44 STO VOL XXI.-NO. 43 LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, | 25 1898, { A. ST, GEO. HAWKINS ExrToR AUD PROPRIETOR. , | 'money to ' BARR BRERA AIAAAA RAIA AAAI RAIS SY 'sell will just suit them. © The Golden [ion ea <i a el and invest ina good WARM FUR COAT for your- self or your wife, or buy a New Suit of Clothes, a New Dress, some Underwear, Flannelettes or Flannels, a New Pair of Shoes, or some of those New Curtains or Carpets which make your home attractive. your wife or daughter or even yonr sweetheart would ikeanew HAT, the MILLINERY that CARSON & MoKEE Now just take this hint and use your dollar for some comfort and remember that eee THE GOLDEN LION eae popular store is always the right place for good honest values and square dealing, CARSON & McKEE, me _Listowel and Mitchell. ROGLIIS: BREE REE REE RRR REE 'A New = | a42am@mw@ w@ That is what we are told ! Well it is a good thing to-have places to put your meney ; but we want to impress upon you that the wise thing is to take your Perhaps 4, , ray EO a ee a NC aN a Hello There TRADE WINNER. Tern Te a eZ eT eS Ce Pe Ae Ce hegettgeitng begin, beeing bent eniiing einen Mr. Grocer ? TRAUNT AND pp; For = Good = Tea. A, ns daaptinnipiainion 1 P, 8.--Farmers, bring your Produce to tis for High Vrices Taste Tieklers $ B. GEORGE. $ What about that Christmas Candy ? quiring Boots & Shoes, stated. and are prepared to give BIGGER before. at wholesale prices. = Cagney begin agi d- 5. Gee's Shoe Sale DECEMBER IST. Mee st et eee The bargains givemhave been fully appreciated, and now that the weather is more seasonable 'for re- { ; ee ----) -- we will continue the sale as We are determined to clear out the STOCK, BARGAINS than any other dealer not going out of Boots & Shoes, Space will not permit quoting prices, you only have to see our lines to be convinced that this is an oppor- tunity to buy your boots and shoes cheaper than ever Also during the same time we will offer the whole of our choice stock of DRESS GOODS i Those requiring Dress Goods should attend this sale and sharein the bargains. J. S. GEE. ERS & CO. Next to Archway ROG Main Street, - Listowel. COSSOSSES5S Men of taste and refinement want to be correctly clothed. We make to fit you and to confotm to the most exacting ideas of the ultra fashionables i correctness about our CLOTHING those that know the best Herewith isa copy "of one of the many Cus. testimonials I get from my out of . town tomers . aos \ ere's is that pleases TOWN TOPICS. Woxter toall appearance has ar- rived on schedule time. Tre town stores are taking on a Christmas like appearance. Hear Morgan Wood in McDonald's music hall on Monday next, 28th inst. THanxsoivina services were held iu Christ church on Thanksgiving morning at 10.30 o'clock. Christmas and Wedding Presents by the hundreds. J. H. McDoxaxp. Mr. F. R. Blewett announces by card iu another column that he is pre- pared to loan money at 5 per cent. Mr. W. J. Stewart of Hamilton is spending Thanksgiving with his father, Mr. Edward Stewart, Wallace street. Read A.J. Vandrick's advertisement in this week's paper. It will save you money. Mus. Powell of Woodstock was in town the early part of this week sec- ing her brother, Mr. John Wilson, who continnes quite low, $1 will pay for the Sranparp for the balance of the present century. Subscribe now and don't put it off until you are to old too read it. COAL OIL only Te ao gallon at . Ziwitax & Sarvis'. Mrs. Harry Northgrave, who has Leen visiting at the residence of Mrs. R. Woods, Penelope St., for the past week, left on Tuesday for her home in Arthur. Union Thanksgiving services were arranged for Thanksgiving day at 11 a. m., in the Congregational 'church. Rev. W.Cooper conducted the services. Collection was in aid of the poor. Miss Vivian Clayton, B. A., who bas been teaching in tne iudustrial school near Winnipeg for the past year or two, retnined home this week, and will re- main with her mother, Mrs. W. R. Clayton, over the holidays. Dinner and Tea Sets by the dozen, from 82.50 to $9.00, 96 pieces. J. H, McDonanv. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Mannell of the Tremont house, Toronto, spenta few days with friends in town Jast week. Mr. Mannell has not yet fully recover- ed his old-time vigor, but is louking much better than he did ashort time ago. ° Servant Wanstep.