'is greatly valued" by con- irs, The cod-liver oll of Iidhood days need not be d by children of the treet fon. il ag @ food medicine. ~GET THE BEST AT "A. HAGKING'S. stowelStandard "FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1910. "JUST AS GOOD" AS CANADA _ REY WARNS BRITISH INVESTORS, --I-- ' hose Who Get This Dominion as a Partner Will Have Best Dance of "Their Lives, Coxertne-Shanersl Says. 0 ndon, July 15th. ih -- Head Grey was fertained at Liverpool on the eve of oridag on the steamer Empress of titain, en route to Montreal, to resume po of Governor-General. said that during his stay in Eng- the had found Canada was certainly % the ' "belle of the ball." Everybody was pxious to dance with her, but he had arned the seekers to mind that they ae with the right partner. ada was so prosperous that it was bite possible that niall would try to impersonate her ; Thorefore, it was desirable for any- =. 'body making an investment in the Over- . seas dominions to make sure they were 'a not dancing wit! an impostor. If they get Canada as a partner they would have the best dance of their lives. ea OUR $1,000,000 MUSEUM, ---o Condition of Building at Ottawa Causes Much Comment. -o-- Ottawa, July 14.---There is a serious i condition at the new million-dollar mu- Se. seum which the Government are erect a ing at Ottawa. The fact that two erscks appear in the interior of the walls from the main floor tothe very top hi&s caused a great deal of discussion =~. among local builders and architects as Be to whether or not this state of aon Leceaeill prove sétious. The cracks "jast where the main tower cueteeale * with the other section of the buiding. They are the result of the tower section settling faster or farther than the re- mainder of the structure, Tho cracks show through the plastering, and while there are evidences that they were once filled up in places, they have again op- ened out. Chief Government Architect Ewart claims that no serious results will fol- low this settling. Al) buildings settle a little, be said, and the cracks had not changed for some time, indicating that the settling had ceased. . FARMERS DO NOT COOL CHEESE 4 MILK PROPERLY, -- oe "1 Cheese Makers Cannot Get Bost Re- suits. a Brockville, July 15.--Tho prolonged hot spell has not only lessened the ""apntity of cheese made throughout & "this section, owing to the depletion of We pasturage, but the quality of the ele bas given rise to complaint on the part of the buyers. The latter 'feature was emphasized at the meeting of the Brockville Board this week, at which the usual buyers were present, bole a bandful of salesmen. It whs Lthat the cheese going into Mont- of aninferior quality. One bayer who had travelled the country ex- psively, remarked that he had never fen a poorer class of goods in his ex- erience. The fault does pot lie with Rhe makers, it is said. They are being ndicapped by the patrons not taking iroper care of their milk before it is de- vered to the factories. There isa gen- oa disregard of the cooling process is so essential in extremely hot favather such as the present. St-was remarked that it behooved Cl Instructor Publow to send ° his # instructorn among the farmers upon _ them the no of the An old maker said Dised the difficulty of turning out he article with milk which had not aged handled. His sympath- ¢ days were undoubtedly with praia Man on Torontd Street lway Conciliation Board. 4 ------- Pure Olive Oi! is agreeable to} Winni @ taste and is supplanting cod- ber 3 ES j fibril tf Li , which osbled that-pricee were .24~to 2id higher in En and Winn immedi went up te $1.10. Minneapolis, after sLape Prices as high ha seen here since the bull att of 1905, pare John W. Gates was an operator in rg on a large scale. was $1.15], ose September was paeaber 41. $1.14} and July $1.22. BOY IS FOUND, --E Wallace McBain is Returning From the Life of the City to His Home in Atwood, _o-- . Mr. McBain of Atwood returned Sat- urday morning from Toronto with Mast- er Wallace in tow. Wallace is the boy who recently drew his bank roll and ad cam from home. The father follow- ed through Guelph to Toronto, where the runaway was located. He is going home a wiser and a sadder boy. When found, Wallace was at that stage where the free untrammelled life begins to pall a little. He ap willing to exchange the freedom of a big city for the security of his own bed- room at home. The desire to roam had parted and left in its placo a keen sense of the comforts of home.