Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 7 Feb 1902, p. 4

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Z "gon of 1860, by Mr. Robert We have more New Paper than we have room for. Last spring's Paper at your own price to make way for this year's patterns. "J. A. HACKING, * Chemist and Druggist, \ Listowel, Ont. Issuer - Marriage Licenses, Agent Grand Trunk Railw ay o nd Canadian Express. ListowelStandard FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 1902, Pioneers of Canadian Or- nithology. PART ¥.-- BY W. L, KE. With the close of the year 1860, young Vennor had completed the first twenty years of his life, aud in the Canadian Natnralist for this year, which is the fifth year of its publica- tion,-hé is first introduced to the read- ers as a stndent of, aud a writer op, the science of Capadian Ornithology. His tiret article is entitled, 'Notes on the Birds Wiuteriag aronud Montreal." 'Theve notes contain the names of some 20. species of. birds, giving both their common and scietfific uames, and some details regarding their Jife-bistory, At the end of theks votes the writer «ro- marked, 'fhe birds mentioned 10 the above list are all that have come to wo notice during ihe winters of 1856-57, 57- 58, 50-60. Others may have noticed some that L have net seep, avd by making them known would add to the list already commenecd by Mr. D. Urbaix in The Natoralist, Vol. LI, page 138. It was this article that made me add my coutributivns to the list." When it is considered that at the time young Venoor compiled this article, he was only iv the 20th year of his age, and but sixteen when he began the observations embodied therein, the subject-matter of his first literary work was to him a very credible one, and showed the early teudeucy of his misd and tho progress of his attaiuments. In Volume VI. of the Canadian Nat- uralist, still Oe by Mr. E. Billings, ubtiehed » samber of there articles on the subject of Canadian avi- fauvian life, all of which are interest- ing, aud furnished further knowledge of the science to young Venaor, as well as to all other readers who were inter- ested ia the study of the life-history of Canadian birds, But the article in this volume that is most interesting to the present subject was one by Mr. Veuoor himself, ov "fbe Sylviadse, or Wood Warblers, found iy the vicivity of Mon- treal." 'bis article manifested deep thought, and much research on the ~part of the author, yet it is evident that the information jm parted waa de- rived more from the writings of Audu- bon und Wilson than as the resnlt of * bis own observation ; and some of bis species described have proved erroneous ; yet as & siedons avd a writer on a science affecting Can- adian Natural History, Heury G. Ven- bor bow comes prominently before the naturalicts of Montreal, and hereafter Cavadian Ornithology. on the Warblers, there is described some twelve species of this family an being noted in the vicinity of Montreal, aud the introduction to this treatise is very iuterestiug ; but it 18 not our pur- . pose to further review that matter here. Among tbe papers op Canadian birds, publisbed io the sixth volume of the Cauadian Naturalist, there is an iuter- esting one by Dr. Henry Bryant, en titled "Remarks~ov some of the Birds that breed in the Guif of St. Lawrence." This paper had previously been pub lished in "The Proceedings of the Bosten Natural History Society,' * vol 8. In this paper the nesting habits of some thirteen species of birds are de- scribed in av ioterestivg manner. In the introduction Mr, Bryant says, '*The trip made by me to Labrador the past season, (1860.) for the purpose of pro- curing specimens of the eggs of those sea-birds that breed there, and also to ascertain what changes, if avy, had taken place in their economy eince Audubor's visit, was uufortunately de- layed till the 21st of June, so that the result was much less satisfactory thao I had boped to obtain. Instead of vis- iting Anticosti, and the whole of the north shore, I was compciled to 6ail direct to the bird rocks, thence to Romain, the nearest point on the north shore, from whence following the shore line to Chotean Bean, at the outlet of the Straits of Belle Iele, the furthest point