--For general house- work, Apply to Mrs. H. B. Morphy, Wal- lace street.---38 Aut who wish to spend av enjoyable Thanksgiving evenivg sbould attend the S. S. entertainment in the Metho- dist church. The Pantomime, 'Angels of Buenavista," is one cf the attractive features of the programme. Esp or THE Rate War.-- A despatch from Montreal says: At a conference between the G.T.R. and C.P.R. offic- jals held this (Wednesday) morning, the passenger rate war was finally end- ed. The regular fares will de restored on Monday next. MoxGan Woop delivers his popular lecture, "Where am I At?" in McDon- ald's hall on Monday evening next, 28th inst, He is considered one of the most entertaining lecturers of the day. Popular prices of admission, Plan of hall at Gunther's, Read A, J. Vandrick's advertisement in this week's paper, It will saye you money. ANNIVERSARY. --Anniversary services will be held in the Congregational church on Sunday next, conducted by Rey. A. I'. Macgregor, Missionary Superentendent, anda former pastor of the ehurch here. Rey. Mr. Pollock will assist in the musival part of the services. EpvucaTIoNaL sermons were preached in Centenary aud Wesley churches and Zion tabernacle, Hamilton, on Sunday last. The preachers were the Rey. Dr. Williams, Listowel; Dr. Potts, Dr. Bagley, aud W. F. Wilson, Dr. Willams was the guest of Senator San. ford while in the city. Corn at 45c, Bushel, also Corn Chop, at - J, H. McDonanp's, Piece oy a Meteor.--Jas. Moore- land, of Brucefield, has in his posses- sion a portion of the meteor which fell recentiy near Collingwood. He de. .| scribes the meteor as being 94 feet in diameter, with a thickness of 27 feet 17 of which are buried beneath the soi] so great was the force with which it struck the earth. Loca Lecat,--Jacklin vs. Proud- love, Maxwell et al.--This is an action which has created considerable inter- est in Howick townships as all the parties live there, and was brought by Miss, Jacklin to set aside three mortt- gages and a deed of lands in Howick to the defendants, onthe ground of fraud and collusion between one H, Proudtove and the other defendants. The action was triedfon Tuesday last at Goderich by the Hon. Chief Justice Palmerston, Sept 26ch, 1898. I received your cerca 2 first' class | Meredith, when judgment was deliver- i hte and fa Ae I may ars 1 my Chothes ed in favor of all the defendants, Mr. lease me, and f{ am convin: are : ; Pest fitting outfit I have pu for som |Dickensen for plaintiff ; H. B. Mo time, Thankivg you, I remain yours eic} for defendants. Tue late James Lockie of Waterlov, a notice of whose death "appeared sine} last week's STANDARD, woe a resident of Listowel for a number of- years, having been engaged in the foundry business here, and was-well known to the residents of this bunity some twenty-five years ago. > Read A. J. Vandrick's advertisement in this week's paper. It will save you money. Two Csnts To "Tisthebto0,""--The two-oent postage stampt will, after Christinas, take a letters from Canada to any place in Great and Ire- laud, British India, Newfoundland, British East Africa, Uganda, Zanzibar, Central Africa Xnd the N r Coast ter- ritory. But the same lefter if directed to Gowanstown or' At Lwill cost three cents. Our Postmaster-Goneral may he progressive ; he cettainly is no believer in the doctrine that charity be- gins at home, is we ATrEMPTED Bunausry,--Shortly be- fore midnight on Tuesday burglars attempted to enter the fesidence of Mr. Johu Watson, proprietor of the Listowel brewery, by way of a window. The family, however, had not retired, aud hearing the noise, Mr. Watson procured his revolver and Went to in- vestigate, when the burglars suddenly decamped. The night pfowlers also made an unsuccessful attempt to enter the residence of Mr. John' Buker, on the same street. ' Tomas Haines,the popular acconnt- aut of the Bank of Hamilton, at Ber- lin, has received notice of 'his transfer to Listowel, and will leavé ina few days to take charge of the "new work. Mr. Haines will take the position of accountant in the Bank of Hamilton here, which his been tempdrarily filled by Mr. MeKeand. The lafter gentle- man, wo understand, will be trans- fered to another agency. Mr. Haines' many friends in town will be pleased to see him back aguin, 'Tuere was a good attend) Pink and White Tea gi¥ ladies of Knox Churcli room on Monday eveni hundred and twenty odd at the well provided tables bei wHicient to accommodate all at one sitting. An entertaining programme was an appreciated adjanct of the tea, in which Messrs, Large and Harris, Misses M, McDonald, G, Heppler,Ruby Rothwell and .