: Mles. Main St., next to Dr. id RAILWAY TIME-TABLES: Trains Leave Listowel 'Stations Daily as Follows : WIARTON. OWEN SOUND AND PORT DOVER --Going south : ore ' ér 858 a. m ; passenger lpm assenger 423 p m. Going north : Pass ci lla passenger 11.31 20 p. m. * PALMERSTON zal Pee DINE--For Snake : Passen 7.42a m; enge r 12 05 mes aps Kincardine : enger 1. 10 senger 3. Passenger 1. 10 a. m. : p. m., and m. Cc. BB. FR. press leaves Listowel 8 45 a- m., arciving at Gu ot ph 10 sco ns and To- leaves wed TG eonort ions carnag at Linwood Junc- tion with train: , oe at 1043 a, m. and 7.04 oe : Morphy & Carthew, sane ig SOLICITORS &C. ed itors for the * of Hamilton. Saume Ps Publ Ne sna ormuieetonere Monsey oO M. B. Monrray, J. M. CaRTarw Blewett & Bray ARRISTERS apie EOLIGETORS, onion Publicand Conveyancers Mone to Leen, Solicitors. for Soott'= Hianking 'House 4 ane Ont, Perm. Bidg & Loan MUNEY TO LOAN AT * "re EE CENT. y R. Ruewerr. AY. B.A. y. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barrist -, Conveyancer. " MONEY TO LOAN at 44 PER OENT- Foater, Dentist. 'anch on 6 in Atwood evory Wednesday chareee R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, ONT. : forthe London and Lancashire Fire Ae Cémpany. Alsi Money to Loan in any were from $200 and o of "all descr ate low rate of nteres' 2 nent 'tarma. FRED. VANDRICK, --s LICENSED AUCTIONEER he Counties of P: rg Huron and the Township of Mary rae lam prepared to handle at kinds of sale no first-class manner, . Orders ipft. at A. J. Vandrick's store, Lis- towel, will be given prompt attention DAVID N. WATSON, LISTOWEL. - LICENSED patina FOR PERT H COU OUNTY. Sales conducted ins in any part of the unty. Terms moderate, -- ang- tion guarante: Sales can be ar ed and dates fixed at Standard office. LOUIS GABEL, eH LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ™ LISTOWEL P. O. Sales conducted in any part of Perth or Wellington Counlics at moderate charges, -- pete guarantee may be arranged for at ee office, ENTIRELY NEW SsTACk oF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. --o-- R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the want ot-his Customers personally, Family recipes a sp«cialty. 'R. A. Hunter BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons If you want Bags nig in the vehicle line now is the tim: ay, asl have o large band oat will wall at closest price, 4 call. at my carriage shop will convince J F WILSON, Main Street. Listowel "60 YEARS" EXPERIENCE ee Eee maaan asketch and 4 saan opin! ¢ business of Manufact rerg, thera A no Feat th the 5 advieabet sa their Patent ty elim es eroderatay Our Invent SA pe laa R Ni ir arion. eg'd., New nie Pensioned For Life. By JENNIE _ LEB. weaealipcasons ae oer Apeeeree -"If you pall my hair again, Louise, I'll discharge you without a moment's | notice!" snapped the lovely Sibyl Stevenson to her French mald, who was dressing her mistress' head. "Miss Sibyl Is very cross," suggest- ed the maid in meek reply as she went on with her camapree task. "Well, ydu'd be cross, , irr-- "Shall I dress the hair nee or low this morning, miss?" interrupted Lou- ise. "The agliiest way possibie." 'said Siby! sharply. "Make me the ugliest Woman on the beach. Make me so ugly that no man will ever look at me, Do you understand?" she contin- ued. "I hate men." Loulse went on making puffs and curls regardless of her mistress' direc- tlons. Fora time nothing was sald. Sibyi was decidedly moody, and it was the nag who again started the conversatio "Miss Sibs!, what is a good looking oe "Why, Louise, you are stupid not to- know that. A good looking glass is a mirror which tells uo Hes. Now, with the men--they are not so responsible-- they do not always tell the teuth, but you can depend on a good looking glass to be brutally frank. But why do you ask?" inquired Sibyl, "Well, I have here a letter from a mysterious stfanger, who asks me to a "I3 THAT YOU, LOUISE?" HE WHISPERED. meet him at the Pine grove. He says that Iam a good looking glass, What does he mean, Miss Sibyl?" "Ile doubtless says you are a good looking lass--that is, a girl," Sibyl ex- plained. "But let me see the letter." I'rom the pocket of ber dainty apron Louise drew forth the note. Sibyl read it through, hesitated a moment and then turned to her maid. "Louise, I'll