Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 7 Feb 1902, p. 8

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J, W. Scott & Son, Bankers, ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES : epente Palmerston -- and Clifford, also with J A Halsons, Mount Forest and A General Banking Business transacted, _ DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all: parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED "DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allowed: A se amount of private funds to lend security at 4% per cent., repaying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued. J. W. Scotr & Son. S, BRICKER: REAL ESTATE BROKER. District Agent for the Canada Life. w sib pri privilege of OFLICE, -- 'lj. sim "Morphy & : Carthew' 8 laa 4 Ge 4, Liste FAKM AND TOWN PROPERTY LIST. = #4400 will purchase 100 acres near Henfryn, bank bare (Cx G4, honse 20 x 30, kitchen 18 x 22, all fn Add re vale, svil clay foam, 3: acres clear, balance in slash, seeded "dewn, small orchard, 2 welis,- Thin farw isvery cheap and must be soll i amediately. La for 4 acres: } acre in orebant and small fruit, frame horse, xione basenient, 28x 30, berge kitehon, dining roem and wood shed, good stable, also hen hots dex 8 A-t wel This pr ponents in & ™ very desirable (for aretir d farmer and cheap. Call at ery ») cear, balance in A' 00 for cre mt vol clas «Bora io. ae 'school at door, 6 leading road, buildings . 70 fora beautiful al cin Listowel. 1 acre, sill oreh mlot ali kinds of frnit, also small stable, This is a ory desirable property and ahead sella -- $5,000 will purchase 100 acros, 8) cleared, 2) in Dash, notfeniied 1 arge bank barn 40 x 70, straw slew 30 x H bia ae house in fair sha Buil black clay les }i miles from Watlace P, O, This farm shout! a sell at 34 "ne fron seca. sig. Poerehits u ot Doe 100 acres, 85) cleared, 15 acres in bash; anlGlogs in yoo! shape. Sel church, post offiee, blac pia be bbloty quart ermile, Jury atonce or yo me dat $3,500 will buy BM uetes ie r a, tay i ' 1 te eee large orchard tet del lay one sla menoent Ho yen reymire a tive on this $3,500 will buy ae excellent corm in, Minto edesnad 8 he uk bara avd straw shed, solid br.ck house, ss wells, ni ae ered on guod gravel ai twoand «half tudes irom Palmer stou. A sp fendi aoe, aud one that wil go quick. he ley purchase avery fine house on Mill steed. Him iss aap an ae house is up- poh Call ate a0 as afl itis neeessary fo- metodo ts show and down <le coes, ent le ter [50 acrea inake County af RPrnee * niles trem Paisies aml # miles from ors Elgu her farm in meol the fiaest farins 1 e Tewn- niet A be rivk hows, so ord hard. t aH uu fa win ever Lauing spring creek. Terma to suit pure franc f1Wowel lay avers nice ee house and lot, in as shinier, avid in ¢ elon wate dor Sucres wi th saul house, stable 'int o arehit rl, Wanted = te 70 weres, with A-L house aud barn near 1 intawel. 5. BRICKER, A Toss of $2,000.000. Waterbury, Conu., Feb, 3.--Shortly after midvight, the fire, which ~ bad "Reemed to he ururly under --control, hud attacked buildings ou the south side of Bank street, abd sgain raged furiously, Itis pow thought 32,000,- 000 will be uw) couservative estimate ol the low The fire broke out at 6.340 o'clock, nod was the moet Girastrous i the birtery of the city, 7 CAKTHAGE, Tor following isthe report of the wrekiy ¢Xamiustious No. 7, Moruiugton, tor the month ef Jav- uary. Lhe waximum fer each Class is SUV. Sr. LV Class--Russel Jobo- tton 284, Jr. LV Class -- Randolph Askin Z7¢, William Joboston 264, Myrtle Hill 210, Niholsun Dietrich Louse Erier 183, Sarah Mactip . LIL Class--Jobno Voll 253. Askin 250, Atics Lines 9 * Askin 220, Koy Simpson 200, Albert Sitpsou 198, Nellie Martiu 156, Eumund Loney 95.