Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 7 Apr 1911, p. 7

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to Ga How Heit an ew Pera cre ccd' tad he | DOCtorsare thot < t robest ind eee ae. Fe pea care alk ete -- TDbiect® of the Spite of " ' ee Feeds > Pot = ss Wet hE ' in peg tar oe tae" gece alway Bl e badly ventilated rooms--in fice, the shops and the | © vitality of even the strongest. The blood becomes thin and watery or clogged with impurities. Some people have he hes and a feeling of langour ; others are low spiri and nerv- ous; still others have pimples and skin' eruptions; while some get up in the morning feeling just as tired as when they went to bed. These are all spring symptoms that the blood is out of order, and that a medicine is needed. Many people rush to purgative medicines "in the spring. is a mistake. You cannot cure these troubles witha medicine that gallops through your system and leaves you weaker still. - What you need to-give you health aid strength in the spring is a tonic medicine that will enrich the and sooile the jangled nerves, and the one alw ays reliable tonic and blood-builder is Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, These Pills not only banish spring weaknesses and ills, but guard you against the more serious ailments that follow, such a8 anaemia, nervous a indigestion, rheumatism and other diseases due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new, rich, red blood, which strengthens every nerve, eveiy or- gan and every part of the body, and makes' weak, ailing people bright, happy and = strong. Mrs. Jas. McDonald, Harcourt, NeBsy Williams' says: "In my opinion Dr. Pink Pills do all that is claimed for them. My system was run down, and I was so weak I could hardly do my work, and taking care 3 my baby added to my difficul- ties. I used a few boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they made me feel like my own self. very cheerfully recommend the Pills to all who are weak or ailing."' Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail 'fat 50 cents a boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ca ARTIFICIAL DAYLIGHT. In an address before the Society g of Illuminating Engincers in Lon- 4 nn - your don, Mi P. Trotter said that the only practical production of "artificial daylight'? with which he is acquainted has been achieved by | 4, Mr. Cooper in the experiment room * of the Brighton Railway. It is done by passing the rays from an acety- lene-lamp through a bright-blue screen. The resulting light gives a spectrum that cannot 'be distin- guished from that of daylight. It is not economical, because the screen absorbs half the light of the lamp, but 'it solves the problem so far as effect on the eyes is concern- ed. Where economy is no object, says Mr. Trotter, a similar result may be obtained without regard to the source of the light, provided that a suitable screen is used. a NEVER BE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mothers, if you wish to guard the health of your little ones against e sudden outbreaks of those ail- ments peculiar to childhood, always keep a supply of Baby's Own Tab- lets on hand. These Tablets never fai' to relieve baby of distressing stonach aches, pains caused by dificult teething and the many 'other little troubles that make baby's life miserable. The Tablets are sold under the guarantee of a government analyst to contain not one particle of opiate or other in- jurious drug and they may be given to the youngest baby with perfect ety. Concerning them Mrs. Hypolise Chiasson, Eastern Har- bour, N. S., writes :--"We have cont Baby's Own Tablets for our -- and they have done her much Please send us two more ane as I find them the only medi- cine that helps our little one." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. cotinine airman » POWER OF ILLUMINANTS. In the discussion of the relative values and 'qualities of various sources of illumination the follow- ing comparative tzble is "used. shows the intrinsi¢ brilliancy of on source of light in standa power r uare centi- ner (about: 0.155 square aie JANIS vc cccsces' vs%aseee Gas fiame .......- «+--+ ae Petroleum- Scouse a oe 0.98 Incandescent' gas- a Sali 5.06 Acetylene flame ;.... .-.- 6.23 a. filament apt: F ; 86.50 Metalie iilament ain _Aie-lamp (approximate). _ 3000.00 Sun at zenith (approxin- ee : oes ces ed pees 90,000.00 ate) ... 