reach 6 was re- markably stormy apd cold, andi was informed by everyone that sach an io- clement season had not been kuown for many years. This. aleo delayed my progress, added much to the difficulties of my researches, as many of the breed- ing places of this clases of birds are. only accessible in pleasant weather. We sailed from Gaspe on the 2ist of June, and it was the morning of the -- when we arrived at the bird roc i. the sixth volume of the Canadian 'Naturalist there is also publiched a -catalogue of the birds collected round akes Huron and Superior, in the sea- Bell, of the logical Sarvey of Canada. This list is arranged acoording to the Lin- Deo system of classification, the birds d frst. of prey being recorde - 4 At the annual meeting of the Natural | Society of Montreal, held Mey 8th, 1861, Mr. Vennor presented a paper on "The Birds found wintering in and around Montreal." en most people are aware of. In the issne of the Canadian Journal, published for July, 1860, at Toronto, there is a jist of the birds observed in and arouid Hamilton, by Mr. Thomas Mollwraith, of that city. 1 cae list iu- cludes 200 species of Canadian birds, and is arranged accotding o wah was then the latest American classification. Mr. MolIlwraith was a native of Scot- land, but had -- in Canada for many y had previously con- tributed seh "oe tho birds of Can- ada to publications in the United States, but this is the firat time that we notice him as a writer on the Oana- dian avifaunain the pages of a Cana- dian publication. He bas since become well known among the naturalists of America, as the author of "The Birds of Ontario," of which there are two editions, aud also as one of the fuund- ie of the American Ornithological nio: The firet list of the birds of Hamil- ton' and vicinity was read by young Venpor, and in his papers on the birds of Montreal he seems to follow the classification of Mr. MoIlwraith, rather than that of earlier American authors hese students of bird-life afterwards corresponded, and M MclIlwraith gave Mr. Vennorassistance on the subject matter of his great work, "Our Birds of Prey," which is acknowledged in the introduction to that book, In the sixth volume of the Canadian Nat- uralist there is also published an inter- esting and iustructive pape? on the Swane ao ese Observed in the re- gion of the Hudson Bay, by Mr. Geo. Barnstone, a member of the Hudson Bay Company. CARTHAGE. Mr. Morrison, our new cheesemak- 6r, was around for a few days can- vassing for milk and has let hie milk routes for the coming season r. aod Mrs. Jas. Holmes have re- iureel one after spending a mouth in the S The eae oyster ag given by Court Evergreen No. 142, ©. O. F., 'on the 23rd ult., was a decided suc- cess, After all had done ample justice tothe supply of oysters end other good things, an excellant programme was presented. The chair was well filled by Bro, F, W. Schaefer, C. R., and in bis opening remarks very clear- ly showed the progress of the order during the p year. r. Will. Taggart of Herson, in his neual pieas- ing way, favg a pumber of selections. Miss Gatchene, aleo of Heeson, acted as hie accompanist, and both were heartily encored. Mr. E, O'Grady and Mr. F. McConkey played a num- ber of violiv selections, and were assisted by Mrs. F. McConkey, who played on the autubarp, which highly pleased the audience. Another spec- ial feature of the very interesting programme were two well rendered recitations by Miss Hattie Compbell Glenwilliams, which were highly appreciated. Court Evergreen 'noms the reputation of giving first-class sree suppers, and this ope was not »chiod iu any wa The postmaster, Mr. C. Schneider, hus purchased a brand pew cutter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gamble, who have been on a visit to friends in this vicinity for the past month, returned to their bome in North Dakota Jast week. R. S. Gamble is on the sick We hope for his speedy recovery. We are pleased to see Mr. D. Kerr out aguin after bis recent illoess. The ratepayers of our school section are busily engaged drawing sand for tbe new school, tenders for which will be received by F. W. Schaefer, sec- retary, up to noon on the 15th ins€. list, HICH A DOG Kick a dog and he bites