_ A HACKING. 'Tandera to return tg theli coluiie. When the sungg: Boers arrived nt _ Rie: --the kind "Twe get at One Dollar will start an aczoant with the Bavk of Hamilton. J. M, er tia Agent, Listowel. kee stab. 99 ' ened to turn his contented brooding | tinned to run over the {tems in the | the Boer lanzer. jgden with the eap ListowelStandard | into «1 of meiancholy. As he watch-| schedules. The duty on ani im | tered aes, 1» 1 ail neked. them SS ee ed bis fields he began to estimate his | ported Canada 910 | why they did nur ting thidr prisoners EL! 000 profits, subtracting expenditures from $15,702 08 0 ae rg Pap The youths lookwd at rirh other. at ml = 'cp opto aa FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1911. receipts and calculating how the for| Frain and products, §273424.17;- on | ON@ Of them stewpichis cepted: Mr. Hays Does Not Believe That mer might be reduced. The things be | green fruit, $267,087.94; and on ¥ sate) Ot Know that thes were |" This atimate is Out of the Way. = had to buy, the wear and tear on the | tables, $350,661.86 3 yrs Bot the Inde. h h treal, 7 ings he alread sessed were duly | The effect of this duty was two-fold; the Iqts, however. whe 1° sign June 19.--Charles M. Hs GREAT WELCOME ae ete choecae: $1,095,381.84 was added to the nation- | ays made the mistakes Cine 94 | president of the Grand Trunk Railway, TO THE LEADER. --_-- Mr, Borden Arrives at Winnipeg " is Greeted by Cheering Th Agricultural Scare Crow At this point, that agricultural scare crow, the tariff, stalked into his solflo | .ai¢ Roer, on viewing fer the first thine 4 company of hichinuders In the dis tance, refused to fire, insisting that tr was ea berd of ostfirhes, and be per -- LITTLE MONEY. . oH called Seen © ni the | tariff 7 -suaded all the burghers In ihe trenche* | of this 's crop were distinctly favor- z . isniigds Teer ee, pete er, ee tbe | tari wae conserving is, selling Lele) Peae fim that thes were ostricbes, and 52s ares: Ah aye Eggs Every business letter should be typewritten. poral eer ve Chieftain, was read; wild words from the ssacciieete his nothing but osiri ten. e good appearance. Wi Most are. Are yours ? If not, here is your t welcome egard tothe estimate of 200,000,000 orations he had heard on the subject, Helping Him Out --_----- ------- BANKS "LOAN" MONEY. la, servative and believed it would be ex oppottunity, For ten days from this date we ian | all of which claimed to have proven) Mr. Jones, being a man of ingenious will hold a clearance sale of rebuilt -- Soiegem hie tose Sane that the tariff was the yoke upon the | ft f mind, lookef at.the problem ---- en if W | h ypewriters. Wi ' Canadian farmer's neck that chained as it affected him in. another way, | They Don't "Lend" tt, Because It Is 2 ceeded if anything. e must clear out the stock. We need the The reception was one long to be re- | Can what few re out of Business Transact?on. PROF, SHAW AGREES, room. aim to perpetual slavery on the land. f these allegations were true, the ariff, and those corpulent monopol- sts who were represented as profit- ig by its existence, would take thelr 'Il of every broad acre he possessed. iis was the reason, then, that there as nct a larger margin between bis -nual debits and credits. warmer Jones put down hig feet. e leaned anxiously forward and enned the fields already disappear gin the twilight as though capital- cs, with glant hands, were snatch- a them bedily away. He could easily cng! ne that he saw stout bay men, 'ural com- unity. l'armer Jones began his cal- culations again. Rock cut, fill, timber land and open prairie averaged, railway bere costs about $35,000 r mile duty on spirits for 1910 would ons 170 miles of the Transcont tal. The combined revenue deri from the duty on animals, butter, eggs, grain and its prod Why fs it bonking heuses olways "oan" thelr huge snms of menert never by any chance "lend" them? "Lend" fs the true verb, while "loan" was exclosively rhe noun. Elow came it about that "to loan" has nolformis supplanted "to lend?" 