a.m.>. 7.20-D. mm." s * PALMERSTON AND KINCAR- be INE~ merston : : ae passenger 1205 p . pas __ A Bant Acouar le srs ary, nate Bs ea Biesea kate ef «mdb vnaenes Hite conductis ore ine): bo > passenger 1.10 : pt, an 823 p.m I Heong business without the assistance of SB B's oO PR. 4 Lake Thun, or Thuader lake, one of | I kid: perfectiy we . N ; . leaves Listowel 8 00a. m., | the of water in Swit- | seen the smoke of the ; decreasing, the . this O matter what line of business -you are' ae arriving at Guelph 9.25 a het and To- a -- ase gang Seve. the deed and - olf of acers is of great cansequence --Farming, M Teaching, Clerking or one ee press leaves petual view of the A 2 were fir h States.--Moody' pa P< WelS10'p. m, arriving at Goclph 4.55 | Kiger, be. Monk and the Jungtre. be rts a coe erie cae you should fave an account with « <5 ke ye PR Fetaraiag lt i Toronto at 7.50 a wrboge snowy pests tity high 30 fle : pg ~f = Sa ea heavens may often-be mistaken for oF Badal 9.58 a. m , errivin at Lis Nght cipuda." 'The wah was siiotel-on We furnish a bank book and cheques free. Sieh '- 10 p. m., arriving . Listow wel 7.05 SES ections pdt at Linwood Junc- = = tion n with trains for Goderich. 'LISTOWEL sai sli and Thun loaded wlth tourists were | passing back and forth. Not for from Interlaken the road cig ee eres = --* Bi papas. : 4 -- 7 oe oe ty A ee -- y : w ular cll? that forms the bank o knew" Topes ts saiaaiavnsinaae PIRI SAIA SIS SEIS SSIES pi & Carthe ' Inke. While walking through tis tuo: had the spot, = . and his lively a - LASS LEG LL POFFO ISOS SAA RISTERS, SOLICITORS «Cc. pel I caught up with a youth who, | the information' ac witiiinats for tho Bank of Hamilton. ue judging from bis pack, was making a | would have a G&G Nutaries Pablic and Commissioners. Money | eo. journey the same as 1. He spoke- | 860 oF pergons ) - M. B. Mourn J.M.Casraew = / to me In German, the language of that | from which F part of Switzeriand, but | signified that | -work, and they be 1 did not understand him, and he re-.| make the ) ns) peated his question Ip French. ing the BLEWETT & BRAY, "How far ts It, sir, to Thon?" bad no intention of enligh them. : as . BARRISTERS, - SOLICITORS. "Ten or twelve miles, I believe." I was however, avenne, b 5 ' New York, and the casti by the He was inclined to let me go op | such a secret, that-the time had come ere did the ? ng by NOTARIES YUBLIC '& CONVEYANCERS, | 90004 "Cr btm: but preferring compa- | for me to leave Mentone. My steamer | $#éles give up the fight. The englots mene ey = shat oe 5 LISTOWEL, ONT. py, | adapted my galt to his. He was | was due to gafl from Genoa the next . are rare ' and Proctor has been a sculptor uf . Ss. art a=ly a=i} De f. R. BLEWEIT, KC. GEO. BRAY, B. A. apparentiy vot wore than eigh' morning, and I took a night train for though ont & old, display Pui of all kinds for many gears. ee ' years old. No beard had yet started | that city..-I stood, shortly before eail- | the ferocity be} ot ad species, The bronze panther which Col. on bis face, and bis hair and complex- | ing, on the upper deck looking at the- ------$--$ $e velt"s tennis cabinet presented to Sole All sh ds i fon were fair. 1 took nim for a Swede | swarm "of people, some hurrying Why, Americans Flock to 'Sanada. bes md ong to bia cartons for Africa short en in J. Cecil Hamilton, B A. ora ne though such light hair aboard, some going ashore, alt infects? |. of s a ay Bai Fy Rg eee Ppt e gs e s . aod skin = common to porthern Ger- | by that bustle usual to a steamer about') values have increased from 100 to phant house in the New York Zoologi- | ings ing ams uslins Pri 2 ea ea mata Sand Sos Sut ee | "ater wean | Hears rene pars ot (Sl Garden. i: , , ' licitor for Imperial Bank of Canada Bd enjuyth A girl came up the gangway 1 8. was | some d. f hi k, js MONEY TO LOAN. orama of the lake, the bills beyond and | face was familar to.me. Where-had | unsalable ten or twelve years ago at ) will adore bs native land able work on Remnant Table must be cleared out. Peat! still beyond these the mountains, For | y geen her? It bothers one to see a } $2 an acre is how commanding $10 to : "OMe, paochofice eeet re Tw macesday -- the young mao was guarded In | tace without being able to place it, soe Several dozen $1. 