on ht 'trous, but whole ops sre Te-| Northern my razed. Damage amount- rrig - Ing to. about $10,000 was done at are -virti Man., east of Winnipeg, | be ready: fc weeks; if aud big pes wer manner, cough" with pneumonia { _-- relief in the simple bee rea | \PRACTURE OF THE HIP. . EGGS POR NEXT WINTER. em 7 of the greatest misfortunes ee Booth & Montreal | SA eae x, ee niversity. t dan happen to @ healthy man Being Gathered Unt pone je Cold: storaee} hide "fined aa tte for ouffi s s Pee A despatch from North B Bee Ithica, N. Y., org who rae --ome three- eke who. wanted him to attend his] - lov" Winter ~ wheat Lig Ro ae Mir dye ae gaits ay: Unlivetsity will ree re ten without the sorrows murder of Percy Parkinso < r part of the esta d infirmities which the psalmist A despa ~ peers New P: R. has notified a in & fire VP 5 aie patents fo bel gia $3.50 to" AM, his: ores a chum yaa parte Pe sie who vas we ae predicted, is to fall and break | J¢Tsy, Says: Forty-five million eggs| trainmenthat it has accepted t © | Edward boaadiee, ™ i outside. "4." at Bamore, Timiskaming distsiot, the early 'the hip have been shipped into this city| award of the Board of Conciliutinn, ing street early Millfeed-- $18) iat December, died-on the 1d By Breaking the hip is meaat| #inee -- 1 ane placed ins cold-| but the men are not at all satis- | ing. Tt was fillec on Tuesday ~ morning' 'at -seven breaking off the head of the thigh- ee sd watit the bi re to re~) fied. the time of the fits, . eat ton on track,|° clock. Ine statement, to oi Notwithstanding ite expo-|™™'n Mere un e big shipments |" There have been five 'dismissals | cuped in their night germent Tore per = press Ross said: bat * iy sere to injuries of al! kinds from - oe rey ron Tndiahe, tron te Printing Serese at Orie man wae 5 Bl : "I am thirty-three years of. diy. ral ie . » blews, falls and the shock of jump- wa and one official 'suspended as was born in England; the f ' ecu tition var dng, the hip is very seldom fOr cise nae Ohio. They a = result of Hon. Charles" {urphy' . ohans fork 'couNTRY "PRODUCE. does not. matter. I have lived fe fot oi > : > will ee 41 youth or middle age, for this part |5 coats er average, price a Two invertigation. the A id i iment per. dotenwin case lots.|Cznada 'and. the United | rfeayes met make this bequest to show Geof the thigh-bone isso strongly | c274 Se ee eaten wo|' Irene. Sewery, a pupil "at Nor:| tors ho out Bay Ee tter--Creamery risks, 256 to|the last nine years. Ama my attachment to the university, to >. "built that it will resist a very severe cet s ® dozen is et oe wood, Man., was suspended for | covery- ota! : 'the sh a Separator prints, 20¢; Dairy|nical engineer, and have been alt aay! respect-to Ezra Cornell and to ee strain. In old age, however, the br = come, ote, Shou criticizing her teacher, and her fa-| hospital ering cay ock iD | prints gg 8c to 190; inferior| over the world following my xoca-|show my attachment as an English- case is different. Then the head of | [7-268 the Ps eT the to about/ther has taken action against tant Joha «Ir another | tubs, 17c. ticn. I have never. marri on man to the wnion of the two branch- tho bone, instead of forming an pores aoe vue eggs Can! School Board to haye : her rein- | 00@ or: +2 pec, healy Ghee toe large and and* Ving 2 cannot put it too strongly ° tha é} es of our rice on this continent soe oblique angle with the shaft, is so| °° ret in Jo or cea zm stated. strain jum sind *albe third | 1, at Fg are oe was shot in self-defence.