Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 21 Apr 1911, p. 1

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i Walter = Bros. Clothing ', Furnishings Another 20 Doz. "The. and 90c. Shirts on sale Saturday Morning at 50: _ If you hawe not bought your Spring Suit buy now. Our stock is complete and the prices are such that they will aid you in buying. Men's Suits on Sale, All Sizes, Styles and Qualities from $5.75 to $25. See our $2.50 Odd Pants on sale for .. $1.98 See our $2.00 Odd Pants on sale for .. $1.45 Boys' Suits on Sale from $2 to $10. Men's and Boys' Shirts, Ties, Collars, Hats and Caps on sale at *pecial Prices. ¢ _#DRY GOODS SPECIALS«_ 1,000 yards of 12 ya and 15¢c Gingham for Satur- day only per - - - 10 1-2c 500 yds 10¢ Parkish Towelling on sale per yd - 71-2¢ 300 yds 8c Union Towellin - Dréss Goods Remnants on Sale at Half Price. GROCERIES ite 4 Bottles of Extract for - 12 rs of Soap for - 4 Boxes of Corn Starch for 8 Lbs. of Best Raisins for - 25c First-Class Maple Syrup on sale at $1.25 per gal. We buy Eggs, Butter and Potatoes and pay Highest Prices Cash or Trade. 25e 25¢ 25c bao ae, ah hing bani8 eatin ams Ting Sandie Kept ting PG age eng Nat Near ba 2 at yt ay tang tli, WALTER BROS. Spring is Here. Fir As our large assorted stock of SpringGoods Have Arrived and are open*d up we are in a position to give everyone anything they want in THE LATEST STYLES. We like to show our goods and seeing is believing, so come in and be convinced All the Odd Lines and Sizes wil' Greatly Reduced Prices. The Repairing will be Neatly Done and Promptly Attended To. SCHELL & RIEHM, Main Street. « Kibler's Old Stand. be sold at Durst's Harness Shop} -- : | Aow Open Under the New Proprietor. As a starter I am offering a very Special Bargain in Whips Thorough Rawhide Whips only 25c. This offer good tor one month only. de Also a new line of Plush Rugs which will be offer- ed at prices that will sell them in a hurry. ww Orders for New Harness and all Repairing will receive our careful_and prompt attention, Suecessor to A. Richm, ; Wallace? Street OD OCVBVBVWSVCU YP Rev. H, M. Lawo-Fono, Rector. Sunday, ; 2.80 p. m.--Sunday School and Rector's _ Bible Class... 7. p.m. Evensong and sermon, All Seats Free. METHODIST CHURCH, Rev. R, D. HAMILTON, Pastor. Surday, April 28, 1911. Tl a. m. jeg be Pastor. 2.45 p. m.-- 7 School and Adult Bible ord All are welcome. 7 p.m. --The Pastor. The Pastor will com rence a series of sermons on the Lord's Prayer. For Sate. -- A EDNA K. LEE, Bg in (Pupil of J. Hae Toronto Con-4 servatory of Muste. ) oan ot Piano Playii Is prepared Studio, Elma Street. MISS DIXON, A. T. C. M., LISTOWEL, Instructor in -Piano, Organ cape Classes. Pupils care r examina' Terms saline 154 Gewmdh St. E. DENTIST. (Dental Departmen Office over Schinbein's Store, same entrance as Morphy & ( & Carthew, J. E. onor graduate of ehoanann pita, Roches N,. Y. ecept any case ise of pursing. at t her. r es Bi Eye, Ear, N coc and Throat, will be at the' i Central Hotel, Listowel, from 104. m. to6 p,m m. Jan. 28, Feb. 25, March oand April 22. DR F- J. R. FORSTER, Eye, Ear, age and Throat only. House Su ew York Opthalmic and Aural in 1904-5, Clin. Assist- ant Ear, and Throat Hospital, Golden uare, and Moorefield"s Eye Hospital ndon, . Office 48 re bert Street, Stratford, At Grand Cen- May 8th, from tral Hotel, Listowel, 80 to 11.30 a. m. Osteopathic ig Physician. DR. W. A. GOSSMAN will be in Listowel on dharma and Saturday marnings. ent by ee only rite Stratford. 12-4 7S COCBTZSES DB BVEBVEUBVBA DEAR READER, We are 4 preparing young people for business at Listowel 5 Business - College And place our graduates in positions $ © Students may enter at any time. Spring Term opens April 3. For particulars address EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, PRINCIPAL, LISTOWEL, ONT* VUVVtVG4 SD VVEVSVE Boys and Girls Should learn{those subjects by which they can earn a living. Spotton Business Col- leges are the largest trainers in Canada, and our gradu- ates secure the best posi- tions. You can study at home and finish at the Col- lege, INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ENTER ANY DAY T.J.McDOWELL,D.D.S.L.D.Ss Graduate Royal College Dental Sur ; "Graduate Detroit College of Medicine it). Miss eeu? -- HAWKING f uRSs Terbune and Dr. M ee with her parents in town. Mrs, Wm. Hess of Gravenhurst was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. B. Morphy, over the holidays. Mr. C. B. Hacking has taken a posi- tion in Toronto with the United Drug Co., bandling Rexall goods. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Paul spent Easter in St. Catharines, re ere of the for- mer's brother, Mr. J, B. Paul. Miss Olive Grant, salah nurse, and Miss Hunt, of Hamilton, were guests of Mrs. J. R. Grant over Eas Mrs. A. J. Collins and Mre. John coe and daughter, Miss Estelie, pent Easter in Streetsville Miss Pearl Goddard returned home last week from London, where she had been visiting for sev weeks, Mr. Lloyd Thompson of the Bank of Hamilton staff, Paris, spent the holi- = with his parents in iss J. J. Allan, Eyes ig reer wil be at the Queen wel, on Thursday, April rh Te ne day. Minstrel concert in music hall on Fri- day evening, April 28, underthe aus- pices of Listowel coe club, For Satge.--A -- of lan peat Ly: Apply "el H. Cavell, J. ion and L. Fleming of Toronto are spending their holidays at thelr homes in town. B. B. Sarvis has a few good second- hand ORGANS. for saleor to rent on easy terms. Office Wallace street. Mr. Arkens Peffers of town has taken & position with Mr. C. Norton of Berlin, as driver of Mr. Norton's pop wagon. with h school. . Krorz. Pie s. Ms Smith's te' of- see eapest most u to-date Wall Paper in town. 9--- o Buy your eries where you get china free of charge for coupons. Mrs. P. W. Anderson of Ottawa and little son have been the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B, Roth- well. per doz. Save the eres. 3 RoTZ. Miss Lillian Strachan of Toronto and Miss Grace Strachan of Aylmer were the guests of Mrs. John Watson over Easter. 3 The members of Bernard te brother, James Longmire, at pre eet Zinn of Wallace tag the on Tuesday, a8 Ciethir, io fost ein het husband in Calgary. * WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE if i: hand Bday: ggg mo Oranges from 15¢ Timothy Seed and Masonic | over lodge will altent Oe to-day of F x > att iF 'di lf i s pol a peer Mead - approved council, is an Exe in this district will receive $125, QUEEN Mary's Furp.--Cantri! to Queen Mary's Fund (now. cloged) sent to~ Mrs. H. iss Gabel, Mrs. Mary Sharp, May Fisher, Mrs. Mary Eliza Hamilton, Edna May Hamilton, Mrs. J. N. Hay, Maria, Bender, Minnie Florence lock, PRESENTED WITH Suir CasE.--At - | the close of the Knox Church congrega- R. . London ; Hugh | Elmira 7 Elliott Hayden, H. Zilliax, Berlin. Mr. A. V. Cressy, of the Linen House, who is leaving town, will dispose of his household furniture, also driving horse, by auction on Friday 28th inst. Sale at 2 p.m. For list of articles see adver- tisement. Mrs. J. Seip of Linwood, visiting friends in Waterloo, suffered a paralytic stroke while walking am Erb street on Monday evening, and died ore medical aid could reach her. She was 73 years of age. Long looked-for spring is here at last. The roads and fields are pretty well , some seeding may yet be done before the end of April. Mrs. Ernest Quennell and little daugh- ter Milletta left for the west Saturday the 8th, after spendingthe winter with ber parents. Her sister, Misa Evalyn Greer, accompanied her as far as Strat- ford where she visited relatives for a few days. Invitations have been sent out for the marriage of Mr. S. T. Willoughby, edi- tor of the Enterprise, Rosthern, Sask., formerly of this town, and Miss Ethel Mabel Doherty, daughter of Mr. James Doherty, Stratford. The wedding will take place in Stratford on May 8rd. Mr. G. R. Binning of Shelby, Mich., visited in town over Easter. He _ purchased the Pitman property will move back to town from Shelby -- duringthe summer. He lived in town greg Seam and is = tentie ae Mr. W. E. Binning Easter services were held in all the town churches and brought ont large congregations, among whom were not a few Easter visitors. The Easter music provided by our very & church choirs formed a bright and siaolive part of the services and was greatly ap- preciated, We now eave #2 lines of ee taeda Mr, Carthew is ed of a very fine tenor voice, and y ir of Guthrie chu At ev service be sang the solo, "Heaven is my Home," with excellent and pathos.--: 8 ord North Easthope, 2 ; Ellice, 4 F ton, 2; Mornington, 8; Elma, 8; Wal- lace, 1 ; Listowel, 4 The shop licenses granted were as follows: T. F. Quir Stratford : Walsh Bros., Stratford ; A. Ringler, Listowel. Knox CuuncH IMPROVEMENTS.--At a congregational meeting held on Mon- day in Knox church, it was decided to proceed at once with the renovating and decorating of the church interior. This will include the painting and decorating of the auditorium, re-upholstering of the seate, a motel Bei on the floor and other vemente, which will likely also Ren ome putting in electrie light. The interior decoration will be carried out by the Thornton-Smith Co. of Toronto, who have a wide reputation as church decorators. The cost of the improvements will be about _ = The work will take five or six during which the services will be nel elsewhere, to be definitely announced on Sunday next. Rev. J. W. BELL [NJuRED.