_ CURRENT TOPICS. -- : a general invitation to people who con- A New York clergyman who extended ated suicide 10 come and have a {alk with him received a quick response and makes an interesting report. on f further Belay wal ; | ual . ae a: some of the cases. The motives which | - Mechanical Standard. " It fs Quile Common | io be rected medica In pate c{|48ps Are Born Business Men, and are inclined his callers {o self-destruction | - tinued to hunt up lence Displacing White Men in Many 'arc thus indicated: One-man, who was the head of : large manufacturing con- cern, was oppressed by family and INDIVIDUALISM IN RELIGION Impossible to. Test a "Man's Aligion hy. a This do e and li . xill. 18. Hebi is 'ite? The- keen we live the ore sorrow we taste. For more of our This fs. Swing, When we do otherwise we merely exist. To live thus in ag contact with God, by Him and by medns In England wi 8. condemned ' 9 EC Neraee he kacwe teat be' can [THE JAPS IN CALIFORNIA -- WORRYING PEOPLE OF THAT STATE AS THE CIINESE DID. -- Trades. The Japanese are worrying California as much to-day as did the Chinese gt financial troubles. Another, who had al-| ieved 9 once pass aire » more of our| to live with I Him, nByer be senlenced to death satin for . Fiquarter of a century ago, Says ready failed in business. and who had | friends a 5 d because, of our | of Him say, is 5 iiving. Then | {he same cri murderers in the | death, as it was only a few minutes | Washington Star. They are immigrat-} 58 Been deserted by his wile, was out of a tendship | tor them we grieve with them. | life vibrates with happiness, and we] States es enjoy no. such Soa ag execution was to take place | ing into that State A = pone sa por aes : + | More more we are brought face to +e lhe joy of See Tasks becomes | can be re a week or a month | Whe Governor telephoned to the] it now regards t ey. job and constrained to sleep on Park | f.4 with problems, anxielies and re | tests and drud becomes nobility. | or indefinitely at "the pleasuré' of the | Prison ordering-the postponement of the | it has called the satention of the he whole" ihe contractor, to make his escape ; benches and beg food. A young maN,|gponsibililies, and more and more we THE aid OF LIVING Governor ot 'the State, but until the maying out of the sentence for three] world to the fac' ! the occasion into a joke, tid ig educated and ee wealthy, | falize that the threads, tangles, knots, ' read ence has been 'actually com- | 48YS- in dealing with e Japanese, how- hold of a Japanese waiter standin te 5 rt shbarncestul alienpt on rtn's ravelings and unravelings in the also 'ours in the degree that we um-| muted they. a are i constant fear of the|, This ape done, --_ at the end of that/ever, the people of Peadiie ria have hind him, pushed him up to the finite, peal e svarp and wool of the web of life as we quests that 'living is eaiving. To give] rope or the time, as is shown why (he | probiem far different from ced -- and ordercd him to make the specch , Ris life and contemplated a 'econ at-| weave it daily can be harmonized only | o:hers happiness, to. brighten up some|- are ers in the pee should. be "urther delayed, con Chinese question. The Chinaman for him. And the servant did. Ho ensen for|tagonized chiefly the unskilled "laboring gave the exact date when Washington tempt on the false report that his sweet- heart was married. Finally there was the cease of a young man who was by the shuttle of the "divine will" as it flies to and fro, weaving ~what we -call eternity," ) the last time, and he was duly cneouted: ae class. He worked on the railroads, dug the sewers, picked fruit, and followed the plow. and he was willing ta accept was bern, told of his service in the French and Indian war, related his ex- periences as head of the patriot army, ne i What is life? For many it is drud those little things which cost nothing but | mos' t their terri about to commit suicide owing to worry | |. more iis 8 Giserpulntment: fer ali| Which are of priceless value--a word | anxiety will be permanently allayed, but PRODIGAL WRECKS FORTUNE, | W28¢s which put the European red ming Boon ig i aoe el lla because his evening clothes did not ar} i is sorrow. st encouragement, a