@hebaetged eet na weeds Oe Eee ee 3 Pan . Re Bis! Sis cit et, ET) nated 54 wei! "i lad Walter Bros. 4 Special. Clearing Sale of all Summer Goods. if eee. ae he This will be a Great Bargain Carnival. DON'T MISS IT. «J pass |S 9 You will find tablés down.the centre of the store filted- 3 MET eTHODIST CHURCE. Pa a with Muslins worth 12 1-20 to 35ca yd, sale price 7-20. | Bev RD. Haunzpr, Pastor. | ; j "Sunday, hg Aisng 24th, 1910. 3 ag yards Print.:.........cecceseee coecee $100 2 | 110 Morning Service. bs GE 25 Cottonades, per yd......e02 eeeeeseees 019 é LOR = eres oeeves, . 1 & 9g @.-Be'and-toc Laces and Jnsertions......-++... +05 s ¥ tit se 2 _ CG ifidren's- Fancy Parasols ...icsccveee vowr 219 F ices "GOSPEL "SERVICES. ° wb) sf . - ©" Badies' Fancy Parasols.e---.....cseeeves-s «98 } In Hall over Miss Schaefer's Pot 2 ;, oar 25c ribbed Hosiery, all sizes..+..... seeees 19. wore every Sanday eight TSE, Res aga: ee, Bath and Linen Towelgmper ald ie ia (25 pe - ay ee " 7§¢ Straw Hats for'children ....¢..ce4 cece 025 t pees 20 pieces Rock Fast Dell | DEC Yat. veces wor eth 4 ! be -z5c Shirts, altsizégey....... . -49 } - % $10 Suits in tight tweed, splendid value... <2 6 75) 7 font bet P 20 Suits, fancy worsted... ceecesecseeee' 16-50 - eagh-. pe Boys' Suits as low aS.aees cece cease cs cesees 200° ra ww "ines & iy in Ladies' $5 Skirts ene Tr «+. 398° "Wipes ie pr ye Me «Sr 25 Silk, 1 yard wide .... 79 ee 2 ee All Dress Goods and Silks ata Great Diseount & | 8: Pe : $1 40 Floor Rugs, sale price ..+..+ -sas 100 a4 L Wilson, | = an: 75 Floor Rugs, sale"price ...... woe 1:25 f . ! 3x3% Tapestry Squares, regular $15....... 1100 + wad : $1 25 Lace Curtains to clear ..... wee. -98 aif te 2 50 Lace Curtains to clear ...... cose 198 t 2 seney |: ¥ ; soc Lace Curtains to clear .ess asesese 20 hid eee 5. boing, f 35¢ Vesting, White, pale blue or pink stripe,yd .22 Z Bere pty a ~ es Ladies' Polka Dot Hosiery all aurora on sale .25 @& | be seen at S. Bricker's E : ms Wash Belts on Sale each. , 55 B |. canspuié Pacsno Eanwar.--Cheeb - ' | summer~return "ra Vancouver, | an &F; ; GROCERIES } | Vcr, "Ses and al Paste emt | 5 3 Boxes Gusto on sale........ 25¢ { fieket ot agent C. P. Pid ---- ther the Salmon 2 cans for .. ess. eeee 25¢ Pi For Sane. -- fod Fa couple 4oc Tea on salefor.. .. .s...5 25 4 ksoss ty eee oa withsgas oe Saag Come along and bring your produce. We ' muted foe a, i pay highest prices for Butter and Eggs, Cash or ce. : =, Trade. { ADOTION ap hi ee - THE W ITE STORE -- MAIN STRBET, | C. F. Vandricky.s oe <0 ' : { by panei anton for A lee 4 } LISTOWEL'S - ~» BARGAIN - CENTRE. ' others, Saturdey, . July >28rd, ° quantity ir furniture" and - house '3 : rcraniannnie hianentenmnigniared Sod cera thine sit . ACR a ee esr ry 2 a + it Rr ioe ' whee ese 2 "1S ecial' Bart ains | Se ° Pp f = bart Street, Stratford At oer the "vald Gieipe on weet side of FOR Tey tram 80th me | ed A Kite, ' Siegen Pics Clerks" ba on the 'won SATURDAY AND FOLLOWING WEEK MISS HELEN L. HAWKING | ete itis tad bm 'She will play off for Reelin next GRAY, BERNIE & CO., LISTOWEL'S LOW PRICE MAKERS. YOU PAY LESS HERE. tT. ee = 1000 yards best quality 124c Print, sold by a number of dealers this season fur 14c and 15§¢, for bargain days, your choice only .seeeeseee 50 pieces b: st 25¢ quality Japanese Silk, all colors, for our birgain days only...eeeee » 1o pieces wide Japanese Taffeta Silk, a good as- sortment of culors, for bargain days only . 100 Men's Ties, a good assortment, best 25¢ qui ity, for bargain days only.. . ee sedozen Men's Dress Shirts to clear at sal. to dozen Men's Fancy Sox, all special value at 25¢ for bargain days only. 3 dozen Women's White 'Laws Shirt Wines, beautiful goods, for bargain days only . Parasols at Clearing Prices. All 50c lines 38c All 75c lines 59c All $1 00 lines 79c All $1, 50 lines 1 07 All $2 lines $1.59. , PEPE EEE EEEA FEE ELE FOOTE OF HF GROCERIES Canned Tomatoes only.. .8 Canned Corn Gnly....... 8 Corn Starch 4 for 25 Extracts, best quality 4 for .25 Golden West Baking Powder, 1 Jb size .10 Forest City as «15 conee COME AND :SEE US. GRAY, BERNIE & C0. + araduste, = sihnemars Hos- saat "hae , N. Y., is prepared to accept any case of nursi ord left at her residence, Bisma: ¢ street, Lis ~ towel, or at the Standard Office will re- ceive careful attention. "Phone No. 106. T.J.McDOWELL,D.D.S.L.D.S. DENTIST. -- Royal College Dental Sur- ras Detroit rd aaa of Medicine (Dental Departmen Office over Sebintein's Store, same tl - Vaction LE E. entrance as Mu' Terhune and Dr. > e Listowel Business College ef re-open for the fall term of 1910 on Tuesday, Sept. ~ ----V-- Beet @ ¢ ' ' =. 