Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 13 Jun 1902, p. 8

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Can. Pac. Railway Co.'s Homeseekers' Excursions. CANADIAN RORTHWEST, dune 24th and July 15, °02. Winnipeg -_ $98 RETURN. j | $30 | Macisot | | $35 Return. | $40 RETURN. Strathcona = to return for 60 days, route Fre Tickets via Lake or All Rail, e Colonist Sleep- For tickets and all ieforsution call on JU. LIVINGSTONE, JR., Ticket Agent C. P. R J.W. Scott & Son, Bankers, ESTABLISHED 1872. Listowel, Palmerston OFFICES : nd Clifford, also with J. i? Halstead, Mount Forest and Shelburn A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allowed. A large amount of private funds to lend oot 43s per cent, o farm security at with privilege of repaying annually, Marriage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Scort & Son. S. BRICKER; REAL ESTATE BROKER. District Agent fot the Canada Life. OFFICE. -- Adin 0 rng . Morphy & Carthew's w Oitices, Listowel. FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY LIST. 819.500 for 400 acres of land. clay Jeain, 170 clear, balance good bneh. Or oa the brick pease costing &3,/ rge frame honae bank barn with stone base = Six aya stra a shed 44x31: large aeisa aber pie see je FSx7 cement floor aod trot yf : wells with windmill; water com dings f tank. Also a saw-mi eiih . en amy chopper, mil te date: 9 miles from Listowel, of the most feurishing towns In the Dominion Property w #24, nat he sold 200. This farm is without a doubt up to the standard every particular; 100 acres, 90 cleared ; 4 rll frou Listowel, in by township of Elma; lar arn, driving shed ; two storey frame house. 2 acres in oreb vad fences ip Alshape Pose waion an be given at once, $4,000 will pare Meee 100 acres pear bank barn iC x al d Ay balance in slash, see 2 wells. This. farm is very ¢ cap and must be sold neo ae 1.500 for 2h acres, 4 acre in ous. and amali fruit, frame fouae, steps basement. 26x WO. large kitchen, dining rorm apd wood shed, good stable, also hen bouse 30x 4, A-l well. This property is very desirable fora retired farmer and is very cheap. Call at once. 8750 fora beautiful bouse in Listowel, 1a acre. swall orchan dof allbkinds of frail, sien arma stable Thie isa very desirable prope nil abauld sell at night. will parchase 100 acres, 8) ¢ dened. 70 in bush, pot{culied. Large bauk barn $0 2 70, straw abed 40x £0. frame Louse 'aha Soil black cing, soars at, ales fram Wallace I', 0. Ba from 7h farm wuould well at sight #, will purchas: ry fine farm in the townahi vot Marybore . 'oun c res ae cleared. 15 sin bash ; buildings in gomd sha School. church, poat o! office, blackstith « renne Se wilde a quart ermile Jump i ote eT you oo Lat $8,500 be buy 10 acree ip Elio i aige bat tk barn and frame honse, feneed, iatee orchard. This farm in o cracker Jack. Do not delay one woment if you require a farm of this $1,000 will bey an excellent fa n Minto 100 k barn aud straw shed, solid brick first-class wells smallerchard, on gootl grav twoand s half miles trom Palmer ston. A splendid chance, and one that wil go quick. 9900 will purchase a vory house on Mill stree This is a snap ax the ie in up to-date. Call at once as all it is necessary for me to do 146 to show and down she goes, sof. $850 will purchase a honse and 23 acres of land, the house being Mav! a story and a half, with kitchet 1ix20, alec a woud shed hard and sof! water; good stable alt kinds of ruit. ~ Peg: will buy @ very nice frame house and lot, in A-l shape, and is cheap at 6650. $100,000 to loan on first-class mortgage at 4} per cont. S. BRICKER, Agent Canada Life. CONSERVATIVE BALLOTS DELIBERATELY SPOILED. Searing Revelations in North Grey Recount. me? ag or Btrong Condemna- -- Another os to be Followed by An Appeal, Owen Sound, June ane 11, --The recount resulted in A. G. emissaries bad Selteerately spoil- Boyd, the clearly of the opinion that there ed with since (the Co ve candidate) if I were persuaded had jarisdiction in the matter. I am, howéver, of opinion Martin hed the to Neca «Diaper oy eng 'Siled by BANK OF HAMILTON Carrran Avrnontrep - $ 2,600,000.00 Carita Par Ur - - $*2,000,000,00 Resenve Fuxp - - $ 1,500,000,00 Toran Aestrs - - - $17,071,759.60 ESTABLISHED IN LISTOWEL OVER 27 YEARS, HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. DIRDOTORS: JOHN STUART 4. G. RAMSAY, Vics OHN PROCTOR. a ROACB A.T. WOOD, M.P. WM. GIBSON, M.P A.B. LEE ty ) BRANCHES, Beamsville, Mitchell, | Blyth Milton Berlin Morden B " Moose Jaw. 1 N.W.T. ae, Mas Niagara Falls, Ont 08 16: Orange Delhi * Owen Seen Duniaa, cere ne Dandalk, Pal Goorgetown Phot. Sound. Man. rimaby Pium Conleo, Man ain Port Elgin tor con Stonewall, Man. Southampton t En mii Map Toronto Indian Head, N. W. T. Vaucourer, BC arvis Wing! Listowel Winnipeg. Man Lucknow Winkler Man Manitou ss Savin, ita vf $1 orl wards reoely ger ail wd totere dea w peincipalin' May ani No recs M oear, Spec! Deposits a "yred at current rate er interoat. ta may be stieenn, shout formal- ity or dela: Dra: oe ned payable atallp . in Canada and the United Sta tos eon afteon Great Britain and the continent of Europe bought and pode tures bought. Farmers notes discounted. Agents in United Staten. New York ; Hanover National Bank and vhgy Soy National Bank. Boston ; International Trust Buffalo: Marine Bank of a Detroit; troit' Nationat Bank. Chii : First National Bank- . Agents in Great Gini National Provincia) ank of England, Limited. Travellera are notified that the Hank Hamilton and a Brauches tasuo Circular Notes ofthe National Provincial Bauk of En, Listed. nie can be cashed without c or trouble in any part of the world, J. H,STUART, Agent, Listowel sar examine. The returns from polling subdivision nine, in the township of St, Vincent, were then take " it was in this ballot box that the dirty work became apparent. e deputy's record for poll No. 9, St. Vinceut, read : Boyd 29, McKay +40, Nothing wrong was fonud with the 40 ballot» counted for McKay, but of the 29 ballots counted for Boyd, four of them contained perfect crosses, boldly marked opposite Mr. Boyd's name, and | faint little crosses, made with a differ- ent kind of Jead pencil, iu Mr. McKay's compartment. Two of these spurious markings were to the left of McKuy's Dame, ove immediately beneath it, and a fuurth close against it on the right side. Strangely enough, the flap of the envelope in which the ballots were found had not been endorsed, and the deputy hed not taken the oath as to the correctness of his return, After a lengthy argument by Coun- sel, Judge Morrison delivered his de- at the same time expressing etrongest condemnation of thie evident tampering with the ote. Judge Morrison's condemnation is all the more 'striking since he was the for the defeated eaniilate .to take out such an order, and this was done by Mr. Boyd before Judge Creasor, the Senior Judge of Grey, who will bold a recount on Friday, and hus ordered the returning officer to produce the ballots before him on that day, Ao appeal will be taken, and it i most certain thut these ballots will be allowed, as weil as others, and it contidently expected that Mr. Boyd will emerge from the contest with a major- ity of the votes. The Lennox Appeal. Toronto, Jnne 10. --Th be Lenovox re- count appeal will come before Mr. Justice MacLennan at Osgoode Hall en Saturdsy. Both rides appeal ageinst the judge's rulings at Napanee. For the Conservatives, Mr. W. D. Me- Pherson appeals in the cute specific ballots, and = the Mr. Geo. H. Watso K. O., cals against the resuit of "the recount geu- eral] One ballot has a live across through the cross which is murked for Carecal- Jen's compartment. It was vot count- ed for either. Avother had a circle in Madole's compartment, It was allowed bim, There are two other ballots, one with a cross for Carscallen and some thing like an *'M" to the left of Ma dole's name. It was disallowed, as be- ing a mark of identification. The other also had a cross for Carscallen and one through Madole's name and a short wavy line in Madole's compartment. It was also disallowed. Another has the initial M. C. in Madole's oummpart- ment and a cross for Carscallen. United Canada eays "the Ontario Government collected and expended in ministry, notable as it is for ite evil deeds, until it is no more. } = BR. J. Moore held an barn | ¢ cates on Tuesday af T. Mayberry is eae aan camesi hanl- | stone for the rew school. if. Holmes of Atcood called on his ot os Jim'of this place Sunday. The taet half of the May cheese was chigget from here on 5 m.