se - ' t T= :% | +4 IPRA PA BROS. OADARASIOSOSOSOSOSSOSOD WALTER Summer Goods. For the balance of the month we will offer 12$¢ and 15c Muslins for 10c ; 75 pieces 3 ach, all color Prints, reg 124c for 8c; all 10c Prints §¢. Men's Clothing In all weights and colors ; Men's Linen and Felt Hats ; Men's Ties, Collars and Cuffs, new and nobby. : If there are any readers who are:skeptically inclined as to whether the above quota- tions are too good to be true, there is only one way to find out, and that is to come and see for yourselves. We are just as eager to sell to our customers Goods at Half Price as we are to buy at Half Price, and buying in large quantities as we do, and taking our cash discount, we are never without goods bought at Half Price. Hence we are in a position to sell them as quoted above. We beg to impress upon the minds of OUR CUSTOMERS , and others who see fit to make this their shopping place, that we will protect you in every way. APART e always pay highest prices for Butter and Eggs--Cash or Trade. Gt2eese | _WAL Sign of Elephant. R BOOte48 I, aN ROBT. THOMPSON] People's Cash Shore, Sign of the Golden Lion. NEW STORE, | NEW. GOODS, NEW PRIGES. Leading lines to be found in our various departments, compris- ing the best makes, most exclusive styles, and latest novelties from the foremost British and foreign manufacturers. The needs of the | trade have been carefully studied by our buyer, who has placed each department in a state of efficiency second to none, and making the best assorted up-to-date stock in Listowel. The following are a few of our DRESS GOODS: Silk Voiles in all shades, the very latest Uesigns, and most suitable for evening dreSses. Crepe de Chine, all colors. This is a beautiful clinging fabric and is most suitable for summer wear. Colored Taffetas-- We carry a full range. _ Grenadines--Some new striking effects in plain, striped, &c. Amazons--We would call your attention to our special 44 inch. Best value on the market. Venetians-- ihe iatest Paris creation. in Tailor-made Suits. Colored Muslins--We show a large range of this class of goods, Organdjes, Ditnities, Batise, Biques &c. eae ae ae Nee ee Ne ee es Be ee et i ee al Oe eel ed wee Ve It is a very handsome effect . Don't forget our great CORSET SALE cing on. Also, that we pay the highest price in cash or trade for utter, Eggs, and Farm Produce. af 1 R. Thompson. ee et ee ~~ =-.---- ss oe alee > a de de ie de i ee i en ee wing me ee a me a a a en ee ; | ; a = aa Se Ne Lait is a Nae od ee tate) Sat sole Ae ty Sk RHA A: Bt Geo. Uawkins. Editor & Proprietor. "% ics, Broadfoot in the Fur- ia now on sale at the ental oxaminations t the High School. left on the 14th June t to Guelph and other pointe. Mr. Albert John Collins, from Burks Fall The Busines#® College closed on Wednesday for} the holidays. Re- opens on Sept. 1g. llins, son of Mr, teturned to town rden Party to be 3 of Chriet Charch North Perth Institute ex- cursion to Guelpb takes place to-mor- dvt. another column for train time aod fates. . God Save the?King is the fervent Pp loyal subject throughout the & hour of affliction and sorrow, Wes. Batt, whi has just graduated at the Listowel Busioess College, has obtained a situdfion at Rat Portage. He leaves for tha place next week. Mr. Patterson jeweler at J. Jackson's is doing a good trade in Watch Repaicing. Try him. An invitation is oxtended to 'the call and Gexainine my new con- Ping-P@ng, Four-in-hand and which has just arrived : 5 J,C Baker. Tiss -- public to sigoment of String Ties, Mra. Wm. Irviog, Wallace street, eo, Gwendoline and oward, are sp@Pding afew days in Norwich at the Home of her parents. A large numbefiof pupils from the town and conotry schools are writing at the Entrance. examinations, which are now in progress at the High fitted up an attrac- tive ide cream lor in connection i , od bas also putina See hf announcement Fally thirty rivke will take part in the Bowling Téarnament to be held bere on Tuesday-next, Dominion day: It promises to bg a field day for the jawn bowlers. = The Public Sébool promotion ex- aminations were fnabed on Wednes- fo summer Siitsrs: "Phe ise OF promotions will appear next week. Remember the North Institute Excursion ts the Experimental 'arm, Guelph, on Satarday, June 23, For rates and time table see posters. 