* Secood Class-- Louis Erler 259, Fraveis Dietrich 229, Joseph Erler 224, Maud Harvey 176, Mayyie Askin 174,* George Walker 33.°* * Absent from oue examination. ** Absent from two examinatious, GOWANSIOWN, Mr. Will. Zion of Owen Sound spent a few days with his parents op the 3rd live lust wee The Manitoba fever appears to have struck this locality Mr. Wm, Wilsou wilt sell bis stuck aud implemeuts on the (sth, Mr. Jobo Lyun op the 19th, aud Mr. Thos, Sheppard ou the 17th. Mr. Andrew Kress of the Quheen's, who had been ill for some time, passed away on Sunday afternoovu. Deceased was in his 4ith year. He bad kept hotel bere for s number of yeare, about three years ago erected present fioe brick hostelry. health began to fail over a year 0. He leaves a wife aud several childrev to mourn bis Jows, The faneral tbok place Tuesday afternvou to the Luth- erab cemetery. Owing. to the snow blockade the bearse was uuable to reach here, Mr. Sallowe having to come out by train. tr, Heury Smith of the 8rd line delivered forty head of export cattle tu Scott and Leslie on Saturday, which were the best buuch of cattle that ever left this section. Posters are out announcing a meet- ing of the N. P. Farmers' Institute at Gowanetown ballon Saturday, 8th lust, atteruoon dnd evening. The] Speuhers are Pres Dimpeey of Strat- ford. i reiensor Cottrel of Maltoa, W, N. Hutt of Suuthwold, aud Miss Helen MeAlli-ter of Coventry. Ladies are specially imvited. No admission fee will be charged. the His Tie new K. & O. steamer Montreal was (uueched at Bertram's shipyards, Lurouto, ou Mou day. Eteven candidates in the municipal | elections in Montreal lose their $200 | eposit. "The London City Council has decid- Jndge for investigation, suspicion of more crou has yet been BANK OF HAMILTON Carrrat Aurnorizep - $ 2,500,000.00 Carirrau Pain Ur - - $ 2,000,000.00 Resenve Foxy :.- - $ 1,500,000.00 Toran Assets - - - $17,071,759.60 ESTABLISHED INz LISTOWEL OVER YEARS. HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. DIRECTORS : erg rnc RAMSAY, Vice Presi! A. G. JOHN {pROCTOR. GEORGE "ROAUB &yT, WOOD_M.P. WM.G NM. PF. A.B LEE (reaurO. J. Tome Gen. H. §, EVERX, Mr. nM M. ATATSON jpector. BRANCHE Ss, Beamsville, Mitchell, ' Blyth Milton Berlin Morden, Brandon, Mau Moose Jaw, N.W.T. , Man Niagara Falls, Ont Chesley Urangevi' 'Delhi Owen Sound . Port Rowan: 6 Palmerston Georgetown Pilot M Man. Grimaby Pium Coulee, Man Port * Elgin Hamilton * Barton St. Branch Stonewall, Man: Southampton Hawio Toronto Indian hae N. W. T. Vauoourer, BC Jarvis Wingham Listowel Winnipeg, Man ucknow Winkler Man Manitou Man ings nk. Deposits of $1 anda warts Interest adde. ww each yea received at current a neeived and interes! allowed, Prgmcape ie a mat N wrreniex rate ot qatevent! posite may be withd:awn without formal- ity or delay. rafta {xened payable at all points in Canada and the Tnited Stater. Drafts on Great Pritain and the continent of Agents in United States. rt Nationa] Bank and Fourth Le- rote rations, Bank. Chicago: First Nailonal ank- agents in Great Britain, National Provincial ank cf England, Limited. vellers are notfied that the Pank of Manmilten aud its Branches tsaue Circular sotes ofthe National Pievincial Bank of En Limited, which ean be cashed witnout c Dge or trouble in apy part of the wor J. 3.STUART, Agent, Listowel ODDITIES OF GENIUS. Physical Failings That Fell to the of Famous Men, The face of Oliver Cromwell was dis- figured with moles, pimples and warts. He must have been very proud.of them, however, for when bis porirait was being painted by Sir Veter Lely he swore he would not pay for it unless these facial ee were quite clearly shown, , the famous painter, had a Pore, scar on his forehead, which was the result