4 MAKING IT ALL RIGHT. Millionaire {to ragged begs dale oa alms and | doenot even take t off. Is that the. proper way to beg?" r--*"Rardon me, sir. box or six} though a woman of wealth and well- Kille' by strychinine in a cu coffee. Soares t is oe out the inyeterions death - of the late Mr. Scott, and, apparéntly, all that is likely to be known It is curious i frequently cof- fee i is used as a medium by poison- ers. In one of the t startling| poison cases of recent years, a Ger- man nurse-girl, Minna Wagner by na ; ned by sgt acne: acid administered in a cup of -hot coffee. The accused was Fraulein Elizabeth von i Hoceser, the dis- tinguished Lady Superior * the Royal Maximilian Chapte nd niece of the Royal Chantborlain of the Bavarian Court. Evidence was brought that Fraulein von ler had, in the presence of t girl, spoken slanderously of a Minister and a Princess of the Bavarian Court, and that Minna had ventur- ed to remonstrate. Here was a mo- tive for the crime; but there was no proof that the accused had ever such a poison as muriatic acid in her possession. Over 100 wit- nesses were called, and the trial lasted a whole fortnight. But the evidence was _ inconclu- sive, and eventually a von Haussler was dischar THE FATAL sek Two years ago, a wealthy Phila- delphia physician, Dr. William H. Wilson, met his death in a myster- ious fashion. One day he received by post # bottle of bear, with a let- ter, from a brewery, asking him to sample their new bre He was sitting at Boner when the packet arrived, with his wife and enucren: "Let us see what it is " he said. He swallowed a stasahil, Then, as his wife was ab- out to fill a glass, he dashed the bottle out of her hands. "It's poisoned !" he cried, and, rushing out of the room towards. his sur- gery, fell on the floor and died be- fore any antidote could be admin- istered. The brewery denied all knowledge of the letter; and, known in society was suspected of the crime, it was never brought home to her. One day in February, two years ago, the wife of Dr. Vitolo, resid- ing at Olevano, in the province of Salerno, in Italy, received a yfrcel containing a packet of sweets and a letter signed "Muzio Mattace,' oy ing that in memery of old times, he sent the present, which was to divided among the family. 099.4J9q PIPLAIP O19 87I9NS OY, the two children--a girl of nine and a boy of three. Almost immediate- ly, both fell down in dreadful-con- gore The girl's life was sav- ed, but the poor little boy died in his nthe' arms. When the. dovtor came home and saw the letter, he said he knew Mattace, but that he was not in Italy, whereas the box had been posted in Naples, THE POLICE SET TO WORK, and discovered that on the day the sweets were posted a man stayin at a certain hotel in Naples had sent out a boy to buy some sweets. Later in the day, a man--presum- ably the same--had given a strect- boy a small coin to post a packet for 1im. When the boy came out of the post-office the man had vanished. And that was the end of it. Though they arrested several people, they never traced the criminal. The last occasion upon which the police unearthed any exetnsive poisoning conspiracy. in this coun- try was in the late 'nineties. gang of conscienceless a are known to have commit least three,dozen murders upon in. dividuals whose lives were insured for sums aggregating over $750,000. The head of the gang was accustom- ed to attach himself to young *hen of means in the capacity of valet or courier. He had a most extensive mecesecee of poisons, and_ those which he used were among the ones least known to science. Incident- ally, it may be mentioned that, out of over one hundred poisons known to science, not more than forty, at the outside, ever figure in the Reg- istrar-General's returns as causes of death.--London Answers. TWO-EDGED. The bridegroom of a year vent down to his office one day grinning from ear to ear. All the morning he hummed and whistled till his yartner asked him the reason for such elation. "My good wife told me this morn- ing that | am a mode} husband,"' he answered proudly -- , t call i much of a com- oy d 'like to know why not? "Well, you just look that word 'model' up in the dictionary, was the advice. Be did, and thin i is what ho read: Model: a smal} pattern ; a minia- of ncmetniee. on a Vy SS = DODD KIDNEY larger | ae tired and nervous and suffered from Backache, tells how she)" "1°P*: found a cure. St. Rose du Lac, Man., 'Kost ® 3 cele ie story of Mrs. Louis Delorme, a well known and highly respected resident of identical with tha' other women in Canada. It is all the more interesting on that ac- count. She