tt looked awfully 'cnely in that wilderness, but there mmust have been someone to think kindly of the man who is tasking his last rest there, for a weouden picket fence had been built round the grave, and a weather-worn weuden cross stood at its head. Say been with me this last half come into our. We have just view of Lake Superior. All day we have been rolling along be- tween fairly high hills. Just as iN: shadows of evening were com- ing on we turned down the valley of a river. and suddenly came in full view cf the wide expanse of Lake Superior. It was grand. The lake was a bright blue, far out io the horizon, where a blue moun- tainous island lvomed up. In shore, a hundred feet or ev below the waves were dashing in snowy breakers on the rocks. All about the lake were high, rolling hills, their wooded skkes bathed in the mellow ruddy light of suaset. The track here winds *in and out hil nd ous wall, at waves constantly dash. For some reason, the view of those great hills, and the mighty lake in the sunset light made me think of us singing "Abide With Me" in the ehurch at home, especially that verse: "Swift to its close ebbs out hfe's little day; " Earth's joys grow dim, ite glories pass away, Change and decay in all around 1 see; ' . O Thou, Whe changest not, abide with me." Perhaps it was the thonght that the waves of this Inke were cash- ing abeut that distant island, and at the feet of those hills, for un- tokl centuries without change, that made me think of the hymn. It was a sort of glimpse ef eternity. We are running en with con- stantly changing views of tne lake. which is disappearing in the gath- enng night. i is immense. I would surt of like to hear the hum of the separater at home new, and T can imagine that you are about hitching up Nellie te go to the pest office. Well, I must say geed- bye new as the perter is becimiag to make up the beds. Tell mother 1 will write to her. : eur loving son, JIM. -- --_-------- hr _ _-- PROPRL BOATS BY BUBBLES. Australian Has New Deviee for Air! Power of Vessels. Inventer Schroeder, an Austral- jan, has devised a system of pro- pelling beats by air bubbles. His idea is to force air through a sys- Dad, I de wish you could /™ zone. Prof. Lyde not only insists that the white man cannot live in health in tropical countries, but he also professes to believe that the white man is doomed to yanish from the English human skin was dark brown, the variations of that color being _ the results of the weakenmg or strengthening of the pigment under different climatic conditions. Taking ordinary precautions it may be possble for the white man, two years of acclimitization, to live in the tropics even mvure immune from tropical diseases than the black. But this period of immun- ity lasts for only about seven years, after which the deteriorating -- ef- fects of the strong solar light heat begin to show themselves on the white skin, and render the pos- sessor thereof peculiarly suscept- ible to tropical diseases. In conse- quence the permanent settlement of the tropics by white men is im- possible. But while the pigment with which the color is provided is indispensable for Jife in the tropics, it is a source of no danger in the temperate or frigid zones; therefore the dark or yellow an can intrude into the domain of the man of fair skin with little or no danger. SS ne THE GROWTH OF LONDON. The tendency to crowd into cit- jes, which |s so marked in al} civil- ized countries, has a curious iilus- tration in the census of 1911, which shows the ¢ } i of Leadon as a center of peoputs- tion. The population of Greater Londen has increased in the last 10 years from 6.581.402 to 7 563. or 10.2 per cent. In the mean- time, however. the pepulation of the ether largest cities in England has in most cases increased by re- latively small percentages. Bir- mingham has grown from 523,179 357,059; Leeds from 423,968 to -445,- 568; Liverpoo Tot + 566; Manchester from 873 to 714,427, and Sheffield from 409.070 to 454,653. The rate of increase of Manchester and Sheffield alune slightly exceeds that of London, the others falling far behind it. The percentage for Birmingham is only 0.53 per cent. Some of the ematler cities, nevertheless, have increased much more rapidly than the metropolis, Coventry, for in- stance, having grown from 69,978 to 106,377 or 52.01 per cent., & truly American showing. GET POWER. The Supply Comee From Food. If we get power from fecd why not strive to get all the power we can. That iz only possible by use of skilfully selected food that ex- actly fits the requirements of the body. Poor fuel makes a" poor fire and a peor fire is not a goud steam producer. 