of an accident in his early He made this appear neory more f which The great Napoleon was subject to epi- leptic seizures, one of which it has been said lost him the battle of Waterloo. rd Byron, who was otherwise a mag nificent specimen of a man, had a aan foot of which he was anrtiing but proud. lf, however, it fae ree from his appear- ance and bh red oe Aes did not hamper his pr Byron w of a morbid fear of going out 'of his mind. Indeed, all poets are said to be more or less mad. Cowper was certainly subject t of lunacy, as was likewise Chatter- ton, who killed himself in a fit of derange- The same is true Wervantes, Southey-and- Sw Alexander Pope was a sched with a@ very caustic tongue, a -- ieegeud _ed in his being as good a d that he was "a cronbed little 'ites. Be asks im pudent qrestions. hrougbout his life he aa Scott could only walk with a Asa he was afflicted with th which left him permanently Inme. The late James Payn, the novelist, war extremely deaf, in which respect he re trembled Edison, the world renowne? electrician and invento ilton was totally blind when he pro duced the 2 of his marvelom Youth up he suffered was the primary rom acon -- pollen cause of the loss of his eyesight. As in sbody could gather from his works, Thomas Carlyle was a chronic dyspeptic. A state of irritation appears to have been his normal condition, and, althongh in the absence of his peculiar ailment he might bave been a far more amiable being, his writings would certain- ly have lost some of their most prominent characteristics, e Demosthenes, Charles Kingsley was afflicted with stuttering, but he did not cure himself of the failing as did the famous Athenian orator by practicing speaking with pebbles in his mouth, ns was also the most nervous, This trem' But he operated with such celerity that his had no opportunity of trembling. LEGAL BOOKS BY THE YARD Contents Are Waste Paper, but the Bindings Impress Clients. "Legal fillings at all prices, in sheep- skin or calf." t is an advertise. ment that you may occasionally see in the catalogue of dealers in legal books, The term "legal fillings," says a writer in Stray Stories, is applied ta well bound volumes that contain noth- ing but an odd assortment of worth- less price lists, old reports and some times cut newspaper pages. The cov- ers are handsome, but the pages are merely s0 much waste paper. The volumes are sold tq young solic- {tors who wish to-impress their clients by a formidable locking library, and, as they have a studied legal appear- je they have their effect upon the tor. : cheaper line pf these "books," made of blocks of wood covered with cloth or calf, handsomely tooled and SE as Bee. cae be bowatt at _-- ee Som to $4 per "te secondhand bookseller in Lon- don has made a small fortune by hav- ing old books of all kinds that mig! about 20 cents each, which leaves him a profit. The books make a 'good show in the edico is & al Remember tiend . } picture is for your General--A soldier should ha RO friends, sir, This picture is for my =o Perhaps the most famous of European | consulting room and help to give the |. IMPERIAL BANK 'OF CANADA. Capital (pala wp) - . $2,600,000.00 Reserve 1,850,000.00 a.8. Howiand, Ergeitens HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO; D.R. Wilkie, General Manager. Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Mani- toba, North West Territories, and British Columbia, AGENTS ims GREAT BRITAIN Lioga Padua for transfer by letter Canada. LISTOWEL BRANCH. BANK DEPAR its *eeved ee Er nlast ts yrinclpal wien BrECIAL. attention given to the discounting of DRAFTS SOLD D, available at all points in Canada. United States and . Europe. MONEY ORDERS fesued payable at any Bank in Canada, lee--Under $10, 8c; $10 to $20, 100 ; $20 to $30, ite R. ARKELL, Manager. 