Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 17 Dec 1909, p. 6

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Do You W ish to Share in the : Prosperity Western THEN HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY !) June 30th, last, just issued, shows that this rd : of Golden. Canada ? 'Weson Farmar lrg Cu, . Head Offices : -- LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, CANADA pata Capital, $100,000, divided fate 100,000 Shares ef $1.00 each. Directors:--J. Graham, C. A. Nielsen. Seoreteary 2+. @. Bell, mpany now offers the remaining 50, 00 shares of their This Capital Stock to the public on the same te viz., price 50c. per share, rms as the first issue, ls 20c. on application, 20c. on May ase 1910, and 20c. on August lat, poner of o dett and one at = for a distance o: to which is tribu FINEST WHEAT Saas 'The i oo of the remaining 50,000 shares is for the purpose money to a sinks additional elevators, one at Bur- aia vs --- of oe at towns anadian ilway EE MILLION ACRES OF THE , and to erect a of about 100 barrels rien = ci be Bow Island. We hare selected Bow Island as the most suitable erect our mill for two reasons: discovered near the place in ehormous quantities. A First. NATURAL GAS One well is the second largest in the world and has-a flow sufficient to produce 35,000 horse power constantly. We have arranged to moment. Compare secure & supply sufficient to produce 100 horse power for $1.05 per day of 10 hours. id with mills at Lethbridge 1 and other places Consider this for a where fuel costs from $18.00 to $20.00 per 100 horse power per day--it means a Fors SAVING TO THE Ep EE SAURLDEES of at least $17.00 PER DA Another reason oe selecting Bow Island is that it is in the centre of our chain elevators and is the largest grain producin centre between Taber and Medicine Bathe Hi ¥ il building the mi joining our elevator we will be able to handle the grain into the mill in the most economical manner. ESTIMATED PROFITS To those who are not familiar with the Elevator and Milling business, let us give a few conservative figures: A 30,000 bushel elevator will easily handle 150,000 bushels of grain during a sea- ~ son. The usual charge for handling the grain and loading into ears, including storage for 15 days is 2 cents per bushel, which_ will produce a revenue of $3,000 for each elevator, or $15,000 for the five. cent per bushel per month and as The charge for elevator storage is three-fourths of a as many farmers hold their grain until the following Spring the elevators are always full all Winter. Figuri- z three m onths' storage, that will produce a further rov- epue of at least $3. 000, which brings the total earnings to $16,000. _ The annual operating expenses cannot by any possible combin- ation of circumstances exceed $4,750.00 for the five elevators, leav- ing us a net balance of $13,750.00. Our mill, with a capacity of 100 barrels per day and with flour selling at from $2.60 to $3.25 per hundred, and middlings at 75 cents per hundred, will, with wheat selling at 80 cents per bush- el, give us a revenue of $63.00 per day; from which deduct $19.- 00 per day for operating expenses and we have a 'net income of $44.00 per day, or over $14,000 per year. Our total net earnings will enable us, after setting aside a sum for sinking fund, to pay a 25 per cent. dividend on the cap ital. 'We will always be able to keep our mill running at its full ca pacity; the mills in Lethbridge are running, day and night full ca- pacity and are behind with their orders. Don't forget that we have NO COMPETITION. There is not an clevatér cr a mill in the territory we are operating in, and with' the majority of the. farmers giving us their support through being s our success is assured. 4 With clevators and mills earning euch it any v:ndér that shares in companies only two years old, which Tis. was paid at formation, Elevator and milling shares are as safe as much greater returns. REMEMBER we have been given li id a , is for are now selling for 81. sot a bank and pay FREE SITES at every place where we are crecting. These sites are valuable now anda few vears hence will be a considerable asset. The town of Bow Island has exempted us from taxation for a period of five years. You need hare no hesitation in investing rour money in this enterprise. as the Directors are landowners here, shareholders, they are determined to manage and are large the Company in a most economical and businesslike manner. Another point for your consideration is dead-head, or promoter's, shares in this Company. there are no Not a share that has been given away or sold for less than 60c. If