Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 11 Dec 1896, p. 1

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LISTOWEL, 0! arson & [IcKee | did inaugurate On Saturday Morning Nov. 28th and -will continue all through DECEMBERa Gigantic Clearing SALE Or Dress Goods, Mantles, Millinery. Redtly- made Olothing, Furs. Fur Coa s, Fur Capes, "Wiannelathas Overcoats, Carpets. Panic, Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. Qwing to the continued mild weather during the fall we find we have $5,000 tov much stock tor this time of the year, and as we always take stock in January we have determined to unload a lot of goods during Decem- ber month. Now YOU public know what this means as we have a most desirable stock of DRESS FABRIGS - - - PRETTY JAGKETS and STYLISH = MILLINERY as well as full lines of Staples, Groceries, etc., ete. whole range of choice merchandise will be This fect avaianche of bargains, such bargains as only the | PEOPLE'S CASK STORE 4 can give you. We emphatically state here that.no other store in t locality is isin a position to sell. abe LF OOC es 4 Sale. W e will not attempt to publish a Hist of | prices or Bethe great bargains that will be on sale; but simply quote a few of the special lines that will be offered. ---- ° DRESS DEPARTMENT. 1100 yards 40 neh heavy Serge dress yoods, regular 25c., all to be sold at the viele male ws = ers © per 'vare Of be JZemly 7s ders deagths ranging from Soe to $1.35 per vd. all to be wold at i io - $ hw ayer dress patterns ranging from 86.70 to $9.50 each vour choice now for 83.74 Mantie Gioths Ladies Mantles 20 ibs Bright Yellow 1 piree 4 viel Tae and Capes Sugar $1.00 cade Mantle Coal regen S 250 Ibs eipath (ranu- Jar S425 to In Hi nos 74 Ready-made mantles tated $1.14 for $1.00. and cupes to be cleared 35 cent Tapan tsa ye 9 pieces D4 ines in, wutle out at exaetly half price, 4 a eloth ranging from S125 thar means te youu \6 bars Surprise sonp § 25 to 4 50, now t 1 be sold at S)eny Deve het "for 35.00, 6 bars Sweet Home soap from 5k y per wa 8s.00) " 34.00 © 25e. 1 piece pic "ail Ot S600 " " 3300, 6 bars Richard's Pure toman cord, stituble for 35.00 © 39.59, soap 2oc. ; capes, regular S450 lode Sy ay © 82.00, 13 bars Electric soap 25. now to be sok at S125) S32 * 8150. 2 cans corn for 25e. . per yard. 87.00 © 81.00, )4 plugs tohacco for 254 . 6 lbs Rice for 25e. SPECIALS. -- ' $17.00, now $12.90 Mews Blick Woarstod suits made to order regular price $17. § Men's All Wool Tweed suits made to order regular price $13.50 for $10. = 3,000 yards phen ond fancy Hannelettes 32 inches wide regular 1c now 5c. 10 pieces Cerin oper Ww orth 15 -- now on sale at [0c Cott grain tics onty 82.08 per doze Ab Men'« nand bb Ov epeouts ranging 'tevin 4. to $8.00, vour choice for S208 y ~ a -- N t ___ This Sale does not simply apply to OTC== ihe above mentioned, but means correspondingly low prices in Underwear, Gloves. Men's Furnishings, Laces, Ribbons, Curtains, Carpets, Furs, Robes, etc. PLEASE take special notice that we are pre- pared to offer you good reliable goods and a good assortment to choose from. Carson. & McKee THE GOLDEN LION. Telephone 71, -- . > Len ate teh? *. ia ian iin ai Ri Rielle Sh en a < . ee a ae me ames Fee Sethe sane 4 os tenets thrown upon the m arket and you may count upon a per- ds } { ' } } ) | f= ae TOWN TOPICS. Looxs as. if we might aus some. more indian summer. Mr John Scott attended the iat} stock show at Guelph this week: this week. Mrs. during the past week. Literary Society of Christ Chureh. Guild has been postponed until Jan. 8? 7 lhe, of Raisins for 2c drick's. Mt. were in town on ne last. Forest, ° his sister, Mrs. W. J. Hay, for the Igf two or three weeks, has gone to Brag ford. ' Zinn & Greve have opened ont an exerigg fina stock of eeeie and shoes, also etn eal overshoes, and are selling them closest pi Cash onabouters "will fat to their advantage to buy from us, Rel front store, south side ae Street. . & GREVE. 'iues, Dr. New York laet week, and has resume Mrs. Rutherford he also returned to town. Scott & Jones shipped 300 live h from Listowel station to Ingersoll Wednesday. From $3.25 to $3.50 about the good marketa hogs are bringing. 