word of praise in| they obtain little action. grant out of business. But the Japan- ee no € taostmasicr rive in time for his wedding. post mM a a gentle t a sympathe-| poning of the carrying out of the death- moran Konigswaerter_ nr a Vast|ese is wholly different from his Asiatic | him that he "hed betler cut it off. neless we refuse to believe that tic look, 8 nod of roval, tence on the stightest plea CG one, at Amou usin. He is more versatile. He prides -- Wife is aneant be sad, sorrowful or full | nin i the joy of life. To give|the wovst features in. A z mae Trey himself that he is every pit as smart ----_>--- Unfortunately this second young man |' suffering. There must be, there are) dem mya! to-day,-and but dded The collection of piciures owned by | and quick-witl Caucasian. He compensations in life as we can live '1, gives joy. "This do ye and live." | a law lodey, i ti . cruelt y Baron Konigswaert Austrien | poliewes a sCYEMEE £ COUNTS. was not only «pacified and saved, but be ve So ple love to to the administration of justice-in that swaerter, an 80 | believes himself able to enter any line pag if grasped, understood, dev a : scientific principles {to fartning and directed Improvements in a singularly A remarkable prisoner is now resident; confessing millionaire, "when I think it . sweeping and far-sighted -- manner. fection of his character, anc are 6ug-j love to man and unshaken trust in God, (logether with many others) in the con-| over day by day, I can only be ashamed | °S and charred wood al the driver and} trust by "both the children and their festive of ind : sy fi of what may be, and, indeed,jand submissive to return the dust "lo/ Gamned celi of 'Sing Sin f it all. 1 suppose that 1 wa beat the horse with sticks and stones. | parents. To prevent the child continu- Road sand waterways used for agricul-| what must be, the lot of each individual | the earth as it was, and the spirit 8 8 sa A = Ppo at I was no worse! 41) undaunted, the Japanese drew a -e-]ing in wrong-duing there must be con- tural purposes have been rearranged and | who follows in his steps. The topic be-| unto God who gave it." | eure of murdering mo czas milion ath con 1 Bult poem 'that there a and, 'scaring the crowd ¢f Unuous supervision, and if deodpaege bg ' : ¢ * ' . , \ sre, these of machinery proce, ewe the ath of Tie or| 4, Lik, ie fon othe ren Lord| eee olson ft inc, Ths| wan tua ing ae a que dav Mt ead of energie |fun agen nwa bg : y- pale pete prisoner is a very shrewd | could get the better of an associate or 8 escaped. an 8 bation agent Ww & & moted, and measures taken to prevent damage by flood, Agricultural co-opera- live societies have been encouraged and] tain principles of service which pertain|"glorious resurrection and ascension," iexica ; bust he turned back to the store, changed the supply of capita) for farming facii-|{o perfection of character. The twoj"the cross passion, Bey precious | nearly et ae greasy Bae ha ily _er phd arvg ra impor = his unlform for one that was spot carried out, thousands of children will a tated by the establishment of banks. | FX" to mam indicate the limits of - the" nigh yng pt ne prasaeia tae never yet been conclusively proved. For | satisfy me. 1. koe what 1 have done gt eager oper preg nie ~ idea nee "what Pa ge tablished for the purpose of investi-| must progress towards its ideal, but for ' . give all. oe the rowdirs, and then i off again! reduction of prisons and refuges and the during that time he has een four een| possess to-night if 1 could say: 'I have | gating seeds, diseascs, and insect pests, and for improving the breeding of stock. In order to improve the silk industries institutes have been established for the training of experts in silkworm rearing and filature. The oulput and quality of the silk produced are increasing. With regard to lea, experiments are conducted at the state farms in the rearing of tea plants and in the improvement of manu- facturing machinery. The result is a re- duction in manual labor, diminution in} ccjousn the cost of production, and improve- ent in. quality, e unointing there is offered to the a legend that explains how| many prisoners sentenced to death, and KHAKI