E = that ager" Listowel Bazaar Bole Raia OR ; auiseTATION SALE is b: 'ing recog- "nized by hundreds of customers to be in every - sense of the word a money saving opportunity >for the. man, woman or child who requires any- thing in the. line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Gro- ceries of Shoes. Every yard cf Dress Goods, Prints."Ginghams, Toweling, Cottons, Shirtings, Linens, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Whitewear, Trim- mings, Laces and Embroideries are greatly reduced thing is marked in plain figures so you can see for yourself the reduction on every article. Lace Curtains at a discount of 20 per cent. $2.50 odd pants on sale...- ....05 $1.98 2.00 odd Pants on sale .... r.45 eetee 1.00 Overalls, blue only......++. -- -75 1.00 Smocks, blue only...-+---.- +75 Men's Suics on sale for.........++ 5-00 Boys: Suits on sale for...2. sesee> WE CAN PLEASE YOU. To our regular stock of Ready-to-put-on Cloth- * > ing we have added over 400 lines from the House of Hobberlen, Limited. There are patterns to please almost any fancy, including the new greys are very much ia demand this season, Rem- ember our reputation is pehind every garment, me, 'Spring ach and Overcoats to mieasure $14 to SS 'alter - Bros. the: House of Hobberlia, ° - Limited, Toronto. "HOT BL ear OIL STOVES' ers, complete 2 burn- Oe "THINON" CREAM stn coral Is 25. H, large jar...... cn A SERONG aRON sania Oc. ee ee "DAISY" Heaters, each.... TEA KETYLBS, Wenderful Values in New style Jardiniers and Vases. JOHN L. SCOTT for Oil 17c BODOSDOSOSOSOSA MIOSOE IN BUSINESS AGAIN. ] AM PLEASED to meet so many of my old customers. I am setting many of them ing had 12 years experience on anon such goods as will be serviceable and profi nsumer. t on their feet. Hav- farm, I think I know and will try to keep in stock le to the what a farmer needs, Ami Buying and a Mew Goods - Almost Daily and will continue to add to my stock the best, most re- liable = %) will seil at the Lowest Living Profi and newest that can be found in the market, and t. You will find Gdd Lines and Sizes on our tables af Reduced Prices. - $HENRY KARGES SUCCESSOR TO STEWART TASSIE. Honor wenilasie. of Hahnemann Hos- pital, ester, N. Y., is prepared to accept any case of nursing. ord left } Bismarck street, Lis- ceive conve at "Ph o. 106. OR F. J, R. FORSTER, Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat only. House Surgeon New York Opthalmic and Aural Institute 1904-5, Clin. Assist- ant , ore Throat ita Golden ; Moorefield's Eye Hospital, London, Eng. Offi a terloo Street, th, py oi Knox Church, Stratford. A rand tral Hotel, Listowel, June 12th, from 830 to 11.50 a m. or YOUNG PEOPLE We be can prepare you for businees Listowel Business - College We place cur graduates in positi c : . gone Qur Graduates are successful. Two onic =" ener and Fall tea opens ans September 5 EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, PRINCIPAL, LISTOWEL. ae neieincienemiemecieia mA SUMMER SESSION Students may enter any day. Open entire year. Now is a good time to enter. trainers in Canada. Graduates et b get best positions. housands studying at home. Eehaee right of the '*Fam- ous Bliss Book- aes Hs da "Act ' LONDON Bail GEO. sors, Pos Pf film D IDAY, JUNE 6. 1911 188 aT. J 4 4,86, Sep, Rawking 7 litsea tes i hie : Ht ttt: SEAGER? be served. The town dentista have decided to close their offices on Wednesday after- noons during June, gor and August. Other professions an may do likewise and _-- Wednesday after. noon a half holiday during the summer months. The monthly meeting of the W. OC. T- U. will be held in the Mothodist Church --_-- afternoon, June 20th, ai A special invitation to all the soeenlierd aol fiensld 40, be present, a8 there will be some important to transact. AvcTIon SaLe of house and land, furniture, household goods, farm wag- ons. es, harness and other articles at Va ; S's paction room, Listowel, turday, June 17th. Don't, miss ine a ae of eS sale, . F RICK; acuctioneer. A despatch from Regina says that Rev. J, H. Oliver, formerly pastor of the Methodist Church bere, has resigned his charge as pastor of the Metropolitan church in that city. Li i ground given by Rev. Mr. Oliver for his : : HONEYPORD--SOUTHERN.