ee, r -- > __ LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, FR ig JUNE Bi 1898, 8". GEO, HAWKINS {ero AND /LOPRIETOR ve : N, JUNE BARGAIN CARSON & McKEE Continue to lead the trade of Listowel. All this month the most Millinery. cheap. "Just think of getting SOMETHING STYLISH Many lines so very desirable and. yet so NS => exceptional bargains in a new $4 hat for $2.90. AND UP-TO-DATE. We also show very handsome White and Colored Organdie Muslins and many attractive lines of new Wash Fabrics, such as Llamas, Swiss Muslins, Piques, Dimities, Ginghams, Zephyrs &c. A full range of New Belts, Gloves, Hosiery, Para- sols, Shirt Waists, &c. and decidedly the best selection of Ribbons in the Corporation COME AND SEE OUR READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. CARPETS AND CURTAINS. We are here to show you the goods. Make this store your headquarters and you will not be sorry. Carson & licKee. ? At J.S. GEE'S SPECIALS We would ask the Public to kindly N os Rae ' eran Boots and Shoes ful! lines; some Decal bargains in 12hc Printed Muslins for 1c per yard. 15¢ Printed Muslins for 12 1-2c per yard, 50c ated a ioe 39c p i Cotttn Pree? Vests et ~=i--_ OUR STOCK OF Straw Hats to be cleared out at a REDUCTION, NOTE lines to be cleared out regardless of cost. AMILY GROCERIES. Choice Crawford evap. Peaches Mc Tb. Pickles, Sauces ete. pec Prunes, Apricots, Canned Goods, A Choice Coffee ground while you wait Try it, it is equal to 4oc coffee. for two weeks. 'ed sugar and 2 Hyson Tea for $1.00. | SPECIAL SNAP 12 Ibs Standard granulat- 25c Japan or ths choice at 25¢ per J. S. GEE. Ib. hbrbbbbbbrbbrdbbbodsdsddhbbbddhibdthhddhdbsdddhhhb hdd dhbbdd Sereda db et tdbst espns sas bad dude i nia asa aga srs ssbb dbdddda the staying is to keeps its s worn out, The Beams and Rafters are to a building just what Shorey's Ready-to-Wear Clothes. The inside of one of Shorey's coats is here illus- trated by a drawing made from a photograph. great advantage of a coat properly stayed is that it look like an old garment after a few weeks wear. An ordinary ready-made garment may look well at first, but it is made to sell not to wear. Shorey's make all have a guarantee card in the pocket. The hape until it is and does not |e ile io ee ie oe ee ee i i ee i i i i Hee ee PPT PAP SESE TT ED PEP a? a GE Se 4 OUR: Shears and SciSSOFs |: Are Handled Skilfully, TRY THE NEW TAILOR} Next to archway, Main St., Listowel. ROGERS & CO. TOWN TOPICS. Mr. G. Fisher and R. Taylor spent 'Sunday in Palmerston. Mrz. J. A. Fallis was visiting friends | in Linwood last weck. 4 A rig load Woodhall Potatoes for see atR. 4. Ciimies . Ta band has been engaged to play at Knox church social, Glenallen, July Ist. Mrs, Tilt of Toronto is visiting at her mother's, Mrs. John Campbell, Main street. Get your Lawn Mower. sharpened and repaired at the Excelsior Machine Shop, Wallace Street. Mr. and Mrs, Armitage, of Toronto, were the guests of Mrs. J. R. Grant Main street, over Sunday. : Aesnumber of our citizens heard the famous Godfrey band at Stratford on Monday, and were delighted. For Exchange-- A, gentleman's bic ee in excellent ae fora | dy's wheel,, En- quire at. this offic Tue delivery of Deering harvesting implements will take place on Wednes- day next. 29th inst., instead of to- morrow as first intended. Look out for it. Bring your old clothes and we will clean and dye themin proper style, Wai. Step- han Dyer Main St. Ease Pror. Dorenwend will be in town to~lay. The few bald heads that were left over from last trip can be provided with artistic and comfortable "thatch- 8" by calliig on him at the Queen's. thee at Tht -- erson wanting first-class Tea for the mite will he able to get the same by calling at my house. R. Hyrenises, Crnriat Cuurcu.--Rev. Mr. Cluffof Thorndale will conduct the services in Christ Church on Sunday next, morn- ing and eveing; also at Shipley in the afternoon. Perfect fitting and well made siante'§ you will ye* ifyou leave your order with Win- Stephen, Main Street East. Haying will be unusually early | this year. Some clover has already been ent, and quite a few farmers will be cutting next week. The hay crop is an extra heavy one. oo members of ele 2 ee took <i siting had a yery pleasant day's out- ing at the lake. Someruine that looks good in the eyes of the people is one of E. Gabsl's well made snits. Bring your cloth and have one made. You will always find him at his shop over Spears' store. Tue Listowel band will play at Leb- unon pic-nic this Friday afternoon. The band also hasan enjagement to play at Glenallen Presbyterian chureh festival on Dominion Day. Excursion to,--Farmers and others are requested to bear in mind and ere invite to participate in the excursion to the Guelph Model Farm on Monday next, under the auspicies ot the North Perth Farmers' Institute. for {rain time, fare, avd other particulars, EVERY LApy's Hare rejuires attention at times. Let Prof. Dorenwend point out what to do to preserve it and dress it by means of his very beantiful art. special ronts, switches, is aclvice--at 24th A. W. Jeaues, ree- See adve. ete, on Queen's hotel on Friday June Ar Syxop.