--Jobnston's new house. is fast nearing completion A ber from here attended the wadding in Milverton on Teer of Miss _-- Mohr to Mr. Samuel Mr. W. Hamilton of Wallace visi- ted at Joi. T. so 's on Fact d were cond Comm: in the North Secntnaon 'cask a on ei CARTHAGE, cision, throwing out the four ballote, James A, Brandon, A Ad, AA Y AA, A Abt IMPERIAL "BANK | = vain Wallace, on the: 4th- ; 'the wile of W. Patterson, of 8 200, OF CANADA. Capital (paid ap) - * $2,500,000.00 Reserve - -. - 2,125 ,008.00 et of = son, T. K. Merritt, President D, B Wilkie, Vice. Joxxs--In Listowel, on thé 22nd-ult., the President and General Manager. mie of "aaron Jones, of & son, aliace, on the 10th inst,, the HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, | Seite eee oe a doughtce a, eee ed nih On atario, ee Nee . MARRIAGES. j toba, North West Ho --At Knox church manse British Columbia. : on Wenner . Sune 1, by Rev, AGENTS 1N GREAT BRITATN--Lioya'sBenk | J. S. Hardie, B. H. Hull of Elma, Limited, 72 Lombard St., jection. Hannah, Ww money tay be for transfer by letter Haddow, Esg-, of le to any part of Canada. LISTOWEL BRANCH. iimares --Dooxan -- At eo theny a "EaEzmeres| FES "0 arta, Wile, Foon, ay SPECIAL a ---- given to the discounting of Ta), available at all petute in Wisse iteenki Milverton, on Tues- 10th, by Rev. J. W. Cameron, day |] ni tes and Europe. 'y June MONEY ORDERS issued -B.'A., Miss Annie, youngest. daughter of Bank in Can: Retee Under' Goan 30% Ot Mrs, chm Mehr, to Mr. W. Sam ™, 180 ; $38 to 020, 130. Whaley, of Mark R. ARKELL, Manager. DaATHas hee Listowel; ,on the 9 wabeth, ~-- of the late Hi Kuk: L KEETS. LISTOWEL Ma racer in her 4 Jane 12, 1902 Benet mee abel B Gorter --In sive ton, on the 7th inst., -- o S Julines Damitz, beloved wife of Gotttred Poas, 72 Gunther, aged 74 years, 2 mont! Hay per ton 700 8 14 day : Sori is 7 F4 Mayxinvu--In Listowel, on the 9th inst., Flour per 100 1601 Willian, Maynard, aged 74 years and 2 meal, 375 3 u Cor neal, do 250 2 months. : Butter per t 16 McKexzix--In Listowel, on the 7th inst., Egge, per doz = Alexander McKenzie, Sr., aged 82 years, Hides per 100 Da 6m 6 Wool per B 3 Joseph 8 ife of Fool per t : 6. Josep pringer, wife of a Wood short : $s z farmer residing near -- 'aht te Dressed Hous; - 650 700/into Hespeler on Sunday night to pa . , HE ; consult a doctor. She had just reach- Boei 400 600/edthe ontskirte of the town on ber way home, when became = . ill, and was taken into a nearby MARYBOROUGH. residence, where she died ten min- --The Municipal Council of | ates | Deceased been trou- the Township of Maryborough met at which was led with heart failure, the township hall, Moorefield, on j the cause of death John A. Bruce, assessment too reared on | n part lot 6, concession 2 --assesament Spmre' bine Be ned tam te rosms over W. stained George Brydon, assess- Dr. Rutis rford, Mainsee Listowel. ' as the tenribde against it. Sri een sig asked the t you are the sity ucdeat anon tate gov- ernment "Well," replied the statesman, strok- ing his beard meditatively, "I wouldn't go go far as that. There may be four or five more somewhere.' Wire Ropes. Steel einer ropes should be of a brea strength o smallest diameter permissible being 1,800 to 1,400 times the diameter of the sly «oa gh Bagh theta times if of steel. For mining purposes wire ropes are best made with a hemp core, belng more flexible. japanese Lacquer. A piece wt ceatin Japanese lacquer costs the native artist almost a lifetime to perfect and is produced by hun- dreds of thin coats of lacquer laid on at considerable intervals of time, the value consisting rather in the labor be- stowed than in the + ni of the ma- rial used, class lacquer work can scarcely be scratched by a needle, ADJOURNED GOURT OF REVISION. Township of Wallace. a The adjourned Court of Revision for the Township of Wallace will be held at the Revision, and for general busine Temnehip Hall, Vewsnstowa, on Members all present. The ---- OR. W. hd BRUCE, Saturday June 21st, 1902 met asa Court of Revision, when . j y . » 1902, following appeals were disposed of : | | 1-D-S eee. Post @ sans Tt Vai: | at 2 o'clock, p.m, . ROBERTS, Clerk Shipley, June . 