\nnie Male and others took part. The proceeds amounted to something better than $20, Macy.--On Thursday evening of Jast week McDouald's Music ball was fairly well filled by a select and appreciative audience to hear Mr. J. Williams Macy, the ever popular and versatile humorist and buff singer. Mr, Macy gave an almost entirely different programme frour that on bis--first. ap- pearance, and held the enraptured attention of his hearers from beginuing to end with bis masterful de)ineations of character and musical voice. Macy is as much superior to the so-called professional elocutionist as Klondike nuggets are to the crude material of a brase foundry. How to Heur Your Townx.--Push jt; talk about it ; speak well of it ; help to improve it ; beautify the streets ; pat- ronize the merchants ; advertise in its newspapers ; speak well of enterprising men. If you can't think of a good thing te say keep silent. If you are rich invest in something ; employ some- body 3 be a hustler. Be courteous to strangers that come among you, 30 that they will go away with e good im* pression. Alwayscheerup the men that goin for improvements. Your portion of the cost will be only what is juet. Don't hick atout avy needed public improvement because it is not at your own door, or for fear your taxes may be raised fifteen cents. Successrct At Home.--A very suc- cessful as wellas enjoyable At Home was held at the residence of Mrs. R. Wocds, Penelope street, on Friday evening last by the ladies of Christ Church Guild. There were fully one hiindred people present and some- thirg over $15 was added to the Guild funds, Besides refreshments and social -ehjoyment, a good programme was rendered, in which Meesrs. J. H. Stuart, H. Maloney, J. M. Carthew, Jno. -Bamford, Misses Annie Male, Maudie McDonald, Flossie Watson, and other local talent, and took part who, with the able assistance Prof. J. Norman, furnished excellent minsical gutertainment. Prof. Norman, who is engaged in giving instenctions iu vocal munic and may possibly open a.class in Listowel, has a fine tenor voice and sang a number of patriotic and other songs with excellent effect. A hearty vote ot thanks was tendered the Professor,also the host and hostess, for the very pleasant evening which ° -~ A Trwety Invention.--Another toil- saver has been introduced, this time by a Sonth Easthopo man. Mr, John Hislop of that township recently per- fected a turnip puller, on which be has epplied for s patent, and which bids fair to render this arduous work les3 irk- some, The machine is somewhat com plicated and is attached to a wagon,one end of which runs on the ground on wheels, Revolving kuives top aod pull the turnips, which is then carried to the wagon on ar elevator, doing its work very satisfactory. It weighs a- bout 700 lbs., beiug constructed entire- ly of wrought iron and steel, The machine may be seen on lot 42 con. 4, South Easthope, where the inventor is receiving the congratulations of his friends, who are looking forward to an easier time when the season of root- pulling ensues.--Beacon. Fresh Currants and Raisins for Christmas trade at J. H. m Wuo would ever dream tbat in this country of less than six million souls a Canadian newspaper covld have a larger circulation than any of the big American weeklies with their seventy- two millions of people ? Nevertheless itisafact. The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, is the paper that has the proud distinction and has brought such credit upon Canada, This isthe Family Herald's Jubilee year and subscriptions are pourivg iu simply in thousands. The Fawmily Herald and Weekly Star is being appreciated more than ever, and is the biggest value in the newspaper world to-day. Bourow--Scuinsein.--A happy event took place on Noy. 9th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schinbeiu, at 5 o'clock, when 'their daughter Frieda W. and Chas. uhrow were united in matrimony by Rev. H. Battenberg, pastor of the German Lutheran church. The bride, who was given away by her father, was dressed in blue McKinley, trimmed with white satin. She was attended by Miss Emma Bubrow, sister of the groom, who was attired in red, with black silk. The groom was assisted by John Dietz, of Clifford. After the wedding all sat down to a sumptuous repast. 