8. H. Puan, Bec'y. r of Kedpath's Extra Standard Granulated Sugar, to be sol at the oweat price on record, J,H MeDonap. Mr, Wm, Alexavder and his sister, Mies Annie Alexander, of Moose Jaw, N W.T., are spending a few weeks in town and vicinity, visiting friends. Mr. David Alexander of Moose Jaw is also down on a visit to hie old home. ~ Messrs. Blewett, Logie, Sarvid ang Gillies, members of Listowel Lodge of-decorating the graves of ed brethrén. A meeting of the directors and members of the Listowel and South Wallace Agricultural Society will be held in the council chamber on Wednesday evening next, July 2nd, at 8 o'clock, to revise the prize list for the Fall Show. A full attendance is requested: A number of first-class exchanged Blue Flame Wickless Wil Stoves to be sold arm weather. pot Masonic Seruoxn.--The members of Bernard Lodge will attend a Masonic setvice, tobe held in the Methodist Ohurch on Sunday next, 29th inst., at Bp. m. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Bro. W. Smyth of Tilson- burg. The brethren will meet at the lodge room at 2 30, and march to the ohurch, « - Cuma Weopixc. -- On Saturday evening fast," Jone 2let,. the friends and intimate neighbors of Mrs. A. Roberteon, Elma street, took in winning both scholarghip and medal. A. OF U. W. Excursion axn, Promo. --The A. O. U. W. of Bruce distri have arranged ), FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1902. Room Furniture itish Empire in this . f. 0. O. F., drove over to Palmetiton:}: on Thursday evening of last dnd javives, -. The-Ray, gp tack part in the impressive oe + Rocio eat RE highest distinction in' her course, no otber gtaduate having ever succeedéd Couches at A. Broadfoot's. axep Uspex Prorsst.--The re- turn football match between Listowel and Brussels, inthe W. F. A. cham- pionsbip series, was played at Bruesels on Fridsy evening Inst. About 125 supportets of the Listowel team ac- companied them on the special train which had been secured for the occa- sion, The Brussels team having been given the choice of a referee for the first game, Listowel claimed e similar he for.the return match, but ussels would not consent to this, and a Seeforth man was chosen, The Lis- towel boys played under protest, and the game ended 4 goals to 2 in favor of This leaves Drussela one goal ahead, pending a decision on the protest, the former game having been 3 to 2in Listowel's favor. Listowei Races,-- Wedneeday's rain storm vetoed the races for that day, aud it was decided fo hold them on the 26th and 27th instead. There was a large crowd at the driving park yester- day, and although the day was coldand windy, the track was in good pondition and the races went off successfully. The events were a 2.35 pace, 4 winning first heat, time 2 24}. next two heats were woo by Birdie the ington of Elora, took the first two heate, time 2.21}. Dandy Hal, from St. Catharines, taking secdnd place ; Black-Thorn, owned io Toronto, third, and Imperial, owned by H. 8. Gilbert, Paisley, fourth. The next two heats were won by Dandy Hal, and darkness coming on, the final heat for first money was deferred until to-day, which, along with the 2.30 trot, 2.24 pace and 2.10 pace und trot, will make an attrac- tive programme for this afternoon. Foresters' Servior.--The annual Foresters' service, held in the Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon last, was well attended, cousidering the and the muddy the LO. F.court at Newton. The brethren assembled at the court roo! of the Independent order and marched in a body to the charch. Rev. A. J, Sannders, pastor, conducted the ser- vieé and preached an excellent and very appropriste sermon from the text, "Who went about doing good." These Ave short words were an epi- tome of the life, purpose aid char- acter of the Lord Jeane Christ, and if we are his disciples we are ever to lost uo opportunity of doing good to is. fellowmen. Hie sympathy was practical." "By falféwing his example live tbe happiest kind of life thaye the' happiest kind of joy. -ap-othere we lift up our- eman gave™ the @ many @ deeds dove by them, buf warned the members against the tendency to sub- stitute the Society for the -- ma 4.We and in lifting o Saunders for his expellent discourse, algo to the officials of the church, apd the brethren dispersed 'after partaking of a light lunch. Farewett to Miss Draper, -- On Friday last the teachers of Listowel Public School made a farewell presen- tation to Miss Draper, who is retiring from the teaching profession, The presentation took place at the achool, and consisted of an addreas expressive withoat giviug, valnable and valued by us, ficent. Lielowel Jone 20th, 1902. copy, Draper making a suitable aud feeling manner, a manifestation of our regard and esteem---a regard founded.on long né and among the pupils, the moulding of whose character lies so largely in our hands, your example and character have been most salutary sad bene- Rest assured that these qual- ities will long render your departure be most keenly to | felt. Asan evidenoe of gat esteem we in the future [KING EDWARD STRICKEN. tion Postpone An Operation Performed, and the Corona- d Indefinitely. His Majesty's Condition Ex Bulletins are More Assu His Recovery. ceedingly Critical,. but Latest ring and Hold out Hope for London, June 24, 12.29 p.m.