Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 14 Feb 1902, p. 2

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Saag cae aes ae ys" raps ae ? ---- e : has gone far beyond the average of : human life. Amid the uncertaintiea his way, because a number of ill-| tetemewekeKeketeketeke |he also must have thes ooints ot ' take God through Christ Jesus as bred curs are barking at his heels. ; ; | individual exceilence. : : your present and eternal safety. The We are proud of him, we are proud FO FaRM 3 % | The sume characteristics should be longest ite in only a a small of the band of skilful and zealous ; with the other dairy poinws similar of the great eternity. We will all 3 and patriotic colleagues with whom * |to those just noted. Also, while it is * Do'Not Depend on Brain and Nerve |*"" "=, = | eetaeert peogrés, 'and' Civil Gor | £ ° Seasonable and Profitable | |have ® " well formed atd prominent ; ; ; Q 3 le ve a well formed and pro: 6 : : t clare ip vaiad close upon their Liars for the Busy Tillers + usdee, this point alone isnot very : ttle value. and Mu scle. t MONSTER DYNAMOS. we shall Ond an administration * ot every calf coming from a cow , us! that is a large producer, and a already in our hands. The See , eee a in the pha etn is nab area ae COOKING FEED FOR SWINE. of the kind mentioned, will seodises turning in great num- It has been my custom for years aD unimal that is vagsarteads or even ey bee. to their homes and their Work. |) eee a tear tattoning {duals to its parents. 'Iho dairy cow ; NO TIME FOR FEAR. swine in fall and winter, and also|@™uSt maintain herself, and at the Lgarpetciraneipae dee ape Rees veer tine sh sume time give in milk soilds and fat for-young. pigs farrowed.in the fall e times Large schemes of devel "rps re | ind carted over winter. For this|®" Smount-equal to two-thirds at Will be puaceuee, on Canadian Side Falls. oy at weconding bing them on the other. Oh, the w Ba ya hao Mine bon ors thiectea 1 "Joseph stood~before -Pha-} Another at es in Shes Be ee Deyartaiea' TF aguiakare ouswes reoh 'at thirty. David was thirty tion of Ni eurs old when he began to reign : by Electrical World lead agin of co; ye A despatch from Washington says :|ihe height of Solomon's temple was |New Yor --Rev. Dr. Talmege preuched from | thirty aie Christ sslarsde upon | On the American side of the Falls pains. Sevined: 22 a etanant ot the |Purpose I feed largely a vegetable lengt_of: her own weight every year, the following text :--i salms, xc, 10,/his active ministry at thirty years the Niagara Fulls Power Company land--for the resumption' of cul, |dict, as potatoes, turnips and man- as tiie same time producing a calf. 'The days of our years are thicejof age ; Judus sold him for thirty has long had in operation eleven dy- Carat of ea t is et gels, combined with ground grain Re breecer ceeds to exercise his d ten.' pieces cf silver. Oh, the thirties ! |mamos, each driven with its own Tha obaclets aad ecraneed 'station {220 bran. For a long t I used a |Sreat caution, arpa in selecting The isle milestone of life is What & word suggestive of triuinph | turbine, and dovoloping 5,000 horse- | xi itho Trane raha Ea Roisemmaie' cooker baitt of plank cee calves: "Coat nform to his here planted as at the end of thojor disaster ! power. A -wheel-pit' parallel with been Caen We have wiped tha | With a sheet iron bottom, Inid on a ae aaa birth, and aguip at the tourney: A few go beyond it,| Next, I accost the forties. Yours the first one was recently completed, sinter c! ae Sar ea thing. Any stone or brick foundation, writes Mr. |¢# ae months or a year aititudes.-never._reach it. 'tho} ts the decade of discovery. I dojand within the last your orders were : Schoolboy can-do that. But wehave|J- A- Macdonald. cd PORT are er have 'ben save = oldest person of modern times ex-|not mean the discovery of the out- given for eloven niore water-wheelsjungodly . and oellious d | written ae the slate that we have |Zair, while giving fair satistaction, ee oor ful 3S come:up te pired at 169 years. A Creek of] side, Lut the discovery of yourself. and generators. When they are in-|they are beatengind let eon. Haw a ths principles ot: just-and did nt qppear as an con-|t0 Sori developmiencs, turn tho name of Stravarids lived to|No man kiows himseli until he is /Stulled the company will be able Be the devil hates Bat © at which |honost government under which, in| venient as the cookers advertised in | a ki bh Supers cial or 132 years. An Englishman of the|forty. Le overestimates or under- | supply 110,000 horse-power in tho | every knoe shal! it srr lbcoarps eadveaa tha? futdre: thé two. races anny live |the agricultural papers. So