Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 23 Jun 1911, p. 5

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Express ito- 05 p. ho Pye | at Gusiph i42 420 p m. Guelph 6 23 p m., arriving at Listowel 7.40 p.m nections mide at Linwood aid ion with trains for God H. B, MORPHY, K. C. BARRISTER, SOl. ICITOR, ETC, Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, N Public and Commissioner. Mon- ey to GEORGE BRAY BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. ONT. LISTOWEL, F.R. BLEWETT, K. C. BARRISTER, SOLICI'SOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC., Gordon Block, Upposite Post Office, STRATFORD OnT. 3. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste , Conveyatcer. Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada MONEY TO LOAN. O@ies, Main St., next to Dr. Foster, Mootist. ia Breach office Atwood every Wednesday afternoon. LOUIS GABEL LICENSED AUCTIONEER, LISTOWEL, | ONT. Sales catentek "a a in any part of Perth ounty at moderate charges. Sutisfac- on gu aranteed. Jes may be arranged for at Stand- ard office. 2. ~FRED. VANDRICK, LICENSED "AUCTIONEER » of all kinds of sales # first-class manner, Orders left at A. J. Vandrick's store, Lis. awel, will be given prompt stteation ENTIRELY NEW 8TACK OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the want at his Customers personally Family recipes a specialty. R. A. Hunter Uiespest ype STRATFORD. aaa A Large "School, A Good School, The Best. This school has a continental reputation for high grade work and for the succes: of its students. We have Three departments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and wo- men should sone at once for our large free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our grad- ng. 2OE2024 TECTED This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. D. A. McLACHLAN, Princi wancencacraene' Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup has Nathan-Kasky was small and thin and pale, with a little wisp of grayish brown beard outside his frowzy coat collar and two beady, black, pathetic eyes peering out from under the brim of bis old derby bat. He closed the door of his little shop and made his way toward the-Brook- lyn bridge. , Every night after supper be went there to smoke bis il! smeiling pipe and watch the jeweled radiance of the even- ing clad cities, the shadowy outlines of passing ships and the flashing evo- lotions of restless tugs and ferryboats in the river below. . Tonight his usual! nook.in tbe angle of the fron railing was occupied by the despondent figure of a man. As Nathan approached the stranger straightened himself and leaned eagerly forward, with one band on the railing. Nathan stretched out a pallid, dye grimed hand and touched the man's: arm. "Don'tr' he cried excitedly from his scanty store of English words. The stranger turned, and the electric light revealed that he was young and well dressed and. moreover, that be was bandsome, although his face just now was bitter enough. "What's the matter?' he demanded irritably. "Excuse! pleaded Nathan ples jumps sometimes." The bitterness vanished in a pleas- ant grin. "You thought I was going to jump over?" demanded the young man. "Yes, sir--excuse." and Nathan couched depreeatingly behind bis hand. The little tailor stood in abashed si- lence beside bis new acquaintance. He felt that now be should witbdraw, bot at the same time be thought that some kind parting word from him might lessen the misery of a wretched young "Peo- map. Nathan judced hastily. "Your vife-- she bas t'rown you out?" he asked with plty In bis rolce, "It's worse than tbat! Tbe voice conveyed a meaning which the quick- ly spoken words did not. The tailor's hand went Into his sag- ging vest pocket and extracted a large purse. From this be brought a soll- tary silver quarter shining in the faint light. Pik be extended toward the young "Becel" be sald elmply. The stranger stared and then his own palm jingled with silver. "Not quite as bad as that, old man. Thank "WHERE\DID YOU FIND IT?" you just the same, though." He saw the greedy look In Nathan's eyes. "Is that all you've got?' be demanded b The Jittle tallor's purse went back into bis pocket. "Yes, excuse--bizness iss bad," be said apologetically. The other was beside him instantly. "Who are you--where do you live?" Nathan explained brokenly and with gesticulations to take the place of words which be could not command. "I'll go home with you now. You can mend my coat for me and press it. My waistcoat needs mending too. BSee--all the buttons are coming of! The stranger fell into step beside Nathan Natban lighted his faring gas jet and set the goose to heat over another flame. He adjusted a large palr of born rimmed spectacles and snipped busily. "Hafe you told your trubble to a polissman?" "Good Lord, nol Why do you ask that?" "Excuse! | bafe a little trubble aneet. I loose me mine money--75 cents. I ask a frendt bass be seen any loose moneys and bow I am trubbled, and be sess to tell my trubbles to a poliss- man." Nathan's voice waa abjectly apologetic. ."What did the policeman say when you told him?" inquired the stranger with a carefully suppressed smile. Nathan sigbed and waxed his thread. se i H : ip, ¥ E 3 i 8 j a Job's comforter you are," ted the stranger, rising Tor- ward into the light "Don't worry stant conn sudden snatch he took the letter glanced at the address. "Great smoke! he yelled excitedly. "No wonder she uever