you have anv friends in this locality write their opinion of this Company, and its prospects, or write of Trade. Our beatae oo close in a few days, , and MAIL TO-DAY. bank here or Secretary Boar Fill out form BEL NOT APPEAR AG AIN, Refer, by permission, Canadian Bank Applic ation may be handed any branch Canadian Bank bridge. of Commerce for transmission. Make cheques, money orders, icra and ask them any so DON'T DELAY. THIS AD. WILL Leth- Commerce, payable to Western Farm- ers Elevator and Milling Co., Lim For further information widress. the Secretary. APPLICATION FOR SHARES Northern. . or 8.98 pi earnings against 68.70 per cent last year. . ce June 30th, 1903, which was the first year in which the Canadi- an Northern issued an annual re- port, the company's mileage has increased from 1,276 to 3,013 on June 30, 1909, or equivalent to 136 per cent. has increased from $2,449,579 per annum to $10,581,768, or 332 per cent., and net earnings from $860,- 285 to $3,566,362, or 315 per cent. from 281,801 to 1,028,787, passen- gers carried one mile from 16,733,- 605 to 78,044,255, tons of revenue frieight from 901,608 to 2,958,502, and tons carried one mile from 251,342,113 to 1,000,875,386. Total capital, including deben- ture stock and car trust obliga- tions, _ increased in the seven years from $39,668,127, or $31,080 per mile of line to $122,363,477, or ,640 per mile. The Canadian Government has guaranteed $26,- 727,183 of this Company's bonds and debenture s' Additional safety can be found in the company's land grant account, which on June 30, 1909, showed a balance of $7,273,229 due on land sales and cash on deposit, account of land sales, amounting to $4,- 302,637 and in addition the com- pany owns 1,398,013 acres of unsold _jlands in the provinces of Mamto- ba and Saskatchewan. In view of the company's rapid growth in mileage in recent years, it is interesting to note that every year has recorded an increase in the gross earnings per mile of line while, in the item of net earnings, the year 1908 showed a slight set- back which has been more than re- covered in the fiscal year just re- ported ; --___ a SETTING BAD EXAMPLE. "Been reading up astronomy of late, Mr. Hardapple?" asked the windmill #alesman "No, son??? drawled the old man. "Comet. , hasn't arrived yet, has it?' "No, but in the east a meteorite struck a kitchen stove and cooked two eggs." x '"'Land sakes! Don't talk so loud. If my old' woman heard that she'd keep breakfast waiting until a meteorite came, if it took a thou- sand years.' A Medicine Chest in Itself. Only the well-to-do can aiford to possess a medicine chest, but Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, which is a medicine chest in itself being a re- medy for rheumatism, lumbago. sore throat, colds, coughs, catarrh, asthma and a potent healer for wounds, cuts, bruises. sprains, etc., '3 within the reach of the poorest, owing to its cheapness. It should be in every house. HIS APOLOGY. "I'd like to take you home to dinner, old chap."' said Mr. Young- husband, "but this is one of the dave my wife and the hired girl go t» cooking school.' Any wife will admit to you in con- fidence that her husband is worth twice the salary he is getting. To discern and deal immediately with causes and overcome them, rather than to battle with effects after the a has secured a Please allott me... which may be allotted me. ADDRESS OCCUPATION THE WESTERN FARMERS ELEVATOR & MILLING CO., P.O. Box 1839, Lethbridge, Aiborta, Canada Farmers Elevator & Milling Co., Limited, price 60c. per share, par value $1.00, fully paid and non-assessable. I agree to accept the above, or any less number, I enclose $...............being at rate of 20c. per share, and agree to pay 20c. per share on May Ist, 1910, and the final 20c. per share on August Ist, 1910. NABTEE wciccncne cannsoncs snsnseoes . PTrTTT eT tte ee eee es DATE ....sseres ee eees shares in tho Western eee rene eee A CHINESE SMUGGLER. An ingenious instrument for smuggling was discovered at Ran- n, when a Chinaman e eng was arrested at about 7 o'clock in the morning as he" ---- ped ashore from a sampan. prisoner was carrying what apseurs ed to be a tin of kerosene, but on examination of the tin a cunningly contrived smuggling outfit was dis- covered. The corner of _the tin, was situated, was in aszegal four inches square and the other part of the tin was used as a receptacle for contraband, the bot- eom of the tin sliding out. In this hidden receptacle the excise inspec- eed found fifty-fivé tolas of bein- and fifty-two one-eighth ounce}_ asides of cocaine. ae "For Heaven's sake be careful with that rifle, man!' exclaimed