'Three Curious Bells. + There is a Curious legend connected with the bells of Messingham church. It is said that along, long time ago a traveler was passing through Messing- ham when he noticed three men sitting on a stile in the churchyard and say- this way. it was a pity so fine a church should be without bells and at the same time asked the men if they could make three for the church, promising to pay for them himself. They undertook to do this. They were respectively a tinker, a carpenter and a shoemaker. When next the trav- eler passed that way, he found the bells which respectively of tin, wood and leather]~ London Tit-Bits. A Story of Mark Twatiz. "T met Mark Twain'on a river steam- er when he was a very young man," enid an aged westerner. "At that time he was rather a gaunt young fellow, with sleepy southern manners and a draw! peculiar to the river town in yrs rage ige in my appear- ance attracted attention, for he stared. intently <3 me whenever we met. It so happened that I wore on one foot an Indian m ha been injured shortly before. "Finally I demanded, with some irri- tation, whether he had ever seen me before. He looked me over and drawl- ed: " 'Well -- your -- face --is --f- niliar.' Then he dropped his eyes to ' deck with a troubled frown. 'But--I--can't --recall--your--feet.' The lors by the big fire at Waterbury, Conn., is estimated at $1,000,000 to $2, - 009,000 Muny wrecks are reposted from the Maritime Provinces as the resnit of the big storm, The cou] steamer from Bostov, was Jost near Yarmouth, N. S., avd her crew was rescued with a line and basket with the utmost difficulty. BIRTHS. Dama.--In Listowel, Feb. 5th, the wife of Johu Damm of a daughter MARRIAGES. ----. Goopentty--Wricu.--At 42 Fountainhalt Koad, Edinburgh, by the Davi Christie, M. A., of Nicholson Street U. F. urch, assisted by the Rev. W. Mis 'Nichol, John Fleming Govudchild, Ewma Maria Welch, eldest danghter of the = Jobn Welch, Listowel, Outario, Ca OEATHS. Wiunts.--In W ss on Jan, 2ist, Stanley " oped = of Mr. Wm. Willis, aged 12 yea Nispet --- Listowel, on Feb. Ist, aT thew Nisbet, aged 60 years and 11 muoths. Kress.--At Gowanstown, on Feb. 2nd, 16 Andrew Kress, aged 43 years and duys. Hanvy.--In Elma, on Jan. 30th, the infant child of James Hardy, aged ¢ ays. cine, --In Wallace, on Feb. 5th, James Gilmore, aged 74 ye Funerhl on Saturday afternoon at 2 2 o'clock. from ve late residence, Sth concession, to Fai view Cemetery, Listowe Tremain,--At Prince Albert, Saak., Tau. 24th, Richard Tremain, aged 57 ars. Eldest son - the late John Amey Trewain of Listov Marxs,--In Kincardive, on Wednesday afternoon, February 5th, Robert Marks, in the SOth year of his age. -- At Goldsmith a . Diamond Hall.- Now that sg a of holiday trade is ove' are giving special attention to TESTING EYES for Spectacles and Eye Giasses. 1 ad Bay pel --_ to choose the best place tor SPECTACLES, *T GUNTHER'S 40 Main St. West. Listowel. The Next Time ce You Want Flour : op TRY "RENOWN." > It is unquestionably better to-day than ever before. The popular Brand for all classes of people. ' ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THE NEW HEALTH FOOD: SEMOLINA'" The "KERNELS of the wheat ! Quickly prepared and easlily digested. A perfect Food because it is chiefly GLUTEN AND PHOSPHATES. MAN UFACTUREL SOLELY BY "TWO QUALITIES ROYSTER | _YARA-YARA THREE HEIGHTS AT BACK 2 1m 2h 2s 1M, J. M. SCHINBEIN, = ALWAYS AT THE TOP. LISTOWEL'S | GREATEST STORE... No, 4; Main Street. ALWAYS AT THE TOP "we eaiaes ROSTRUM CANUCK- THREE HEIGHTS AT BACK Qu Qhm pw Meyers [lilling Co., Telephone 53, . Listowel, Ont. ARE YOU GOING TO EUILD A HOUSE OR BARN If so, get our prices for all the Hardware] You