Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 21 Apr 1911, p. 7

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s ' purifying and enriching, , neuralgia, and a Neosssity 'Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are an ail year round tonic blood-builder, and nerve-restorer. But they are in the 'spring pec Tite 'of the long winter months. There is no other season when the blood is really so much in need of and every dose of these Pillé he ps to make new, rich, red blood. In the spring one. feels 'tired and weak--Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills give strength. In the spring the appetite is often poor--Dr. Williams' Pink Pills de- velop the appetite, tone the sto- mach and-aid weak digestion. -It is -- the spring that poisons in the blood find an outlet in disfiguring pimples, eruptions and boils--Dr. Williams' Pink Pills speedily clear the skin because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In the spring anemia, rheumatism, many other trou- bles are most persistent because of poor weak blood, and it is at this time, when all nature regains life, that the blood most seriously needs attention. To improve and fortify the blood is the special mis- sion of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and that is why they are the best spring? medicine sn existence. If you feel the need of a medicine this spring give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills} a fair trial and you will rejoice in new health, new strength and new energy, and will be especially fit- ted to stand the forsit heat which comes a little late These Pills are id by all medi- cine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. i AN UNREDEEMED PLEDGE. An incident not without pathos occurred toward the end of last week at a sale of eed Mont de Piete, Paris, says London Globe. There were sold by auction a child's drinking cup, plate, spoon and knife and fork. Fifty-one years ago these souvenirs were deposited in the Paris municipal pawnshop. Every year since the interest has been paid regularly and the right of redemption secured, but the family never seem to have possessed the necessary 15 or 20 francs to resume possession. Evidently the poor people are either dead or have be- come more needy. Two years ago the interest ceased to be paid, but, the department, to. their credit, abstained from selling these "lares ard penste. ? Several letters were t. the-last.. known resi- denés and os ther places where the pawnérs have lived but th have come back markea "Incon- nu." The sands of the glass have run out and the objects so careful- ly guarded for half a century have been sold. oo THE BEST MEDICINE SO MOTHERS SAY Mothers say Baoy"s Own Tablets are the very best medicine they can ive their little ones. It is the appy experience of one mother that helps others to keep their lit- tle ones well. housands of mo- thers have found the Tablets a never-failing cure for the ailments that afflict apele little ones. Mre. E. Sandwell, oldwater, Ont., pays :--"'I find Raby: s Own Tablets the best medicine any mother can give her little ones. I tried "soothing" mixtures, but they oe not help my baby. but ag soon as began giving him the Tablets see made his teething easy and I would hardly kouw he was cutting a tooth. I would not be without 'the Tablets, and always recommend them to my friends." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The })r. Williams' Medicine £o., Brockville, Ont. ------ LETTERS BY AEROPLANE. First Acrial Postal Service in the World in India. The mails which have reached England from India last week brought with them a_posimark which should prove of special in- lerest to collectors in years to come, as possessors of this postmark will pave an official souvenir of what is Ex hibition, ie. tabad," and there is also a design pf an aeroplane crossing the moun- tains, with the year 1911 denoted. he history of this new departure s interesting. Captain Windham wanted to demonstrate, by means practical experiment, how the neroplane could be used by a be- sieged town to communicate with the outside world. He accordingly obtained the. sanction of the Post- 'mastor-General of the United Prov- fmces and the Director-General of : aa Offices. in India to inaugurate | ¥ rial post at the Uni rov- oir mehibicion at Allahabad, and p die wa s specially cut, with -- pach Jotter sent by the aerial est _js marked. Letters posted in gutta on Fen. 16, travelling by way ey the Allahabad aerial post and amboy, have just been received London. NTE 'ploon) a oe Use <r ag ' a p on the . erica, It was an new pas- font. All Fs were in vain she became a total oss, Of course, the usual British Board of Trade inquiry was held, and although the captain was com- limented on his resource ¥p = was practically ab- m all blame, his certific- ate was, i aoaedes for a short time and he