'hose present from a dis- tance were : Miss Buhrow, of Detrsit; Mr. and Mrs, Bubrow, Mr. and Miss Loth, of Mildmay ; Mr.-and Mis. Geo. Fritz, Mr. Fritz and Miss Beuder, Lis- towel ; Miss Daum, Miss Theiss, Strat- ford; Mr. Albrecht, of Fordwich ; Mrs. Keil, son and two daughters, Gorrie ; Miss L, Ziegler, of Elmira. The presents were both uumeronus - and costly. They have taken up their home iu Listowel. Tue Session of Knox church, Listowel, will receive application s for the Leadership of the Choir up to the 24th inst. Duties to, commence Dec. 16th. T. L. Hasivtos. Session Clerk, Locatina in ListoweL.--We were pleased the other day wheu going down street to meet our old friend Mr. John A. Kelly of Palmerston, who -has been in the Implement business there for several years, and who informs us of his early inteution of removing to Lis- towel, where there is a wider sphere for bis energies. Mr. Kelly is popular- ly known -amongst-all of the farmers of the surrounding townsbips, and those particularly in the territory that had been assigned him by the Mauu- facturers he has represented, who will no doubt regret very much to Jearn of his removal to Listowel, and we feel quite sure that their feelings of regret will be reciprocated on the part of Mr. Kelly. He tellaus thathe has made arrangements with Mr. Hay, proprietor of the gas works, to fit up the lower floor of the the old Hess building on Main street, and this being a very com- modious place will enable him to carry samples of almost every article or im- lement that the farmer requires. Mr. Kelly has been perhaps one of the most successful Agents in the district, and he is known as being an upright, fair dealing man, having treated all his customers with fairness and with the utmost conrtesy. During the past year he has represented the Massey- Harris Co'y at Palmerston, he hus sold for that Company perhaps the largest number of implementa that has ever been sold by any other agent and for any Company in the history of the business, in the townships that he is now vacating. Mr. Kelly is imbued with energy and ambition, and if- he carries out the same course with the farmers of this vicivity as he has done so long in the vicinity of Palmerston, he cannot help but succeed here as he bes done in the place he is now leaving. We have no doubt that the town of Palmerston will also regret to lose so good a citizen as he bes proved to be, and the town of Listowel well may con- gratulate iteelf in securing bis presence in their midst. Mr. Kelly will con- tinue to represent the Massey- i ompany here, he having succeeded to the territury from which Mr. F. Smith has retired. Mr. Kelly will call upon the farmers of the surrounding Town- éhips personally, at an early date, when he hopes to received with the sanie courtesies as he has always met with in the Townships he has re- cently vacated, and we are sure thal apy bueiness that is entrusted to bim will be appreciated by himself and the Massey. Hattie Company, andthey cau feel sure of always receiving the utmost all preseut had spent. NE. care, courtesy and attention at his hands,--Com, . um x ' Saevpen's Newsparer.--The Rey. Chas. M. Sheldon's books, now so universally read, make it plain that that writer's hopes of the regeneration of the world lie in getting individuals more and more to do their daily tasks on Christian principles,no matter what the sacrifice iuvolved. In the best known of his books, 'In His Steps," ke clearly looks to the newspaper, carried on upon Christian priuciples, as largely the hope of the "coming kingdom." In looking about him for a model, be segms to have hit on the Montreal Witness, to which he has addressed a letter, part of which we quote . "T have read the Witness with mach interest. I cannot say that I know of any other daily paper in the United States that is conducted on such high Christian priuciples. I wish I did, for if ever we needed such a paper in our couutry we veed it now. "Let me express to you my appre- ciation of the Christian heroiem and consideration