a musketry instructor. missed me that time sergeant? I'm setae sorry sponded' the indifferent waiter "You just > "Did I Y' re- man. é s the chief aim of the medical man, and Bickle's Anti- Consumptive Syrupis the result of line. At the first appearance of a cold the Syrup will be. found a most efficient remedy, arresting de- velopments and speedily ---- the affected parts, so that the ail- ment disappears. CONSANGUINITY. -Willie--"The Smiths are a kind cf relation of ours. Our dog is their dog's brother."' A GREAT HELP. "Your daughte r must be a izreat |' help to yo "Indeed ie is. She often gets the hot water ready for me to was the dishes." In the same time gross with Passengers carried have increased ; to find the long hunted fea of the dise: NEW. CANCER GREATMENT. medical ape ~~ at Budapest, a Sealmont for cancer which he belsseas will result waiting a number of months--the present metho "Mr. Bashford, a noted English surgeon, read a paper at the con- gress which reviewed the work er toward solving the riddle of ot for the last quarter of a tury," said Dr. Murphy. 'He did not establish and he did not claim to establish its cause, but he clearly demonstrated its course and progress in which it destroyed life. ng! a result of this exposition o doubt in my mind but that the ircatunent of cancer should give better results. WITHIN FIVE YEARS. 'Summing up all the work done in the last two decades, as shown by that paper, hf think it is fair to presume that the next five years shouis bring out the true cause of ancer. The great scientific men are approaching the problem as Arctic explorers have sought the North Pole and it is my belief that as the North Pole was found by more than one man so will a num- ber of men arrive at the solution of cancer at the same time. "'A new treatment for cancer was outlined at the congress. It is simp- lv the early surgical removal. By early I mean a short time after it shows rather than, e four- teenth month, for which we gener- ally wait-now before attempting to remove it. e greatest cause of mortality is cancer and all the acute infectious diseases is aoa tination in their CONTRIBUTIONS "TO eee. "America has been doing some great work in researdh work. In cther lines also the country has been achieving great results. Since the last congress America has had to its credit the obliteration of mortality of spinal meningitis as a result of the work of the Rockefel- ler institute. New lines of treatment are go- 'to be essentially the seruin of vaccination treatment, and if given in time the mortality of the acute infectious diseases is going to be re- duced to practically nothing. "The basis of all of Deeue is the same as that of diphtheria, the mortality from which has becn re- duced from 54 per cent to 174 per cent. The mortality of. hydropho- bia is practically nil if the Pasteur treatment is timely applied. EXTERMINATE LOCKJAW. "Deaths from lockjaw will be wiped off the map. The most strik- ing exampie of this was on July 4 last in Chicago here--better than anywhere else in tne world. The people were ediicated and these in- jured had injections imme-iiately afterward and they not oniy did pre have tetanus, but they weren't ven ill.' ----_ kr ---- SENTENCE SERMONS. Joy groWs as it is given. Looking down never lifts up. ivery act is some kind of a pray- "Sihall talk often makes big trou- patient study along this particular] }). Habit serves the good as readily as the bad. Most péople slip up on their own smoothness. The greatest sorrows are the ones we never reach. Many a man would be ie Job if it did not cost so muc Big plans for to- morrow are the stuf that sloth fattens Most men like to let "their light ruth in his attempts to protect it. We would all live in a fool's paradise but for life's bitter blows. Good advice is seldom taken save as it is given in practical doses. --™ SAY, = DODDS No man gets any:Righer in, char- acter than he winkee all others to The religion we mest like to re- ccunt may be that which does not count at - The siete "that can pump itself im one day ea no refreshing ra thirsty world. The devil goes enjoys fightixg the church where every ae wants ce HER SUFFERING 8! TERS TO USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. | They Proved a Blessing to Her| - 7 When Her Pains and Weakness Were Almest More Than She} tha _ Could Rear. 8t. George, 'Man., Dec. 13.