three oasi the th Path ave little to dao. name of Thomas Parr lived 152] estimates himself. By that time 'o:m of electricity. Operations are ihg which ev@s tongue shall yot |in mutual respect, enjoying equal |Yoer® ago I purchased a feed cooker re @ pro pelo of = animal, Before the time of Moscs|ha has lenried what he can dp/ or now to be undertaken on the Gana- confess that Jeg Chxist is Lord, {rights and enual liberties, abd in |thst does the cooking by steam, and |e or. tb De Se FOL ns: ON Ines: people lived 150 years, and if you| what ho cannot do. We thought | an sido, ; to" the glory [ol God the Father] |which that vast population of na-|Will beat water in the same way. ths F cha toda or peculiar mark- go far enough back they lived 60!he had commercial genius enough| 'ibe klectrical World and Engineer | (Phil. fi, 10, $3.) Jesus told His| tives, for whicti' we have become re- Hot water is quite as important in 5 7% he b aL a sh years. Well, that wns necessary, |to pina a millionaire, but now ho |Saya- that contracts have just been |disciples that they would "th deliv sponsible may receive due protec-|t ery us in tho dairy.» At far- gg ats gece no prepotency, I een ---- wee, world: mus*. | ls zene to make # aga arte aa -- ne pater oo od up to the couspils and bo enurped 'tion. and consideration. Gentlemen, |Fowing timo it ie indispensable. This cel he wee or Weta this Gs ebined own by tra on, and it}liv Now, calm yourself. Thank | Company for ho construction of |and brought ore goversiors aad |We are to meet Parliament in a few cooker will heat a barrel of water in 5'be: and rs rain: Whan che is necded long life safely to transmit God for the puxt and deliberatly | three ten thousand horse-power gen- | kings for His sal ( (Matt. x, 17, 18). bebe I hope and believe that the |® half hour or less. found that is giving the mired re- ; set ; . wove {craturs for th a . | 7 the news of the past. If the gen your combass for another voy- | cratura for the new plant whose ul-| 41. "Rojcici that they were temper of Parliament will be the I raise large quantities of roots. | its in his calves, (always in the se erations had been short lived, thejase. You have chased enough this- | tiuate cap acity, it is estimated, will |counted Worthy fo suffer shame for |temper of the nation. This ig not |Such as turnips and mangels, and ot grade story would so often have changed tledown: Sot have blown enough |proLably reach 200,000 horso-power. | H " ; ; i ood man tatoes also, but : lips that it might havo got all fie [hoan bu you havo secu the | ihe negotiations have been conducted fp the oat i Se one ome we [ths tins fo aa, awe. Anecig vis dom feed {he merchantable potatoes {Pure plone en da ---- tray. But after Moscs an to ls bide nature of through the Canadian Niogara Power | take such treatment at ont wine. imitate the magnificent Roeataney to pigs. There are, however, a lurge <r "4 -_ peal pre mepioe ee write it down and parchment told ALL FRARTULY THINGS. Company which had the original out resentient, but even joyfully and resolution of the-people of this | quantity of sinall potatoes every alae 'blood, te he team is of no it from century to century s Pichu on sane chapter with 'Gol pe teeter cid enterprise, but whose | Backs scourged gad bleeding, full of |country and the sturdy patriotism of |Year which can only be fed to pigs particular "preeuing, but will make roe oeconery, that people live. se and: 4he waite aia Angas rights have been acquired by the Am-| pain physicatly, b but full of joy in-|our colonies and we shall achieve a! ito make a profit on them. Potatoes such a strong infusion of the pas- events eye eet aE lacie cage ef tho fortics ought to eclipse all ries dyaatien will be ge like ca ae grec peti gre onal result that will Juaiity ie ce aia raed iiecaus pe ed Ore tu ved (ticular LAR See EMAL ENS CERNE ' "its predecessc nag > OF. ETO. Re tin eve : Sn | : peste Lived only twenty-five yeurs. | ¢) ee aid te siappinoke: iar Mie y pan of 1 6 eae rene Be A wee that which Paul was serena Brit firm forever our dominion in South lly havo a er of cull potatoes i. og Pigeon "a ts 3 that would Dot atect nis Ory: cane: {i @ Breat word in tho Bible. God's ean ee enite the turbines will | oa ene great things he must Africa, and will cement the unity of | 0% pend each year, Of course © spring. 