UNIFORM. FAVORITE. OCCUPATIONS. Eagle Eye by Artful Dodges. eee ey Master the personal consolation of ap-| Holyrood came by its name. It tells of hav Thad the Satisfaction of mowing i-- J e farm laborer has a! The clever German thief, who, mas- ~~ precialive eyuipsihy... Tie ie Oe 'of te aay gap etre landirom@) iat at least thre convicts have ¢s-| tt Is Particularly Unserviceable on a ie inte the fruit business, much os|querading as a Russian officer of the a5 deepest ni of human nature, Even)siag by ry ca card the char through his clever argu- Green Landscape. a Italian in eastern cities." You wit}| Guards, recently . arrested the Burgo- ae QUART OF COLOGNE A DAY. of the Saviour which are set forth in the ugh suffering. 1. Principles of service. e fi three lessons there are Jaid down cer- the perfection of character it is also necessary that there should be watch- fulnéss Lat faithfulness. These princi- ples are illustrated in the Parable of the Ten Virgins and in the Parable of the -- nal experience. Three lessons "viel sre peculiarly personal with respect to the life of Jesus: the anointing at Bethany, the mi Sup- per and Jesus in Gethsem h lessons are illustrative si the intimate eac ch indivi- ne misunderstood and to be despised count mane, to find its Calv Cross { ery its +yet with all this it is to retain unfailing tis the reason for character and the ex- planation of life. In the presence of the -------------- THE BLACK ROOD. Legend That Explains How Holyrood Came by Its Name. Should the King grant permission for ese | the restoration of the ruined chape) that istands beside Holyrood paar alg cally all that remains of the splendors o' the ancient abbey--Edinburgh will Sel another show place of no small interest, tion of a black rood, or cross. The King; ,, was barely twenty-one. ever lawyer named Albert T. Pat. rick, yee 'the crime for which he w prisoners rag out on their way to the dreaded ¢ Patrick = fehting for his life by him- self, and he spends all his days prepar- ing Wis defence and covering reams of paper with minute writing, showing how necessary it is that he have a re- prieve in order to gain time to bring forward fresh evidence which is bound clear him. Patrick is THE MAYOR OF SING SING, and has filled the a office for the last two years. ng the tine he has occupied the aoidemnel cell Patrick has cheerfully prepared the defence f ncbleman of Jewish extraction, was sold retired from business, "But," .says the ecuslomer or an employee, I did. Any- was | thing that 1 could do to attain my own given every one a square deal. I have done no man wrong,' Think it over, it will meat a lot to you some day. It ought to mean ao lol to every young man now. Let him ask himself whether he ever heard a man talk that way in old age who in youth had dellberotely turned away from moncy-making and devoted his life' to doing good. = he, in fact, ever hear any poor man speak with such cold, shivering pees at life? Afler all, are some things no money can buy, and one of them is @ clean conscience. es cf business in which the white man can confine of the burned district, but was held up by hoodlums. 'flowers al the house just around the corner to which they were consigned, with bis consignment.- n he arriv- ed at his destination he was told that the funeral for which the floral offerings were intended had already been held, and the coffin was on its way to the know," said the Japan- ese; "put {t ts beltler that = ae pera and late than early and "But you could have delivered the flowers," the undertaker's assistant ex- postulated. "They were all right, weren't they?" 