became a broken man. He was looked upon as perhaps the finest officer in his fleet, but the in- exorable rule was that 'all oo --™ who lost _--, vessel could not employed ag With thie "black mark against him, he found it almost impossible to get another good berth in Eng- land, and he wenth out to South America, where he eventually ob- tained a post as harbor-master. Such is the > unhappy lot of many a capable o The semis er may often chafe and call the skipper an old woman for preferring to remain in harbor a few hours longer because a storm is raging outside, but no one can blame him for refusing to take the least risk tnat may deprive him of his livelib When any 'disaster happens the captain is always to blame, al- though his owners may have order- regardless of In these fechas who pays the ~~ y- A g officer with powerful friends may be able to find a snug billet ashore as harbor-master or in some other marine post, but such good fortune only comes to the few. The many must be content with the command of a small coasting ves- sel, or be ready to take out an ancient ship whose owners would not mind losing it on a dangerous voyage. Is it any wonder then that many skipper prefers to go down wit B. vessel to facing a searching in- quiry which may try to fasten all kinds of pang ae upon him. Al who have been tales of captains naho have deliber- ately refused to be rescued in con sequence of disaster brought about by some error or default on their part. It may be remembered that + ran ashore a few years ago de- liberately shot himself. There was another famous case when the stranding of a liner led to the Joss of many lives, among which was that of the captain. The ple of the coast will tell you to this a that he was really a the saved, but preferred to disappear. Although this belief is onty one of those curious ideas that possess people occasionally, cases kind have no doubt occurred from time to time. ainaninsl s Weekly OLD Ww ORL RED RE ME EMEDIES. Homely Prese vigtions for Various Troubles or Ailments. "Our grandmothers rightly con- sidered themselves in the light of capable home doc 'tors,' says the St. James' Budget. "Their manuscript books, if nothing else, bear evi- dence of the fact that their cures were inexpensive, while they were so simple that they could be made to meet the oecasion om any emer- gency. For children a favorite re- medy was that of saltpetre--a lump of which, not larger than a marble, was dropped into a cup of boiling water and allowed it to stand until the water was cold. This was dab- bed on the unbroken chilblain night and morning. 'Another old fashioned remedy for childblains consisted of slices re a cut onion, dipped in coarse salt and rubbed briskly over the irritat- ing skin. For a strain an old world cure was camphor, a lump of which the size of a pigeon's egg was dis- solved in a few drops of spirits of wine, to which the white of an egg and a smal] teacupful of vinegar were added. These when well beat- en should become frothy. in which state the liniment was rubbed on the affected part three times daily. "There was, too, a famous gar- gic for a sore throat, which con- sisted of a tablespoonful each of port wine, vinegar and water. He--"'if I'd known how sarcastic you were I never should have mar- Tied you." She--"You had a chance to notice it. Didn't I say, 'This is so sudden," when you proposed to me after four years' courtship?" Minard"s Lintment Cures Surns, Ets. ------_--_ ---__--__- CHINESE BOY EMPEROR. An American doctor recently vis- ited the palace at Pekin to examine the baby Emperor, who, was found had gorged himself with a meal of sw ~( ea nests (a sort of os , ---- and thus :pro- ng thirst. The indis- position vie led lh te the doc- tor's treatment. The Emperor, he says, sleeps in a gigantic bed, big . He rises at at sea can tell: the captain of a German liner that! MADE MRS. LAPRAIREE A NEW WOMAN. --s * value to the suffering women of Canada. Laprairieville, Nipissing District, Ont., April 17 (Special).--After sul- fering from various forms of kidney ills since she was a child, Mrs. CO: Laprairie is a well woman and once more it has been proved that no ease"of Kidney Trouble is too se- vere or of too long standing for Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure. Interviewed regarding her cure, Mrs. Laprairie said: "Since I was twelve years of age I have suffered from Kidney Dis- ease. I was always tired. My back would ache and I always had a sharp pain in the top part of my head. My heart also troubled me. 'Hearing of Dodd's Kidney Pills, T gave them a trial, and now I feel like a new woman.' Thousands of Canadian men and women are feeling just as Mrs. Laprairie loes--as if life had start- ed all over for them--just because they have cured their kidneys with' Dodd's Kidney Pills. For the kid- neys are the mainspring of life. If they are clogged or out of order the whole body is wrong. Dodd's K d- ney Pills always put the kidneys in good working order. 