Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 4 Sep 1908, p. 5

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RAILWAY TIME-TABLES: |. eos Trains Leave Listowel Stations Daily as Follows : G T. FR. WIARTON, OWEN SOUND AND PORT DOVER --Going south : Passen- ger 858a.m ; passenger 1250 pm ; assenger 423 p m_ Going north : Passover 19 a. an ; passenger 11. 31 a.m and 7 20 p PALMERSTON. AND KINCAR- D Passenger senger arenes p. m,, and 8.15 on st aie = "iad 3 a. m. ; passenger 1.10 Bchunetlons made at Linwood Junc- oe with ver for SEER at 1043 and 7.0 as & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS &c, Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilto Nuuries Pubiic and Commissioners. HB, Monrpry, Blewett & Bray: ARRISTERS | remwhes --- Wot iatane Pablicand Ge oy Money 7. M, Cantarw eS Lua Solicitors for Scott'« Hanking "Honse and Ont, Perm. Bldg & Loan a aac MONEY TO LOAN AT 4 1-2 PER CENT. & R. Ruewerr. Gro. Bray. B. A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barrist >, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN art 44 PER CENT OMice, Main St,, noxt to Dr. rly Denttat. Branch olive in Atwood cvory Wednesday afternoon -- R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, UNT. ASHSE the Se digs and Lancashire Fire Insa erunee Compa Alxo Money te Coan in any sama fro m $2 0 a mer 3 ey aes ata heh rate of re Br easy Lorna, FRED. VANDRICK, -- et LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Ceunties of Perth, Huron and the oa aship of Maryborough 1 prepared to handle all 'kinds of sales na Gicst-clues manner, Orders left at A. J. Vandrick's store, Lis- towel, will be given prompt attention} DAVID N. WATSON, LISTOWEL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR PERTH COUNTY. eee Sales conducted in any part of the_ Terms moderate, Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Sales can be arrang- ed and dates fixed at Standard office. LOUIS GABEL, et LICENSED AUCTIONEER. LISTOWEL P. O. ------ Sales conducted in any part of Perth or Wellington Counties at moderate charges, -- ac vetion guarantee: muy be arranged for aot aeters shies, 36--c ENTIRELY NEW S8TNCK OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. ~~ R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the want ot his Customers personally, Family recipes a specialty. zk, A. Hunter. STEVENS) VF YOU LOOK FOR TROUBLE 4 If you obtain a Firearm of deubt- Tho experienced Hunter's and jarksman's Idea! ' is a reliable, unerring STEVENS FIND OUT WH by shooting our pi RIFLES--SHOTGUNS PISTOLS g Ask kk your local Siamdiwane or Sporting Goods chant © STE my M ship direct, express pre- pat upon receipt of Catu- log Price. Lithographed Hanger mailed any- where for six cents in stamps. 2 ATEVENS Daeg tt & TOOL Co. "Chicopee Pein ce, Tv. 8S. A. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE RIGHTS ion freee beter a Anyone sending a ok Corin Thvendlon ie probably our etch an eer eee a, otr- ot aay tine Flier Terms for Shed a'yeah, postage prepaid, Sold by srerenllndat ¥ 8t, Washington, , Er CORRUPTION AT COLCHESTER. Conservatives Had No Part In It. --o-- ' Bayne Acted on His Own Initiative From Motive of Revenge. --o-- ' Truro, N.8., Aug. 28.--The Sora inary examination of A. R. Bayn charged with corrupt practices in 'the Colchester bye-election, was concluded to-day, and Magistrate Crowe reserved his decision for one week. The at- tempt of the prosecution to connect John Stanfield with Bayne's practices absolutely failed. en whatever that he had anything to do with that gentleman's use of whiskey and money. Not even iu the most indirect manner was id connected with it, sofar as the evi- dence went to show. Bayne himself seems to have been a reckless man, who had fallen out with the Liberals, with whom he was formerly associated, and though practi- cally repudiated by Mr, Stanfield, spent his money and wasted his whiskey in efforts that he supposed were for Mr. Stanfield, not that he liked the.Conser- vative candidate, but because he ha the Liberal, Bayne himself made a