Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 17 Mar 1911, p. 8

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ti § Livingstone' $ Drug and Book Store, J. W. Scott & Son, BANKERS, ESTABLISHED 1872. Gomera! Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, Payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and CREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. si DEPOSITS RECRIVEU. Ourrent rate of interest allowed. A large sage = rivate funds to leno farm ity, at eatin Tates, with | privilege of i ce paving com Marriage Licenses Issued. |. W. Scorr & Son, Listowel. \ 4 The Car That Got Lest. The regular street car serv: Guelph, Ont., consists of four cars which after covering their different routés mect on two curves in a wide open space at the heart of the city. When all have arrived two start off up the main street and two oe = and soon each car is away on ite particular line along which it will return for the next gathering in the business centre. To a Toronto visitor that frequent regular meeting of the cars wa3 as j interesting event, Tad he framed u this little tk about it for scme citi- | zens ef Gue 'It's a reat car gystem you have here. They tell me that an cflicer of the company goes ont to the square as they arrive, and, as sc four sre on hand, 'says,2 'All right, now. Go again, but be eure to back in twenty minutes.' And they tell me that one day one car failed ow up and that the official was worried half to death. He refused to be assured that the missing car rn. 'Ita e." he wailed. 'It's got lost or somebody has stolén it. It's wander ed ay and can't get ack." B ot over his frigut in a] ut it was very reluctantly that he again said, 'Al now G again.' "--Canadian Courier. He | Knew the Tricks. Some amusing stories are going the rounds concerning the extreme reti- cence of Mr. Fielding, and the extra- ordinary plans he laid to prevent the a tl ot the reciprocity agreement leak He must have bypnotized those 'Washingion officials, for not a s to the nature of understanding, i President Tai.'s message reached Oon- gress. When the Finance Minister ar- rived at the Central Staticn there was bevy uf newspaper men to meet him, but beyond the customary pleas antries his lips were amniee hog mere He was carrying a , in which snugly re- posed the agreement for the details of which two countries were wailing patiently. Outside was the old fash- joned four-wheeler cab, which Mr. Fielding uses to drive to his office in 3 EI "ae ¥-) e be permitted to then switching the ba cious contents to the ot "No, thank you, my boy, be a newspaper man myself, in the lon>. ago." Feeding the Railway Builders. Some little idea of the task which confronts the builders cf the Grand Trunk Pacific can be gathered from the fact that to keep the army of sorarasD supplied with fresh meat, he meat contractors have been zend- past summer and au no in larg droves. The biggest of them con- tained 2,000 head, and it took fifty. days to drive .hese cattle from Ash- croft to Hazelton--six hundred miles. n Rupert end, and about 3,000 o Edmonton end cf the line. +, ARE YOU GOING WEST THIS * SPRING? 'Earth Will Dwarf All Other Batties A In 'the World's History. Row 'far away is the. last: meat struggle, the' war for which all the powers are - unconsciously arming themse!ve:? There is no doubt as to the direction from which it will come, Distant as it usdoubtedly is, Europe jooks toward the east with a shud- der. The sound of the hoof-beats of Attila's horsemen scem to linger. The grass grows green over the bones of the Huns on Chalon's battlefield, ~ their coming is not forgotten throug! ® centuries By ave intervened ng century that the world I wi go at least one m before the nations can Manos d to die arm. 6 gray beards in the war of- fices of Europe look toward the east when they are in their most age noe tic m They fread. the ¥: formless mass of Satlent fighti _ ere gradually béing aro age-old sl rs in the pve Semelting is happening there that is pn teh precedent in the annals of an Empir Ching--oid China, with the musty --_ of 10,000 d fF le relivlng its