4. COSTUMES OF FISH SKINS. Among the most wonderful gar- ments worn at the present day are the curious fish skin dresses at ase wealthy women of the Gold tikes living along the Amur River, Siberia. Though they can neither read nor write these people are préducing astonishing ornaments. designs and embroidery work. dress is composed of several] layers of fish skin, the undermost repre- senting the skin of the garment pro- per; the uppermost showing the or- naments in their cut out forms. Be- tween these two layers is inscrted a middle layer, which serves a8 & background, throwing out distinct- ly all parts of the ornaments. The pieces of fish skin forming the or- naments are generally colored blue. adorned with these cut out pieces al fish skin sewed with fish skin ead. -------- SPRING SKIN TROU BLES Pimples, Eruptions and '"'Spotty Complexions."' At this season, scores of people-- | girls and young women especially-- find their faces disfigured by pim- ples, dark spots, eruptions, ete. The skin needs attention--needs re- novating after the trying time it has passed through during the win- ter. Just think what through! You have been out in rain and sleet and snow. You have been at one moment perapiring from -_ A ered up your skin--except your facé--and gone out into a tempera- ture away below zero! No wonder that, with all these changes, the skin of the face and neck shows lightly over the spots, the erup- tions, the sallow patches, at night, and wash with Zam-Buk Soap (only 25c. per tablet). Then notice how quickly your appearance improves. Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for skin injuries and diseases. Eczema, nicers, ringworm, yield to its use. For cuts, burns, bruises, children's rashes, etc., it is unequalled, an for piles. Mothers will find Zam- Buk Soap best for baby's bath! All druggists and stores at 50c. box for Zam-Buk and 25c. tablet (or 3 for 70c.) for the Soap. If you have any difficulty in obtaining, order from Zam-Buk Co., Teronto, and send price. = % Recruiting Sergeant--"Do you know anything about drill!' Re- eruit--"Av course. Didn't Oi jist tell ye Oi wurked in a quarry these foive year -- @inard's Liniment Relleves Neuraigte. "Ever been in Siberia 1' asked the repoiter. "Er--yes," answered the distinguished Russian refugee, "J took a knouting there one sum- mer. (with indignation)--"T been talking to that man i he called 2 fool." Smith--"Ah! Took him ten minutes to find it out, did it?" Jones hadn't Brown ten minutes when me DODDS KIDNEY PILLS BUT DODD's "RINE. og Nipissing Lady gives an experience that 'should prove of immense. 'The front and back of the dress is! 'The other man n apologized ' it has gone ; a licate of the senses 1"' a {care of the do FOOLHARDY SNAKE KEEPER. The only fatal case of snake bite on record in. the London Zoo Gardens was directly due to the | sary to foolishness of the victim. He was " charge of the snakes,-and com- ing in one morning with some friends began to boast of his power over the creatures and the extent i A would submit to be played with by one whom they knew. This led to practical experiments, the over-confident keeper taking an In- dian cobra from its comfortable sleeping place, and declaring was a snake charmer preceeded to swing it about his head and play other tricks with it. A native snake charmer would have known there was no certain way to rouse the snake's temper than -this, for the race abhors rough handling or| People who are very this and scrawny ought not to le ndouw they sudden movement of any sort. The | ought ne disease aaa contas- result of the exploit was that the | ions than the normally fleshy. Thinness ig keeper was bitten on the nose. He | usally accompani by weakness, and weakness st anyo' to colds, was hurried off to the hospital, but | coughs, consumption, pneumonia, ete. It ied in a few hours, as been discovered, al: by accident, ae | CURED IN ONE MONTH. If every woman, who has Kidney or | or Bledder trouble, could go to Davisville, Ont., and talk to Mrs. and cure themselves. I had Kidney or Bladder ie, su | ing at times intense pain.- I doctored | continual? | bus nothiog Eri me perman- relief uaded to "Within a couple of days I receiv ved | great relief, and after taking one box} was completely cur A. SIMPSON. 'Mrs. Write National Dr and Seminal Co. | (Dept. W.), Toronto, cents a box, 6 boxes for $2.50, at wall "deal: ere. "Why do ye look so sorryful, Den- nis?" asked one man .of another. 