--The coronation has been postponed indefi- nitely on account of the indisposition of King Edward. King Edward is auf- fering from perityphlitis aud is under- going a surgical operation. Perityphlitis is the name given to the inflammation of the connective tissue abont the caccum, which is the blind part of the large iutestise beyond the entrance of the small intestine. Peri- typhlitis is very much skin to appendi- citie. It is usually brought ou by a disturbed state of the appendix or by ulceration of the bowel. THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. London, June 24, 12.46 p.m.--BSir Francis Knollys, the King's private sec- retary, has issned the official medi announcement : "Tho King is enffering condition." CONSTERNATION EVERYWHERE. The sudden announcement of the postponement of the coronation, just on the eve of the ceremony, caused the ntmost consternation everywhere. The news spread like wildfire The tene ot thousands of occupants of the streets suddenly stood still under the sadden d at one avother ip 1d. the stock exchange the effect of the starting news was immediate. Pri- ces weakened, led by consols with a fall of half a point. LORD SALISBURY'S STATEMENT. Lord Salisbury, in the House of Lords, said: "All we can do at pres- ent ia to hope and pray for the best and to cousole ourselves with the knowledge that the surgeons enter- tain a most satisfactory view in regard to the progress of the distinguished patient. More definite language than this is ifhpossible. Au operation of singular severity has boeo performed, and leaves behind it every hope of a prosperous issue. Some weeks in the beat event mnet elapse before His Ma- jesty is restored to hie usnal health. The odd'| progress of His Majesty towards pon- valescetce will be accompanied by the sympathy and affection of his subjects We know that for three or more days at least, and maybe longer, there might be uncertainty, but there is cousolation that matters could hardly have gone better. ' Canadian troops at Alexandra Pal- ace bave been greatly saddened by the news. from Buckingham Palace, an are naturally much dirappointed at the turn matters have. taken, They will return onthe date already ar- ranged. 4 | Over two thousand Canadians had 'secured seats on the colonial stand {and elsewhere to witness the Boyal pageanta on Thoreday and Friday. The Daily Telegraph declares that the illness from which the King suffer- ed last week did not afford any ab- solnte indication of the ailment which forced the operation, but on Monday night and yesterday morning » change eet in whioh n tated a minute ex- amination, and after careful delibera- tion the doctora arrived at the con- would have been When the King was informed of the decision he received the intelligence with extraordinary calm and with an absolate sense of reliance in the judg- ment of those around him. He seemed to those abont him to have no fear of the suffering he was about to under- go. The main idea of bis mind was in- finite, inexpressible regret for what he knew would prove a bitter disappoint- ment to the people. Indeed, hie first words when told that a serious opera- tion was obligatory are said to have been :-- "Operation or no operation, I won't disappoint the people, I must go to the Abbey." Not long after the operation the Prince of Wales saw his father, whom he fonnd stronger than he expected. The King then told him that he felt actually more comfortable than before the operation, The papers join in paying a tribute to the heroic fortitude of the Queen. She spent the whole afternoon and evening atthe bedside of the King, and surpassed herself in calm courage. The Daily Mail says that never has calamity failen so terrible in the hour" of rejoicing. Itis hard that the blow should have fallen in this manner, and that the inscrutable hand of Provi- dence should thus have smitten the race. MAKING SATISPACIORY PROGRESS. London, June 25, 11 p.m.