--Rev. tor of Christ Chureb, is in London this week attending the aunual meeting of Huron Synod. Mrs. They purpose spending Jenues accom- panied him. a week visiting old purishiouers and friends at Thorndale. Services will be held in Christ Chureh on Sunday vext at usual hours. . Horst axp Lot ror Sace,--Comfortable ty veneer dwelling house and quant: e lot, on Main Street cast, will vbargaia., Very d@trable proper r st "ll rie rally. For particulars enquire at this offices, or ack bre SS, R, Wooir, Harristen. Lawy Sociat,--A lawn social will be held at Mr. J. M, this Friday eveving. Lawn lighted y electne lights. Choice musie will lie., which Schinbein's to be » furnished. Admission ineludes refreshments. 7 lawl Temperance Camp lhage of Moore! eld will {D. The annual and Miss Hitche®sx of Paria a AN, Buehanan, the great Temperance Or ator: Messrs, Rhine Bros., singersand evangelists, Special Gospe } Meeting, Soug Service, Lee tures, ac. Grand Temperance Day July Ist.. Children's Day July 2nd. Thes vrommds are within S aot s walk of G. T. R. station and near the Village, 14 acres covered suithh. bes vutifnl maples, Jarge taber-- one should miss these and oe on the. grounds, see pr OUT AL Mateolnwon' tents, s come nacle, meeting For furthér partieuk Rav, A. M. 3 leCuilach, Prseident, jet toy usaittee nson, Monkton, a an town on Wednesday. | Mrs, J visiting? i] he A of Glen- of Miss Tory Velie and gral f Mrs, Wright, will be ith P93 8 week, alxo visit his sister, Mis Mabel Cooper who is here from Chiog0 ®t present. 1, BEeruon.--About twenty members ¢Cpurt Listowel druve over to Atwoodon- Sunday last and joined the Atwool b¥ethren in attending ser- vice at theif listened} f @n excellent sermon by Rev. Bro. WoBain Cxocger 70 Desa fatal acci- dent happaéd in the hotel, Brunner station, onSeturday, when Louis Read, a laborer, Pout 40 years of,age chock- ed ona pi fof meat. Assistauce was obtained i: Vain, he dying almost 1n- stantly. fhe body was interred in the cemetzy: there about 11 o'clock the came eening. Mus. Alrander,wife of Mr. R. L. Alexander, Calgary, and her daughter Miss Effiedlexander, who have spent vearly a year with friends in this vicinity, ket yesterday for Torouto, where they will make a short visit previous to leaving for their homein the west. Mrs. Alexander will return to town forthe younger members of the family, and will tke the boat at Owen Sonnd on the 9th July, Foor Baut.--The Shamrocks of this town wentto Gorrie on Wednesday of this week to play a picked team be- tween Gorrie and Wroxeter... It was a good match from start to finish, neither side scorivg. The Sham- rocks will line up in Glenallen on July Ist with the Milverton aud Glenallen foot-hall téims. + Mrs. Maceallum of the Vi a Co, will visit Listowel] on June 28 and 29, She will be at Arlington Hotel afternoons and evening§ where she wiil be please to interview ladies free of all charges. In compliance with the recommen- dation of Rev. D. Deacou, commission- twood Executive Com- Di odist church there, and [ Gotnc To Exatanp.--A. F. Mic.| Laren, M. P., accompanied by Mrs. aa peenernt servant, MfncTiaren, and son, Kenneth; sail from Mohtreal on Saturday on the Domin- ion line steamer Labrador, for Eng- land. The trip will be a very. short one, being undertaken mainly for the benefit of Mr. MacLaren's _ health, which is somewhat rnn down. The party will pay « brief visit to London, Liverpool, Bristol and other points of interest in England, while they may also visit Paris. They expect, how- ever, to be back in Stratford by Aug- ust 1, says the Herald. Home From Mexico.--Mr. Andrew Lowry, 2 former Mornington boy, is home from Mexico oa a short visit, which he is spending with friends in this vicinity. Mr. Lowry has been located at Cocorit, Mexico, for some time, in the employ of a company of New York capitalists who have a large concession of land from the Mexican government and have been pntting in an extensive irrigation system. The company has built a caval 30 aniles in in length, which is 45 feet wide at the month, and now have 550,000 acres ready for irrigation, The canal taps the river Yaqui, uear the Gulf of Cali- furnin. Already Jurge numbers of rauchers are flowing into the district, which is wonderfully productive, being a veritable paradise for tropical fruits and vegetation, and far' removed from danger of frost. Mr. Lowry, who holds an important position with the company, will shortly leave for New York, and expects to go south again in a few weeks. Tupxore vs. McGeonce.