statement to the court to-day, in which he distinctly said that in the campaign 1e had no connection whatever with Mr. Stanfield. The magistrate took a week to frame iis judgment, which, it is conceded, will be commitment for trial. a _ WORSE THAN ONIONS, --o-- Bad Breath From Indigestion Cannot be Overcome With Perfumes. _-o- Nine-tenths of the offensive breath is a result of stomach trouble. It cannot be overcome by breath perfumes or any palliative measures. If you have a bad breath; if there is heartburn, flatulence and gulpings of undigested food; if the stemack burns or smarts; if there is sleeplessness, nervousness, headaches or any other symptoms of indigestion, use Mi-o-na mach tablets and get well. A 50 cent box of Mi-o-na stomach tablets lasts for a couple of weeks and will ward off a dozen mild attacks of indigestion, while its.continued use will vive an absolute and complete cure. J. Livingstone jr. has seen so many cures made by Mi-o-na stomach tablets that he gives a guarantee with bait box to refund the money if it fails Look Ahead for IlIness. bo ey Sudden illness and pains come in_ev- ery family, to parents et children alike. Butif youhave looked ahead, and have right in your house, ready for 'immediate use a bottle of bpm s Nerviline--there isn't much worry over. If it'sa sore throat or " enntrected chest, apply Nerviline and put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. If it's colic, cramps, or any stomach disorder, just administer ten drops of Nerviline in hot water. No family medicines are more useful or more depended upon in ener encies an Nerviline and Nerviline rous Plasters. They keep the doctor bill mall, 25c. each at all dealers. Refuse substitutes. Six safe-crackers exploded the safe in the Provincial Bank at St. Eustache, Quebec, and got away with $5,000, Dr. Hamitton's Cur Cure for Pimples, All skin diseases sucl such as pimples or- iginate through failure of the kidneys and liver. All Dn nts that block the avenues of hea must be removed. Dr. Harsiitnes Pille do this quickly. They cleanse the system, make the skin smooth, restore roses to the cheeks and ive clear, dainty complexion. For good ooks, gi health and there is nothing so sure as Dr. ilton's Pills. 25c. boxes at all dealers. Seventy persons have lost their lives in the tloods in Georgia and South Caro- lina, MOST WOMEN WORRY, A Sign of Failing Health. -o- Worry is a disease--and it's more--it produces other diseases, because it breaks down the nerves and saps tho vitality of the body, What a pity women don't realize that if they were well--if the blood was na- tritious--if the nerves were strong--if all the organs were active--then the little things that irritate and prey on the mind wouldn't receive a moment's thought. 'The woman who worries has a appetite--she slecps poorly. If it only lasted for n day or two it might be of spiees conseuence--but she grows limp, ale, unhappy --worse day by day. he needs Ferrozone which cures worry by curing the conditions that render worry impossible, For nervous, weak women, no tunic is s0 good; thousands it has cured just like Mrs. M. kK. Etherington, of Troy, who writes: "LT am quite willing to give a public testimonial for Ferrozone, believing it to be a tonic of superior excellence and one that will rapidly build up strength end supply new energy to anyone not feciing well, Last spring | wasin a very poor condition of health, I was nervous, felt tired, and completely worn out. No doubt it's aomplaint with ladies of my age, placed great reliance in Ferrozone, and took it for several weeks. It made me quite strong, and in fact I have been in better health ever since. I can heartily poor 3 by making good blood, strong nerves and a_ healthy ¥. This is why it gives color, clearness to the skin, buoyancy to the step, brightness to the eyes--because with good digestion and activity of the body in all its parts ee. shealth. Price 50c per box at all dealer For Over Bixty Years. n'y 8 SooTuine Srrce bas been used by millions. ot peed oly for their ebildren waite kovtting. It nue nites at nightand broke wilt pe pain d of i Catttog Te esta one at once and i neces 'ttle of **Mra. Winslo Soothing Syrup' for Chiltros Teothing. tt Tell relieve the peor little enflerer im: po mothers, there ia no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhas Bowels, cures Wind reduces bey the whole system. 