Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 10 Feb 1911, p. 3

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Year druggist will rot "worms. + Change t that mping, uselens berse into a sound, healthy hover, willing E andssetr ie don A good day's werk, Spavis, Curd, Sptiat, aprile, Riaghose or any other lame- ness ee ur horse im the stable. It cures without leaving a seer, Diemish er is wate halre--because it dees wot biiste Port Kallis, B.C, Jume-Mih 1909 "Have been using your Liniment fer years ani find it a)l that you represent, GEORGE GORDON. $1. a bottie--6 for 85, Rucellent ~~ household use. Seld by all dente: Ask for free Lena 'A oe On The BR. B. J. KENDALL Ce. eileen vw JOE MILLER JOKE. "How is it a tramp can wear a very short coat | "¢ Con it may be long enough be- fore he gets another. Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup fis the result of expert chemical ex- jperiments, undertaken to discover 7@ prev apie of inflammation of = pitiaole subjects hopelessly strick- en. The use of this Syrup will prevent the dire yen Maa of Deg! Colds. At costs only 25 cents, will aiavines © you that this 4s correct. ny a man gets tangled up in a string of lies The less luck a man has the more he believes in it. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAY unl money if PAZO -- MEN fallet to pe any case of Itching, Hlind, Bleeding or Protruting Piles in 6 to lddaya Svc. A square deal is as broad as it is long. gg ches tothe J orn io t Dea! p ty with a oald as with a ac, ana wand ben you Leg So.congh ave Ale no's Lung Balsam, More people are willing to help you get rid of your muney than to get it Peevish, pale, restless, and-sick- iy children owe their condition to terminator will relieve them and * restore health. Aman seldom has occasion to be ashamed of bis associates in o worthy couse. URG A COLD IN ONB DAY o sakastve BROMU Quinise Tablets cues Were maney if it fete be eure. a Ww. MOV M's siguatare nas @ each box. Kiverybody knows 'somethi ng they would like to tell to somebody. foare Liniment Cures Colds, etc. SAVING HER STRENGTH. "Dector--My dear madam, yeu've By, rtaxing your _ Strength. Try : NK less jowe elry. ny John, son of xing suceeeding to the thro him candies, cakes-and other "soothing" mixtures to quiet of safety. About them Mrs. Ma- thies McCormick, West St. I -ters, P.E.I., writes. 'We 'ave used Baby's Own Tablets with. good re- sults. They are certainly a bless- ing for mothers that have cross, sickly babies. They sweeten the stomach ; give refreshing sleep and make bahy fat and healthy." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, at. UNDER-GARMENTS OF THE NEWEST BATTLESHIPS. -- --_ The Interior Coating Is Produced Chiefly From Cocoa- nuts. Battleships wear coata of stout armor plate, as everybody knows, but everybody does not know that they wear undergarments which is produced chiefly from cocoanuts, says Pearson's Weekly. Your most powerful man-of-war is re ally a very delicate object, and requires special underclothing so that guar vital parts of his anatomy may no becomo too cold, and so that v ther equally vital portions may not be- come too hot Mother Geaves' Worm Ex- | toc | nought is enveloped in an under- backing to the armor. Great see- recy is kept in the various navies regarding the material uscd, and its arr angement. "JACKETS" FOR THE BOILERS, ecllulose, which again is obtained LLG URINE. eve REMEDY eak. Watery Eyes aGranulatea byeta an Muriue Doesn't Soothes EB: ' from the fibrous e@ceanut « nd.-Ce} lulose possesses the peculiar pro perty of swelling immediately -- it somes into contact with salt water, ' Therefore the moment othe! water pours in et a-hele ia side, the cellulose jee instantly ormonsly diminished if certain pot- tions of it. beco: ioe tte mide oF ares - ee ia thers o! nb a rap rom stem 'to stern, which is an- other way of saying from head to your enormous super-Dread- garment placed immediately behind its topcoat of armor plate. This is its especial mackintosh, or rather waterproof, which acts as a pro- tection from fire as well as water. In the priory way, if a shot pierced the side of a battleship, water would pour in at the hole, and possibly the ship might sink, but this is obviated by providing a In inany of the latest battleships, however, the coating is made of4 f E / Bacay ee : five years = old is peosaee: a ak eaoe the him to all "de-| sive store Pini In the dockyardevall the men who Kidve ills th -|are employed in packing the miner inbly the ae "For four years when nothing could een his i 'Healthy babies 'are: good babies, and " geod Roby isa bieewng in clot every home. Nothing can give the mother or father .more pleasure | ey ty the Rae mk Ibe. Kidneys. --and, mothers, it is not baby's fault when he is sick. You are e the "Even reindeer hair is to be met one to blame Perhaps you 'give with on. board in the capacity ne a food which his little stomach is unable to digest. Then when he is cross and ailing you give him some t him. That is wrong--remomber his little stomach is not &s styong as a grown persons, and also remember that every