Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 7 Feb 1902, p. 1

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tand VOL. XXV.--NO 1. eS LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 1902. The Great. Winding-Up.Sale DRAWING NHAR THE CLOSE. These closing days we are offering BARGAINS that border on the Sensational. Values that discount anything that we have yet offered. profits are ignored, stock, BUT WHY SAY MORE? Here are a tew of the PRICES THAT TELL THE STORY. fal pew goods, gular price 1240, price per yd "3 pieces pink and blne extra beavy flanvelette nia A : ; ide width, regular price 1240, winding up ane | |-2c price per yc Money} -making no object now, and even cost prices are lost sight of for the sake of clearing out the etree Miss McKay of Toronto i is the gneat 24th, Richard Tremein, a former resident of this town, died at Prinoe Misse Albert, Saskatchewan, of heart trouble. is consins, * Gibbe,.. Main D : as the eldest son of the late Johu A. Tremain, one of the early Try Gomf & Thicle "for first-class fresh | eettlera of Listowel. He went to the mea Northwest about twenty years ago, an we understand had prospered there. He leaves « wife and family at Prince Albert. Misa Gillies of Teeswater is the gnest of her frieod, > Miss Norma Gab- el, [ukermar'street, Communion of tlio Lord's Snpper Cure vor SmatLpox.--Mr. Jacob will be dispensed, in Koox Chareh ou a Walter, town, has had the following ] lot grey flannel, heavy qnality, 25 inch wide reenlar i indi per yd Surday morving oext. remedy for smallpox in his po-session ne some years, aud has positive as- surance of it being both a prevent- ative and cure: One ounce cream of tartar ina pint of water. Take two Gumf & Thiele will have a vice variety of Sausage for Saturday. Try them, To-day 18 fair day, avd a large crowd is looked for in town, now that on FURS AT WINDING UP SALE PRICES or three times a day. In view of the rapid spread of emallpox in many ml of Canada, it will rg well to keep suow bluckuade is F Miss Jessie Muclaeblan, the Scottish high collar, | $10 99 1 only electric real caperive, long front effect, 8 tails, very stylirh garment, regular ptice $18.00, winding up price la avly astrican caperine with electric real yoke in back, a very handsome fur, regular price $12 00, windimg up price.............. $699 WINDING UP SAL B OF WHITEWEAR. prima douna, McDonald's music ball on Mouddy evening noxt. 25 piece» double witdh Drege Goods, rox: this simple remedy in min LENTEN servicer will be held in the parish room of Obrist Church each ular price from 2 per yweil, Wetneutey evening during Lent, be- arday Me. per yardy at Walter Bren. nuing on Wednesday next, which Mr. and Mra) We BR. Falile of Onr- | will be Ash Wednesday. Rev. A. P. berry, Mavituba, ate the -- ot | Moore's rabject for Wednesday even- 1 lot ladies' white Lawnrdale cotton uigh gowns, tucked yoke and embroidery frilled, an sizes, regular price 31.25, winding up sale price 79° 1 lot Indies' white cotton skirte, double flonnce, 4 rows of tucking with 9 inch hematitch and mai reg price $1.40, wind. up price 79¢ 8, 10 and 12%c Rpubreidery,, 23 Ibs, grarulated sngar for 40c black or mixed tea for Sale Price per y cand Ac, Mra. J, A, Watson thie woe Mr. Geo Sherwood of erg, bro- ther of W F Sherwood of our town is at present assisting at Cureon & Mo- Kee's store, Fresh and Smoked S&osages of all kinds * Gumf & Thiele's Bch shop, Dodd revt, ings will be tbe Creed. On Sunday mornings thronghout Lent his aub- pote will be taken from the Sermon un the Monvt, and on Sunday even- ings be will preach ou the Ten Com- mandmepts. Weppep In ScoTLAND - --Mies Emma Welch, who left Listowel for Scotland l lot men's onits in worsteds, serges and Scotch tweed, tailored in the latest style and guaranteed in every purticular, regular price $10.50 and $12, wicding up sale Price per evit $5 95 ' The people who fail to take advantage of been getting. TESS oe regs " mx Winding Up Sale of Olothing. 4 packages coro SERFOL IGE cevacccavaer suave soos -25 D iB f a few weeks ago, was on her arrival . 97 t 8 ' ms : 7 bars Sweet Home soap FOP sae cess aans waee OOH 27 ite a [ Boal ' laud, Ped ill united in marriage with Dr. J. PF. leave to day for Borvell, Cambridge- pe et of Glasgow, the wedding shire, England. '2 taking place io Edinburgh. The no- ' oe tice of their marriage which appears Oo ee Dr. Wilson, et ee in this isene is taken from , . dick Pingree, b » Fhut, Mich., | the Glasgow Herald of Jan.16th. The od ters nla tere en pats were the gacaty of Mr. snd Ms. S| harpy couple wil reide ia largo well made and lined. No rese rve, every snit Markle last weelisicy. 