3 his practice. figures arrived ijn town day or two ago per *y visit to her sister, Mra. R. R, 5 Her numerous friends in townr be pleased to renew acquaintance. Partiss having accounts agaipe townare reminded that the} sented by the 15th eee pare at = r , . of Palmerston,) de- iLteresting 'Rev, Mr. Aull, livered a very the members of the Young People's Society of Knox church at the weekly meeting last Thursday evening. Mr. Alex. Livingst of Mr. Wm. Heimka of this town, is home on a visit from Wiscousin, where behas Leen residing fof the past thir- teen years. oildress to brotl He reports dull times and low wages out west. Rev Mr. Stratford yesterday attending the Cooper of Knox church was { an Ineeting of Presbytery, and was down for au address at the convention of the Presbyterian Young People's Sgcieties held yesterday afternoon and evening. 4 bs a beat ae for Y5e. at A. Vanedrick's, Wallac Tue Milverton Sun says: Mr. James Torrauce bas been out in No. 6 district andl expresses himself as well satisfied with the prospects. He says that the people seem to understand that the district is one ahole and not a collec- tion of communities. Rey. Dr. Potts of Toronto occupied the pulpit iu the Methodist church on Sunday, and preached most eloquent and forcible sermons in aid of the eductional fund of the church, point- ing ent the many needs and advantages of eduction in religious work. Boiling beef 3und 4c, ath. at A, J Van- Irick's Town Taxes.--Mr. C. Tabberner, collecter, hus been kept busy at his office this week taking in town tates. Monday will be the last day for re- ceiving taxes without an additional 5 per cent. being added, which fact rate- payers will do well to keep in mind. Rev. J. A. Mogison and Mrs. Mor- ison of T sronto were in town this week having came up to attend the wedding of Mrs. Morison's brother, Mr. John Nichol, manager of the,Bank of Hamil- ton at Lucknow, son of the late Dr. Nichol of this town which event took place on Wednesday at Lycknow, the bride keing Miss Boyd of that town. Front sears of beef at 3c. a Ib, at As J, Vandrick's. Kwox Cuurcn Anntversary.-. The Rev. Jas. Murray, M. A., of St. Catharines, will conduct the <A :2i- versary services in Knox chureu oD Sunday next, and will deliver a lecture on Monday evening. The Rey. gentle- man is said%o be an able speaker and M¢.. Miller, inspector of agencies for ™ the North Amenaican Life, is in town 'Flynn, of Winghar was #) gnest of Mrs. Jeanes at the rectorys Tur regular weekly meeting of the? Fe hildren and p.m. at A. J. Van-¥ Dn. Halstead aud wife, of Syraciisey) N. Y., and his sister, Miss Halstead,/of@ G. Gerranp, who has been visiting 1 I Rutherford returned home frong 4 occurred last week * | was brought from All limes of Xinas groceries at rock be tom prices, at A.J. Vandrick' | Mns. Chambers of Hamiota, fas fi Sake oe ay gene DAY, DEC. i, 1896 GEO, HAWKINS (A, 8%, one AD PROPRIETOR Mortgage, Loan Company office ia Stratford on Mon- fé, notwithstanding the ad- riences of many other com- ' E Scope of the Salvation Army Hedyot é very special Lantern ervice in the S. A, barracks, on Fri- da Dee. llth, ut 6 p. m. for the for adults, ion 5 cents. Alsoe visit from Brigadier Margetts on Monday, Dec. 4th, assisted by the Palmerston Band. Please don't fail to come and bring your friends with yon. Beef roasts, 4, Gand 6c. tb BV andrick's. admis: at A. J. Tue Anniversary Services of the pMethodist eburch will take place on Sunday aud Monday, Dec. 20, 21. The Rev. E. B.'Lancley, pf London, + will preach on Sunday at 11a. m. and 7 p.m. 'A monste: tea will be served i on Monday evening 21st, and alecture ' } entitled "fen Days in London," i be delivered by the Rev. Dr. Williams, | will Tickets to tea and Lecture 25c. A sekiovs outbreak of diphtheria in the family of J. Weber, 3rd line Wallace. Mrs. Weber and several of the children have been down with it, bunt we understand ' Dp. "us i bave been taken to keep the disease from spread- ing. It is supposed thai the diphtheria Wiarton by a son of Mr. Weber, who lately returned home from that town, ~ , Mr. J. C. Mollet, who recently sold his farm in Wallace and removed to British Columbia, has bought a 400 cre farm among the hills of Salt 4 'Spring island, B.C. and is quite pleased ith his bargain. The island is a very Ce spot, aud especially adapt- fo fra: Bee sage gonriae 1d clita hate N - Mi féllet's a ~ hay ye evidently fallen in « pleasant place. and he has the congratulations of his Walluce and Listowel) friends. LO. F. Orricers,--Court Proton el o> ters, met on Tuesday evening and el- ected the following officers for the en sning year: C. G. Burger, C. R.; R. Stainton, V. C. Rv; J. E. Allen, B.S. and