_ delightful 7 ya ld r me aie half a million dollars. ians, is Lugos. s €x the death -roll wit be greatly in- ereased when communication, has been almost completely cut off, is restored. Bridges, telegraph and telephone wires in the district have been destroyed, and it is feared that many of the survivors of the flood will die of starvation} nr exposure before it is possible to ecnd avsistance. | DAMAGE IN SWITZERLAND. A despatch = pers Switzer- land, say: n Switzer- leud, caused ts pees Fea rains, particularly in the . eastern and cert 'al districts, have proved to be the most disastrous in the past six- ty years. Twenty lives have' been lent in the swollen waters. Many bridges, constructed at great ex- st A daapatcht iis "Vienna says: Suntheastern Europe i is flood-swept, indicate ftween 800) a) lages have been wiped out ane fer- are | The ituation has not been equalled in many years. Austria, tho Balkans and Armenia have suf- fored heavily. Relief work is_be- ing pushed as well as possible. With the roads wiped out, railroads tied and wire communication in many sections at a standstill, the] ep difficulties of speedy relief appear irs-rmountable. Rains are report- ed generally, and the floods tinue. With' every dispatch the herror of the situation increases. Ta the entire region a it is will surely be in excess 1000. 'The pense, have been either car Away or' seriously damaged. Pro- ried | believed that more than 20,000 peo- pl+ are homeless. EARL GREY BOOSTS CANADA Tels People in-Bristol to Go and See and They Will Stay. 'A despatch from Lopdon says: 'At Bristol, on his arrival, on Thurs- day, Earl Grey was immediately surrounded by a band of eager 'pressmen, but held his-own against 'tthe fire of questions with frank. good humor and subtle avoidance of contreversal topics. "We had a voyage. The develop- ment of Canada is going as strong as it can go. The maritime prov- irces are as good for immigrations)| as the Northwest. > Prospects. were never brighter," he said. "Why depn't you come and see the coun- try? You cannot understand it till you see it and visit it. When you have visited it once you won't be happy until you have seen it a doz- en times.'"' Earl Grey added that Canadians were pleased with the preset class of immigration. Asked about the imperial! spirit in Canada, he said: "Imperial spir- it is all right in Canada," he an- swered. "Why they are more im- pcrial than you.are. I wish you weuld come to Toronto to see the Empire Day celebration as I saw it. en you would know what I mean. The people of Canada be- lieve in themselves and their future a3 a part of the empire."' GREAT FLOODS IN SERVIA. Towns 'nuindated--Thirty-fve Lives st, . despatch from Belgrade, Ser- sia, says: Floods, following torren- tia! rains, have caused havoc in TWELVE PEOPLE BURNED. Fire in a Hengarian Boarding |} House at Falls View. A despatch from Niagara Falls says: A terrible holocaust of hu- man life occurred at Falls View the valley of the er gis River. 'Thirt Aye, Jive © 3 3 of from cev- en to ten fe et has filled the streets. Many houses, undermined, have cullapsed. King Peter and the +Minister of Public Works left for, the scene on Wednesday. The Mo- rava River, rising in the extreme 2} ee on Dp Vesnestar -Biorr 3 <ers-employed it the' Ontario F Works have -beenhonsed ina lon wooden shack situated behind Falle View postoffice, on the Ontario side, where they slept in bunks, huddled together. Through some u.keown cause, on Wednesday morning at 2 o'clock the shack was scutheast, flows in a direction through the centre of Servia, joining the Danube near Semindria on the northern boun- dary. ae CIRCUS TRAIN WRECKED. The Wild Beasts.are Loose and In- habitants are Seared. ., A despatch from Ebensbugg, eays: The circus train composed of fifteen cars of the Frank A. Rob- Fins shows was wrecked one mile from here early on Thursday on the Cambria and Cresson branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad. 