--The fol- Bucking- He slept some hours during the day. fle complains very little of discomfort qi and is more cheerful. The wound is doing 'well, (Signed) Treves, Laking, Barlow." DECIDED IMPROVEMENT MADE. London, June 25. --- (Midnight.)-- King Edward's condition to-night is even more satisfactory than has been indicated by the last bulletins. He is very hopefal, Hie majesty is able to tuke nourishment. e bad scrambled eggs and alittle hock and soda this evebiog, and with his own hands he bulletin is generally taken as being the first ocoasion upon which the King's doctors have allowed themselves to ex- "press even to a amall degree the hope- ful feelings they undoubtedly, even thongh privately, entertain. Thirty- six hours have now elapsed since the operation was performed, and the ab- sence of complicaticns creates hopeful- ness in all quarters, although several dgys most pass before the possibility of danger can be eliminated. THE LATEST. * A message from Buckingham Palace, at2p. m, yesterday (Thursday) says the King's condition still continues satisfactory. reply': 4 To Miss M. A. Draper -- Dear | neatly decorated arch, _ ev. H. Friend ; As the.time draws near in | Irvine 'The bride, who is a beantiful i avd acoomplished young Iady, a8 tastefally attired in white taffetta silk, trimmed with chiffon and applique, with flowing veil aud white roses. The bridésmaid, Miss Pearl Sproule, sister of the bride, was dreesed in a ied a bouquet of pink and white roses. e groom was assisted by Mr. Fletcher Johnston of Strat- ford. Miss Muriel Sproule, attired in canary cbioa silk, an iss Haze Rolle, in white china silk, filled the position as flower girls to perfection. The groom presented the bride with a handsome Morris viano go locket set with is. He also pre- sented the bridesmaid with a beautiful opal ring, and the little flower girls eavh a handsome ring. About two hundred invited guests witnessed the happy event. Many were present from Stratford, Milverton, Ing a a - handsome white point de spraig dress, | A Porvutar Pastor. -- Wednesday's Toronto Globe contained the following which will be read with much interest here, Rev. Mr. Oliver being appoint- ed to the Methodist church, this town :--At a largely attended congre- gational meés of the Clinton Street Methodist Charch last night the people took occasion to. express their appre- ciation'of their retiring pastor, Rev. J. H. Oliver, and his wife. Mr. Oliver has just closed a three years' pastorate and it was due largely to his work and influence that the heavy debt which rested on the church property has been removed, and also that the membership nd congregation have advanced to their splendid proportions. The chair was occupied by Mr, Frank Denton, K. O., and a neat programme was ren- dered by the choir of the church, to- gether with addresses by the Chairman and Rey. Ur. Speer, Chsirman of the Toronto West district, At the close of the addressee TB. iver were invited to the platform, when Trustee Wm, Brathwaite read a most appropriate engrossed and presented to the pastor and Mrs Oliver a costly marble clock, together with a- beautiful easy chair. Mr. Oliver re- sponded inh todet fitting words both for himself and for Mre. Oliver, who has may remind you, ever been a true helpmeet ia the work returning "leaves Port Eigin at 530 tint lice before us, that among us the| Chesley and other points, Messrs. | of the anh, At the close of the p. mm, fare from here. is $1.15, | fires on friendship's ed altar' are | Wm. and Dave and Mise Annie Alex-| -ogramme:the ladies of the congrega- children 600, All points from -Listo. | for you burping perenvially. igned | ander of Moose Jaw, N. W. T., Were | tion served'ice cream and a wel and to Paisley will be | for the era of the Listowel Pablio } among the guests. "The happy couple | row minutes were spent in social inter- included, ab proportionate Bechool, G. W. Slaughter, Principal-;/ left on Thureday morning for- meny course and in words of farewell. Mr. jicnic "4 held at Port Elgis. | Mre. M. fa) Austin, Miss E. V. Kidd, | N. ¥., and will visit points of interest | Ojiver leaves next week to take an im- Grand B Gibeon i | Miss J. Armatrong, Mise N. Pelton, | on the beantifol Hudson River. Many | \ortent station in the London Oonfer- Ingersoll, and other Grand officers will Miss L. Brisbin, Mise A. ~~ handsome aod botnets vo theit ence, 4 ich, Assistants ; B. - | receiv y ride, Opo | | Ezoursionists Mare the privilege of a Tiusieal. Instroctor ; W. E. Bin- i a tae wae 3 = Berorieiyertenr ges -- aon Beore Board. q eir residence on 4 tchal! returning 5 regular trains the day Pp ing by 10 goals to 0,