Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 29 Jul 1910, p. 1

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ee. Se Pot o=_you PAY cass HE RE. Another. Sale STARTS . FRIDAY -- GRAY;.. BERNIE & th, LEISTOWEL'S LOW PRICE MAKERS: now atrivi LSUMMER GOODS sf and will be cleared fo make room for new fall S yards bestiquality English Print, sold every- where for'123¢ agid> 1 4c, ° A very low price, have first choice 'We cleared this lot at a at only per yd 000 yards hhea¥ycGanadian Print, wide width, a ed attOonlys> «heres eess WE paces, s Gi "~~ good patterns, sore SHIRT. "WAIST er r 500 Beautiful. Walsts to € $1 oo'Waists for... .-¥:.. 1 go and $1 50 Waists for... ams, a 200 and 225 Waists for.. 300 and 350 Waists for. 4 oo Waists {60 med we bia fast All White wear at clearing prices. ings at clearing prices.. All Repps, Linens, Rajal Cloth, specialgloth, have" your: choice while they last colors and $ .79 all-Summer Goods clearing at very low prices. Men's Ties, all our best 25c line, for Men's Ties, all our-best 50c line, for 128 only MEN'S DRESS COAT SHIRTS, The cele- Regal make, sold everyw nere for $1 and pho .25, not less, brated for this sale only GGc. This is a snap. ker, quality Corn Starch 4 for 25§¢, Rants them. Extracts, 4 foie 250° d Aynatccs 2 fors r5¢. Canned Corn 2 fog 1; xy os Summer Suit- Bic Tie 10c summ rates Vietwria, Seattle 'and alt points. lho '4 Li ticket agent C 'P. R. cs = " this, ands venir Lead Pencil of the. " SH PEOEH FFF6444444 6664444664 'LISTOWEL BAZAAR NEWS | Listowel Business College Fall Term Opens Tues. Sept. 5. EDWIN G. MATTHEWS. ¢ PRINCIPAL, LISTOWEL. ONT. JUST RECEIVED yume dire< one of the largest t from 'Importation of Fine China European Potteries, ei VO DBdOVsE BD SSCAEDVS DOR. F. J, R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ont House Surgeon New Yo and Aural ja 1904-5, Throat "Voontts tal, ' Spoon Trays each 25¢ Cake Plates. inch. «Cups and Saucers each 38 Frum Dishes, 10 inch Sugar (cream Sets a5¢ Biscuit Jars Se a Trays 50c and Moorefield's -- Noy 14, from 8 8.30 to 11.30 a m. at Special Values Prises rangre A Variety of Beautiful Imported Cake Plates from §5c. to $1.58. MiSs aLee as HAWKINS Honor wcatheate a --_-- ~ oO was a « Call and inspect these Dainty Goods ately convinced of the saving made x You will be immed- by our direct import system. towel, or at th ceive 'careful atte: ack. Phone No. 106. Goods De'ivered t an. part of the town, T.J. McDOWELL, . D.S.L.D.S. DENTIS POFFO FFFES ODE EF FEDO FEF HE EF HOF HF FHF FFE EFEFSELO4 6060 VISIT LONDON'S EXHIBITION. * Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and all y Wed. REID, President... 4 . : ' 1 Coll Dental Sur- | Intter's jewellery store, and will con- ¥ JOHN L. SCOTT 1 rer resume tee te te a na" es er a ae 7 e : . se 1 cael ° Canp or THANER--Mr. Aaron Ring. | wheat and barle what : Office over Schinbein's Store, same | ler, on behalf of Mrs. Ringler' and the] more difficult, and giving the hay that t PEPE EFOSC HOF PH entrance as, Mu a Canhew, J. E. | other relatives cgi Jobn --_ war 08 pre ® regular reg mg erhi " desires to thank citi- m the storms in = --anama rane---emn a -- -- sens for their hindiboss and sympsthy | not material. Corn was badly imnocked Cerdeeedee Ro-afecie-dfe-cfedfos! eeerrerrerrrr.: and for their attendance 'at 'the funeral -- ant - oats LA one pion were & on the 19th instant. tened, t m o e grain is up again, and as th &e Mrs. J. J. Stewart left on Saturday | giready filling out well they will not estern Fair $!$2500 j:Sike Neg) Sees ows, 'ore v »| magnificent of all kinds, if would bs \ whens Mr, ad Bia, Eseries will ony be a great pity to have them destroyed LONDON, CANADA, é SALAR f Hee OP ch her tho good Chime of | or impaired by storms. many friends here, who are sorry to A PRopicious pein --The balk September 9 to 17, 1910. $$ se rrrinciat manager nom, gts 7 oy BL? a Santen | = €o eo per week, and Mr. and Mrs, A. Foerch, who were] excellent one, ensuring p fodder & was a B catled from f, Mich.. , =n for farm for the ee winter. $25,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions. |f SaTpmulstiny oneo 8] A Som. dashes Ua cle Crone | heen parle. cutting Se nom oy OPEN TO