you. He bites you and you kick him. The more you kick the more he bites and the morche bites you kick. Each makes the other worse. the more A thin body makes thin blood. Thin blood makes a thin body. Each makes the other worse. If there is going to be a change the help must come from outside. Scott's Emulsion is the right help. It breaks up 'such a combination. First it sets the stomach right. Then it en- riches the blood. That strengthens the body and it begins to grow new flesh. A strong body makes rich blood and rich blood makes a strong body. Each makes the other better. This is the way Scott's Emulsion puts the thin body on its feet. Now it can get <3 by itself. Noneed of medicine. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the fs| Wrapper of every bottle. | Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, CANADA BIODLES CHEAT: = -_[ THE GALLOWS. |~ The Notorious Criminals Die of Their Wounds. MRS. SOFFEL May LIVE. Pittsburg, Pa, F L--Ea. Feb. and Jack Biddle, the famous criminals who were captured near Butler, vee yenter- day, after being shot down officers in a desperate * battle, following their escape of Thureday morning from t Alleghany county jail, are dead. Con- trary to expectations, Jack Biddle was the first to die, euccumbing to his wounds at 7.45 this evening. 6 di- rect cause of his death was atetnal hemorrhage. His brother, who was ergo since early in the evening, died at 11 o'clock, r Mra, Soffel, the wife of the jail war- den, who aided the two brothers to escape and accompanied them after- ward, sbooting herselfawhen she saw the battle with the officers would result in the capture of herself and her com- pavions, has developed pneumonia, but oe: is a chance that she will re- The death of Jack Biddle was caured y the bullet wounds in his abdomen and bladder. Barly in the day the physicians thought peritonitis was the principal davger in his case, bu night internal hemorrhage set ip pi" the man bled to death in a short time. JACK'# LAST STATEMENT. As long as he was able, Jack was ex- tremely talkative, and was at times boastful, but as soon as the shadow of death began to fall upon him and he recognized it, he became penitent. know," said be, 'that my time here is short, and you can say for me sincere believer in God, and hope I will -- strength enough to say so at the I know I have taken part in pant wrong deeds, but I have never killed any man, as pever impli- cated with anyone who did. I wish J could see Mrs. Kabney. I would tell her the trath ag the killing of ber busband. This life has been pretty tough to me, and ee end tannot come too quick, and I do not care how." A sister of the Biddles arrived . in town this evening sud was admitted to the jail, but Ed, was unable to recog- nize her. WHAT ED, SAID. Both of the Biddles were talkative this morning, but both disclaimed ever having killed any one. The Kahney murder, Ed, alleged, was committe by Walter Dorman, assisted bya man who had that day come from Chicago, avd the Zebers woman, who put oa a mau's suit. 'This, Ed esid, she had dune often before when she had as- sisted them in their robberies. He admitted having committed a gr mavy robberies. but stoutly ma tained that he had never killed any- e. Doctors Greer and Bricker, who have been attending the two Biddles, made a report this morving that ep- parently contirms Jack Biddie's story that the fugitises had tried to kill themselves. They had come to this conclusion after a complete | examina- tion and a partial probing of the wuuggs of both UI t Fermer Warden Soffel made the startling revelation to-day that be had beet under the influence of chloro- form during the sight when the Bid- dies broke jail. Mr, Soffel believes the drug was administered by his wife, The Butler officers demand half the reward of $5,000, and in order to hold the prisoners, Warranty were sworn out for the Biddles, charging them with felonious shooting in attempting to kill Mrs. Soffel. As there is nothing to hold Mrs, Soffel asa prisoner, the district at- torney here will prefer charges againet her of felonious assualt and battery, and of aidivg and assisting a prisoner to escape from a place of confinement The Pittsburg police declare the devials of the Biddles that.they maur- dered Grocer Kahney and Detective Fitzgerald to be absurd. The evidence against them, the officials assert, was conclusive. The Smallpox. nis. Over Six Hundred Cases in Ontario the Past Montk. Toronto, Feb, 1.