'wo licns, an elephant, one leopard, «ce hyena, one jaguar and an ibex are reported to be at large as a re- sultof the derailment. Ten circus country for miles around is in state of terror. Many of the ivite ers and their fa s refuse to leave their homes and"take up the search for the liberated menagerie beasts. RICH WESTERN SCH SCHOOLS, . Bale of Their "Land Brings Big Prices. . A despatch from Estevan, Sask., says: At the sale of school lands completed on Wednesday two hun- ered ang forty-five parcels: were) scld. Prices ranged from $7 ani acre to $30, and competition was en, the net proceeds being over a.,{obarred bodies were removed to alos ek were injured.. The wntive to be on fire, and before the sleeping occupants could be got ut twelve of them were burned to death. The fire department from this city was sent to the scene, and imide the discovery that twelve of the foreigners perished in the flaffes, and three others, one man, ore woman and one child, badly burned, were remeved to the hos- pjtal. The twelve burned andj Morse's Morgue, where they now lie. Five more injured are in the fospital now, making eight in all. The men were employees cf the On- tario Power Company, and were sloeping like rats in a poorly-con- structed tenement. This Joss of life is the greatest in the history of the Falls district from fire. --_--- & --__--___ SOLDIERS FOUGHT FIRE. Bush Near the Camp at Petawawa ' Threatened Damage. A despatch froin Military Camp, etawawa, nt., says: About o'clock on Thursday morning the bush near the camp of the Toronto company of Engineers caught fire, acti as a high wind was blowing, the camp was in danger of being wiped out. he men were cut of eamp at work at the timc. Capt. 8. P. Biggs ordered the fire call sounded, and the men dropped their tools and came into camp at the double. Héaded by Captaia Biggs, they caught up axes, spades and blankets and speedily had the fire out. ROPS IN THE FAR WEST Damage From - das Been Plenty of Rain and - Little 'Recent Prost. . 7 ae: from Winnipeg 'says: ec Press mcnthly crop re- n from about 250 peints, | during the latter pare afl f d the-carly part nt June, hecking the . upward. growth #rop, caused the roots tc «e- ne rite pl rg hag ca the ing that with the urrival ed.on Thursday, hascd en}: damp, cold weather which one }¢ut-wornr bas: been dispe' " peadey- showers few dave, and now some damage in Arcola, Lan fard ' Napinke districts" . age from wind _b; reported from brite. ita Carrol AGO, but. the - me ee ee bright. B appears to leted, and rapid The 'common ery of was being! Pom Alberta, haa Be practi¢a In sume of ys fia fire were buried « 61 Mrs. Frauk Moon'é: spine ; was} at Win "1 The fa in @falt from » carriage at Mr. 'Mann "of the Canadian Nor- thern Loctnid 9 erecting r fine hotel now-in Canada. The water. in the Bt. John River is falling and the big timber drive . ia held up again. Two women were dreareit int 'To- ronto Bay on Friday night. by. the p onesie % a Iaun Dr. A. Beatty of Toronto has ay. po Brr chief surgeon of P. R. eastern line. Charles Landon was arrested 'at Brockville on a charge of putting poison in his employer's tea. The Montreal Controllers have decided to have an inspection of all oe high water tanks in the city., tr. pleted the purchase of Hon. James Dunsmuir's coal} interests on Van- -- has been charteréd b: ati a Scotia Government Pi build th Eastern Railway. Department 'estimate 5 that there are 70,000 men training ae and. : Canadian 'and re company William Mackenzie has com-{ 43 Manitoba Me Flows Genetica: at To¥onto are Lag - patents, $5.30; second patents, $4.80; strong bak- i 5 "the message was re- ceived in Port -Arthur's light rain, had 'commenced to fall, but there "|weé no sign of any at Kakabeka, where the families of every settle? | ment for mile around € con- serie for' shelter and protec tio. Every family" in the district and M. Winslow, bro- 'Pho lost heavily by the de- of logs in the vicinity of . Shave not reported ta fany of-+he villages for a couple of cays and While there is no certain- ty they-have been lost it-is feared to have heen the case. ers', $4.60; Ene cent. Glasgow} freights, 25s. "Ontario * Flour--Winter wheat patents for export, $3.60 to $3.65) in buyers' bags, outside. Millfeed--Manitobs bran, $16 per 'ten; shorts, bead wk ton; track, To- route. "Ontario br. 71 ert, $28 per.ton on track, Toron- Lightning struck the Court House bodys at London, Ont., while the County Court was in session. fi was shattered and the flag destroy) oh e ed De Mr. John Marshall, a prominent Iburne, - was killed}; farmer near by his horses taking fright at an. au- tumob'le and dragging him for some distance. Dr. J. L. Scott, V.8., of Lon- ala Ont., died from blood-poison- ng, supposed to have been con- irenied three months ago by inhal- ing the breath of a sick horse. GREAT BRITAIN. The conference of British party leaders on-the veto question will be di held: this-week. Lord Kitchener has -resigned hit position as Commander- in-Chief at thge Mediterranean Viscount Wolverhampton, Lord oe of the gned from the British Cab inet. earl Beauchamp has su Lord Wolverhampton as Lord Pre- rag = be the. Council. in the Brit- - ish C Sir Be stated in the UNITED § rATES. Charles K.. Hamilton flew in his ae¥opla:e from nee York to' Phila- delphia and bac uffalo michors are forming a union which will be chartered by the American Federation of Labor. James A. Patten and seven other speculators have been indicted at New. York on charges uf conspir- ing-té Yestrain trade. GENERAL. ; Revolution is said to be spread- ing in wie the Sir n Thomas, one of the leading ior spapermen of Australia, is:dead. It is reported in Peru that at- tempts to reach a peaceful settle- ment with Ecuador have failed. Orders have been issued at St. Petersburg to adopt milder mea- sures in dealing with the Jews. It is now estimated that two hun- dred lives have been lost in Ger- aon as a result of the recent A futile attempt was made on Wednesday to assassinate the Mili- ary Governor of Bosnia and Her- wees, A bomb thrown at a squad of gendarmes at Warsaw, in Rus"ia ; Foland, killed one of the men and mortally wounded four. --------------_r_____.. HEALTH HINTS. Sufferers from cold feet should wear nicht socks in preference to using a hot-water bottle. The lat- ter is apt to induce chilblains. Stiff Neck.--To cure this trouble, apply over the place ec prece of black oileloth with the right side to the skin, then tie-up the neck with a thick handkerchief. In a short time the part will grow moist, and by leaving thus twelve beurs the pain will be removed. When poison has been accidental- ly swallowed no emetic is better than. mustard. Mix three table- spoonfuls with a cupfal of warm water, and swallow. Atvonce. the stimulative action, mpon the s mach causes that ergan to reject all its contents, the poisonous ingredi- ents with the rest. Tho emetic of mustard leaves ne ill effect i it, but, instead.'a feeling of shot warmth and stimulus. che of the mene aes of and. the most harmless, Hf any one of the family is so mn. fortunate as it Fs Hy. granihss taking lice. jthe de tinged' wheat districts the fickls have beeu ploughed sow. 46 this crop.' "P anieee ee Council, has ie rae &/Cunadian Northern all emetics M Waned et dismppea on the M , le Work of Mapping F A despateh from To: onto says: eae aps | : gh oe = shonphe amount has been withheld by the ages at Only a tan months ago Portage la Prairié Fair was. remem mberéed Canada's high commissioner to the), extent of $2,000. Es eon + Tike' DETERMINED SUICIDE. Postmaster at Fastifern, Ont., Cuts His Throat. A despatch: from* Alexandria, |' Ont., says: Postmaster E. A. New-} man 'of assifern eut his throat on Friday morning at 2 o'clock with a razor, and expired immediately. Deceased was 37 years of age, mar- tu Fassifern about three yeaza where he purchased a a store bad been drinking heavily. "Be tie ANOTHER RECORD BROKEN. Royal Edward Clips Two Hours on Atlantic Record. A despatch tore PE. cl 'two hours have been clipped om the C anadian eee record. The "Royal 7 new triple screw bashine steamer of the ~ fleet, Bristol at 8 pim. "Thursday last and docked here on: Wednesday at 3.30 p.m., beating the best previous per- formance of any Conadien 'steamer wi two hours. 