Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 7 Feb 1902, p. 5

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Feb. 7 ake TS Ta AD DERE a nee Cd Papen eas et eae S * YOU'LL SEE THE WISDOM of buying here if youinspect our Stockof Jewelery, Wateh- es, Precious Stones and Sil- ver-ware, and compare our prices with the offerings of other Merchants. Your VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY at thir establishment, Our reputation would suffer if} we sold you Goods of in- ferior quality. aaa A. ZILLIAX, JEWELER AND ENGRAVER IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS MEATS RIGHT - - " PRICES. GO TO STEVENSON Steuk Sc per Ib., Lamb 8c, Pork tee 10s, Roasts 7 7c and 8c, Boiling Mea t 'rom 4c to 6c, Pork 8c to 10c, Veal 7c and a, pooges Sausage 10c, Hams le, Side Mea € - Fae vkitan. Wallace St. F. S. HOWE'S SHAVING - PARLOR th all lern facilities for soghgs Give him a call {, a Royal Hotel Srey Wallace ¥. 8. HU E, Prop. Shee, Brid forphy & cavthens BARRISTERS, SOLICTLUKS «C Soliciters for the Bank of Hamilton. Notaries Public and Comininginpers J. M. CaRinew, Money Blewert & rey; BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Notaries Pablicanl ceot mnotts . eat Solicitors me ler ce Banking House apart ere Bidg. & Loan Assoclatior. FR. Ruewess. Geo Bray. bk. A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B A., Barrister, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN at ie PER CENT , Main St. next to Dr. Deatiss. bg le otticeiu Atwood ev a Wednesday. [labee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Belicitors taskhe 'Marches Bank. Mon RA to Loan. ATFOND, ONT. C. J... Maxam}. J.P. Mazes, KC; W.E. Dingman M D. RAD a University ; mem'ssr of erring tte efetnon a and Sargersss Oncario. i Surgeo "TO mmce a nd vesidence-~ Mat n Street cast, Thos, Fullarton. ATWOOD ONT., Le Re Denis, Mortgages. Lennce and a sores Cones -- peeiag done on reasons end R. G. Roberts. PLEY, UN AGES? SS for A ml Loris and 'fancanhire F ais trot a wards atalor tate o He lb ienra from § all descriptions don: Iaterest. Conveyancing a >m easy terms, L.. O. L. No. 370, Listowel Meets in Orange Hall first Friday in each month. Members are requested 0 attend all meetings and visiting brethren iall t wi LOUCHBY, W. R. HAMILTON, W.M Ree, See. Look at This. $500, one TO LOAN ov at the peyed ny reasonal able time ete in, it business nptrletls confiden- tial Apply UTCHINSON, tfer the Hamilton pom va and G. T. R, TIME CARD. 'Traina leave Listowel station daily ae under : TRA RD AND PA ALMERSTON. For 8 TFO er eae eae Ss Palmerston. "Mined 11.22 a.m; Mixed 3.00 » MERSTON. For * EDICARDINE ab" , BALME! STOR, Fer as Se a easica -Siteet 1p.m.} Express 7.45 = I9O2. In Business Colleges as in Business, EXPERIENCE COUNTS. LISTOWEL - Y thorough and practical. Winter terin begins Jan. 6, 1902, You can spend a few months profitably with us, Send for our Journal. C. A. Fremina, Pres. Owen Sound, A. L. Mciurras, Sec. Listowel BAITING | THE ENSIGN | UNHAPPY LIFE OF THE ¢ OF THE GERMAN ARMY CANDIDATE OFFICER. -- Ea Petty Miseries and Humiliations o Which the Unfortunate Young- nah Is Subjected by His eeweenre In PublHle Places, In Germany the prestige of the unl- - conducted in the ee of the ee school, among youths of the sa ge, has at least the saving quality of wileaek but the baiting of the unbappy yc officer, which is a feature of the Ger service, carries with it the added husnilla: fficers, Is with them and to pass all his leisure gel in their society, At the end of the , tired cut with the fatigues of a aicvice still new to him, the poor fellow would rather go to bed. But no, he must follow them to the casino or the beer halls. "Come, come! <A youn stelle) your age to be tired! You to take his me, UAL 'a orders, Herr iors aia he is bound to reply. "Im ou're all right. You're going to be one of us, Only you must not get tired." Lieutenant." 