'Yes, yes." sald the Japanese; "but tiey would not be beautiful if not de- livered by one that was beauliful." find him at the street corner stands, who threw ash-| ma police ype who, uld be regardea- with dis- matter before the ju If the necessary epeniion is granted and the-work is properly supported and And we owe . have o right to the [fatherly protection of the stale, and when denied a fair and reasonatie opportunity to grow up honestly and respectably, it cannot be ondered at if in later years they be-, come the enemies of society and enter. upon a warfare of crime." MASQUERADING CRIMINALS. * Clever Thieves Who Elude the Law's i ike eek =e , "marricd to his pretly bride." After ry. : c -- eviléens ics res tives of nerves | drudgery discupolntteak ina ateror *Most people cause their own | Mary psy ibbr ae was +e recently Suinton" Germany, the other day, 'or corp money, and pd -- - Aer & Hew ie Better "Way of Dealing with ' And all le {| hanged -{or,- ;sirengied;if the wit * enly are Japanese he ' ng Delinquents. é and mental disorder it would have been | (plo. whal will mean the living, | iy ta De belleved) 61: Windsor, | ns Seren eee bene and other | auoraia orchards, but they are Keep | In the satieis from the throne at the wise to postpone the-wedding and allow) i757 oF go To all we would merely say, what| Vermont, for the murder of nd evens fas eg he poviousiy, vadued | Ce meee, Wo the cities, and not @ few | opening of the Dominién Parliament foa the zg Prospective bride a chance to think Ww good are you in"the world, what good|a. couple of years ago, had sen- | or $600,000 at Vien: Y. Da have offices on the doors of which orc/the present 5 n. notice ' the" situation over. We often bear it jecuel ene know this the moment we un-| do you do In the world? Do some: | to death mp" than bree | eonigewa We nada wv written beneath their names "Doctor 'f} that a biH would be introduced for the Lae ~ se Sok to bata Me i is oak end ving is Get out'among the w . Help those | times." Each Pdate'a! "er exe- | Notner mnt' the en ~e Medicine" or "Altorney-at-Law." ter pi of negiected' and de bluntly said that s woman is @ | giving. who are trying, uplift those whe néed | cutlon aapeetaied tie tr her Ages snaged | dissipating the vast apa prrecine a About one-haif of the Japanese who nquent children. Mr. J. J. Kelso states marry a drunkard to reform him, but LIFE 1S. DRUDGERY, lo ote do something {to secure fresh yo « we eat by his father ather. reac the United States begin pr farm fhe in provisions of the bill-to be ag ~ . would be as as f uu some pies ost kteord stigate | er: " rers, but even in this class o her chances wea oe -- life's daily duties become monotonous. | sure taste some of the Joy the woman For the last twelve years Baron KoM-|ihey are unlike the placid, shedient| "That children under the age of six- of 0 1 3 Galy hen ae nen is not in our work;! of living. Live and give. Give some an onl estravaaael tile Pics read iB | Chinese. They are not content long !9 | teen should not he cl as criminals, Scenes companion out of @ man who) m eile a . sae he om ; of your thoughts, your npeaing your aarmievED SOME MONTHS. senna. -ratgeace fabutome 'co ect | work for a white master. It is their} but as delinquents; that the trial of a" -prepared* a' fatal dose of: carbolic Jnterest ip our tee acs and silieated we 6n| time, your means eans to rs; When the had aifted-and | pictures, organiz ed. the urea racing ambition to go inlo 'business for them- | young offenders should be entirely sepa- aaa on Account "of the.'deley" In 'the de- | Sl Move it. ~ Therefore, -"do! 'yo sorts ede AND GIYE odode Es found to contain nothing to warrant 4/ stable in Austria, and lost immense selves.. Many of them have orn ed from police-court procedure and livery of a suit of clothes. There 'willl and make the best of evervé =" commutation, the sheriff of the State,/cums in gambling clubs. He twice won florists, and in certain parts of Callfor-| the crintinal ducket; that the incarcera- vet meny reasons as there are days Is- Se ee caodigs im 4 hongreatr posses et me weresis "eile a go to Mrs. Rog: | the Austri an Derby but despite his pro- Ba are Pas ee i vedghboring Se ee Oe Ants heal j S's cell - J i c 'San Francisco and the neighboring | jai! should be enti hibited; that in the year for the return of the suicidal a hike wou Zena and draw down | no harm an doing s0, provided yo aie ead 1\ 6 hee Ones more: en digauly. be found it inpeen ble to enter | gities. such ag Oakland ond Alameda, ler sip Mth a he peetiie a manis. in is nb fot justified in.deny-| afford it. But spend a. like areal fot] time 'fhe o}.