which make a paper like the Witness a possibility. I have always believed it possible for a Chris- tian daily to succeed. You have proved that it can. o much of the ideul newspaper iv 'In Eis Steps" is there- fore real. "T pray that you may continue to be blessed in your work. Idonot know a more glorious opportunity for build- ing up the kingdom on earch than by means of Christian journalism. I take the greatest pleasure in sending the copies of the I /facss to newapaper friends of wine for their inspection, Very cordially yours, Cuanies M. SxHeipon, opeka, Kavsas." Twe story brick house with halt acre of land and stable; on north side of Elma St., will be sold at a bargain. Apply to Wm. Town Covncm.-- An adjourned meet- ing of the Town Council was held on Monday evsvibg, 21et inst. Present, the Mayor and Councillors Woods, Au- derson, Watson, Pelton, Prueter, Flem- ing, Robinson and Campbell. A lengthy opinion was read from Messrs. Morphy & Carthew with regard to the claim for damages made hy Mr. John Scott of $800 for cattle alleged to have been powoned by water from the river rol- luted by towa sewage Their letter re- viewed the case at length, and stated that they did not consider the town liable for damages. A letter was read from W. Robbios, Sec'y Canadian Fire Underwriters' Association, stating that steps should be taken to prevent the possibility of the recurrence of the con- dition of the town's water supply, as reported, and asked the Council to re- commend to next year's Council to pro- ceed with the construction of a dam at the earliest possible moment. Mayor Hacking reported on the deputation's interview with Mr. John Hoodless at Hamilton. That gentleman was not prepared to enter ivto negotiations at present, but received tbe deputation cordially, and intimated that when he was open to discuss the matter he would come up to Listowel. A letter was also read from a manufacturing tirm in Toronto, with a view to remoy- ing to Listowel. Moved by Messrs. Campbell and Robinson that this Couu- cil do not consider the town in any way liable for the loss Johu Seott is said to bave sustained, and the Mayor be in- structed to defend suit if the cuse is entered in conrt--Carried, The fol- inson, that the Council are glad to learn that the Cheese and Butter Makers' As- sociation will likely meet ia Listowel in February next. In the event of said Assoc'n meeting here the Council will furnish hall, fuel and light--Carried. The question of taking over the Pub- lic Library and constitntiug ita Free Libsary was then discussed and it was thought best to deal with it now. Moved by A. Robinson, eeconded by R. Woods, that. the town take over the Public Library and assume the present liability amounting to $202, and that the town hall be used for library purposes. --Carried. By-law No, 325 to take over the Library was then introduced, and on motion read a firstand secondtime. The By-law was read aud aduptedclause by clause in committee of the whole, and the names of H. B. Morphy, W. M. Bruce and J. W. Meyers were added as the appointees by the Council, who, with the Mayor and three othersto be ap- pointed by the Public School Board constitute the Board of Mapnagemet of the Free Library. The committee arose and a motion for the third read- ing was then passed uvavimously and the By-Law finaliy adopted. A com- mittee consistiig of Messrs. Camp- bell, Watson, oods, Anderson and Flemiug, was named to have the town hall fitted up for Library purposes as soon as possible. Mov- ed by Messrs. Woods ani Watson that the Mayor be authorized to adver- tiee local improvement debentures, to be opeped at next regular meeting of Council--Carried. Moved by Messrs. Fleming and Prueter that: ratepayers are hereby notified that io cleaning the etone walks axcs must not be used, avd on no account should salt be used on said walke to prevent slipping, as it bas a tendency to weur off the surface. On motion the Council adjourned, Horses ror Sace.--Mr, J. A, Cardiner, well to see what he has to dispose of, --38 Every foundry in Galt is working overtime. Some have night shifts, Lowk at Turs.