F. S.; M. MeGillivray, Treas.; B. Witter, Chap.; I. Allon, 8. W.; T. Westrope, J. W.; E. Jermyn, &. B., C. Barber, J. B.;A. St. Geo. Hawkins, C. D. H.C. R.; W. D., Court Physician. E. Dingman, M. 24 Ths best granulated sugar for $1, at.J H. McDonaid's Tur Stratford Herald of Wednesday says: J. L. Darling, late of the firm of Darling & Blewett, in the city to-day. 1t bas been rumor- ed for sume time past that Mr. Darl- ing intended locating in Stratford, and The Herald is informed that he has se- cured the rooms lately occupied by J. P. Mabee, opposite Mr. Mabee's pre- sent quarters, and will locate at once. He is well known in the northern part of the connty, heving practiced his profession in Listowel fora num- ber of years past, and will doubtless do well in the Classic hub. of Listowel, is Deatus.--Mr. James Dow, one of the old pioneers of Mornington, passed away on Sunday last, aged 61 years. The funeral took place on Tuesday to the North Mornington cemetery, and was largely attended. The deceased was an uncle of Mrs 8.Tatham of this town. On the same day, Miss Emma Arnold, daughter of the late George Arnold of this town, died at the residence of Mr. M. Ben- der, Palmerston. The young lady was in her 23rd year, and had been ill with consumption§ for sometime. The remains were interred in the 6th line Cemetery, Wallace, on poaiaay after- noon. Pror. A. H. Wetcx, the greatest living phrenologist and character reader, whom we announced would be i, tewn last Monday, did not arrive here till y:sterd :y 10th inst., on account of the press of business in Toronto. Any who wish to know how to make a success of life and live long and -- , and who and when to agen . visit him at the A Baatont Hotel. e will deliver his famous lecture on * Physiognomy this Friday evening, in the Town Hall, at 8 o'- will no doubt draw large congteg* } collection will be "Jwaves next week.--45 Doors open at 7.89. cloak. ae -% at the door. Drewaxd.--The ditectors ot | A Licur Docxrr.--Monday's "iy Cantata or Sr, ald: The county court was held to- | day before Judge Woods. There was but one case on the docket, but lest the ends of justice should be defeated some €0 residents of the county, re- presenting all the municipalities, were summoned as jurymen, some on the grand jury and the others on the petit jury, nscessitating a very large outlay in fees and expenses. The case which was expected to materialize did not come up'and the petit jurymen were discharged and paid off. To-morrow the grand jury will visit the jail and new county House of Refuge, submit a report and be discharged. me 5,6 aud 7c. alb., at A.J drick , Van Frees 1x tue East Exp.--The resi- dence of Mr. John Laird ov Main Street east was burned to the ground atanearly hour an Friddy morning last, most of the contents being alsu burned. Since} Mr. Laird left for the No. 519, Independent Order of Fores- | er-in-law { Northwest some few weeks ago, his son Nicnoxras.--The Cantata *'St. Nicholas' Visit to the Sehvol," will be presented by Christ Church Sunday, School in the town hall on Friday evening next, i8th inst., aud promises to.furniech a most pleasunt Christmas entertainment. Excellent orchestral music, pretty cos- " tumes, fairy-like scenes, chornses, solos, recitationa and dialogues will be features of the Cantata, winch former successes ure a guarantee will be well carried out on this occasion. In this beantiful Cantata the following char- acters are represented: . _ CHAR \CTERS. Queen Winter. ........ Amy Purceil Quean's Attendents. Autumn,..... . Bentrice Rogers North Wind,.. Peatrice Feld East Wind, . Edna Hay Suuth Wind, - .. Oliie Grant West Wind, i dua Darber Anrora Bourealis, Joseph has been the the home. role occupant of The latter was only awak: n- ed by the nvise of the fire in time to | | escape from the burning building. | The fire is supposed to have caught | from a defective flue. The house and | contents were insured in the Atlas Co. | for $325. A night or two previous the | | kitchen of Mr. Arthur Ellis's house in | the same vicinity was partly destroyed | ¥ fire. | | | A Wire in His Nosz.--Jno. Moore, plasterer, Walkerton, has been troupl- ed for years with a growth in his nose, says the 7clcacope. The other day he felfan unusual sensation there, and later on one of his nostrils became so obstructed that he undertook to re- move the obstruction with a hair pin. In this be was successful, the obstrne- tion proving to be a piece of snare wire over three inches in length. Five years ago Dr, Freeman -operated upon his nose with a wire of this description and fe assumes.thata part of it was pncokes off, and Pemnained there nll this he fecls Bry much relieved. i Ibs of sausage for 25c. at A J, Van- | driek's. ,* Decemser Wepping.