% by ile eT Re Re ee ee Re RP ee ee a ee a ee Listowel a Standard VOL. XXXI1.--NO. 17 0, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1909 z St. Geo, Savi Lh WALTER BROS. OUR ~ MOVING SALE MEANS DOLLARS TO YOU. We are getting our stock down, but not quite fast enough to suit us. We are therefore reducing many lines for Saturday and the coming week. On SATURDAY MORNING we will place on sale a lot of Men's and Boys' Clothing at less ° than wholesale prices. Men's Suits for $5 worth $7.50, Boys' Raincoats $1.75, a ee aes ee ee ee eee Men's Raincoats $2.75, All kinds of straw and felt hats selling cheap. Dark Working ' hirts 50c $1.75 Fancy Vests for 1 - $1.50 Fancy Vests for 1.25 Pig zs Fancy Vests for .98 $2 Odd Pants for 1.49 0 Odd Pants for 1.98 $1.25 Odd Pants for .75 =. re Odd Pants for 1.09 12 1-2c Toweling for 9c 12 1-2c Print for 10c 20 yds. of Toweling for $1 20 yds. of Print for $1 1 1-4 Flette Blankets for $1 $6. 50 Wool Bikts for 4.50 All Carpets at Less than Makers Prices, c Matting for 35¢ Matting for 20c Matting for 25c 15¢ $1.2& Lace Curtains 98c $1 Lace Curtains seg 75 $2.50 Lace Curtains for 1.98 $3.50 Lace Curtains for 2.75 $5 Lace Curtains for 3.98 40c Lace Curtains for 25c 6 pair Shoe Laces "i 5e Be ee Oe i i = Ae A ee = 2 pair Ladies' Hose for 25c Children's Hose 5c pair : 12 1-2c Bleached Cotton 10c 12 1-2c Gray Cotton fer 10c 4 25c Muslin for 15c 15c Muslin for 5c yd + xz All Lines of Groceries. Selling - Cheap. p | : Be With Us During This Sale, It Will Pay You. We pay HIGHEST PRICES for Butter and Eggs. CaS = Walter Bros. areca telnet ran inh tng ing ing ety a leit de lilies Cet cai pies bs "=o ane '=P |S '<4 5) j 4 { ! j : i | } } SPECIAL BA RGAT N DAYS GRAY, BERNIE &.C0.. Listowel's Low Price Makers ! ---- COMMENCING ---- SATURDAY 50 pairs Boys' Brownie overalls, Saturday... 19 too pairs Men's black overalls, the heavy 9 oz. weight, best $1 value, bargain days "only i -79 50 Women's White Shirt Waists, three quarter sleeve, worth up to $2, bargain days.-.... -79 100 only point net bows and jJabots, one of the latest ideas in neckwear, best 25c value, bargain days only ....4. cc esas eeeeeeee -19 2000 yards heavy Duck print, the very heavy cloth, sold most places at 276 bargain days only....+- migieretees Hamar peace eseretars -08 25 only men's short overcoats, for. bargain. day at a quick clear-up price. See this lot. DRESS GOODS: - 10. only pieces Dress goods, (Dress lengths) ie silk mixtures, a very new cloth, ular $1,25, for bargain days, to clear at ONlysseess.ees peewee -89 9 pieces only fancy stripe Dress Goods, 'silk and wool mixed, (new) regular $1 qu: 'ity, for our bargain days only....e+..sseee- -79 5 pieces fancy stripe Dress Goods, our best 75¢ value, for bargain days only ..++s+ «s+. "59 Big Value in 'Women's White Shirt Waists, big assort- nent of all sizes and prices. See them. GRAY, BERNIE & .C0. DIRECT IMPORTERS. CHRIST CHURCH. Rev. H. M. Lanc-Forp, Rector. Sunday, June 6th. 10 a.m.--Rector's Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Sermon 2.30 p.m.---Sunday School. 7 p. m.---Evensong and Sermon. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. R. D. HAMILTON, Pastor. Sunday,"Jine 6th. Service at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev, W. F. Price, Pastor. Subjects for Sunday next, June 6th. Morning -- Possessing our Possessions. vening = kas te etter death? or Is bi rta man immo (O0SPEL SERVICES. In Hall over Miss Schaefer's fancy store every Sunday night at 7 o'clock. WANTED-- A general servant for an ; easy place. fica. pthc at this o} Child's carri good as new. quire at this o We dupply Ci Garde e a battics yy, Yule's Bakery. ~ sti of a cents cup is certainly omical drink, and yet this is ail that Salada" Tea costs. One pound costing 40c. will make over 220 cups of the purest and most delicious tea in the world. BuGcey CHANGED. -- Seat» Ponce night, 24th, some party y the wrong top buggy from 'ne Qoent 8 hata stables, probably by mistake. Tho eer is requested to return same at ce and claim his own, if he wishes to save further trouble, e forsale. Nearly hed be sold cheap. as 'En. D Ice Cream to et ne prices. C. P. R. time table will go into effect on Monday next, The time of departure and arrival of trains at Listowel will be changed es follows : Morning train wi leave Listowel at 8, and afternoon = at 3.10. The morning train evening train, which hereafter will leave Toronto at 5.25, will reach Listowel at change considerably longer given i ronto than be formerly for C. P. R. passengers wishing to return home the same day. BRISBIN-YOUNG WEDDING.