'The purists maxe 1 grent fuss abont this. They insist thot the stnpid and untangbt Onaneli! world haa folsted upon the languace vn substantive verb when po pew verb war nreded. when the anclent and rsiablished nsage was fized in the signifiention of "to lend" Bot prior to the modern derelopment of bosiness enterprise when money was len! [t was bestowed apon the bor- Winnipeg, June 19.--Professor Thom- as Shaw, of North Dakota, the well- that he thonght William Whytg's esti- = of 200,000,009 bushels very con- ative. TWO KILLED WHEN AUTO OVER- j TURNS oe Miss Florence Crawford and David Bradwood of Toronto Meet Instant tb, 5 Barrie, June al --David Bradwood, mvery Vv Write to-day for details. The Monarch Typewriter Co'y, timed 'TERMS TO SUIT. Make Represented. ery Typewriter Carries Our Guaruntee. Every Typewriter Carefully Rebuilt. 46 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ont, sion of automobiles an ve 1 rl d heavy watch tabl Id pulla'3t mation. The Crawford of ith eeal rings ean ea vege e6, Wou 'u es. rawford, me tomobil bodies afoot,left for the residence of Rog hains, scurrying over ia fences, | consumers of intoxicants, and his riv- ee ie oles Se bal atc party of scven, were ee med en ---- ers, where an informal reception wa8| arrying bushels of wheat, sheaves of | als who had farm produce to sell, were |. ve meee 1 | the road. between bere and Orillia to | ae = <a ee =: a id. ern and baskets of fruit. pressed | actually paying for the railroad which or patronage. or by the prufessiana day. The ere seated th There we speeches at the resi-| y his vision, Farmer Jones put away | would transport his produce to a wider | MODey lender who, taking ndcantage * in the Walker Theatre at night. is now tastelees pipe. In a Pessimistic Mood "Diast them!" he remarked, refer market than it pee enjoyed before the advent of tog ie The next Stem upon which his at- tention rested was "Electrical Appar atus," on which the revenue collected through the duty in 1910 amounted to of persons in extremities of need, du manded usurious ipterest. This Anglo Sazon verb today retains ite ancient connotation. When it was colped the productive powers of money were un- known, and the wealth of rich men front seat of the car wine the applica- tien of the emergency brake when the " was at a high speed overturned the two were pinved underneath snd their necks broken. In the rear seat were Mrs. G.T. Tnompson and Cobwebs in the Morning. DOMINION DAY. «ays . tour | on © hot 7: 7 y i te nil moctng of Mr. Borden's tur | 90 8, pt chem on ther | Wome Phere aot a cents | wag ockea op fr matty and tet ont | er Gnoger Jenn sod Beas ney TT cei On Tuesday at Brandon Mr. Borden | °°: nis | femark showed that the genia) | Within a radius of ten miles of where of the channels of commerce. ae escaped. | Cobwebs in the i me es wil ent he grin oma ua en | iti aad timely pate |G, Haher Hoe Braiey oor | Nowa 07 See ot ra oe WALLACE octets ste othe = Single Fare for Round Trip, resting tim antici! Hed him to t P iy 9 zi -- i teresting time is pated. ood, pa ag rg w ter his house, | 80d consequently paid all or part of | constantly working in productive en- ees 7 Wats ide WEDDING. | béadache follows. _ (with minimum map of "I ie ee ee eens cee great OM: the duty on it. The amount collected | terprises. Immense loans are made, no rag hg ge merrily at the |. Father Morriscy's Liver Pills will clear EDWARD JARDINE EXECUTED | tasnioned desk with its quaint pigeon ings this duty - peered the Hiner Da | longer to relieve the'heceasttons and the noane 0 Mrs. Geo. ay, J -- tab bet een oft stations fa a cert ' toles full of musty books snd papers. benies. of Fah ay aly : mee Fey and on bills Dicitdhsdren oe wi sain atone ideas ds an trott and Port and Balti, N ve At Goderich "Jail. . ° ones' inten Jonrea.