--The ai- vent of December marks an event in the lives of two young peuple, which they will remember indefinitely. On Tuesday, Dec. Ist, at the residence of Mr. G. Guother, his daughter Pauline was united in marriage to Jos, Biernes, of Wiarton, the ceremony being per- Rev. Mr. Blunck, of The bride was assisted by Miss Peppler, of Listowel, while the seconded by Mr. Geo. Guather of Milverton. The costumes of the bride and maid were of formed by the Rostock. groom Was eream cashmere, trimmed with tulle and jet. After the ceremony an enjoyable time was spent by the numerous friends and relatives who bud assembled to honor the Mr. and Mrs. Biernes left Wednesday morning for their home in Wiarton.--Milverton Sun. young couple, Rev. Dr. Francis E. Clark, "Father of Christian Endeavor,' who is in Enrope, writes off the Czar's triumphal tour, and adds : - 'But I like to think of this young monarch of Russia, not as riding triumphantly through Paris, but as sitting in the humble little Presbyterian Church, as he did a fortnight ago in Scotland, with his sweet-faced wife and the good Queen Victoria and the Prince und Princess of Wales, and ever so many oth-r scions of royalty. There, at Jenst for once in his*life, he heard a Gospel sermon, and letus hope that in that quiet Highland hamlet he and Lord Sulisbury devised some plan, as is already hinteds to curb the uuspeak- able Turk and to put an end to the martyrdoms in the devoted land of Armenia, from which the blood of the saints is forever crying out, *'How yous, O Lord ; how long?" Busiest cased in "Canada. Intelligence just to hand says the f ne Herald and Weckly Star, Montreal, a paper which is meeting with extraordi- pary success this year. The office is a scene of activity rarely witnessed in a newspaper office. The new subscrib- ers sending their names to the Family Hervld and Weekly Stareach day would block the Page for a long dis- tance. People ow they can got the Family Herald and Week- iy Siar. A postal sent to the office, M , Will secure one. ire, | bis Eruwie Gibson Snow, Nina DPureell Hail, ....... Emma Uawking Ive, sue Mary Baker Si. Nic yulam,. Victor Bumford Long Agu, Tom Manning Storm King, Albcrt Collins Jack Frost,. Fred Carthew Shepberds.--Clarence Kidd, Norman Stewart, Willie Welch. Willie Gibson, Fred Carthew. | Superintendent, -Mr. T. Later Daisy, . Louie Smith Clara,.... . Mabel Rogers ucy, .Carrie Carthew Lena, .. Erie Hawkins my,..... -- Mla Barber fACE, eee Icelia Foerch Marry,..../...... .. Reggie Grant Charley, .Perey Raines Willie, = Subs Heinbecker Arthur, ..Norman Bamford . David Osborne .. Randolph GardineT The eutertalinsent will conclude with tableaux uuda Dairy's Maid's Drill. 8 the price of admission will be only 5c. for adults and 10c. for children, there should be a*crowded house. Get Christmas. something on every purchase by buying your wedding pre- You will save sents at Gunther's. Splendid and. satisfying assortment of holiday goods, in beautiful China, Sterling Silver novels ties, Bronze goods, Marble, Onyx and* Enameled Clocks, the very newest and up to date that money and _ skill can pro- duce. We have just received f-om England a large ship- ment of genuine Oxford Bibles and Hymn Books thatare sell- ing very fast, also a fine line of imported Christmas and New Year's cards, Fancy Sta- tionery, Silverware in grand style. Whata pleasant sea- son this is for fine goods, p:o- viding you go to Goldsmith's Hall to make Your purchase, which is always a pleasure to look forward to --_ Everything up to date and in style. We have received a fresh supply of Genuine Perfumes that are A. 1. You will consult your own interest by calling early and looking through our handsome stock. Watch repairing done promptly and in the best and most substantial manner. Terms Cash. . Goldsmith's Hall, Opposite Arlington Hotel; Listowel, Ont. ae Dust is sell: t $4 per ton at the Palmerston Oa 'Mills. Farmers ee Stockmen should lay in their supply for winter and spring while at this be figure.--45, Locals Continued on Page 5, es ready for another "

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