GALL he ' Dray and Book Store. J. W. Scott & Son, ~ BANKERS, ESTABLISHED 1872. -- Gsneral "Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS | BOUGHT and S0LD, Payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and CREAT BRITAIN NOTES D d wriviloge of re-piying é2ni " Mitriege Licenses fseaet |. W. Scorr & Son, Listo wel. |}, 4 MR. FOSTER'S GREAT SPEECH Against the Reciprocity Pact, Ottawa, Feb. 1 --A great speech, one likely to bo long remembered i Canadian history, was delivered in the the adjourned debate upon the -- arrangement.. With force quence he pointed out the iseviliable results that would follow from the hasty and ill-considered bargain en- tered into by the Laurier Government with the United States. He pleaded for the preservation of-the National Policy, under whi Can come prosperous and self-reliant, and of the great inter - provincial trade which had been built. up pro- tection. He charged the Pri ister "with having broken his solemn promise tothe country not to reduce or revise the tariff until the whole sub- ject had been considered by commission. In disregard of this pro- mise great industries like the fraitin dustry had been stricken down as by the hand of an assassin without a word of warning. Mr. Foster also charged " the Prime Minister with having violated his assurance that the reciprocity treaty would not impair or diminish the British preference, His speech was followed with keen attention by a crowded Honse; and at its close was tho signal for long and continued cheer- ing by all the Conservative members present. Mr, Foster concluded his masterful speech in the following onim- ods words : " Tutter' the most solomn words I have ever uttered in my life, and I be- lieve -them to the 'very bottom of my heart, that there is danger and deep danger ahead.. This path entered upon leads us away from home to a strange country in the light of nationality and ideal. I-pray, sir, that the fall mean- sede this step may sink into the hearts of these members of Parliament and. inte the hearts of tha people of this country until there shall -burat forth a protest of such strength that the step contemplatéd will be recslled to the old path leading east and west amongst our own people and converging --_ great metropolis . of the Moth- erl FOUR YOUNG MEN ARE IMPLICATED But Person Who Murdered Old Man for Hidden Gold Unknown. -- Berlin, Ont., Feb. 15.--After three hours' deliberation, the coroner's jury at Wéllesloy, enquiring into the death of Frariz Lobinski, the old farmer mar- dered in his shack near Wellealey, brought in the following verdiot, in which are a soe young mon as " implicated " 6 crime * We find that Fras Lobinski came to higdeath in the Township of Wol- lesley on the 11th of January by a blow on his head and that he was .. therefore to warrant te arrest Of exten, al: Livingstone $ Prime Min-] 8 'ongly to the conclusion jr., Philip | Nowark, ie FOR RECIPROCITY. 999 YOTE AGAINST AND. ONLY. 13 chiefly caused by the fact that two tides enter the Severn simultaneously. The crest of the tide which runa into channel meets°at the mouth high tide big ships sail across the In- stories of adventure one some- reads of the tide racing in over the sands faster than a man can run. Tils actually bappens in the bay of }, Mount St. Michael. At low tide there Hes before one a wae plain of sand 150 square miles in extent, In the center of which rises the huge black mass of St. Michael's mount. The tide turns, and one sees it rushing in by a line of white. A liquid mass estimated at 1,470,000,- 000,000 of cubic yards comes pouring into the bay and in a Ling = hours miles. Conttiog i ago all this desolate guif was a wide stretch of fertile and, pro- tected on the sedward side by tall sand hills. A'grent tide with a heayy gale behind it burst through the bar- riers and stole 90,000 acres of farm and pasture. While the French side of the Eng- lish channel is daily visited by tm- mense tides, England's side has com- paratively smailt ones, and from Poole harbor to the Isle of pol re the iad phenomenon of double tides These are caused by the in- terran of the Ul wave byt _Isle of Wight. All over the world We find the tides se the queerest pranks. At the port of Panama, on the Pacific end of the Panama canal, you may watch a tide of twenty-three feet rise and fall. Less than forty miles away, at the Atlantic end of the big cut, there is practically no tide at all. We have spoken of the "bore" in the Severn. Imposing sight as this is, St Is child's play compared with the tidal wave which rushes up tbe enormous estuary of the Amazon. This rush of water, which, by the way, makes a terrific roaring sound, comes In three successive waves, each about ten feet bigh, and vessels navi- gating the estuary are in as great danger as when they are overtaken by storm in the open sea. The Ganges bas a dangerous "bore" at high springs. and the "mascaret" ou the river Seine is also a source of peril to small craft. The force of the currents or races produced by tides penned in narrow channels must be seen to be believed. Every one bas heard of the famous maelstrom off the Norwegian coast, the terrible whirlpoo! which was sup- posed to drag down ships and grind them to pieces against the rocks at the bottom. The whirlpool as such docs not exist, but the tide race between Moskol island and its next nelghbor is almost as dangerous as the revoly- ing eddy of the fable. The sea here rushes through a rock walled channel at more than, ten miles an hour. A sailing vessel caught ip this race ts perfectly helpless, and a steamer must have uncommonly good engines to drive er way throngh it Between Jura and 'ba islands, on the west coast of Scotland, Is a tidal racé-which-for speed and fury holds a world's record. The vative name for this race ts Colrebhreaeain, Itt- erally "caldron of the spotted seas." Here the tide runs at no less that twelve and a half miles an hour, and when the wind fs over the tide the whole strait becomes actually a boll- ink, foaming caldron,; into which no eraft of any kind could venture with- out certain In December. 