---On Tues- day mornivg at the County Court, the Alex. McGeorge et al was disposed of. Mary Jane McGeorge, daughter of the plaintiff (who isa resident of Lis- towel) and also defendant's wife, died on Aug. 1, 1896, having been married to defendant iu April of the same year. The plaintiff alleges that at the time of her marriage, the late Mrs. McGecrge was possessed of some $2,300, and the obien.ia.b i intifl todaxe a ed to request the Bishop to appointa deacon to serve that mission, Since Rev. Mr, Asbury's removal the mission has been closed, and the prospect of haviug it opened again will be pleasmg to the "hurch of Exgl. 1 peopie there. Mi thie Forbes, wuo teaches the school 4. Walton, was severely cut and bruisel about the head by coming in contact witha loose plank in a cul- vert while wheeling mto town on Sat- urday last. He was somewhat used up by the nishap, but was able to return to Walton the following day. Meyers flouring mill has been closed down and all the old machinery remoy- ed. The new machiuery witli which the. hotel will be refitted thronghont has arrived,und the millwrights are now at work placing the same. The wooden structure atthe frort-of- the mill is being torn down preparatory to building anew stone and brick ad- dition. The basement and frst floor of the new elevator, which is now finished, are beiag used as storerooms while the work of remodelling the It is expected that the mill will be runumg agiin in five or six weeks. mill is going on. Berrer Train Senvick Wantep.-- Listowel Couneil is aiding the ment to have the evening train on the London, Huron and Bruce division of the G T. R., which over night at Wingham, to P. move- now stops run throngh merston, returning in the morn- This would give the much need- ed accommoilation asked for As the representative of her estate appointed to ascertain where the money has gone to. In his defence, the defendant set up that his wife had giver him a draft for the amount shortly before her death. R.T. Harding appeared for the plaintiff, but, owiug to a misunder- standing, the defendant's representa- tive, J. P. Mabee, was not present, being out-of the city. His honor, however, gave judgment on the plead- iugs, directing letters of administration to issue to the Toronto General Trusts Co., the costs to be paid by defendant to plaintiff forthwith after taxation. Waterworks By-Law.--The feeling in favor.of the waterworks anid electric light By-law appears to be growing, and there is encouraging prospect of the By-law being carried by a-consider- able majority. 'The circular issued by the committee has been pretty thoro- ughly digested by the ratepayers, end is convincing mauy of them that muni- cipal control is the right and proper thing. The opponents of the scheme, we understand, are circulating a docu- ment of some kind, the object of which is to secure the names of ratepayers as being opposed tothe By-law. What success they are meéting with is not known to us, not having been favored with a glimpse of it. Why. the rate- payers should be asked to sign any doenment at this juncture is somewhat peculiar, and looks as if thoxe who are cireulativg the document didao't bave much faith in the intelligence of the ratepayers or of their ability to decide will vote on frains are pew run, it is impossible to j go from Listowel to Atwood, crany other point on the Kincardine | or London, Huron and Brace branches north of the Stratford and Goderich line and returnthe same day. As the change asked for would not entail any great additional expense, it is to be hoped that theG. T. R. Co, comply with it, and thus re emedy a 'real grievance of the tray elling public. Brussels will A successFUL strawberry festival was held by the yopug ladies of Knox church on the lawn of Mr. W. E. Binning ou Tuesday eyening, Not- withstanding the rather ehilly even-- ing there was @ good attendance, and -about $40 was. taken. in. The lawn was illuminated with chinese lanterns, and the band was present and furnish- ed inspiring ! music. for themselves how they the Tro turn Tress.