4 for the present. We joio with Mrs. goes in this lad up eale at abont..... HALF PRICE 4 r, controls the | Goodebild's muny friends in town and this Great Winding Up Sale will be awfully disappointed when it closes and they hear about the wonderful bargains their neighbors have ¢ Don't be Among Ene Disappointed Ones. LONDON. PAAR OLPR OD DARIDAD FOG OGLE LDDLD DDD DDS PRR Walter SPECIALS. SA 22 BRRA ARRAS RASSSAS PARA ARRAS AA Bros. RESS GOODS SALE --T1 Co DON'T MISS THIS Flannelette -Blankets, 10-4, Clearing Price. Suits to Clear, $2,000 worth of Men's OUR GROCERY Do make this your shopping place and you OR SATURDAY FEBRUARY IST; AND THE Following Week Until Cleared Out. The earlier you come the better your choice. at the lollowing prices are strictly new and up-to-date. 20 pieces Figured, Plain and Plaids, double width, Regular Price 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c and 6oc, Saturday and the following week while they last ......15¢ per yd 12 pieces Black Figured, goc and 5o0c,Clearing Price... .. 16 pieces Light Shade, figured, Regular 75c to $1.00 at.....0.. : 2 pieces Black and White, and Green and Black, Regular soc, Clearing 'Price. «2§c One line of Heavy Suitings, 50c ts 65c, Cleafing Price..... ' For Saturday only, 800 yds Flanclette, 28 inches wide. ALL MEN'S UNDERWEAR AT GOST. and Boys' at a discount of is always abreast with anything in the trade. The Goods we are putting out OPPORTUNITY, es nia; 6500 si aye BBE see e49QC . 34 per yd ee ee) -.++++25 per Cent DEPARTMENT will save dollars. WALTER Sign of the Giepbant. ene Main Street West. PARIS ASII AI a in el le ti i td vicinity in congratulations and good ishee. . Co., one o Avction Saues. --As will be noticed by the formidable list of auction sales published iu auother column, ub- usually large number of farmers in this. vicivity are eelling off their stock implements, In each case the mcpeteton has either sold or rented bis farm, avd at least four intend p . Gite with friends 'Mil E torcacrly of Ethel, who 'ine v vedi ¢ in the lumber-| going to Manitoba and the Northwest, ing business ee: "tote for several | with a view of taking up land there. Jeare past, wey While regretting their departure from every anecese in the larger field whio age at the meeting of the Liter- ese IT Society in the = rm room of | the Canadian Northwest offers em. Crist Chorely this "Friday evening. Listowet Justors Ovt oF Ir.-- Woodstock having defaulted to Listo- wel, it was left to Stratford and Listo- wel junior O. H. A. teams to break the tie in this district, By arrangement between the two clubs, Stratford got the game, paying $76 to our team for the privilege. This arrafigement practically settled the question, the Lietowel boys-having vo show against Stratford on the latter's large ice. The game cume off Wedueaday night, and the score was 16-4, leaving Strat- ford juniors champions of the district. Resicsep His Seat.-- Mr, Chas. Anderaou has resigned bis seat at the eyes board. As he will probably fier himself for re-election, the town will not likely be deprived of his valu- able services, Mr Anderson bas been looked upyn as vue of the best Conn- cilmen who have sat at the board in recent years, and the very large yote which he received at the last election shows that the ratepayers have all con- fidenco in him and wish to see him re- tuin his position. The attempt which has been made in av underband way to deprive him of bis seat, and the town of his services, will be "resented at the first opportunity. His return by ac- clamation is almost a certainty. Listowet Orchestra fnrnished the music fur the Masonic bull held in Wingham on Friday night last, which wus greatly appreciated by the large gutherivg presept. Rev. R. Atkinson and Mra. Atkio- son and their two children, of Port Sydney, Muskoka, have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs, Dingman dur- ing the pust week, Tne seoond annual meeting of the Listowel Furniture Co. will be beld in the office at the fuctory on Wedueeday evening next, 12th inst, A good show- ing is looked [or. Mixa Lottie Terhune and Miss Mark- beam bave been successful in their ex- aminations in the Businese College and have been awarded Diplomas io the 8 THE pew whistle on the chair factory sa decided improvement on other whistles in town, giving a lesa bareb | aud more of a steamboat whistle sound than the shrill shriekers on the other £, ¢ tahiial + Deaconess Carson.