--Dr. Bryce, in bis report on stmall-pox during January, states that over 600 cases occurred durivg the month, distributed all over the province. The chief counties af- fected, with the number of centres and cases in each, are :--Kent, five centres, 214 cases ; Carleton, six centres, 120 casea ; Stormoat and Glengarry, six centres, 49 cases ; Prescott and Russel, seven céntrer, 48 cares ; Huron, five contres, 33 cases, A Goop Numser.--An article on Marconi, a vew serial and other note- 'worthy features, make the February Canadian Magazine decidedly attrac- tive. M. O. Scott gives some infor- mation about Marconi"s relations with the Cavadian Government not before iven tothe public, From this it ap- pears that Marconi will shortly returo to Ottawa, after a consultation with his London backers. The article also indicates that the ministere are vieing with each other to see who will have the credit of contro ing the wireless telegraphy of the future. The vew -- - entitled '*The Four Feathers," and i A. E, M novels are evel known, ecepecially Kelly." Its scenes are laid in Ireland, London and the Sondan, and is maiuly a wilitary story. Professor Shortt writes of the Imperial problem and a ont that the time ie at band when may be necessary to defend the ar aud liberties of the mother country from encroachments part of the colonies. The Hon. Longley traces Oanada's aes iasticiem that religion has developed. Mr. Longley thinks people are not 80 devout and religious to-day as they were a century ago. Norman Patter- son se the famous tidal bore at Moncton ; W D. McBride has a pro- fusely iesteated article on yer coaches, past and present, and M. O 4 Scott writes of the changing aspect of t > The departments are as Deval . year in that I ama Christian and willdie a} The Provincial auation séles which were held at Guelph and . Vieng Forced last M February ahd. than realized the expectations of all iuterested. The sales this year take place duran the month yrds -Feb- A chan February 26th, As may a number of animals will be sold at each ! place, and as entries have been re-' ceived for considerable more thau the ! eamaber required, an opportnnity will be given to select bl the very bent. Animals will he seleo the pink of condition, iad good in- dividuals of the breed they "represent. No unworthy animals will be accepted. Persuns wishing to purchase can de- pend upon being able to choose from a lot of stock of individual merit and good breeding. The names of a large number of prominent breeders is a guarantee of the quality of the stock offered, The animalsto be sold at Ottawa include Shorthorns, Ayshires, York- shires and Tamworths, At Guelph there will be only representatives of the beef breeds and swine, Natarally Shorthorns predominate in numbers and of these thete are a great many excellent representatives, Such breed- Maple Lodge ; R. Gibson, Delaware ; A. Johnston, Greenwood ; J. T. Gib- eon, Denfield ; R. & 8. Nicholson, Syl- van; W. G, 'Ban nderé, St, Thomas ; A. & W. Whitlaw, Guelph ; W. Smith, Columbus ;_ E. Jeff Bond Head ; Jno. Bright, Fairbairn, Thedford ; . Ormis- ton, Oolumbus ; F. G. Sibbald, Snt- ton West; A. M Greenwood ; Jv. E, Meyers, Korsuth, and fally seventy-five other breeders of Sbort- horus have stock entered. Among one breeds, J. G. Clark, Ottawa, and W. Owens, Montebello, have ond Ayrsbires ; D. McCrae, Guelph, Galloways and swine; R, Reid & Co. Tamworths, Berkshires shires ; no. A: March, Holsteire, y rates will be granted to parties who attend theee sales. Catarrhal Poisons and Their Remedy. The poisonous sevretions from Catarrh are dangerous because they affect the stom- ach and bowels, giving rise to an os ache condition of these organs. rh is the source of much ill health and on cosiidier. ed. practically incuratle until it demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Catarrhozone any 'case ae can be permane ntly and -Catarrhozune by its un merit rit apnea the support and endorsement t prominent medical authorities, who