--The iustructed Constable Bartley to notify residents of the town to have the trees in frovt of their properties, both on ile streets and where overhanging the dy-law. conneil bas sidewalks, trimmed so as to improve lighting the streets, so far as cau be dove without injariug the appesrance sidewalks. On several streets in town branches are so low This is par- the overhanging as to become a nuisance. ticularty noticea! je inrainy wenther. By leaving it hands of the propert 'ty-owners themselves No. mutila- tiou of the trecs is likely to foliow. It is expedient that the trimmiug be in the done at once, nou-jury case of Mary Tudhope v.° of the trees; also to have them trim- med upso thatthe lower drancihes | will not interfere with travel on the ~rempiloymenr to~ a I. O. O. F. Orrictan Visrr.--aA dis- trict meeting of the I. O. O. F, was held in the» Oddfellows -hall--in--this town, op 'Tuesday of this week, which was attended by a large delegation of members from the differ- ent lodges in the district, and was also honored with the presence of "Grand Master Young of Thamesford. The lodge convened at2 p. m., when a business meeting was held. In the evening the local lodgé went through the ceremony of initiation, which was followed by au exeuplification of the secret work of the order under the dir- ection of the Grand Master. The brethren subsequently adjourned to the Imperial hotel, where a banquet had been prepared by Bro. Kraus, and where a most enjoyable time was spent, an extended toast list following the excellent menu. W2tH = Juny Cevepration.---The celebration of the Boyne anniversary at Walkerton promises to be an un- usually large demunstration. From 40 to 50 lodges are expected to be. present, representing the County lodges of East and North Bruce, North Perth, West Grey and East Huron, also the Orange Young Britoug from the united district of Bruce, Huron and Wellington. Hon. N. Clarke Wallace, Sovereign Grand Master, has written Mr. Collins, W. M. of Walkerton lodge, that he will be present and de- liver an address. Anson _ Spotten, Toronto, Grand Master of the Orange Young Britons, and other noted speak- ers, are also expected. Geo. Dickson, County Master North Perth, wil! be chairman. A baseball match between Palmerston and Walkerton clubs will follow the speaking. A special train will leave Stratford at 7.15 a. m, Lis- towel at 8.37. The fare from here will be 90c. . Uvauaniriep Success.--A copy of the Newmarket Era of June 10 has been handed us, which contains a re- porton the electric lighting of that town forthe past year, made to the Council by Mr. J. A. Bastedo, a com- pétent aéeotintant, who was instriéted to go thoroughly into the matter and ascertain every detail of expenditure' andincome. The Era sums up the re- port as follows: "Before putting in the eléctric } lant the Town was pay- ing $500 per annum for street-lighting, and only 12 arc lights were used. _For the year 1897 the revenue from in- candescent lighting paid all ranning ex- penses, the principal and interest on the debenture debt for this purpose forthe year, and it only cost the town $205 for the lighting of the streets by .23 are lights, which sum also includes the lighting of the Council Chamber, Town Hall and Caretaker's residence. In other-.words--the~ Municipal--Electrie Light System has given the town double the light and sayed in taxes $365 the first year." GuanovitHic-Wavks.--It-is-satisfac- tory to notice that the delay in getting owork on = granolithic' walks will speedily cometoan end and-that a considerable stretch of new walks will he laid down this season. Tenders are now asked for to build granolithie walks on the sonth side of Main street east and west to the limits of the cor- poration, or thereabouts, also on east side of Mill street to Elma street, and on Pitman and Victoria street east to Penelope. In addition to these walks, petitions are vow iv for walks on Wel- liugtou and Alma streets, and on Wil- liam, Elma and Reserve Gladstozre ward. streets, in A petition is also out for extending the walk on north side of Main street to Kidd's and form thence along Victoria> enst to the station. This ig a much needed walk and wo are pl to hear that the property terested are signing corner Street very eased owners jn- the petition numbers to eusure its BUCCOSK, walk that should be built thig in Another Season strect school in a very Tas there ig | x creat deal of travel on that street the , walk should be built Withont delay, | We would suggest that a petition be got up ior itat once. Besides s adding { greatly to the apperrance of the town and having ajastige improvement, the building of these walks wy ill give large namber- of workmen, which of itself i 15 au import- jaunt consideration. is on the east side of Raglan from Main street to the Public The old plank walk 15 | dilapidated condition an