Gir, stock OF: Roan 5; Twas better.,° Wé-can "fit you» a" saier aes till. o¢ how short eyou ares S Fr Reices frou 5. 73 to $25 per Suit. ise ote j 'our. s Bioe stock of Read -tO-wear g..we'show: from 400 té>600 differefit =. Suiting Samples for this spring, iricluding' The House of Hobberlin range, which aloné' com-. * prises-something like goo different designs and paaes, for whieh: we are the sole agents for "this locality, See-us' before you buy." We take. * your measure for a 'suit and if it fails to fit, the suit belongs to us.and you are under «no obliz » gation to take it.. We guaraptes a firet-clagte fit or no sale® +3 5 MI Winter Goods ---- eee ont On: Salé at Bargain' Prices. Our aim is to clear ..: up everything that looks like cold weather goods } Re e Fhe -Coupons-to Cash Purchasers. * § t Wee 'WiSh to' stafe that we will continue sii cOus - pons to March 21st. Ail customers \whovwish-ta-se- cure any of the handsome dishes wilf have to dotheir-* buying between now "and March 3tst. Seeshar-you. bring fn your coupons: on oF b ire that date, NEW - GOODS|F= treat })-- street, . the Stan hae Office will res n° careful attention. one Our Own Direct Importing House ~--- Just arrived at--- kp _ Eye, New ane Ausal astitute Phe Golden Hospital, ndon, . Hint Street, Stratford, At Grand Cen- DR F. J. R, na tae Pel ay only. use York Pptiaim roat Hospital, S ware, and Moorefield's Eye ffice 48 Al- ral Hotel, Listowel, March [8th and ril 10th from 8.30 to 11. GRAY, BERNIE & CO'S. LISTOWEL'S LOW PRICE MAKERS. 25, The past week we have been opening up and plac- ing into stock our new goods Imported Direct From England, Ireland, Scotland. We fave a Beautiful Assortment. By importing direct from the Old Country we save you the middle man's profit, Don't You Think This Would be a Good Place to Buy ? : : DR. BROWN, a eS Gra Centra] Hotel, from L.R.C.P. LONDON, ENG. Nose and Throat, will be Listowel, 10 uw. to 6 p. m. Jan. 28, Féb. March 25 'and April 22. oe = tesese + Winter Term AT Listowel Business - College Opened with an increased ance of 75 per cent. over 1910. Students may toner at any Send for free' ataloges to d EDWIN @.MA TTHE = wah ee amen ite sthe Corset Sale Continues OneWeek More All the best makes in the trade are being slaughter- ed, Have you had your choice ? GRAY, BERNIE & CO. Remember You Pay Less, Here. Boys = Girls Should learn those subjects by which they can earn a living. Spotton Business Col- trainers" i Hk The many -friends Zilliax of Toronto will ger that she is fl in the Weatera Hospi- tal, Toronto. It is our earnest hope that she will have a speedy recovery. PLAIN SEWING WANTED,--Mra, Dob- ce p sewing. She will corner of Raglan and The Listowel Ncrthern League hoc- key team. play in Mt..Fotest 'to-night. i Wingham one witb meraton Mr. we W Karges the businesz.of Mr. S. M. Smith and is repared to do ali kinda ing and en » inclu f an ees to an w te photo. Mr. bout March guarantees satis- faction. A abe a solicited. SPROTAL PREACHERS. --Dnring the season of Lent Christ Church in his new under- Mr_and Mrs. c. Baciford and fam- ed in tows. on Sat- "fg Goo Too Kixd to Punts Six ? 1 Fakes will ak ox thi ripen: "<The annual meeting of the Li tive Associa. committee: -} for, Murton, Kenp they '| report was ad e : Hin ab --_ a short time after entering thé col. . WALL'CE CONSERVATIVES' ANNUAL Congetvative ton-will be held in the township ng Ge March 1 1 on Frida: E ; fave MacLachlan, Lloyd Vallancé- [ores Rian uae as setle ac tan of cas Wes comspteah ct Meee Ben | and Anderson,' and tcc mee that the ceiling of the parish hail be raised ia involve an -- # $2.50. The a resolution passed recommending 'iat this work be done, which resolution will come is at & vestry meeting at an early SILVER WEDDING.--A very ---- event took place at "Locust A celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their Tarriage, only immediate rela- istance, while a handsome display of silver presents was received, including a silver teapot from the children. The bride of twenty-five years ago wore her wedd- ing dress of garnet colored mervellieu satin and ecru. . The friends dis- persed after wishing them twenty-five years more of happy wedded life and prosperity LisToW@L TEACHER SUCCEEDS IN West.--The Calgary Albertan of o re- cent date contained the following sig toa former Listowel boy, son ot Mr. Andrew Hay, late of this town and now residing in ary : Willism E. Practice School at the Calgary --_ -- for two years and a b igned to accept the wealth of prinlpal ot the High Schoo] and supervisor blic schools at Medicine Hat, to as load . who has been appoint- ed to ih River inspectorate, Mr. Hay has been engaged in in the teaching aeeem eas in ag aL for the = eight coming to province from Lis- Sek Ontario. He holds a "rat class essional certificate. eral sev! years he taught at Sirathocta, ind Mr. the later was principal of Montreal Street School at Medicine Hat. Frev. TayLor STILL THE ST. tation the on the continent is fashion by Hay, who has been principal of the |%# 4 i 4 fill FRSA R Willie Morris "74, Cecil <0 4, B "74, Evaline Ogram 78; Harry. Gunther 71, Willie' Hicks 70, aes Goldner 69; Charlie Benn: Terhune--65, Frank Komp: 48, Me CarTHEw 'Gora to REeGma.