| .. "it strikes me," said ctr page | rburrower as E.,, was united in pi cate VRETEEAN ocak tats [ston by morning Edward Benjamin Jardine was in the jail yard for the murder of Lizzie Andere on September 20. The ed man went to the scaf- fold like a soldier on parade, with head erect and firm step. Immediately be- fore being pinioned, he was given 5 stiff injection of morphia to stimulate him, The town bell! tolled at 7.55, and n but his attention was arrested by blue book which bad just arrived that day from Ottawa. It contained the returns of the Customs Department. Mr. Jones gianced through the order- ly array of [igures and terse signifi. ennt statements, co different from those which had threatened to under- mine the cheerfulness of his disposi- tion o few minutes before. He no ticed that the duty collected on spirits "ay Of abeolute-de to a state a c:3 pres- ng tarift Hite iterature, finally, "that-n moderately tariff is not so black as it has painted A Great Country He gan to analyze the present period of Canada's tndustrial and commercial development. The Grand Tr y was linking up two oceans. Wotld it have been built If a plebiscite had been taken in a country where the agricultural classes are in | the majority in the absence of a sys- aes P ea proét eonetiene Money Is "loaned" fp this sense. Itis pot lent--New York Times. Her ind of Economy. Persons who had beard the man d= clare many times (that goless he could fod a troly economical woman be would never marry Inughed cynically at the announcement of his engage ment toa woman who bad figured io a " only soit of ? erguson, 8rd con, Wallace, at 5 o'clock, to the 'strains of Lohen- grin's wedding march, played by Miss Lins Brothers, cousin of the groom, the bridal party took their places on the lawn, under an arch of evergreens de- corated with rores, and from which was suspended a wedding bell of maiden hair fern and roces. The bride, who is one of Wallace's~ most popular young tions of the body as As aLiver Invigorator, Blood dengan and ry omen tem u ick Rentects is tavariably duly Ist. Return Limit July 4th, 1911. _ Excellent Train Service to Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Temagami, amotley gathering of boys aod young } and wines imported Into Canada dur-| tem of moderate protection? Would | thirty dollar hat episode. kate, Wicket chaseniaa tn @ avn of - Seotivers, hot gon here 'i iss the Ing 1910 amounted to $5,955,645.40, | the C.P.R. have been built out of the "Surely," sald hig friends, "you don't | white Tokio secainie wid bridal veil, ented ana ae liver ; cere ice -- Saturday, "Jane "2th, brothers, took up positions ou which went Into the Dominion treas-| proceeds of direct Jand taxes? Farm-| consider a woman who buys thirty | and carried a shower bouquet of while times a week, oon clear the sont wait lee T, le jail walls. The execution was witnessed by iately afterwards. J. R. Holmes empannelled ury and helped to make up the total revenue of the country. Who Pays This Bill? "Who pays that six mililons?" asked Farmer Jones of himself "| don't drink spirits. this concession drinks. Practically no one in the township touches liquor. No one on) er Jones was Inclined to anawer these questions in the negative. "The Georgian Bay Canal, connecting Port Arthur and Montreal, will be built some day; the Welland Canal will be deepened; the St. Lawrence Canals will be enlarged and a gréat water- dollar bats truly economical?" "] do," sald the ofan. "Jost recall the circumstances. She was found lying in a faint In ao millinery store anteroom with £200 in cosb ond a bill for a thirty dollar nat in ber pocket- book. I claim that any woman who bridal roses and carnations. She was attended by her sister, Miss Pearl, also gowned in white Tokio noveltue, whose boquet. was pink roses and carnations, The bride's little sister Vivian acted most charmingly the part of ring bearer. She was dressed in mauve silk and bore NEW FAST TRAIN SERVICE ON GRAND TRUNE RAILWAY, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 205 a.m. en Seaaielee: Huntsville- emagami 10.15 a.m. dutty. except Sunday--Pen- -Huntsville Express. ; noon--Muskoka-Huntsville Ex- press, daily except Sunday. . E -- connections Bon all points in Coroner rs to the head of the Great es. | will only §30 f hat wl h terature ormation a dad-| We have had local option "for three : 5 pay only or 8 jen she | the ring ona basket of pansies. The Li and foll inf I ee caia gg ged years and .. has not been sold in the = 'nie vox ate @ ne apc bas $200 In cold cash in ber pocket- | groom was assisted by Mr. Melvin J. L ae : ra any oo -- Se ee te . One man grabbed a length of the | county for that time. era of Canada, particularly those in book is economical to the core, and | | McMillan, son of ex-Reeve McMillan of 7.02 f.m. E. Duff, D. nion station, Tor- ve vat | stuffed it into his pocket as a "Clearly the farmers about here 40/11. prairie Provinces who have grain | °™ going to E Pest ber."