| with their common mother." Tho bent as to form nearly a right ano- et ge 45 par bed e Ghine t te Blackburn ak Jones, .the two | sry windows rt Taylor, a ae I had- been in the Cobalt country| estate, it has -- = timated, will fe, and so stands the strain badty.1°° for lass winter, Shire will be| prospectors who engineéred the; young man bee me fo eatoh, Clay | 'Boans--$3 t to $2.10 per bushel for|about three years, and Patkinson| tctal:around $1. oreover, the bone shares with the| © profit of 19 cents a dozen, or ®|rush into Cariboo Lake district in| is jumping, his. badly la- primes aud $2.10 to $2.20 for hand- cl I were partners. .. Parkinson o- _ other tissues in the atrophy of old total of something over $700,000. |search of gold, were convicted of | cerated The bu was owned | /, icked.; emed to get 7 a. frenzy 'when a it- oO fraud at North Bay, and released by Harry Bteele, ° ; tatoes sell bed tempered. admit -- to ONLY se FRINGE. age, and becomes porus and brit ; y th P Potatoes--Ontario | po "lying a tie. For this reason the aged are DRY DOCK PLANS. on deferred sentence. be 86,000, wi = mgs at 40c*to 45c ont: rack, and at 65c| Constable Rowell as to. where I more predisposed to this injury Vick 8. & M - tu,800 out of atote. Delawgres from|spcnt the preceding night, but it One. Per Cent, of 'Of Alberta all That than younger persons. The conse- ckers bare c i Also GREAT BRITAIN. 166° sto | 15¢ higher. i bt % ---- the Nosayee I do not ts Under Cultivation. ? quences of such an accident are ake Car ee ins ; cnr death, only thing:that} despatch Saas --- much more severe A despatch from Ottate says: hare been re ao 'the wc ¢| Phenomenal Strike of Zinc Ore at |. «PROVISIONS. troubles me is that Gghadiam jus-| ¥-.. aithou ge ge gone ' In the first place, there is the| Aiport Vickers of the Rnglish abip-|« Bpanigh gtoamer off: Lahd'a,Rod. > allsos o> | Wholegalg® quotations :-- | ibe has andy given met bacareesl we aad probably twenty thou- thock of the break and of the fall er we} off. Land's; E a ee q in any shape or-form. 1 gave . sear peed y -uilding firm of Vickers Sons and Aeneas. : Ross, B E. |. Pork- eut, $31 to $31.50 per Fae i Y tind teams have for the past sev- or other injury which produced it;| Maxim, saw Hon.' rs.° Pugsl Iker-af Toronto H. N' Bate barrél; mess, to, $29, self up, thinking. 1 had nothing eral months been steadily at work ard shock is badly borne by the|an] Brodeur on Wednesday mith]9¢ Ottawa Sime es m; tierces, 16¢; tae ive shousing va es 'ad | for 12 to 16 hours daily, breaking aged. bagi me if Lon ---- regard to the plans for the new dry- | Bachelors. 2 ae sere pails, 16%4c ; ocks speee "with the officer 'whén I ie and back setting in Alberts, - cha ge in the mode of life whic dock at Montreal. In addition to) The appeal of the-Alberta' Gov- Jigh eaaily have esc edit? = ge 1 government reports show ' accident brings about, the sudde| he construction of a floating dry-|ernmert regarding the taxation of Sinoked and Dry Salted Meats.-- Bre SscSp' that _s one per cent. of the total abandonment of outdoor life, the} qcek and ship repair. ; plant,. 'the| ©, P.\R2 lands comes up before the |. clear. bacon, tons and cases, WIDOWS AND "CmmpReN LEFT | 8tea of the province is now under irneny alec ee ee = firma, it is understood, aims to turn| Privy Council next mo a Dr backs (plain), aie cultivation. This statement, which on oo - a Sere ceruly in te Ho | aie Ty te Gadi ries |e tae eee ae w ig; hadtaeemen), 116 '°| appeal tor eip for Femiis of) mor rng is of an old person than in one who Shipbuilding will also be carried oD] George will take place about the green meats ons. of pickle, ic less Montreal Herald Victims. tlement of the past four years, 18, . is still young. The confinement to} and it is not improbable that some] middle of May. next year. than smoked. ~ |.A despatch from Montreal says:| ia the opinion of all, proof-positive bed is irksome, and may be danger-| of the smaller Serf of the navy| Th British Veabinut has Ten widows and ighteen minor! that the Canadian west will become cus by reason of the bed-sores! wil] be tendered on. final a BG ' © BE oe. the "passage of; e | inn 8, 18 > ee are han? udent as a re-. in a few zeats