--A eed Be Mrs. John Young, town-line west, ried to Mr. Perry --. ing clergyman was Hev. 8. Trowbridge. To the strains of Men- delasohn's Wedding March, played by Miss Phoebe Code, cousin, of the bride, the party took their places on the spac ious lawn eath anarch of apple blossoms. Little Jessie Brisbin of Har- riston, cousin of the groom, dressed in white silk, trimmed with French valen- The bride was given away by her fath- er, and wore a beautiful dress of cream ponges silk, ee embroidered, and carried a boquet of cream roses, After the usual congratulations the guests repaired to the dining room, which was prettily decorated in pink and white, and where dainty supper was served, The evening was spent in social past-time. Their many friends join in wishing Mr. an ra, Brisbin many years of happiness and prosperity. J, E. SAWDON, M.D.C,M. Member of the Royal College of Sur- geons, England. Licentiate of the Royal College of Office on Main street, over Kibler's Shoe store. F, POLLOCK, L.D.S., D.D.S., OENTIST. Office over Grey, Bernie & Co.'s atore, Main atreet, Listowel. Visita Atwood every Monday. T.J.McDOWELL,D.D.S.L.D,S. DENTIST. we Royal College Dental Sur- eGraduate Detroit College of Medicine (Dental Department). nee over Schinbein's Store, same trance as a oe & Carthew, J. E. Terhune and Dr. MISS C. EDNA SMITH, ORGANIST OF CHRIST CHURCH, Ha en Conserva Course, will 'ccept pupt puplis for Fiano testscetion' Resid bag pnt Street, near Public P. O. Box 133. ENTER ANY TIME WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE a hh th _ ~ bli per.ence, with the fire c Bnd has pot Deca t cand "wae ais Individuai Instraction. No vacation. Mail Courses. Enter any day. Write for particulars. GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN, fi Cc. P.R. Time Carp.--The summer from ronto will arrive here at 12.10, and the ronto, cventng. "May 78, at the oe deal City BD m always on hand at Yule Mr, Conrad Ge Jacobs is spending a few Mr. Albert W w, Mich., is making @ here, | Some Miss mton is the D for ESD Yule's Bakery. Rev. W. A e will conduct the Church on Sanday next. i returned ome after onths in Winnipeg vi Mr. J. A. -oub re- ducti b Read his advertisement far . Mr. Geach, of Wel- land, is spendin, in. town with his pare ts. Geach, Mr. N. Krotz 8 fed his grocery bas been fitted shape since Miss Ethel M pronto Gen- eral Hospital av is spending her holidays a or parents in town. : Mr. John Bars ; Mich., spent a few di guest of his mother, qj street west. or «: Mrs. of Austin, Texas, arrived i eeday even- ing, and is the zs. A. J. Col Bi ~ Plan your ® buting for June 25th, and x 'a two-days' exc oand the Falls. See advt The South ted a Thursday ev to a good house. Mr. and Mrs. pintyre of Chicago, Miss Intyre of the Ev il be held Sundsye Rev. A. Y. Haist, P. E., preach n the English ® Im mus- ic will rovid es' Aid. announcement on last page, and keop the date in mind. Lonpon CONFERENCE.--Rev. R. D. Hamilton and Mr. A. L. Adolph are at- tending the London Conference, which rl Forest City." The first i stations makes very few changes in the Stratford District. June weather with its ethereal mild- ness and fragrant laden me cans, with a wealth of bloom such 'as has rarely been seen. The apple hee aro snowy white with blossoms, and other fruits are also very promising. The growth just now is rapidly making up for the Sockwiad spring. Mesars. Walter Bros. have purchased the store next door east of the Tatham store, which they purchased a short time ago. They intend putting new fronts in both buildings and will convert them into a m i block, which will be a decided improvement | * to the north side of Main street. IMPERIAL BANK. --The annual state- gress stitution is making. The of which Mr. A. L. Ogden is manager, is doing a prosperous business. Lawn BowLina.