Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 28 May 1909, p. 6

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Vv i TvVT Try vv veerr weweeeeue _ rignt HOW 10 GET 'ONIN CANADA NEWCOMER MUST TAKE HIS PART IN PRODUCTION. No Place in Canada for Square Man in Round Hole, Says Joha Saunders. John Saunders, an English im- migrant, writing to e London Stanuard on Canada's call tor set- tlers, says that Canada, like every other progressive State on the tace of the earth, has rot a singie vac- ancy for "the square man in tne round hole,"' In spite of that, he . comes, encouraged by agencies whiensdo not take account of the man's fitness or unsuitability for | Gop changed conditions. Broadly speak- ing, the success of the man or wo- man of natural adaptability and tact is assured beyond all doubt in this country. it does not fol- w here, any more"that it does elsewhere, that because a man has been a cobbler alf his life he can- not farm successfully. The writer kno ows, among a few score cases of "succezsful transplantation," that of an Englishman in Saskatchewan who, with his wife, daughter, and two sons, has scored one of the best records in home-building and crop- raising in that wonderful -- prolific Province, and whose only practical knowledge of 'farming lay in handl- ing the draft-horses employed in his business of a suburban laundry in England before he came West, less than five years ago. A TYPE NOT WANTED. The man who is not wanted in Caiuada is the cobbler or "candle- stick makers" who cannot, or will not, turn his hand to anything else. The qitics at the present moment are inundated with that type ot "yettier." He is the fellow who comes out with no aptitude what- ever except for 'this own job," and because he finds there are '"'n hands wanted" goes home, or wiles his wail and complaint. On the other hand, not a single man or woman of good character need hesitate to come out to Can- ada with the purpose of taking a share in the cultivation of sume part of its productive possibilities. Whether he or she is possessed of capital or not is a matter of second- ary consequence, but to be Ligeoae ly frank, tor some time to come at least, it is needful 'that the immi- grant who is to be'of real and per- manent use to himself as well as the tate must produce. The writer has indicated in what way. In market gardening, grain growing, or in the breeding of stock, the chances are the very best that any tarritory oa the earth can offer to- day. With the slightest possible qualifications, Canada's one source of wealth is the land, and it is by the cultivation of the still fallow lands that cities will grow and com- mercial enterprises will be fed, as has been the case with the great Republic to the south. READY TO ASSIST. Not one, but sevres of business houses ta Winnipeg aud at omer Pelats in the West are perpared lo ussist intending seltliers of the type tu tne yery last pot Lit dees not compromise their in- dependence. 'dhe "right type in Ingicated by the woras Lntegrity. ndusies, 'Lith. Lhere are scores of thonsanus of "-hngisi men and weren whe can respoud tu ali these, and who tu-aay ure eagerly seeking for a better return tor cheir labor than ihey can possibly obtain in the wing congestion uf things at Lome. They have ail the eiements of-success within themselves. They may be possesse a little. capi tal, but they don't oe Pat: how far that capital will go estab- lishings themselves in € a Some of them may have farined independ- ently in a small way, or have been employed as farm 'hands all their days: they are making a living, anc possibly saving a Ittle, but they fear to risk an assured position at home and take their chances abroad. INFORMATION FOR SETTLERS. There is a regularly Development and Pindustrial Bureau | in Winnipeg, witu a Commissioner in charge, tor the exclusive pur- * pose of collecting and supplies cx- act informatiun as to the industrial ! and commercial conditions of the city and the surrounding niarket, and to whom any inquires may be sent, with the certainty of eliciting | facts, whatever the inquirer may | 'care to make of them. 