answered my letter--she never had it Where is te nearest telep ment!" Hatless and coatless the stranger fied, while Nathan watched anxiously until bis flying steps had taken him out of the areaway and down the greasy pavement. Then be returned to his seat on the table and his in- terrupted sewing. ee ee ee eee he Murmured sadly as he torn pocket. "First it's jeecaged und it issn letter, und be speaks mit strange- ness about all things. I ask a dollar for so little a job." He sigh- ed and got down to 'press the garment enrefully. Presently the back again, bis face aged erg his eyes shining with ha "Horrab, Nathan! got the gen at all. couldn't, you know. was in my, coat sonee "end if you hadn't spoken to me at the bridge ond offered me money and sympathy and if i naaert followed yon here the only knows how long Mabe! and I would have been. separated or we would ever bave come agnin. Coat rendy? There. 0 put fit on. Now, here's my address, and this ealled ber up, and sbe's as can be, and I'm going to get up as soon as I can. He eS into his coat, crammed and thrust a bill into Na- hand. "3. speaking once more?" ask- ed the little tailor after a dizzy glance at the bill in his and walteed -- hin around 'the shop. Then he dashed out of the door and disappeared into the night. "You're gettin' rich," remarked the keeper of the delicatessen shop wher he changed a ten dollar bill for, Na- than Kasky. . "I mendit a coat for ea explained Nathan. with Pee ah 2 - a Pe a at CAN ADIAN We 4) » on oll excursion. with bedding, cma Cc Earty sppliaation ABH FOR pomeecs: Ani mes os ORLY DIRECT LINE = Bh) GARE PACIFIc HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Mberta Cn ate met ae: YTS MO on. ee Second dam iefies to poiscpe! LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES - $33.00, to etre 60 days frum guing date, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Cembertabte rae vent. must be made a | 7 J. emple is good- start sow. ----e ae Livingsioge, Jr, TownAg't. "Vessels Large May Venture More, but J. GABEL. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. WATCH Display Window for the NEWws_ Photograph, SEPIAANGELO PLATINUM. _ The Latest to the Minute. fy | te Supply of Kodaks and Kodak Supplies. -R@TEST MOULDINGS in the "picture framing department. _-C, A, LEE, Main Stieet - - Listowel. ATEN T = - CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE PUND TOTAL ASSETS CAPITAL AUTHORIZED = _ CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED -- - '$10,000,600.00 $5,913,000.00 gieampona $5,793,000.00 Over $63,000,000.00 my) suring success mae (Out in life. N No need of should you be a ly of crea count de week or month. Stick to it, andlingtime yourjsuccess will ~ 'An carly start anda Uefinite pien go far towards a0* to the young a or woman starting "is Head ¢ deposit whatever you ¢ an ac t whatever you can each ~ q = Ord oe eee os So-eho-sho-eteepat aoe, eabEee you raise. 0 % } in the Canadian Pacific ; LANDS FOR SALE be assured. j Better start now--you will neverjregret it. Pai LISTOWEL BRANCH, | ogee DAVID G. ROY, - - Manager, ee Sue H +E EE EEE HH In Our New Premi-|¥ :§ $08. AREYOU ¢ 94 s. L kin son | RUPTURED? « be SN er 5 Are now installed in their new I can cure the worst $ prem on Main Street, case of Rupture from in- $ fancy to old age, without $ One Door East of Post Office operations or loss of time. } where they intend keeping ACT AT ONCE ; Only the Choicest Meats. |} and remove the daily dao- t Our stock will be found the lar-| ~ S€F Of strangulation. = $ gest and best in town and includ- Fillin coupon and send + ing everything in the line of to $ Fresh and Cured Meats, J.S.SMITH, ¢ Sausages, etc. 88 Caledonia St. ¢ We waits eumely oun cuatas: Dept. Z, Stratford Ont. ; ers and to make new ones and we| + Name + keep the goods to do it with. aad 4 ers by phone or otherwise : $ promptly filled and meat delivered| J 48°------Time Ruptured ............ % to any part of town. On what side Ruptured .. wae ¥ + S. L- KIDD & SON Satisfaction Guaranteed t PHONE 31. DEAE EEE 4 4444 44-40-04 | 4 <n | N <= 3 MILLION | Of the Choicest Land in Alberta. advances ? Railway CENTRAL ALBERTA PRICE $10 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS With TEN YEARS to Pay in if Lands Are Settled Upon. Or you can pay down from $200 to $400 for a choice quarter section and pay the balance out of the crops The rich soil of Central Alberta is capable of raising from twenty to forty bushels of wheat per acre, and from sixty to one hundred bushels of oats per acre, as well as all other kinds of grain, flax, ete., rain-fall to produce large crops without irrigation. The C. P. R. Lands in Central Alberta now offered for sale cover an immense territory lying between Calgary and Edmonton and stretching from the Saskatchewan boundary to the foothills, and comprise SEVERAL ACRES particulars about the CANADIAN PAGIFICJRAILWAY LANDS in Central Alberta, also the addrens or call oxt A ST. GEO. HAWKINS, Aaeot C. -P, R. Lands, Listowel, Ont. Homan Seo ere eir eee tes :, there being ample NOW is the opportunity to secure specially selected land along the Wetaskiwin and/Lacombe hranches of the C. P. R. This is the district that the American settlers are pouring into this year. Why not Ontario farmers and others who are looking for the safest possible investment take advantage of this golden opportunity to secure a 2 the price

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