'ou will come to the beer garden td us. We will pick up the oth- will show ourselves. [ ow, " ta you don't show yousself "enough, if have heard it remarked. You isolate yourself too much. It is not per- mitted In an ensign. When you get to be captain or major, you will go out when you please, a " the instant you must come out wit "At your onlers Herr Lieutenant." Entering the arden the office join a group of friends, coolly abandoning the candidate to his fate, which isto find _-- and sit in a corner alone. No one es him. He lights a cigar and sups oe of beer. As no on resses him and as he has not the right to open his mouth except to reply, "At your orders," be is silent. He finishes bis second cigar. Suddenly one of the officers, pitying him, may hold up his mug of beer, saying, 'To own -- to his lips and empties it at a single gu Halt an hour passes. Then a captain, it may be, will begin in a sympathetic ptain." sign." fnith, here's to your health, em- ' The unfortunate youth rises, straight- ens up, empties his mug and falls to his seat again, in the midst of the most pro- found neglect. uddenly he is roused from his dreams by a well known voice. "I say, young man, how eld are you?" "Twenty years old, pe commandant."" "Thunder! You are "At your orders, Herr Commandant." "Well, here's to your health, ensign." Up, gulp « and down = mandant has been chatting quite familiar with the ensign," re- marks some one "Ane" pote some one else. "What did the commandant ask you?" says a third, as if overcome with curios- "He asked me my age, Herr Lieuten- "1 have often wanted to ask you the same question. How old are you?" "Twenty years old, | Herr Lieutenant." "Yon are very o "At our pean! Herr Lieutenant." ---- <b e Un gulp and pe again. Imagin our of Geveranc 7 at band. It is 'time he ought, by the la- tlons, to be in bed. He starts to bo. for his drinks. us, quiet ae comfortable. need any p on so Jong as you are with us. We' ll take ¥en back." "At Rg orders, Commandant. Wa Stih higher officers at the lower end of the table, pretending to notice for the first time the rilence of the Joma candidate, express the desire to hea low otherwise would ro be able to judge his abilities One of his lieutenants begins with him. OW, ben do you go to the school of war, ensign?" "Oct. 1, Herr Lieutenant."* "Do you know where you are to 'At your orders, Herr Lientenaat, I shal! probably be sent to Hanoy "Thunder, what luck!" "At your orders, Herr Lieutenant." "My faith, bere's to your health!" Up. gulp and down again. Silence. "When ore you to be named officer." "In eighteen months, Herr Lieutenant." "How old are yor "Twenty years old, Herr Lieutenant." terrupts still another as if burning with curiosity." acne years old, Herr Lieutenant. I am very o " Yot-ol_ perfectly!" And when the company breaks up this Inst officer will say to the others: "A good sort of chap, Se] ensign. It's a pity he is so impertinen Pd next mo in after drill, the doyen of the eres will call him aside and make a litt! say, rattan a lot of ps tr bare been addressed to me this morning in re- gard to your conduct last night at the beer garden. I give you a friendly tip, ae you know it can't continue. I'm you gave your opinion on a lot of subjects and that you pushed yourself into -- contioually. You are sti young, ensign, to permit yo f to have a personal opinion on this thing or that thing. You are still much too youn member that!" "At phe orders, Herr Lieutenant." A Grim Coterie. very grim gathering takes place ev- "7 May at the bona of a certain gentle- n Uving in arge west end square, pon London Tit- Bits Many years si ang ga traveli America, the host bad e misfortune accidentally to kill a man, if For Over Sixty Years Mr. msLow's Soorsifa Srrcr has been used by m stele mothers for their children while tuthing. datar| at signs broken in your rest by a sick child sufferingand crying +! b of Teeth send at and ya eof "Mre. Winslow's S< Syrup" ter Teething. It will reiieve poor litie ferer iy. pon it, mothers, ie no mistake aboutit. It cures peas tes the Stomach and cures i Gis mod ps athe hole Mes ene! system. ** inslow's Soothing Syrap" for childrea f is pleasant to the tas one of the oldest and best and conta 'Cottle. old all yueut cy the world Soacevenk aki Winstow's LAGEVIL LE, en a puceessful woo l- ib, " tr. W. Holmer, «2 prosperous far- mer cn Wallace, and Miss 'tilda Smith, a bandsome young lady of our burg, were married on Wedneeday, 