1ere WAS no eyi- | | SARTORIAL DILEMMAS. Weighty Problems That Are Puzzling Our English Cousins. _A problem is put forward by a writer ip a contemporary. which gives food for thought. It is this: Suppose by some combination of circumstances you Which would be the better way out of 't-to.wear a bowler or a tall bat? As the writer justly remarks, if you wear a bewler then the thing you Nave to 2xplain awny is the coat. If you wear a tall Lat, you bave only ('* Loots to account for. We should auvtise those of our readers who find onc torning that all the weuring apparel in the house had been stolen during the night with the exception of a frock cont, waistcoat, trousers, shirty collar, vest, de, a pair of brown boots and two hats --one tall, the other round--to cut the Sordian knot by staying in bed. <An- other of life's dilemmas which may face the traveler down the world's justy highway has to do with collars Suppose on arriving at a house for n week end and starting to dress for dinner you find that your evening col- ars have got wetted by your sponge or otherwise defaced. Should you wear a clean double collar or a dirty ortho- jox evening collar? In the former case you willl be natty, but a thing of loathing to all properly constituted men. Ip the latter you will give the Impression that you cannot afford the services of a laundry.--Lonidon Globe. NAPOLEON'S HABITS. The Great Warrior Was Fond of Per- fume and Clean*Linen. Tt Is pleasant to learn If one has Na- poleon [. on the hero list that he had very dainty habits In personal mat- ters; that he was fastidiously clean In his person, according to an article in a French contemporary, and poured eau de cologne Into the water he washed In, then sponged his bead with per- fume and finally poured the remainder of the contents of the flask over his neck and shoulders. He was also ex- travagantly fond of clean linen and during his campaigns bad relays of It sent to different places. In those days it did not cost a farm to have starched things laundered, for, In account wilh a famous laundress in Paris, the eiw- peror's linen for one wash amounted to 886 pleces and cost only a trifle over This strikes nn American as very reasonable, but his majesty never wore any article but once, and, as he always undressed himself without aid from his valet, his garments were literally east to the four corners of the room. Napoleon's bill for-eau de cologne, however, exceeded the washerwoman's a large majority. It is a relief to learn that the Little Corporal was so much a dude, Some of his predecessors In the Tuileries were not blessed with such excellent habits tf history {s to be relied upon. To Make Waxed Paper. This is used for keeping substances which contain either a volatile aromatic in, etrate through ordinary paper. flat sheet of copper over a gentle fire place a sheet of paper as a base.and then lay a second sheet on the top of the first, Coat this second sheet with yellow or white wax and distribute the latter uniformly over the entire shect by means of n sponge, exerting a lit- He pressure, till the paper is every- where transparent and consequently permeated by the wax. If the fire is too feeble, the process will be retard- ed. Too powerful a flame is still more barmful, as the paper ts lable to be- come brown or black. Stearin may be ased instead of wax.--Der Industriose Geschaftsmann, Sure to Be There. An old Scotch farmer was lying on what he thought was his deathbed. He began to give orders to his wife about hts funeral and tbe people to be Invit- ed. His wife, knowing that he was not dying, paid but little attention to his requests, and this so enraged the farm- er that he rose on his elbow and cried out: "What need I speak? There'll be naething dune richt unless I'm there mysel'! His wife, patting bim on the shoul- der, replied: "Toots, man, Bauldy! Keep rer min' easy. Ye'll be the prin- cipal man there."