ALL, Sb siairee terre tas, §] trash and armen | ae Th al that wach Ue The Great Live Stock Exhibition. or aiff took piace -ou y 't aoe ioe. bah ts quaciiige of --_----_____--_--_ -- Sia eo The - difference betw Pairview cemetery. in foliness of head that has SPEED EVENTS | DOG SHOW | | ATHLETIC DAY & big men and the little men, the oldest' reaideit "aa eane around here since wheat EVERY DAY CAT SHOW DAY successful men afd the - Possibly the. in' the} vowing was the principal prodact of the is &e cessful--is only & tifference of eeny Bed Sige this 06 Las been done the training. ve orm on "the home] =m. Where cutting > Music by the ist Highlanders and 7th FuSiliers $|8. ci'thousands of tntle men into § Jot his von "Donald in. Biibank in 'is | Sooke stand so Shickly together thet the _-- PS biemen son of the late High Jack. "Mr. | aoiod with the sight. 'That the threalr- BRTTER THAN EVER t ee MISS IT | ucH monn -& You may _ study partly st @ | snd came to Canade it: 4863, settling on dag. wilshow 2 reterd yield 1s almost © Keene band nish at ; hie. 7th Mishoae « certain. Barley also promises s good Reduced Rates Over All Roads. /§ = reeidal oyee sect "> ) ne slong splendidly and unless dam. 4 23 "| aged ir Seeate te ng oe co : id: } ¢ 7 information from A. M. HUNT, Secretary. CanaBIax PAciFic RAUWAY- Cheap ~ pat, fe ry ee fue ul ate i Bp HE a ifealt rset School exeursion to Sou : pton will take place.oh Monday next, "Railway Coepeny, -- the op purchase m ta' Association bas is Gecided to rand work for the by-laws. Exéunsion 10 Sourzaurro Ns fro: ig $1.15 for adults and 60c. for children over under 12 years. The train will leave Listowel at 7.45 a.m., reach- "ing Sou rae Fh 5 iat : évening, ra 20th. he Bettis is iver © ait ty £6 sek, Meta ged Hose Mr. and Mrs. J.J rE The: Central stables. improv is bri modious stables Mids np to date. A meeting of the farmers surround- ing Milverton interested in the estab- lishment of a butter or cheese factory at or near Milverton will be held in Mil. verton on Saturday evening, July 80th. A garden party will be held op the lawn of ot Mr. H. Richimoad, lot 2, oon. 11, Elma, on Wednesday evening, Aug. 8rd, in connection with the Union Church S. 8. and Epworth League. Admission 25 and Alt welcome. Mr. Thos. Bedfard of Bloomingdale was in town on with a view to Starting a butchering business here. He will likely open 8 meat store in the premises formerly occupied by Mr Laak brook, Main street east. Mr. James Rogers. has removed his merchant tailoring basiness to his new store which he recently purchased fro Mr. J. H. Gunther, one door west.of oi ; 'to take in th s excursion an: « }tbe lsy gitL 'lakeside. A bi in time: to furnish ® special ooupmnifies in cha ca invite ar put in type we ; station agent, has a catalogue contains a fall outline of various branches of commercial pea si tauyht in the college, with the ercjal pal If tnterented write Mr. Matthews and he val be lad bs one you a catalogue. G. T. R. Stame Stitt On.--No ma- terial change has yet taken place in the strike situation on the Grand Tronk Railway. Most of the passenger trains have resumed ronning; -but are largely mann inexperienced crews, which is proving not very satisfactory from the travelling public's point of | view, and passenger travel on the road is being curtailed to a min traffic is"us yet practically s' and this is hitting as well minimum. Freight uspended, made the line, much 'of which is being driven in for some distance. The effort which e on bebalf of the men te reach a settlement by means of arbitra- tion hes s0 proved unsuccessful, President. Hays doclining to arbitrate or make any compromise witb the ae of } od that the management will be able to arrange a number of games during the coming weeks, usic, which they are enjoying will no doubt give -- a pleasaut out- ing. Messrs. Harry and Ed. Roos, Ross ------ Lawronos Arnold, George ervyn Grills, Will Zilliax, Wednesda, of young ladies from town were guests of the campers. SuNDAY's STormM.