'oa Scarr, assessment too high on e 3 15, coucession 9--sustained. Joshua Hil- born, assessment too high ons }, w lot 13, coucestion 7--sustained. Joshua Hilborn, assessment too high on par lot 18, concession 6 (part old mil | Sew Hoilin)--reduced $100, ente as owner instead of W. T Brown, Johu A. Grabam, assessment too high on A ey concession 8 gains than ever. There being uo further appeals belore the Court, it was moved Spee Duucan, seconded by W. W. Beott, that the assessment roll for the year 1902, as now revised, be confirmed-- Carried. Messrs. James Boyd and Joshua Hilboro, and somewhat Jater appeared before = Council in regard to the report ot my ane do not | purpoue erec- me et Bollin village. By- 2 ware introduced and reseived 1 three separate readings for the <n ing purposes :--1, LADIES' VESTS everyone. PARASOLS r Trustees of the tai Village of Moorefield. 2, a to $2. No. 1, and farninbiog the same with the necessary eats and apparatus. The ore coapadia were : Robe: ©. Arthar, expenses taking Alice Grey to the House of Industry, Fergas, $2.75 ; Joseph MecWVonald, e Walter Saigeon; suit, $4.50 ; Joseph | Sale about 3 McDonald, attending Council meet- ings, 6 days and muisans, 314.50 ; W. W. Scott, do, $13.20 ; George Brooke, do. do, B14. 40; George H. Dickson, do. do., $13, 50 ; James Dun- can, $14.10 ; Jacob Gorbitt, ; Edward Dynes, clerk, We have a few left. for $3. 26. price "of "these goods is $4.50. get one before they all go. In MEN'S WEAR salary as treasurer, pos tionery, $49 ; penses to Guelph re advice Hollin bridge, $4; Jos. McDonald® for ex- pepses in bis division $45, Council adjourned to meet in the same place on eens June 14th, at the peal bour Epwarp Dyxes, Clerk CASTORIA For Infants and Children. and qualities in stock, In Men's bargain. Shoe Sale now going on. goods in the market. half lary, ' F _--_ o mao " wl! Dee pare We are showing great values in all lines. p. ball, $2.25 ; Wm. Long, balf*year | Made Clothing Stock is one of the best in Listowel, and patterns at the right prices. W.& J. Thompson THE STORE ON THE CORNER. This week we aré to the front as usual with greater Bar- Now is the time for Muslins and Summer Goods, and in these lines we have decided to reduce our stock --a large range of patterns and colors to choose from and all going at one-half the regular price. In We have a nice range to choose from at prices to suit In Ladies' Hose, Corsets and Gloves we have a large range.of each in all the new styles and makes. In We Lave a good assortment of values at prices ranging from 72¥,c up "to $3, also a nice line of Umbrellas at 60c up In LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR SKIRTS A pure all wool Homespun Skirt This is a special value at this price as the regular This week we are putting on dozen Ladies' Waterproofs in a great number of styles, which we will clear out at 25c, 50c, 75¢ and 1.00. Every woman should have one for rainy weather. Call and Our Ready- all sizes MEN'S STRAW HATS We havea nice lot of all the new styles at 25, 50, 75, 1.00 and 1.25, and this week we are clearing outa line of s and Boys' Felt Hats at roc each. Men's Shirts and Neckwear in all the newest styles This is a genuine Remember the Boot and Every pair going at cost price. In GROCERIES we always have the best and freshest Our stock in this department is large IN HATS -- As shown by our many cus- tomers who have already se- cured one. If you want a hat you can't do any better than call on us as we have thean in any shape and shade. We have received another »| consignment. of goods which @| are now on our shelves. Your-order for Spring Gar- Wedding Rings Of all sizes and quality, an ey eeeese Ladies' Gcld Watches and Lorgnet Chains ( al A large variety to choose from, ¢ --_----oe we a Soran, engaged MR. A. DAY. atchmaker. T 72, ~ Lam i q ead ie all work entrasted "ss k.. » promptly. pipe work guaranteed coy ap ites =| and well assorted. -- ee e Lilehvk are Butter and Eggs taken as cash. s ------ Remember the place. ¢ On the corner of Main and Wallace St. jimicevee dW. & J. THOMPSON uite in er W ouc q nH find pee vamedie ¥ w aiding Gifts a e ] s @ AT 4 4 >} GUNTHER'S. ° LL ° ) aecees $| Latest Spring Styles « f q @| ments will be executed with > AT : $ perfect fit and fine finish. 