spoonful of "'soothing" mix- ticioneaiins hambers. jal wool in HEALTHY catLDRER harheteee Tre cules of @ fotal | very best:rosalts £ r ee Y k ry re ; ' ARE A BLESSING | substance from the fleecy material pain', Kale obtained from sheep. n-addition to to . B other portions of the vessel. Al- It is only the topesber the uses of mineral wool n board are extremely numerous. articular sort of meny uses it is of great valus as filling for the lifebuoy, sla' bus HEALTH FOR Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills falls because of lack and watery. pressed. As the 'ouble "ai Other symptoms show themselves, door to consumption, and gives vic- because the whole body is weaken- ed are the best remedy in the world for woak, despondent men and women. anacmia where Di. Williams' Pink Pills have failed to cure if given a fair trial. Mr. Jehn _ Hastings, trouble and found new health through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He says: "I was working on a rail- way driving a team and found my- self gradually running down. I did not puy much attention to it at first, but soon I began to lose my appetite and it was a trial to get through my day's work. I got me dicine from the doctor on the works, but it did not help me, and finally I got so bad I told the fore- man I would have to quit. He told me not to lose hope, that he would get some medicine chat would soon make me ali right. That 'night he went to town and bought me throe boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had not taken more than' two boxes when I began to feel better, and after. E-had used five boxes I was as,well.and strong as ever, and could 'do a day's work with any man on the job. I may just add that be- fore I began (ony . Pills I was so run.down that I weighed only 192 pounds, -and "while taking them "the" shin') expands, aid 80. closes A man-of-war has its avert. 6! Way ac its hussan Accordingly, the Loleis them to-all' run dow 60 éents-,a"box or 'six boxes for the -aper- | $2.50 from The Dr. Williams': Medi- : ture. Of course the ecllulose is{cine son Brockville, Ont. © ths advice of a critic does | especially treated in order to ren- ut as much good as the giving der it fireproof. dead man. too cold, -and in| her purclrase for' her inspection. | necque She examined. it, tossed her head > ~I-cannot- sa: too 'mnch-in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and etropaly 1 reogtemend |' Yeu civ get thes, Pills. through any 'medicine dealer or by mail at/ -----4---- " She" ordered @ fowl for s grand ne i tintbe it." -'S} think,' 'observed Mr. En. dinner, -and the cook bring the - ° and therefore mae aon unition rooms ~them- sdlves are' Rene cool by a refriger- ating heing } hike Dodd' Bt) haineral wool, the same tie oA lighter than cork, for'. in- tance, and is not so subject to de- cay For this reason, amongst ™ There are many other strange rae en used on board for the pues of providing ® protection elicate portions of the vesss!'s per oan till, these are of wi or importance compared with the mat- _jerials mentioned, tho ugh they range from indiarubber to solid te. RUN DOWN MEN} it You Are Weak a and Rasi:y Tired Anaemia is a. state into which one of blood, or because the Wood is poe weak | wom THE . MODERN NMAN-OF-WAR | ce and the life of the sufferer is one of misery. - Anaemia opens - the tims t@ all the epidemic maladies, and unable to resist the inroads of disease. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the cure of anaemia, and al) its at- tendent miseries. They make the |* peed rich, red and pure, thus bringing health and strength to We do not know of a single case of enn, Sask., was a victim of this pher is wonereay a. pessimist.'" oun ihe of everything: @inard's Liniment Cure ft Cures pibtnerta. you tell ae what obscurity i ist "'Yes'm,"' replied Tom place where a good | many people | go | treated: with Holloway' 8 Corn Cure without leaving @ BCgr. ¢ FIRST PORT OF THE WORLD. Port of London. The London (Eagles) port -au- thorities propose to Spen] more than $70,000,000 in deck and baisbon toed tl of the the subject. for fifteen months a succumbing to 65, ' Rely to accommoda' "he anes sae vessels | afloat or projected, which will be "capable of deal: sible growth in the size of vessels larged and deepened and the en- tr There is also a --_ of zalluay. extension to bring docks wi communica- tion with all parts of v aigland.§ : construction of @ passenger | landing stage similar to the Prin- cess landing e at Liverpool is contemplated. It is intended to follow the present scheme with an- other programme of extension, the scope of which will depend on the development of the shipping busi- ness after the present improve- ments, which wil} take twenty years | to accomplish, are completed.. a 'Elastic currency may be all right, but what most people need is ad- hesive coe Shiloh eae is Cure THE E WORST at tke. Hoax--"The amateur photogra- --"How do you figure that Hoax--"He sakes, the worst view cae '"Tomm. said the ie teacher: "can mmy; "it's a to after elections." Corns and 'warts Sieaitant "when feel that he has e new lease of life. 