'Tl just hear-r-rd wan man cal! an- other a liar. And the man that w called a liar said the other man | would have to apologize or pa would be a fight." "And why should that make you look sad?' persons @re more susce tible t to colds than others, contract- ing derangements of the pulmon- ary organs from the slightest caus- es. These should always have a hand a bottle of Bickle's Anti-Con~ sumptive Syrup, the present day coverage rem - 8, Ca- rrh inflammation of the tend It will effect a cure no mat- ter how severe the cold may be. You cannot afford to be without a remedy, like Bickle's, for it is the st. Talk is seldom satisfactory unless it is your own, and then you may overdo it. To ee A COLD IN ONE D. zake Lax Oo quinine Tilieen Dmtte's ae EY meney if it fails te ea kw E'S signature is en each bom Be Professor--'"Which is the most de- Pup il--"The touch.' Professor--' 'Prove it. Pupil--"When you sit on a pin you can t see it, you can't hear it, you can't taste it, and you sel 't sme it, but you know it's ther REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. ! S00 1 > a3 SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFT > s LEAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and | is the best remedy for DIARKHG is ab- solutely harmless, Be and ask for "Mrs, w's Soothing Syrup, ta take no other THE FAMILY PET. Policeman--"Do you have to take ?" ° Nurse Girl--"No; the missus says I'm too young and inexperienced. I only look after the children.' Revive the Jaded Condition. -- When energy flags and the cares of business become irksome; when the whole system is out of sorts and there ne depression, try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They will regulate the action of a de- ranged stomach and a disordered liver, and make you feel like a new man. No one need suffer a from debilitated digestion when so simple and effective a pill can be got at any drug store. scenntinaidgpecr UNNATURAL THINNESS EASILY CORRECTED. g i vt "ER sick preventati given Sate Pan eroed tnaven and uit otteacee Best Kidney riba 4 Jodiors. all DE SPOR? MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen, Ind. U. 8. Av By Clever Prescription Which Can Be Filled at Any Drug Store. No Need to be Thin Now as Reports Show This Method Ef- ~ fective. n tive medicines, u e, effective, 20d. reliable nutritive nating, staan si legen 'three ounces of & Here's = Home Dye That ANYONE Oan Use. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. Ae Ldn OF R FARM Spruit fame a B. Calder, Grimeby, HOICE | DELAW C orc LAWARE FARMS, PARMA. mild ow au on Cees Bod Bitte 2 wie, 120 'iin wail send and cl clay loam, frame mber of out- Dut- ton. wi peter tg fer wen EY ie bray estern Heal Estate Ex: «change, Limited, Len- ff Youn Save Both Time and Money--as Well as a Good Deal of Trouble if You Use in an 808, bot pound essence cardio stand two i Sener gt | cadom nd am). Shake well. and make one teaspoon- i, after aah meals and when retirin Keep up thi nt reg riy and of » certaint fro one to three pounds will be added ito the weight each we the gener- {al health will also improve. Cunestied Young Man--" I won-| der why that young lady over there looks at me so much!' Sarcastic Young Lady--"She has weak eyes, | and the doctor told her to relieve | them _by looking at something green. A pin scratch may cause blood poisor, a rusty nail cut is very apt to do so Hamlin's Wizard Oil used at once draws out all infec- tion and makes blood poison im- possi "Ah! So that is the oldest inha- bitant?" said the citv man ow do you account for his having lived all these years!' "'Well,"' a trifle acidly replied the landlord of the Skecdee Tavern, "I guess it's b cus he's never done anything else." Hore for the Chronic Dyspeptic. --Through lack of consideration of the body's needs many persons al- low disurders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until they become chronic, filling days and nights with | suffering. To these a course of Parmelce's Vegetable Pilis is re- commended as a sure and speedy way to regain health. These pills are specially compounded '3 com- bat dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and they are successful always. Mother--"Tommy, what's your litte brother crying so much about 7' Tommy--" 'Cause I'm ieatin' my cake an' won't give him any. "Is his own cake finished ?"' "Yes, an' he cried enti I was eat- in' that, toc." TRY MURINE EVE REMEDY for Red, Wea Watery Eyes andGranulated jayelide, Murine Doesn't Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Reniédy, Liquid, i rt-- ADMITTED HIS ERROR. One of the neatest of parliamen- tary apologies, says a writer in the London Chronicle, was that of an irate member of the House who de- manners of a pig At the cry Of "wWithdraw !" he did so. "1 withdraw and apolo- gize, and beg to say that honorable member has the manners of a pig. WORDS OF WISDOM. More than half the cares of life are of anticipation. We can persuade ourselves of something quicker than we can per- suade any else We were not meant to be always happy; and the best things do not endure Peonte are apt to despise. what they are unable tye app One of the great mistakes of pa past Kas been to suppose woman with