1 would then select another t is put in print and is no longer | vicient peopie were forty years in|}, the carth, while the turbines will | suffer for Christ's sake (chapter ix the Empire. ree. COP oked "vegetables alone. I cre, of as near the same type or dependent on tradition. Whatever|ti. wilderness; EH judeed Israel be in a wheel-pit directly underneath. | 16). i ---- Ge about one pound grain,--groun i ossible, as the first thin your age, 1 will to-day directly ac-|/ ry. yente: "Hisvidl Be oignets Vertical shafts over ono hundred/ 42. "And daily {a the temple and arloy, corn and often wheat. If I -- arch a jen is. & fined t id oe a ade eee ts ce al er ve and Jehoush reigned forty years; eoie teak pe Macca "ta in overy house they ceased not to IDENTIFYING THH SPECIES. | gee age iad henge Cane pe And I wma retain a sire of na those Who Aro in the trea re tre [whem Joseph visited his brethren, he eee era croa will bo (tench 824 preach Jeaus Christ.""| Lord Justice Mathew of Fagland about thirty De ands ot the prime /kind, no matter what his age, just : cixtise, and to those who are tu tho |"? forty years aid, tl. thls) she largest ever built. 'The closest Thus they obeyed God rather than /ig « man of such mild and kindly cx: 'four from every 105 pounds Wheat, | _ oe eee nets wanton outa mountain top of the fortics! approach to them is made by those | beatiag or were ready fer the next |terior, with such gentle voice aud and let the remainder go in the himself. I would always use the pure seventies and beyon "ou have now tha character you will |p oing imprisomment for so Go-|mannor, that almost invariably bo shorts and bran for pig feed. I mix blood che and always one from the First, then, I accost those of you ; installed im tho power house ling whenev : Who are in tho twenties. You rre Leper bot Sed i. aa and all] of the Manhattam Elevated Railway a big eo nitagd Ged wer A ree to | gives the impevssion of being @ sin-!gng pound ground = groins, about samo br full of expectation. You aro ambi- Srniys «:.¥ y race. SOMO} Company, of New York. ter 7 iplo country gentleman rather than eight or ten of boiled roots, I steam | Much depends on the care and feed- x - ' said, Gay ends t hel ; s d ~tious--that. is, if you amount to any- Sec aed gash Ragen one the. for ms like J 'df ne p doing it; an oxpert and profound luwyer. itwo barrels at n time and find it ing of the calf. Many a Gnely bre thing--for some kind of success, com- Ao esse ei oem Pyaaamiagar pio encase eiemiah, whem tempted to| This was evidently the idea of 2 'economical and most satisfactory to calf haw boon ruiues before ib resche . sesrrial' or: mechanical'or profesaion= cha himself. Tell me, O men -----4----- hei no. more in. His name, they ! jahogenrenge seller of painted birds, ' mix equal Ate om of turnips, ed its lirst year by having its diges- @l or, literary or agricultural mne. Swaleo. \cho. am ie the forties se ad such a burning fire withia them | w years ago met him In the mangels a' tatoes in-each barrel, tom impaired by over-fveding, fced- * ; your habits of thought and HNfe, that they were weary if they did not | neighborhood of the law courts, and When thocoughly steamed dump thos ow improper- foods, or' under OR SOCIAL OR MORAL. and T will tell you what you will , japenkr "ei. tikes Elihu, they felt that 'exhibiting one of his birds, asked contents of the barrels into a largo feeding. Particular care should be {f I find somo one 'in the Lwventies algae be + ee ee He ' a thoes i ee Sgpil a not him if ho could tell to what species tank and while yet hot mix in the taken during the first month without any sort of ambition, I feel oo sn a ge xxxii, (Acts iv, 20; Jer. xx, 9; Job. |it belonged. grain mixture aa cut and nash 'all that calf is not over-fed. Frequent like saying . "My friend you have SNE eee eet Meee: INTERN-.TIONAL LESSON, 18-20). The judge stopped, examined tho togethor and feed warm. I have -- ye oiler gr reagan a i i Ms = B. --_------------- 5 owe uss oO} oc giv got on the wrong one This i$ | Tlow . queer it, looks avhen in writ- FuB. 16. bird with great care, pretending to made gains of 24 pounds per day on 4 ie ulta than feeding at longer admire the gaudy peri examined five or six-months-old ghotes not the world for you. You are gO /irg your age y on - . 3 b you ake first of NO LET U BOER WAR it 4 then reaiae' . periods, even with foods of a bigher ing to be in the way. Have you | the two figures a 5."" This isa de | Text a the Lesson, Acts v., 25- P IN Br » chink t have pot pee this a es ori king, ace: Then, too, . the animal 'aie ; made our choice ©f poorhouscs ? : ti 7 Beet ine te ado ay tor eee ee et Ge oe i. mn -- a bird exactly like this, but judgiog 'owt = pailful to-a barrel, a ould bave such foo's as will de your cradle, Who is going to settle nh have hese : - ween teal. has ao UNTIL THE ENEMY IS. COM-!from the old proverb that Birds of-a ste in cooking --_ about the 'lop es nc pe muscle, rather than for your board ? There is a mistake | to this tl * and he has lived up| 95. Behold, the mon whom yo put PLETELY SUBDUED. feather, flock together.' I should say, right. anion of moisture to the mix- {78% Which should make it fat, and Gout the fact that you were . bolts o this time, he reaps the harvest of it rs prison aro standing in thoe-temple it was a jailbir ture. In feeding fall lle te pigs sbould always be fed sufficient food igh " - im the eee iy if by nocessity he jand teaching the peoplo."