--New poe Minto. . H. M. Lang-Ford of Listo- 7.50 ¢.m. onto, Ont." Pe not pay any of that six millions. | ¢4 gniy across the Atlantic? The cost ces. wel spoke tho mystic words that made - 8.15 ¢.m.| J, A. HACKING, Town Agent souvenir. Who does then? Temperance statis | of 'nsintaining the militia, the arm them man and wife. Congratulations 8.27 p.m. 7 . Fifty. three seconds elapsed between | tics show that most tquor is con- the y Tha Pulae Goat. ed 8.50 fm A. M. SMITH, Depot Agent. the time the procession started and the | sumed in large cities, where there are me hag aa eae BS age The rendlest aud vouastiet estimate hae pacar mr isin pirat 8.20 4 m. i ! fiees are e spacious dining room to partake 7 sens moment when the signal for the execu-} at least two distinct classes o cational revenue, 'Thi --- 9,10 - y -- paid. | of time is the pulse bent It ts sad to | of the bountiful repast prepared i th 9.10 ¢.m. ven, Life was declared to e, the very rich and the very poor. ey prepared in . ar geo seven winutes. The vic- | A duty on Hquor ts a tax on a Juxury. ie ie Tnevitable b burden of Srent know tia} the Sian peite St) | eood atyie al the lice The Bi5 p. m, * * tim's neck was pot broken It tends to place it beyond the reach | joy ation sit the 'land, thcome taxes = = to the minute. 'That : eee = the brides was nn becolites buffet, p.m Municipality of the : : _| of the poor and takes a. little of the one of the faulty disarrangements o id a cresent of pearls, to .m. Pcs wer ied ie Ver} extra pocket money of the rich. er ame and taral banat segs life. But it comes pretty close. And | the sine bearer a signet ring, and to the 5. mm. Town of Listow ] P * Therefore, it has a moral effect on the It was midnight when Farmer the rough and rendy eniculator of the | groomsaman a pearl stick-pin. Many p.m. el. JARDINE'S LAST STATEMENT. poor at all events. Moreover, It does time between the finsh of lightning | beautiful presents, consisting of hand- bm. Jones, having smoked three pipes of --1-- . ome-grown tobacco, made a state PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given = The prisoner declincd to make any not tax a necessity such as b and the thunder derends on his pulse | painted pictures and chins, silverware, statement regardifg the crime, request- | Therefore, a SF the ae goon is added to ment to himsclf, when he canuot sre nis watch. To the | furniture, linen, etc., attested to the high RETURNING. that a meeting of the electors of the Town s 0 the revenues of the ntry "Tl brin "thls thing up at the next of Listowel will beheld in the TOWN ing that it be atene? a bad. 8e¥- | 4s the harm in that bit pe the tariff?" meeting | sath Ges al ee "ania. ordinary man a serond is a pulse beat | esteem in which the bride and groom | Lv. Kincardine -----..-- 6.30 a.m™ |} HALL, on i i i ro - ; arenes , poets pas peeris - abe P More Custedia Returns mThere is too much aimless talk about London Chrovicie, oe belt ' -- Pail gp = abllerbeng Lv. Wingham ~- senna = 65 * ve Mctilay the Sth Day of 3 tested F Farmer Jones, after arriving at this | 'bloated capita! and 'down trodden Ppt Listo 7 , bd = ' pansy or gune Bruce Smith, who eee i ial stage of his argument with himself, | farmers' indulged - by the orators Nervous Prostration. Harriston and other places, happy ag Cen Sound 5 ae oo, y confession from him, of hypnotizing | tirhea over more pages of the cus-| who visit us. I'll take the customs | "I bear your wife ts guiog ton aan} | young couple, who begin life under the |" 7: > 3. | AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON for the v. Listowel 44 a.m, i bim. toms returns. Having started with | returns over and read a few hard facts | tariam. Nothlug serious, 1 hope?" most favorable circumstances, will set- | 7." Souther to: - 6.00 a.m, | of Bominating candidates for the office