eyes and beginning va k over its frontiers. Japan a. through this rection i Delete he white man had a taste of oriental courage along the Yalu; on the slopes of Three-Hundred-Meter Hill; on the out on a n who love life - at ight nesinsl yellow men w bent on selling their lives for the glory of their ancestors," said a beat- en Russian eons after the Mukden rout was ov Somewhere "elon the Urals, along urope, the orient nd the occident will some day join in the last yey struggle. It will ce titanic, and on its issue will de pend the course of eeileatinn. Chalons wili repeat itself; the white and the yellow will again tug at each other's throats; German, Englishman and Italian, Ca- nadian, American and Russian, will join forces, just-as the white men did, once before, when they took the road to Pekin; but this-time it will be no he!pless foe that will front their bat- talions. All Asia, wild and barbaric in spite of the a <P cing rifle _ the a rapid ring gun, will sweep westward, driv same spirit that Ted the hosts of Alaric and the horde of -- over a thousand yeors ago. s been pointed out that the wars of "th e past were relig- ic. 3 and political, the atrag les of the present mere trade squabbles, and that those of the peg must be for a foothold on the earth. "Yellow Peril" has been laugh- ed to scorn for the last 500 years, but the war lords.of Europe are not so certain about this being a mere pban- tom dread, as they were before the days of the iron-clad and the machine gun in the nen'. of | the Orientals. he "Tapanese bare in the Tsus first and then any or al! territories that will take the surplus population of the festering cities is the European idea of the far-off policy of Japan and China. China's army is being re- organized, 8ki masters of the white man's battalions are drilling legions of slant-eyed al all over the empire o mgols. New machinery is being installed and the patient Chinese are being taught to use it. In that territory now beginni The country is saturat- ed with population. lan support no more. As soon as the aden ian grows too large, it will weep over the boundaries ead pill into adjacent countries y anus ( ousand. With famine a out of the way, with the fields. trait. ful in every season and the country under adequate sanitary control, tha population will increase | with enor- mous rapidity. The west is their nat aral gateway, but the islands of the Pacific and the nearer coasts of Amer- ica are not beyond their reach. India is already restless under the pressure of the hordes from the north. Tibet and the Himalayas are yet in the way, however, and the movement mag swing farther to the north and west Backed by Japan, the policy of ae pansion can go on apace. The 50 000 anese can find an mor on some fetther shore of the Pacific, and China's gigantic hordes can wan- der westward toward the Urals, stroll ing a few hundred miles in the course ef a generation. Russia has lon nm the powerful bulwark, that erent between ~ Asiatic and the European. er nies in Siberia menaced the Chinese frontiers. The defeat of the Grea Beur broke his influence. The Oren tal no longer fears the Muscovite. There is nothing to check the deliber- ate Asiatic advance toward the Urals, the Caucasus and the Black Sea. The rich fields of Europe will be the lure. The wheat lands of the Volga are celebrated for their fertility, and the Chinese love to till the soii bitter love to work in fac tories. ellow Peril" he at the aenrers gates of the w man's hom mores nanteavies ago the white folk of Europe gathered along the River Marne and beat back the leg- ions of the Hun in a despernte battle. fhe wiseacres of Europe fear thut an- other Chalons will yet have to b are between the moving masses of ellow immigrants and the present mouders of Eurone. Genersut'ons wii! s.however, before the swarms + the Asiatic nations will be driven cut uf the mother hive to eed hemes i the tern part of Euras eet 3 ? leg a2 For « Foothold on the } head | dipped below the ridge will "exercise no end' Sales Se rater: sco Past the lend falls gen 'ett rm end of Yellow oe ay that point it