the world's greatest by which are so likely to occur. The} ront, "howéver, hes aon yet bent decen 18 , the" : : ini eaux, ste ATO 5 19¢ to} sul f The Her disaster. -.A wheat - -district . mental state is also unfavorable, reached. tenes conciliation bill. ai STSC REISS, SSR scsi a] Gan rein families of | Rte ce ep shame ts| pair Pane ors, | comin Sot i, a, an en ad Free TSO yacera or asi : ea mod rt in aeronautics, w: : acter shows that ten of the vi . E which walks or drives afforded, Soe, ie. aaae tch pore ctor in han. his' en number of men will aia? lett 'behind widows and families who FA OF T TY-ONE sna es lng tie sininlye tant Hats do no =e gone the | fell with him at Aldershot. -- _ Metre "ag nitet pens firsts, ad been dependent on their earn-| pjerre Woudries is is Receiving Con- ily life at meals and in the family eround, A CANADIAN'S OHIME. #5 40; doo $4.90; winter pe for support. In addition, four gratufations of His Friends. gatherings. : ; ' uf the men supported, in whole or In the treatment of a broken hip, Some of the newest reincosts are UNITED STATES. wheat patents, 3; 7 Manitabe strong in part, widowed mothers. Another] <A despatch from Quebec says? therefore, the great object is to made with capes. . ; . ~ = Alexander -- 'tea Wife in| bakers', . $4. 70; 4, straight moieze, helped his mother and invalid ser Pierre Poudrier of St. Alexis des ' confine the leg by plaster bandage, | No one longer sees the stiff boned Jt is estimated that.on a hot day 84.755 'as, in bags, $2.10 to $2.20; ther, Of the thirteen girls and| Monte was congratulated on Thurs- splint or brace as soon as it can be) ©0118. 2" The renin New York spends sivat Ohne, Sxbrhh, #1:00 to 88. sazplots. yeung women who Jost their lives,|day on the birth of his thirty-first done with safety, s* that tne suf-|* Cretopne tandings are againyen beverages 'Os e. for Ray Canadish eight left fathers and mothers bo- child. Mr. Poudrier is 63 years old, ferer may leave the bed and get trimming summer coats and gowns. },. Porter Chariton, arréstéd at Ho- western and 33c for No. 3 ex store. hind.- 'Two Were p actically the sole|and has been married three times. shout en crutches or in « wheel-| For all styles of hair dressing | boken, N. J., admitted-having mur- j of Corn--American No, 2 yellow, 64e anawior i de E inothers,| Seven children were born from his cnair, mingle once more with the parted hair is popular, dered his wife at Lake Como, Italy. to 65c; do., No. 3 yellow, 63c to end @% >a eet Mis first marriage, fifteen from his sec- family, and get outdoors again. Parasols and stockings match the} A Canadian jurist will have a 64e. the eet - idowed mothers. | ond, and from the last nine. In some very favorable cases the | 8" wn whether the shoes do or not. | place on a Board -of Arbitration tri in Oats--No. . Osneda ee Eighteen young' children lost: 'heir | these 31 children, 23 are still liv- fracture is what ia called impacted,| White wash ribbons aro fast ror) thet a t ssttie « boundary dispute ® ch folds bag. gontaini BO%e to-B7c; Now a,-854c to B6c. | tt. in the disaster..Publio ap-| ing,-and the eldest is 45 years of that is, the broken ends have been| Placing the colored ones for lin-| between Mexico and the United] reck which Bold a 3 leer -sarted _Bateg ano. 3, «Be to 490; No. 4, peals will be made on behalf of the age.. Mr. Poudrier appears no is 4 pre-sed together in such a way as) B€Tle. 1... | States. her soview He. ghot her i sufferers: "Ler than his eldest son Po hold each other. When this}, Changeable taffetas are in high| Two Buffalo girls were locked in a| buy more "drink. ther in "rillteed--OBtario bran, $18.50 to > * happens, union of the fracture is favor for little summer afternoém | box car accidentally and carried off| the head three times.and then fired|gi9; do., middlings, bi to $22; POSITION FOR KITCHENER.