--Glasgow Times. Where They Gas Away. Of the lute Langdon Smith, the bril- Nant journalist and author of New York, a Denver reporter narrated anec- dotes the other day "Il remember," he sald, "my first visit to Washington. Smith, big and hand- some and vivacious, showed me about From an eminence a great pale dome rose up against the blue sky, the dome of the capitol. "What is that?' sald "That? said Smith. national gas works.'" L 'Ob, that's the In One Lesson. ---- sister said she ie dan Sho--Well, can she? "Yes; I made her. We hpdn't been on the floor a minute whee MW stepped on her foot. You just ougut to have seen her." named. Towne--Why do you call young Fetherbrane "Cholly?" His first name is Noah, Browne--Yes, but that's so inappro- priate. Noah had sense enough to get In out of the rain. He who wil! not reason Is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; he who dares not is a slave.--Byron. BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons a vou want anyibing in oe vehicle Jine w is the time aye! asI have a large wage o band and tea be closest ses ice, eee | oat at my carriage sh JF ing Mais KEIBLER. SUMMER SALE. AWELLGOWNED WOMEN These are the Warm Ee WEARS ays mie KEEP COOL EMPRESS by buying a pair of . SHOE \Q = White Canvas or Tan Shoes. We will sell all Summer Goods at from to 20€ per cent. off for cash only beginning with August 7, Fair Day. Many other lines are be- ing reduced in price, in fact some lines we are go- ing to sell at and under cost. an Besides we carry many ht for Men, the A. Slater Invictus " certian Astoria, and for WOMEN The Empress, one of the best shoes on the market to-day. her shoes as she \does hice hat or gloves. Most fastidious women wear the Empress Shoe. We sell them. Clothing. IT WILL PAY every person having : "Listowel Woollen Mills and see wets an immense stock of goods they have to of- fer at prices meat defy any other factory or store to produce the same value for, and which they offer you in exchange for your g stock cf Tweeds, Flannels, Flannel- etre Unde Hosiery, etc,, on hand. READY-MADE-CLOTHING all sizes. bOys and see what bargains we have for you. Highest prices paid in cash or trade for Wool, and will pay a few cents extrain trade and guarantee [to 'sell goods at cash prices. B. F. BROOK & SON. DDI IIIA Ars ODP AAR Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Taxes. TOWN OF data To W EIN REALE RGR EA PAN OA Od do AFD PARADA OR AAAS Bring your WINS Oe we, LAS OS iM | By virtuefof a warrant issued by the Mayor, ---- the seal of the Town of Listowel, to me Sieectell ated the first day 908, commending ~~ to levy upon and sell the al mentioned of June, c list for arrears ©: es due thereon, ereby give notice that ona il - and all costs are apt paid I shall proceed to sell by public be necessary for the payment f as auction the said lands, or as much thereo yee 1 neeeenry F Listowel On ral the taxes and costs thereon, at the Town Monday the 28th Day of September, A.D. 1908 commencing at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Street and Lot Amount Costs and Total Patented Charges E. ---- of lot ox80 te sub. lot 2, 30x! commencing 4 chat : pep nn 97 1-2 links southerly from . ; the n. i angle of lot 2 $120.56 $6.50 $127.06 gi E. Mill--13 13.58 3.83 17.41 S, Main-- Part of Park Lot K, 66 ft. front, commencing 66 ft. westerly from the - J n. e. angle of "aid tot 24.17 4.10 28.27 " N Main--E. part 2 24.17 4.10 re ' W, Nichol-- 13. a 3.83 17.03 ese lots are numbered on the map the Town of Listowel, made by [887, in the Registry Office Thes' Lewis Bolton and registered gd Tpth, 1887, Tens. Town of "pene ; Treasurer's Office, June 15th. Qe [WESTERN FAIR. Greatest Live Stock Exhibition OF WESTERN ONTARIO. Full Programme of Attractions twice daily, including Kemp's Wild West Show, * Best of Music. Fireworks Each Evening. ATHLETIC DAY MONDAY, SEPT. 