25 and $1.50 Parasols, Sauder a and ~* ofonanen his * peech, He ¢ hen dlecovered that L and this case annoyed me more than') 9 ee Monday for ggc. each. was an American--be had suppos usuat However, since I conld not rec -- me to be ao Englishoso--and th Oliect where f hed. wat tec 1 comned cening at 740" Ao SALE ee cae Embroideries Ss : - : waken contide 0! to about her, in if © ing a soas al Da =f FRED. VANDRICK, =| ff"Nes rather n fotiow testing, for be | 2 Ue, get W . C KI DD Limited g at 7 pecial Bargain Lot for sc.a yd. "2 -- kept me still in truorance as to who | opt on to the bosom of thée'Mediterrs- . ° "9 ° Go to the TWO STORES for Bargains. Family ' LICENSED AUOTIONEEB he was or_where be was going. I | nean and at the prcepect of GROCERIES AND CROKERY complete. For the Ccunties of =_ Haron and be Township of Maryboro 1 am prepared to lente. all 'kinds of asloe nae tirst-class ma: ange Orders left at A. J. Vandrick's storn, Lis towel, will bo given prompt attention ENTIRELY NEW: 8§TOCK OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole-interesty= |) <se-future attend to the "Want to his Customers personally Family recipes a specialty. R. A. Hunter. CANADIAN PACIFIC GREAT LAKES eR RRR? Regular Sailings as follows : MONDAY ...... ...5. S. "Athabasca" TUESDAY .........8. 5." Keewatin' WEDNESDAY....5. 5. "Alberta PTHURSDAY... ...5. 5. "Manitoba PSATURDAY.. a US. S. "Assiniboia" The Most Pieasant and Cheapest fo Route to Winnnipeg. ea ea A Aug. 9 ough Train to Winnipeg ond West from Toronto 2.00 p.m. on J. LIVINGSTONE, Jr, TOWN AGENT. N te Anyone sending a sketch and 4 a, ascertain our opinion nla ip t! is probably m7 & strict}y coniident free. Cidest cy bf NDEDOS Sse a ce aa "Scienitic Hinerican, A hendsomely illustrated Largest cir- . "Lerms yo ectentifa @ Year, postage Bold Go,serermen How York solicit E aad ott cinesoute tame? the adyisat!- of Sets | Patent a bactness tontpanes sereene ce en bnew, however. froin his conversation that be was highly educated and one of those persons who are born to think deep. | was astonisbed at his famillar- ity with the various schools of philos- ophy. That he was a dreamer as well as a thinker was apparent from ideas he advanced, which to me seemed a century ahead of the times. At Melringen we halted for Junch- eon, eating sandwiches and drinking -- ata te under the trees in front e rested for an hotr etd coca, "caelings I my ae my companion cigarettes (the usual form of a smoke in that country)... 3918) Inter , ime vi Americ: fold fim th i 53 one started from pry waited he gees oF to tell me from what point he would "The Riviera," was bis reply. apy point on the Riviera--say Nice or Mentone--one might by a short rail- way journey reach Genoa, from which port steamers are constantly leaving for the United States. He seemed much foterested in this and more so when 1 told Lim that I had engaged passige by that route myself. When I asked him if be had any intention of visiting my country he replied that be had pot. We reached Thun about 5 o'clock, and, after refreshing ourselves with a glass of beer in the gardens of the Kursaal, | went to my hotel, my com- panjov going I knew not where. One tweets all kinds of people traveling abroad, especially if one Hkes to form acquaintauces as | do. Of all those 1 have met In any of my tours the person who made the most impression upon me was the young philosopser about whom I learned nothing. 1 went by rall from Thun to Pars, from there to Nice, and from Nice to I found at Mentone General interior In Russia. Indeed, | stopped ip the anme hotel with him. Those who knew told me that several at- tempts had been made upon his Ufe revoliutionists, or, o8 they were then callet, uihilists, and that be was close ly guarded. During hts tiocumbency in office be had sent bundreds of peo ple to Siberia, besides those be bad ex- ecuted. He had been proscribed by tbe oibilists, they having vowed to kill him. I asked why he should dread bis enemies so far from home aod was told that they could work to better advantage beyood the Russian borders than within them. In Ru®sia the gov- closely eyed every one who approached bim. a Notwithstanding the precautions tak- en the