a Mitte good- neil oo on her part and a deal of nature on ber part of at, parte: can set up "oui lag wie ot often ing wishes for the times which were gone, but it is far better to cake scribed another as "not having the it "eowoaeain | --PAINT WITHOUT OIL-- Easily app!ied, gives art pote a hard permanent Gmish that will wear fer years. send for Be "ee Card--and fall particalars-- "lease mention this paper, The Powdrpaint Co. TORONTO Housekeeper--"You're a healthy man; why don't you go to work?' Tramp--"Lady, I'l}! tell yer me trouble. I'm an unhappy medium."' "What do you mean by | that ?"' "Well, yer Bee, I'm too {heavy for light work, an' too light for heavy work."' Only the uninformed endure the agony of corns. The knowing ones anpiv Holloway's Corn Cure and get relief. You wonder why you have more trouble than other people, and they wonder why you have less trouble than they do. big, |Sbect ACENTS WANTED. experience "needed. Sells = "Aovolute Hepensity, to farmers sete Se a 2 'a. MoveRs iteelf im ai CO. (Dept. 5), ia, as omen GENTS WA nagpis oily: "tor "two + fines: Fees H CANADIANS INDUS arts, a PANY, Limited, Street, Ottawa. MISCELLAREOUS. AEM SCALES, special pri Ww F Scale Works, 3 Feplanade, Toron a" are looking for the best ite preposition in Sonne, ohe ay 3 peals to everyone. spply to BELLERT. idvertising Dept., ws Albert rt St, Ottawa. -- si every ption. Advertise ~ ie a specialty. Write for Man, Orillia, Rocks, k iy Hilton eighear Oa" O*° KATOON'S district has never known failure GG8 FOR HATCHING Red '4 Buck Eyes, White, Barred Saskatoon, Saska ada. EARN THE BARBER TRADE--NEW tem--constant ~ipoones careful per yard gg ol flow ~tools free. Graduates sightees, Sollars weekly. logue. Barber College, 221 Queen East. Toronto, Panne en NE C ANCER, TUMORS, Le pg etc. In- ternal and extern without eae by our home treatment. at Write us fore too late. Dr. Bellma: Co. Collings od, Ont. TON SEALE. 8 Scale Works, ial price. splanade, Toro hf gal . . PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your driggist wali rei und meney if PAZO OINT: MKNi failsto cure amy cass Bleeding or Protruding Piles ind to i¢days Svc THE MAKINGS. First physician--"Can you make eayeak out of the patient' s trou- ble oon ditto--'I think if we man- age right we can make about five hundred apiece vut of it.' I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment io use. 1 got my foot badly jammed lately bathed it weil with BD'S List wt, aod it was as well as ever next pr Yours sey tra T. MeMOLLEN. Suitor--"'Why do you object to my marrying your daughter!' ' Fa- The Seul of a Pianolsthe Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action DY EING ! CLEANING! 5 ry bent, ne epRiTisn AMERICAN y BYEING G0." Look fo "lien Quebers Montreal. prserhand $1 a box IODINOL 6' sc-°ss The most highly efficient application for the reduction of Swellings, a Thick Neck, Glandular Enlargemen Its Positive, PILES of all kinds, in any and all stages, quickly relieved and ailed on receipt of price. LYLE Mtoccine TORONTO. TIS WEST QUEEN STREET ther--"Because you can't support her in the style she's been accus- tomed to all her life."' Suitor -- "How do you know I can't? I can start her on bread and milk, the same as you did. It is in Demand.--So great is the demand for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil that a large factory is kept con- tinually busy. making "and bottling . To be in demand shows popu- lar appreciation of this preparation, which stands at the head of proprie- tary compounds as the leading Oil in the market, and it i8 generally admitted that it is deserving of the lead. Fault-finding, like charity, often begins at home Ginard's Lintment vor sate everywhere. --------_ r--___----- CORONATION FILMS. An invention has been made mak- ing it possible to transmit cinoma- tograph pictures by wire and an ex- perimental trial is to be madé oa coronation day. An attempt wil be made to send views of the great event from London to Paris, and if it is successfully accomplished the films will be exhibited at the Paris- ] ian- picture theatres "a ftw hours 1 The inventor of the "Cino- tor's intention to transmit to Paris, Mrs. Newlywed--"Before we were married you said that my -- sah shou be your pS Newlywed--"Exactly, my love; Gut you have so many vigorous and well-developed wishes that I am as yet unable to decide as to which is the slightest."' Recognized as the leading speci- fic for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' We tor has proved a boon to sufferip children everywhere. It sel's fails. Clariable Man (to former blind nip . What, | Borated Vai od (A Valuable ret tl will show the progress of the -- and Queen from Bu lace to the entrance of the Abbey. Worm Extermina-. Jn eee ESF te the Trees ach for special purposes. Write for Free eselineBook to

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