Qe N, OWEN SOUND AND WIARTO south : = ear' Ip enger Going notth : Passenger 8 00 a.m ; passenger 1} Bi a.m an PALMERSTON: AND KINCAR- DINE --For erston 7.42a m; passenger 12.05 p m. ; pas- senger 3.42 p ™. 'oc Kimacardine : ig 10. 10a m y epnmmneee 110 p. m., and 822 p. m. Co. FP. = e33 leaves Listowel PORT DOVER m. 5 8 00a ng .23.a.m Express leaves Listo- .05 p,m, arriving at Guelph 4.38 p-m., Toronto 6 35 p. m. Returning Sd Toronto at 7.50 a. m., Guel; ning m, --ee at Lis- towel te 35h ving Toronto Pp. m., Guaclph 8 5.10 p m., arriving : Tatton Connections sade at a June- tion with trains for Goderich. -- & Carthew, ISTERS, SOLICITORS a0. wniciaers 'or the Rank of Hamilton. Nwarion Public and Commissioners. tines H. B. Monrry- J. M. Carrarw RLEWETT & BRAY. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS, ONT. - GEO. BRAY, B. A. LISTOWEL, F. R. BLEWETT, K C. 4». Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste , Convey ancer. Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada MONEY T) LOAN, s t to Pr. Foster Dentist. Ses, Hots S Tn aiwood every Wednesday afternoon. LOUIS GABEL LICENSED AUCTIONS&ER, LISTOWEL, ONT. Sales conducted in any part of Perth ounty at meneate charges. Satisfac- on guaran Sales hia ie arranged for at -- rlofic FRED. VANDRICK, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Ccusties of big Huron and be Township of Muryboroagt lam prepsred to handle alt 'kinds of asler a first-class manner, Orders left at A. J. Vandrick's store, Lia owel, will be given prompt attention ENTIRELY" NEW '8TOCK oF | Pure Drugs and Chemicals. R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the want st his Customers personally Family recipes a specialty. R. A. Hunter éSprin Term from April " Ve is CENTRAL "he die MT Lad one We have Three on Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. courses are thorough and practical The teaching is done y seven experienced instructors and we place graduates in R00 positions. Some of last year's students are now earning $1000 per annum or better. Students are entering each week. This is a gocd time for you to en- ter. Write for our free catalogue at once and learn what we can do or you D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. OB0O08642002O88 Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, jog beg cures wind sone, a and is t remedy for diarrhoea. Be sure and ask for Med Winslow's part of the pe | Kind. Sweaty Sue cents a te no other se a a te ee oe te te ee -> We solicit the business of Manufacturers, neers ealce ers who realize the advisabi!- tent business tran: te Our Inventor*s sent upon re- uest. Marion & Ma: New York 'Hiei Ree ga Littoral Stations Daly | | Trains Leave It Wa Cuuta Waka ss Ws Cu Ghost or Flesh ~ Blood. . By EF. A. MITCHEL Copyright by American Preas Asso- ciation, 1911 Undoubtedly the most interesting city in the world--at any rate, to Ruro- peans and Americans--is Rome. For twenty-fve centuries she has been passing. through exciting scenes such as have been but occasional with other cities. And her changes have beea no less remarkable. There was the austere. purity of the republic, the profligacy of the empire, her almost obliteration following the many at- tacks of her enemies, the petty quar- rels and villainies of the middle ages. Perhaps the most despicable period at Rome was during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Within this period evety heac of a famil; ed his tower or stronghold, in which he defended himself against every oth- er family. There were the Orsial, the Borgias, the Colonna and many other clans whose business it was to fight, slaughter or poison one another. Some of them grew rich through plunder-- there was then no other way--and t enormous palaces, where they with their retainers in princely style. ; During a visit to Rome I occupied a room fm one of these palazzios. The building is very long and bas been cut up into sections by partition walls. Not that there is any ty in these partitions; they occur any and everywhere, and it is not easy to tell which ones were a part of the original Palace and which have been built in since. I was curious about the plie, for though I was then but twenty-five years old I had read much about medi- eval Italy, and I knew the history of the house from its Luilding. It was erected by one of the most villainous of the Roman family' leaders that flourished in the fifteenth century. A number of times his enemies besieged hts palace,-overcame his followers, Dut could never capture him. The fox had means of escape that enabled him to go forth a free man, though every avenue of exit was carefully watched. room was on the second story on a corridor with apartments on el- ther hand and was near one extrem- ity. On the terminal wall was a mural picture. Being interested, as I have said, in the building, I one day questioned the mald who tock care of my room about its' construction. The only in- formation I elicited was that none of the rooms between me and the uur end of the hall was occupied. This may---have been because the summer seasén was coming on, when