was tired, nervgus and worn out. 5 "Kidney Pills cured her "I suffered for five years from Backache and too frequent urina- tion, which destroyed fiy sleep,' Mrs. Delorme states. "My head would ache, and I was always tired and nervous. My limbs were heavy, I had a dragging sensation across the loins. Dodd's Kidney Pills made me well. I used in all ten *boxes, but they fixed me up." Thousands of other Canadian we@men who have not used Dodd's Kidney Pills are in just the condi- tion Mrs. Delorme was in before she used them. Thousands of others who were in that condition and. who used Dodd's Kidney Pills, are now well and strong. i We learn from the experiences of others, and those experiences -- us that the weary and worn men of Canada can find relief i in Dodd's Kidney Pills. ------ Jk HIS EXCUSE. He was a prisoner, brought up before his commanding officer for being two hours absent the night before. "What excuse have you for being absent ?"' thundered: the captain. "Sure, sir," replied the offender, | 4, "T was visiting some of my friends in the country yesterday, and I left in plenty of time to return to the barracks; and when I was about half-wa- to the barracks I stopped to light me pipe, but the wind was so strong that I had to turn round to light it, and after many tries I succeeded, and walked on, only to find, after an hour's walk, that I was at the same place as I h started from, because I had forgot to. turn round again after lighting me pipe." Corns cause much suffering, me Holloway's Corn Cure offers speedy, sure and satisfactory - lief. She--My husband has given up smoking altogether. He--Inde That requires a pretty strong will. She--Yes, my will is pretty strong! Minard's Liniment Relleves Neuralgia. Critic--"I tell you what it is, Mr. McDaub, those ostriches are simply super You shouldn't paint any- thing but birds." Artist (disgust- ed)--"Those are not ostriches. They are angels!" You are not- treating yourself or your family fairly if you don't keep Hamlin's Wizard Oi) in the harn ouse. It's the best substitute for family doctor and a mighty good friend in*case of emergency. "Say, 1 don't know just how to take Miss Cutting's comment on my singing." "What did she say ?" "She said Caryso's voice was ex- cellent, but mine was better still.' The Best Liver Pill.--The action of the liver is easily disarranged. A sudden chill, undue exposure to the elements, over- -indulgence in some favurite food, excess in drink- ing, are a few of the causes. But whatever may be the cause, Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills can be relied upon as the best corrective that can be taken. They are the leading liver pills and they have no su- periors among such preparations, Many a man acts like a genius when all that ails him is indiges- tion. S CURED IN 6 TO 34 DAYS Your an a $ will refund saney if PAZO OINT- prea failsto cure any case Itching, Blind, weding or Vrotruding Piles ind ts iadays. Some men go about seeking temp- tation in order to. test their will power. ; Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere SS eS ea THE DEMAND FOR FURS. Causes the Killing of Millions of Animals Annually. wv It is aurprising to- read the fol- lowing lst of animals killed in a single year for use in Great Bri- tat only, says Fashionable Furs. North America-sent: 128,000 foxes 2,100 wolverines, "R2,000 beavers, 15,. | 300 otters. besides 2,000 sea otters, 103,00Q. mertens and nearly, 9,000 * (these two latter area of weasel), 202,000 * mink; 867 mugquash. America also sent oped opossums; Anstralia 2,250,- 000 , and 216,000 monkeys came from 'Africa. - The hare is killed by millions, and bers. Then Mrs. Lenin edhe vig wire br used to grow. nice ¢: the. moles: and it never grew any- thing to speak of rd. 6 wireworms and ¢ockchafer grubs used to eat the roots of everything that was sown, and ied off,' z 4 WHAT, INDEED S Optimist--"Yes, sir, if you'll drink buttermilk three es a day you'll live ten years. longer." ° Pessimist--"But what's the use of living ten_years longer if you have . to drink ' buttermilk three times a day?' ---- EXPENSIVE PARADOX. "A funny thing about that stag party, "What? s funny about it?' ; "Tt turned out to be a dear af- air,' ase Pome. Low COLONIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. 