--Do you want to bor- row money, if so, I am prepared tomake straight loans = at rate as an as low apanyin Ontario, All business. contfi- dential, R. Hotcutson, Agent for Hamilton Provident & Loan Society, - . THE COMING CONCERT. Ik 4 not necessary again and all who have heard of them are prepared for a musical 'reat of the highte# ondar. e recent brilliant gathering in Toronto the Aber- deen-an ¥s pro- vided the entire vocal music. Their pro- 3 are both varled and excellent, the encores being especially racy and taking. They are m2t by crowded and delighted houses everywhere. é In connection with the concert the lad- {es of the Congregational Church have been preparing arilcles for a 'ba: "which will be the more useful and servieeable gopds. HANDSOME, BEAUTIFUL AND BE- COMING Are the styles cf halr gooda aw pro- ducec oy Prof. Dorenwend this season. The fall styles of Bangs, wigs¢ fronts, swilches, ctc., are marvels of beauty and every lady should sce them. In a few minutes the Prof. can demonstrate what constitutes the essential points In As he has increas hin now at the Queens Hotel on on Mon- day and Tuesiay Nav. 28 and 29. FARMERS' INSTITUTE MEETING The winter meeting of the Farmers' Institute will be Towr. Hall Listowel, Feb. 4th next. The me:.ings of this division will be, held at Bluevale, Feb Ist; Fordwich, Feb 'nd; Ethel Feb. 3rd ;Listowel, Feb ath; Mil- rs 1 North Perth held at the ° 3 a s 2 =x 4 ° 3 = § ? "3 fx) o ar » Fed, oth; t > Wth Russeldale, Feb 21th; Weedham, Feb. 18th; Sebringville ieb. Fe> 14 and Shakespeare, Feb 16th; MaJor James Sheppard of Queensville and S . Gould, of Uxorldge, will the delegates for this division. THEREY, IRL R. HICKS Annual Almavac aud monthly paper, Word and Works, e new known from seatosca. We are pleased to call the attention of our readers to the Almanac for 1899, now ready. It is ao splendidly printed and illustrated book of 116 pages, end the storm forecasts and diagrams and astronomical and ecientific matter are superior to any- thing that has ever beeu seen before ina 25 cent book. His monthly jour- nal, Word and Works, is one of tho best literary, home and scientific maga- zine in the country, besidee containing his monthly storm forecasts with ex- planations. The subscription price of Word and Works is $1.00 per year and a copy of the Hicks Almanac is sent asa premium to every yearly eubecri- ber. Single copies of Word and Works, 10 cents. Price of Almanac alone, 25 cents. Send your order to Word and Works Pub. Co,, 2201 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. BIRTHS, GABEL--In Listowel, on Nov, 20th, the wife of John Gabel of a son, DOERBECKER--In Neustadt, on Nov. 16, the wife of John Doerbecker of a daughter, ~ Gunther's CLEARING CHINA SALE A GREAT SUCCESS. Having sold a great many beautiful Diuver Sets that everybody hkes at first sight, it will-be pleasing news to those who did not get one of these fine sets to know that ANOTHER CRATE of this handsome Dioner Ware is on the way to Listowel, which will be here iu a few days. Already have taken two orders, and mapy more wantin them will be wise to call carly aud have their order booked for one of these handsome Sets, iu Apple Green, New Mulberry, Brown, Reyal Blue, Pencil Shade, Blue and Pink, avd'thus save five or six Dollars. Your money will go farther at Gunther's than io any other place, also having brand New Stock tv choose from. All has got to be soldat a price for SPOT CASH to give way to the Imperial Bank, to whom I have rented the Store, and which will be open the early part of Deoember. I have a handsome assortment of Ckristmas Novelties that have likewise to take a walk AT HALF PRICE. Ask us toshow you the splendid values in these goods. The finest, most useful, cheapest Christmas Goods that have ever been put up for salem Listowel, have all got to leave at the Clearing Sale. I further give notice that on De- sember Ist Iam starting a yenuine Building Clearing Sale IN GOLDSMITH'S - HALL, Being compelled to furnish more room for my large increasing trade I huve decided to extend Goldsmith's Hall by fifty feet and remodel my Store. When completed Listowel can then boast of one of the finest and lurgest Jewelery Stores iu Ontario. I trust the Pnblic will take the ad- vantage of my reduced Sale, My Stock must be sold ergy | by Jan. Ist, 1809. AsIcaunot build and re- model with these fine Waresin the way. Everything has got to be sold regurdless of cost at GUNTHER'S Geldsmith's Hall. ALWAYS TAKETRE G, T.R WHEN xo . § 8. 8-SCENERY SaFe_ reer cee