-- (Special). --Hoping to save her sis- ter women in the West from pains and a which come at the ¢riti- eal times in a woman's life, Mrs. Arsene Vinet of this place has given the on Sellewing 'statement for publica- ae hase brought up a large fam- ily and have always enjoyed good health until the last two years. I am fifty-four years of age and at the critical time of life that comes to every woman, I had pains in my right hip and shoulder. I could not lie down two minutes at a time without suffering the greatest ag- back |ouy- Sometimes I awakened with a feeling as if some one had laid a piece of ice on my head. Another time it would be a burning pain under the = shoulder. in many permanent cur The new| "I took many medicines but could idea is to operate as the | get no relief, al reading of cures disease manifests i instead of | of simi to wn by similar cases my o Dodd's Kidney Pills, led me to try them. They did wondérs for me. "IT want all women to know what is safeguarded against nine-tenths of the suffering that makes life"a -- to the women of Canada. --k__ ELEPHANTS AND RAILROADS 'Recently two railroad trains in iam have had _ encounters with elephants. In both cases the ani- mals were killed, but in one the 'train was derailed, and six cars were telescoped. It appears that the locomotives had no cowcatch- ers, for European railroad engin- cers generally smile at cowcatchers as devices suitable only for what they imagine be American con- ditions of tr: It is now re marked, emavee, that the Ameri- can coweatcher might be very good for stray elephants, and they have been introduced on the large loco- motives of the amascus-Mecca line, anticipating possible collis- ions with camels. PILES CURED at-HOMEby New Absorption Method you suffer from bleetiing, itch- "| shrilly, cracks STATEMENT] === rocky and. steep, with no walls to pa of except tumble-down ones that increase the danger lse 'suggestion of safety, one place the wagon would tall Gi thousand feet if it should roll off the a eiee of the mountain. road has no graceful sweeps sad "setting back at sharply acute angles, leaving yery little room for a team agd wagon to turn in when seven slowly and carefully and two a Mow magine, if horses driven madly in a gallop, no trot; that Would be slow; but in quick, noth jerky jumps, such as the mustang-like animals would make wader the saddle when ressed. The short, high coach follows the cavorting horses, jerking, careen- ing and springing like a small boat sailing into a wildly chopped sea. You perceive that the wheels are strong, and the springs, too, and the whole rig evidently intended 'tor chariot-racing. The driver groans, yells, whistles is thick rawhide whip, lashes his horses, and docs everything he knows that will in- spire fear and ---- spee HOW A BANE GROWS. Appropos of the x recent announce- ment in the Daily papers that the Traders Bank of Canada has just opened a Branch in Montreal, ref- erence to Banking records show that this enterprising Institution has opened over twenty new Branches this year in Canada. Hitherto the efforts of the Trad- ers Bank have been directed mainly to extending in Ontario and the West. Their recently opened Branch in Vancouver was in line with their general policy of expan- sion, but the Montreal Branch now opened under the able Managa- ment of Mr. Fred. W. Bain, for- merly Manager at Ingersoll, On- tario, is an evidence that the Traders Bank intends invading Quebec and the Eastern Provinces, and they will soon be one of the largest outstanding features of our rge Financial Institutions. .. .. ----_--4.---_--_---- A DEBTOR. Blobbs--"Harduppe says he owes everything to his wife.' Slobbs--"Harduppe is a double- -- prevaricator. He owes $10 ey blind ar protruding Piles, send} to m me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with refer- ences from your own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer, Write to-day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P 719 Windsor, Ont. Bex P 720 Windsor, Ont. FAULT OF THE RANGE. Mrs. Newed--"George, dear, that range we bought last week is no good: WwW Ve'll have to get an- other on Ne Awed "Why, darling, what's wrong with it?' It's one of the best made." Mrs. Newed--"Well, I can't help that. I tried to make a lemon pie in it this morning and it came out a pudding.' /\ Safe Pill for ne Suffering Women. - The secluded Life of women which perm; its of little 'healthful exercise is a fruitful cruse of derangements of the stomach and liver and is ac countable for the paifis and lassi- tude that so many of them experi- ence. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will correct irregularities of the digestive organs and restore health and vigor. The most delicate wo- man can use them with safety, be- cause their action, while effective, is mild and soothing. FROM ENGLISH SCHOOLBOYS The nrinian | schoolboy '"'howl- rs" are n by a correspondent; "The blood- pc are the veins, arteries, and artilleries.". «<A ruminating animal'.ig° one that chews its cubs." ""Algebra was the wife of Euclid."' ot vixen is vicar.