meet this man In your I don't want you to be de- Mr. Judson has proved false, and"-- A tlny tear found its way on Sibyl's cheek. So it was arranged, and the season's belle, Sibyl Stevenson, strolled down toward the clump of tall pino trees near the edge of the Inke in the early evening to meet the man who had paid court to her maid. The trees, shaken by the breezes, cast freakish shadows on the ground, and Sibyl was not alto- gether comfortable. She was cager to meet this youth who was trifling with the affections of her maid and give him a piece of her mind. She had not long to wait, how- ever, before the tall figure of a man came down the winding pth, With long, swinging strides he ap- proached, stopped a moment as if to make quite sure of--something, she knew not what. Then, to her great sur- prise, be turned quickly and disap- Siby! walted until she felt it was no longer safe for her to be out alone and returned to the hotel to tell her maid of the strange occurrence. They dis- cussed the protlem, and both decided that the gorgeons gowm worn by Miss Stevenson did not look like the simple grooming of ber maid. This fact bad probably frightened the man away, The next evening Sibyl, dressed in a plain black frock, with white collar and cuffs and a drooping hat, awaited the mysterious Romeo whom Loulse had notified by note to be there at a certain hour, Again the tall figure swung down the road, a slouch Hut pulled down well over his eyes. "Ila that you, Louise?' he whispered. Sibyl] started to scream; then she yeancd against a friendly pine tree and ; fm a weak voice claimed the identity. "Is she wise?" asked the man. "Is who wise?" reiterated Sibyl, her volce still trembling. "Why, Miss Stevenson, your mis- tress," stammered ing bit of French humanity! Speak p and tell me has she aaa me aa have you arranged n He got no further in his inqufries. Sibyl' picked up her-little black skirt and ran for home. Once she was safe ly closeted with Loulse she felt vague- ly that the echo of a man's bearty laughter had followed her flight, uise," began, Sibyl in a most ma- For Over asl 'Years. Mra. Srxuve bas been need ye millions aioe whiletesthing. If distarhed at x core Bow oar ic, softens the Gums, iedeaes Smtr Oo v s thing ip" for obiidven fllrting with Mr. Judson? Now, not interrupt me, for it. was Mr. ae "Mr. Judson! Impossible!" cried the" astonished Louise... : "No other," emphatically assured Sibyl. "Those things may be all right in France, Louise, but no nice Ameri- can girl will" A knock at the door interrupted the = of this repay A gentleman as waitin; Stevenson. The: hallboy ay not know his name. peta had changed her somber black to one of her Tarls creations an went to mect her caller. She glanced into the public parlor, ut he was not in sight. Upon inquiry she learned that her guest was waiting on the corner of the piazza for her. She went to meet him, and Larry Jud- son put forth his hand os she came to- ward him in the dim light. "Sibyl, you must bear me," Judson gan "My dear Mr. Judson," said Sibyl, with stinging sarcasm, ties: is just the I've heard too already." "Now, please lsten. The train was late night before last, we were derailed just the other side of the draw, and I couldn't very "4vell swim all the way here, conld 17 "Is that all you have to say?" in- quired Sibyl, but the tone of ber voice was o bit softer. "Except that 1 love you and"-- "And my maid as well, I suppose," finished Sibyl. "Don't be a foolish girl, dear...You have a prize In Louise. If you'll prom- ise not to discharge her, I'll tell you a It was Loulse who arranged this campaign; it was she who suggest- ed my writing her a letter that would reach you., She's a brick, all right, is Loulse." Sibyl opened her eyes wide and star- ed at Judson for a moment, "You mean to tell me that stupid French girl planned al! this to give you n chance to explain," mused Sibyl. "But why?" ' "I hunted her up and told ber you were angry with me because I kept you waiting nearly two hours, She un- derstood It was not my fault,if- you would net." "But how can you explain about be- ing with Miss Lawton?? suggested Sibyl. . "Easily," assured Judson: . "She was on the same train with me, and it was Inte and dark, and she was afraid, and I offered to see that she