'direct the homeseeker or prospec- itive setiler so far as that may lie in this province. i ------_1r_-- JAPAN AFTER BUSINESS, Building in Tokio. Has 25,000 § Sam- ples of Goods, Sic da eulabliching ial bureaus and mu: scums throughout the far cast. There ace now about forty of these, including many 'in vapan. One is located in Korea, anuther in Singapere, and a third at Kombav. "Similar museums have been started in Hankow, king, Shasi and elsewhere in China, and one was recontly opened in Baugkok. Of the local institu- tions; the largest are in. the big cities of Tokio and aaka, writes a correspondent at 'Toki 1 visited *the Tokio aauaein 'the +other day, It takes up the better part of a large three-storey build- ing, and it has about 25,000 samples of foreign and native-made goods. 'It is something like the Comimer- cial Museum in Philadelphia, save that it is larger and more like an exposition. It contains all kinds of raw materials and manufac- tured products, shown side by side Bin of Taper: _ There is ean - rtist can ccpy. -clocks and. watches, and jeven Japanese pearls. Tho latter are magnificent, and they a1 are home- A QUESTION OF 'HEALTH| Without Bich, Red Blood You Gan-) not be Heaithy--How to Obtain This Blessing. If every woman and young girl would realize the carn ig tes of allow- ing blood to become thin and poor, would Stier ae the majority of comm cau b an ananene (or bloodless) condition, that persistent pallor means that the blood is not furnishing the or- gans with the req equ nob rshiment: there would be awak- interest in the tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Thin blood means starved nerves, weak- ened _ digestion, functional disor- ches, equenny neu- caleii, sciatica a ven ial pois. Z Dr. Williams' Pink Pills uild up: the blood, repair waste and prevent a check disease. They fill the system "with rich, red peed which means good health and ife. ~ Mise Marie Dionne, St. Angele, Que., says:--"I am deeply grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me. almost turned to water. I was t | pale, had no appetite, suffered from, pains in the back and side, and had a feeling of constant depres- sion. The smallest exertion would leave me breathless, an was re- duced in flesh until 1 weighed only 98 pounds. I got nothing to help me until I bese oe use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pil They began helping - after ite. first couple of wecks, and in a few weeks more was again perfectly well. The color returned to my cheeks, the -pains left me,-and 'I gained in weight un- til now I weigh 130 pounds. I feel so happy for what Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have done for me that I hope some other ailing, miserable girl will profit by my experience and obtain new healt These Pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or gix Koxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, nt. ea "ea BILL'S LITTLE BLUNDER. Two men, who were visiting a country town, took a little room i a small lodging-hotise at night. An hour or two after they had gone to bed, one man woke up, stifling. There wasn 4 a particle of air in the room. He nudged his companion, and sai "Wake up, Bill, et open a win- dow, or a door, or something. I'm We must have some air _ Bill got out' of bed, felt about ?, door, which he opened. Then he got back into bed, not knowing he eae opened a cupboard decor instead a door leading to the outside. a NF you open something?' ask- ed his companion. "IT opened the door," Bill re- plied. 'How's the weather outside?" 'Black as pitel hi, " said Bill, "and smells of cheese."' ieee" A Boon for the Bilious. -- The organized | He will also | Chung- |. liver is a very sensitive organ anv easily deranged. When this occurs i there is undue secretion 'of bile and | lthe acrid liquid flows into' the sto- 'mach and sours it. t is a most | | distressing aument, and many are | prone to it. In this condition a iman finds the best remedy in Par- Imelec's Vegetable Pills, which are {warranted to speedily cerrect the disorder. There is no better medt- cine in the entire list of pill pre- parations. amount of | mi My blood had}: - WEIGHT Or Tl THE BRAIN. . Races Lonk Ci aid S that. although in is per cent. the cases Ww. the brains of great men had been oe the weight was above the average, brain weight iteelf did not always mean aie quality, says the ion Globe. "When