| man (he is over seventy) dy . which he 8S-| pearly all the flower shops at the Pre-|iem should be established; thal al) per aioe ers tiwhere Wwe ou and rene one prep educa of the poor, to pay a wid-f would helt in his speech and nie nail Konigswaerter forfeited $400,- sent lime are kept by Japanese. They} cong who in any way contribule to a Advocates of a state supervision of rercselis le caunives belt sonia to ee ee hd atin, pas "I have come--I have como----" and to Jewish charities when his wife have big hot houses near Stanford Uni- | chiid's delinquencies should be ait both the :young| blame for the { Ww 8 *| Mrs, Rogers, perfe calm, would help | persuaded him to aband he Jewis versity which vie with that institution | cuted and punished; {iat the non-sup- marringe might instance yo - actirinens of pi lis ant darkness and | while ndutgence is but a passing | him out by "Yes, 1 know; You sere and become a Donan Caifiolic a in their attraction for tourists. port of his children by an able-bodied men referred to as proof of the sound)" we, have come to it to me oe "4 obtained a div apanese is a born gardener. He| non should be an indictable offense with 5 er God sends clouds like the vestibule orce a few years later, ness of their theories on the ground thatl in. giv they are onl "Life on this earth is was the duly of Sheriff Pack. no y | aridthis cost nearly oO. +] 43 peculiarly: skilled ig the use of fertl-| crieter enforcement and punishment they were. mentally unbalanced, and/| The te i; passing of a palace. Prepare thyself in the ves-| tc read the Soa iiover chat Dat fo piel It w: Ui ted, tn Izers_, make his flowers €TOW | than in the past; that no child- nae Petar - sai in a ver sate vertstentie. Sait ms we _ tibule that oe mayest enter the the trap at the execution, thougli he was | Baron giana eed Bee lg larger and ee juxuriantly 'than. the twelve should be eommilted to a reform : teach Hebrew sages spa 5.) average white man pa etils himself a Thumber of cases definite mental weak- ee the "ihe windows ae joy vf Not Ve ee, mepening do she He. -- Hineranaat pee on account of a and ne ae the sale of his. Peed |"foriculturist." He is chnstantly intro- -- tape Te eect lees soul "the house. . k ness appears as the direct cause of sul-/ tear away the blinds that screen or a ; beareipel at}, im the States it is customary always small {ncome. His vast estates in Hun, ducing new veriies, to iy hi ng such: commitment; that each province cide, It is going too far to say, how-| together shut on God's sunshine. =|. jeant | | '° bold a "dress rehearsal .of every gary. Moravia and Bohemia are heavily} cxnnot get the capital to run a fower should be given full authorgy to provide ever, as sonie people G0, hel sg den tah the peru "east thy bur f WAL te great art @ ¢ Europe | SP0P of his own. te is content. for a cessful working out of aces' vetucute" ; ' i. When 7 great a eajers of Europe ces! see a ' ! fon who commits suicide is insane Gir arise, "commit thyself unto the Lord. were represented, but the Kaiser's ap- by PA . ig ne egercenes ie * said Mr. Kelso, "are the chief ! argument for the theory resolves ils¢elf!) Whon 'soul storms -- hea | Peal to German: patriotism had not fl-| vith o shovel and pick on his shoulder. einen. "of the bill, in outline. The into a quibble over a temporary mental | the Lord." wee you are weary of ' ils. g n m ground; nearly all the Pp juvenile court, prenbes over by a man i stete. In such cases as those of the two | trials, "rest in the wait j ; 24. pounds doing duty for the victim, | important pictures were bought by 'ARTISTIC NEATNESS. af large sympathies. would be given al- first mentioned we can easily be aly es "This do ye and live. tS 0 | while ane of the wardens of the prison | wealthy Berlin collectors. One important characteristic shout; most unlimited authorily to deal with 4 men first mention 'an 4 lowed himseH {o be "pinioned" accord-| Competition between dealers and pri-|the ja cee which has contributed to| tbe wrongs of cluldhood, helping the boy Meve that ulter discouragement and} 7 ~ Raa ae | PT = Jing to the laws' aid down in the Penal | vate buyers ran prices up in quile un-| jis sucess as a money-maker is his| 0" Bit! to a better life, getting after the weariness of ifé was the impelling THE S. S. LESSON itl ties to ie Sian Gon : m of ve man. in oe ve. Thus the Rembrandt! s-rypulous ncatnes*, Not only is