* This was mii oe I do. not have the feed so dry, but t? Keep it growing. I believe that : was compelled Yo overtoil in honest " ' ; : the tceding of arge ou : mbt- t essige whi as brought | Hon, Chamberlain Iso 4 hess {But supposing vou havo ambl- directions he is calla to settie UP |the 'high priest ch waa brought to] Mon, Foseph, Chamberlain Says] POISONED TO SAVB EXPENSES. 107 1" shit came do not mash, pat Foughage, that will tend to develop poe oe asitet oun 'an Hie . ih with oxacting nature sometime dur-|o¢ thy children of liracl as they Its Comolusion. A Chinese hoy wes brought into simply mix the graia and roots with | the paunch, eith of the bull or vino mani vitae Sidi hen ou bn the fifties. Many havo it so hard | yoited to receive the prisoners whom the Peking Hospital peice, Sse a sharp spade. jheifer, is coger de * me right lihe. will get all you want and mi in carly life that they aro octogenar |they had arrested the evening before. Discussing the progress of tho/| by a heavy log falling upon bh m. The |" I could ere winter fall pige pro-|if the animal is t a producer, 36 tae. & you looking onc -- at a i Sees and rbeuma-|sruititudes of men and womea wero a War in his IMdrming~ | doctors, to save his life, ay On his ! 'Gtably without roots, and for the must have a largo reservoir the wealth ? Well, remember that Cod ee ain parotid believing, and Mmultitudes of sick tiie ee Hor. Josuph leg. The mother came, apparently frst four or five months feed this ------ of re cae ath i controls the money markets, the!in tho fif were pl and demon poseeased beanie not only : - a o help to aurse tho lad. The pa- warm, sloppy feed. To fced or win-| ver save the first calf from a hervunte, thie cewunhie, che ei n tho fifties. You havo matle in erusaisem, but the When you hear wild ond wilful prides however, almost immediately ter fall piga on grain alone I find , belfer, I never know what that heif- pillars, the locusts, the sunshine aay SOPs! os Se to bea cities roundabout, wore og 'The | Ak abeut megotiations which aro te | afterwards died, and expert © a-|almost impossible, as they go off °F cing to develop into, and I tua atoce, the fond, he am, atl good aa So loug protected =) was going so grundly that tho i ---- uadortaken im some pub-| tion showed t mother had gi¥-|¢tboir feet, suffer with rhotmstism '9°:not want to save a calf unless T you will get wealth. Perhaps not ci. . you ought to have a oul. Pgh pricst. and Sadduccas siaply Ouse on the comtimemt, whem you/en him arsenic. Her reason, it iS|_ud other ills. I filad it advantag- know her mother has been a jite- Ak wich ie mered up te the ! of dexology. In Bible umes in could not stand it and so put tho are told ovoa hd the ---- author- posed, was to prevent her sda | pous raw roots now and | ducer ; and again Lecause such calves canis, it ited, fa Eehek Guus" wmeeed Seer y |spostion in prison. God. pa es @ chon to both fattening awina - andere wially smaticr in sie, and have > tutes---securitics,--in 'houses. and ee ees a ~ 3 _ jubilee. (22 --- er 7s tion. } young p lay up a quan jless vitality than from a moro ma- , fands, but your clothing xnd board |]; property ee Se ociune ane | heme 4 mgr y night and releused|prowal of Cel Go +o arel Git pelat with the|tity of sods im the fall, and from ores tae and shelter, and that is about al! jout of one's caeaian. th ou. them from prince and sent theia "to/ to bo recalled im presence™of-the~en-+}- eo who = eee ampu-|the cellar feed a sod or two" every | 1, palit as i gochio7 you can appropriate anyhow. You |eth year it ies back > hia, Oath ~ the tomate fon continue their miris-|emy, when you are advised to offer tatod member to-have-it-buried_with.;day-or-two..This_is a great appeti- sees ear74 * ae of years, with cost the Lord a great deal. To had fcoled it away it was el! try, and there they are found teach-|or to accept terms of peace, which Oe ee lon teatig' wake .. mer and corrector' of the syste. ead produce a herd of eatin "nex ' | t he F 3 : * fod and clothe and skelter you for jwithent a farthing to pa: If a (Ne instoud vot ol Oe tits, i in the words of that calm and reso-|and a whole leg being difficult te will not only be pleasing in the eyes a lifetime requirs a big sum of (man had been enslaved. fm was in} e acta q ¥ |iute speech which was made by Lord Pickle, the simpler course was taken POULTRY ON THE DAIRY FARM. ;of the owner, but of money, and if you get Naothing more |that year emancipated. A trumpet ibelonge to od. ilner two days ago--terms of peace isoning the boy, so that he and Just why dairymen do not make 'profit to him as well. than the ubsolut sitic 6-23. 