eer ad Pray Never before were we in a position to offer the ville better values. in Giorams, FURNISHINGS, Hats and Caps than we aré this spring. We want an es pe ty toshow. you the best values in the market for your money: 'Odd Pants, » wood. valve $2.60, on sale es 1.98 ."plign's Fancy \ Worsted Suits foe $12.50 ¢ rai 10.00, "a o Px 10,005... ree » és our -extensive. stoek 0 Ready-t6qiiit-07)" Cl we Ra woe 'sk THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN, "the-Best Talia House in Canadz,. othing we 400. sam) from. e measure and you can have just thaterer ge you the suit does not. fit whe it comes in it ane tous, not you, hence you take no All we ask for is a fair chance We sole agents for the celebrated W. TRY US FOR' YOUR NEXT SUIT. are also agents for - famous PEABODY OVERALLS AND. SMOCKS, also ALKER PANT AND OVERALL COMPANY. pany gives one garment free ye every six pockets any customer will. return taken from these worm-out garments. SPECIALS IN YARD GOODS: ce Bath Towelling on gale: at per yd. 7 1-2c "> TED "Wenjp Black Cory Dog Cont $8 -- gee | aks You es to. if This com- wr 8¢ Union Towelling 15¢ ag oo = See = 7 1-2¢ 2 pa cotton " 25e - e: -B0e Linen 'able fle " " 22¢. 3 Special 20 per cent off all Lest: Cavitins from 26c up. ies' Astrachan Ladies' Cloth Jackets less than Half Price - Dress Goods, Remnants Jackets at Half Price on sale at Half. We pay Highest Price for Balter-a§ 'and Biggs: ss Trade, fpr having pote toes for will do well to see-us and. 4 Bottles Of Extracts' on sale for. 25 GROCERY SPECIALS | sta Jean.C onsale for make prreqascuey £°F 'for .'. 25e. for . $100, 2g Loe OR ee: Re ae shee Me, ee , ye. i : COMING | Rey. H. M. Lana-Forp, Rector I cure Rupture without time from your 'work. cure. Men, Women and Children come and see me, FREE CONSULTATION. J. S. SMITH, Rupture Specialist, 88 Caledonia Street, Stratford, will visit » LISTOWEL, inion Central Hotel, MONDAY, APRIL 17TH, 1911, ONE DAY ONLY. operation y method is not a or loss of truss CHRIST CHURCH. Sunday, April 16, 1911. Easter Sunday. 18. 30 a. m.--Holy Com nunion. lla m. porming Prayer, Sermon and Holy Communion. 2.30 p. m. mea 4 School and Rector's Bible Class. 7. p.m. Evensong und sermon. Special Easter music at all services. All Seats Free. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. R. D. HAMILTON, Pastor. Easter Sunday, Apri! 16th. 11 a. m.--The Pastor. | 2.45 p. m.-- acer School and Adult i Bib = Cine. All are welcome. 7 p. m. emi Pastor. Mra. (Rev.) Anderson of Ottawa wil | sing both morning and evening, the 'ohana will fernish special Easter music. eek oe TURE (Pupil of J e ra pad , Toronto Con- servatory of Music.) eacher of Piano Pupils prepared Playing and Theory. | for Conservatory Examinations. Studio, Elma Street. MISS DIXON, A. T. C. M., LISTOWEL, Instructor in Pi cindergerten Classes. Papila Betcrewid for examinations Terms moderate. 154 Inkerman St. E. 1 Durst's Harness Shop Now Open Under the New Proprietor. |T.J.McDOWELL,D.D.SuL.D,S DENTIST. , Graduate Royal College Dental Sur- 'eons, Graduate Detroit Coll edicin iu iutian a As a starter I am offering a very Special Bargain in Whips Thorough Rawhide Whips only 25c. This offer good tor one month only. Also a yew line of Plush Rugs which will be offer- ed at prices that will sell them in a hurry. 'sien for New Harness and all Repairing will receive . - our careful and prompt attention. IRWIN DURST, Success to A. Richm, Honor te of Hahnemann pital, Rochester Nye kya accept any case of left 'uel, it the edad Of fo or a ceive careful a ee *Phone No. 106. DR. BROWN, L. R. C. P. LONDON, ENG. = " 2 » N PP é Gan Hoi will be ' a he 3 : T ma x» F os) = . Goop Fripay,--Service will be held in Christ Church on Good Friday even- ing at 8 o'clock," to be followed by a a ation of the holy commanion. Smith, the well known rupture ote towel on One day eniy. "Pree consaliation, Don't _ to hear Howard Large in of hall now open at Livingstone's drag store. Mrs. J. A. Watson and Mrs, Wm, Gregory and Miss Jennie Fallis were in Palmerston on Monday their cousin, Miss Martha The many friends of Mr. J. Taman will be pleased totlearn that he is re- covering from: his recent and hope that he may soon enjoy his usual health ag Mr. E. T. Torrance of Regina, son of Mr. James aired Se for North Perth, has passed his primary examina- tion in law in Gaskatchawice, standing up high it the list. The president and officers of the W. C. T. U, will be at home tothe mem- bers and i i Church Thursday, April 20th, from half past three till half past five. The Listowel High School football played toward the end of April, The following parties left here barged Se: P. R. for the West: Mr. d Mra, Harris of Elma, for V Alte: Ernest McKenzie, for Sask., and V. McAvoy for Alix, Alta. Gi: Ls WANTED. --To work in a knit- Tait plants for Easter enee nate ox onder BY gone, who are 0 fo have a sogar bush will no secure a good supply of maple syrup this season. ts = ! Wednesday's rain omme, but the } will doubtless aasistin bringing out /} the frost.and getting the land in shape f6r' spring work, ine pear mpg best draw- card, very gratifying to paps: acre geryress Tigers in such nnmbers each | << t, will be at the Grand Central | 7 friends in the Methodist | * frie i ieee ih cbrbel fetes post as eg ig ar er being sent to Listowel trom the head o! flice. Listowel High School received a visit pe apd nig Brown, died on Sunday indt after a week's