--A very interesting game of Scotch Doubles was played on y recently, the ve following result : Kibler and Howat, ; Windsor and Thornton, 36; major- Ad for Windsor and Thornton, 30 shots. Stratford Beacon: Mr. John McKeev- er of Listowel has purchased from Wil- jaan Anderson of South Easthope, the standard bred stallion Octo Bryson Bryson was bred and raised by rou 7 W. Entricken, Tavistock, the owner of the Eel, andis bred on both dam and sire sides from ucers of Mr. F. S. Howe is again in Mr. Howe as assistant, Mr. og Macdonald, of the staff, has gone to To- ronto and bas taken a position for | summer on one of the Niagara Naviga- tion Co's, steamers. ' Goina Into CamP.--No 8 Com 28th Regiment, will go into camp at Carling's Heights, London, on Tuesdsy next. The local company has becn cut = to twenty men, but Lioutenant A. C. Bricker informs ws that be can find place for twelve more men, owing to some of companies in the Reg- iment being short. Any wishing to go, should apply at once. CHILD INJURED BY BiIcycLE.--Mr. Herman Ebel's little boy Willio was ran into by a lad ona beg on -- afternoon while on the sidewalk ing the telephone gang at work. own wan knocked down and r unconscious, Some of the telephone men carried him home and medical aid was secured. that he will soon be all right again. "Mr, Seconp REMEMBERED.--Mr, H. C. Seoord, late manager of the Listowel agency. of the Imperial Bank, who ro- & surprise on Monday evening bya number of his 'Listowel friends, who met Pat his home and presonted him with a in, A very pleasant }hour was spent by those present, and all wished Mr. and Mrs. Secord g health and prosperity in their now home. MARRteD In San FRANCI8CO.--Miss Margaret Helling, only daughter of Mrs. W. Hellizg, town, who left here a short time ago for Califo San Fravcisco on May 19th, to Mr James Job, of Fresno, Cal., and former- ly-of Hamilton, Ont. Rev. Charles N. | Lethrope was the officiating clergyman. Mr, aid Mrs. Job will reside at Fresno, where Mr. Job, conduets a baking busi- ness. The Standard joins with the bride's many friends in Listowel in congratulations and good wishes. FooTBaLL angie --Tho first foot- ball match tobe played in Listowel this season will be played in the rink park on Wednesday, June 9. between Tavistock, junior champions of Ontario, and Listowel. This game will be the first of the semi-finals for the junior championship of the W. F. A. and will be pt of the fastest that has been seen in wel in many years. The Tavi- stock falecs are very strong and have not been de! year, and the Listowel team, although rather light, is one of the fastest and most effective junior teams that has ever defended the ery who can papell attend will be present and cheer the Listowsl boys to ) victory. + of tha lata Lie Macdonald, ecaty of Listowel, died at Hayward, a suburb of San Francisco, on May 22nd, the inmm te cause of bis death being acuto pneumonia and beart failure. The deceased, who was a young man of about 26 years, left here some four or five yeara ago, and had since been engaged in banking inati- tutions in San Francisco and Oakland, where he-was highly esteemed. l lowing so closely upon the death of his father, about two months ago, the sym- pathy of their Listowel friends goes out to the remaining members of the family in their double bereavement. Besides bis mother, a sister, Viola, and a bro- ther, Lloyd, who is cashier of the Mer- chants' National Bank of SanFrancisco, survive. The interment took p at Onkland. BAND MEETING.--The annual meet- ing of the Listowel Musical Society was held in the Library building on Thurs- day night, May 27th, President John Watson in the chair. The finances of te organization are in good shape and { the Society is called for Thursday evening, June 8rd, in the town e matters for the coming season. A full attendance of dent, J. N. Hay; Treasurer, C. A. Lee; Secr . Frank Kay; Management Committee, G. M. Yates, H. B, Morphy, Andrnw Foer perty Committee, Harry Krotz, Wesley Sp elling. It is to be hoped with a little effort on behalf a of the band management we will soon band have a live organization. was well organized, and had over twenty players, but the unfortunate fire at the Piano factory lost quite a number who had to seek employment elsewhere. However, now that the factory is run- ning again we hope to have these players back. Nothing is nicer in town than a . | good band. TELEPHONE EXTENSION.