'Behold, ye havo filled Je- f po s i 4 abs pluto necessi ica YOUlwasx sounced -- lon a and clear and! ~ Pa * with a der ana ts which, in his words, would preserve ate leg might go togother. ' poultry raising' pay: is not a = pro- - amoeesge anuek a supply. long, and it was teat Pie ate rites Pry blood wew tine polite dualism in Africa in blem hard to solve. Tho reason is aR AC > $ t aS t y + * ce i -- kind of success, if you expect it TRUMPET oF "JUBILER 'us. The high priest reminds them} then I say to SS on canta iat som IS GLASS ELASTIO? vance Sa a eS aguas THEY STILL NAME THE COOK, from the Lord you ro safe le- | They shook hands, they "Jaa that they had been forbidden to}do not stand alono, that you have| "As brittlo as giass" is an old say-/dairyman start dairying with a queer custotn which prevails at pen n any other resource end you jd. they congratulated. What a teach in the namo of Jesus and thon | allies, and that you are not satitled |ing, but like many other things told | pound buttér cow and permit her |?° ojher court than that of Great may be badly chagrined, but de-| time il was, that fiftieth year! And adds this word unintentionally g1™/ta make pceaco unless it ts upon|for true by our grandfathers it will |to rustle. 9 bee living around tho | Britain, is the manouncenent gt the pend on God and all will) be we'll. |i under the old dispensation it was jing good testimuxy to their real. but] terms which will be satiMactory to] not pass to-day. Do you know that | hay 5 o breeds, mdst peo- beginning of cach course at a dinner It ig a good thing in the crisis of ;Such a glad time, under our new and | evidently forgetting that the peop'e|those allies, who have seat of thoir | glass can bo made to bounce up from | plo have their tuicys ; but all breeds of the name of the cook who hus pre- life to have a inan of large means |more glorious dispensation let all had cried, His bined be on us and] best to Gght and to dio in a common | tho hese a like a rubber ball? We are not equally prolific. We have a pared the dishes served. 'The origina oo Rs ouup. Tt is a wieat thing z _ have ; come Loe Ley fifties near 08 ee = dreo"' hare --* met cause. eunwhile, gentlemen, the|have seen a gloss plate thit, thrown great many inquirics from men that of this areton eal back to the o have a moneye institution {the trumpet of jubilee that 1 no e ought to obey God|/war goes on--slowly, no doubt, but/upon the table, rebounded with a want to know if it will pay to raise|reisn of King George Il., who mado a 3 2 ider- : no -- : 3 pres 2-0 0 Pe stand behind = you ir your -- under- | blow rather than men."' Thus replied / inovitably: etallic ring, and when broken by the standard-brod hen on the farm. a great favorite of one of ce . "ie ad mi taking. Dut it is a mightier thing My. sermon next accosts the sixties. |Peter and again accused them -- to TO Y'T!'S SEYTLED mal tals hore i ; to have the God of VWeaven and |The beyinoing of that decade is more 'their faces of being the murderers of] , B Gate CONCLUSION. -- --. a . 2 ar ag ij | Ebsre ey ner ea it will pay earth your coadjutor, and startlag Uhan any other. = In hi | Jesus, whom God raised from the There has been a great improve- | instead of tho Msual Setape- tee bettee. OF. ail se: prcete SO Pees ¥y é * 5 . ¥ el n his )« ment in the situation during the re- | Yentor claims that this glass can be the White Wyandots. They will pro- , . chiens! ourney the ides ead and exalted with His right i ; { YOU MAY HAVE HIM. ather Sesothky naan the figures ° nena on be a Prince and a Sa viour ess. can give no better instance |™ede from the ordinary kind, that duce as many eggs as any other wae 'him from royal favor by render- vind . 