4 ' " GUNTHER'S : ee Main St., Listowel, @ , 4 ~ 4 q q pa2eeees enceeee S| Martin's Block. a. C. BAKER, eee _ ARTISTIC TAILOR. , Main Street East. No q question as to sty'e and quali aah prices are always from fifteen to twenty-five per ig a than others. Our goods are bought right which means half sold. May has been cool but fine growing weather. Hot. days will come sure. We are well prepared--White Mustlins, Lawns, Linens, Printed Muslins, Sateens, Pongees, Linen shades in Tussores, Delaines, union and fancy stripes, black and colored Silk Taffetas, black and colored Satins, black and colored Luisines, extra weaves, Silk Crepe de Cheues, all wool Crepe de Chenes, Violes, black and colored Lustres, cream Lustres, Serges, a full range, black and colored. Hen- riettas in all widths and prices, Silk Grenadines. SKIRTS AND BLOUSES--Lustre Skirts, Se Skirts, Cloth Skirts, Dress Skirts, Walking Skirts,- St k Blouses, Sateen Blouses, a large range of new white Blouses. Guipure Laces, Insertions, Galons and Collars, Valenciennes . Laces, Torchon Laces, Tie Ribbons, Satin and Fancy Rib- bons, 'Hosiery, Gloves and lacherwen, Cotton Hose, Lisle Hose with fancy silk stripe, fancy lace and spots. Special value in SUMMER CLOTHING Special value inyall kinds of GROCERIES. J. M. SCHINBEIN. - George Zilliax Jr. WASHING MACHINES From $3-25 up. Screen Doors frorr Co $1.75. Screen Windows 20 to 30c Cockshutt Plow Repairs. Screen Wire, Poultry Net- ting, Black Barb and Cuil Spring Wire Woven Fence on Hand. >! ae Lawn Rollers, Mowers and Grass Catchers-- Milk Cans, Milk Pails, etc.-- Rape and Turnip Seeds. The headquarters for Harvest Tools--Hay Forks from 30c up--Manure Drags and Forks. The Peninsular and Imperial Oxford Stoves and Ranges, Hecla and Oxford Furnaces--Do not buy a Furnace until you receive my prices, 'Estimates on Hot Water and Hot Air Heating--Gas Fitting and Plumbing properly done--Repairing attend- ed to at once GEO. ZILLIAX JR: Hardware and Tin Shop, Wallace street. Phone 92. THE NEW CENTURY WASHING MACHINE Nothing so easy. Nothing so thorough. Nothing less wearing on garments It is perfection. Ladies call and inspect it. STOVES AND RANGES, Paints, Oils and Brushes, Churns, Milk Cans, Pails, Pans, Pumps, Sinks, Piping and Fittings, Valves, Injectors and Steam Specialties. Ailliax & Sarvis. Phone 4o Estimates given on HOT AIR AND HOT WATER HEATING, Plumbing and Gas Fitting. Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds of Oils in stock. The best Canadian and Am- erican Coal Oil delivered to any part of the town. W ool Wool The Listowel Woollen Mill Wants 75, 000 pounds of wool fei which they will pay the highest price z We make goods out of pure wool especially to meet-our--customers dema. cmd: Do net yi cusciond by peddiars and others who claim to have goods equal to our own manufacture, for they cannot stand the & test (in appearance, durabilty, or wear) with the genuine article you ~ will get by dealing directly with the factories. a A GREAT CUT IN READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING. Large lines of foreign Goods: Underwear, Flanneletts, Ging- j hams, Cottons, etc. B. F. BROOK. IF QOUALITY, Combined with Value, it a Considerat See Our Stock Before You Purchase YOUR NEXT SUIT. -- We wand io see men who aro with any old thing. We are masters of the art ing _ ideas more way, and know how the of ow would be a ont _. al wc how you'd ithe your Sew-valt made, MODEL panceenee j MACKENZIE BROS, . Tiitons A. MacDonald's Store; Wall

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