-- understand.that Mr, J. M, Carthew, Morphy &Carthew, decided to go west.and will leave early next week for Regina, bornly contest. minutes wae Preston scored, bu wel soon tféd the score, Terry doing the trick, For a considerable honors were evenly divided, but a few minutes before half-time Preston acored, half-time score 2--1 in The first part of the se. as ofthe same strennous nature. However, the ice became very ra and the heavy Preston team began to gain ground, -- at fall time they had scored 10 goa The speedy lads from Listowel were exceptionally well treated, the fast and manly game they played causing them to be favorites with the Preston hockey fans.' C. M. Gorrie of Toronto refereed in his uszal efficient style. GOLDEN WEDDING CELEHRATION.-- Sunny Home," the family residence of Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Adam, Macton, was the scene ofan interesting event on Tuesday, February 14th, when Mr. ard Mrs. Adam celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary, Mr Adam, who was one of the earliest settlors of Wel- lesley township, brought his bride, whose maiden name was Janet Stewart, to their home in 1861, when the sur- rounding country was a dense forest, and there they havo lived ever since. A family of twelve children blessed tbeir union, sever of whom are alive and were present at the event. They are Messrs. Alex., Walter, WilL, Thomas and Jake ; Mrs. John Small and Mrs. Jobn renga ss ane o'vlock the guests lown delicate repast. The honse was suitably decorated for the oc- casion, the decorations boing character- istic of St. Vaientine's day ; also cut flowers. During the afternoon speeches were deliyored by several of the guests, some of them relating to the pioneer life of-the early settlers and the diffical- figs encountered in those early daya when the beasts of the forest were more numerous than the settlers, An ad- read on behalf of the iamily "Alex Adam, anda presentation "u TRALEE. Quite a number of our citizens are q Gordon. Sohaasia 61, in Grieve and Cowan pia was bee see meeting adjourned till Tuesday, the 21st March, to mect at the Qsual time and place, aR na reseie cease Seo'y. BUSINESS MEN { OPPOSE: THR 5 ; RARE come oe a 'Associatsd. Boards of Trade of Sige. . a ee ot 97 to°18;-Pass..Resa-. ion Opposing Reciprocity With < 'edhe Moved by I by Life-Long "Liberal ud Seconded by. Hoa. J: Davies @ > ot Onari"Eabea bodied in ort in, substance that exampled prosperity ~of tae is. result of the policy "ehich has beon par. sued in the development of her ade and of her natural resources, involving the expenditure of hundreds of millions" of dollars upon railways, canals, steam- ships and other means of transportation between East and West and West and East, and the obligation to incar farther expenditure for the same purpose, ete. urther development along the rame lines would be hindered if the recipro- city agreement went through, and the present expenditures would to a great extent be Jost. Snch an agreement would greatly tend to check the growth of trade between the various parts of Canada and of the rest of the empire. It would be a great disturber of trade and commerce of the country. Then there were the million or so of foreigners to consider, If such an agree- ment went through they would in time become in sympathy with the United States, aud it would become more and more difficult for us to preserve the au- tonomy of Canada. The resolution was moved by Presi- dent R. 8. Gonrlay, of the Board of Trade, and seconded by Hon. E. J. Davis, of Newmarket, s member of the late Liberal Government of Ontario, Mr. Gonchey' ts is also a Liberal. GOVERNMENT ASTONISHED, Associated Boards of Trade 'Resolu« tion Capped Climax, Ottawa, Feb. 23.--The cbigjaitads. upheaval of sentiment against recipro- city in the West an here in tho Dominion has clearly staggered the Government. That the country does not want reciprocity and that even certain agricultural! interests are oppos- ed is now evident to every member of the House, and the resolution of the i Boards rad Associated of Trade seems to , | have capped the climax. iy Gov- | ernment members are said ta'he getting ly to run for cover, WINNIPEG BOARD OF TRADE CON- DEMNS RECIPROCITY. By Vote of 69 to re at Best Ta Is De- pry eke be-Against Best Interests of Canada and the W peg, Man,, Feb. 22.--The Win United States, the mover ~ Mr. W, H. Cross, and the | seconder D. C. Cam- eron, Liberal can in the last gen- pom erei te Winutpeg, The resolu- tion follo' "That the Winnipeg Board of Trade, careful consideration