travelers lady advance from this unoccupied re- gion. Perhaps it was the work of my imagination, perhaps some arrange ment of her costume borrowed from two or three centuries agone, but it seemed to me that the lady belonged to medieval times. There may be an other reason why I should have thas considered her, the fact that I had not For had not the maid told me that none of the rooms from whence she came was occupied? However, I was so struck with the vision of loveliness that swept by me that "whence she came or what's her name" occupied a comparatively small part of my thoughts concerning her. I watched her till she reached the cen- ter of the corridor and passed down the staircase. At that moment the maid came along, with her brooms and bucket, and I asked her about the rooms she had told me were va- cant. She assured me that chey were. Slipping a couple of lira tuto her bands, I asked her to unlock them She opened every door, and there was nothing but the bare furniture in any ene of them. Nor was there any open- ing or steirway leading elsewhere. In other words, the end of the corridor wes a complete pocket. From whence had the lady come? I regretted that I had not followed ber downstairs to see whither she went. It was but 9 o'clock in the morning, and it occurred to me that she might have gone to the cafe on e first foor for breakfast. I went down there, but she was nowhere to be seen. She was in street costume and had doubtless gone out. For several days I spent all my time going about the city, hoping to meet the mysterious lady, visiting every gallery, ruin or subterranean excava- I kept an eye for her in the Palazzio, both in the cafe and other Parts of the building where I would be likely to meet her. at thinking she might have left Rome. Then one evening, the stxircase in the palazzio, I started down the corridor. No lights had yet been lit, and objects were very dim on as before. I was then young, and superstitions that have a greater hold I think on pressed with the belief that the mys- terious lady was one of those who had inhabited the nelazzio sereral centw | 50 Acre Farm For Sale -OR TO RENT. the stiff style that had been in vogue when palazzio was built. My examinations led me to no discovery whatever. When it rains in Rome it rains bard. my room had been removéd and the corridor had been' indefinitely --~ ed. There were a few dim about me, and the corridor in its be io length was lighted by similar ones. Owing to the dimness all this was barely perceptible. Then the erten- sion melted away, and there was only the fll defined space at the end of the corridor to which I had been used. Thinking there must the matter with my eyes, I put a fist against each of them and gave them a prolonged rubbing. When I took was the mysterious lady coming te ward me She smiled as she passed Pos- sibly my sensibilities were much over- t and my imagination exag- gerated everything, but it seemed te me that smile was the sweetest I had. ever seen on a woman's face. Again my superstitious instincts might have determined whether visiom were ghost or flesh and blood by means of touch. But it seemed to me that I had been swung back to medieval times and this woman was moving within the palazzio as she had moved there several centuries before. When she had passed beyond me, in- stead of following ber I crammed my fists again against my eyes to restore a normal sight. When I removed 'em the vision had disappeared. That was the last view I had of the. us lady at the palazsio, In vain I waited for her to appear again, vewing that if she did I would selse her and detain her till I could deter- mine whether she were fiesh and blood. But after several weeks' pa- tient waiting, since she did not ap r nowhere in Rome' was forced to conclude that if she were ao ghost she had been ae seated," pointing to a vacant chair beside her, "and I will tell you all about it" I f&ccepted the invitation, and she continued: "I occupied rooms in the compart- ment next to yours in the palazsie. One who knew every -- and corner, every secret passage, in the building showed me a wall dividing a corridor filled by a mirror. Touching a spring, the wall swung on a pivot, and when "It occurred to me that I would like to astonish some one by passing through this passageway. To heighten the effect I wore a dress which is a Modernized costume of the you covered your eyes I swung beck! the reverse." "What a fool I was!" I exclaimed "I have been in doubt whether you were an apperition of a medievat! dame or - and blood." "Have y from the rece m add the pagsage throngh the built and used by the fox pers aa | owned and occupied the palaszio? "Yes. I was told that on one. sion It saved his life "He must tare ee had skiiifal men to make it. I examined it camp: fully, even knocking on it, but cought And nothing more iban a blagk wal" Rome, stopped at the made a very critical search fer the spring that opened ft. My wife was ---- to to show me where it wes, my fists nway for another look there [ one exitn thigh, tight eee at are } | | -- caused me to stand stock still while I | the Di 