there was lack of the func- oes tissue, the lecturer ex- the structural extra weight be due to overgrowth of "brain scaffolding."' is ac- counted for the very large and heavy brains sometimes found in congenital idiots. Pointing out that a race long gines, the lecturer whereas the ordinary European hospital patient had a heavier brain than a savage, the Chinese coolie laborer's brain, developed by cen- | turies of.use, weighed 14% ounces more than = of the European eco tee pation Referring to 'the relative brain rac! at Caucasian men and wo- men, Prof. Mott said that the fe- toale brain had a good etart, weigh- ing nearly 1}4 ounges the male brain at birth. life, however, the average man's brain weighed about 5% ounces more than the woman's The average weight of the Euro- pean male brain was 2 pounds 15 ounces, 9 drams to 2~ pounds 16 ounces 9 drams and of-the femals brain 2 pounds 10 ounces 11 drams to 2 pounds 10 ounces 14 drams. Among savages there was not this difference since in the struggle for her brain-as fully : hence, it has developed at practical- ly the same ra teen COMFORT FOR MOTHERS ; HEALTH FOR CHILDREN Baby's Own Tablets will promptly 'cure indigestion, colic, constipa- tion, diarrhoea and teething trou- bles, destroy worms, break up colds and thus prevent deadly croup. This medicine cdntains no poisonous opiates or narcoti¢s, an may be given with absolute safety to a new-born chi | Manery, Leamington, Ont., says "My baby suffered from colié an constipation so badly that woe did not know what it was to get a goed night's rest. But since giving him Raby's Own Tablets the troule has disappeared, and he now sleeps well. The action of the Tablets is gentle yet vory effective.' ry medicine dealers or by mail at 23 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat. EB _~. ~-- KNEW HIS BUSINESS. This Agent Was a Good One, Failed to Make a Sale. A wanderer wearing a suit of clothes that might have been in the fashion in 1879, asceaded the hail- jdoor step of a Toronto dwelling a | few oe pris agu and asked tu see jthe | ady of the house. May I trouble you fora glass of water, ma'am?' he seid, re moving his hat on her appearance. "Certainly," she replied, the hous semaid could have--- "] beg your pardon, ma'am,"' he interpose "You were about to say that the housemaid could have supplied me with as simple a thing s a glass of water; but this is a But as "but "We obtain "wool from sheep. The wool is made into cloth, and with the cloth they make clothes. Now, .Edimund, what is your over- coat made of" "Of an old one of | father's, sir! pemmincts Liked By The Whole Farnily You will never be disap- printed if you use Libby's Pickios and Oond!- ments on your table. Libby's have the right taste, which is always uniform, and you can depend upony Libby's as being absolutely - pure. Try these: Mixed Pickles _Fanoy Olives Salad Dressing | Strawberry Preserves Currant Jelly ' Evaporated Milk | hts ee meen Libby's foods are the best because they are made from the. best fruits and vegeta- ~ bles, by the best methods in Libby's Great Enaméled White Kitchens. Insist on Libby' s, and you | can depend upon it that . you will get food prod- Bb point of taste & and purity. ingly. a case in. which a domestic could hardly be trusted. J-am indebted | to the lady of the house next door," jhe. continued, feelingly, 'for a col- iation of stewed mutton and rice | pudding particularly grateful to the palate of a hungry man, and | k you for the ' | j this is why I do not as remains of the boiled ham, ently a masterpiece « cookery, w whose rich fragrance still lingers in the air of your kitchen, if I may take the liberty of so expressing mysel Before I phe gor on your kindness for a glass of water, however, you will pardon me if | make a stipula- tion which could not be met at the house of your generous neighbor next door. Do you use boiled water r "We do,"' said the lady, wonder- - "That is good,"' emphasis. "One question mure: ed?' he rejoined, with Is it filter- "No, Sit; it Is nes. "That is unfortunate!' claimed, shaking his head. he ex- "You Difference Between n Savages cand] my ee medy Gave Hita Quick Relict. Kelvi | > Sask., May 2th (Special).