illness with pnentnonia. Mr. Brown spent a day or two in tuwn quite recently and made the acquaintance of a number of our citizens, who regret to learn of his untimely death. Owing to the continued ipa of Pe Tamar, af the firm of Tamar chen, aor, tod tho Fan of work, "it has been found neceesary to engage ad- ditional help. Mr, Jas. sme of Toronto, who is. an expert c , has taken a position with the Bis 'firm Mr. Jardiene has had an extensive éx- perience in all branches of the trade, and will no doubt give the public every sa) ion. Mr. G. H. Polden will represen Listowel High School and town eedtatl teams at the annua! meeting of the sh F. A., being oper ys Woodstock The High School hold the Hough Cap, which they are defending. will be entered in the in cieemabiiaie series. It was at first interded to enter a junior team also, but it has been decid- ed to devote all strength to an interme- diate team Mr. P. J. Livingston of Toronto was in town for a few days, having come up to see his mother, Mra. J. Livingston, Main street, who is still quite low. Several prominent physicians, including from Toronto, have been i differed as to the malady, but which is now said to have developed into typhoid. Although her condition is critical, hopes are enter- tained for her recovery. Among those who left for the west this Scott Binning and Charles Haddow, positions in Moose Jaw, Sask. Both clerks and '| place with Mr. 8. L. Adolph $2,000 BENEFICIARY Parp.--A cheque ? § E iE F j & Fs _| opinion of the erald. tteasurer's report | towel the Snancon tobe ina tatistac- |'wel and the select fe few local 'wondition. officers consulted by bowlers are counting upon a successful season of thful recreation, DAMAGES OF 9500 AGaInsT Town.-- suipof A. J. Vendrick against the cor- poration for injuriés received owing to a ive sidewalk while going to a fire last fall. The case was opened before 'acting Judge E. Sydney Smith, K. C., on April 4th, and was concl on | Monday last, when the*"plaintiff was a damagés to the full amount within the jurisdiction of the County Court, namely, $500, The ori amount sued for was' $200. Evidence was put in to show plaintiff bad sustained injuries that would ren- der him lame for life, hence the heavier verdict. The costa, we understand, go with the finding, which will increase the amount the town is mulct by a further Blewett & Bray, appeared for the ~-- tiff, and G. G. Mc. + agua and J Terhune for defen County Conct, SupPpoRTED Mr. HakING.--A petition was presonted to Dr. J.P. Rankin, M. P., yesterday, signed oh every member of the County Council of Perth, which is composed of the Reeves and Deputy Reeves o the towns and townsaips of the county, that he use his influence to have posta: Hacking being Reeve is the 'representa- tive of Listowel on the Council, and it is a striking testimony to his ability and pains, inasmuch as the petition was entirely unsolicited and wholly unani- us. Mr. Wm. Davidson, the veteran clerk of the Council, and originator of the petition, commented on the fact that there had been not one dissentient voice raised against the petition, and 8 ° been | #dded that the sentiment expressed was therefore thoroughly ---- Bo =e Council. -- #H Drep In GaLT.--On Sunday, April was well known in Listowel, having re- .| sided here fora number of years and considerable sum. F. R. Blewett, of ness, n Goldie, | J : Karnie Marks. Jr. i lived been ex- tensively engaged in concert work and on all occasions 'he has met with a most success. From the chirts to the final drop of the i * e g§ will be bright, new and re- ; fined. The football boys are hopeful of making sufficient on the concert to fin- ance them through the coming season and ask for the renerous support of the The Methodiat Church orches- tra have kindly offered to furnish the 35cta ian of bal ws ; +P now at ~ stone's drag on . cone at 8.15 p. m. . Mr. JoHN Scott GETS THE Post- OFFICE, -- Word was received from Stratfi WwW ay afternoon that diplomatically shifted the seponsibility of choosing the man onto the sh came up to Listowel ascertaining ob, ve of any other qualifica- tions for the The d eqhal tp Weak OF Mex. a feel "gore treat- have recéived, arid "will" be Ps Gerning the deputation's visit to Listo. Liberals CARTHAGE. A large number of onr citizens sttend- ed the monthly fair in Listowel last Friday. The snow has ert a8 the farmers are anxiously waiting for seeding to commence. : 'The Carthage auxiliary of the Wo- 's Missionary 'Society held their men's monthly meeting Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Robt, Jas. Moore. Our a aa is doing a rushing days. The many friends of Mr. John Glenn aregorry to of his continued ill. Miss M. McCauley of Gotham spent a couple of days this is week i in this vicinity. WALLACEVILLE, . School Report.--Names in order of merit. Names of those neither late nor absent during the month marked with an asterisk : Fourth--Anna Allan, *Ad- die Salter, *Marguerite A' Edna Salter, Julia Dippel, Wesley Gilmore, Willis, Emma Heinmiller. Jr, 8rd-- *Garfield Salter, *Ada Lynn, Norris Salter. Sr. Sec. -- Earl Ons, Emma Miller, *Viola Gilmore, Hazel, Campbell, Henry Kleinschroth, "Stanley Gilmore, Loyd Pa mine Allan, Ezra Dippel, Frank Lough- ran. Primer--*Rebecca Kleinschroth,.' Harvey Miller, Pearl Griffith, Christin: ¥ Krotz. A. E. qocoman, Teacher. e- WALLACE. The following is the report of .8. S, llace, for the month of March. i : 4] f i