-- Deaconess Car- son, of the Methodist Deaconess Home, Toronto, will speak twice iu the Methodist Church, Listowel, next Suvdey, on Deconess work. She Comes under the auspices of the N. 5. A Reovtar Buizzarp.--The storm which set in on Sunday was the worst experienced in many parts of Canada for years, aud extended over a wide area. In this section the roads vortb and south have been blocked with snow which in some places is piled np eight eigen feet high. Traffic on the Wal- lass and Mitchell gravel roads wae sua- Trains Mason Gore and party of British army officers are in town, making an- other inspection of borses for South Africa. Ont of about seventy-five offered yesterday, less than twenty wore taken. 'The itpectoion will con | POOdee to or are tg aT tinue to day. northern divisions, though somewhat late. The ©. P. R. has not fared so well, the Teeswater branch being clos- ed. East of Toronto the storm wae much more severe than west, the railways being tied up from Belleville to Moutreal. A great amount of dam- as been done to shipping on Pas Atlantic and both Britain and the tinent have felt the storm's effect wary severely, Dos't CLEAN ss Sch gy you come here to look at our new of exclusive Wail Papers, such as via will vot tind cewees. Will be and up-to out in inexpensive pepers or fabrics, . PLeTscu The Wall Sayer 'Mes, Main atreet. Tae plan is now open at Gunther's jewellery store for the Jessie Maclach- lan concert on Monday evening next in McDonald's music hall. Those who so have hot yet secured seata should do at once, a8 the Scottish prima donna ie sure to draw a bumper ---- and good seats will be ata premiam Ar Home aT Mr. R. Woops', --All are cordiully invited to attend the At Home at Mr. av oods, Pen- elope street, on Tuesday evening next, under the egspices of the ladies of Christ Oharch. A good programme is being prepared and ap enjoyable time mised all who attend. Tickets Deats or Roserr Manrxs, Sen. -- Mr. Robert Marks een., father of Mr. Robert Marke, town, died enddenly on Wednesday, at the residence of bis daughter, Mrs, Samuel Orane, in Kin- cardine, The remains were brought to Listowel yesterday, end the funeral will take place from is son's residence, ismarck street, this Friday afternoon at 1.80, to Fairview cemetery. The deceased was one of the early pioneers of this section, baving settled in Mary- He sub- = yes sequently removed from the homestead ams farm in the 3rd con. to the boundary NokTHERN Lxacvs & Marones,--The | and erected the first sawmill where return match with Palmerston hockey team Was played in : rink here on Tueeday evening, as a walk-over for Listowel, the game apd ol ae 18-2 in favor of the home -- wing to the stormy night, there was a slim crowd out. The Listowel weethare League team goes to Harristo nigbt to play the return teatek- 'with the Harriston team. ? Wenzel will do the painting and glaz- ing, and D. Bowyer the galvanized ironwork, metallic ceiling, etc. Strat- ford red brick isto be used, and the building will be 'up-to-date in all its appointments. Contracts call for com- pletion by the lst September, The heating and ventilating contract has not yet been awarded. Plaus at the office of W. E, Binniug, architect. Tue Holy City Compasy drew a fair house on Wednesday evening, and gave avory pleasing entertainment, notwithstanding that the audience was deprived of witoessiug mauy of tbe finest effeots by the limited stage room, which prevented the Company from meking use of more than one-fourth of its beantifal scenery. The electrical effects: had also to be abandoned for lack of electrical power. The views and colored lights under the circum- stances were passable. The Company, however, sustained its goud report in rendering the sacred opera' which forms the best feature of the entertain- ment. The singiug of the Catbedral choir and Holy City quartette was excellent; the sacred solos sung by lady and gentlemen membera of the com- pany were also highly appreciated. Miss Pelletier, the leading soprano, is clever songstress, and Miss contralto, also possesses a of an up-to- date opera hall, with snfficient stage accommodation, was strikingly mani- fest on this occasion. Prme Exrorr Catrie.