-- A quiet wedding took place in Gorrie on Wed.- nesday, June 14, when Misa Mabel Jane Southern, daughter of J. F. Southern, was united in marriage to Mr. Thomas J. Honeyford, son of Mr. Wm. Huney- ford. 8th con, Wallace. Rev, Mr." Kin- dred of Gorrie tied the nuptial knot. Mr. E. G. Matthews, principal of the ing be recently left for points in the West: J. Buchanan wife, J. Twamley, ' lf VE crossed the Great Divi CorosaTion Day CELEBBATION.-- Everybody is invited to come to Listo- wel and celebrate Coronation Day, June 22nd. A splendid programme Of sports is announced by the local Athletic As- sociation, and it is expected that the large prizes offered will bring here many of the leading athletes of Canada. The committee has secured single fare to Listowel and return cn the railways, as A. A. to all outside Associations in weet- ern Ontario to come to Listowel, so that s great day's sport and s big crowd are looked for. The full programme %p- pears in another column. HyMENEAL.-- A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. C. B Dietrich on June 14th, being the occas ion of the wedding festivities in honor of the marriage of their daughter Miss Riehm. Miss sterling christian quslities and caiture, who by ber modest unassaming ways and bright disposition has endeared herself to a host of friends. Mr. Kiebhm is tie youngest son of Mr.and Mrs. J. Riehm, a young and energetic business man of Listowel, who bas before him a bright and promising career. The cere- mony took place at three p.m. Miss Hilma Dictrich, sister to the bride, play- ed the wedding march from Mendels- sohn. The bridal couple was unattend. ed. The bride, who was given away by her fathor, was prettily attired in white embroirery and carried a shower bou- quet of roses. Rev. E. E. Domm, B.D., performed the ceremony, Page the mystic words that made the two one. After tho solemn ritual the gnesta to the number of about forty-five enjoyed @ dainty and rich repast. Mr. and Mrs. ec left with the 7.20 train for Port a sbort honeymoon trip. The bride's cote away suit was of navy blue broadcloth. A large array of beauti- the esteem nations and roses. Mr. and Mra. Riehm will reside in their new home on Wallace street. A SAFE IXVESTMENT. -- The safost investment obtainable is Ltd., town poy engi be uire from neg ixtrate J. E. Terhune, (just been _ap- pointed by Mr. Albert J. Waite, private the ident of the Nati- onal Co.) their guar down | Power will be available, f np lee The HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER, _--o ' A Representative of Commission Visits Listowel, Mr. Holland, repeating tb Ho Electric Commission, paid a Listowel on Tuesday, the. easy 4 roared obtain data for the Com- mission to the amount of power which Léstorwal saighs take in the event of Niagara po' being brought bere. Mr. Holland's visit is in furtherance of the to ron a hydro- gc al yton, Palmerston, . Brussels, bam, Harriston, Ciifford, Walkerton, Mt. Forest, Durham, Chesley and other pomts would be included in this proposition, and as the line would pass through one of the finest and most progressive agri- sections the province, farming community, to whom the hydro- would no doubt become users of the power, and help to reduce the cost to the municipalities by the Cons fine residences and i He left here for Walkerton, and his re- of port will cover the principal northern municipalities. The question of supply- ing hydro-electric energy to this disatcict appears to be quite feasible and the cost in not likely to be hed aye tmhight be ce from Niagara Falls. The witateos of hav ing hydro power with a continuous ser and would no doubt dustries to locate here. ~ FOOTBALL. ---- Listowel Wins the District Intermedi- ae Championship and Atwood the speedy pass from " player accidentally kicked it through his goal, This put more life into both teams, Wellesley tying to overcome their op- ponents' lead, and Listowel thirsting for another goal. The remainder of the firat half was very fast but neither team scored. Starting the second half Listowel strengthened their team somewhat b players, and they started terrific pace, but the Wellesley dela and although re y ey successfully