--Guoelph Mer- cury. WALPER HOUSE SOLD, Premier Berlin Hostelry sane Hands for Btoil 388 Berlin, July 16. The Walper House was yesterday sold under the hammer for $87,388. The successful bid was for $34,500, in addition to a $47,888 mort- gage held by the Confederation Life Association. The purchaser wi m. Roos, of Randall & Roos, though it is ra- mored that he bonght for Mr. Zuber. Mr. H. L. Fish of Buffalo was alsoa dder. CRUSHED UNDER ELEVATOR" --o-- Joseph Smith, Aged 12, Lost His Life at Stratford when Cable Broke, Stratford, July a Smith, aged 12%, Matilda street, was thrown from the elevator be was operating at the Corcoran tea works at six o'clock to- night, when the cable broke, the heavy car descending on top of him and crash- ing him to death. An inquest will be held at 11 o'clock in the morning at the police court. GALT TRIES OILING TO KEEP DUST DOWN. sacle Galt, July 15.--Yesterday Main street in the business section of the town, was scraped and cleanei, and during the night the-street was oiled to give ita test. The board of works have had this matter under hand for some time, and it looks like a great success. The street looks cleaner, and the merchants are delighted with the new system of keeping tho dust down. Too Hoarse to Speak. Aon American Doctor Tells of the Grand Results Achieved With Ne rvi iline. "T bad a patient t with Quinsy that I found great difficulty in curing," states Dr. Wilson. "Every time he caught cold or got chilled he suffered intensely from sore throat, buskiness, throat and chest soreness, After every attack his throat and chest seemed more sensitive. This patient lived in the country and couldn't come to the city for treatment. RV NERVILINE a th t i iment, because ts QUINSY. : an pel with water it was used asa g: wa day or two "7, t F y vr» Male iow y treatment with Norris he was cured. I Gan recommen erviline for break- ing up colds, for chest tightness, throat inflammation, quinsy, tonsilitis and sim- "*| ilar conditions. Not a druggist dootor who has ex- amined the formula of Nerviline who £ : g stpettyy aH f t i the goes who drops into the Nationa Club, o Rideau « oa ee Manitoba, mmoles. a cigar and di urses upon agaries of Sentlere, or Legate in cregedian whirling in the rapide; laughed jocun at the hard culled corn and ta > commenting o such luxuries as peas ntertain- port. venison haunches, beavers - mican, and tongues of uffalo. How they regaled the wondering stranger, these hyde agg with the rad the wood! toasts-- e the minimum, a rule of the club; the tinkling of the ea mingles the suave tones of the master; and the gay compan the lilting --e, " ae guerre, ad "Ala Give Fon- No 'club to-day in the Dominion was te st was unique; the prospective mem- had to,furnish proof that his trav- = had included an itinerary thro of the members exp at ae 2 oe heat for admittance was in its history, the aenvere MS. confined the waiting-list - to those who had mounted the various grades in the service of ee > The rag and the Dean. Dr. Jacob Gould Schurman, --_ pa dent of Cornell University, w re- that institution of learti ing at Prof. Goldwin Smith's funeral the ome aay. : a a of fine aesthetic,| is a full wo as one day with colleges when thé -- ho the lib- rary began g. Pica +" said he, 'the music of se chimes is so beautiful that it eee sets me dreaming of the past. My boyhood daye--" "e t do you say?' interrupted the venerable Dean. "I say the chimes are very, very They make me. think---- beautiful yelled the dignified Dean Vhat?" oeeThe chimes----the chimes----how beautiful----- "Speak louder !"" cried the Dean you for An Usexpected Retor Retort. wes Baxter, a teading lawyer of one Eastern vi weight an * yeiising tacties. The er, was no sss to be ange oS a eo t of hia ques- Ba 'My éd friend need ia he said with a reassuring smile. wy 4 client is a Tew and never eats pork _ The Inevitable. Malady. abaly pride in being "the last of the Victorians an a year ago a youthful Mieiend approsched him and asked licitousl after his health. Dr. Smith smi with that ntleness which always characterized im. "There is qutiing the the uae with me at ae ": Be n he added oughta *Not pe the eeereble ¢ discisn of ing thr 'i ur: a _- HAVE A GOOD COMPLEXION. Raabe the Northwest. --* the unanimity |_ ressed 2, iy lady whois { wer of the 0 I fond. of ding-supper «at the bri Such a 5 1A the sh and roast roast dog were set bef season--poun rease, bear fat and die-mest, 4 ous andweiing. i "If you. look ret said the ominons acquaintance, 'Zou .