14TH. Come and Enjoy Yourself at London's Popular Fair. Reduced Rates on All Railroads. Prize aie Entry Forms, Programmes and all information given on application to W. J. REID. Pres, A. M. HUNT, Sec'y, London, - Sept. 11-19. RA REBPIEGDDDDD DAG DION OOD DODDS AS GIS LSI SSS wn nee en ~ GISSDSSSLSSSOSPESSSSESR GEESESSA Imperial Bank OF CANADA. D R. Wilkie Pres. Hon, R. Jaffray Vice-Pres, CAPITAL AUTHORIZED - $10,000,000.00 CAPITAL PAID UP - $4,990,000.00 REST - - - $4,090,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted. Special Attention given to this Departmen' Savings | Jere diets Genmeeyel tse sae oney may be wi wn by cheque Jithout Bank. notice. Bog forwarded to depositors by mail on Notes of responsible Farmers' Business a Specialty, £ Et ie notes cllstod snd ances made thereon. pan or taken on de- Cheese Cheques Sniyitnti, without charge, aig otocigy L BRA ne CH, GENERAL SUMMER SALE J. S. GEE'S Aljl Lines in Summer Goods such as Cham- brays, Muslins, White and Colored, Selling at Reductions. All 15c, lines reduced to 10c, and 12 1-2c. a yd. All White Blouses reduced 20 per cent. Some White Blouses, regular $1.25, clearing at 50c each. One nice line of Colored Blouses, regular 715c.. for 59c. Another nice line of Print Blouses, regular 50c., for 3c. each. All lines in Dress Goods reduced 20 per cent. Bargains in Remnants, Bargains in Boots and Shoes, GROCERIES--Young natural fruit flavor Jelly Powder 10c. each, Ceylon Tea, superior value 30c. a Ib., English Blend 2Sc. a Ib., Famous Blend 30c. a Ib., Good Coffee 20c. a Ib. J.-S. GOHE, CANADIAN NATIONAL Aud. 29 EXHIBITION Sept. 14 TORONTO Greatest and Best Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World Eve Fovnee [$700,000.00] Manet Its Products in Prizes and Attractions Concerts Grand Art Loan Collection From the Paris Salon and other Old-World Galleries. International Military Tattoo and Realistic Spectacle The Siege ci Schastopol Wih 900 Performers. International Dog Show International Cat Show 8,000 Live Steck on View Fer Prize Lists, Botry Blanks ood all Toformation address J, O. ODOR, "Wanader, City Ball, Torsato CHEAP FARES FROA KVERYWHERE Thirteen persons were drowned * floods at Polsom, N. M., are missing. by and five others solicit. th le. bust iness of MM: Papp epi fr ore d Thirty-nine' Chinese Pirates. were killed in an engagement with French | | troops in Indo-China, Puginee Tsand ot! of having their ty F: Lxports, Pr ry ad woderate, Our iavt entor's Adviser sent: upon fe vest. Marionts Maron, Reg', New Yo isn ie a: leg, Moutreal: and Washlugton, D.C, U. ! Listowal | FOR SALE. Sash and Door Factory. | anew v frame house and nearly an t+) on Ric! stree Liston BAMFORD BROS. \ shed sh cca a There are Builders and Contractors | are prepared to contract for the erection of allciseses of buildings. Plans and specifi- catious drawn, and estimates furnished on application, SASH, DUOR FRAMES, BLINDS, ete,, turnished on short notice. Planing order. Everything inthe puied ing line will be given prompt attention and First clase Workmanship guaranteed, { i { particulars apply i i W. POLLOCK, pee of Fairview Cemetery, Ls Listowel. FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS, §. L. KIDD & SON, having purchased the Butcher Business of S. J. Stevenson, are continuing the business in the Shop on Wallace St., Charges Moderate. Bamfcrd Bros, New Telephone Directory. JHE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Is about to publish a new issue of the where they handle only the Official Telephone Directory | Choicest Meats of all thin Home-made Sones District of Western Ontario, Bologna, Summer Sau- including Sage. Cured Meats, Etc. th LISTOWEL. El le fe opi bs ad Orders for new connections, changes " of.firm names, changes of street ad- Give us a trial and you will ng dresses, or for ata pat should ; come again. be handed in AT S. L- KIDD & SON J. H. GUNTHER, Local Manager. Garbutt Kidd, Maniac Ca Anes badA rwruvvvuerT TT" pwwrvuewd pwwuew PeuvvuvVvVCCC

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