1902, an easterly gale | crented. enormous difficulties for the shipping at Hamburg. 'It took the wa- .¥as pot seater enough to float. those drawing - fifteen feet. -All the large "S-" AUCTION. SALES, --_--o > We : are e getting i ina car load and if you will call § and Teave your order with us we will Ee able to. put you on 6, Maryborough, some. very 00 stock and im lements. Sule =a ' jout res one o'clock and will with as the proprietor is giving ay tirniog.: Ono Watecetar, February 22nd, the farm stock and ts .be- longing age Nin W: 'er- ed for sale by public auction at 18,., n, 2,.E Sale at 1 "olock,. The stock is of the and in first ciate condition. C. F. i auction On a tg Feb. 28, 1911, Mr. Ar- thur Forman wil bold 'an auction: sale of valuable farm stock at lot 8, con. 5, | j Elma. Sale atone o'clock. . F. Van- drick auctioneer. HOUSE FOR SALE. . A comfortable "no story residence on Main street, near centre of town ; $ 7 Db . seed ents be Pn ap an estate pecial Bargains in Silver MONEY WANTED * roan ~ % PEGE SSE OSS SOTO OSS ho ele Coase ete ate-cioofe- io etetee} Fir further particulars apply to ware and China ; A gentleman aon *to- th * » 51A GARROCH BROS., Listowcl. Fh i py hundred dollars ($1, 600). % ed jwcnawoe gee Sunkist. Oranges : NOLIC€ ICE. ' ; - ae 1911. or fre parle apy at | +. pecial attention given to &e oireshortie aes seca WATCH REPAIBING = 1 The Finest Crenge wai Grom California. ¢ u 7) im) Ww "« ey th paecrnen fees Eos | fuse and Lot for Rent. | 256, 306, 36¢, 0c and 60c perDoz. ceive sesied tenders for the buitding of @t Reasonable Rates <b, eed tame house and Jor 'of one| ap SAVE THE WRAPPERS. > ' room. 8 = . Sie eey ean, een |at Gunther's: ~<a eat aie | A. CLIMIE., 2 20. The lowest or any tender il yi Dot necessarily accepted. By order of ' e@ C. E. COBLIN, © wile RATING. come to GUNTHER'S, Listowel, and you will save money. THE LOWEST QUOTATION. | J. M. SCHINBEI ' If you_are looking for a sna) n a good reliable si WATCH OR CLOCK Free! Free! Free! di tt tors. -o-- In the saree of the Estate of SAMUEL MOORE late of the Town of inews! in ths County of Perth, deceased. 6444466666654 Notice is nerdhey git given ursuant to R. S. 0. 1897 Chapter 129, that all f their accoun ture of the security (if 4 held by poy Kk verified by Statutory ae por And ce further that after the Bioventh pe of March, 1911, a Executors of the said Estate will p thereto, claims of -wh: peveuwwuvwgu any pe or whose claim notice shall no reeetrad 5s at the i enn of such distribu- tion, as Dated ry wn thts Tenth day 'of February, 8 911. CHARLES COGHLIN, ROBERT T. HAGERMAN, Executors. BLE\ ETT & BRAY, Listowel, Ont. We are giving away a handsome 97 piece dinner. set, a 44 piece china tea set, a ro piece toilet set, fruit sets, bread and butter plates, jardinieres and several other articles in chinaware, goods from roe to $25. Step in- r/ |] Side and see our fine display to be given away free of charge. "We are giving coupons with every cash sale, Listowel Bazaar PEP SP TPT TTT tee b444646444 Interesting Items to All. SOUP DISH ks, Old Dutch Blue, ~ 8c value for each 5c. LANTERN GLOBES 2 for ....... ..+-.--16¢ POTATO LISHES,strong heavy make,each 15 CLOTHES WHISKS, new corn, -10c and 15c WRITiNG TABLETS, plain- or linen, each 5c We have a large assortment of Fine China and Crock ery on hand, also Cut Glass and Silverware, A Full Line of Groceries, Confectionery, Frit, Provisians, Fleer, and Feed, all Kinds of Seeds, Etc. Bring us ycur money+-Ask for the coupons --Don' t for- get the store, N. KROTZ $46464464446444645644 Phoné 64. Main St. FPP PP SOTTO Sete Tet eer ttt te ei i Exceptional Values in Dinner Sets. 97 piece Semi Porcelain from .... ......$6.265 97 piece Full China from .... .......... 814.75 * a good variety of Stock Patterns. : JOHN L. SCOTT 6444644444464 464446444444644 Ww pecealien {come ] = en 2 HE @ i-- ] =. cD -- -- ye La & 664454446444 | their Solicitors. EXECUTORS" NOTICE 0 22262222 eee eee ek yeovevere POPP eCeT The Closing Sale 2 Of this Splendid Stock is now on until the: whole =, Stock is sold, Goods marked to sell "at prices CREDITORS. aa In the.matter of the Estate of ALEXANDER GARROCH, late of the Town of -Listowel in the County of Perth, Merchant ped i enti ai de- 1910 eleventh aay of pe petta a D. pag ean at San ' that will make quick sale, BUY YOUR FUEL HERE. We handle th e famous LEHIGH: VALLEY COAL, all: sizes, QUALITY AND WEIGHT GUARANTEED. have a Shes of the very nekcier' Ban, Shinplegsuamber, I Lath, Cement,: Etc. Orders delivered sacs "all parts of the town: ~QLIVER & ELLIS ercha ercbants, Wallace Street, 'Phone 4. Our Own Make of ---- Blankets, Yarns, Fullcloth, Bats, ae are well known, There i is none better. ~ We havea full line of ---- Qvercoats, Men's Youths' and Boys' - Suits, sult Lengths, Underwear, of . Listowel, Soltcitess for Ante ) ,Garroch if he ~. Hosiery, Ftc., Which must x be turned into-cash. The way to ie this is to éut prices, that will make quick fale. m2 SAME OO GES ann mT ML Oa rearing shai ating SS the bias = u are about it see orc 'to! Meo ay