'a - 4 of it than by informing you that the | the whole operation will be complet- |breed and more flesh than most f 4 Tam so glad that I met 7. whi'e nail Noand 4 and 5, but the figure 6 ito give and f vam' ed i few hours d with 1 hem. Tho Barred P) th R ing hiz onsible for the failures uare in the twenties. You ure ives him a big jolt. He says: 'It |sins evén to such a® thoy were. That pda age Transvaal and the aot pie reid ee that of th 'tia feces ine good fae both pr theese opiate: ace whieh were laid upon the king's ta- laying out your pluvs, and ail your }cannot be that Iam sixty. it is not possible to please God and bh er Volony ure now work- § e. think that. the Wyandat is. stil]; Dic). Greatly incensed thereby, and the ing almost. as im normal times. In fearing. to lose his post, he com- me life in this world and the next for jexumino the old family record I to please the world lying in . ' : SAUT Satter tho 12 months between Juno ryt CAU 10us MAN. pluined to the king in persou, who five hundred million years of your | guess they made a mistake. They 'wicked one is seen in Gal. i, 10 ; existence be. pe by those | got my name down wrong in the roll Luke vi, 13; Jas. iv, 4. These terruptions of the linu; the line Boies plans. It is about o'clock in the jof births." But, no, the older broth- | ' apostles were in-conscious partner- ; - her mother called. a forth, whenever a dish was placed be morning of your life, and you are (ers or sisters remeniber mo of | ' shi ip with the Holy Spirit, who was So trains were scope or fir- "It's all because of John," she ec ptenarida Ag case eg tae Ee fore him, the naime.of the cook re ust starting out, Which way are/his advent, aud there ~cla- jin them, and He, tho Spirit, was the | psinnd wounded bid they Con- | Qyitod. "He's a brute, and he doesn't! pot them out of their houses in win- sponsible for its success or failure you going to start ? Ob, the twen-|tivo a year oldor and a- speaker 'through their -- even = 88} children ounded mea and women and |iove me any more. I asked him if I}ter as much as possible. The profit should be announced in an audible ties _ tive a year younger. ana, sure en-|Jesus had said, "It is not ye that mouths thar han wasn't tho dearest little wife in the|jn winter depends on 1 having the | tone. "Twenty" is a groat word in the |ough, tho fact is estublished peyous 'speak, but the Spirit of wel Father |; orate orl hens well-housed and giving special wEreaar era Bible. Joseph was sold fur twenty | all seapalson. Sixty! Now your which speaketh in you" (Matt. x] largar A ba know, I know," interrupted the |care. A houso 12 by 20 feet is large ici Reet pinces of aitvte; Patwes judged Is | gre' danger is the temptation to /20). me, Pg Si lggomes the | sider woman. "And ho said his enough for 50 fowls. To not permi OUR FUTURN KING. a nati son aah A ee ayie gave ale 'up your ie and quit. You! 33. "When a heard that, " a ivon girdle Pipes. ae pacregoe B pa cheque-book indicated that you any of the floor space to be occupied | Prince Edward of Waice-< who is & ; gre i cel wm tendency to reminiscence. |were cut to he cart and too c ockhouses yl of that Zechariah saw was twenty cu-| If you do not look out, you will be-!counsel to slay them." Not only Kitchener bis devised, and which are oN , he didn't."* All of the Preisegeest bear Pirate ee este bathe a arse pene bits; when the sailors of the ship |gin alinost everything with the jwas the blood of Jesus upon them "Ho didn' t served for the hens, and a part of| years old but is learning to rido on which Paul sai - sounded the} words, "When 1 was a boy.' But |put they were ready to bring upon |grivine them lato a age age A "No." it should be used ree or a scratching | With a skill and fearlessriess bick Mediterranean sca, Was twenty |you ought ta make the sixties more 'themselves the blood of the apostles | our troops, I hope, will + ete oo "Woll, husbands must have chang-| floor. Put in only cnough glass for do credit to his strain of Danish an- fathoms. What mighty Poet saasl hase momorable for God and tho truth also. Before they killed Jesus they|gnq then. ed since I was a bride. What did he lighting purpose cestry. He has proved an apt pupil been done in the twenties ! Yom-jthan the fifties or the forties or the | , desired to kil us, whom Jesus . . say ? Ons reason wie some people de | at the Queen's Technical Schools ab ulus -- Rome when be Was | thirties. You oucht to do more dur- !raised from the dead (John xil, 10). NOT A SENSATIONALIST. ce He said, very cautiously, 'Well, not succced with poultry is that they gee oe , and went in one day twenty Some of the Inightiest ing the next ten years than you did; Tho truth of God when not meekly| [t would be alinost impertinent in you know, my dear, I haven't seen do not know how to feed to the best tell Miss Wolfe, tho tady superin- things for God and eternity have jin any thirty years of your life be- 'received makes manifest that "the|me to pr oer i them all. ladvantage. Large fowls requiro toilet that he wanted to work ' been done in tho twentics. As long |ecause of allathe experience you have A poke mind is enmity against God" Rittheta dese ok draft. x tional en |diferent "system of "teodinie pee something "as & surprise for mo- as you can put the figure 2 before | had. You have committed cnough '(Rom. viii, 7)f } despatches. I daresa ay we all wish HIGHEST BALLOON ALTITUDE. et ones. Leghorns are not likely | ther the other figure that helps describe | mistakes in life to make you wiee 34, 35. 