--'* ae Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me Backache, and 1 have tt ee ad them iGiomt te others who have also been cured." These are the words of William Wright, a farmer well known here. . "I be- lieve I inheaited my trouble,"' Mr. Wright continues. "'At times, for several years it was very severe. I also suffered from Lumbago, and in the morning I had a bitter taste in my mouth and' was troubled with {dizziness and my skin was dry and harsh and there was 2 sediment in my urine. "'No treatment I could find g me apy permanent roliet till finally believing that my kidneys were the root of my trouble, I determined to try Dodd's a ney Pills. Four boxes cured m Mr. Wright went at his trouble sensibly. He examined his symp- on, and they showed him that Kidney Disease was his trouble. Do az much for yourself, and if your symptoms point to disordered or iseased kidneys the cure is easy. Dodd's Kidney Pills will do it. They riever fail. EER seeeteey NO TIPS iN} PEED. Maid's Surprise . Upon Receiving Money From Guests. A country. where there are no tips and where small services are rendered to the stranger without hope of reward would seem har to find--yet such a country is Fin- geri says the London Post. ar the tourist has not appear- oil: in any great numbérs, and con- sequently the commercial spirit which his advent always marks has nish lady who is paying a visit to this country, tells an amusing story. Two English friends whom she had met while over here had been stay- ing with her-at her house in Hel- 1B ee and on leaving gave the maid a tip. She was very much astonished and did not know what it meant. See- ing Mme. Malaberg's sen 'coming downstairs, she ran 'to him and said, "They gave me money. Did they give you aay! Hearing that they had not done so, she was much* mystified. "I cannot under stand why thes should giva it ta me = no ~on, when they know you _ ¢han me," was he esploned | comment on the incident. -- SEE? And yet, figuring it in any way you want to, what every woman knows isn't much as compared with what nearly every man owes. In the treaty nt ap summer com plaints, the most effective remedy that can be us cal is-Yr. J.D, Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial. i standard. pre; ration. and many people employ it in preference to other preparai It is a highly concentrated n ine and its se- dative and cuvative qualities are heyond questivn. Tt has been a popular medicive for many years and thousands can attest its superi- or qualities "in overcoming dygen tery and kinds -d complaints. ms. A worthless man always seems to 'have more friends than a worthless wom ~~ i ner BE CECEIVED..- Inacrupulous aud our reputation imitation of 'The Mentho Plaster. Be su Sra the genuine mado by Davis & Lat rence Co. FOOLED. Few women are more badly fooled than those whe believe they regu- late the habits of their husbands. THE "BURLINGTON ROUTE " will inaugurate, Chivagy t Seattlo May 2inl, two through "trains St. Paul, daily: ae anh vin E . Fer inform selon in a req ard io ¢ ma esand train ser @ write or cally 3. A. YORBICK, 54 | Ming St. East, Toronto, Ont AN EXPLANATION, "Why do you call her a cat?" "She scratched me off her visit- will pardon me of k, withdraw my request for a gla T am-a little particular," be comiis red, 'with ay | hollow cough. he operation of boiling, while | jit destroys the life of the harmful | organisms that render your city | | drinking water at this season of the | | year, as well as at all others, dan- | 'gerous to the human system, yet | | leaves them floating about. in the | liquid itself." They are unfit for ; human consumption and should be! eliminated. "And this leads me to rem mark,' he went on. placing his cere i hand into his coat pocket and draw- ing forth a small brass object, * t Tam the agent of a filter your tes kettle, and is guarantecd At 'this juncture the lady of the house shut the door in his face. MONSTER ROOM, The largest room in tne world under one roof, and unbroken by | pillars, is at St. Petersburg. It is , 620 ft. long and 150ft. in breadth. By daylight it is used for military! displays, and a battalion _ com- |- pletely manoeuvre in it. Twent; poreend wax tapers are re quiver ht it. The roof of this terme: 'De is a single.arch of iron, and it ing list.' Do not delay in , peating