Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 14 Apr 1911, p. 7

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"- ee a... |the perfect as the Japanese Nature Needs Aid in Making New, call th sp. is -the_purest-of }*" WORK BONE. BY 'Health Giving Blood all materials that the artist canj DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS IN oe, work boos says a writer in Handi- ONE QUEBEC FAMILY. In the spring the needs cot i : oftect ' gccie toning up To pe al and pa' ial ti od by carving, cutting ¥ : strong you must have new blood, and slightly finting <x. Saline. Thomas Lauriault had Kidney st as the trees must have new sap renew their vitality. Nature demands it, and without this new blood you wil] feel wezk and lan- guid--you may have twinges of rheumatism or the sharp stabbing pains of neuralgia. n the are disfiguring pimples or eruptions on the skin. In other cases there is merely a feeling of tiredness and a variable appetite. y of are signs that the blood is out of order--that the indoor life of win- r has lessened your vitality. What is needed to put you right is a tonic; and in all the world of medicine there is no tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills actually make' new, rich, r bl your greatest need in the spring. This new blood drives out disease, clears the skin | 5, and makes weak, easily tired men. women and children, bright, active and strong. You can prove this by your neighbors, for there is not a nook or corner in this great land where some weak, ailing man or woman has not been made well and strong by this great medicille. Mr. H. Wilson, Stonewall, Man., says: "Some years ago I was rim down, languid and depressed and felt as though'I was only fitted for life's scrap heap. A friend who had great faith in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills gave me a box. Before they. were all used I felt some better, and thus encouraged, got a further supply, and it was not many weeks until I was again enjoying my for- mer good health. I think Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills « boon to every weak person." F Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail, post paid, at 5 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. og FACT AND FANCY. The cream of society is not always the richest part of it. In Norway no one is allowed to spend more than six cenfs--two drinks--in any one tavern. . Some men seek foreign shores for a rest, and some to avoid arrest. Laps average less than five feet in height. . Wire fences greatly increase the number of cattle clain by lightning. The possessor of a funny bone doés ndt necessafily own a vein humor. France has over 5,000,000 acres of vineyards. .. Although there are: three scruples in a drachm, the more drams one takes the fewer scruples one has. Every warship carries half a doz- en qualified divers. Khaki comes from the Persian "khak"--dust--in allusion to its color. ipa BABY'S OWN TABLETS CURE CONSTIPATION Few other troubles afflict the lit- tle enes as does constipation. Every change of diet seems: to bring this trouble on and baby suffers from headaches, fever, disturbed sleep and often vomiting. No baby who suffers -from constipation can thrive well. Constipated babies are cxoss all the time and give mothers constant worry. The one sure relief for baby constipation is any s Own Tablets--they never to cure this trouble and can be given to the little one with absolute safety. Concerning them Mrs. W. 8S. McKenzie, Prairie Grange, Alts., writes: "I used Baby's Own Tablets for my baby who' was con- stipated from birth and they rapid- ly helped her and left her bowels in a natural condition."' The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. + CHILDREN ON THE STREETS. Bill to Prohibit Trading by Boys and Girls. Lord Shaftesbury has drafted a bill which will prohibit any street trading by boys under 17 years and by girls under 18. The idea uuder- lying the bill is that street trading destroys the potential capacity of children to become geod citizens, turning the boys and girls who en- e mit into hopeless unemploy- --- ables, whose ultimate destiny is the prison' and workhouse. The London County Council, which tried registration of juvenile street traders, has decided that the system of badges has not been a success, and it has just adopted. new by-laws to deal with' the evil. These by-laws will have the effect of taking off the streets 10,000 boys}, ' and 1,000 girls who are at present engaged in street,trading. Among the changes are the following: No boy under 16 to be employed 'to be employed in street trading. Ne boy or girl under 14, liable to In street trading before 6 a.m. or " No~ba nd : Re Rg rae ep SPE ee - E 4) y. et i i} -- Te | carved rock ¢ these | 4 Have you ever seen a great icicle all the harsh edges of which have been melted off in the sun or a frag- ment of ice which has been dipped in hot water for a