'Ye men of Isrxel, take | sometimes that hi te a ' o get overfat. They will leave corn} mat was decided on, and, under the your age Ihave high hopes ubont |above your juniors. Now, under the |heed to yourselves what ye intend to length: but ry r) ba he pi ei git ---- --_ ne riper ee 4 the etna ts run after insects: | tuitlem of Miss Wolfe, he mado a ou. Look out for that iguro 2. /accumulated light of your past ex-|do as touchin, these men." 41 sels, , . ~ | Rerlin Meteorologica' titute, have f read 8; [ee F ha Watch its' continuance with us inuch jperinicnting go to work for God as | apostles, elgg went out of the coun- peeing goemiree bee Soar thay kaos . ---- * balloon ascent the ar en hak a ee chber ate at bbe alent wi fh ak Annies he warnestness as you ever Watched any-|nevar before. When a man in thejcil for a little while, Gamalicl, a A pies est altitude on recor They firs sti ' 5 ' thing about that promised you. sal- | sixties ye up-his energies and feels |jJearned and honorablo member, at neon - hey cage cara i went up to the height 'of 80, 000 feet, no noe ie me eee Sire ape as songs Peasy Daplea vation or threatened you demoli-|he has done ap it is the dovil |whose fect Saul of Tarsus had been! by which ne pie t ou -- s a § 4) tion. What a critica time--tho|ef tndolesce to which he is surren- educated (chapter xxii, 3), thus be-|with the most Peg saa that b m4 twenties | While they continue you |daring. and God Seaisiy takes the |gins to address his brethren. He jever fallen i enaech times to an decide your occupation snd the prin-|man at his word and lets him die |jseems to have had something of the!nation to accomplish. We a ened ciples by which you will be guided ; |right away. His brain, that under |spirit of Joseph and Nicodemus, who | of the as are proud of the = make vour most abiding friend-|the tension of hard. work is 'active, /also were at one time members compare any other 'This protuberance on tho ba 1c ips ; you abrange your home life; NOW SUDDENLY SHRIVELS. tho council (Mark xv, 48; John vii ' . =< sentry a ry you fix your habits. Lord God Al-/ aren, whether they retire from secular 50). We do not know that he ever eoaihee = to ~~ ap a a descend, also becamo insensible, and THE MODEL DAIRY Cow. of the head,"* said she pbrenvloniee mighty, for Jesus Christ's sake havo |, rotigious work, generally retire to [recelved Jesus as the Christ," but} their heroic aoacaees I on oo are neither of them recovered till the bal-| Ono of the most attractive, as well pronerece, 08 De SgARET came fds mercy on all the mea and women in |ine = gra No well man has a/|from the wisdom and spirit of this|prouder still of the endurance--the loon dropped to 16,000 feet at the|., popular fallacies, is the lase reat ptoleche the andic HCC, 1s th the twenties ! right to vwiink. The world was nie address and on the supposition that | cheerful endurance--which they have end of an hour's time. cros+breeding. It is so easy for =, aa in the sresent caso this boy Next I accest those in the thit-j¢4 work. There remaincth a rest |Saul would seek the welfare of his/shewn under the hardships of this ie sienna to think that he can cross t Hoi-|P y { } You are ut an age when you h has an extruordiuary love for _ his for the people of "God, but it is ina -- er on may hope that he did. exceptiounl campaign, and we are BOWS 700 TIMES AN HOUR. stein, an unexcelled milk producer, Is *+ not true, my son"?" find what a tough thing it is to get | apnere beyond_the reach of telescopes. . 'Before these days rose up | prouder of tho unwavering humanity " " with the Jersey or Guernsey, equally cepa a ther, but ". recognized and established in your = i on ides, boasti . When "progressing" through the ti Well, I like. my mother, ree My subject next' accosts those in | Thou ting himself to be peg even at great cost to themselv- eminent in the line of butter, and) qon't know about dadd occupation or profession. 