it] #dults who cnuse or encolinlae youth. ; no mental lo We Auk LY es ' y no aisbal and Mes. Rog-| portrait of himself went to , a i ful wrong-doing. and settling in a simple mative aint er ees pio to blame ; SERN EE Ponies Bt ers was only the pone of her oad _~ Cuyp brough! $16,000, a small portrait t | orenet 7 Te anlvaey way those family disputes and guar- illusions, whether they w sep oh Sea near soul. | has ever been executed in Verm Frans Hals and a small landscape | ya, ons, and the grooming -and harness- | ¢itnship problems that require | for their condition or not. But it is in- INTRRNATIONAL. LESE oe, Jeads to| On the morning sof the hanging Nes. by Hobbema to $1.150 each, and a Lan-| jp Lae his tien Whether he is a flor-|¢xpensive habeas corpus proceedings. teresting {0 observe that they were TERNATIONA}: CESS Rogers was requested not to put on a = map (00, A Venetian view: by | je or cobbler, he is just as tidy, should proper working out of the argued out of their purpose. The world DEC, 30. be Co acing i the collar or corsets, as she would be maletlo made $8,000 he repair an old pair of shoes for you et ie eS -- wos made different for them by cheer Sueeny t sym- "MORE COMFORTABLE.". --_--__+------_ ne will net ree elias comnpelioor: chit "ns Sonrecart sheller or deten- Pay ful counsel and a helping hand which) ay couch Quarterly Review. xperience anity.| She was obliged {o mount the scaffold eat pet then in a while pasteboard box,|tion home. 'The judge cannot investr j came to re-enforce the instinctive fear of }- me BE Pe oe Solent Ss born, wk pave. Hesiiceris (the third which had been raised for her WHEN SUCCESS IS FAILURE. du up the package as neally as a drug aa pocoore ty ihe --. be 1 th. Golden Text: le : promise hov fxecutl « half-a-dozen s5' d --_-- clerk, and then, to give the finished | fore him nor can he [follow up : Mitere hd i. + -- open YING y to be waited upon by kings in! when-she top she was told | What wee Man Thinks a ---- Alter protic a peculiar artistic auch of bis| ater the child has been brought before ' hase The. Wile 'brown 'men of Japan moe CONCEPTIONS. ... jinfancy, to be subject to the step-into a' bag, which was He 'Ilas Made a Million... he will paste on a Utile. eamen pic-} him. This is the yor of the probation , ° ' -~ of the Jast Quarter srejof childhood and youth, to hear the} pulled up and . astened around her| A tragic letler from an Americ: i {ure of a Japanese tea gar r patient and y mostly fermers. Agriculture is the) vital to the Christian faith both with re-j"volce crying -in, the wi fo ey | in some ways it weuld mets that the | interest in the child and hts home sur- i neck, Then her ankles and arms were} lionaire appeared in the papers the other n : greatest of all Japanese industries' and | spect to the represen pears Beddas they obedi to life's mission, to fast} tied a cap was drown over her|day. Though anonymous, it bo Japanese are loo precise or example,}roundings can ually save further ; affords occupation to more than"60 per} Give of the character of J and also|in a wilderness, to 'fight temptation, to/ nead. Previous to this, however, she sea of te a canned leat torn cute several days afler the fire the Japanese | court proceedings. Many of these pro- ' t. of the population. The state re- with respect es the Ideals "the @ redlization go forth and'share the common lot, to! removed her glasses and, handing them|u man's heart-book. The writ a he driver of a Gorist's wagon, with some | bation agents would be ladies, who mate ee he licati f ot wn oe me the great expecta-|endure. the common burdehs, to achieve to the sheriff, begged him to send them came to New York a ney seer eer, om flowers for a funeral, attempted to go| have special qualifications for work of cently has fostered the application of} tion of Christian faith. The experiences} transfiguration, and wait in Gethse- lt her sister "with her love." She| having now made a large iaetere had | (nrough Oclayia street, on the western | that kind. Tt w og edge yg 1 therefore dedicated the abbey, which he The khaki uniform is nol holding its : ane : d rejected of men can be borne when t + , . ond | : 3 Queen Wilhelmina Lavish in Use of strengthened by such