--Mr. W. R. Byers, who is one of the best constru ion men in the employ of the Bell Tele- and who has the follow- the past wo weeks setting new a clerk ; k Medd, assistant foreman ; S. K. Leake, Jobn Ross, Wm. Gilson, Geo. H. Sharpe, John Rouse, Wm Meyers, linemen; Arthur Tittcnsor, Robt, W. Sankey, Harry B. Jeosickel, who comprise the construct force The work yet to be done will take about another month to complete. All of the men seem to thoroughly understand their work mes a5 the different material comes together like clock-work. The 400 wire cata. put up on Main street was put up with the greatest ease and perfection. The streets to be cal are Main, Wallace, Mill, Penelope, Victoria and Raglan. The cabling does away i has caused of the cable work and splicing ap |Imperial Bank of Canada; Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders held at the Banking coe of the Institution, in Toronto, on Wednesday, 26th May, 1909. The Thirty-fourth Annual General Meeting of the Imperial Bank of Canada held in pursuance of the terms of the Charter at the Banking House of the Tostitation, 26th May, 1909. THE REPORT. The Directors have pleasuro in submitting to the Shareholders their Thirty- fourth Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the affairs of the Bank as on 30th April, 1909, rd me er with the result of the operations of the Bank for the year ended on that day. Tho net profits of the year (after making full provision for all bad and doubt- ful debta, for interest on unmatured bills under discount, for the usual contribu- tions to the Pension and Guarantee Funds, for the peyeeet < all Provincial and other Taxes, and for all preliminary expenses incu mnection with the coeinn of New Branches) amounted to $748,524.17, which Tae been applied as (a) Dividends have been paid at the rate of 11% per annum amount- IE: COhicenissisivesineay. anisnenseacccssassccnsevedesvarsssuetevesdeaie: osaatviens arr 589.52 (b} Bank" Premises and Furniture scenes has been as with easae 01 (c) Profit and Loss Account has been by. pike The premium amounting to $84, cae 50 panived | on the balance of the 1906 aera of New Capital Stock has been credited to Rest Account, which now amounts Branches of the Bank have been opened during the year in the Province of On- tario, at Bathurst and Dupont Streets--Toronto ; at the Market--St. Catharines; also at Cochrane, Elk Lake and Gowganda, in the Cobalt district. In the Pro- vince of Alberta at Lethbridge. In the Province of British Columbia at Kam- loops and Michel. Arrangements bave been completed for the opening of Branches in Ontario at the corner of Queen St. and Palmerston Ave.--Toronto; and at Palgrave. Inthe Province of Quebec in John Street---Upper Town of Quebec (sub-branch.) In Saskatchewan, at Wilkie and Moose Jaw. In Alberta at Edmonton West (sub- In British Columbia at Fernie, New Michel, ond sub-branches at Fair- tings Street--Vancoover, The sub-branch in Bank Street, Ottawa, has been closed. The Head Office and Branches of the Bank have all been carefully inspected during the year, and your Directors have again much pleasure in bearing teati mony to the -- faithfulness and efficiency of the staff. D. R. WILKIE, 20th May, 1909. President. THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL STATEMENT, 80th APRIL, 1909. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. Tiridends Nos 0. 52 73, 74 and 75, payable quarter ny at She : tale Balance at credit St scowint 30th of 1] per cent. 9549, 590.52 April, 1908, brought forwanl_§ 475,911 62 Transferred toReorre Account 3.2250 | Profita for the twelve vrmoathe Written of Bank Premises and | ended Mth Ap il, 1900, a Aoreitare Account, 69,921 Cl j colarng. charges of nies Account carried for- ment and interes: deposi- WM ieteeeiean se. 268 | ra, and after making full | rovisions for all and ubtful debts and for rebare on bills under d 743,524.17 | ium Teceyee on pew Capi: | tal Stock... HM2LS 91,253,631 29 | $1,253,081,29 RESERVE ACCOUNT, Ralanee at Credit of Acconnt, Oth April, 1908 $4,965,757 50 Premium receivetom new Capital Stock... 