--Satur- day's Toronto News contained the fol- ri particulars of an accident to Rev. W, Bell, a former pastor of Knox iting Listowel. His many friends in town are sorry to learn of his mishap but are glad to know that the accident was not more serious: Rev. John W. Bell, pastor emeritus of Kew Beach Presbyterian Charch, who was knocked down on Thursday night by a west- bound King car at the corner of Queen street and Leuty avenue, was reported this morning to be out of danger. Mr. Bell, who is 65 years of age, had been out shopping and in crossing Queen street, he went behind an east-bound car and stepped in front ofa car going in the opposite direc He was thrown down and rendered unconscious. His injuries consist of a ~~" concus- sion of the brain, a broken rib and se vere bruises. MINSTREL CONCERT 'POSTPONED.-- cert under the auspices of the Listowel football club, which was have been held this Friday evening, been postponed until Friday even- 28th. Those in charg The local talent will take part and in addition Mr. Ho of Owen Sound be present, How- oe the end came. Ea@ren Vestuy rer BB 3 anhual Easter Vestry moetitig 'Charch Snag hen ciey Bor fig | Moiday ev ing, there being a good , peak By rector pr Warden's financial statement was very pospacryna iy Byres ' smount raised ail purposes during Dr. Stewart "has severed his connco- | the past yeartobe over $2,200, This -- tion with Palmerston after being «| includes the $600 recently raised. hy" " resident and practicing there for nearly | special subscription to wipe off the float- forty years, He has disponed of his ing debt. The election of wardens :. residence, practice and vaccine farmi to | then proceeded with, J. H. Gunther be+ ie Dr. Seanlon;. who formerly lived ing elected People's Watden and T. G. Dr. Stewart has Anderson named..s4 Rector's Warden, and elect delegates to Synod. DEATH wr Mrs. Livixastqx.--On ~ bers of the family were all present whon The deceased was born in Germany and came to Canada with. her parents, who settled in Wellesley. Af the well-known firm of J. & J. Living- stone, starting the flax-mill here, which for a number of years was one Li wel's principal industries. Sinco Mr. Livingston's death Mrs. Livingston and daughters, have continued to reside in town, and antil her late illness the de- cased had enjoyed good health and took an active .oterest in matters affect- ing te Coaraalty 's welfare, especially in social and church will Knox Church, of which deceased 7 had {long been a, member. - Thecbeantifal « : floral fribo e ts ia J loting-synt -Jing certain gl Railwa war May 2, re taunt = 18, 27 ; July llth, 25th ; H Septem r 6, 19. Winnipes oe oe = rm monton and return, $41; tickets good for 60 days. rtionate rates to principal ts in itoba, Saskat- wan nnd Al meseekers' Northern Navigatio cure tickets and en_Compan Em rom ree Grand Trank agent or ad- dress Duff, District Passenger Agent, *Foronte Ont. ---- WALLACEVILLE, Some farmers have commenced to plow in this section, though it is not general as yet. Seeding is fully three weeks later than last year. However, we expect' that it will become quite general by next week. Maple syrup manufacturers exper- ienced another good run of sap this week, which will likely be the last. The season has been a lengthy one, or not as good as some years, in much syrup could be made in ten pad as was e this year in forty. ow- ever, ' a small loaf of sugar will mean a large loaf of bread," so that we may expect the deficiency to be made up in a bountiful harvest. Mr. Isaac Miller of Hamilton was the guest of his brother, Mr. Ben. Miller, and father, Mr. Isaac Miller, during the holidays. Miss Melinda Wiederhold of Stratford and Mr, Wesley Wiederhold of Shake- speare spent the holidays at the home of their sister, Mrs. Sinclair Adolph. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Schell of Listowel spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Ben. Miller. Mr. John Geiger of Hanover was the guest at the home of Mr. Wm. Gabi. during the past week. Rev. I. A. McElvey of trata will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist ae ape on ph aed next at 2.30 p. m. Young People's meeting wil be "err on Sunday evening next known as " An Evening with Former Pastors," when messages from former Wallace Circuit pastors during the last eighteen years will be read. Service will commence at 7 .30 sharp. All are 'welcom Mrs. Wm, Holmes is in Palmerston -| attending to her mothor, Mrs, Jas, Smith, who has been quite ill, Miss Wenzel and Miss 'Schell were guesta with friends in the village Sun- day last. . FOOTBALL MINSTREL - CONCERT postponed from April 21 to FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1911. Admission--25c. and 35c. .. Grand Program, Songs, Jokes, Etc, Methodist Orchestra. 'HEAR HOWARD LARGE, Tuesday morning Mrs. Anna K. Living. ston, reliot of the late dene Livingston, away at the family residence, _

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