moment! If so you have seen the effect which the Chinese love to produce on their stals. edges and polishing. In mounting a bit of jade, red tourmaline or amber the Chinese will sometimes put upon the setting or fill in the interstices of the me- tal with a greenish shimmer; end it is dificult to make out at first glance what it is; perhaps a metal & mineral. magnifying glass shows that it is the blue fea- ther of the kingfisher and as it-is placed in a setting with a ridge above it for protection it frequently will stand a good deal of wear. Chinese 'Japidary art generally consists in ignoring everything that is geometrical. The motives of the Chinese are generally plants, ani- mals, scenes or symbolical orna- ments. "Everything in their lapidary art is soft and rounded, pleasing both to the eye and to the touch. Abbott Thayer, the Americay art- ist, has discovered that the most in- tense colors properly mingled, as in the wings of birds, butterflies and beetles, blend into a soft tone. even an iron furnace or a smoke- stack. Louis Tiffany has always be- lieved in a wealth of softness and color, whether in glass or jewelry. To obtain a brilliant blue he took colorless opals and-ground them in- to regular jelly-like masses and put blue sapphires under them, and then opals under masses of pale | sapphires. Again, he combined amethysts that were deep purple with deep blue sapphires and combined these with opal matrix of deepest blue and green. Another example is a lamp screen of beach pebbles lead- ed together ; every one of these peb- bles had been water-worn and slightly fron-rusted, and the blend- ing of the white with the tones of brown in the lamplight produced a most charming effect. --+---_- LORD KITCHENER'S TASK. Will Command 45,000 Soldiers and 5,000 Sailors at the Coronation. Lord Kitchener, who will return to England from British East Afri- ca to command coronation troops, will find himself faced with a severe but congenial task in gen- eralship and rapid mobilization, for an army of 45,000 soldiers, with pro- bably some 5,000 sailors, will be in ssession of London. The War Office is actively preparing for this great invasion of London from the military depots and garrison towns throughout the country. It is ex- pected that the majority of the re- giments will be billeted in the parks at any of the Council schools and in several big buildings like the Ag- ricultural Hall. i army of Sappers will start trench- ing the soil in Kensington Gardens. Tents will be erected in the leafy avenues, and field kitchens placed in the vicinity of/the Round Pound. Nearly 10,000 men will camp in the gardens. The official list of metro- politan depots is not quite prepar- ed, but it is expected to include Battersea Park, Regent's Park, a small portion of Hyde Park, Bish- op's Park, Fulhata and Hampton Court. ¢ London, in the hands of this large army--the largest perhaps ver mobilized within its borders-- will be one of the instructive fea- tures of the coronation. Camp fires will burn in the parks at night, and the ordinary law-abiding citi- zen, who probably has never seen a handful of soldiers bivouacking in open country, will find @ very pic- turesque imitation of it in the leafy areas in town. This army wil] in- clude representatives of every State and Dominion in the Empire. Several distinguished transport of- ficers are to be chosen for duty on a special military railroad staff, of the troops. These will be brought in to Waterloo and other stations on the morning of coronation day. IN THE SOUTH. The class was having a lesson in geography. and were. learning the points of the compass. "Now, To Jones,'"' said the teacher, "you have in front of you the north, on your right the east, on your left the west. What have you behind you?" After a moment's reflection Tom- my explained: A patch on And to make my trousers." info ther you would | Minahd's Liniment Cures. Burne, Ete. a | Roty draws only the ideal out of |: Accommodation in | % which will supervise the detraining | thro Disease and his wife Bright's Disease, and Dodd's Kidney Pills made them both well. ({Special)--There is a world interest in the simple story of Madame Thomas Lauriault of this place.. In her own words, it is as follows: "Dodd's Kidney Pills cured my husband of Kidney Disease and my- self of Bright's Disease. We recom- mend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all who suffer from Kidney or Bright's Disease." This is a splendid example of the grand work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing among the plain people of Canada. Kidney Disease is the commonest of all ailments among those who have to work hard, be- cause the kidneys ure the first part of the body to feel the wear and tear of heavy work. When the kidneys go wrong the blood goes wrong, and the whole body goes wrong. Rheumatism, Dropsy, Diabetes and Bright's Dis- ease are the usual results. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure these by simply curing the kidneys. -------- THE MASTERFUL BORROWER. "Yes," sighed yentle little Mrs. Wildur, "I do wish Mrs. Nesbitt wasn't quite such a masterful wo- man about borrowing. I do need my irons so much."' "Won't she send them back "' asked the sympathetic caller. 'No, she won't. What was it she said when you went for 'em to-day, Marielda?" ; "T spoke just as easy to her, and said, 'Good morning, Mis' Nesbitt. Ma says could she have her irons a little while? She's making a dress, and needs 'em to press.' And she answered me just as short, and said: "No, she can't! And you tell your ma that she knows perfectly well that pressing a dress, which I doubt if she's making one at all, isn't half as important as doing a family washing and ironing, and not to send me any more such fool- ish messages, either."' "TY reckon I shall have to make out without them," sadly conclud- ed Mrs. Wildur. a "WHY BE SO THIN?" Thinness is Embarrassing, Unheal- thy and Not Natural--Formula| New Used Which Adds From One to Three Pounds a Weck. Everyone ought to have some extra flesh on the bony structure of the 9 both for the sake of health and self- esteem. ° Most thin ple are sensitive to the areh, unfeeling criticisms which are con- stantly being hurled at them by the more ortunate well-figu: 3 a thin, bony horse, but know it--while thi Doone idicu' ought man or wo ich Strength, . beauty flesh iw if the blood and nerves get enough nourishment out of the food cat- hich make seund Get the ingred- femte and make it "Sims and see how fa: gain weight. nen na half pint fle obtain three en of of fw three ounces syrup of rhubarb. d ene ounee compound jol, shake and let stand two hours; theo cl ounes tincture cadomene compound, {not carda- mom), Shake well and take a teaspoonful before meals and one after m ginning. nee PP eee WHY TEACHER REFRAINED. Teacher--"Why were you not at school yesterday !" Willie--"It was my birthday."' Teacher--"But I don't stay home from school on my birthday."' Willie--"Well, I guess you've got used to 'em." A Remedy for bilious Headache. --To those subject to bilious head- ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are recommended as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will subdue irregu- larities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels that the pains .n the head will cease. There are few who are not at sometime subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet none need suffer wit these pills at hand. "Here!" shouted the railway of- ficial; "what do you wean by wing those trunks about like that?' The porter gasped in as tonishment, and several travellers pinched themselves to make' sure that it was real. Then the official spoke again: "Don't you see that you're making big dents in this concrete -platform !"' -| more binding Tommy continued in i a shame- mannert : "T knew aero 29 it; I told mo} "Any 5? } "PODD Lac Cayamont, Que., April 10 ' One Place in Europe.Where They Are the Fashion. There is at least one place in Europe where trousers for women are the fashion, and they are trousers, too, made of good wear- ing material, not the modern jupe- culotte, with its veilings of choice cloths. ' The women of Champery, the well known health resort in Swit- zerland, have from time immemori- al worn honest masculine trousers. They wear them not to attract at- tention to themselves, but simply for the sake of convenience, for they have to perform tasks which need freedom of the nether limbs. They not only perform all a wo- man's usual tasks, including the bringing up of very large families, t to a great extent the care o the cattle is left to them. In Sum- mer they labor in the fields and in Winter they toil about the steep hillsides through deep snow, often on skis, feeding and looking after the stabled cows and goats. Some- times they carry huge wicker bas- kets on their backs filled with all manner of articles from faggots to babies. The weight of these bas- o & strong man unaccustomed to them. The Champery women in spite of all their hard work are handsome. They are tal] and well' set up, with masses of dark and often curly hair, dark eyes and bright complexions. i wanes Warts will render the prettiest hands unsightly. Clear the excres- cences away by using Holloway's Corn Cure, which acts thoroughly and painlessly. SUCCESSFUL. "Has Perry ever done anything to add to the gayety of nations?"' "Yes. He tries to speak French, German and Italian when he is in those countries." Sore Throat is no trifling ail- ment. It may carry disease germs to any part of the body through the food you eat. When you feel sore a coming on, use Hamlins Wiz- ar - Don't harp on one string until you talk with a twang. @inard's Liniment fer sale everywhere QUITE AGREEABLE. Mistress"*Now, mind, if this oc- curs again I shall have to get an- other servant." Mary Ann--"'I wish you would, i, | ma'am--there's