5 - ss 5 MINER CRUSHED TO DEATH. nueans in International Mine at Coleman Percupine|_ "by the th Nees pals: 16% ; a the desire of the!donor. It is un- dcrstoody however,' "that the gift marks a whique record of its kind. ried, and. removed from Montreal | ; "COUNTRY PRODUCE. aid - Butter--Creamsery prints, 22¢; Separator prints, 20c; Dairy prin eo 18¢ to 19¢; Inferior tubs, y -- per dozen in case lots. CheesesNew large cheese, 11%¢ a pound. Old }for pore and $2.10 to $2.20 for hand-picke: Fotatoes--Delawares, 50c to 65c per bag on,track, and at 75c per bag out of store. Ontarios, 40c to 45c per bag in car lots. PROVISIONS. Wholesale quotations :-- Pork--Short cut, $31 to $31.50 per barrel; mess, $28.50 to $29. Lard--Firm; tierces, 16c; = s et ve Salted Gage Long clear "lees tons and cases, 1B%e to 1bi4c; backs (plain); 2ie to 2i%4c;-backs (pea-meal), 21%e to g2c; shoulder hams, I4c to 14%c; green meats out of pickle, le less than smoked Hs--Smoked, 150 to 196; me MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, June 21. --Corn--An- | erican No: 2 yellow, 66c to 67c; o a 3 low, 64c to 65c; do., No. A despatch 'from Winnipeg says: ies 65c to 66c; do., No. 3, pi The Winnipeg | trial Exhibi-!+, ¢4¢. "Oats--No. 2 ticn Association on. Friday roel western, 36c to s07%e§ No.* 8, 35¢ ~ the. lacgees individual .m to 35%c; Ontario No. 2 white, 346} "history _ from Lord de., No. 3 white, 33c; do..:No. 4 white, 32s.+ Barley--No. 3, sarge do., No. 4, 55¢; feed barley, 54c Flour--Manitoba spring wheat petents, firsts, $5.40,- seconds yo; Winter wheat patents, $5; Ma-| nitoba strong bakers', $4.70; pg rollers, $4.75, in bags $3.- 0 to $3.20; extras, $1.90 to $2. Eggs---Se lected stock, 2ic to 23c, and straight receipts, 18c per doz. Cheese--llc to 11c for westerns and 10%c to 10%c for easterns. Butter--23c to to 23/Ke per Ib. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, June 21.--Spring wheat-- Steady; No. 1 Northern, carloads sk re, a per oe Oats--Strong ; , No. 3 white, 39%c; No. 4 white, 38%c. Barley-- Feed ta malting, 61% to 67c. Minneapolis, June 21.--Wheat-- July, $1.038%; September, 92%; ber, 90%c. Cash--No hard, $1.08%; No. 2 Northern, 'gi. - oz, to $1.05%; No. 3 No rn, 31.00% to $1.03%. Bran--3i6 to :} 216.25. Flour--First patents, _-- $5.20; second pascaie, $4.50 to to $3.95; prota clears, $2. 60, t6 te $2.00. LIVE STOCK CK MAPXETS. Montreal, June 2'.--7*:'me beeves scld at from 7e 'to "7%c per lb; pretty good auimals from $c to sev nt ea Dis quite far removed from the ~",| tieal shortness tha) tcmed our children.too.. The com: Fashion| - Hints. Son nc B ec nolan Be oMbeeeel SE aed alata. Soh DB .. 8.7. tn Pd. 7 ' t4-? "Another good looking and dressh er hat is of vivid green tulle over- sewn with straw bugles. It is draped ip turban shape into a flat poo im;center of front. beneath an tuft of iridescent wines of | heron. ~ -_--_-- SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. ~~ The black satin coat of all lengths is favored. About -aine out ef ten handsome guwns are collarless. Dyed linen laces are high style for linen and cotton dresses. mong the new veilings are those with crepelike border Chiffon, voiles, marquisetts, and rei svenes are having a wonderful "TINY little rooster heads are used . trimming for small girls' every- day hats. The yoke and collar ' : matching the colop of the material. are not often séen now Actual draperies are int only in suits of silk or lightweight materials. Upon all handsome 'or dressy ects of ribbon appears + to A good deal of soutaching is seen on some of the suits in odd bands " panel arrangements. omething unique and exceed- iseie besutiful is the. chrysan' mum opera hag in Irish crochet, he princess ss panel, -in its. many ;| interpretations fs & primitive 5 prevalent n gf2 e dery enliven these quaint aoaen, while others seem to our eyes me ly peculiar in old-tirse hand work. The too-long. frock is distinctly Paz ian, and, thovgh attractive, it prac- t we have accus- fortably abbreviated frock will pro-| bably win its way, in 'France some day, as our own failor-made} awe dress, with its skirt* '80 