froaly state that any one giving it trial is sure to receive hee vg trnefit. Sold for $1.. "Small size 2ic. At druggists or Polson and Co., Ciagnen, Ont, GREY. Miss Nettie Hamilton of Shakes- peare ig the guest of Miss Taylor, 3rd coucession, Miss Bella Miller ig visiting friends at Prew. We master naan of Ethel, who-has re- turned from Colorado, is not much improved in bealth, Miss Nettie Cention of Ethel visited friends on the 4th fora few days last week, The sacrament of the Lord's Snp- per was administered in Ethel _Metho- dist church on Sunday morning DORKING, Mr. Alex. Smith has removed to the farm-which he tately--purchased from Mr. Guise. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wm. Johueton is suffering from a prolonged and severé attack of -- We hope he will soun be bet W. H, Coote is tay taking out the timber necessary for the cou- templated improvement on his barn. The Glenallan Presbyterian choir went to Listowel to have their photo taken. Lee's camera being a good sm ne the ordeal, . Mills of Wallace bas en- gaged rin the winter at Schneider's mill. Inspector Irwin visited the school here recently. Mr. Jno. Ruppel bas hired for the summer with Mr. Knight of Wallace. ATWOOD, His Eve Knockep Ovr,--While a number of young men were playing a friendly practice game of hockey on Kress' rink Thursday afternoon, one of their number, Hugh Porter, met with av unfortunate accident, which will in all prabability cost bim the sight of one eye, if not worse conse- nences. It appears that Charlie Stewart was in the act of shooting the puck when Porter darted in from behind to check Stewart, when the lat- ter's stick caught Porter scross the right eye with terrific force, smashin it to a jelly, aud outting an ugly gash across the bridge of the nose. As far was taken by his comrades to Dr. Kidd's surgery, where the Dr. dreased his wounds, assisted by Dr. Roe. Later in the evening the young man's father, A. Porter, had bim taken home. The affair was purely accidental.-- Bee. » The annual meeting of t the Newry cheese factory was held on Tharsday afternoon, 138th ult, The factory has had a sncoessful season's business, following statistics from the finavcial tement show: To' receipts for 186,024 Iba, cheese manufactured, $12, 580.89, expenditure the same inolading $1224.21 paid for manufacturing cheese $177.93 for boxes, $10,780 41 paid patrons in eam and at 69 paid pat- c tons heese antity of milk received, 1,477.5 Tbe, ; average Ibs, ilk per Ib. ro 10.86 ; ; average price per Ib., 9,26c.; average cost, 01.- io ; ay Saas 9 cent. of batter ih 'Mr. will | White, on ihe 10th concession a ae ern that Post.) 707? DRAYTON. Mrs. James Dnroan died suddenly | ou Tuesday of heart feilore. She was. 3 eghaaba in good health the day" be- | vi White, son of Mr. Walter . Mary: |: boro, 'died Thureday night of. typhoid fever, sees a fow daya' illness Mr. Ira Burrows, farnitare desler, has sold ont his furniture business to Messra.. Slemmon and es. Mr, David Slemmon is a new partner of Mr. 0. E. Dales, Reeve of Drayton. «Out of SoPts." Nothing tastes good. Nothin pleasure. The mind i <4 om = ee ish. The will i Little things cause great irri 13. at's tics miat- ter? The ilities are that the ---- is Bestia rged and the liver in- i) . Dr. Pierce's Golden Meslicaf 'Discovery makes aman who is run down and pirited feel like 2 new being. It cur diseases of the sto: uch and other po gans of digestion vi nutrition, stirs the sluggish liver into action, and. increases the activity of the beer Lemaking glands, go that there is an abundant supply of oe, rich blood. Mr. zs vert Jacobs, Oe Marengo, Crawford Co. . Writes ; fer three years of srf- tertug with liver. tra mile aml tunlaria I gave up all hopes ©. ut again, the Inst chance waste try 'rer re ane dlie cine. I had tried at the ho ectors sud received but, little ing thee. ' or een a Pi ierce's Com:ion Sense viding dining too large s sent sire on receipt of 1S lo pay expense of cust onus as ul meets aa . Address Dr, R. V. Pierce, b ubialay N.Y. DONEGAL, Mra. Hnogh va al is visiting ates at Mt. For Mrs. Jas. Wieno hea not been well for some time and is now wonder the doctor's care. _ Followiug are the officera of Court Donegal, C. O. F., for the ensuiog eix monthe: Past Ohiet Ranger, Buchanan ; Chief Ranger, OC, Balls ; ; Vice Chief Ranger, G. Woodcock ; Re- cording Secretary, 8S. MoAllister ; Fin. ancial Secretary, A, M. Little ; Treas., W. Hemphill ; Chaplain, Jas, Dickson; Woodwards, 8. McCourt and R. Burke; Beadles, M. 