defended their goa! during the former part of the first half. The combination of the Listowel forward line, however, was too much for Wellesley, about 20 minutes play Stanley Ford acored the second goal for Listowel. Wellesley now brought forward their whole team in one last supreme effort to score, but Listowel's stonewall de played a strong game, the score re- mained 2--0 in Listowel's favor. The Wellesley team played a strong game, bot, as admitted by them, the better team won. The Listowel players were at their best, the team work being al most perfect. Wellesley have defaulted the return game, thos Listowel wins the district, having secured nine points out of a pos. sible 12. They lost orly one game and had but two goals scored against them. They will now go into the semi-lnals, but with wham they will play next is not yet known. ATWOOD 1-- MILVERTON 0 The final me of the district in the janior series was played in Atwood on Monday evening ct between Atwood and Milverton, wood winning by a score of 1--). Pein to the rain which fell during the day the game was play- ed on wet, heavy grounds, but neverthe- lee«, it was a good exhibition of football. Atwood scored the only goal on a pass rain Paterson, Ratcliffe doing the trick. with alead of 2 goals, but Milverton have s strong team and pot up a strong fight. Milverton and Ethel intermediates being 0--O d, have defaulted the standing of this the | and the rain wag falling bt they made up in speed. About and CYCLONIC STORM VISITS LISTOWEL -- Causing Great Destruc- tion of _Property. EXHIBITION "BUILDING DE- MeLISuED sF) Many Barons Unrosfed, Silos Overtarn- ed and Trees and Limbs Torn Asunder, a heavy rain storm came up from the sonth- panied by some hail and a atrong wind. The latter quickly increased in velocity until it had gained cylonic proportions in torrential sheets. The roar of the storm was so great that the almoxt deadened. The trees were bent over nearly to the ground, some of them parte of the town. Streets and lawns were literally covered with debris, and quite s few cit'zens had fruit trees des- troyed. The greatest loss in town, however, was the destruction of the ex- hibition building in the driving park, the whole of the upper portion, with the massive roof, being carried away and scattered over the race course for many roda. This will entail s severe loss to the Agricultoral Society, who had only a year ago gone to consider- able expense in putting the building im a he propert. in this vicinity will be considerable F ti many of the farmers who uffered insur- ance. Standing crops were beaten down, bat so far as we can wero ¥ | not materially injured. The bail did some damage in the vicinity of Moles- worth. PROGRAMME. oo Coronation Day Celebration im Lis- towel --o-- The Listowel Athletic Associa- both morning anc w be well taken i "> amen and ermnoon 25 cents, Follow- ing is the programme :-- Morning, 0.30 a,m.--Basebail Match, Pal- vs, Listowel. 10.45 a.m.--Chamrionship Foot- ball Match, Stratford va, Listowel. the final Hough Cup match me mi Beason, i m.--Parade of Listowel ane Childrea, ' hiigade. and Bov Scouts. to the Race Track. headed by the Band, Entries ha some of the ama tenure for the following events: . First crize value $15, second prize value $10 will be given for each of the following events: 100 yard race, 20 yard race, 440 yard race, 880 yard race. ar mile jump Runmiing high jump, Pole aot 120 yard burdle race oe ae Moter-cycle Race. of the best motor cyclists if teen ae have been secured and race will be exci ne sromuetaxt hy tintsh. mumber of short ex- hibition heeta will be run. 11-2 mile bicycle race, open to Listo High ol; cup peal at Mf $16, Co be era by winner and to ed for annually at me High a S apeete 1 mile bicycle race, ofen to Lis- | ara School; cup valued at 3 W. L. D. Pts. To Play} en Dollars will ve given to the Listowel... 4 1 1 9 0 'armer argest load of Milverton.. 2 1 8 =7 0 Feople to town, to be at Main Ethel...... 2 8 1 6 0 eats eae in ween 2 a. " Wellesley... 1 1 : only included an ' $ = not school children entering the x { The first 'of bar . rh ed oe oe St bite that the revenue for the Province will | ing the to the will 28 - be of