--This section, as well ag other parts of Western Ontario, was visited on Sunday evening last by a violent rain and wind storm, accom panied by much thunder and lightning. The streets, gardens and fields were flooded with water, and the beaten down. It was E Les i, E : it opinion is . becoming sro fia comphuy for, taking roel z nd; andiail, possible infl ovi sto bear. with 'a which. ie. soe a soe ives Fanaaes More? Fire met in the agricul- all present bat Mr. Stevenson. count of $25 from the Bee for printing was ordered to be paid. Applications for insurance were accepted, 50 in nam- ber, amounting to $186,400. The meet- ing adjourned till Tuesday the 16th time an Angnst, to meet at the same ¥ | place. tee CARTHAGE. Haying is all completed and fall = cat, which is a pretty fair crop this ity. Barley is good, but oats will be light. The showery weath. er is greatly improving the corn and root crop. Mrs, Levi Watson, who has been somewhat indisposed, improving slowly. The cheese for the first half of July was shipped last week at 103c a pound. Miss Kati lean Robb of eal is visiting friends in this vicin Mrs. Moore of raniray a visiting friends here. Rev. Mr. Crawl occupied the pulpit in North Mornington last Sunday and preached two very able sermons Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Burns spent Sunday at Mr. Rubt. Johnston's. TRALEE. Haying being over and most of the wheat cut, farmers rca the rain to work their summer fallow Miss Florence Mackey of Toronto is viagge under the parental roof. and Mrs. Joseph McLanghlin en- tertained a large number of friends in honor of Miss M. McDonald last Thurs- day evening. All report an enjoyable time. iss Florence Gocndliy of ae last Sunday. Mr, Alex, Wood and Mr. Will, Burnett the Standard excursion to Tor- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Hugh Wright. Z ---- Rev. W. J. agg formerly of St. Andrew's Church, q street, Tor onto, was dangerously injeveakie a Gre in a hotel in Belfast, Ireland. AUCTION og be TOWN PRO- Qn, Saturday, July 30th, th tate will 'offer fo for section ta around brash p stumps, now oon contact with wild other pee a wild homeward -- a" carrying the hard earded sft We regret to report the ih John Alexander, but-hopa #9 speedy recovery, TUBE TUNNEL 7: 19 nethorr 4 es Windsor, July 96 The ., is ; i<" Pai 2 : ger train to pass eee pore Dotroit River tusnel: & os Detroit side. & wonderfal tubes | ion of Canada wi this point. The troit River-wag electric ¢ the change. tion give special cash prizes of ${0wach for best Heavy Dranght Stallion and The Clydesdale best Heavy Draught Mare. The King Edward gives two $100 cups for best lady's turnout an gentleman's And there are dozens of VINEGAR TALKS BY THE WILSOH 3° LYTLE BADGEROW CO., TORONTO. =} (The largest Vinegar Works in America.) ---o~ Talk Mo. 5, Cleanlingss of me, | Wilson's White Wine Vinegar is mada? frovn spirits distilled from grain. It 2 ee made in generators of oak se | sweet and clean It is afterw stored and aged in immense tanks m of cypress wood, when being sen out for use is contained in oak barrels that have previously been thoroughly cleansed and steamed. Al! this insures absolute cleanliness right from the grain a in the field to the grocer from whom 79" you buy your vinegar. We know thi' will appeal forcibly to vinegar cons For the abuve reasons White Wino vist egar is always x. el tains more or promiscuoualy. WILSON'S White Wine. gther. * The following grocers in Listowel always have WILSON'S viregars stock: Grey, Bernie & Co., Walter Browy k. A. Climie. Richard Scott Cowan of Palmerston' was committed for tris] charted with'. abducting his own child from its mé- ther's custody. Thomas Oollins, @ @ Toronto youth, was committed for aid-. ing Cowan. es Four or five West Toronto tein were hurt in a collision near Ind River. Two engines and seven ony were smashed. Count De Leeseps left Montreal ary New York Wednesday night. During the-day be made a aun, Poet high flight in Le Scarabeo. : Canada will be represonted by a Cab- m inet Minister at the opening of the nrst® 3 Parliament' of United South Atrics | November next. « 4 a * * omy The second reading of the pelea ing the ay accossion passed the House of se ee A workman op the National' "Trans conticental Railway west of La Taqua ial ES eS Se ae r: An explosion age evel' dine were killed, and seri ely

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