'Little and F. 'Shore. The brethren purpore holdivg an At Home iv a conple of weeks. Dickson Scott, a young son of Wm D. Seott, met with a serious accident recently. He was climbing the lud- nthe barn and ypen in § in the os stepping sito tee mow floor, receiving such Tajeries a8- pili: unconeciousness for some 'time. Dr. Egbert, of Milverton, was summoned and found ov examination there were Bo bones broken, but that other iojur- ies made the case serions enongh. A slight improvement has since been noticed in the child's condition. a Sure Cure for Sea Sickness, Nausea. Maladies"of this type yield instantly to ee Nerviine,-and-if-you- suffer _period- cally from these complaints, just --_ Nerviline athand. A few drops in sweet- ened water gives a erage relief, and in the course of half a large 25c house will save doctor bills, and a vast amount of suffering every year. Mr. J. A. Moody, representing a number of American capitalists, who have the erection of a beet sugar fac- tory and retinery in view in London, Ont,, stated at the meeting of the Board of Trade that they would expect e bonus of $25,000 for the building of a 500-ton plant there, ora nus of $50,000 for a 1000-ion plant. Chiidren Cry for CASTORIA. Children Cry for CASTORIA. ~ LISTEN! Weare carrying a full stock of Photographic Supplies for amateurs, including Cameras, Gibsons Albums, Plates, ee Etc =| FRAMES A fine lot of small Frames in gold, black and laquered brass, gold plate and burnish- ed, unexcelled for X mas Photos and Xmas Presents. A fine line of moulding for larger frames. PHOTOGRAPHS In Celerons, Rugbys. Im- perials--the very latest. Groups a specialty. Crayons and Water Colors to order. C. A. LEE. ne ting 13.078 votes ee il "es record. CLEARING SALE OF WINTER GOODS AND GLOTHING. Ta order to make a clear sweep of everything in Heavy Goods, I have decided to clear eut my entire AT AND BELOW COST. afew Select Raisins at the best 'Black ig: og £59 wm Produce Taken. All kinds of ey Goods, all kiads of Drees G ; and' lot -of-Fiannelettte and New --P: wide veh 8c. 'worth Tike 3 34 in. Flaunelette for 8c; worth 10c, xew Goods, Ladies' and Gents' rintethrown--in-: $3-inch-- We have Bo, Per Pound, IN TOWN, cither in Sign of the Red Flag, M. TIcGILLIVRAY, Wallace Street. sad News! LOST! prices. see. Moffat & e IN A SNOW DRIFT A GOOD WHIP. Lots more at MOFFAT & TATHAM"S at very low Bargains on the DUMP TABLES, Come and Everything away down. ea]. Tatham. Main street. HONEST PRICES AT R. A. CLIPMIE'S Grocery and Provision Store. Maple Syraps ccias 22005500000 -30c per qt. Buckwheat Flour..........2 packages for 25c. Ralston's Pancake Flour...2z packages for 25c. New Dateseecricevererreveserey + s5e per-Ib. Tomato Catsup..........,....++.+5¢ per can Figs... . sees cecessceeeeeeenee 2 e055 per Ib, RaiSinS..eeseseeseeeessceeceese se 5 per Ib, RaisinSe+eeee. sss. eeeeeee vee e $1.25 per box. IN-SUGARS | Sasa We have both quantity and quality, and we meet all advertised special sale prices. Phone 72, R.. A. CLIPIE, Main Street. We wish you all Model Merchant Tailors. LISTOWEL CLOTH HALL. eteezeute A HAPPY NEW Y#HAR. We will give youa New Year's Gift for 380 DAYS ONLY OF A 20 PER CENT. NT. DISCOUNT CASH SALE. MacKENZIE BROS., Main Street, Listowel. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. Messrs. Gomf and Thiele Have opened a Butcher Shop in BCHOLT'S OLD STAND, DODDST., where they will be prepared to supply th publi wit all binoits of a FRESH MEATS. Beef, "eo Y and Lamb, Bologna a? Sausage, Weiners, Head- :6eee. ie re Lard always in stock. cordial invitation is extended to the suis to call and inspect our sho op Gomf & 'Thiele. i & me fae Montreal Mayoralty elections Cochrane was elected, pol- New Goods ED Fors Suitings, Pantings and Overcoatings, ALSO A BIG SNAP IN READYMADECLOTH- ING. JOHN @. BAKER, Artistic Tailor ----1*£ MAIN - STREET. ed for Mr, B. Wilsun-S .

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