quite enough work here for two of us!" deliver here." Milkman (uneasity)--"Yessir." that I use the milk for drinking, not for christening !"' very useful in camp. Vhen well to rub them vention of pains be better as a dressing or lotion. a "No," angwered his wife, haven't run over to borrow a thing. haughty and unsociable.' Smart--Soothes Bye Pain Sell Murine Eye Remedy, 0c, $1.00. Murine Bye 00. e Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. and Eye Advice Free by @Murine Eye Remedy Co., Salve Chicago. Some good happy even if they are lonely. Minard's Lintment Cures Dindrum. SAFE PLACE. . chest and started characteristic of his ca bravery. inquired 4 rear of the hall. how are Jad?" ru bbs 5 me : 7? the school, my Jad?" kets would tax the strength of a,"4 ~ | so that I could see the stage."' "Did Parson--"I only wanted to say Useful in Camp.--Explorers, sur- veyors, prospectors and hunters will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil e feet and 'legs are wet and cold it is freely with the Oil and the result will be the pre- in the muscles, and should # cut, vr contusion, or sprain be sustained, nothing | could 'Do the new neighbors annoy you as much by borrowing as their pre- decessors did?' asked Mr. Blykins. "They I never saw anybody quite 50 a sts Liquid, 26¢, in Bye Books Mail. «+ people manage to be Tho political orator inflated his in on another te -- always found w re the bullets were iding behind the ammunition | shrill voice }> you get- ETERS, PROT HOW TO SAVE MONEY.. A Pointer to Housekeepers. Look at the financial side of Zam- Buk's use.. A cut sustained in the home, the store, or the work- shop, results, say,in festering or blood-poisoning. You have to lay off a day or two. What does that mean uk insures you against that loss! A little Zam-Buk applied to such an injury prevents all danger of blood-poisoning, takes ont smarting and heals. Heads of families know how cost- ly doctoring is. Be wise and act on the preventive line. A box of Zam-Buk in the home is so all-round useful. The baby's rashes, the old- er children's cuts and bruises, the inevitable burn, cut, or scald--for all these, as well as for more seri- ous ailments, such as piles, ulcers, eczema, ringworm, étc., m-Buk is without a rival. Dangers of Shaving.--You get a cut at the barber's shop. A little Zam-Buk smeared on the wound prevents all danger. If any ailment has been contracted, Zam-Bu res. Zam-Buk Soap is as good as the 'balm, but in a different way. Washed in Zam-Buk Soap the skin is disinfected and disease germs ly- ing upon it are killed. Mothers lwill find it unequalled for baby's bath "Zam-Buk Balm and Zam-Buk | Soap are sold by all druggists: and l stores at 50c. for the balm and 25c. tablet for the soap. ' when pay day comes round? Zam-]{. . Co . like -- 125 NA-D NATIONAL DRUG 4 C OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. 22 HEMICAL COMPANY IT "WILL RAMSAYS PAINTS Here's 2 Home Dye | That ANYONE Can Use. HOME DYEING bas always been more or | | FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Minety Colberne 8 Toronte. ~ LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN, MANITOBA LANDS. and 'C ONBSULT me before buying again. | ACRES FRUIT FARM, good T WENTY t buildings. Five thousand. T EN ACRES FRUIT PARM, ings. Thirty-five hu 'build nd: UNDRED ACRES, County Peel. Seven thousand. UNDRED ACRES, Coun Hal good locality. Eight pn aaa the Dye. No WRONG the Geods you have to color, ¥ 4 "J asked the young woman in front of me to remove her big hat, "No; she said if she she couldn't she do it?" held her hat in her lap, see the stage herself.' Complete in _ itself, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator does not require the aésistance of any other medicine to make it effective. It does not fail to do its work. dromedary ?"' Little Freddy -- Teacher--"Freddy, what is a Corsets. To intreduce our latest model we wilbfur the next thirty days on re- esipt of 90 cents mafl ise one r 1 ANR" French Corsets, RECULAR PRICE $1.58 Mase Ri ned French cou- tlw ose Supporte: sizes 18 to 39. iain CG. E. FOSDICK, Agent, Diane French "Please, teacher, a dromedary is & two-masted camel." ne "BROMO QUININE" | + eT Ei dt ever te Cure a Cold in One Day. the PROTECTION NEEDED. "Something has got to be done," declared Mrs. Toots, "about this pig-stealing that is going on in this neighborhood. "Three pigs That far Ww have disappeared It's got so now Yon'll Save Both Time and Money--as Well as a Good Deal of Trouble if You Use "POWDRPAINT" --PAINT WITHOUT OIL-- ou a hard permanent will wear for years, The Powdrpaint Co. TORONTO are within a week. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND OHHB. [none of us are safe." Mag. Win © Syav? has bees usetior over TY ~a ONS o: G, with PERFRCT Ree. it the € ANB the GUME, ¥6 all ¥. ; CURES WIND COLIC, is best rida fer DIARRHGA: It ts ab- qeueeely Besmer?.. eure and ae fer ** Mrs, ; D "s mg .