consolation, The] founded to tre Black Rood of Scotland, At the pee pi "une n Grst per own. After the Boer war it was adopt. | 8nd) when not see oe eens cash, pore A his predecessors in aS "4 Empress' Extravagance. baster box of ointment stands oppo-| a casket shaped cross of gold which had | ed for use in England, foo, but it was | ®# is busy polishing up his wares to : & 2 3 "ae ihe cross tomb. The sep to Scotland a century yet black hair a moustache, but the) 300 round that it lost its superior value | make thern as attractive as possible io] cious has ever been gegen tho a a si je Ss s 3 -- Nearly all the royal courts of the earlier, containing what was supp orig has spent in the death house for pur; of concealment in a green the eve of the passerby. holding up of an entire sluff of munk Ei cipal officials. Still, those who lough so loudly of the gullibility of the Teuton, wouid do As tailors the Japanese have ever been able to crowd the Jews to an un- comfortable degree. One-tenth of the lundscape. Experiments have been made the States, never Faspoia cell") has with a greyish-, n cloth, and it is re- made it as waoile as sn Py ms ata. demand by royalty. fuer in the Rue de Ja Paix furnishes the Dowager Queen of Italy and the Empress of Russia with violet. The Czarina is extremely fond o and.o'ten uses il in such beeen that the air .of the reom in whic is b comes so oppressive that the tadies iny ¥ wailing are overcome. The heredilary Frincess of Roumania's favorite perfume Is but she also has a fancy for ascetea and while heliotrope. Wilbelmina, of Holland, has the simplest taste in perfumes of all the crowned heads of Europ uses only cologne, but at the mate of a quart ad Every morning she takes a Sane bath. into which a pint of cologne o! the finest qualily is pou She stays in the bath seven minutes, then stands under a cold shower for five minutes. he never touches a drop of water for teikt purposes into which cologne has pot be.n Queen iesanies of oe fivor- uquet. special- fle scent is Ess-bo ty prepared by a patiew, ade nobody put he knows the secret of ils composi- on. n ministration. memorial,.is the symbol of perfection of service, Only the one who ts a sided the problem of existence. nied all the suffering dependent} pon the doubt, uncertainty and fear which gathefs about the portals of the grave. fection of character leads for ever, son. through the valley of submission. Its course is determined by 1 yital principles which control existence Mt and et some t reach its a Geths 3 t questions. The three lessons what he has done, and the answer to these questions points to the path of destiny. were the estions The path of life and of the per-| the The Black Rood went a mény adventures. It was preserved in Edin- ts} burgh Castle along with the royal regalia, ir was seized by Edward I. and, | carri England a the purpose o making pode sacred giance which he execie from the Scot- fish nobles. The. nobles pear to have regarded their oaths with jess scruple than King Edward expected. The last we hear of the Black Rood comes f the shrine of St. Cut fe in Dur thedral, at the time of the Reformation. Since that shrine destroy- ing era all is silent as to the history of Black ~ VISION OF DEATH. A strange case of telepathy in ¢on-| rant Almost any 'ane 'Bentenced fo death in the States can obiain a "stay of execution" if he only possesses friends = J fs, = mistaken kindness, had done their best to oblain for him a reprieve, but had falted.- Then his brother discovered some fresh evidence which. had it been genuine, might have opened a loophole of escape, and, as ft was, it influenced the Governor sufficiently oP nection with g murder js trovsing Much Chet Worden enlercd Sullivans cel Lexsaroni . and said, ouse, tokd him that his younger rflee, Leopold, living in the outskirts of the town, was deod. The mother was deeply affected, but John -triéd to }young man, the owner of a dairy, was t some distance Trom found dead at a 4 frit famigergenficg tr pied son, whom he had ' "k % a. YOU ARE REPRIEVED." is ond calling i: son John, who lives in mer wos overjoyed, exclaiming, "nets good, sah," when the warden once more reduced him to despair by adding, "It is only for a