will find my prices the lowest and See that you use next summer ? you will require. the goods the best. Stayoo Barn Door Roilers ' ANI OPEN BACK. & FRONT, on your doors, they will not come off the track. SAWS, FILES AND AXES. A weil assorted stock still on hand. Have you tried a gallon of our COAL OIL, its better than you get mest places. CYCLONE FENCE>---Scee Sar p'e. mt ! f i . , # | & Pd OPEN BACK We have acomplete range of all kinds Latest SHIRTS AND COLLARS. J. M SCHINBEIN. GHO. ZILLIAX JTr.il -- Wailace Street, Listowel. CASTORIA For Infants acd Children. eee, By ee BALLARD'S SHOE STORE PPER, Publisher, ( Sold by All Newsdealers Eighth 2 pad Sts.. ee Pa. 650 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Anyone sending a aketch and ferceL on te roeatte opinion & ar 4 = | Se seal is MUNN #.C03¥2momm New fork THOMPSON FOR 90 DAYS. Have where in town and country. on in plain figures at the Great Moving Sale. GLANING OUT BROS. Great Moving Sale ou heard about it? It is talked of every- hat? The real low prices that are pinned THE BROKEN LOTS of Women's Shoes at PLAID DRESS GOODS There's a Fetruary storm on prices of Plaid Dress @ © @ @ | Goods at THE GREAT MOVING SALE. ip WEEKS, LADIES' SUITINGS. _ Tn all the -- shades of Broadcicth, Beaver, Box- Regular l50for 9c Regular 12}c for 80 8 , ' a 5e for 150 a 250 for 9c moe sr sy pet oit, ding' tise 01590 ad 87}c for 19 id 85c for 17¢ gular: $3.50 . oc stcnvecececviesiaaven e Price $1. Recuced prices, es 45c for 250 " 85c for 24c © 2.25...... faeces 1.60 f | ie 50c for 35c as 65c for 32c MBG oi oa cana eens hei ss 1.28 or the "Be for 440 " -- 65e for 48c Lee: CS ee SSRIS .70 a 75c for 47 s¢ 1,00 for 690 Biss wens semen icaneee = ; a .90 E 1 00 for 576 os 1.25 for 72g © DIN cues wesuwneve Teer err _ -70 |NEXT THRE $0. lee oa = Wiles ROKR ETKORERE Koa RRRTENA be 'b7 A bolt from the sky couldn't scans prices any loweT than they already are at THE GREAT MOVING SALE, also the following lines of / sure to be 'ol'owed by an acceptance on the part of all who are in need of Underwear We can't promixe that they always will be ro low, but ee pow remain Below Zero at THE GREAT MOVING SALE, at $1.50 per pair Men's Felt-i ined Leath- And the parrot said, Hooray ! did that when he go of = low prices quoted at THE GREAT MOVING SAL Plain and Fancy Ribbons ' tT Men's Goods. Men's and Boys' Underwear, Begalar O8..csscscevsecersssseseces Price .02 ene Regular 350....... Lo ececeeeeeeesees Sale Price 220 ia Peta agnens ante sms=keneres rs 'e es seem anemananens "a ~~ MD bacodcaurpenesee verve snveess 08 | Farmer'sBuckle Rubbers « ge cceeese sess - . Raves. Br areas ie it 12 rnd Smee meemecrrene -- ry 20.0... pas Paks epensdbenedsn : c worth $1.35 for 95 cts. per " ae Tprpreressesssesesesess " tie 23. bec hhes sere Tuan 1 pair. " 650..... 0. sss cee eeeelee " 44c srnresesnyekges esse resting "18 , 00. eee eee ee es cece eee es '* 470 DA ccacicessickaakexsaeeniens 19 Men's Overshoes eer ee beseerens se seees " " BB ca sens oh actipeass ieee 3 .20 anne © éDuaietests Tees SEUSS is 7 i cece ed 29 $1.25 per pair. «Lan 4 tbe anraes - ----o Tn i "1.90 aaa '35 en's Solid Long Boots Av offer like the one now made by Thompson Bros. is vhienh ranulas = No wonder the bird or ~ hoes 96 cts. 0 ee _ Come in and see the above lines. they are A 1 goods. At the Great Moving Sale. Prices. 3 MILLINERY, MILLINERY, © We also have a full Ready Made Clothing, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, pee and & nking our . ies and everything to be found in a general store. Bring your REPAIRING and | tomers for shopping ned to avoid the Push in the afternoon. have it done right. . G. B. BALLARD. ' Thompson Bros. Rss he at be

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