Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 16 Jun 1911, p. 7

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that of th ousands of mothers who consider Babs"s Own Tablets the only safe and sure remedy io keep in the house fer ther hitthe ones. The Tablets are sid by medicine deslers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr ee Med- _tine Co., throcks if le. Ont. - Pride of Charm' and "Beauty, beauty, and yet many women be- gin-to --_ before then. Wrinkles blood nourishmens. that brings the glow af health to the cheek, brightness tu|;, , the eye, and elasticity to the step, and the general happiness of good health. When woman feels jalea and worn out her blood supply needs pees and the one na- rivalled and sure remedy ms 'Jr. Williams' Pick Pills, which supply the iich, red bloou that repairs the waste, dispels disease and restores the brightness and charm of wo- manly health. Mrs. H. G. Hart, Winnipeg, Man., is one of the thousands of sufferers who owes her present tealth to Dr. Wiiliams' Pink Pills. She says: "I had suffered for a ong time, not knowing what the trouble was. I had doctored with several doctors, but only seemed to hs srowing worse. The last doctor me the trouble was inaeaiin, that my blood was turned to water and that my cunditiza was serious. But his treatment, like the rest, did me no good. got so bad that if I excited myself, or went up stairs, I was complete- ly out of breath and felt as if I was going to suffocate. My heart would palpitate violently, and at times I would suffer with terrible pains from it. I had a yellow complex- ion, my lips had lost their color, and I had no appetite and could not eat. I grew so weak I could hardly drag myself along, and my sl seem to have weights on was so completely run ppg that I 'though I was going into consumption. At this time a friend urged me to take Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. After taking a few boxes I found my health im- proving, and after taking the P.lis for a couple of months I was entire- ly well, and have since enjoyed the best of health, and I feel that I can never say enough in praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.' These Pills are sold by al! deal- ers in medicine or sent by ma'! at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ---------------------- AFTER BIG GAME! They were tiger hunting, and the elephants were picking their way through the thorny serub. The Colonel, whose wife was behind in the howdah, had some few minutes previously heard the whizz of a bullet somewhat closer to his ears than he had expected, and was obviously annoyed. At length, in a fury of righteous indignation, he burst forth to the offender: "Look here, sir! Do you know you nearly shot my wife Just now, "Did I. Colonel ?" came back the cheery response. "Never mind, go and have a shot at thine--she |] soon be here ff -_ -----4---- THE GRACEFUL THING. A certain cloth manufacturing firm received a letter from a cus tomer complaining that sume ma dterial d been received full of | meths. By return post went a missive to looking over your order we find that you did not order any moths. It was our error, and you will please return them at once, at our expense.' Se A MOTHER'S PRAISE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Allen Mason, Carleton, N. B.. writes: 'I have used Baby's Own Tabiets ever since I have had children, and that is guing on fif- teen years. I have always found them entirely satisfactory for all the aiulmenis of little unes and feel that I can iot praise them too high- i Mrs. Masen's praise is just NOT ALW AYS. " Birds of gether."" "Not always."' "What do vou mean'" "Didn't you ever hear of swal- lows going with jolly larks?" a feathér fleck to- 'At thirty to thirty-fi oman | should be in the prime Brome this is simply need of |* Borated | ba teresting and P perhaps the most important the most essential of all passed be- fore my eyes without eapeg the émallest impression, says a writer the London Chronicle. tt was dreds of miles in the trains, pene- of bone-racking bullock carts and loitered in the heavy sm g@ baz- ars of interior towns where the tourist never comes, that the im- portance of this particular passage on glancing over the book again, came home to my mind with an extraordinary force Sir Bamfylde Fuller is speaking of the permanent: maintainance of human types in India, and he says that 'the population is heterogene- ous to an extent that it needs act- ual experience to appreciate. It is no question,"' he continues, rich and poor, of town and coun- try, of employer and employed ; the differences lie eeper. The population of a district or a town is a collection of different national- ities--almost species--of manki [| that will not eat or drink or inter- marry with one another, and that are governed in the more import- ant affairs