relief for ithe little folks other Graves' Worm Exterminatog is*a pleasant land-sure cure 6's a Ibve your child why do you let it wuties when a remedy i is so near at han Henpece cles : "There 'm determined to have the last | willing you should, my dear, only willing yo ushowld," my dear, only do have it soon. o1sf ach ANETES tt 'HTS exhibits remarkable eaatigeries skill id ih the architecture "'s no use; | fo in pen trying to dispute wha I say ; | Jbe reckoned as ex "SMART BOY Y FINANCIER. On Small ait Salary Spoouta Speculated Far It was ays at Le aggre Londea. res to Charles Ruthven holes a set y xtent of £50,000. Desltry and another clerk, Wil- liam Rayner Jenkins, were charged conspiring to raud their employer, Mr. Siscics Blood,, a | stockbroker, of War oe oath E. ule -- alsifying his b his cones "aosontt was lower than it should have oe and questioned his clerks. He then found that Dealtry had opened account in the clients' ledger without his knowledge, and ed speculated in various Am stocks and shares "According to a statement which Jenkins made, the account was a joint one; he and Dealtry had been speculating in Dealtry's name,' Mr. Watson continued. hen they could rot pay the difference, they opened other accounts a she names of Mrs. Sharman and M Dealtry, in order to cover the osses. "Things became worse and worse, and they additional ac- counts in the names of Schultz and Mrs. Walter Smith. This boy Deal- try, who was being paid £ra week, naturally bought and sold on his own account something like £50,000 worth of ehares ae ween March, 1908, and February last."' Mr. Blood said 'he took Dealtry into his office in order to obligethe boy's father, who was a client of his, and he paid him £1 a week, although he did no useful work. "I would not have permitted him to open an account,"' he declared. "The loss I have discovered on the existing account is £1,7 and I estimate my total loss at £3,000," The case was ii sw ss NOTEJNG NEW. - "T'm introducing a brand new in- veution--a combined talking . ma- chine, carpet sweeper and letter opener, briskly into an office "Got.one already," "answered the proprietor. "I'm marrie amma ys Sis) ed, Wenk, Weary, Watery Eves Retered by Murine pounded by De rne Doesnr Smart Soothes Eye ain. Write Murino Eyo medy Co., Chicago, LO} for illustrated Eye Book. At Druggtsts. For a practical illustration of 'economy, watch a small boy when } he has oceasion to use svap. We want retiat agers all over Canuds e sell our hich ade Pert umes, Leqquisites, eas, ar ost, Es xcellent opportunity for enere: "tie THE HOME SPECISUTIEG co, Toronte Toronto, Canad It is easier to stop ths barking of a dog than the singing of a mos- quito, There area Lamon a of varieties of corns. y's Corn Cure wil remove any ie them. Call on you: 7 'There' s just one thing I wantc: 'to say to you," began Mrs. Acid tr her husband. "Only one, Moria?' queried he, solicitously. "Aren't you feeling welll UO HOME het be without it. in killer the lround medicine ever Aroid substitutes. there is but ---- Dervis --25. and 50c. "Sir,"' said the nerce lawyer. "d you, on your oath, swear that this t bot your handwriting not," was the cool reply. revenabin your writing ! say it does. 'Do you take you! diarrhoon. ove "Painkiller" oath that this writing pe net resemble yours /" **Y-e- "Now ow do you kuow!" 'Cause | can "t write. c heapest of All Me Medicines.--Con- sidore the curative qualities «: Thomas' Eclevtrie Oil it is the duupeee medicine now offered t the public. 'The dose required ir any ailment is small and a bott!c contains many dosee. If it were valued at the benefit it confers it could not be purchased for mens times the price asked for it. but in- creased consumption has simplified cud cheapened its manufacture. Timman (meeing an old long ebsence)--** Sims! Faacy meeting you, aeard you were i my brother--net me."' car! I'm sorry to hear that.' friend A Woman's 'sympathy Are you discouraged? yor doctor'a bu . Reavy financial ead? Is your pala m heavy physical burden? I know what ese dens. Why doctor's DIN? I can do Ud my wi t x oO: h has been p Ls y to be gen awa: Per! his one b --Iit has done so ir ones ali be happy and you we 2c (the cost of @ Bent at rare). vargas pau oer 6 th ir = < | wet ha is