1 | Vie the rg Union Pacific and North - We ine, daily from March 10th. o April 10th from all points in Canada. Personally conducted California | tours in Pullman tourist sleeping ears on through trains leave Chi- cago -- and Thursdays of each wee Pullman tourist sleeping cars daily. For full particulars apply to B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, ~Ont. ; F, erry, Travelling Agent, Toronto, or 8. A. Hutchingon, Manager Tours Dept., 212 Clark 8t., Chicago, Ill. Visitor (to prisoner}--"What brought you here?' Prisoner -- "Misplaced confidenee."' Visitor-- "How was that?' Prisoner -- 'I pe 9 I could run faster than I could " TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinin a refund money if it tal woewre. we ne a ee mn each box. Invalid "Do you. you think you can ??.._Decton~"Well; | { ony to. Ty ve had experience. I've treated a patient with a com- plaint ing yours for the last twen- ty yea Mrs. Winslow's Bas been use) for over SIXTY-FIVE YEARS by of MOTHERS 'for their world Be sure and Wwinlow rree." one sabe Bo kind. Tyeaty-tve ennts 8 | S: bottle O wrantecd tue Food June 20th. 1908. Serial Er rhark AN OLD AND REMEDY. Farmer--"If I were as lazy as you I'd go and hang myself in my BP ramp -- "No, yo wouldn't'"' Farmer -- "Wh wouldn't I?' Tramp--"If you was as lazy as me you wouldn't have no barn.' Conffort for the Dy Dyspeptie--There is no/ailment so harassing and ex- hausting as dyspepsia, which arises from defective action of the stomach and liver, and the victim of it is to be pitie Yet he «in find ready relief in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills; a preparation that has estab- lished itself by years of effective use. There are pills that are widely advertised as the greatest ever com- pounded, but not one of them can rank in value with Parmelee's. A TRADE MARK. A young man walked into the photographer's studio and said; '*] want my photo taken.' "Certainly,'"' said the knight of the camera, as he posed his victim; 'would you like a carte ora cabin- eti" 'The young man 'gazed on the pic- ture of a child playing in @ corn- Soe! --_ wriggled uneasily,-and at last wr Well, I don't know about.a cart ora cab i in it, but if you could man- age to put a railway truck in I should be very y pleased. 1 ama rail- way porter. CURED OF GO GONSTIPATON there lar. .Andrewe | WMorse's Indian Root Pitts. Mr. George Andrews of Halifax, N.S., "For many years I havc been troubled tion, and the young plants poppy recipes, e practically cured the defect, REE IK HRT, RTGS OURED 'OF LAME SACK WHEN 28. . Mr. " Samuel Martin of Strathry, * passed twenty 'years of his life recived no bene- t from any of them. ' gg months ago, seeing Gin Pills ad- vertised, Mr. Martin purchased a box. The relief which Mr. Martin experienced after he had taken one box, was so great that he knew he had found the right remedy at last. He used two more boxes and is now comp ly cured. a box, 6 for $250. At all dealers. Free sample if you write National Drug and Chemical Co,, (Dept. W.L.), Toronto. I ' ITS NATURE. et ae this was a hang- ing ca ie So it it was."' "But wasn't the sentence sus- pended 7" "No; the prisoner was." Requisite on the Farm.--Every farmer and stock-raiser should keep a-supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil on hand, not only as a ready remedy for ills im the family, but because it is a horse and cattle medicine of great potency. As a 'substitute for sweet oil for horses and cattle affected by colic it far surpasses anything that can be ministered. "'A wonderful.man is my uncle," said little Binks, "so very original and witty. He says he called his dog 'Sausage,' because it was half read; his goat 'Nearly,' because it was all butt; and his prize cgck- erel 'Robinson," because it Cru- soe.'" Pad T "d Acute Bronchitis ™" MINA AEDS. Lintnest, Bay Islands. M. CAMPBF I_was cured of Fa dal poem i 'oy MINARD'S LINIMENT. pine ger wie 8. VANIE of Chrous Geman by "that your food is expert chemists and in Canada. ES Dcieow tknow you faved oneal: Th ro ~ best of the NA-DR co preparations, cen ah icone je sea saree %E i MONTREAL, SHOWING THE PAINT. Iw MINARDS- TISIMENT, Albert Co., N.B. GEO. TINGLEY. Patent Medicine Man--"Did you get a photograph of that fellow -- B "Your prejudice against Mr. Rakeley is entirely unreasonfble, fe ae is dear -- dea] in that m Yes, "" replied old Wiese man, "and sometimes I'm afraid it's a great deal of the stuff I used one bottle of our compou and wrote that he had no further | use for his crutch?' 'No. e has been in bed ever since."? TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for R Weary, Watery rein and Gragulated Hyelids. = gon Doesn' Eye Pain. he rl Sell 'hance Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25¢, | -00. -- Eye tong Ao in urine Eye penned Co., Chic REO. "Augusta,"' said ¥ Mr. Wise, when the quarrel was at its height, "you have devised a great variety of ways to call me a fool." 'Merely a mat- ter of necessity," replied Mrs. Wise.' "You have dev ised so many ways of being one. ~ Assistant -- | in A pleasant medicine for children }is Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- lator, and there is nothing better for driving worms from the system, A man is never too old to learn that he knows a lot of things he ' should forget. Minard's Liniment Cures Surns, Ete. Master--"Who can tell me what useful i whale?"' Master--"Right. boy or girl knows what we get from the bea alt"? 'ommy--"Sealin wax.' paint this spring when you paint ba ° a 852 EF easily, and get J » the proper price. You can Ramsays. Paints the olcest brand of Mixed Paints et on house painting ever issued. It is free. You chocld have it. A. RAMSAY & SON co. | THE PAINT THe PAINT MONTREAL Est'd. 1842. | EIKER- | EIKER- HOFF =F REMEDY || ASTHMA, CATARRA, j HAY FEVER. | CAN BE CURED | THE RAVAGES OF CONSUMP- patil MAY BE Atay _=e RITE FOR SAMF WILLIAMS MEDICINE on @) 106 FULTON STN. . smelled on his breath this even-j|+4 g.' FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne St. Toronto. RUIT BR tes 1 sizes and prices im J) "tne pau ruit Belt. a ee ensenasnesisineren oop gh lle med ACRE FARM, with G OGood' buildings and orchard iets al gets with orcliards AYE, covers at reasonable prices. Taeeee SASKATCHEWAN, and . MAN A LANDS. ) T buy @ farm without consulting ie. H Wa DAweon: Ninety Colborne St. ~ a 4 Calder, Grimsby, ACRES, Township ert County tn ay, Middlesex. Salt Ube, fles to Parkhill gut bola oO EAL ESTATE EX- HE W CHANG GE, Ltd., London, Ont. SCALE, re Works, *"Boplanade. ACENTS WANTED. -------------------- TS WANTED.--@.00 8 a day easy. A Oke Ate Selle sig: 4 Lu KINDS OF FARMS--Fruit farms e A "eveciaity. W. B- price. Wilson's Tordnto. co. Mert. 4), FOR SALE. ERY BCALES, special price. wilson' FAs Works, 9 Esplanade, Toron TRAWBERRY Ask for our 3. THOMPSON, The merits of Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup as a sure rem y r coughs and colds are atteste y scores who know its power in giving almost instant relief when the throat is sore with coughing, and the whole pulmonary region disordered in consequence. tle of this world-famed Syrup will 4ave doctor's bills, and a great deal of suffering. Price 25 cents, at all dealers. . -- hk INSURED AGAINST BANDITS. The Rebbers Themsclves Conducted the Business. The bandits o: Manchuria and Mongolia have adop a new way of acquiring at least a portion of the goods of the traveller. These mounted highwaymen in bands not only constantly attack the peaceful native population but even rob travellers in broad daylight. & provision against this dan- ger, says the Oriental Economic view, an insurance bureau where one buys a banner, at a cost of ~ out 1-500. of the value of the p perty to be insured, is, established This banner carried by a travel- ler will save him from the bandit's attack; for curiously enough they thethselves conduct this insurance busi oo But in has its limita- ves and the carrvi After travelling 8, we a small Takiu, where we out up 'or the night in order to Ss arith our customers these customers came -the evening and warn- ére were many. oor the neighborh the was ret i & ia i 4 ° g 4 ef zs FY peat Pi y LER Ruvertising Dept., 228 a Ottawa. HITE ORPINGTON BG $3.00 Wt fifteen; Rhode Is Island 'Reds, per fifteen. T. J Southam and Litho Co., pe Get: eR TRADE---NEW ae ractice -- careful CER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ete. In- af sad enternal curedgritDOuy atmen ee Xen inte Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Collingwood, Ont. Collingwood, Ont CHENILLE CURTAINS house hangings, sso Lace CURTAINS ee wee puvian anaes wUmen oes ta 00., Sax 158, Mentrentl The Heart ofa Pianoisthe | insist on the | ci] "OTTO HIGEL" Piano 'Action Youth Save Both Time and Moncy--as Well as a Good Deal of Trouble if You Use 'POWDRPAINT" - --PAINT WITHOUT OIL - Bee eer temd fe taker dey Pag aap ~ eT I 4 2. g 3 FY E F z ; F 4 The Powdrpaint Co. $1 a box 1ODINO 6 for 25 The most highly e efficient application for tine peductton Sf Swellings, Goitre, Thick Ne Soo ive, cre your sl Scneot he Pies wil doe s <r 'for 6 cs, Mailed on receipt of prige. : LYLE SERIF TORONTO e "DISTEMPER Say

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