of life by committees of their own. It is hardly too much to say that by the caste system the inhabitants of India are differen- entiated into over 2,000 species of mankind, which in the physical re- lations of life have as little in com- mon as the inmates of a zoologica garden. AMAZING VARIETY. I fear, from my own case, there is truth in the words that "'it needs actu experience to apprec- iate" this amazing variety of hum- an types; and yet until this variety is realized in the mind there can be _no intelligent understanding of anything that has to do with In- dia. The very first thing a man must do, who would form rational opinions on Indian politics or car- ry in his mind a true picture of Iu- dian color and Indian feeling is to realize that the 300,000,000 humanity comprising the Empire of India are not one race, but are 2,000 species of mankind as differ- ent from each other as snakes from elephants, tigers from fireflies and mosquitoes from buffaloes. he charm as well as the pro- blems of India lie in this most ex- traordinary variety. A fiying pol- itician, taken in hand by a Bengali, Bees infinitely less of India than a British workman sees of Germany conducted through manufacturing cities by a tariff reformer. It is a most foolish and a most dangerous thing fur a man of little observa- tion, small imagination and no re- flection to race through two Indian cities and then express himself on Indian polities wit more authority and greater con- fidence than a man of science would speak of chemistry after a} life of incessant investigation. You cannot dogmatize about In- dia. You can no more speak of In- dia as one complete and single thing than you can exhause bot- vany by smelling a rose or paying sixpence for a bunch of lillies. INDIA I5 INFINITE. A man with seeing eyes begins to perceive this baffling truth on his very first walk through a street, and he is at once on his guard in forming opinions, and most diffi- dent in venturing to utter even the least uncertain of them. He who speaks of India as a nation of Hin- doos and Mohammedans = would speak of the constellations as cop- sisting of Orion and Ursa Major. There are a good many people in England who think of Indians as two peoples, Hindoos and Moham- | medans, purposely kept apart, and | purposely held down by an im mense army of proudful, iniquit- ous and artrabilious civil servants exported year by year by the In- dia office. Let these good people | bear in mind that the inhabitants | of India represent 2.000 species pf mankind, that not only is each species opposed secially and inte! lectually to the rest, but that they practice toward each other on os- tracism which has never existed : England between the prestiat'| Swellfoot and the nrost downtrod-| den hind; and, further, let him de- finitely apprehend and reflect upon this fact, that the whole company of British civil servants, including military officers holding civil ap- pontments, is only 1.200. India is by Indians, a tremendous govern 1,200 Brit- army of them, with just ish citizens at their head. One might far more truly say that In. dia employs a handful of English- men to direct her own government dia i GRIP OF AN TRON HAND. or even rudeness on per- haps proved. I have cone, ESOus and I see it every day I live in In- dia, and every mile I icavel in the instances the not until! I had traveled for han-} and te trated to jungle villages by means one or) than a that England holds In- e something of the i - Indian m Men of noble stature and intellectual counten- most white, about og & womankind deéegrad- t the lowest forms he of labor and debased out of the likeness of humanity. The turbans and loin-cloths of the men are dif- fereot; they eat different foods, worship different gods or devils, speak entirely different languages and will have no more relation one with another than exists between an English crow and a flying fish in the Red Sea. The sects of a quarter of the population of In- dia, let us say Kecat 000,000 of men and women, are arded us out- ute, helots and ' mination * by the other threequarters. And these helots have their separating prides and customs. In every little vil- lage the outcasts live in a quarter of their own, and if they would worship a god, must make their own temple and employ a priest of their own order--a priest despised and loathed by the religious lead- ers. Tney are worse treated than the galled buliocks under the yoke of the transit bandy and they ill- treat each other. From the ascetic and refined na- tive, who will not eat animals, down to the native who eats liz- ards and mice, and downward still to the native who lives upon the human corpses fished from the Ganges, there is in India every height and every depth of the hum- an mind ever comprehended in the soul of Shakespeare or the heart of Dante. In England one might classify