0: and nd fall particulars to E G. MATTHEWS, PRINCIPAL, LISTOWEL, ONT. § Sn, i / Dr, Ae POSITION VACANT" mon Nose and TT will be be ¥ Grand Central hotel, Hours - p.m. the me sister, Mrs. | sidering that the crop is su Thomas R. Alexander, Britton, during Jean: et a of Atwood, and Miss of Drayton, pupils of Miss ae gore Pan pees the recent S ee eniaations Bt parr: Salk situation is ATION WANTED wena ais matried couple who are 'ed | Sionists second only to the gréat cataract Mr. : the excursionists ample ras Paaeare Semen ee Gaane ens Wr. Cito , of Elmira, children and s hotel on her hands, she and in ceased. Mr. Zilliax also igo fore véry desirable that it should be brought to an end at the earliest possible moment, A PLEASANT Excursion.--The Stan- dard's excursion to Toronto and Niagara week attracted a good number of pleas- ure seekers, and which no doubt would have been considerabiy augmented but for the busy time in the magine. Oon dant one, the farme gore their help a quite justified in heeding the call duty. Fine weather favored the ex- cnrelesiste _and all who took it in itself in point of attraction. Returning regular train the following day gave time to take in some of the sitesof Toronto. The Stan- mee eore excursionists for their patronage and is pleased that it afforded Dees ko enjoyable a cullaay TRALEE. Quite a number todk in the Standard excursion to N Tho farmers have finished haying in our ity. Miss ene t MacDonald and Miss Clara McLaughlin have returned home after spetding a week with fri in along very rapidly. TWO DROWN _Al _AT WIARTON. Wiarton, Ont., "Joly 20.--A._ double accident t occurred at Ool tite fe iit F) mee Fails on Monday and Tuesday this} triands fr at the faneral, poy. Mr. and Mrs. | in few days of their mother's illness soa death. Thoy also accompanied the thains to Listowel, which were tcongith here on Tuesday, the funeral taking place from the residence of Mr. John Chris, Zilliax and Miss Gertie, also Mra. Clark Smith, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zilliax, Elmiia; Mr. Chas. Wil- an abun. son, Qu Appelle ee and Mrs. John Mo- J. M. Wilson, Stratford, lac! Black o! , H. Ford of Christ Charch conducted the funeral services, Mr. Zilliax and family desire to thank the citizens and friends for their expressions of sympathy and the mercharts of the town "ig closing their stores during the funera MB. LEWIS BOLTON, The death of Mr, Lewis Bolton, Dom- inion Land Sorveyor, which occurred on Monday afternoon, July 18th, was al- together unexpected our citizens, many of whom knew of his illness, but were quite unaware that his condi- tion was critical. The community was naturally shocked 'at the news of his € alas his health and brought on kidney trouble, from which he had since suffer- ed and w hastened the end. The re - MRS, Tho deat of Mes: Zilling, wito of Me. poourréd 'at fe z 3 i ir ; H BE RErE Ee i | MES. ISABELLA ARMSTRONG. and wife, settling in Chingusoonsy, Peel county. In 1845 she was marri Joseph Armstrong at Brampton, and shortly after came to Wellesley, where Mr. Armstrong engaged at his trade'as _ blacksmith, subsequently removing to Morkton and later to Elmwood, where he died twenty-four years ago. past six years the had been living with her danghter in town. Ofa family of fourteen children, four sons and three daughters survive, namely, i George, Cosgrove, Peotone, Ll, es these; is survived by two 'bis- THE LATE JOHN rtranon vy To live so far beyond the allotted span as to attain his ninety-first. year is the privilege of but few. On Satur, day, July 16th, Mr. John Hitzroth pasi- ed away at almost ninety.one years, his death taking place at the resideuce of ago they emigrated to in Waterloo township, aaa there - two years, after which they moved South Easthope, and from there to North Easthope, finally, five years ago,. coming to Listowel to reside with t! About a = ago, Mrs. Hi in her8 died, and her George Zinn, Nortk r. Aaron Ringler, town, nod Mr. John Doer, North Easthope. There were 29 grand-: Sige The late Mr. Hitzroth waa a maw quiet habits, and bese he pike vd iv interest in time and talents to his 'home pe rather than to public Jife. In po he was a ----. he was also. life-long member of the German Luthy an Church, ay striving to exemp by his life and conduct the teaching 7 his Master. The funeral took places Tuesday afternoon to Fairview. Cai tery and was weil attended. Se was held in the Lutheran Church. MRS, F. A. SEWELL. On Wednesday morning, ay Mrs. Sewell, wife of Mr. F. Se por very suddenly. She affered from premature tory after rising Pte. Steele of Guclph was second, ia Silver Oross and oollen | +1,¢ Grand Aggregate at Bisley, winalng the Two daughters of | were drowned at Hanley, or, aes bathing 7 WHEN PLANNING "Your For the - - children and 'Bfteen great grand-child.« , confinem: #, but was creel to raderrame satisfac- On Saturdsy morning, July 16th, oho» Armstrong, relict of the ~~