landed safely under her parental roof. Surely no de- cent American could do Jess, could he?" "Well--but"-- Sybil feit that she was caught In a closely woven net and was trying, though not very hard, to find an opening. Fla looked' very penitent, and Sibyl .kKhew that she loved him as much as he loved her. "Well, will you promise"-- "Anything, dear-- anything!" cried Ilarry withont waiting to know what it might be. "Will you pfomise to give Louise a ' pension for life?" asked Sibyl. And as bo took her in his arms he romised that and many other more important things. Real Bottomless Pits. Bottomless pits are facts, Tot fancies, according to Professor B, A. Martel, the French geologist: He declares that this term may be applied to cliff caves whose lower] t las Leen cut off by the erosion of the valley below, thus turning them Into tunnels, through which the valley may seen. The most remarkable abyss of this kind Which the savant has seen is the so called hole of Platary, on the summit of the eastern ridge of Vercors, above Clelles. At about 5,100 feet a horizon- tal orifice opens suddenfy . like -the -nouth of an ordinary cave, which It probably once was. The bottom has been cut off, demolished by the !m- mense erosion of the vast basin of treves to the east, 2,300 to 3,300 feet deep, on which the present lower ort- fice of the present cave opens out in no superb arch twenty-six feet high rom the railway between the sta- tions of Clelles and Percy, on the line from Grenole to Veynes, it is seen 2,300 feet in the alr like a pinhole near the summit of a limestone cliff. It was from the car window that the extraor- dinary aperture was discovered Belgium in the Grand Duke's hole one may descend and contemplate the windings of the Lesse, holding to the shrubbery to avold being precipitated into the river 250 feet below. In the evidence of an incompletely destroyed cave whose remaluing upper entrance doubtless soon will disappear. Strange Capture of a Salmon. Fishing a well known river In Nor- way one June, one of the tenants of the fishing lodge opposite ours caught @ fish-of twenty-nine pounds in the morning and lost auother, bis spinning fme being broken by the rush of n heavy fish. Fishing with prawn the afternoon of the same day, the same angler in the same pool got into a good fish at bis Orst cast. After a long fight the fish was gaffed and landed. Then was revealed a strange state of things. The prawn tackle had never touched the fish; In fact, the hooks were a foot or more from it. They had caught in the cast which had been lost that morning and was now twisted futo knots and tangles no doubt by the salmon endenvoring td get rid of the treble Norsk cast and hooks. The line bad been got rid of. As the prawn swung down the pool it had grappled the lost cast still attached to the sahn- on, and 'fish (thirty-three pounds), cast and tackle were recovered. We watch- ed the incident from the road and, crossing the river, handled the recov- ered cast. Many maintain that salmon once hooked and played for any length of time leave the pool.--W. H. In Lon- dou Field. Prevent Taking Cold. ---- Often you come home, cold and shiv- are wet, throat israw,chest n- tron-Iik tke ton® "what do you mean U5 chalk cliffs of Etretat there fs another }- '*My mother taught me to bake, and told me why she always used a McClary Range. € "Now Ihave a 'Pandora', are few. After fire is started, I sim bring thermometer to amecetat th and leave the oven e bakin es built for faith hal earvice. #6 While hotisewives with * other ranges are a. fire anes ing Londen, Toreats, Montreal, Winaipeg, Vaneouver, St. John,.S,, Haniliton, Calgary. FS ADOLPH & BONNETT, Local Agents. GooD HOME | RECIPE, Get fron any seeacchtion pharmacist the following : Fluid Extract space, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one 'ounce; Compound 'Syrop Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take a tea- on dose after each meal and at bedtim: The niet is considered as the ae certain prescription ever written to lieve Backache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all forms of Urinary difficul- ties. This mixture acts promptly ° on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, enabling them to filter and strain the 'uric acid and other waste matter