Englishmen with perhaps | 200 temperaments. In India one has to speak of g,000 DIFFERENT SPECIES. Reflect upon this fact until it is realized; reflect that the dense mil- lions of India are races of men as various and disparate as the leaves of a forest, the birds of the air, and the fishes of the sea; definitely possess mind of the idea that peiween these groups of crowding umanity greater ifs than anything erick enparaiee an intellectual Englishman from a Scandinavian peasant and you will be at the beginning of a true con- ception of India's mystery and at the door through which a European must first pass truly to compre- hend and feel ber infinite charm and the sorcery of all her multitu- |} dinous glamour, Caste, you may be mn, is break- ing down in the citie This is | partly true, but only in a general sense. And if caste broke duwn ab- solutely in all the cities it would not alter the truth of Sir Bamfylde Fuller's statement. For=the cities are only specks on the map of In- dia and the people who dwell there are but a child's handful out of the 300,000,000 inhabitants. Something like 90 per cent. of the population live on the land, and among these 270,000,000 the system of caste is not merely lieutenant governor or viceroy, but king of India, the one supreme authority to which perfect allegiance and unquestioning ob- edience is rendered by all the peo- ples. a HAVING HIS OWN WAY. "The cook says she is going to "a e,' :aid Mrs. Crosslots, mourn- ully. "Are you sure she's in earnest !"' | responded her husband. -Xething will change her mind 1"' . is sthin p AN i Then I'jl go down to the kitchen and discharge her."' | ; Do you ever have Headache, Toothache. or Earache! Most peo- ple do. Hamlins Wizard Oil is the lbest household remedy and lini- ment for these everyday troubles. The only time the average man is willing to admit that he is one of the common people is when he is running for office. Minard's Liniment weed enol by Physiclans. Mrs. Snappem (wh (who has been suf- fering from toothache} "Thank govdness, I've bad that tooth out at last!' Mr. Snappem--"Happy tooth!" Mrs. Snappem--" What do you mean?' Mr. Snappem--"It's out of the reach of your tongue." 1 | F DODDS "KIDNEY. PILLS ai he praises the great nd | and get me a box of Dodd's Kidney AND "popp's KIDNEY PILLS CURED THE POSTMASTER. -- totam, and spent hundreds on doctors and medicines, but found the real eure at last. Tippins P. O., Que. Ju 12 (Special).--If Dodd's Kidney Pills Tippins is always one to tell why Kidney Rem- "After recovering from an attack of Grippe," the postmaster says, "T took a pain im my back. I suf- fered for nearly three years and it kept growing worse all the time. I was attended by al! the doctors around, but got no relief, and got 50 I had to keep to my bed. After spending about 8200 on oe and medicines I gave up = "One. day I told my wife to go Pills and that 'would be the last medicine I would try. After using about half the box I began to feel better, so I kept on taking them. When I had taken two boxes I was able to get up, and ten boxes cured me completely."' Dodd's Kidney Pills cure where all other medicines fail. --___t--_____ AND THY BOAT! An old lady who was a passen- ger on 'one of the ocean liners seemed very mucs more afraid of the icebergs than of fogs or storms, and asked the captain what would appen in case of a collision. "Madam,"' the captain replied, bowing low, "the iceberg would) move right along in it® course just | as if olga had happened." And the old lady pee greatly relieved. A Pill for Brain Workers.--The an who works with his brains is more liable to derangement of the | digestive system than the man who | works with his hauds, because the one calls upon his nervous energy while the other applies only his! muscular strength. Brain fag be- gets irregularities of the stumach | and liver, and the best remedy that can be used is Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They are special compo or such cases and all those who use them can certify to their superior power. "You say "you have three small children. Can't you find work?' The man with the three-days' beard and the ragged trousers mined away atear. "Alas, mum," he said, "it wouldn't be any good. 'They ain't old enough to work yet." MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Lini- ment asked for at my store and the only one a eee ster sal *% people ure HARLIN FULTON. Pleasant Bay, C.B. "You love long rambjes in the country, don't yout' ked the impertinent young man.* "Yes, in- deed," responded the young lady in - hobble skirt. 'When I go out n the country all Nature seems to wmile' "Gracious !"" exclaimed the impudent youth. "I don't blame her. It's a wonder she don't laugh outright !" For Sprains and Bruises.