genera! was assassinated at Mentone nnd at the time | was there: I joined her. "Now that we have touched at the last European port," she said, "I am willing to make myself known to you. We walked together one day in Swit- gerland." "Is the costime you wore then or the one you wear bow your legitimate dress 7" "The one I wear now." steamer. clged to take I You will not betray Stow ie, 700 Aue teat Tf you of justice, ; That was the end of the confidence You'll be Glad You Did" After You Have Tried FIG PILLS - otttbbhiidihi bbbo6664 POPP eT eee Toveweeeeuy vt s a 08.2222 2222222884843 20 0548284458804 £10046044624444444 Soptaeearascose iiecess THE LISTCWEL STALLIONS If SERVICE FOR 1910. SPHINX 2.114, second in 2,063; 2. i ; Ben Maitland 2. ad by Sphinx 2.20, one of the best vats ene as & two-year-old, by second dam Certain! 59 seconds. dollars. Ail Will be accidents and eighth in 16 sdoonda.. Sired by -Monbars 2.112, by Engle Bid 221 ; first dam Wild Brisio 2.494, dam of PearlTipping 2.10}; Doroty Wilton ton "3 hnen 2.15 (trial), Magio 1 Tipping 2.18 (trial); dam of Merri MEDIUI SPHINX MEDIUM, 2,124, registered No. 87546, sire of aT 173, second in 2.094; Frank Electioneer. ' cdl so Pua tbe Great 2.071, ed dam of five in Mawen Charte ; third dam Holmes on ; yousg I "in - Canada, corgepeanabssc geet ve Ag an Canada has ever Wilkes 2.18}, PRINCE BELLS 32367 8 year-old. year record 2.22. Cc. 2. ot 19 ; Miss Doyle 2.08}; Victor M. 2. month' 's work, trotted a mile in (2,12, last se pers ina 2- min- Firs ever Wild Crocus 2253 Wild Crocus 2,254. College mai 2.124, College Belle 2. v7, Bullet, half miie in allowed to serve twenty approved mares escapes at the owners' risk. Good pasture. at twenty T. Sire of BELL VOLO 2.18}, half mile track, Oakland Prince 2.24, 2 year-old ; Prince Baron 8 year-old, 2.274 and many others. Son of Bow Belle 18078, record 2.194, Beautiful Belis and Minnehana, Prince Bells ist dam by Princeton 2515 , record 2.193, dam of four in the list, 2rd dam by Gay Gould, ch record ee ne, the list, in the list, 4th dam by Srd dam by Young $t, Lawrence Thoroughbred, _ perform: the most gaited d dam of and dam of Jilt "2.284, and Grand" dam of two Standard ers. Prince Bells is a seal brown, 15.3, 1200 lbs, weight, and one of trotters in harness, and a silver cup and sweepstake winner at Detroit State Fair. Never was beaten in a show ring. $15 to insure. PURE GOLD 2.10 1-4 ut Stallion and a great race horse. Sired 3528 by aeward Everett by'Hambletonian ; Abdallah 8021 Fallerton 9,213 ; 2na dam, Macd Bell, 2.293, by Hambletonian 5 beg, eee eee ae a 7, all thoroughbred. Pure Gold has hobbles. A list of some of his races aoe wo to insure ist dam Pocan by Young Fullerton by Pocahontas , by Pocahontas Boy 1790. Dam of Pure Gold 2. oe wed 5, on. He has hielo e a site of extreme salty Service too $12.00, DR, POLLIS--The dappled wey imported Pacheco, will also stand Listowel, Ontario: Service fee for service with w. Cc. KIDD, Lin Limited, and the 7 Agriculteral Paper of * Listowel Standard eh For $1.50 __ 'Tem Caazean Fsnat, publiabed in Toroato, is the National! of the Deminion. The work and PLIFGLELFIPLIAPLPD SICCrseerrr | ee eee on naam ewe KEEP POSTED ON FARM NEWS The Canadian F arm |New Supply of Kodaks . and Kodak Supplies. JT. Ss. GEE. -- HOMESEEKERS' ___ EXCURSIONS WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES Listowel Sash and Door Factory." BAMFORD BROS- - SASH, DUOR FRAMES, \ BLINDS, a | ic tn order. taal in the bui- "Hess chase Werkaunshisy guceeneed, Charges Moderate. Bamicrd Bros, Sole agent for the Edison Phonographs amiton Watches. J. GABE WATCH Display Window Photograph, SEPIA ANGELO PLATINUM. The Latest tn the Minute. LATEST MOULDINGS in the picture framing department. C..A, per | eu above * First and Clam Coaches, and Tourist to narest, OF. Ageht or write Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ASK FOR HOWESEERERS' PAMPHLET ; TE] J. LIVINGSTONE, Jr. - Town Agent. In Our New Prem $55 - , Listowel} § CKIDD & SON One Door East of Post Office' where they intend keeping Only the Choicest Meats. Our s stock will be found the lar-. includ- gest and best in me and i ing everything in the line of promptly fl to any part of town. &. L. KIDD & § oie aly