--What is said to have been the finest"lot of ex- port cattle yet shipped from Listowel station were-shipped on Saturday last. There were 40 ip the bunch, and were all fed by Mr. Henry Smith of Wal- lace. They were mostly two-year-olds, aud averaged over 1300 Ibs. eech, the total weight being 52,250 Iba. Several of them went over 1,500 Ibs. each. They were bought by Scott & Leslie, avd were turned over to Jacob Gould of Boston, repr:sentiug one of tbe largest firms of exporters in America. Mr. Gould considered them the best lot that he bas bandied for some time. Mr. Smith received the snug sum of 2,612.50 for the forty head, They were fatted in four movtbs' time, and gaived $40 per head in value since they were purchased as yearlings, Mr. Smith is well eatistied with the reerult, TOWN TOPICS, 7" Farmers' Instirore Mextixcs, --Sup-| Co dee Avwxuvitn,--Coutracts for | belt; T. IL. Hamilton Dr. Ne H. = ns # a plimentary meetings of the North Perth the erection of the new school at icbol and Jacob Se Mr. aire! wet? pod shorts ebvaye --, se gg ll ~ Ag ag ia) Lebanon have been awarded as fol-| Scott nm subsequently | Tesleted a at Donall's, Feb. Millbank Feh, 7) Gowan. | 10¥8+ _ Messrs. Snelling & Pnsoell president, Col. Campbell vice-presi- "Miss Agnes Frank is = at sown Feb, « sings open at 130and | ™asouwork, $808 ; Horn & Calder | dent, and F. C. Meow secretary- Moorefield, the guest of Geo. " p= See "posters for pro ram ne po ag work, painting, gluzing and | treasurer. Mr. W. R. Dann'was re- Rolls. ery ody wilioas . pee | ich of To- aii +p a --, As augnaed os manager atan in bis will entertain in the evening. ition all materials in present boild-| salary. A considerable antity of Mra, J. E. Carson of Rondon is the guest of Mrs. JaePerrio, Inkerman| Drep at Parxcr Aupert.--On Jan. eh ae coat ot oe le ee - 4 daring the pagt few days, Mr. J. W. Scott being the 'puretiaser. With the greater control which this pau give Mr. Scott in the affairs of the jompany, a te vigorous policy ma bé looked fo 7 -- Tows Cena meeting held on Monday evening, 58rd inst. Present, Mayor ---- = the cbair, and Councillors R. 3, O. Prueter, H, Maloney, W. Pores Minutes of previons meeting read and confirmed, A letter was read from John Idington, K. C., re back taxes on Mrs, Paul Harvey's house, and claiming that same are not collectable--referred to' Finance, Treasurer's statement for January read, showing amount due bauk Jan. 1, $9,407.49, paid ont daur- ing mooth, $5,083.98. Receipts for month, $3,363.75, of which som $8,- 057.44 is sinking fand for debentures, balance being from taxes and interest. Doe bank lat Feb., $11,077.72. The following acconnts were read and re- ferred to proper committees : Bell Telephone Co. 900. ; C.°G. Berger and R. McMillan, Auditors, $15 each ; Registry office for ig ee local improvement by-laws, $20 ; Up- tov, keep of indigent, $1.50 ; 7 See supplies, $4.65, do. $1.45; . E. Binning, treasurer, postage, 780. ; A. St. Geo. Hawkins, printing and advertising, 39.50 ; Municipal World, supplies, $7.06. The Collec- tor's statement for 1901 was presented, ebowing total taxes.on the roll, $19,- 202 04; back taxes collected, $36.07 ; Wallace taxes on roll, $43.61 ; interest collected, 979, total, $19,301.71. Amount collected, $18,395.19 ; taxes exempt, $826.46 ; taxes returned, $80.06 ; total, $19,301.71 of arrears of taxes to colle Tie roll was feturnel by Co and on motion of Praeter and Woods the roll was acoepted, and the treas- urer Was icstructed to make the nec- essary correction re lot 36, south Elma é6treet. The Collector's bill for salury, $75, and extras, $25, was read and referred to Finance Committee. The Auditor's report was -resd, and on motion was accepted, and the ac- count of the Auditors was ordered to be paid, A statement of the deben-, tnre debt of the town accompavied the Anditor's report, showing total debe ture debt on Deo, 21st,1901, $105, 200 ; ; satel amoant of sinking find, $7,612... s ie 8 example cou loliuwed wi profit by other farmers. Canava-Jamaica STEAMPHIP Servic". --"'Great creditisdue to Mr. Ventresse for the able and zealous way in which be has worked to brin RK aboot un im- proved steamship service between Jam- aica and Canada. It will be very grat- ifying to all our readers to Jedrn that a vew live will be inaugurated towards the = of the present month. The Canadian terminus will be St. Jobn, New Brunswick, the vearest and most convenient port to the chief centres of population in the Dominion. May th new ventore prove higbly. successful." The foregviog is from the Jamaica Daily Telegraph of January 11th, and 1s of special interest toa considerable number of our readers un account of the promoter of the new steamship line having been a former reeident a this town, Mr, A. B. Ventresse, at one time mathematical master in Listowel High School. Mr. Ventreese has been residing at Kingston, Jamaica, for sev- eral years, where he has become an 1n- fluential citizen, aud we are pleased to notice that be has interested .himself with such success in establishing a reg- ular steamship service between Canads and the West Indies, That the trade of both countries may be largely bene- fited by thia connecting link is our wany i wish. The agency of the com- pavy iu Jamaica ae been placed in Mr. Ventresse's han Piano Company Meetine.