-- There is nothing better for sprains and contusiéns than Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will cool the inflame sh and draw the pain as if by magic. It will take the ache out of a bruise and prevent the flesh from discoloring. It seems as if there was magic in it, so speedily does the injury dis- appear under treatment. a EATING IN iN SUMMER. Amount Should Not Be Reduced Uniess Work is Lessened. Diet in hot weather is a subject on which there are dangerous pop- ular and professional delusions. Without the slightest evidence the "The hard worker must take in as much fuel in summer as winter or live on his own tissues. . The on- ¥ tegksd ta ieeasa he jel dragged away to the grave of Tsch- usain, which was opened, and after having been stunned with a bluw on the forehead from a billet of wood, she was thrown in with the decomposed corpse of her would-be betiayer and buried in the pres- ence of the entire local Korean populace. P On the news becoming known to the Russian authorities the grave was again opened and the story verified, with the result that the members of the court will now have to stand trial for murder. --------O---- APPROPRIATE TO THE OC- CASION. "'My tailor always has a i of or mourning suits with sad irons --_--_--_*#- CURED HER KIDNEYS. Mre. John Pettigrew, of Central Econ- omy, N.5., was practically helpless from rbeumatiam. She could not stoop, and her limbs ached so that it was torture or her to be up and around the house. As Mrs, Pettigrew put it, "I was all crippled up. 1 saw Gin Pills advertised and sent for some, and after taking only two bores, am a different woman. Gin Pills are the only thing that helped me, and [ cannot say too much for them." If you have that dreadful pain in the back --if you are tortured with rheumatism-- get Gin Pills at once. Write waiceal Dr ga "Doctor, that ointment you left for my husband to use on his rheu- matic elbow may be all right, but ug Chemical W. L.), Toronto, for free sample ular wise at dealers, SOc. a box, far ' . | there's no use telling him to rub it in. He won't take the trouble to do that. You don't know him as well as I do." "I think I do, ma- Y|dam. I put some stuff in that oint-| ° ment that will make his elbow ir- iy like fury, and he'll have to rub i The Beauty of » Clear Skin.--| ther. The condition of the liver regu- lates the condition of the blood. A disordered liver causes impurities in the blood and these show them- selves in blemishes on the skin. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills in act- liver act upon the clear, h will follow intelligent use of this standard medicine. Ladies, who will fully appreciate this prime quality of these puls, can use them with the certainty that the effect will be most gratifying. Ida--"But maybe he was bash-, ful. You should have thrown out some hint that a kiss would not be objectionable." ay--'I did ev ervthing possible. I told him I had such a sore throat that I couldn' t scream, no matter what happened.' REST AND HEALTH TO To MOTHER A AND CHILD. -@ Mas, Winslow for over SIRTY WHA YEARS: by MILLIONS of z HILE It FTENS the GUM ALLAYS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC. a is the [ARR 7A. Hise selutely harmless. - Wissivw's Soothing Syrup aod take po other kind. ty-five cents a bottle. Mike--"Why is it that all ar- tificial eyes are made of glass?" Pat--"Shure, and it's to let folks see through them _Holloway's Corn Cure takes the corn out by the roots. Try it and prove it. He--"Have you ever looked in the glass when you are angry?" She--"'No: I'm never angry when I look in the glass."" = Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. 'Now,' cried the orator, "what is the question of the hour with the working man "* "Generally speak- ** said the nuddle-class man, 'Is it dinmer-time yet, Ithy skin} of other solely on its merits. HAMILTON, Ont., Sold in all parts of the World. Canada's Most Brilliant Representative. It has proved its superiority over scores makes, and has won popularity It's good for your shoes. 9 THE F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited, BUFFALO, N.Y. and LONDON, Eng. School of Mining MODINOL f'2,°s 6 for $5 FARMS FOR SALE ANO TO RENT. HH. Ww. DAWwRON, ey Colbern> Street, Eve Fee highly efficient application tor the reduct of Sw sg Goitre, pEUTE 1 a sone izes, from 3 sacred fa! to 200, at prices that are reason Thick Neck, "Sleadebe It's Positive. PILES ; ofall kinds,in aoy and all stages, quickly relieved and 'mane mE LYLE COMPARY, TO RO NTO 743 WEST QUEEN STREET TIA. TO GET BUSY. "John, have you written to Uncle Frank yeti' wag my dedr. I've been too what' s just like you. The chil- weeks. How do yuu expect to send them to the farm unless you get an invitation for them?' To have the children sound and healthy is the first care of a mo- They cannot be healthy if troubled with worms. Use Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Smart Young Man (about to light a cigar, to elderly lady sitting op- posite}--'Will my smoking incom- modate you, madam / adam "Oh, dear no, thank you! stand it if you can!" I can a» TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY, for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. eae Doesn't Smart es e Druggists red Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25¢, $1.00. Murine E pons Tubes, 25c, #1. 