¥ will 'see the handvriting of the wall." ~ "The ds he cares to, Ip the shape of ere are many oO "--Woman's Home **A twas a port a rig Ore as, Sing gether .it. wam-the real ciety functions." Bing n-20 | and ------ my oe wn children oo >< POooos ©, Mm no Cote es \? ° o, ee ° be oo, wr ror you raise, LEOODOCOOESOEE 5 No 4 Sea! holdisgg The G. P. BR. Calgary and Edmonton and stretching from the Saskatchewan boundary to the foothil SEVERAL MILLION Of the Choicest Land i in Alberta. W C. P. Ro. Phis is the distric others whovare looking . for in suceession, and it cae he ae p to bring his trunk +: guest eats as moch of a variety of fh" Another ino boasts of a special dish . 'Southdown mutton, This is wheeled up to the table in om 4.det that each individual may ; the particular cut to which be fs par- {Gal The mutton' ts kept warm by qnans ot water 6 heated oy so e lamp. ' ss Aeiatine of the "dr edhe of magazine was ily ! >*But why worry? Don't you know ey-Crippen, ie call wicket in England mitrder of wife, |. is said to have arrived in' Mon treal on the steamer Megantic, i 'The contitined Gry weather is discour Aging the grain men of the west, and balf & crop over the w. one gemtry is about | all they look for now. Eleven persons were killed in a train wreck bear Melbourne,' A Australia. The Merona Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario meets in Belle- ville this week, HAVE YOU UGLY WARTS ? re thi th Putnam Corn he Wart ieee Pitty vers rm success 1 renee of its ware of substitu other magazines to AES Innocent Girl. which you can send them?" wer know, but papa is such @ cinch!" Companion. - Iways Good to Theatricals." "Mme. Tetrazzini tells an amusing may come to. a ord ininaca aes Weil Employed There are) Sppertannios Does bave good security, and who are willing to pay Lames interest ~ fer acco Serie Gr oy EF Becete "| JOHN COLLINS = - Fall Term Opens oy 99. pty The practical train @ pl to positions. Three departmen Commercial, a and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue. $ D. A. McLACHLAN, ¢ Principal De VVCCTSE BOTA | The Famous Standard Bred Sire RED WILKES dr. 974 This beautiful bay carriage horse will stand during the season of 1910 ae the Queen's Hotel Stables, Listowel. ca FERES Jr. is of the sume stra caanned Oliver Wilkes and i is without * gouht one of the finest i ihe his great compatriot, has at a long line of -------- prose He took first prize at towel Spring Show in the class Rreeders and all wishing a horse of rare* squatice willdo well to consult the owner of Red Wilkes Jr. Proprietor. <a | N SS weuwuww The rich soil of Central Alberta is capable of rai from sixty to one hundred bushels of oats per acre, as well as all other kinds of grain, flax, ete., rain-fall to, produce large crops without irrigation. Lands in Central Alberta now offered for sale cover an immense territory lying between Is, and comprise ACRES 6454444644 4465646646566666+6666+666646 CENTRAL ALBERTA PRICE $10 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS With TEN YEARS to Pay in if Lands Are Settled Upon. Or ydy can pay down from $200 to $400 for a choice quarter section and pay the balance out of the crops fweucuwre is th the price advances ? auaphpenbernn: { é opportunity to secure specially t that the American settlers are pouring into the safest net investment take'advantage of this golden opportunity to secure a CPPS TT TT TTY selected land along the Wetaskiwin and Lacombe branches of thé - this year. Why not Ontario farmers and w selling at from $10 ta, $18 an acre will 'before lnk 'be worth from $20 to $25 an acre. This is . ho know. , --s ur pric about the CANA CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS in Central Alberta, also the = A, ST.GEO. HAWKINS, Agent: C. P. R. sing from twenty to forty bushels of wheat per 'acre, and Listowel, Ont. : ( , +, ~ eo e ¢ (we Xe) 2 '2 oe, \2 + ool ? +4, '7 ° >, 2, ¢ o4, MARAE there being ample Lands,