ofa rab declivi yp Be rg causes haitest corners with fierce vo- Tooity, the rapids are treacherou:, while the whiripoots and eddies a-e like boiling pots. And the om - every whit a: bad™ as the waterw You look poate and it is like peer- throu, ing gh a narrow wedge-shaped fissure or pasiage. It is jrist the same when you look behind. On either hand rises the eternal'y snow- capped serrated ridge to a height of 7,000 feet or so. he river simply threcls its way through a deep cleft driven into ths mountain range. The flanks of these sombre wal.s have been swept exiensively time and aza:n by fire, and in their gaunt nakedness exercise a most depressing effect, eyen under. the most congenial atmo- pheric conditions. The time wae they do assume an individusl beauty is at ge when the slant- ing sun strike vy tad roducin those remarkable sunset effects a strange blazes of color for which the Rockies are so famous, and which change with startltng suddenness every minute, until the sun e. Not a sound is heard peroné the tao bling of the tiver, oz the dull reverberating thud, thud, and roll of a landslide or ava- lanche. Even the birds, and they are few and far between, are mute, save perhaps now and again when you hear the hollow mocking croak ot the raven, or the eerie screech of an 2. o & ere and there the fissure-valley opens out to o width of a mile or so, and then the perer spreads yard form- ing a lake, ke for instance, is really an cavenaion of the river- bed over a length of aboct ten miles. It is a pretty stretch of water with = densely forested mountain slopes o the southern bank, which have not bent been ravaged by fire, stretching down unbrokenly from the timberline to the water's edge. At p them, sweeping everything be- a them, hurtling 'ois the lake be- . This is one of the freaks of imtane which 'en- once offers. but little attracticn to agriculture in any form hed Stodlands will attract the lumberjac for there are some excellent pine wa of big timber. Mining may also de- velop upon an ex feanve scale, bat investigations have not yet betrayed many indications of mineral wealth. In this direction, however, j ------ rospe ar Com the trail. No cns can der > wheat exists ainong the moun- tains on either oe and no one will haye the pluck to penetrate their fastnesses Eatit the iron road com- g ome to an untimely end through ie, and has reeled or collapsed across the badly distin- guishable path. Then"again, the trail wanders up and down in an appar- ently aimless matiner. Now you are crawling cautiously along the side of a high ridge. The hig more than ~ narrow ledge, which falls down abruptly for a hundred or two feet. If your horse slips, or makes a false step, you can confidently ex- pect a meteori¢ flight. You have exercise constant vigilance so as to able to cast off from your ont of = ush at an instant's notice The at plan is to wa History cat Toronto. Again it has been demonstrated that Toronto lacks the proper histori- cal sense. In Toronto, at the Normal School, there is a mueum full ¢ tomahawks, skulls of red men, and other curios, sometimes gazed at by country {cls at exhibition Among other relics of the past, many years there has been a block o stone. This stone is distin u'shed from other good Ontario rock by a hole cut right through it. The old "plighting stone" of Lairg, Scotland -that is how this stone has been described to sightseers. They have been informed that it is probably of Druidical origin. Undoubtedly, the hole proves that--the ancient custom of the Druids mei, $9 pig ht troth by clas; ig hands through this hole. h.4 ir. Hugh Nichol, of Stratford, it was" who presented this interesting sane to the museum. a Sc.ichman. It has been distiozed that the stone is not of a Drgtdice origin. It is rinding stone. ctehman hag no sense 0 ectrely not when his. porridge: sight. Reat ON8-Way SECOND CLass SeTruers?' }- Special attention given to WATCH REPAIRING -at Reasonable Rates .j at Gunther's. Watch Inspector for the C. P. R. Issuer of Marriage: Licenses. J. H. Gunther, Main Street, -:- . Listowel, woven 2 id 30 DAT 'CLEARING SALE. NSTER CLEARING SALE OF Boots and Shoes 1 lines belonging to the Shoe Business. $444663t6b6hi4A+4564555-5 I have disposed of My Bout and Shoe Business, and will give possession by April rst, and wishing to reduce this large stock'by a few thousand dollars I will there- fore sell all goods at Slaughtering Prices for 30 Days. This Sale includes Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Bags, Telescopes, Lunch Boxes, Rubbers, Overshoes. 