¥ ' When al! other corn preparations fail, try Holloway's re. No pain whatever, and no inconveni- etice in using. it. ie Suites -gh COURTEOUS. Lady (sternfy} "John Tuseass you have already -h ad too much, stréng drink? Have yor any' more left in that bottle?" = John Jones -- ""Very s6tiieh, ma'am. There's not ik left, but fecniaily Tr a yer, weleome to it Help y'seif."' ea, "The masculine} }- QUICKEST WITH SAFETY |. . ISOS. CURE P Yar BEST wEDKiAt TOR Gocts Ecer din andeartottie ee A Pill That Lightens Life. -- - To the man who is a victim of indiges- tion the transaction of business be- comes an added misery. He cannot concentrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and rexation attend him. To such a man Parmelce's Vege- table, Pills offer relief. A course of treatment, according to directions, will convince np nt their Breat ex- you can, the] began to improve. ndid le fi drought me back te health in no time, making a new men of me. ft foctifes the body sgt is eeacia od La Copronnd eure vestative. J Pepchine @ I feel a cold commg cn aad 2 puts me night io ne s BE For Sela tg = Brnngits oc Deslore, Ste. & $3 'WHO WOULD BE KING? An ambitious politician who has at various times been a candidate for public office has a son, a lad of eight, who, meditating upon the uncertainties of kingly existence, at last asked his mother: "Tf the King of on 1 should die, who would be Kin "The Prince of Wale a is "And should die, who would be King ?" His mother turned the question off in some way, when the boy, with a deep breath, said :-- "Well, anyway, I hope pa won't try for it.' CTOCKS, T O INVESTORS-- YOUR ORDERS TO bar Stocks em receive my person: M. Mathews, Brok- er, 43 Geott St., Torona. EDUCATIONAL. EARN THE a pentyl ie oA L m---constant reful instruc tion nid week, a lete courte: tools free ua carn to Siettern Gonars © weekly; write tor ata. logue. Moler Barber College "I Quee: Eas st, Toronto. Winter Term British-Amorican en College, Y¥.M.C.A. Bidg., TORONTO. BEGINS JANUARY 4th A course at this old established school produces the best results. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. T. M. WAT6ON, Principal. CAL VES ®!s< Thos Without milk Steele,' Briggs Seed Ca, Ltd, Torent> [Ont DEFECTIVE HEARING or7cone _dcousticon ven] the m la of ths elect roughout the world. wite. 'te "cxsalogte arat soustic Co., of Canada, Ltd, 'ol {_ Ra A ECT. ATs' ss Hair Promoter HAIR ON ANY HEAD SOc. and $1.c0. Guarantee with every bottle, For sale at Drug Stores and Barber ps, Or MIARLATT HAIR PROMOTING CO., 93 Bathurst St.. Teranteo. RAW FURS cellence. They c r commended aoe ate will do all that is claimed for them. ~A MEAN TRICK. "George played a mean trick on me last nicht.' "What was it?' "He came up to our home with- out having shaved, 2nd--well, just see how red my cheeks are this morning. Try Murine Eye Remedy di nt meee: Will Like Murine. fer Scaly Ey elids. "Surine Eye Co.. cao. 'will send Fou Interesting ye Beoks ""Mamma,'" said little May, "Im afraid I'm naughty, because I've got an awful Stomach-ache." 'It was the pie you ate, I thi nk, May." "Oh, no, mamma, the pie was too good to behave jake that! I: must be me! These. two desirable qualifica- tions; pleasant to the taste and at the .same 'time effectual, are to be found in Mothér Graves' Worm Ex- terminator. ote, Children Ake_it, 'Solicited. Weite for Price List Canadian Hide & Skin Co. 86 FROMT ST. EAST. TORC=T*. ONT Do FURS = pore ly. Also I rin Heebhie des, espaking, etc. Quotations and shipping tass see "JOHN HALLAN TCRONTO trap or bu CLEARING os | LADIES'. Oun be dene perfectly sg @GONTSEAR, TORONTO, OTTAWA 2&2 QUEESO a e Lew Union & Crown taser: Rack te © Cffice, the. name of the ASSETS BXCEE ' OVER: CLAIMS PAID - » gente wasish ia List eacopeeseriind me wis wD Sr aeok ance Peyote: td Redd th acquired the been THE LAW UNION & ROCK INSURANCE camPan LiMiTED <a '$5,000,000 INVESTED IN OVER $ FIRE. AND ACCIDENT RISKS ACCEPTED. Canadian HestOffice: 112 St. James Street, corner Place Phcow Montreal. " 2. Slain ®:. wnertiwes Manager. W. D. Alken, Sub-Manacer, Accident Department, a altered to &. DICKSON, Manazer >In all cases'of , tea Pei pileeesarns an' : iipiian MEDICAL CO. OSHEN, IND., U.S. A." ™ RIGHT WAY Chemists and Bacterlologists G «ot their feed Compound. Give the remedy pape peptone It. _ | Be expelliog the diseas - feroecty eee from anptoing te a 7 a 1 ----------

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