22nd ult. Rev. H. A. Graham tied the nuptial knot. Misa Kate Wiederhold is visiting her uncle, Mr. H. Beckner, in Conn. Master Mannivg, who abont-a month ago was so unfortunate as to lose fipger in a straw-cutter, suffered very severely for atime with inflanimation, but is now doing very Bees, under the care of Dr. Thomps Rev. L. Wittich, "ae hes been on the sick list for some weeke, is recover- ing, and.is now able be around agaiv, Rev. G. Braun from Hamilton conducted the bird on Sunday week for Rey. L. Wittic Corns ! Corns ! Corns ! Tender corns, , corns, soft corns, bleeding corns, The kind of corns th other remedies have tailed to cure--that's a good inany--yiell quickly to Patnnam's Painless Corn. Extractor: Peteeci 8 Pain- less Fxtractor has been a long time at the business, experiences in fact just know todo it. At druggists. The Provincial Secretary has cancel- led the charter of the Plattsville Mill- ing Company. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Oe Li'l Hie Instructor. Tlusic B. RAYNER, Teacher on VIOLIN, MANDOLIN, 'GU ITA and GLARIONET, is prepared to give lessons elther individually or clase, Terms and mantle lars made known be enquiring at Mr. f Howe's barber shop, Wallace street. 49 r SAY We" K or m¥ : 4 *j 4 Puy ; e GREAT ( CLEARING SALE IN Gola Kye Watches, Ciucks, Jewelery, Gold, Filled and Rimless Spectacles, and Glasses Up- to-date Photograpiis all sizes and atyles A large se large Cubin 4 xt NBEAMS FORK 25¢. Repairing prompt and reasonable. Ss. M. SMITH, At Telegraph Office. _ Crayon with each dozen Sold by All Newsdealers ano or Organ, we will sen -- ng Free j. W. PPER, Publisher iA Eighth a lesen Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trape Marks Orsicns Copyvriauts &c. Aare one sending a sketch and descri, qu aly ascertain our opinion pee ww fiventio jon ir prob: aly patented Communica- nes! ot 00 conad Patenta s ree. td fila weekly, otr- nee handsomely strated dalation of any pce he ae? ae Mi four mo MUNI & Co nzsien Ne York PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting boo! jor's } Help" and 'How your ai -- 4 CASTORIA for for Infants and Children. The Fac-simile Signature of Appears on Every Wrapper. Also F DO NOT FORGET THAT THE CITY RESTAURANT Will have all kinds of Nuts and Candies at very low ancy Home-made Bon Bons 15c per Layer - Raisins, Figs, everything you may wish for. FANCY CHEESE AND OYSTERS always on hand. Dont forget to call. Dates, Oranges and A. B. GEORGE. sold. can sell cheap. Zinn & Greve's old stand. DO YOU WANT - ; A PAIR OF BOOTS OR SHOES RUBBERS OR FELT BCOTS, Either Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls' or child's? It you do, give us a call and see what we have. -WE CAN SAVE YOU MOWEY. You will say so yourself when you examine ours. When we tell you that we got a big discount off from the Zinn stock, it means a saving on every pair As we told you belore, we bought cheap and so we J. K. BRICKER, Wallace Street. __.... Listowel Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builders and ~ Contractors, are-peepared to contract for the erection of allcineses of buildings. Plans and specifi- datioas drawn, ead estimates furmiahed on application, SASH, DOOR FRAMES BLINDS, Furnished on short notice. Planing ne by order ha hing in the a to sline will be g sng attention and FiRST CLASS" WORKMA NSHIP 3U4R- o Charges Moderate. Bamford Bros. |LISTOWEL BAKERY. Christmas is coming and now is the iime te call and leave your order for YOUR XMAS CAKE. Wo make a ages in yer country, at a Reasonable Pri We also make Scotch Bread--the "i aa, Cal and get oe Loat of Whole Bread, also our Glutén Bread, the most wholesome Breads mad Wheat they are ie. Wedding Cakes made on short notice At tke old stand, Main street east, A. YULE. J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. without glasses, thereby suffering endless misery, and sometimes blindness follows. We are competent to examine J. GABEL Children Ory for CASTORIA NOTICE TO Pariies_ _Interding Building |' ---- My yards being well stocked with all UMB kinds of L SK, such as Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood, I can 8 supply you with the never before