| bel very apt t occur, but in most cas- frocks. to New Jersey, where they were re-| a bullet into his own head with &| Manitoba bran, '$18; shorts, | A et Ne 'MONTREAL E HARBOR. er healing of the fracture does not} The fringe appears on wraps, the | leased after two days, aay calibre reyolver-after' go) ; pure grain mouille, B02 es He M bsp tee et of Larperial take place, and the patient is con- lower edge of skirts, hats and para-| Four persons were, "tatally injur-|'he had slashed ™her throat. with a veal mouille, $25 to $28. e May. ral Shaft Annual Report Shows Large Ine demned to a cumbersome brace for| *°'5- ed at Coney Island when two cars beite Both are in the 'hospital. Butter--Choicest creamery, 22¢ i -erease.in Revenue. the rest of life. In any case, even Chiffon embroidered with chenille| or a scenic railway left' the track| She will die. He may recover. The| per 'Ib. A Laois yes 'London says: A despatch from Montreal says: the best, the leg will be shortened| {T & gauzy evening wrap is quite | while going at a high rate of speed. tragedy occurred in the presence of} Cheese--Ilc. to uXe; easterns,|In view of the probable appoint-| ays the harbor of Montreal and stiff, and the patient's activi- effective. The Unitéd States Congress has| her fifteen-year-old daughter and 10%e to 10%c. " ment to the command in Trela: 2 applications for 25 per cent. more { tics will be greatlygcurtailed, even One of the new fancies in gloves | voted $10,000 for the expenses of a| tev-year-old son. Eggs--2ic fot selected lots and| General sir William G. Nicho accommodation than it could give in ; if not absolutely arrested. ia to put colored embroidery on the | cummissign to be appointed to in meres = 18c a streight re pact pas per dozen.| who for two years has been Chiet 1969 is one of the statements made ---- back of them. vettigate the -- of promoting PENALIZING THE BACHELOR. of the General ee and First Mi- <3 the annual report of the Harbor PAIN IN THE EAR. The new cotton crepes have a wniversal peac . UNITED STATES MARKETS. litary Member of the Army Coug- Commissioners, just publisifed. The Oo not pour hot oil into the ear deep exinkle and ave feet 88 prom aad Chariton, 'who! admitted] France Hopes fo Sa -- Buffalo, June 28. --Wheat--Spring cil, it is suggestéd that the way report points out that 1909 was de- , to relieve pain. Heat can be ap- _-- Rawr a) adile has disappeared, ---- els in we Youn, wheat stronger; 'No. 1° Northern, vill pres be nba " gee voted to the study of plans of de- glied much better in @ hot mixtare| yy its place one uses 8 Heer earete | no tt i poosible that Italy yt] A despatch om Paris vo corloads store, $1,16%; Winter, igs tn fal G or tafe. yvolcpment, which have since been oo of glyceri-e, alcohol, and water, lexiva: tha collar a" atk wo bave him eat heat for trial. A series of measures peetgped to stoady. Corn--Firm. © Oats--High- the SE ee ee ') finanded aad are under way. Big . <* which will not turn 'rancid or clog Flowered net, shirred over a re stimulate the birth rate in France, | er; No. 2 white, 44%c; No. 3 white, }~ The C. N. RB. has bought a levis increases in revenue were reported. up the ear, and can be removed by} white Neapolitan straw het. makes "yy; i was introduced in parliament on/42%c ; No, 4 white, a1%e. hiack of ouert as station sid' The amount disbursed on capital om syringing with water. A towel or| 4 novel and pretty effect for a dres- ma GENERAL. Thursday. It includes the imposi- Minneapolis, June 98.--Wheat --- iM rin perty ! account was $878,570. Bo, > lurge pad of gauze wrung out in sy hat. Roumania has sent an ultimatum] tion of additional military service| July, $1.10%; September, 81. 