co aie it For the S00, on 'Arthut, ° William, ma for Winnipeg, and Japan. ae For berths and tickets call Ont J ~. J. LIVINGSTONE," Town Agent cP P, R, ? J, W. Scott & Son, - BANKERS, ESTABLISHED 1872. Goveral Banking Buziness transected, ; DRAFT8 BOUGHT and SOLD, | tes Payable ia all parts of the DOMINION, _ UNITED STATES and CREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. slowed. -- fe amount - ivate funds to lend ty at current rates, privilege of rpc annually, "Mariage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Searr & Son, Listowel. CARTRAGE, Doing road work is the order of the day in pt tg nak Rey. J. W. Cameron of North Mofn- ington Gea delivered his farewell sermon last Sunday pnorning to one of the largest congregations ever assembled in the church. Friends were present from Atwood, Listowel, Millbank and Milverton. Mr. Cameron was inducted into bis new charge at Carluke on Thuréday, June 80th, where the best wishes of a large namber of friends in this vicinity accompany him and hi family in their pew home Mr. R. Johnston had the misfortune to losé a valuable horse last wee r. J. Moore of Listowel was a visitor in our burg last Sunday. A number of our young people attend- ed tho garder party at Trinity last Fri day night. Miss Laura W _ spent Sunday with Miss M. Johnsto The first half of Tone make of cheese was micas from the factory bere last week Mrs. T. Martin and Mrs. E. Simpson of New York are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr S. Patterson of Toronto bas re- turned home after a visit in this vicinity. A large namber of oor citizens will at- tend the races in Listowel on Thursday avd Friday of this week aicourets, 'Chins Confederation Bo ga, men are "hire ber. Confederation that it mw hard to realize that only' set men remain to- d. f statesmen who 1 Cc to pas -& politician needed: to be a man of mature age and high im the counsels Pe ba sate in Fant be: fore he- was pact the big work and that, i pt forty-three rs, would federation" an wer ay. Tu Stchibatd perana a nd they are men of whom the Dominion is jastly SIR CHARLES TUPPER. prom and it h as 'heen given them o live to see their work appreciated. "gir Charles Tupper is a Hows 8co- tian of an ancient maritime family. fis ancestors emigrated to ---- in 1635, and landed at Sangus (n Lynn), Massachusetts. His S. on July 2, 1821, and he is reported as saying in later years that as soon as he attended to the Dominion's birthday it was hie cus- tom to go out and attend to his own: His gooey | was ever first. ae at Petion, emt, taking up medici ed om diab University 86. Returning to his native coun commenced the mractica of medicin but twelve years later his life Tong yearning to go into public affairs an opportunity to 'satisfy itself and On Sunday, July 10th, at lia. m., Rey. Mr. Elford wiil preach to the be tte ed: assembly as mem- Orangemen of Carthage LL, 0, L.. No 641. The Orangemen will meet at the Educates the Party. Orange hall at 10.80 and proceed to the n the House were not pro- Methodist church, where the sermon will pours pedis for him, and fo be delivered. Something good is ex- foentarian as he was, he wis pected os Mr. Elford belongs to the Howed by his seniors i the Order. Visiting brethren will be made part e drew up & Gime von progr wuleowie: sive program, and in dme year he was made Proviricial Secretary. In 1864 --. he became Premier, having in the in- ELMA terval ne of the most promi- CounciL,-- Elma Council met on Sat- | et ct ony cosigta px ae igs urday 'Jane i+th, at Atwood, all the} threw himself into # heart and soul, mewbet® being present. Tenders were] and was present at all the confer- » coustroction of the John- ston drain, Luuis Longeway's tender at 1U$c. pur cubic yard and $140 for tile drain was accept! but he having re- fused to bind himself to complete the work within the time limited by the Conneil, Crowley & McDonsell were a warded the contract at $5,66i for the whole work. The Murray drain by-law as amended was passed, and tenders will be received fur same up to July 9th. Orders were issued for the payment of 6 number of accounts, an iss Council ad. journed until the 9th in VINEGAR TAIKS BY THE WILSON LYTLE BADGEROW CO., TORONTO.' (The latgest Vinegar Works in America) | --o Talk Mo. 1, Vinegar vs. Vinegar. "3 "= Some say ay inegar is only Vinegar 80 long as it is sour." What a serious mis- "dake 1 Vinegar may be "Good," "Bed" or "Worse." That only small psy is mo reason why we want to "are ~place on our tables for ourselves and | our A thé "bad" and the "worse." good" is a joy and delight. ple want the "best" and the best oly. Merchabts sometimes for extra profi ences, including the last one at West- Palace Hotel in London, Eng. upper ed to kecp his a it 'oloft Tad eventually came thro ying rs. He declined B. a iy 2 & cept for several diplomatic excursions, wa: with the end. He served for Canada after the death of Sir John a hs the Pre histo: fe) henete that Bir Charles has achieved, and the n merchant. and. ship-owner. n- Isha