4 ; " streets to perform somo kind of cero- 1 pieces on ow about my daddy. the seventies and beyond. My word He quotes two casos of | es they have constantly shown to the he King takes off his hat produce an animal thet has all the} «why, how is that ?" TEN YEARS AGO to them is atuiation. You have |deceivers who for a timo had quite a| troops apposed to them and to tho a _ toes times =e 9 a good points of both and none of] "Weil, that lump' you're blowing you thought all that was necessary | got nearly if not quite through. You |following, 'but in each case the lead- | civil ulation which has been at o ry the almost incr ibis a be the objectionxle ones. "The result. | spout is 'where he hit me yesterday for success was to put on your shut-|bave safely crossed the &ca of life |ers perished, and their followers were | their. mercy. a nih -- "The Wine to. nineteen times out of twenty. is an} with a belt buckle. d _ . How can we muke fowls hustle and The young wife was weeping when | oxorcise ? First, we must not feed iminediately gave orders that hence- R aa Cage Seger eae ig era each day, and chopped vegetables | "would like to make another mat for Linued to ascend to 33,790 feet, when will not take its place. On tbhe/ mother with the Union Jack on itl'* one of them beckme completely un- ric Bi hee eee that SEES oused- | utilize, and this helps to give proit,| WAY THE BUMP WAS THERE. E ter the sign of physician or dentist | and are about to enter the harbor |tispersed. The mark of a deceiver animal that has few of the good PROUD OF MILNER. quires a new brim to his hat iy A points of cither ef its ancestors. The ae infusion or attorney or broker ~ and | There ay eee for you yet|is that "he boasts himself to : re cot would save plenty business. |on a small or a large scale. Bis- |somebody,"' while a truce follower of | We are proud, also, of our Admin- | on or the blending of two dis- : oN > AP'S: w many hours yon: 'sat and wait-|marck of Germany vigorous in the|the Lord sceks to glorify God only. | istrator, raed of Lord Milner, the a headgear, ay ay buy f a new tinctly ware bloods is more likely to Suaneces ony = § for business, and waited in vain, |eighties. The prime minister of Eng-|The antichrist shall do according to | great public servant whose labors no | ht every time m requires re-| reproduce the poor qualities than the |, One of the last acts of the Now ang persons only casw-Ged, your |land strong at seventy-two. Haydn jhis own will and shall exalt himself | man can over-estimate, who, day and newing. ued ones, says Mr. Ed. Van Als- pease Parliament ea bicke ( th --_--_--_---- on closed as to pas ~ and In co compos: and Dan. tyne. | ~ life you have not had the 'promotion tion," at seventy years of age. Isoc-|but the Lord Jesus Christ on scheme for the regeneration of the| The hottest place on earth is ap First, then, we should select the t and increase in selery you rates doing somo of his best work |necither His own will nor Ilis o new. colonies, who finds men--I dojparently to be found on the south- sire. The leading requisite in hin. bers. The payment of members ry ticipated, or the place you aacpaeteal at seventy-four. Christian men and/glory (John vi, 38; viil, 50) saa pest hate know caer | he knows ef.them | western coast of Persia, on the Gulf |should be constitytion, and as wo the assembly was raised from £240 to occupy in the firm has not been|women in all departments serving | Paul, the great apostle, determined enough in this country tolof Persia. There during forty con-|are going to uce a dairy or | to £800; those of the aaa of the vl God after becoming septuagenarians |to know nothing but "Jeane Christ take tt the cabins fo blacken hig! secytive days in July an@ August |mother animal, I believe that the ora Sepa nde wee er and nona and Him crucified,"' his mattoes be-; character, ti }-for his recall, to; the mercury has béen knoWn to stand | prevailing type should be feminine ; nee aes a ba ing "'Not I, but Christ, a a Not I, | attribute Zo fo Soetives af the most | above 100 degrees in the shade day |e. g., he should have rather a small o Governo 'has, boon, FA -- but the grace of God" (I. Cor. ii, 2; | unwo: character. Gentlemen, hej and night, and to run to 130 in the jhead, thin horns, and narrow rather to 000, and ities to xv, 10; Gal. ii, 20). has hig reward in the regard-and ap-| afternoon. In Babrein Island, which |than broad shoulders, with the arch- i 'Cabinet Ministers eghe td eee 38. "If thig counsel or this work | proval of the vast majority of his | is situated in the centre of this most |ing back and pelvis, plenty of loose terially increased. _-. rather re- be of men it will come to naught." | fellow citizens; he has it im the con- Seerht: pers GF Ss id cone, water | skin in front of the hind legs, - well rkab was only car. @ have remembered theso | dence of the Government, the com is unkno Rae ere, march at |developed ed placed rudimentaries ies psf is Sovereign; ee rudimen sel of the heathen to naught; He|set @iuch, he will not turn eut of | it, but in vain. He may have p' of pedigree, put} Six.

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