ae the blood which causes Rheumatis! me persons who suffer with 'ieee afflictions may not teel inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it say the re- rl are simply surprising, the relief be- effected cate = --" jury to he stomach or Mix some and ce it a 2 terial, It cer- tainly comes highly recommended. is the prescription of an eminent author- ity, whose ome tation, itis said, si 'establish A'druggist oe at eg when asked, ted that he could gither supply the prescri| ingredients or ption for our ers, ends 'it as hi le LEBANON, Threshing will soon be over. Oats are not turning out as good as last year. Barley and fall wheat are an extra good crop, R. Jones was at potion "cia By all reports he had a good ra, George Love, who the 'been bed- fast Yor some time; is slowly improving. Ooms Elford's little son is on the sick Mtr d Mrs, Aaron Jones spent Sun- day at 'his brother's on the third line. Potato digging and fall ploughing takes up the farmers' ie By all re- ports the potato crop good one, The Scahice 4d is senaweat poet for the want of rain. The C. O. F. of Wallace, No. 96, in- tends having their annual bush hunt is fall. Mr, John Gordon spent last Sunday on the third line ba eta ieeating items were » handed in for last iss pecs The United States battleship fleet was welcomed by the Japanese at Yokohama Sunday morning. Two freight trains on the C. P. R. collided near Stickney. Fireman Rob- " Johnston of St. John asted alive, an Humphrey had his back and Soth legs broken. The Koyal Cite si | Surgeons has passed a degree admitting women to the examinations of the Examining Board of England. Mr. William Hill was struck by the tongue of a wagon while trying to stop & runaway near St. Thomas and killed. Two Montreal boys, Harold Patterson and Gordon West, were shot by a crazy man, and young Patterson may not re- cover. : Mr. Robert Melvin, a leading citizen of Guelph; took ill on his way home from New York, and died at the Wal- dorf Hotel in Hamilton. A One Word Epitaph. "There is only one one word ep' taph in America," said the ala taker. "It is in the town of Worces- ter. I believe it is quite a drawing card. Holiday makers come to see it from miles around. The epitaph consists of the word 'Gone.' A bas --e lay dying. to his wife, with a quite all "going, going," Now Tl soon. be "gone. that on my tombatone, dear, that * "The wife complied." my Put one A Crusher. Sir Richard Bethell, arterward Lord Wéstbury, with a suave voice and a* stately manner, nevertheless es ag in court has subsided," murmure te "I will tell your honor in two oO gist of case," Working Their Way. fire. For weeks the rocks burned like a and grea' clouds of smoke and vapor rose high cal net. aw ppened tions, "Little boy," she said, "don't you it's very cruel to catch those poor little froggies? Dick straightened up all looked at er. She wore a crea- tion" on her head, an natice = es trimmings attracted his atten- oy want 'em to wear on my hat," he said Her Wish. A Baltimore man tells of recciving a unique note ging a yin ding a sent by him on the oc m of the marriage of 8 chum. we The Critics. flewitt--Yes, he's gotting ont a book a" thing "Au Crittick--You don't "nay Newitt--Yes; rather commonplace, ~_ t you ttick--Yes, and very inappro- prints. Autumn leaves are frequent a Royal Athletes. Both the King of-Greece and the King of Norway are wonderful ath- Tetes. King George is especially pro- ficient in all manly exercises, ao were an athletic concourse of E betta cig eo to be held he woul eleight-of-hand; +" delights in play- manner of difficult tricks with corks, bottles, knives, forks, eoima, and Me eect such as jug: dere love to 0 play y wi iY Defeated by Dr, Hamilton, ---- In no way is health wighesgrer-aakre oe constipation. tS peer i dred it! ed quickly by Dr. Sees Pits, which cleanse the entire intestin- al tract, stimulate sings and cdl seh treobie, yellow Dr. 'ect never hav complexion or ain if you Hamilton's Pills. They area CAPITAL PAID UP REST Ty mperial Bank OF CANADA, D R. WilkiePres. Hon,R. Jaffray vice CAPITAL AUTHORIZED - $10,000, 000. 