week. If there g reason shown why your sen- should not be 8 4 22 ° 894 there was sentenced to banged in the State 'of Hlinois a man John Jensen; @ naturalized Nor- 'had been found guilty of named Robert-} Jensen was ported that this will be adopted as 'soon as the supplies of khaki uniforms are ppmene re The military nga cf several giher countries have expressed the opinion that the prevailing green :n the European cape makes khaki particularly unserviceable. Denmark was the first country to adopt grey with a slight admixture of green, in 1904. J was found that against a green back- ence | ground, uniforms of this color were no recognizable even by Uhé keenest ey2s al a distance of three to four hundred Last March Sweden adopted a reytsh brown lint. Austria seems to favor "pike-grey," and has made o be " with the Tyrolean "Kaiserja- her example will probably be fol- ll by Switzerland, where for a timé it seemed as if dark would be chosen. France, afler several _ years of expert. Russia, after a thorough examination of nd of the war with xpec ons of peace, and the pager - weather are th . pang arnt ete ine eetny' 7. a Mrs. Henpeck: "rye often -- that 1 had been pad am man." Henpeck: "So ae 3 my do." "Bon't be too sure of that till you hear my opinion oo 'the subject. Japonese in skilled occupations are {. be found in this business, and they have been accused of resorling to sweat- shop methods in order to cut prices and gain custom, Officials of San Fran- cisco board of heallh have invaded cel- ars underneath Japanese tailoring es- tablishments. Where workmen worked and slept in the sume room, Alt one end of the chamber there would be a slove, € rice and fish. ish ed their work they would lie down and sleep on the very clothes upon whith they had been tailoring. Yet these places were all kept remarkebly clean. | The Japanese tailor has become y popular among the women , for the reason thal he seems far more conscientious aboui "making a fi!" than the white man. Thoiigh he is frequen\ly charged with trying lo werk off shaddy cloth in place of "all wool," and to cheat his custo- mer sad ~ bg ey of the "findings" for a germ appears unwilling that ne. ei aes his shop unless they hang without a wrinkle. As servants 'the Japanese do not give anywhere near as satisfaction es their mage methodic cousins from Chine. The majority of them who do house- work regard this labor as MERELY A MAKESHIFT, to enable them to earn a livelihood un- til they learn enough English to earn more money at something else. deed, the Japanese who have been ex- cluded from the white schools of San 2 casein are largely of the servant -- s Gentine orf their mental work f willingness to do wabirag sake of obtaining} well to remem that months back a bogus railway inspec- for walked away during several weeks with some thousands of pounds' worth of passengers' luggage. And not only did he impose upon the public, the real servants of the company were equally deceived. He the line without paying, lultes from his supposed subordinates, pnts right and left the: whije. a sham postman and a sham taogeapls pecs y again, who ren: dered possible the famous Hatlon Gar- oe Post-office robbery, when F rth of diamonds were stolen. eat, te notorious "King of the Coiners,' arrested in the uniform of the RoyalIn- niskillen Fusiliers, whieh he had don- ned in order to try and elude the vigi- lance of the Scotland Yard deleclives. The burglar who, on the night of Feb- ruary 11th, 1881. shot and killed Licut- enant Roper of the Royal Engineers, in his quarlers in the Brompton Barracky Chatham Sse sentries, in a similar disguise, and identity se mains unknown to _ very day. hen, too, there was that astute ad- venturer who some jittle time back daz- zied and victimized, in the uniform of-a Feld-Marshal, the local bigwigs of East Molesey. He stayed*at the t hous- es, and even eames engaged to the daughter ofa céunty magistrate, Later dock at the Old Bailey, he still wore the foreman tunic and gold-braided inexpressibles which had enableé@ him t> carry out his fraudulent schemes, --_-- oH Clorgyman: "You should do es .ycu want-4bd be done by." You pad Hepelul : "But I don't ~"e to be don body.' only a few . Sg Rot S| ites 3