08/4 at. ston "i ><" poiling water and closely applied) "Red buttons and red embroidery |.to Greece demanding satisfaction | upon bachelors over 29 years of December, $1.00%; cash, -No- oft a - over the ear, covered with oil-silk} give a note of contrasting colar to for damage done a Roumanian mail} age; making obligatory acl marri-|haid, $1.15; No. 1 Northern, a1. : ra re or "protective" rubber tissues, is pengee frocks, whether in bitie or stoanier at-the Piraeus, and threat-|«ge of state -employes who bitve| 121% to @1.14; No. 2 Northern, 81.- pa | 3 better than a MeLwant bag. in natural color. -| ening "en if the demand is not | reached ed the age of 29 years, with | 10% to $1.12; No. 3, $1.07 >to 81.- ut Among the novelties 'in Wuttons wet: - supplementary salaries: and pension 10%. apran--@17. to, $17.25. "Flour : A SIMPLE . REMEDY are those of hand gprved ivory and ,+.° : al:owances for ¢hose.with more than | --First patents, 85: 2 to. 85.40; see- ae . also of pearl. Some" of them are a "<< dthree chi 'and the repeal of|ond patents, $5.00 to 85.20; first Wien one has a oot attended by ted ilyer. the law fF the equal distri- oa? $4.05 to $4.15; second clears Board Has "Tepeted Differentials Existing - otis tn aggravated cough, a simple me The st daw we "at eravelling cay: "FONE § MORE DEMENTEO "VICTIM bution of: es Bmong the' chil-| gz.s0 to $3.10. a ' tnient i = a eee of = ri puting cs of matting is Inigtt than eres | Upkaows Mas 'Fumpod Into Nine [O° - LIVE STOCK CK MARKETS. fp -O, FB: R. Territory. tube sugar, leaving it until the su- Metal or leather corsets $03 a usra River. Bagh : -P * to save wear on the case. **~* Ad PLENTY OF RAIN. Montreal, June .--Prime a sing" the. board, eel lespatch from' Niagara Falls, ; Sages FA beeves sold at 6%o to Me per Ib., despatch from Montrea! ony: ge dards --. ing" re \ differ. N. Y,, says: A ae tnknowm.. man| Reneficial Showers' Visit Southern | Pretty good animals at Bie to 6%, wh comfnittee of the Brothethoods | ete ely oxi cing ote 6 Soratioty reat HAL Ph tse Secon Sten taleed on Fete i Siperlor antic aes sold at of Railway: Trainmen and: Railway on the C. P. BR. have been entirely | '| day morning, and was carried over|. A de Winnipeg dewas) foci sen te guile "the. other Conductars have refused to. accept lignored; or, worse still, reversed, Ez the Horseshoe Falls. He was seen by | Reports ~ "on Thursday | cows selling at $30 to' $55 55 each.|the award of-the,board of concilia-| thereby making the award as ha j pee tonrisia, who had just slighted ere SME Tagen aod cc por te Bhoopy 4 0 | ith "hue Gana see Snositl See are tole date writing, Mr. rom a carriage. e man hurried-|on reserye an : , 40 to 44e'per Ib. 5 | wi an Rae » Count Zeppelin at the Wheel Carries the ly threw off his coat. dnd yest and it i r Ga pec Ib» Bhove .50 3 Goad Grand: Trurk. Iways. . Their de- MeNi coll, quoting the telegram, mide the plunge before. they could} ri ps Party 300: bela woe ink him. 'Tico tie molde 'i ee re ib int bee te Abeta te Re she oot the suc ae at Qu' Toronto,. Jano 6. t qua- 2 : ties, OP oy ign tig a mnaed ' 5 at ei Oe A despatch foe ussoldorf, {i ingle he 'Siz jnilés. Con could be igen Re aes "fpoure ; : - ary; fasta es Sr 4 wake miti Tne we "slain by .James Mur- Germany, says: The first regular) Ze : ae the ; ae go sR cee: d heavy t sre made around "the nen" « ed dock, vice-presideat of the Brother Spat ats pon NR peta eo tiny gd "Absa bre ~ Sag HAGAZINES BLEW UP. © i through | rer. "medium cless | trai : Railway Trainmen 'Count. Zoppelin's great craft, the lin aited | 4 Deutschland, carrying 20 passen- : tag | made the first/The 'classes rs "ou be z ; ion. ation SP eR callers renters , £0 that Stock sell 9 'While dhaaiking the board for its ay on eA and est efforts, honest . considara~ yee on Canadian railways mae S the | be pame basis as $9 per cwt. Hor god ntent o po iin 2: 16 f ane $u.16 fed to advise you that Pig uneatisfactory, being imprac-| b of the ticable af adoption "ead that it can-|' reinstat-| not vigor s best -- tothe