--The an- nual meeting of the Morey, Feild, Rogers Co., Limited, was beld in the offices of the Company at the piano factory on Tuesday eveniug, and was attended by a cunsiderable number of shareholders. Mr. J. W. Scott, presi- pent of the Company, took the chair, aud Mr. W. R. Dunn, manager;~acted as secretary, and read the minutes an annual statement. In moving the ad- option of the report, Mr. Scott re- viewed the financial position of the Compavy, which was chown to be satis- factory, the business of the past _--_ having been largely in excess of that o re previous yeur in the Company' ; history. The output of pianos in 1901 was 184 more than in 1900, and the year's fivances showed' a substantial profit. The "ePoccachl of the Morris piavo is now thor 4 W. Pelton, tha ro e paid $78.85 for collecting iexca=Car- ried, aluney, second- ed by W, Peltor, that the account of Zilliax & Sarvis, $4 65, for gas fixtures for town hall, be paid~Carried. The Chairman of Relief committee reported that $)5.15 bad been expended up to tbe present in relief, and recommended that no bills be paid unless 'anthorized y the Mayor or Chairman of Relief -- adopted. d the Council respecting a drain on Muitland street which be had constructed. A by-law was read and passed providing for borrowing money from time to time to meet carrent fay sage A by-law to regulate drains, n town was introduced and read a first time. In it to leave the by-law over until next meeting, and a special committee, com- pored of the Mayor and Councillors Woods and Pelton, was sppointed to look into the matter and report, with power to conenlt a solicitor. The Chairman of the Public School Board' order for $400 pe meet Public School expenses was A motion was passed to pay the County Treasurer $2.48, interest on county rate for 1901. On motion the Council adjourned until Friday evening, 14th inst. WALLACE, ConseRvaTIVE MeErtin or- ganizing meeting of the Conservatives o Wallace will a held in the town- ship hall, Gowanstown, on Tuesday evening next, Feb, 11th, commencing at 8 o'clo ck. Mr. J. U. Monteith, Conservative candidate for North Perth, and other prominent speakers are expected to be present and address the nieeting. All Conservatives are requested to attend. week's storm has been the worst for several winters. Several of the township roads are snow bound, Traffic on the gravel between the 8rd aud Gowaustown has been closed since Sunday AUCTION SALES. Tay, Feb. 13th.--Sale of farm stock implements for Thos. Sheppard, north half lot 22, 5th con. - Wallace, neat B at 1 o'clock, and gales are beiug nally made in all parta of the Dominion, The present outpnot of the factury is nearly three piangs a day, large orders are ahead. The prospects for 4 stitMfurtber inorease in the volume of business is most encouraging, and lurge as is the benefit which thie industry is to the town at present, with a wage ac- count of $30,000 per aunum, it prom- iees to be a greater benefit in the near futare. The keyboard department, in whicha large export trade is done, also shows rapid development, the Company atthe present time being unable to keep up with the demand. Col, Campbell, vice-president, Mr. B, F. Brook and other directors . spoke very encouragingly, and the report was unanimously adopted. The eleo- tion of a board of Directors resulted in the yi gentialnne being chosen : Soott, baoker ; B. F. Brook of the Listowel Woollen. Mill; W. M. Bruce, L, D, 8, ; Col. D, D. Camp- 'T. FE. Hay, auctioneer. implements, etc., for, Adam Torrance, lot 17, con. 3 Wallace, coinmencing at lo'clock, T, E. Hay auctioneer Sale without ; Pin asthe proprietor h sold his farm sil - x rengh, com- mencing at 1 o'clock. T. E, Hay,auc- Tuesday, Feb. .18,--Seie of farm stock, implements, etc,, for Win, Wilson, lot ath von, Wallace, commencing at 5 ay auctioneer, Sale without reserve as the farm has been Wedpakiny, Feb, 19.--Sate of farm stock nes ford. M. Lynn, lot 19, lave, commencing at Loe clock. 7 iB Hay auctionger, . . pdt sy auctioneer.

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