much aioe than the Parisian jonee. wor which we are familiar as a childish ideal. Canadian ciildzen | are always simple when they are correctly dressed, and while we cannot wholly recommend the more urique methods of the French for very fear of overdressing our little ones, we love to stand aside. and take notes from which we draw a certain appreciation of the pictur- esque. We modify their ideas to :!suit our own less quaint children, and find help in the cleverness of the French mothers. TRIG HATS "FOR SUMMER. Have you seen the new hat to wear with tailored suit. or shirt waist suit] It is a brimmed het of one kind of straw turned sharply up at the front to show a. ning of another kind. Generally these hats have a! crown and outside rim of blacks Lined with a vivid blue, brown, or ya green. A brown = hat with green facing is also popular. with sometimes a stiff band of vel a couple of qnills or an OP eae vet. owns, sash, girdle, belt, or bow ef-}" ote among Parisian| ¢ eee one nes; and particul-} ose of the 12-year stage. _| Many truly beautiful bits of embroi- ort to revive pa The little children 'ef Paris pre=} y ~ The only trimming to the hat is,' 7 YOUNG FOLKS Pi _ . SHOPPING. The Chapins, led by Aunt Ruth, Lad just started a new game, when Dector oe dropped in. "May I play" he questioned. "Oh, yes, .do!" cried Bertha. "Take this rocking-chair, doctor, acd I'll tell you how it goes. You eay to me, 'I've been shopping,' apd I ask, 'What have you bought?' Then instead of telling right out, xe t ob make -- letter of the word initial-of another word. For in just said she'd a@ basket of odd knives,'"' vee hs a book." "ee, I see," nodded the doc- is Carl' 'turn now, "' spoke up ioe beet Seine," responded What did you buy?' queried tha's "Dozen of lovely lilies," then gave, as his own purchase: ,'tHorn of rare, sweet elecam- " ~ Alice guessed horse, at the same time saying she thought it a queer thing to buy. "Tt's a kind of sweetmeat," the doctor ar so ae "Darling, real spaniel," and , "Some wafers, eggs, }and tender, early rhubarb." at Noftofi.a minute or so to rtiake these - things into sweater, Then-he gave, ' 'Capital old whale,'" bod his €asily guessed. t know: they had whale ant disa i SPicture ok Nathaniel saia Car "Pony! exclaimed Bertha. '"'But who is Nathaniel Yates ?" - 'Y'm sure I don't know," said Yates," * her brother. "This is the easiest game I ever played," said Alice. But when Doctor ilhouse answered usual question with the whirl of to| words, "Sideboard, table, oak chairs, Splaimomeae instruments, neckerch 8. gaiters, scarfs," she stared at i in dismay. "Why, you said so fast,'" ; them - faltered, be & eoulda' t pal hold anythi *aere ae al allowable?' Thea doctor. glanced smilingly toward An Ruth. aster, the better,"' she re~ h, that's "fine!" eried' Carl. 2} «gartade the words slow makes it' tqo 'easy. said sideboard first, Altice, and then came table. And guitars, and i were the at S- ts Bt Sekine 1 ~ eried 1 Alice, » in unison, --Youwrs panion, ax 634c¢; milkmen's strippers, 4%c to and the common stock $30 to $45 each. Calves, et Ky a each, sheep, 4%c to fe lambs $4 to $6 each. Good | ie e .{ bogs sold at - about wae ~per Ib., 'land yqung pigs at $3 to $4 cath. Toronto, June 21.--The tcuiite for the last two days amounted to $6.25. eas: Magee! Feed ss pre "men pat $7.25 » oe ert. The | best grades bringing. from Sor ] in}nor a mountain, of 2 Ore free tazaples weay, z = RUSH T0 B.C. . COLD TIBLDS Men at Stewart City Threw. Away Their _ Tools-and Joined. the Rush A despa from ¥aneouver, Pp. é., says: Arrivals .from Stewart City ¢onfirm the stories of @ big ere taker it got. ak" City was practica "tioneited. ate pede was the mos nzied' in the history of the Adrthland. Waiters trowels and started ou the joursey with whatever they could crab hold of in the way of outfit. The geld reef haa been traced. twenty 4 and that was not the e of it. ldvscoverer describes it. as suathiae milling: =3 - Y gs chopped their trays, builders their} to. : ares "ead ts be -ecdugh orgs ik rag aed keep ye stamp. ils going 0 cuntias a cen~