4 and Eye Advice Free by Mail. «= Murine Eye Remedy Co cago. .» Chi Q.--Why is a quiet conscience like indigestion? A--It is the fruit of good living. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. She was not quite the chirmer she imagined herself, and her pride received quite a knockout the other night. "The man I marry,"' she said, "must be one who always thinks before he speaks.'" "Thep.' whom the shaft had been aimed, "I fear he'll never ask you." Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is prepared from drugs known to the profession as thor- oughly reliable ror the cure of cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, griping pains and summer com- plaints. It has been used success- fully by medical practitioners for a number of years with gratifying results. If suffering from any sum- mer complaint it 1s just the medi- cine that will cure you. Try a bot- tle. It sells for 25 centre. The man behind the bass drum ts not the only chap who bears his way through life. Ask for Minard's a ang take no otner --_--------* FORETOLD IN A DREAM. A fatal accident that was foretold in a dream was described ot an in- quest at Old Hill, near Birming- ham, England, on the body of a miner named Benjamin Westwood, whe was killed at the Fly Colliery. His brother William said that on the night preceding the accident he had a dream, and in il he saw his brother killed. He added: "I cid not go to work on the next ti thet 1 was unable to leave my bed, ave been unable to do any work since. In my. dream I saw a leonsiderable quantity of coal fall from the roof on to my brother, | kmock bim down and kill him, and}: from what those wo witnessed the accident have told me, my dream was fulfilled. I did not go te my brother's house to warn him, as I was too ill to leave home.' < pene "ae ae ramp---"' Wish I had «a mi!- fen sears, abead of me!"'. = Ditte--' Well, First Eo. dren will be out of school in a few) a replied the young gentleman at Laan TOCK, GRAIN OR DAIRY FARMS. Ii Ss will pay you to consult me if you Want too buy one, ~~ yy LANDS any quantity. W. DAWSON, Phone a « ODights and nolidaye st at at two and Seventy-t Avene, Phone Park 527. LEEETA yASe LANDS POR BALE ized farming district im land company is Dep ment Homestead Company, Limited, Hed ACENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. ARM SCALES, special price. Whsow'e Fee Beale Works. Pianetese, Toronte. ENVELOPES. Thousand 1.000. 000 40 Pracverd mee Northpark Ave., Ch LACE your money with us in trust. P We will guarantee large returne aod bal 'tmen Co; a sol- icited. Edmonton Locators, Lid, Fin- ancial Agents, Edmonton, ta. UMBEE, interior trim, doars, flooring, Price quoted 'at your station. small a large orders. P. W. T. Eoss, Toren SOCIAL EVENING i) P=. AT PIc-NI a ee ju BIRTHDAY --. ; terest, a postal oder, Loge. omnia our latent purzles and 'npuing nov- elties. oe Idea," -32 Bt. Catherine East, trea! ' 2 Peale red SHORTHOEN BULLS for sale--i an uae 15 months. Sired by "day reus--T32Tl--. 4°12 miles south of Alvinston ry in | Lambton = uty. McAlpine Bros. 'b rim P.O., GLASS AT HOME.--Our OF, OUR a Giaes Cutter cuts wired window y mail De, W. EB. Potter & Co, & *Henoit Bt. -- AWMILL MACHINE S heavy, Lathe shingle. hits, ngines and Boilers. 'it | eee yon EB. og Mase Street. fli Gatario EW UPRIGHT PIANOS, 7" cask, N Rr oO Bau $500.00 ie a fe Write ere Wholesale ben perarien Leach Piane AN nCER TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In ternal and external, cured without ain by our home tmen' Write us betore too late. Dr. a, Colling- Ont. N BCALE, ial price. Wileon's 5 =. Works, "E :splanade, Toronto. OMEN WA D to take orders im spare time, no cps neces Our ines | eepccinlly ot A. Brig mothers and eile ner P ish Canadian Company, 8 Albert St, Otte g PectaLigys ADVICE FEEE. Conall regard to any disease. di t all ki Flees "ie by mail Bend measure ment. Glasses b te today fitted cores ore Dr. Bellman. Collingwood. Oot. Sollars, each. Thos. N. Have FEATHER 'DYEING Cleani nd Curling aod Kid Gloves These c Bingh BRITIEH AMERICA 'ovemne cé. | When buying your Piano insist on having an 'OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action - ing, for my dream made me so ui grab" the to million, and you" i wet the teu years - -all right.' hs ae da you -- ask," "Cause I just tok the Inst three - ta. ts in the pantry , and I thought you."" Ve Govtes tf

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