best at such whe as have been payer in this vicinity, & 80 ca LATH and SHINGLES, in every grade. You ask the reason why. Well, we buy for Cash, therefore the problem is solved. D. H. MARSHALL, Listowel Lumber Yards TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE An acre anda quarter of Jand and dwelling house, stable, hard and soft water and a lot of fruit trees. Also a comfortable frame dwelling house and quarter acre of land, on which there is isa fine garden, with fruit trees, small stable, hard and soft water. For particulars spply at this office, or box 83, Listowel P. 0. -- NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Annual ete ct the members of the HOWICK RMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY will be held in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on reid Feb. 7th, 1902, , tor the purpose of receiv: ing the oie 0 f the Dirsoters and Audi- tors for ths past year, and - other busi- ness, By order of the Board Ww. 5. Wok ERCHER, Secretary. at 1 o'clock Gorrie, Jan. 17th, 1902. Glothing Bvidence. No evidence can be so convincing as as that of your own eyes Drop in on us some day before you get that Suit or Coat, and let us just show you what we are offering--and the prices. Then if we can't show youthat it will pay you to buy from us, don't buy. We will be pleased. to see you anyway. ROGERS. - - TAILOR. "ae Listowee BUGGIES FOR SALE. and Wagons if want anything in the vehicle line, now Te the time to buy, ave a large gtock on hand and wil 'oll at closest prices, A call at my carr' . aie ser convinos, . Mill Btreet, Listowel SIXTEEN 'TO ONE. We can wake ae a well dressed man, and a well dressed man can make any ratio he likes in some things. r The Ley line between nome: Custom Made Clothes and the Ready ; Article is very slim. With our ner it is 'well defined. There's a cut toit, asymetry of line that makes it far superior. "to! vany- thing we know of, A Suit or Overcoat to your order costs from .$15 TO $20. These prices give a wide range of material and perfoct workmanship. TRY US, oP <4 WILL JENKINS, Tailor and Furnisher, SEE THE WINDOW Next to Post Office. 4 BARGAIN DAY NEXT WHEK. All Crum Prints 12% cts., now 10 cts., and as low as 7 cts. Remember we have the largest and best Lire of Prints in town. ened black and white neck Ties 50 cts., now 3§ cts. 5 35cts. now 20 cts. Ladies Shirt Waists, from 75 cts. to $1.25, now 25 cts. A large Stock of new Furs just arrived and will sell them at a very low price. Also a full line of other good Flannelette Shirt- ings and Cottonades, Remember our Goods are not cheap Goods at a price, but GOOD GOODS CHEAP. Call in and see our Goods for yourself, it will cost you noth- ing. All farm produce taken as cas LIVE POULTRY. I have a larger contract than ever this Fall for live Poultry and will buy all that comes to me, und will pay the highest market price for TURKEYS, CHICKENS, DUOKS an GEESE. Bringin your Poultry alive avd save the trouble of killing and picking them. Remember the place. WM SPEARS, Main Street West. STOVES, RANGES, STOVES, RANGES, STOVES, RANGES. se Tinware, Lamps, Cutlery, -- Paints, Oils, Screen Doors Windows &c., at the leading Stove and Tinware House, ZILLIAX & SARVIS Estimates given on Hot Waterand Steam Plumbing & American and Canadian Coal Oil tor sale. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Phone 4o. > ae ae ae ae ae a aN es Se ee ae eee ee Nee eee SS See OOD A Ae A ee Ae AMY AT ae CY AMY AN pee Ae AT ee aS a ae Nae ee ae a ee Main St. Listowel Gamat BARGAINS | AT THE I will give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,' Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price. Any quantity of broken Sets. I also carry a ful! line of Groceries, which will be sold ata margin. Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. TAS, ARMSTRONG, We Ars Prepared to Take Care of Your Beets in GoiLed SPRING § _ FENCE Wire FOR SPRING eben OUR AIMS ARE, ore F= Lowest Freights. Remembér the Place. Quotations on Request. 'Prompt Delivery ADOLPH & BONNETT, ~ . por =e \ Highest Grade American Wire Leading Hardware Merchants, -Main St., Listowel,

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