0. ice ccc cee te et eecn eee eeneeneunens 24,242.50 $5.00, reed DD. KR. WILEIF, General 'Manager. LIABILITIES, « Notes of lation , $ 8,115,100.00 | Depe i 'as ' neateneehenmenen senneel Beli =F <> we Nenasita t : : ath suerte er o ae to date,.......+ i Docvececdes sootel 20,645,784.19 = --------_ §6,068,516.01 Deposits by other Banks in Camada...... ccccccsscssscsesceese sseseessesee 252,087.82 Total cpr to the public srvesseee o10939,430,658,83 Capital stock (paid up) : 5,000,000,00 ren $ 5,000,000.00 Dividend No, 75 (payable Ist May, 1909) for three months, at the rate of 1] per cent. per annum.. Rebate on Bills di t Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried for ward.. 187,500.00 85,934.11 599,978.26 5,828,412.87 $50,254,066.20 ASSETS. Gold at Silver Coin seeeee$ 1,148,947.82 Domini t Notes 7,887,972,00 coe 8,481,919,62 Deposit with Dominion Govt. for security of note circulation... 195,298.52 Notes of and Cheques on other Ban oon. 941,611.48 tonne to other Banks in Canada secured, including bills redisovanted 450,278.46 Balance due from other Banks in Canada 045.60 Balance due from Agents in the United ene, 115,758.58 Balance due from Agents in Foreign Countries... 2,491,815.97 - $14,287,128.88 Dominion and Provincial Government Securities...... § 619,241.97 Loans to Provincial Governments.. a hows 819,199.09 Canadian acai Securities and British or rc Foreign or Colo herthan Canadian 2,036,977.50 Railway ond at other Bonds, rebate and Stocks... 1,020,506.60 4,695,925.16 Call and Short Loans on Stocks and Bonds in Canada... ............ 3,888,255,71 =e 2,821,302.25 Other Current Loans, Discounts and Advances... . 26,571,958.46 Overdue debta (loss provided FO }sonens sdisesnen sdivabuaioabddonnn gceaxBenk 21,540.95 Real premisos) 26,455.88 Mortgages on Real Estate sold by the Bank 92,457.91 Ba Pi including Safes, Vaults and Office Furniture, at ead Office and Branches 1,200,000.00 Ota wales not included under foregoing heads 20,851.25 " $50,254,066.20 E. HAY, W. MOFFAT, D. R. WILKIE, Asst. Gen. Manager. Chief Inspector. General Manager. The usual motions were presented and carried unanimously. The scrutineers appointed at the meeting reported the pllawing Shareholders duly elected Directors for the ensuing year: Mesars. D, R. Wilkie, Hon. Robt Jaf- fray, Wm. Ramsay, of Bowland, Stow, Scotland ; Elias Rogers, J. Kerr Ostorne, Charles Cockshutt, Peleg Howland, Wm. Whyte (Winnipeg,) Cawthra Mulock, Hon, Richard Turner (Quebec,) Wm. Hamilton Merritt, M. D. (St, Catharines.) At a subsequent meeting of Directors, Mr. D. R. Wilkie was Teakees Danek dent, and the Hon. Robert Jaffray, Vice- 'President for the ensuing year. PRESIDENT WILEIE'S ADDRESS. Gentlemen, I have much pleasure in rising to move the adoption of the oo but before making the motion I ~ draw your attention to the opera the Bank during past year. Onur deposits have increased by about 20 20 ber cent., from $30,150,000 to a "Tittle wees $36,000,000. There has been an increase in circulation of over $200,000, and our ordinary discount loans during the same period have increased from $23, 862,812 to $26,571,958. I am happy to say that the increase in deposits is not confined to fluctuating current account balances. Our savings accounts show an increase of $2,500,000, indicating a very substantial improvement in the condition of affairs throughout the country. I have pleasure in drawing your baci to the consorvative pol- icy by way of maintaining at all times substantial cash reserves, the proportion of what is known as liquid assets being over 50% of our total liabilities to the public. RESERVES. The maintenance of large reserves, while affording a sense of security to depos. itors and while giving confidence to shareholders, and, I may 6 say, to directors and to the staff, must undoubtedly curtail immediate poe but in the long run tho advantages are on the side of the safer course and ultimately lead to greater We have, I am satisfied, reaped great benefits both at home = abroad from the conservative course which we adopted many years ago sod -- we have endeavored to follow constantly. STATISTICS. We do not claim any pre-eminence for enterprise, nor that we have gained more our of the-expansion in deposits, cirenlation and basiness loans whick has taken place in Canada during the year, The latest monthly returns to the (Consinded on last page.)