1818." The s like a"pyramid stone is not av Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD. BROS. and © Contractors Buitders prepared to contrast for the erection of allciaaaes o buildings. Plane and specif endian sews, and eatimetes furnished or SASH, DUOR FRAMES, BLINDS, on short _hetice. Plank g Workmanshi Charges Moderate Bamfcrd Bros. ing line will be given pron prompt attention a:d Pirat class Pp guaranteed, HOMESEEKERS' EXCUBBIONS Manitoba, Sasttzhewa, Alberta Special Tenis leave Toresis 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 4, 18 pn ta ore JILY 11,25 AUG 8, 22 SEPT. Second clas thon one from a ale pale action to i Low ROUND-TRIP RATES and return $33. Edmonton and vias, end to ether palate ov wutien. "Ticken to reture TOURIST SLEEPING C CARS oa all excursions. Comfortable berths, web Gelman be mee lee ats cage cal agent SO... must be made ASK FOR HOMESEERLAS PAMPHLET ead tall qlonmavon Rank wi sees CA. Ronen 8 RL. Theree, ONLY DIRECT Litt KO Chancf OF CERS . Livingstone, Jr, Town Ag't g g SEPIA ANGELO PLATINUM. J. GABEL Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WATCH Display Window ~ RESERVE! FUND "OF CANADA. 7 "eee aut - $10,000,000. : SUBSCRIBED - -- §5,913,000.00 CAPITALPAIDUP --. - §5,745,000.00 - + ~~' $5,745,000.00- suring success to the out in life. Should you be a spender: of creating a fund for your count with this Ban week be assu you An early start and a definite i go far towards as- No-neéd of you being Better start now--you will nevervregret it. ng man or woman starting "stingy"' neither The sensible and easy method {3% future needs is to open ah ac- k ; deposit whatever you can each or month. Stick to it, and in time your success will LISTOWEL DAVID G. ROY, BRANCH, - - Manager, ' SEES In Our New Premi- 5. L. KIDD & SON Are now installed in their new Exeter's Notice ta Cre- diters. 36 Executor's a to the Creditors of HARVEY CRITTENDEN, late of the oes of Listowel, in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, Deceased. Notice is hecily 'given, pursuant premises on Main Street, he s aiptes in at behalf, that an creditors and o ims for the One Door East of Post Office | CStenden, dceanl Soares ut the ° arch, » at NEW ~_ where they intend keeping the said a of oe are on or the 20th of Ap . D. 1911, t6 t6 deliver to J. ibe Heonittom Photograph, The Latest to the Minute. New Supply of Kodaks and Kodak Supplies. LATEST MOULDINGS in the picture framing department. C. A.. LEE, Main Street Listowel. Only the Choicest Meats. Our stock will be-found the lar- gest and best in town and includ- = everything in the line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages, etc. We aim to satisfy our custom- ers and to make new ones and we keep the goods to do it with, Orders by phone or otherwise promptly filled and meat delivered to any part of town. S: L- KIDD & SON PHONE 31. ttenden, or to John Howat, - the said town of Listowel, Executor, written mar ypreen ale vil. _. fu tice is-further aft e 20th day of 'Apa 1911, the said executor will Tiistri ibute the estate of the said having deceased, regard: only to the claims of whichioy a may the have notice, and that he will not be li- estate so person claim he did i have notice at the time of such distribu Dated at Listoew! this 20th day of March, ---- N HOWAT, Executor. By J. cBCIL HAMILTON, His Solicitor. ---- Saad : tanatan Pacific Railway =: ; LANDS FOR SALE ; : : Oe $ | GENTRAL ALBERTA. : $ PRICE $10 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS 3 a eeoeee you raise, °, or MP %, xX = eo eSoeSo-eSo-ate-ofp4) x holding before the price _)Forjfurther Compas ands in the With TEN YEARS to Pay in if Lands Are Settled Upon. Or youcan pay down from $200 to $400 for a choice quarter section and pay the balance out of the crops The rich soil of Centra! Alberta is capable of raising from twenty to forty bushels of wheat per acre, and from sixty to one hundred bushels of oats per acre, as well as all other kinds of grain, flax, etc., there being ample rain-fall to produce large crops without irrigation. The C. P. R. Lands in Central Alberta now offered for sale cover an immense territory lying between Calgary and Edmonton and stretching from the Saskatchewan boundary to the foothills, and comprise SEVERAL MILLION Of the Choicest Land in Alberta. about the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS in Centraltalberta, also the dress or irrigation Block, ad call on A. ST. GEO. HAWKINS, Cn sake C. P. R. Lands, Listowel, Ont. - NOW is the opportunity. to secure specially selected land along the Wetaskiwin and Lacombe branches of'the C. P. R. This is the district that the American settlers are pouring into this year. Why not Ontario farmers and others who are looking for the safest possible investment take advantage of this golden opportunity to secure a advances te Laide dow selling at from $10 to $15 an acre will before long be worth from $20 to $25 an acre. This is 'the diate ol these who know. ACRES De b 2, *, So of «fe-efe ofe-ateale efoate Soefo-ege fo-sSoo-akoednctee ee '7 ©, Of oho Ro ae " ? eas DOPOD rrr lo ree iotociod