00 rates and Money may " General Banking Business Transacted, Special Attention Fiabe hs to this Sco Jithout no' eee forwarded to depositors by mail on Farmers' Business a Specialty. Department. date of oe 4 pees 4 of responsible fone Discounted. - Cheese Cheques &% posit ale Dawes enlioered S04 any bank cashed oc taken ae ae. Without charge, - LISTOWEL H. C. SECORD, POs BRAN CH, BART aan gAN www J. For New Fall sh ues Lines in Stock. -- SEE goc a yard, S. GEE'S Dress Goods. Shadow Stripe. Jn All Plain Cloths, Superior Finish, 'Venetians All Shades, From 50c a Yard Up. - OUR -- Special Leader in Venetians In all shades, this is a very superior Suiting Venetian, only Some JOB LINES just received in Heavy Fall and Winter Weights for Ladies' Suitings will be sold at half price. No trouble to show you through our lines. | Tabling in Linen, this week for 25c a yard, { TS. GEE. Special 35c Listowal Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builders: - and Contractom sihunuan of buildings. ans and catioas drawn, and estimates furniahed on application, SASH,.DUOR FRAMES, BLINDS, eto,, furnished on short notice. Planing d.aeto order. Everything inthe pui-d ~-- line will be given prompt attcntion and_ irat class Workmapsbip guarapteed, Charges Moderate. . Bamfcrd Bros. "STAR AND CRESCENT. The Use of the Oriental Symbol by the English. related in the Book of Judges that. Gideon took from Zebah anc Zalmi h, kings of Midian, orna- ments like the incon that were on their camels' nec The Midianites were Ishmaelites and thus ancestors the Turks, so it is not improbable rived long before 1453 It is 1 commemoration of the . victory which he with his galleys gained over the great Turkish dromon off Beirut in the year 1191. This pepe d the first English naval ictory, was celebrate th in song and history by the chroniclers of the period. The Englishmen seem to have been greatly impressed with the enormou: ize of the Turkish ship, which mus! h ave bee na very Dreadnought of he: day. She was bigger, they say, than anything ever seen at sea, gaudily painted in yellow and green and car- ried no fewer than 1,500 men, among 'rows, Greek fire in jars deadly serpents prepares for the de- struction of Christi inns." Possibly these "serpents" were a species of firework or rock ing Richard's galleys attacked nerin vain for a long time, as their erews--could---not--climb-up--hor-loity sides despite the encouragement held out to them by the-royal leader, who mist d to crucify* the last man to Eventually several galleys and, putting on full speed, rammed the big war vessel together in the sume spot, with such effect that she began to sink. The English were now able to. get possession foe ae to throw overboard «and dro ie reniminder of her crew, ne- pardine te the pleasant custom of the this time was, as eto naval ports, g Richard set ead of a a special royal crescent badge upon the arms. "'A creseent azure with a blazing star of eight points or rays of silver between its horns" is the exact rps isons of the device which to this -the eye everywhere in the euunseipal: itr Wencelorward, too, the orescent and st#r became = z= n suclr up to a9 Mey 1545, when ry 'ou system tonic. 25c. at all dea' E the admiralty WAS use u pereeded > be anchor. prepared to contract for the erection of ' FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS, §. L. KIDD & SON. having purchased the Bude -| Business of S.J. Stevenson, are continuing the business in the Shop on Wallace St., where they handle only the Choicest Meats of all Kinds, Home-made Sausages, Bologna, Summer Sau- sage, Cured Meats, Etc. the very Give us i trial and you will come agai S: L- 'KIDD & SON Garbutt Kidd, Manager New Telephone Directory. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory for the | District of Western -- Ancluding LISTOWEL. Orders for newfconnections, changes of firm names, changes of street ad- yaaa or for duplitate ae should be handed in AT ONCE J. H. asin Local Manager, GRAND TRUNK 84'stem Hunters' as on Return Tickets at Single Fare, October 6th to wie r 3rd, To points in Temagami, points Mattawa to Port Arthur, to Geor- gian Bay and rere! Division ; ort Arthur via N, N. Co., and 10 » rcertain points in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Nee foundlan October 22nd to November 3rd. Bay inclusiv oe limit on all tickets, eat oat rane of navigation, if eater, to points réac ge | Full information from | J. i HACKING, -Town ast A. M. SMITH, Depot Agens, "