'From not knowing how to select the right food to fit my needs, 1! suffered grievously for a long time rom stomach troubles," writes a lady frum a little town in Missouri. "It seemed as if I would vever be able to find out the sort of food that was best for me. Hardly any- thieg that I could eat would stay on my stemach. Every attempt gave me heartburn and filled my stomach with gas. I got thinner and thinner until I literally became a living skeleton and in time was compe!led to keep to my bed. "A few months ago I was per- suaded to-try Graps-Nuts food, and it had such good effect from the very beginning that I- have kept up its use ever since. I was surprised at the ease with which I It proved to be just Package Of Enjoyment Post Toasties ' Served with cream, milk or frait--fresh or ceoked: of white eern--delicious and wholcseme--.- A flavour that appoals t § young and el "The Memory Lingers" Crisp; golden-brown bits read i 'Sx jiem of holes in the bettem of the jvessel, which are so arranged that 'there is practically an air cushion s*etween the bottem and the water. "Only small engine power is requir- ;ed, as the inventor does net rely 'on the forcible expulsion of air for | his motive power, but on the lifting power of the air bubbles them- selves. By shutting off the air from 'sonic of i Willie--"Say, pa, what.is a hypo- Pa--"A hypocrite, my son, is a maa who publicly thanks Providence for. hie call 'Postsc' ad -- ** *Post- script'! Whatever do you call her: sg fort' Little ine feure rounded out, my. strength face of the earth, giving way to the | 2? o he i ory that the original color of the |i to 595,960; Bristol from 339,0:2 to|' | seven years, tines so severe @hat F wished dead. On my Fetura té Fagiand 1 seemed to get MO betten; though I spent large sums. cf money for, me- dical advice aidimedicine: Then | came to Canadayand abot a year © saw the rtisement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in a Winnipeg paper. Although begun to think my complaint was ipcurable I told my wife that I intended giv- ing the Pills ir trial. I was enffering from terrible pains when I began taking the Pills, but before the second be ~ was finished the pala began to disappear. and un- der a further use of the Pills it disappeared entirely, and I have nut had a twinge of it during the past year. Only thoze who have been afflicted with the terrible pains of neuralgia can tell "what a blessing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been te me, and you may sure 1 ehall constantly recommend them to other sufferers." These Pills are scld by: a}! medi- cine dealers oy by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, -- es COULD SATISFY HER. Lady (to clerk in servants' regis- try pfilice}--"'l want a cook, and I want her bad." Clerk--"Quite ro. madam ; that's just the sort we eupply P' A safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is Me bs Pe » 2 ~ - "T anderstand that she is separ- ated from her husband?' "Yes." "Oh, tell me al] about it. What did she do?' 'Nothing; he died." Warts on the hands is a disfigure- ment that troubles many ladies. Holloway's Corn Cure wil] remove the blemishes without pain. Mrs. ' Henpeck--"You're kinder to dumb animals than you are to me."' Henpeck--"Well, you try being dumb, and you') see how kind I)! be." There are many imitations of Wilson's Fly Pads, but nene com- pare with the genuine erigimal ar- ticle. Be sure you get Wilson's and avoid dissatisfaction. JUST CLASSICS. Boukworm-- Yes, I] have about 3,000 volumes. These in this cor- ner are the ones I read Visiter--"But what «,;e all the others 1' Bookworm--"'Oh, thoze are the beoks no library is complete with- out." Cucumbers and melons are "for- bidden fruit" te many persens so eunstituted that the least indul- gence is followed, by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, ete. ese persons are not Aware that they can indulge to their heari's content if they have on hand a . J. Dy Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial, a medicine that will give immediate relief, and is a suce cure for all summer com- plaints. A gir) has 3 right to, put on airs --or anything else she can afford. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. NO TIME LIMIT. "Mr. Biles," began the young man, "] "Wil} not. detain you for long. =F have come to ask you for ™ poi back. and I am now able to; your daughter. Pa a . do my housework and enjoy it. "Young man,~ eaid Mr. Biles, Grape-Nuts food did it,' Name 'do you-- , ill given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, "Yes, cir, I fully realize that she Mieb.. as very carefully brought "'A-ten days' tria} will show any-| up, and I realize she har had every gme some facts about:food.. » .fluaury-' o> Read the little book, "The Road} "* ou----" "There's 4 'Cos rame. is Adeline ~jeven a Icbdrer's cottage, whic ~ r- r 3 S s{ Walls and ceilings. of houses in which cases occur afé sp' with 'drmalin- and. the I any other country. re is scarcely a dwelling house jeonstructed nowadays in Australia, is sale, it is customary to find sheets of water running over the front dindows and walls for the purpose of eatcaing dust. All large cities, like Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, others, have tuberculosis sana- toria and also a large number of beds for chronic cases. The Green- vale Sanatorium, near Meibourne, will compare favorably with -simil- ar institutions in Europe and Am- erica. Gratifying progress has been made in isolating chronic and more particularly open cases of tuber- culosis. In New South Wales, Vic- toria, and South Australia it is estimated that at Ieast 50 per cent. of these cases have been placed in hospitals and a good proportion of the remainder under supervision. The health officials believe that on- ly a few years will elapse before every case of pulmenary and threat tuberculosis will be under such con- trol as to reduce the danger of transmitting the infection to a min- imum. or People don't seem to care how you gut your money; they are ln- terested only in hew you spend it. The Flies that are now in your 1t is the duty of " to assist in exterminating ths worst enemy of the human rare Wilsen'e Fly Pade kil} flies 2 such immense quantities as cannot approached by any other fly killer. NECESSARY PRELIMINARY. "Can't you assume a hitle more pleasing expression vf couuten- ance?" asked the photographer. "Y-yes, sir," hesitatingly an- swered sitter. "Wait a minute I'll take eff these new shoes." REST AND HEALTH 10 MOTHER AKD CRILD . 's SoorminG Syaur has een EARS by MILLIONS of REN WHILE THETHING, with PER it SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the ghar ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURKS WIND COLIc. is the Bcst remedy for DIAKMHCEA. 1 is ab and ask for * Mra. jess, Be sure =. Twenty-five cests a bottle. MUTUAL MISTAKE. "] hear their engagement has been broken off through a misun- derstanding." "Yes. He' understood ehe had money aud she understecd he ha mo " It Makes New Frients Every ay.--Net a day gees by that Dr. Themas' Ecleetric Oi] dees net widen the circle of its fnends. Or- ders for it come fromthe most un- likely places in the west and Tar north. for its fame has travelled far. It deserves this attention. for no oi} has dene so much fer hu- manity. Its mederate cest maker it easy to get.' An expert is a man whe can get his ewn price fer guessing at things. ~ Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. EXPFRT COOKING. Mistress--"Mercy on me. what a kitchen! Every pot. pan and dish is dirty, tae table locks like a ma- rine stores dealer's, and--why, 1t will take you a week te get things cleaned up! What have you been doing ?' " Servant--"Sure, mum, the young ladies has just been down here showing me how they bake a potato at the cooking schcol."' ™~ 5 DODDS - y|veuched for by legions of users. = Spateeteate | PP zee = ted 've matter and E. DGFF, Union Station, NICE GIRL. Dick--"There's one thing about Louise, she never repeats stories about her women friends."' Ethel--"Repeats!: No, indeed; she starts them."'- The Pill That Brings Relief.-- When, after one has partaken of a meal he is oppressed by feelings of fulness and pains in the stomach | he suners from dyspepsia, which will persist if it be not dealt with. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the very best medicine that can be taken to bring relief. These pills are especially compounded to deal with dyspepsia, and their sterling qualities. in this respect can be Beware of girle with dreamy eyes, young man; they may be wide awake : Minard's Lintment Cures Distemper. "Or, indeed! Mine doesn't make the slightest distinction betwee the sexes." : This in toe eertify that > hare need MINARDS Linitment in my family for years, and consider it the heet } on the market. I hase found it excellent for horse feah. . +Pigmed) 7 - W..8 FINEO. "Woodlands," Middleton, N.S. ago, and as a single fly often car- | ries many usands of .lisease ached to ite hairy ; ite body | every housexceper The Bride--"Oh, darling, our honeymoon was jutt the loveliest that ever was!' The Groom--"It certainly was, dearest. Bride--"I have only one regret--I may never have the pieasure of go- ing through another*"' TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, W: and Granulated Eyelids. M e Doesn't Bye b. 2ac,.. ip $1.00. Eye Books WAS CAUTIOUS. Lady--There's no need to be frightened, my littlke man. My lit- tle dog is only wagging his tail to show how pleased he is. Tommy--But that's net the end I'm afraid of. A Mild Pill for Delicate Women. --The must delicate woman can un- dergo a eourse of Parmelee's. Vege- table Pills without fear of unplea- sant consequences. Their action, while who!ly effective, is mild and prong Be information, The! Lo want to bey . ' ACENTS WANTED. a + ent NVASSKESN WANTED re wi : pail ~Alret Trier Lowden, ¢atarin, z = A GENTS WANTED < High business Cal Co., "rah bat peor clase vert & Dwyer GENTS WANTED.--A 'stndy rs bert St.. Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS. AY ard PARM SCALES Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. AWMILL MACHINERY, Portabl > heavy, Lathe Mills. , Shin -5 ines and Boilers, Mill Su Manufacturing Co. fitreet, Mia, Ontario. ain by our home treaties Wilson'¢ Toronta, Witla, lid, Wi fore too late. Dr. Bellman, Coltiag wood. Ont. f i el Sepp! ecenty. y are money ply B.C. L Co. Led, 2% ttawa, Ont. « TON SCALE GU 6 Reale Works, 9 Wer un to-day for ol out choice list jes, No outlay mekors. ARANTBED Wileon'é Esplac . Toroate, adie, GS PECIALISTS ADVICE FREER Con = > ce regard an sense. west First Matron--"Yes, my doctor prices in droge all kinds, has the reputation of being quite >E@S*gincecs Sitel by Send ee dy-kilier."" om-- eold etct a lady-bilier." | Second Matro7--| terres'to brs Ballmas." Calteeweot. Oak FEATHER he sent by post, tc per oz, DYEING Cleaning and Carling asd Kid (Heros clean e+e can "The best place ie GRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL. The Soul of a Planolisthe Action. Insist on the Piano Action "OTTO HIGEL" CHEERING HIM GP. agreeable. No vielent pais or purgings follow their use, as thou sande of women 'hv have them can testify. fore. strongly recommended to wo men, wro are more prone to dis- orders cf the digestive organs than meu. > he faster the man the easier it js for trouble tu overtake him. Minard's Lintment Cures Carget fn Cows aonenr cae ernencne ADOPTS NEW VACCENATION. French Government Will Employ 'Tynhoid Fever Prevertive. The French Government has de- cided to establish . vaccination against typhoid fever in its colon- jal) so army. Professur © Chante- Mease. inventor of the anti-typhoid vaccination, left Paris recently for Oudyda, where he is commissioned .| by the Mimister ef War to start vac- cination among the troops station- ed along the Algiers-Morfecoan herder. The decisiin of the Mints- ter was based on the fact that cases of typhoid fever among American svidiers are now six times less than before the Chante-Meste method was adopted. During the late years, statistics have shown alarming figures of deaths from typhoid fever in France.' Since 1894 140,000 have died and 40,000 cases were recorded every year. It. is curious to note that although the invention was due toa Frene physician, France is practically the last nation to adopt it, England having been the first to try it in her South African War, closely follow- ed by America, who took it up after had been carefully stud- Siuce its opening, 'weeks ago the number. of . people we ly submitted themselves to - Sgn oleh Per OR? + eight | preventire measure has aver- ave seldiers at your funeral? JIMMY'S HEALTH. your mnedicine?"' to set the world on fire--bu deesn't seem te worry the in ance people very much. * Mother (in a.very low voice) -- Tommy. your, grandfather is very Can you say something te Grandfather, wouldn't you Eke ta Mother--"*What did you do witl that dime I gave you for taking Tommy--"'] gaye Jimmy 'half of it to take the medicine for mo. " Every youthful graduate expects t if sur is sold at Latte bars, etc., and a *

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