thet be entered pattie ber of the Island Assem' doth of the bag wick, 3; Quebeo, 8; The Hay Crop of Canada, 1909. The hay and clover crop of Canada last year amoun' to, 11,877,100 tons, and was estimated at = valus of $132,- uced about forty pinay price Alberta are eq pee, Ontario comes next wi: 1 tons, and New Brunswick last, 'ith 1.96 Clinching It. ~ ; AN ODE FOR THE CANADIAN CONFEDERACY. By Charles G. D. Roberts. _ ness y fate, } Though i mgt fear the keen Awake, my en aaa hour is t with chan Under the gloom ee hich yet ob- ures the land, From ice-blue strait and stern Lan- rentian range, To where giant o_ our western bounds *, A deep | i. stirs, * vibrating' men's ears, As if eis own hearts throbbed that thunder forth, a TEERPEEE a). 5 ii Pare mace i with "her visits to who hearkens is North whose heart of fire t knows not ite desire Awake, my country, te hour of dreams is done! confro -splendor wait; Tho' dreamers, rapt in starry vise sions, cry "Lo, yon thy future, yon thy _-- thy fame!' yw vain hands to stars, ae grow ill all the na Us all F} patriot ay heart and al to our native earth, our own Canadian land! . "ae garding the birt r orth your best blood this beri- What fields f pefios= What pti =f plenty those calm floods sup' ply! Shall not our love this ee sweet land make sure, " of nil et Tt | cossion bly, Ye Clearly, bat dreams, and murmurs} in the dream. i gonquin Park, Gatexpn Bay, Kawartha Lakes, ing And fain would i bid the morn ott! Sore) tes: ple that peat sre oun Ary, WHEN PLANNING YOUR SUMMER OvTING--Beat in mind that the Grand Trunk is the "populdr tourist route" to Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Temagami, Al. wan River, et. A variety of fresh wateg voyages are -- offered at uttractive --_ Fall infor mation feo, Grand - Tronk gg ar address eDéneld, Dist. Agent, Blea Ont. LOREE ate eon Wt 10th, ~ to M W. Loree, LISTOWEL ees * July 1 +a per bushel tenon v Sipncard. ed : pee : [ vis | the pn J. G. BENDER, 17 Ww = |LISTOWEL BAZAAR NEWS. Home Goods Variety Store. AT & CTS. EACH Large Salt and Pepper Shakers, Blown, Flint Tumblers. AT1O CTS. EACH RETURN TICKETS at SINGLE FARE. Between all stations in Canada, also Detroit and Port Huron, Mich'; Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y." Good Going June 30, July 1, Return Limit July qth, rgro. Northern. -Mavigation Co'y Grand Trunk Route, Saili of passenger steamers from forage nd or Soo, te "Arthar 'and and aS y> Pass. | Saturday 8 at 3.30 p,m. . Only the. Ee peiy and and Saturday steamers Dalo Saili from Colli Owes Sound 11. s Information from cig rela Agents or from the Compan, or Collingwood. . J. A. HACKING, Téwn ae A. M. SMITH, Depot Agent. + RUPTURED? : I can cure the worst ease of Rupturs: from in- fancy to old age, without operations or joss of time. Act at Ones aaa wwwvurw --_ =o rm --< ce = fwwuevreveseueee POPP PS OS OT SS OO POS Se eT eee Te Te Tee TTT eee Te ee ee eee Tee ee ee i Dept. Z, Stratford, Ont,' Name... On what side Riis. - Satisfaction -- oe septerses PROCS TV VEC eC CC MSC UCTS CCC Tee DOMINION. DAL 1 r with lake "Lecqueret" and, no wants a.coat of Colored bs las 3 owill vanish. Write for Sibiatoen i fr sae the the mauy wes of this household bea 2, a bouklet, - polled. of * Sethi tom ok better ask 'A, coat "Dainty" Decorator," and learn bean tifier. n ™Lacqucret." IN TERNATIONAL VARNISH co. MOTE.--'* LACQUERET " \s sold in full imperial measure packages only" For Sale by J. SEBURGER, Listowel Most Enjoyable Excursion of the Year ! table and fares : outing phe dae THIRD Listowel Standard ANNUAL EXCURSION Toronto and 'Niagara Falls. WILL TAKE PLAGE ON e NDAY, JULY 18," THE Canadian Pacific Railway "TO TORONTO, AND THE Niagara Navigation Co's. Magnificent Steamers and the Famous Gorge -- Electric Line Time. Leave Listowel 7.30 a. m. '* Tralee - 2.4 -** " Deering 7.50 * Linw 8.00 ' '* Wallenstein. 8.10. "' "ce mira 7 aes g. ae '* Weissenburg 8.85 " . -- ~>, 8.50 " - verton: t reg. a. m. "Millbank } ; Children over 6 and under 12 years, half fare. 'Arriving at Toronto Wharf at 10.45 a. m., connecting with the | Niayara Navigation Co.' s lla. m. Boat for Niagara Falls. Excursion: tiekets will be the net season of the year for a visit to erybody is invited to sate and enjoy the splendid summer this excursio no Secure Your Tickets Early at C. P. | a. Ticket Office, Listowel, and at" Any. of tho, Above Hamed 6. P. R. Stations, Aise at C. P, RB. Be at See. Guelph. TO THE FALLS. Excursion tickets will be issued at all stations, ioe to Guelph, also Milverton and Millbank, the following being the time To Toronto. To Miagara Falls. $2.05 $2. 2.05 2.25 2.05 2.20 2.00 2.20 1.85 2.15 1.80 2.15 1.55 2.05 1.30 2.00 2.05 2.25 2.05 2.20 good to return by any ":Miyular train 'up to Tuesday afternoon, July 19th, 1910, thus giving _- "A TWO DAYS' EXCURSION to. T venti and world-famed Niagara at. very low rates and at i to the Falls. Tenders 'will, be TENDERS WANTED. received by the m-|5 aright Bar. arday, aly 2nd, for | between x % ee 4 yu ay