CURRAH, Windsor, Ont COST OF F TARGET PR PRACTICE. If you-give sa little consideration an expensive necessity. Every time at 12in. gun is fired bang goes $150 of the taxpayers' money ; a 9-2in. gun fires a cordite cartridge which costs 870; and even - gun, which is a modest meaner ge a $13 charge. Shells run ffom $60 to 815 for the common varieties, though " "armor-piercing ones (not used in the or inary competitions, of course) 1 may cost as muc $130. Then there is the wear and tear of the guns to consider, and this may ensive,. seeing that the "'life" of each weapon a --s said the suet, stepping ruggist and get a bottle at once to the matter you will find that tar- }- | get practice in the British Navy is 'A GOLDEN BOOK. ~ 80 pr ecious stones set in sym e in the centre and at each = the corners. The book'is written upon parchment, and this part of the work alone is valued at $50,000. pean cia eRe An ile erased Pill.--To those of regular it medicine is of little concern, but the great ma, Cre: of men are not of regular ha habit. worry and cares of business oe vent it, and out of the reat of life comes dyspepsia, maigesun., liver and kidney troubles as a pro- test. he run-down system de- mands a corrective and_ theie is none better than Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They are simple in their composition and can be taken by the most delicately constituted. Owing to the declining birth-rate in Iowa, $1 is to be paid to the mother of each child born in that State. Fatablished 30 Years, 78 King St, West, Toront>. -- IDYERS AND CLEANERS MODEAN MADWINERY HANDSOMZ BUILDINGS HJUSE- IM CARADA ' Expresa pad One Way on Cooda Frém a Distamoo WARREN GZOWSKI & co. Members 'Toronto Stock Exchange. Traders Bank Buildinz, 25 Broai Stross, TORONTO. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS eat COBALT rite. spect in 'Stockwell, Henderson & Co. : WANTED. _ oe {IRIS for 5 Fine sy ort roe. S1S.08 Ww 7 ANTED.--Lw do plain --Ladies .to and light sewing at home,' whole or ata time, good pinicin OURTAINS end al} of heuse Hang: vgs, siso This is the ass | an rEsctied to straments Mone s te. SwERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND over 200 Tastrations, 2 " ed tree. Write wa for anything in Music r I instrumen's. WHALEY, ROYCE cK oe Limitea Fire Insurance Agents Wanted Bichmon.! & Drammond Fire Insurance Com Once Richmond' Que. Established $230,000. For agencies at unrepre Province of Outario, address J. i. EWART, Chief Agent, No, 18 Wellington St., East, Toronta, AGENTS MEN OA. WOMER Make three dollars ey . Our goods sell on apishe E evo quickly ined ap and WRITE fcr CATALOGUE n. THE HOME SUPPLY co., Dept. 50., TORONTO, ONT. USED IN Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, Theatres, and in thousands of homes where @ piano © of distinctive ment is appreciated. The Bell is the the Iimitable Repeating Action. ART Send for (free) Catalogue No. fhe BELL PIANO @ Organ Co.. Limited BUELPH. ONTARIO: 7 of remarkable efficie Daimler Co. A full to all applicants to The New DAIMLER The 1909 type Daimler isa petrol-engine plicity of construction, silence in running is incomparably superior to any motor yet designed. Its introduction has called forth letters of appreciation from a number of leading Potorists who have tested it, and all whom 'bear out the claim made for it by the illustrated description, together with the above mentioncd letters, repro- duced in fac simile, will be sent post free % ie The Daimier Motor Co., (1904) Ltd. COVENTRY, In our next advertisement a full Jist of prices : will be include 2ncy, Which for sim- economy, and 2" se ENGLAND. « wil pay Seven Mundred a during lifetime. fits A PERFECT FOOD BANGE MEAT is made from the whole wheat thoroughly cooked, Wheat contuins all the neceseary elements to sustain life im better proportions than any other cereal. . * ORANGE MEAT AND MILK Is A PERFECT FOOD. To persistent users of ORANGE MEAT a reward'is offered. They, Dellars in gold or Fifty-two Dollars every. pesteard in every package of Orange Mvat gives full ef how to earn this and other prizes. If you enter this contest, send post card a0 'Orange Meat, Kings. address, and mextion the panes ia Lynsay f--

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