0444444444 44.4 yowurer Anddndy typ Our stock j.:very largeand we cannot well give prices here. Come:and see for yourself and you-will- be con- vinced of the fucr that you can'save money in every line you purchase in this store. We have.some Winter Goods left Which we will ell at cost-or nearly so. A few prices follow : Men's Long Rubber Boots, medium weight, $3.25. Men's Plain Rubbers at 75c. Men's Fine Rubbers at 90¢. Boys' Rubbers, Plain, 65c. High heel Girls' Rubbers 50c. Women's Plain: 'Rubbers 55c. Women's Fine Rubbers 65c. BIG DISCOUNT ON TRUNKS. This sale is ngw on and will continue throughout March, It is Strictly Cash, Fair day, this week, will be one of our big days. Come One and All F. KIBLER, Main Street. Listowel, Ont. 14444464444 a i New Goods Just Received for Spring If you want the Newest and Best and Low Prices you want to come to this store. showing a big range for this spring. INGRAIN CARPETS AND SQUARES Carpets from 25c_ upwards. Squares from $3.75 to $10. Brussels and Wilton Ruzs, Smyrna Rugs, Quebec Wilton Squares. Tapestry Carpets and Squares in all sizes, New Oil Cloth in all widths, New Linoleum 4 yards wide. NEW LACE CURTAINS Extra fine quality from $1 apwards, see our new New Window Shades and Curtain Poles New Art Curtains. make, 2 for 25¢ and Mats, We Have Big Bargains in Store for You. We are China Matting Or eee eae ns Fil Sunkist SAVE Srtectoetreteetert Soesosocteefotoetoctecteateatoes te as o9 - Oranges : . The Finest One Shipped from California. ps Have Them ee 25c, 306, 350, 40cand 50c perDoz. ¢ THE WRAPPERS. & i A. CLIMIE. ¢ ELOISE AOA SOG OL ODO Gay abbbbibbbbrbbibbhprppapp pronase i . BUY YOUR FUEL HERE. | sizes, -- Shingles Lumber, We at ee the famous "LEHIGH VALLEY COAL, all TY AND WEIGHT GUARANTEED. ealso havea full supply of the very best Hard Wood, Lath, Cement, Ete. Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. QUALI OLIVER & ELLIS Coal and Wood Merchants, Wallace Street, 'Phone 4- Listowel Bazaar To Glear White Gups and Saucers and Plates per Dozen 496. At. Fels. Eath. At 10ets Each. At 15ets. Each. "3 Tea Spoons, Clothes Lines, Hair Brushes, Salt anc Peppers, Taleum Powder, Granite Kettles, C Pitchers, *omb ake Plates, Tootk hes, ° Stove Polish, read Knives, Nail Brushes, * Cups and Saucers, | Potato Dishes, = ickle Dishes, Stoye Brushes, at-and Coat {Scrub Brushes, Granite Sauce 4 Spoons, ans, »- =F Po Mashers, Shoe Brushes, Clo es Whisks. poon Trays, Butter, Knives, 2" te From now until the whole stock is pe oe of prices will be cut lower than ever, we have about 200 pair left. Note prices : Regular $3.75 for $2.50. Regular $4.25 for $3.00. Regular 5.00 for 3.50. ; This will be your last chance to get these all-wool goods at such rediculous prices. OSIERY 9 Our stock of Hosiery is well assorted, both in Wool, Cashmere and Cotton. less thau wholesale, to 40 per cent. on every pair. Ready-to-wear Suits and Overcoats BLANKETS, You can buy these Regular 6.00 for 4.00. A saving of 30 Buy your summer supply. Space does not allow to give prices. We must clear them. out in the next 30 cays. The only way to do it is peo at make the prices sell them. see them means to buy ) § 19 ploces, th to date, UIT Least poh, sige pee fence are up oO da ting a is spring we will be pleased to show them to you sad hive our prices. A saving of 5 to 6 dollars on a suit means a big thing, "OVERALLS in Black, i, and a Striped, Prices made ODD VESTS if you are looking for bargai A dollar. saved is a dollar gained, _ At phe = See our table of Youths' 'and»Boye' Suits at half price. - If you intend get- ins now is your time. ESTATE OF * Se. ~~

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