'That's why people all over Canada are chon the prafs- es of Dodd's Kidney Pal . $70,000,000 to be 2 Expaiiaed on. the xs Thames estuary, view. to making London in vali as well [as in name the first port of th? world. Experts have Bee: studying they have now issued ed eeport 'The in no wise more elaborate than ne- cessary to -- Londen from the competition of other British and foreign ports. It includes the dredging f the river channel from Tubury. to London. red a e. -- sad da aepoenl i ' ect. Half} The Poor Man's Friend.--Put up in small. bottles that "are casi dealing with any pos-7 Rub Hamlins Wiza and stop the decay : -chase the dis- @ase germs. witha motth wash et @ few drops - a' spoonful of water. tude that = many ee then eter will correct Srregulartued «y! one di "You treat that ge rtleman ve spectfully." IS TOUGH 'AND : FIBROUS. eilled" vegetable ethers ordinary restaurant steak CURED Wis RNEUMATISN. Eoarets and have taken a g friend advised me to err thought T I would write you Gin Pills," WN. 'CONTY, & Chemical Co. { melee for Ba ge: twice before I could stop him! Mae Bath. . cheapness and the varied uses poor man's friend. No dealer's stock is complete without it. "Do you think ple-ahould be punished for gambling at the rac- es?' "'A lot of them are by hav- ing their money taken away from them sar 2 og Gest Thing to strengthen weak bok? sueDSh Menthol Plaster. Tt will cure | and rheumatism.~$i rolls make peven ny plasters, Davia & Lawrence Co, Montr NO USE TO TO EXPLAIN. fore a police judge charged" Petealing chickens. He pleaded guilty and received sentence, when the judge asked how it was that he managed to lift those chickens right under the window of the owmer's apie when there was a dog in the yard "Tt wouldn't be no use, judge,"' e man, "to try to 'splaia dis thing to yo' all. Ef you was to yer hide full of shot an' get no chickens, nuther. Ef yo' want to engage in any rascality, judge, yo' better stick to de bench, whar yo' am familiar." Many people have Dye gums. 'd Oil on gums faa couple;"* "fad Mes. Simpkins,. rigid married oe oe me me after |: a courtship whi ted fifty years." "T + camara _replied Mr. Simpkins, "the poor old man had Seca, 'too Richie t0 to wold out auy ger ence. Parmelee's [ steam: 'pipes "ate, clotied> witlfi ackets."' Im mii cases the Sack-; ee ese ng. thin," Ok ih, = Ht is Blyo if will 'ook Her toga one wien a _ dust Bg ws. acd put Ms ; timidly; "7 would--hum-- fragile handle, if | and ive organs and restore health -- a tae aged ook ore ug hr ae ies, wl atolre, "That's all right, my r prt ieee Spsmbospeg tact IW eerpet.:! | sere,' 52) remarkel the ¢ carrying > Toronto, "font very Té- iia ea 'es, he's one "of our " GPONN MEDICAL CO., Gonhen. Indians, U. 6. A. . ic! Why. jor: ty years old.' "No, but he pays oe onthe first of every Seth . the aga ee Colon: nlarge- ACENTS WANTED. fi firem2: 0 ME Aten Ae age Salt « A 3 jas unmecesms'y, strike. ons mee Premot! Ralirosd E rtere Pier 400 may vant to menthly. "tate ; Pe cases Aireeh, Brosklyn RY. a Ni =e . WANTED. LYLE sie TORONTO They are now. making what is We suppose it can be: utilized by- vegetarians 'as a substitute for the | ~ When is wir! of six talks 2 nonseace te? When. 2 a of 12 talks nonsense ? When - a "ne of 20 talks nonsenre M inds of Medicine and found'no pee he 7 'woman of 40 talks non- --_------------_---_-- BARN THE -RARUEB" "TRADE -- Zale _seontans pres no ens usw tools free. ats Ser eee wae : Lape AneEn, m, Tumere. 1 Internal / aed veured writhest pain ote trentoos f late. Dr. Bellman Medical Fag J Collingweod. DY EING a GLEAN YING | wari: Hl yAMERICAN DYEING C Ga." "One day a Gin Pilla, s0 I Log) pot after taking wale en & woman of €0 talks non- one box of them, I felt a Ape e 1 linea to let you know how thankful 1 feel for the relict they. gave me, and would ad- Most people are content--while vise all syiecere from Rheumation to get m Sample free if you sige National Drug L.), Toronto, Ail Dealers have Gl Pills at bie bon The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" £ MINA Sve--Don' t you know, George MENT a the. SRST Liniment ao = kissed me at. the door last night --Gracious! What cheek! Sue--|4 od LINIMENT _ it was as trated form than ; mes | ro the qua: ntity of many: nguents: Its} to'}- which it can be put make. it the |' Wise men look before they leap; wise infants fee] before they creep. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows: WHEN GREEK MEETS GREEK. burglar going through your trou- rs." A colored man was brought £4 ; Mairent. eg ening 'peinas Geeben {hen buying your Piano insist on having an OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action = ELECTRIC MOTORS OR POW DR ELEDTRIC 0 DYNAMOS FOR LIGHTIN S Fire, Ligh Rust and Storm Proof * Durable and Ornamental et us know the size of any roof will make you an interesting offer, Metallic Roofing Co, Lienited MANUFACTURERS TORONTO and WINNIPEG ICANNERS A Safe ie for. Suffering Women: --Thé secluded life of women. which' We Own And Offer TO YIELD 6% DOMINION LIMITED sess BONDS %,

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