* om © no other I consider MINAED'S LINIMENT the kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. BEST Liniment in use. -- wuict BY fot mie RED Ha! am we w by - THE MILKMAN'S MISTAKE. MENT, pd it was as well as ever next nual # i i Yours very truly, Parson--"Regarding the milk you re very trol LEN: APPEARANCE NOT DECEPTIVE "Boss, I've just come out of the hospital, an'----'"' ae ?? "Dye just come out of a hospital, a. "T was in a hospital once."' "Well, then you know----" "T know they give the patients a bath oftener than once a year." THE PERFECT RECOMPENSE. Miss Passay\-"You_ have saved my life, young mau. How can I re- A teacher was giving a geography lesson to the class. "Now," said she, "we come to Germany, that important country governed by the Kaiser. Tommy Jones, what is a Kaiser?' "Please'm," replied Tommy Jones, "a stream o' hot water springin' up an' disturbin' the earth!" In its initial stayes a cold is a lo- cal ailment easily dealt with. But many neglect it and "the result is often the development of distress- ing seizures of the bronchial tubes and lungs that render life miser- able for the unhappy victim. As a first aid there is nothing in the handy medicine line so certain in curative results as Bickle's Anti- Consumptive Syrup, the far-famed "| Pemedy for colds and coughs. Few people know when they have enough until they get too much. Minard"s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. two black eyes. Next morning he friend, who exclaimed : "Why, Jack, where have you been? You've got o -- black -- eyes!' "That's nothing," he. replied. "y could' have got plenty more, only T had no place to put them." as A man who had been fighting got pay you? How'can I show my gra- titude? Are you married?' Young Man--"Yes; come and be a cook."' To Men Who Live Inactive Lives. --Exercise in the open air is the H W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne 8t. e Toronto. LL KINDS OF FABMS8--Fruit farms a A specialty. W. B. Calder, Grimsby, ] 50 ACRES, Township Enniskillen, Coun- Lambton, soil rich clay se timber, hi 2% acre ouse, number out-buildings, 2 Wim jeschen arn of 1-2 miles to Springs. Fe for smaller farm. EAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, LTD.; London, Ont. TON SCALE, al price. Wilson's 5 Scale Works, gm Hy Toronte. ACENTS WANTED. GENTS WANTED.--€5.0 a dey No experience needed. Sells ight. Absolute necessity to farmers. k of thi men. . Write to-day. Y CO, (Dept. 6), DERN MACH- Ont. | 28 FOR SALE. ARM SCALES, special price. Wilson's fal F Beale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronte. [sm pepietan' Sota ¥ (Here the Elbert Bt. Ottaws: a) to Advertising jie amples, and BU aU? Columbus Haven, Conn. ASKATOON'S splendid En Se altural comm: D hes . toll What, ete Inemert fe Your, Ge ed : Come here if you ah o your energy- os make the most and best bility. it. for Siftin ina. We or ll rs to Commissioner, of Trade, toon, Baskatchewan, Western Can DE-NEW complete "Write for ction--a few tes y- rite College, 221 cis free. Gradua! eighteen dollars weekl, ie Barber ec. Moler ast, Toronto. In- ternal, cared _wiibous b home t. Pain oy ore Dr. Bellman Medical Co. Collingwood, Ont. e ANCES, TUMORS, LUMPS. ete. ternal and ex treatmen best tonic for the stomach and sys- tem generally; but there are those who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of 'the digestive organs and sick- ness follows. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills regulate the stomach and liver and restore healthy action. It is wise to have a packet of the pills always on-hand. ~ Many a girl who .was born 'a blonde has to visit the drng store occasionally for the purpose of keeping it up. LES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your a. will refund if PAZO OINT: MENT cure any caso Itehing, Blind, Biceding or Protruding Piles in 6to iddays 60c' ----------- NURSING THE NEW CRAZE. Fashionable Society at London Has Takeu it Un. The fashionable craze of the hour in London, England, is nursing. A }good deal is being made of the fact that "Nurse Grimstoa," who has entered a training home at Bow in the East-end of London, happens to be the Earl of Verulam's daughter. As a matter of fact, the peerage has supplied a good many recruits to the profession of nursing in the last few years. : Lady r's first aid classes of Dublin hospitals. marriage she would have adopted nursing as a profession, and in the end she founded a village hospital, in the grounds of her home in Cyun- ty Down. * Lady. Hermonie Blackwood, a marquis' daughter, and sister of Lord Dufferin, is president of Irish Nursing Association, among earls' daughters who have beea to the fore in the nursing moveinent are Lady Katherine Stanhope, Lady Rosalind North- cote, Lady Griseldo Cheape, and Lady Maud Keith-Falconer. Mentholated women on ° "| prominént socially. Says One of the best

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