of Lest night Jardine issued a state- | ope kind of intoxicating Hquors he de | and figures to the boys." "Ob, no. She's secretary of ber clab." aoe to'married life on the third /y7," Walkerton 7.10 ang Public School Trustees for Bismarck ment in which he referred to his habits | termined to find out how much other| "Farmer Jones," he continued to] "yoa7 ine Wallace, with the best wishes of a| Ly' Harriston 750 a.m} 2rd and for Dufferin Ward, William as a boy lamenting that he quit going | kinds were adding to the national | himself, "is not paying all the taxes m 1 in- ee circle of friends. h *" | Bright, Returning Officer. Should a poll to Sunday School, and pleaded with | pocket of Canada. He found that the jin this country as he hes been led to t agers carrying the paaeiels sa - a ~ aor pido be demanded for Bismarck Ward and young men to keep away from bad com- duties on and lager beer | believe, and he is getting a good deal | Utes all senson fo ber. free, sie, sa LY, Mount Forest .-.----- 150 alm should a poll be demanded for Dufferin He confessed his faith in Christ | #mounted to $211,733.83 in 1910. Ale, of benefit from the money expended Gown the other day and tried to write y. Palmerston +-~-----.--- 8.358... Ward, the same will be held in the follow- ey kite hope for salvation. Hé w porter or beer had never touched his |on the nation. Even if I am ot is 'em out."--Pittsburg Tost. LV, BQE§QUes wormeenn eevee 9.08 am.) 28 places on ai ele i. 'i alate, or thoge of his four sons. | taxes on a few things : Guelch ------------- - 4%. 7m. : in his cell last night in the | Qing was a more mysterious stranzer. | protective tariff, It seems to me Hé Knew. Ar | eo 28 ee #4 rj a Monday the Third Day of July, t presence of the jail officials. He had read about jt in the Bible, and | benefitting in part from It as well af as Mra, Wedd--Job tat do you think : Be i. 1911 Jardine was 22 yearsof age, the] fully believed tn it t levied on all 'other | sivedesbayeertentsd These trains carrv through vesti ime y 7 fully ba n its powers as &/ from f of a man who smokes cigarettes In a bule coaches, 'a mocker, but seen knowledge, and he would have staked | own way his farm that Mrs. Jones had never ! ought to do." ceoeiaded Farmer at 9 o'clock a. open contil 's o'clock p. m. 'and no longer, Full particulars from any Grand | with the nvshiged persons Deputy-Re- y ptr or address A, E. Duff, | turning D, P. A. Union Station. Toronto. | Bismarck 'Ward, at Varidrick's Auction Ont. Room ; B. B. Sarvis, Deputy Returning room where ladics are? Mr. Wedd--I think he needs a wife like you, my éear.--Boston Transcript. Value of Silence Rll saoee is silver," says the bonrding geventh son of a family of nine boys. =." BEACON FIRES TO FLASH TIDINGS. Beacon fires built on "2.5000 of _ the Some Of The Favored Nations Officer, in the year ended Decem- | | ducts and vegetables worth §179,828,- Dufferin Ward, at Mrs. Robert Hamil- most promin _Igles, in England, Wales, Scotland and - Denmark, house philosopher, "but silence. right- : : ber 31, 1909, exported butter, cheese, | 790. 3 ton's ; Robert Woods, '2 Ireland, will on the evening of Juno 22] eggs, animals, grain, meat produc's | Austria-Hungary, fn the year ended ly weed, t what, makie Haig wed Gmcce. s, Deputy Returning of { and vegetables worth $100,860,029. . 1909, exported anima"s, grain, hay, | "ings possible. speledo ans NOTICE. "WILLIAM BRIGHT, Clerk. ~ ne, in the year ended 1909, | straw products and vegetables | Listowel, June 12th, 1911. ex animals, grain, meat ---- worth $29, 35,0020), b picture on the = h ; t ded i = and butter worth $ 'ane ye eek wanaain e Fn en wall, and d@ THE CLOSING OF BARBER SHOPS. ----a 7 in the year ended 1903, ex- | meats and vegetables grain, 036. ported animals; hay, meat pro- Low Rounp_Trip RaTEs To NINETY Moor on ony; esa ryan tt me | tere ae to i ints boii = eae By-law r - fe costs of tae : ates to prin oe! Poel x: - < is Munici s that}ers' excursions | 'oronto on armen 1. Wt all. ny ir-| Tuesday, A 4th, at 2 p.m, and Le | 2 0 be « on | every during the sum- ---- --- ; i in) with liberal stop-over Bote Spec- run by the fastest and i f i i